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Robin youre watching all of is there life one headquarters here in doha coming up in the next thirty minutes twin suicide bombings during the mush morning rush hour in baghdad leave dozens dead and injured. Turkeys president says a military assault on a kurdish enclave in syria is imminent and. Accused of using vulgar language to describe african nations the us President Donald Trump says hes not a racist. Welcome to the program at least seventy nine people have been taken to hospital after parts of an upper floor in Indonesias Stock Exchange building collapsed rubble fell from a balcony on to people in the lobby below several ambulances are attending Jakarta Police have ruled out any possibility of a terrorist attack step bason joins us now from outside the location just bring us up to speed on exactly what we know and exactly what happened. Well of course many here are now wondering how such a collapse could happen in one of the most crucial buildings here in the central part of the financial district it happened basically just before lunch break at the Stock Exchange and while a group of students from some how actually doing the study tour in this building and this bridge this is a small. Basically at the mass and in floor above the lobby its simply just collapsed the some witnesses have sat there was some kind of sound of cracking noise and on sunday this whole structure just collapsed into the lobby on top of the students because many of these injuries are from the students i just had heard and seventy people have been brought to hospital but its quite a miracle that most of their injuries are quite light injuries but also some severe breaking bones and of course flash will and doctors are saying but some of them also have been released from hospital already but of course this is a very crucial building its also the home to a lot of International Offices here in turkey after the world bank for example is in this building Airline Offices the bank of america of course everyone is wondering what their safety procedures are for the construction of this building with which has been built more than twenty years ago and there was also of course this rumor or this disposition that there might have been the fact this morning by police has come from that is not a bomb attack because eighteen years ago this same building here was the target off a car bomb attack and at that time fifteen people died but this is an accident and of course a lot of people will have to answer questions of why this could happen of course the injury total is of course rising as we speak hospital spokesperson had said that at least two dozen have gone to that particular hospital how we see to get the injured from that location. To hospitals and Treatment Centers because that part of the city of jakarta is very built up on the roads are quite narrow. Yes exactly and of course the traffic jams and people were of course in panic you can imagine when a thing like that happens with a sudden collapse there was a huge panic people were trying to scramble out of the building. Rolling all over a child that people are trying to come down with. The evacuation was on the way you can see people lying on the street basically so ambulances came in and out of this area the whole time but the streets are very narrow traffic is very tight here so at the end of course it took some while to get everyone. To the hospitals most of them were these students who are coming from some. On this the study tour and it was most of them female students actually we could see were. Very much in paid after this happened but well leave it there for now and follow through the day. Now at least thirty eight people have been killed and ninety five others wounded in a twin suicide bombing in the iraqi capital baghdad the toll could rise as more bodies are recovered from the science of the aisle to ryan square some of binge of it has more. Bodies were scattered all over the street in central baghdad two suicide bombers detonated their explosives during morning rush hour in tehran square dozens were killed and wounded chocolate bars sold in the busy marketplace were scattered in the debris blood. Its become a deadly routine as people of the iraqi capital quickly try to resume their lives around square is a busy intersection in eastern baghdad between Southern City and bridge areas full of laborers on their way to work in the morning. I was here when the blast took place i heard two blasts many people got killed mainly workers. There was another attack in northeastern baghdad three people were killed including a member of the Iraqi Ministry of defense. Attacks have risen in the last forty eight hours eight people were killed in a suicide bombing on sunday in the elder mia area north of baghdad last month iraqi Prime Minister head there led by the declared victory against isis saying the war against the group was over but the victory is yet to be translated into an end to attacks the u. N. Says last month alone at least sixty nine civilians were killed in violence and Armed Conflict highlighting the fragility of iraqs peace as world attention fades after the declared defeat device of some of injury the others there well lets speak to security analyst over the rushdie in baghdad hes the director of the house of Iraqi Expertise Foundation why are we seeing attacks like this there has been a steady increase over the past few days. Well actually it looks like. We are going up for the day of the elections there will be more and more suicide attacks and more and more some sort of arrows and this in the security especially in baghdad it looks like the sleeper cells working. Their actions not working and they are sending messages that we are here and its supposed to be after three or four days. Baghdad was very busy with the coalitions for the elections now its happened twice. Its happened before two days and now there is another double suicide attacks looks like we need another plan and we need another security plan thats why i think the Prime Minister made three major meetings with the Security Leaders trying to manage things in baghdad but it shows that the chos that we need to focus on on the Intelligence Network well as the security efforts you know let me just interrupt you there because lets just start slowly with this potential for general elections in may the Prime Minister has said that he will rerun of course security is going to be a huge issue when you talk about security of the capital baghdad and also the. Areas north of the capital to have been liberated from i saw in recent months he has a lot on his plate to try and win over people that hes doing the right job but hes on track. Yes its the most important thing the problem is that we have three men he has three main obstacles number one we have about he has three three million i. D. P. s he should try to manage their ways in living and try to push them home to come back home secondly he has to manage the security situation inside the liberated areas which is now suffering from destruction the third thing is the financial crisis that iraq suffered and suffering from now which means the ice is very close to choose the right time to make those suicide attacks sending messages that we are here and sending messages also to the people who are now id peace is that there is no way he cannot push you to go home there is no money he will not do the first that its supposed to be happen thats why its a major now its a major issue for the Prime Minister themselves and now we are hearing is that even his coalition is dividing is falling apart ok let me. Just interrupt you there because basically what we really do to also get to the fact that nobody has taken responsibility for this blast but very briefly baghdad has a lot of c. C. T. V. Cameras what does this actually tell us about the way the interior ministry reassures the public that it is safe when we have incidents like this in the capital city well it shows that the minister of interior does not have the real Intelligence Network that is supposed to be the data that will be on the table of the responsible persons who are supposed to be working hard to make baghdad secure what we should wait and see what does happen and who takes responsibility for this for the moment ever drifting in baghdad thank you for your time sir. Turkish present reza one says hes planning to launch a military operation on a Major Kurdish stronghold in Northern Syria when it comes after the us said it was backing the formation of a new kurdish led border force in syrias rebel controlled areas pledged to attack the town of three in the coming days its controlled by the Syrian Democratic forces a kurdish led group backed by the us turkey says the s. D. F. Is a front for the Peoples Protection units or the y e p g which it classifies as a terrorist group shortly after his announcement s. D. F. Rebels shelled aziz a neighboring city held by Turkish Backed forces there have been turkish troop movements along its southern border with syria and thats raised concerns about the possibility of fighting between Turkish Forces and u. S. Backed estie. Well Syrias Foreign Ministry has called the u. S. Decision to back the new kurdish led border force in the rebel held more of a country a blatant assault on its sovereignty washington has confirmed that it wants to assist in the formation of a thirty thousand strong force in the areas controlled by the s. T. s marianna holmes reports. The turkish president today chip Tayyip Erdogan and using a party address to look staunch in the face of the us specter could use force on his southern border he promised to respond with a show of force saying tikki will launch its own military operation and the Northern Syrian city of buffeting not so so the letter was ginned just like we do not let the Kurdistan Workers Party or open their eyes within our borders we are determined to vanquish them on the other side of our border god willing in the coming days we will continue the operation to purge our southern border from terror. Turkey has fought kurdish factions within its borders for more than thirty years and doesnt want to see they could gain power in neighboring syria the u. S. And the European Union say the p. K. K. Is a terror group but in Northern Syria the americans say they are supporting Kurdish Forces not the p. K. K. Specifically the kurds are the most effective fighting force against the Islamic State in syria and theyve been very successful at that thats the american purpose but the turks regard the kurds and the why b. G. As a dire threat to u. S. President trump promised iran that he would stop being and training could fight is but the pentagon never made that official now turkey is furious about reports of a new u. S. Backed border force of thirty thousand personnel with the Syrian Democratic forces a group of largely controlled by the could ish y p g they will reportedly deploy along the border of turkey iraq to the southeast and the Euphrates River valley the dividing line with assads military how the american backed could just wipe e. G. Posted this online in december proposing to show clashes with Turkish Forces its enough rain in Northern Syria the same could. Do one now says he will launch a military operation in the coming days theyll get there are many kyler despite it all we believe we have common interests with america in the region and hope we can act in concert because the time has come to support turkey and the time to get strategical peroration is do african could be the taste for a difficult three way relationship between power was in the syrian war ticky the United States and the kurdish fight is so hated by one side and supported by the other media mahommed aljazeera. Well speaking to reporters in moscow a short time ago russias foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said his country will continue to work towards a Peace Process in syria that includes all Major Players all of. Which we plan to facilitate the syrian process and unify all players so that the parties with an interest in syria should be able to put them forward so i have reasons to believe that russian turkish and iranian initiatives that allowed the start of the istana process to create an area of the escalation the process is still there and useful and the istana process stimulates the work of the un so i hope that the Syrian National dialogue an initiative to lead the un to step up their work as well as we would like to facilitate the negotiations in syria we mention this to the un and countries that are taking part in the syrian Peace Process the palestinian teenager i had to me is expected to find out whether she gets a bailout or a video of her slapping and hitting Israeli Soldiers went viral and she was arrested a month ago and faces a possible ten years in prison for assault stone throwing and incitement hours before the incident ahead scuzzy mohammed was seriously injured when an israeli soldier fired a rubber coated steel bullets in his face Rights Groups including Amnesty International have called for her Immediate Release. Now the u. S. President all trying to pounce tonight accusations that hes a racist hes been criticized for allegedly using vulgar language when describing haiti el salvador and several african nations during a recent white house meeting particle has more. The Big Conversation happening in washington and really across the country in the globe right now is President Donald Trump in fact a racist this is all coming about after a meeting where a Bipartisan Group of senators went to the white house and said they had a compromise on Immigration Reform the president reportedly bristled at it because he said it would allow in countries in africa el salvador in haiti and he described those as undesirable countries although he used a far more explosive expletive to describe those places now the question is is he in fact a racist because in that conversation he said he would rather take in people from countries like norway which are majority white well years of the president had to say about that. And we. Believe this isnt just a question being bandied about whether or not President Donald Trump is racist this has an actual impact the republicans need to pass a budget their charge of the house and the senate and funding for the government runs out this coming friday if they cant pass something well then theyll face a partial Government Shutdown democrats have unique leverage because they need their votes in order to keep the government going so there are democrats who are saying theyre simply not going to vote for it in less they get some sort of immigration deal they see this as their point of leverage and they plan to use it so right now theyre basically going to face off for the next five days and either democrats are going to cave and vote for a budget or republicans are going to have to come up with some sort of immigration compromise. Well still ahead here on aljazeera. Outside of this trance of the church in southern chile consulates are protesting against pope francis i will see a new lead in all solid on coming up ill tell you why many people in this country are bringing as the pope makes its way to chile. The new collection of writings and speeches of chinas president its the bookshelves decide to become a bestseller. Hello there were seeing some more heavy downpours across the southeast in parts of asia but the huge drop of cloud here that still of the mill a pretty peninsula and its giving us a fair few heavy outbreaks of rain more still to come as we head through the next couple of days and were also seeing some heavy showers over parts of the philippines i was will gradually push their way northwards there as we head into wednesday and it looks like new zone is going to see some particularly heavy rains as we head down towards australia theres also a lot of wet weather to be found here weve seen a lot of rain already in perth a more is falling its all thanks to this area of cloud and that was thanks to the Tropical Cyclone that hit the northern parts of australia a few days ago its injected all this moisture into the region and were seeing heavy rain here at the moment and it looks like theyll be a fair few more showers as we head through chews day as well for they some parts its very different here the temperatures are on the rise thirty there are now to late on tuesday up to thirty four thirty five as we head into wednesday and the temperatures will also be rising for us in melbourne it wont be quite the whole force in sydney yet and thats good news because weve been fighting wildfires here here are the latest pictures of the fires that weve seen just to the north of newcastle so that system then it is getting hotter and were also seeing more rain make its way towards new zealand look very stormy there for the south island as we head into wednesday. I am doing this for the benefit of people. So they see the importance of the archives. Witnessed documentaries that open your eyes. At this time on aljazeera. Welcome back youre watching all those arms the whole robin the remind of our top stories at least seventy nine people have been taken to hospital after being hit by falling rubble of the indonesian Stock Exchange stores or balcony collapsed on an upper floor shouting day bring on to people in the lobby below. Also two suicide bomb blasts in baghdad have killed at least thirty eight people more fatalities are feared among the ninety wounded in alto ryan square in the iraqi capital. And the turkish president reza dobber the one has vowed to launch a military operation on a Major Kurdish stronghold in syria it comes after the us confirmed its helping set up by thirty thousand Strong Border force in the north of the country. Pope francis has departed for a south american told to promote peace and unity but he is expected to be met with protests over abuse allegations against the Catholic Church the pope his first stop will be chile where these five churches have recently been vandalized in the wake of the attacks the security plan for his visit is being reevaluated latin america to lucien human has more why this visit is generating so much controversy. It used to be standing room only inside this cathedral in southern chile. But these days not many are singing the praises of their bishop one batter us appointed three years ago by pope francis. Outside the cathedral other members of the flock demand the resignation of the bishop whos accused of covering up sex abuses by chiles most notorious pedophile priest the pope may be smiling down at these people but theyre not smiling back this used to be one of the most faithful catholic cities in all of chile but now these faithful say that they are sad and angry at their pope. Sallis accuses him of betraying his promises to. The vatican still covers up abusers and to boot in chile it rewards them with promotions and positions abroad the severity we expected from the pope isnt there its unacceptable that a bishop like barrows who covered up sex abuses he put in charge of our diocese while the protest continued we caught bishop leaving through the parking lot he has long denied any wrongdoing but they did the questions about the calls. His resignation then moved to him but there are many other people do in charge work Many Blessings to you and the. One who calls himself a survivor is all not one of those who accuse the bishop of facilitating abuses against them by this man father finance. Behind these walls abused scores of seminarians while preparing dozens of priests and five bishops including bishop batterers the saul when the priest kissed as one who watched the peoples genitals he was watching theres rumors of past the mony of how he was present and and till this day the pope doesnt acknowledge that pure talk no action his zero tolerance is a false zero tolerance. But just last week ahead of his trip to chile and peru the pope ordered the vatican to take over an elite Catholic Group in peru after years of charges that its founder seen here sexually and physically abused scores of children and adults athol are until now what weve had a dramatic gestures maneuvers for impact and damage control and at improving the churchs image that may not be enough to satisfy victims like one could loose and other critics who insist that while the pope is here theyll continue raising their voice to hold the vatican and its leader accountable you see in human aljazeera southern chile well to asia pacific now where popeye new guinea has issued an Evacuation Order to thousands of People Living there a volcano which is a rock that the Prime Minister has also warned people to be ready for a possible tsunami after venting ash for several days kind of a volcano explodes of friday vulcanologists still unsure whether the new reports of seismic activity a cause for concern. Another volcanic eruption is also under way on the southern philippines island of luzon larva has been pouring from mt mail since saturday Disaster Management Officials Say more than nine thousand people have been moved to emergency shelters has more from a little or. At least six thousand people have already been evacuated from at least three towns near the volcano now this is something that local Officials Say as escalated over the weekend they fear that they may have to increase the alert level in the coming hours depending on how the volcano develops now there are at least twenty active volcanoes all across the country there are two others now on alert level one now local officials from legazpi and by provinces are saying that they are all prepared should the volcano erupts this is a region largely dependent on that we culture for their livelihood but at least thirty thousand people are expected to be affected whether my young volcano erupts or not in the coming days while delegations from north and south korea are meeting again to discuss the norths participation in the Winter Olympics they met the truce village inside the Demilitarized Zone separating the two countries the row second round of talks are a sign of Foreign Relations between pyongyang and seoul last week sit down was the first time the two sides hold direct talks in two years. And south korea has made Public Transportation free during peak hours on monday june two pollution crisis not the fee waiver is part of a budget of measures to tackle the poor quality the concentration of fine particles the soul reached Dangerous Levels of sunday kathy novak has been talking to commuters in the capital. People may welcome a free ride but in terms of public reaction to this move by the soul City Government theres quite a bit of cynicism about whether it will really work first of all souls Public Transportation is already quite affordable it costs an average of about a dollar per ride and also people are blaming their pollution problems mostly on china. The main cause of the fine dust issue comes from china so i dont think thats effective the issue should be fixed in china first. If Public Transportation is free when we have high levels of fine dust fear people will drive and it will help lessen the pollution. Coming from china but if we can do something about it like having fewer cars it will help china is taking steps to curb pollution and actually the air quality here in south korea this winter has been a little bit better than it had been in previous years last year a joint study between a Korean Research institute and the u. S. Space agency nasa found that between may and june actually only about a third of air pollution in south korea same problem in china that may have been a little bit different if readings had been taken around this time of year still this move by seoul City Government is an example of a far to use in south korea trying to take control of pollution that is created domestically most of that comes from vehicles so they really want to take more cars off the road. In china or the book about the souls of president xi jinping is raising more questions about the extent of communist Party Propaganda and other books which the chinese leadership to read either. Being published bryant has moved to beijing. To meet demand the presses have been rolling nonstop since the communist Party Congress in october which is. Thought as a guiding philosophy. Not surprisingly bookstores give the work special prominence when we arrived at this bookstore the promotional section was empty but suddenly and suspiciously it filled with customers at least song a communist party member told her she was buying five copies for a study group back at her office i mean i havent read the book yet but i started right after i go back we have all read the nineteenth Party Congress reports the ever times alongside the new she work is the report of the Party Congress that enshrined the concept of she thought into the constitution copies of the constitution are handily available to. Put the books the Party Congress together on the shelves because they are in great demand from the citizens they happen urgent need to treat them equally urgent it seemed was the need of citizens to leave as soon as we left so did they when our producer returned ten minutes later a special section was deserted again. The future study of xi jinping thought by students and Party Members looks certain to make cheese books volumes one and two bestsellers for years to come contrast that with the fate of other political books about chinas leaders that wont be included on any College Reading list on book stands in the Southern City of hong kong far more sensational titles claimed to give a behind the scenes look at the intrigue in the chinese leadership band on the mainland they sell well to chinese visitors but we found this door closed supposedly for renovation. Another was closed permanently two years ago when the publishers associated with it were detained in Mainland China lam winkie claims he was abducted and subjected to mental torture before finally being released. After the incident our bookstore everyone in the publishing chang is terrified there are less political books and some publishers have stopped says that if the titles are to get there even in hong kong with its freedom of speech when it comes to shes reputation china seems determined there will be only one official version problem bride aljazeera beijing. Youre watching all just their arms the whole robber the reminder of our top stories at least seventy five people have been taken to hospital after being hit by falling rubble at the indonesian Stock Exchange its all the balcony collapsed on an upper floor sharing day break on to people in the lobby below. Two suicide bomb blasts in baghdad have killed at least thirty eight people more fatalities a faired among the ninety wounded to ryan square in the iraqi capital. Also Syrias Foreign Ministry has called the u. S. Decision to back the new kurdish led border force in the rebel held north of the country a blatant assault on its sovereignty turkish president recipe the one who has vowed to launch a military operation on a Major Kurdish stronghold in syria it comes after the u. S. Confirmed its helping to set up a thirty thousand Strong Border force in the north of the country. Russias foreign minister Sergey Lavrov says that moscow will continue to work towards a Peace Process in syria with all Major Players. Go through this with a little room to do so we plan to facilitate the syrian process and unify all players so that the parties with an interest in syria should be able to put them forward so i have reasons to believe that russian turkish and iranian initiatives that allowed the start of the istana process to create an area of deescalation the process is still there and useful and the istana process stimulates the work of the un so i hope that the Syrian National dialogue initiatives lead the un to step up their work as well as we would like to facilitate the negotiations in syria we mention this to the un and countries that are taking part in the syrian Peace Process. Palestinian teenager i heard to me he is expected to find out whether she gets after a video of her slapping and hitting Israeli Soldiers went viral she was arrested a month ago and faces a possible ten Year Prison Sentence for assault stone throwing and incitement hours before the incident heads cousin mohammed was seriously injured when an israeli soldier fired a rubber coated steel bullet at his face Rights Groups including Amnesty International have called for her Immediate Release donald trump has told journalists that hes not a racist the u. S. President s been accused of using vulgar language to describe african countries haiti at el salvador hes denied the accusations after attracting widespread condemnation those are the headlines as more news in half an hour with adrian next its witness. On counting the cost of oil hit seventy dollars a barrel we examine the Drivers Behind the rise one of the economic reasons behind the rest into next year and we look a little closer at the horse trading between france and china counting the cost at this time on aljazeera

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