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And welcome to al jazeera live from my headquarters in doha be a problem also ahead. Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas denounced Donald Trumps recognition of jerusalem as a slap in the face. Seven years on from its revolution to show their discontent as they demand economic and social reforms. The right. Accused of using vulgar language to describe african nations the us President Donald Trump says hes not a racist. The u. S. Has confirmed its helping Syrian Kurdish fighters set up a border force containing thirty thousand personnel the troops will patrol the borders of territory carved out of Northern Syria by the Syrian Democratic forces which are mainly composed of kurdish fighters and thats agood nato member turkey which considers the group terrorists and has valid to retaliate charlotte ballasts reports. Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan on using a posse you dress to look staunch in the face of a u. S. Specs could his force on his southern border he promised to respond with his own show of force and invasion of the syrian city of a not so subtle little gin that just like we do not let the kurdistan workers party. Open their eyes within our borders we are determined to vanquish them on the other side of all borders god willing in the coming days we will. Any of the operation to purge our southern border from terror. Turkey has forged kurdish factions within its borders for more than thirty years and doesnt want to see the could stay in power in neighboring syria but the americans have regarded Kurdish Forces as an effective tool against eisel the kurds are the most effective fighting force against the Assad Government and against the Islamic State in syria and theyve been very successful at that thats the american purpose but the turks regard the kurds and the why b. G. As a dire threat they label them terrorists us President Trump promised that he would stop arming and training could fight his but the pentagon never made it official now turkey is furious about reports of a new u. S. Backed border force of thirty thousand personnel with the Syrian Democratic forces a group largely controlled by the kurdish y. P. Gee they were reportedly deploy along the border of turkey iraq to the south east and the phrase river valley the dividing line with assads military does get there are many kyler despite it all we believe we have common interests with america in the region and hope we can act in concert because the time has come to support turkey and the time to give strategical peroration is do we expect them to support you know legitimate efforts during the a free and operation i hope these powers will not give rise to error by appearing on the same side as the terror organization. The american backed kurdish y p g posted this online in december according to show clashes with took his forces. Its an african Northern Syria the same kurdish enclave now says he will invade in the coming days efron could be the taste for a difficult three way relationship between power was in the syrian war turkey the United States and the kurdish fighters so hated by one side and supported by the other shallop ballasts al jazeera. Now Syrian Government pushing to adlib province has forced about one hundred twenty thousand people from their homes in recent weeks but as the displaced see places of sanctuary many continue to face danger and al jazeera crew captured these pictures while for filming in a makeshift camp and live province. No law. No we dont know whats more your. I dont know if you dont feel. That if you know law. But. Missile hit close to civilians including families whove fled from earlier bombing attacks in the nearby hama countryside al jazeera correspondent can be seen among men women and children trying to find cover. Well aid agencies say they are overwhelmed by the scale of need in syria and theyre warning that if the bombardment continues a million displaced people will amass near the Turkish Border city of course youll have reports from the refugee camp in northern italy. Up til Kerry Mohammed lost his home when the Syrian Government bombed aniston hama in december he arrived in ram a refugee camp in adler province fifteen days ago with his wife and five children the fifteen year old former stays he had a very Good Business back home but he had to leave it all behind the family went to singe our first taking refuge in a cave but the safety they found there didnt last for long and Government Forces were advancing on the area abdel and his wife shammy assaye they were afraid of being killed and im not happy im not used to living like this here you dont feel free we are sleeping with our children one we were hiding in a cave when the Regime Forces of ponce towards our lads were afraid they would kill us and left in the after the bombardment. A lot of people moved to sunder we faced a few bombardments of deisel of the regime started their fight we had to leave again and stay out in the wild sleeping under trees eight organizations came to us to this camp but you see this is not home. The camp was built only a couple of weeks ago and is already full five thousand people are here but still more are arriving every day most of them are poor families from missed and how much as the weather gets colder the main fear here is illness hygiene is a major issue so much of the prevention falls on the women here as they are the ones responsible for feeding and cleaning in dire conditions. Is the primary needs are tents and things like marshes blankets on carpets also items that are specially needed by children and women you name it people and syrian leaders even finding a nail clipper is an issue. Survival mother cation is the priority here many of these children have been on the run from the bombings for some time some of them havent been to school in years theyre left to think again and i scape from the fed reality of their homeland people have managed to escape the regimes air strikes and the fight against saw is still they were able to find a reference here in these camps in northern live for now theyre safe but no one knows what will happen if your syrians come to the region saying im close to a little aljazeera northern italy. As we want to other news now palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas has labeled Donald Trumps peace efforts the slap of the century saying shame on you addressing the pillow Central Council abbas reiterated that he wont accept the trump of ministration as a mediator and talks with israel and call for an internationally led process trounce decision to recognize jerusalem as israels capital has sparked worldwide condemnation and protests across the region but palestinian groups hamas and Islamic Jihad did not attend the meetings saying theres a lack of agreement on how to deal with washington and around carters following events in ramallah. Is a very strong speech from president bush would about you said the truce lho was the jewel in the crown streets there in the capital of any future of the state the state criticize the u. S. Prison culture for removing jerusalem from any future palestinian state fire tweet you can also be very critical it is very useful language lets just take a listen to what some of the language sounded like. In this yes. We say that politically is our capital in our religion its our capital graphically its our capital but. But it was removed from the map with a tweet from mr trump as say you did that i would go now we say no to trump we wouldnt accept his plan we cited a deal of the century is the slop of the century. But it wasnt just about jerusalem it was also about the palestinian factions as well he was very critical of Islamic Jihad and hamas for not coming to the Central Council meeting he said that this was about politics anymore this was about the future of jerusalem the future of the palestinian state now he did criticize us and its not just for that positions he also said that this was a toy where the palestinians needed to get together because jerusalem is the religious cultural and Political Capital of palestine so very strong words coming out from president Mahmoud Abbas but this isnt the end all the Central Council meeting throwing ahead to monday now there will be to these decisions that will be issued they will we shape any future negotiations and how those decisions will be implemented will be key. U. S. President almost tom has denied accusations hes a racist hes been criticized for allegedly using vulgar language when describing haiti out salvador and several african nations chairing a white house meeting that has long. The Big Conversation happening in washington and really across the country in the globe right now is President Donald Trump in fact a racist this is all coming about after a meeting where a Bipartisan Group of senators went to the white house and said they had to compromise on Immigration Reform the president reportedly bristled at it because he said it would allow in countries in africa el salvador in haiti and he described those as undesirable countries although he used a far more explosive expletive to describe those places now the question is is he in fact a racist because in that conversation he said he would rather take in people from countries like norway which are majority white well years of the president had to say about that. Thank. You this isnt just a question being bandied about whether or not President Donald Trump is racist this has an actual impact the republicans need to pass a budget their charge of the house and the senate and funding for the government runs out this coming friday if they cant pass something well then theyll face a partial Government Shutdown democrats have unique leverage because they need their votes in order to keep the government going so there are democrats who are saying theyre simply not going to vote for it in less they get some sort of immigration deal they see this as their point of leverage and they plan to use it so right now theyre basically going to face off for the next five days and either democrats are going to cave and vote for a budget or republicans are going to have to come up with some sort of immigration compromise. Well meanwhile trump has accused the democrats of holding up negotiations on the dhaka program which protects young undocumented immigrants from deportation and announce them to legally work in the u. S. Will trump ended the program and september congress has to renegotiate it. Never grew up like that you know we. Were there. You know the. Year we were. Really really. You know. If. Were. Going to work for your. First fine is a former u. S. Associate Deputy Attorney general who dealt with immigration issues and government and he says there was a lot of uncertainty ahead surrounding the doc a program. The president if there is some movement on the go she could extend that march date its not in statute law so it isnt necessarily true that its a do or die in march i also think that its possible if the congress thats elected in november flips to the democrats they could provide some retroactive relief to the dhaka members theres no way you could take eight hundred thousand and deport all of them you know in three or four months many of them may be difficult to detect and simply the ability that they have to seek Refugee Status even if theyre no longer here legally daca would tie up the immigration courts for a long time so its not necessarily the Nuclear Option or not have to be forthcoming by by march still ahead to on the bulletin iran bring stakes teleco and social media at that many say is to the National Economy plus. Outside of this castle a church and something chile was lets up protesting against pope francis i would see anyone in also coming up ill tell you why many people in this country. As the pope makes its way to. Welcome to look at the weather across the americas and in north america that cold weather refuses to relax its grip as minus twenty four is a high in when a pack the snow further south and this is a cold front and so this is going to push through into the Southern States so dallas texas not looking too bad on monday with thirteen hours of my swim but it had three to choose theyve got the risk of snow and its going to drop to freezing so pretty chilly across many areas these are not too bad it is above freezing here but look at a snow across the rockies some rain some heavy rain in fight for the coast of california with some francisco seen some wet weather the los angeles should stay mainly dry down into the caribbean region weve got some heavy rain for panama and costa rica up towards nicaragua and honduras the islands of the caribbean though cherry not looking too bad there will be a few showers rome but still a good deal of drawing bright weather but up through the isthmus weve still got further heavy rain likely during the course of choose day but northwards towards believes and through mexico it should remain dry and fine into south america here plenty showers across the amazon basin peru and bolivia seen some heavy showers some race to the rain for parts of paraguay some showers through rio further towards the south it should be dry across much of argentina with highs of twenty five important areas. Terrorists prove in the. Series. The reasons for divisions in different parts of the world and the impact. Of shame at this time on our. Top stories. The one has to launch a military operation on an. Attack. Thats controlled by the kurdish considered to be terrorists. President. Of the century. As amazing of the. Accept the trump of ministration as a mediator and talks with israel. And us president says hes not a racist. Language to describe african countries haiti and el salvador. Attracting condemnation. Hundreds of people have protested. Seven years since the revolution that spocks the arab spring but as. Many of the issues that brought people to the streets then are still problems today. A day of National Unity into his year people from all walks of life conversion here on happy bookkeeper square to commemorate the two thousand and eleven prodemocracy movement that brought the end of president. And his government and spread across the arab world the event comes at a time of uncertainty there have been protests nationwide in response to austerity measures recently implemented by the government many here say those measures we not improve the lives of the poor and could make things worse. The party is celebrating here today dont represent us the youth for them the revolution was just a pretext to get power but its still the old elite that governors. Things got better after the revolution its true weve got poverty and unemployment but thats something well fix one day but i want to say the postrevolutionary is better. These young performers have a message to say and they want the government to listen to their concerns about unemployment poverty and lack of opportunities in their country. In a visit to a poor neighborhood in the capital president. He has promised to tackle deepening economic problems fellers career. The revolution was about freedom and dignity but its a revolution was led by the youth and we need to listen to them they say we have done nothing for them there are six hundred twenty thousand Unemployed People in tunisia this year will be devoted to solving their problems. And. Police at the center of the capital to prevent any scuffles that could turn violent at this critical moment today on this anniversary of president ben ali his resignation is yet say they want to see. That differences aside and remember those who lost their lives to hand over to prosecute but the millions of people had to hope the revenues will bring about prosperity frustrated over their government and worry about that future but ill tell you turn us. Around the government has blocked the popular media at telegram activists had used it to share videos of antigovernment protests not shy on state media were going to criticize the company for not filtering content that it said promoted violence same basabe has more. Of all the social media people use in iran telegram is the most popular so no doubt it will come as a relief to iranians that the government has eased restrictions on the put in place during antigovernment demonstrations last month. A day after unblocking telegram irans president said resisting progress is futile and that blocking internet apps wont solve the countrys problems yet whos able to. There was a time we said no one should listen to the radio there was signal interference with every station other than one or two successful theres a time we said using satellite t. V. Is forbidden did that work do people not watch satellite t. V. Now we say cyberspace is that if we say its bad does that fix the problem yet. Telegram is like Whatsapp Instagram facebook and ebay all rolled into one in the last few years more and more iranians have been using smartphones and nearly half the country forty million unique users are on telegraph people in iran have never been more connected to one another as well as the outside world than they are now rules are rules are day by day is an online new start up that develops contact for social media. Telegram lets their journalist talk to people directly about poverty minority groups and human rights the kinds of issues traditional state Media Outlets often ignore my own year people want a way to access news properly to feel the news is coming to them without any filtering and telegram is doing that telegram has also become a digital marketplace for businesses of all sizes and some like the people in this room say theyve made millions of dollars telegrams written to replace the rip altogether and i think more than fifty per cent of all internet traffic in iran is due to tell it where. Is the c. E. O. Of adventure an online ad agency and techie think tank at a time of high unemployment he says telegram is a job creator. Channels i think have created jobs for two hundred thousand people directly for retail and one hundred thousand for advertising and these are the three hundred thousand people who are make they were leaving directly from indirectly he says telegram is responsible for as many as two million jobs and that it was a mistake to shut it down in the first place last week the deputy prosecutor general said telegram traffic was down by ninety percent since the unrest began but experts say the impact on users has been much smaller and in fact blocking it may have backfired most people now use online tools like v. P. N. Bypass government restrictions and have access to more of the World Wide Web than they ever did before zain. Officials are investigating why a plane skidded off the runway at an airport in turkey a Pegasus Airlines flight had just landed and troops on the other back thing when it flew off the runway and plunged over the cliff stopping just a few meters above the water to say one hundred sixty two passengers and six crew onboard all safely taken off the plane. Six chilean Catholic Churches have been vandalized and three days on the a. Survival of the country the most recent attack in the capital. And graffiti saying down with the pope in chile as part of a six day told that will also include two countries where there have been several sex scandals involving the Catholic Church a latin america editor newman has more from and. It used to be standing room only inside this cathedral in southern chile. But these days not many are singing the praises of their bishops one batter us appointed three years ago by pope francis. Outside the cathedral other members of the flock demand the resignation of the bishop whos accused of covering up sex abuses by chiles most notorious pedophile priest the pope may be smiling down at these people but theyre not smiling back this used to be one of the most faithful catholic cities and. But now these faithful say that they are sad and angry at their pope. Accuses him of betraying his promises. The vatican still covers up abusers and to boot in chile it rewards them with promotions and positions abroad the severity we expected from the pope isnt there its an acceptable that a bishop like barrows who covered up sex abuses he put in charge of our diocese while the protest continued we caught bishop leaving through the parking lot he has long denied any wrongdoing but they did the questions about the calls for his resignation to him. There are many other people charged more. Than. A survivor is one of those who accuse. The bishop of facilitating abuses against them by this man father finance. Behind these walls abused scores of seminarians while preparing dozens of priests and five bishops including bishop battlers when the priest went to the peoples genitals he was watching theres really the pastor monye of how he was president and. The pope doesnt acknowledge pure talk no action his zero tolerance falls zero tolerance. But just last week ahead of his trip to chile and peru the pope ordered the vatican to take over an elite Catholic Group in peru after years of charges that its founder seen here sexually and physically abused scores of children and adults athol are until now what weve had a dramatic gestures maneuvers for impact and damage control aimed at improving the churchs image that may not be enough to satisfy victims like one could loose and other critics who insist that while the pope is here theyll continue raising their voice to hold the vatican and its leader accountable you see in human aljazeera southern chile the death toll from the california months law has risen to twenty of all hes confirmed another body has been found search and rescue teams assists and through the mud and wreckage looking for four people who are still missing the mudslides destroyed about sixty five homes and damaged hundreds of others they struck just two weeks after the area was hit by wildfires tuesdays heavy rain also followed ten months of drought. Now commuters on the south korean capital will enjoy free public transport during peak hours on monday the waiver as part of emergency measures to tackle an air pollution crisis the concentration of fine particles in the air and sold to Dangerous Levels on sunday kathy novak has more from seoul. When there is a time of year when air pollution gets bad here in south korea and the seoul City Government is trying to do something about all of the cars on the road by offering Citizens Free Public Transportation now people are welcoming a free ride but there has been some cynicism first of all Public Transportation is already quite affordable here in seoul it cost a little bit more than a dollar for your average ride so people are asking whether those who do not already take Public Transportation will be encouraged to do so today and secondly more to the point most South Koreans blame the pollution problems here on china now china has been taking some measures to address its pollution problems and the air quality has been slightly better this winter than it had been in previous years and a Study Released last year by a Korean Research institute in conjunction with the u. S. Space agency nasa found that between may and june only about a third of pollution was coming over from china now that may have been a little bit different if those readings were taken at this time of year but nevertheless it does raise the question of what to do about domestic air pollution most of that is generated by vehicles so solar City Government is trying to take action here by encouraging more people to take Public Transportation. Now friends and relatives of the crew of an iranian tanker that sank off the coast of china a mormon both killed in the maritime disaster many of frustrated at the time it took to try to rescue those on board the tank it sank eight days after collided with a cargo ship in the East China Sea closer to a massive fire on board only three bodies have been because of from the sea another twenty remain unaccounted for. The tourist boat has exploded in the southern thai province of crowd injuring at least sixteen people there were thirty one passengers on board when the court fire they jumped into the water and were helped by people on the a bad boy the speed boat was reportedly carrying tourists to p. P. Island major tourist destinations in thailand south. Again on the. Harbor the headlines on aljazeera turkish president. Has a military operation on a Major Kurdish stronghold in Northern Syria hes pledged to attack the coming days its controlled by the Kurdish Group turkey considers terrorists. Well the move comes after reports the u. S. Coalition plans to build a thirty thousand Strong Border Security Force in Northern Syria that would include the. The us has previously supplied to kurdish fighters to is condemning the u. S. With warning the u. S. Not to interfere and its operations. In the coming days we will continue the operation to purge our southern border from terror which the first step was taken with the euphrates shelled operation and no i was afraid. We expect america to support turkey and its legitimate efforts we expect our friends to display an attitude a pathetic them in this issue of survival that is so sensitive and so critical for our country generally a free an operation i hope these powers will not give rise to error by appearing on the same side as the terror organization. While Syrian Government forces launched an attack on a makeshift camp at le province. A missile hit close to civilians including families who fled from earlier bombing attacks from the nearby hama countryside a Syrian Government push into a province has forced about one hundred twenty thousand people from their homes in recent weeks palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas has labeled u. S. President peace efforts the slap of the century saying shame on you at a meeting of the p. L. O. Central council. Said he wont accept the trumpet ministration as a mediator in talks with israel. U. S. President donald trump has declared hes not a racist hes been accused of using vulgar language to describe african countries haiti and el salvador he has denied the accusations. Those are the headlines Walsall Shamus up next as thousands of rogue engines seek refuge in bangladesh a new armed group is taking shape fighting the government and me and my only because they refuse to give us a basic rights to citizens for the first time a member of the arab just Salvation Army talks to aljazeera at this time. In two thousand and two the Israeli Palestinian conflict was further inflame as a contentious supporter was cast in concrete. The following film first aired five

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