Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20180112

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And Michele Kerry this is al jazeera life and also coming up to nation deploys to our major crackdown on anti austerity unrest arresting more than three hundred protesters overnight. In pakistan over the rape and murder of a seven Year Old Girl her father accuses police of not doing enough to protect his daughter. Lead. To Nuclear Weapons be hijacked i have purchased thank you kay report highlights the rising dangers for weapon systems worldwide. French president has urged donald trump not to cancel the Iran Nuclear Deal u. S. President faces a friday deadline on whether to waive sanctions on tehran as part of the two thousand and fifteen deal earlier in brussels the Foreign Ministers of france germany and britain reiterated their backing for the deal after meeting irans foreign minister today in baba reports. A last minute attempt to keep the nuclear deal with iran on track the meeting between the Foreign Ministers of the three European Union nations which signed it and their rainy and counterpart comes ahead of a decision in washington on reapplying sanctions the deal is working it is the living on its main goal which remains keeping the Iranian Nuclear program in check and im going to close in the survey against the i. A. E. A. Has confirmed in nine hundred more to see that iran is fully complying with the commitments made under the agreement with us President Donald Trump has repeatedly threatened to tear up the agreement which hes called the worst deal ever it was signed at a time of heightened tensions across the region some of irans neighbors had been talking about a possible military strike against the country. To her hands made no secret of its arsenal of Ballistic Missiles but some countries including israel claimed it also had an active Nuclear Weapons program iran insisted its Nuclear Agenda was purely civilian but under the deal it agreed to end research in return for the partial lifting of sanctions allowing it to Access Global Financial Markets and crucially sell its oil. Last summer President Trump agreed to waive sanctions on irans oil industry but things could be about to change in october he announced a new iran policy iran is not living up to the spirit of the deal i am announcing a new strategy to address the full range of irans destructive actions trumps called for sanctions on irans revolutionary guard and he also wants to extend time limits on the countrys Nuclear Research and curtail its Missile Program hes refusing to recertify the deal unless Congress Passes legislation amending it but democrats say they wont back any changes not supported by european allies who insist any alterations would be in breach of the International Agreement it leaves donald trump with two choices rectify the deal and keep it alive or reject it and trigger an International Crisis we are discussing with the American American allies and friends that we should separate two things from each other first we want to preserve the jessop usa the nuclear deal with iran because its in our all in our interest not to develop to see that Nuclear Weapons are developed early iran given the strength of feeling here in europe and warnings in the us itself its likely president trunk will in fact refrain from reapplying those Oil Sanctions on iran but that certainly doesnt mean hes going to give up trying to change the terms of the nuclear deal and so the uncertainty over the future of irans Nuclear Program goes on nadine barber aljazeera brussels alan fischer has been following developments in washington and south. Well we know that donald trump has been meeting its National Security team in and dont leave the whole around deal is probably on the agenda we know that in the past Rex Tillerson who is the secretary of state h. R. Mcmaster whos the National Security advisor and to matters who is the defense secretary they have been suggesting that they dont want to step this deal they dont want to blow it up what the United States should do is look to ways to try and amend it while working with their International Partners but there is the possibility that will be no one Nuclear Related sanctions and thats certainly something that treasury sector steve mission suggested when he made a surprise appearance in the White House Briefing room. I am expecting new sanctions on iran we continue to look at them weve rolled them out and i think. You can expect there will be more sanctions coming now we know that donald trump speaks to a lot of people before he makes these decisions he has had from president mark or friends who said the International Community doesnt want to see this deal being abandoned sources for him to the israelis and the saudis and we know that donald trump tends to see these things very much in binary terms that any win for iran and any sort of level is a defeat for the United States but what people will be saying to him particularly after the protests in iran over the last month is what we want to do is keep pressure on the iranian government and you do that with no one Nuclear Related sanctions rather than dismantling this whole deal if you do that and it keeps pressure on the iranian government and but if you blow up the deal then that gives them some sort of nationalistic totem to rally people around and the focus moves off them and more on the relationship with the United States and the International Community and that could strengthen their position so donald trump has a big decision to make in the next twenty four hours he will listen to all sides and then donald trump being donald trump will make the decision he wants to make when hes ready to make the decision so this wouldnt be the first time tunnel trump has pulled out of an international agreed to deal sense coming to office last year and he withdrew from the Paris Climate Accord arguing the last was being treated unfairly i spoke about this earlier with the same algo saying from the truman National Security project she says a failure to uphold the iran deal would have consequences for years to come. It really in the long term undermines american credibility that the United States president s arent necessarily going to honor International Agreements and if our credibility is undermined our influence will likely also be undermined and so it is important that these agreements are honored i think that there are some very legitimate concerns when it comes to iran so for example one of the things that critics of the deal dont like is that the country is still able to develop an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile system as long as it is a conventional because iran deal really just focuses on. Weapons of mass destruction on Nuclear Weapons and not on conventional weapons i think thats a very legitimate concern however i dont think that this strategy is cracked i think what we could do is show the iranians that were honoring a deal in the Nuclear Space and then that would create an incentive for them to come to the table to potentially come up with a second deal to talk about the threat intercontinental Ballistic Missiles and i think thats really a broader regional concern and thats an opportunity thats potentially going to be passed by division demonstrators how burned down the security base near the algerian border this follows days of violent protests against planned price and tax hikes the government has deployed troops across the country more than three hundred twenty people have been arrested since protests began on sunday. In the capital tunis. The momentum continues we still see those confrontations with Security Forces across the country were no longer talking about the capital tunis were talking about the coastal areas the south and and there is some part of the country and all people angry a government decision to increase taxes and also was created which led to prices of rise affecting basic commodities which left thousands of people to say that theres absolutely no way we can deal with that this is a country which has huge problems in terms of rising unemployment needs of a same time revenues. Its Tourism Industry has been hit in the past by terrorist attacks had now the government is looking into different options to try to get more revenues a particular of the taxes and this has created. A backlash egypts former military chief of staff sami anon will run in the president ial election in march his party made the announcement on thursday comes days after former egyptian Prime Minister. Said he was how long are considering running for the president in this years elections the current president is expected to seek a second term but as yet to officially announce his candidacy the u. N. Humanitarian chief says he is deeply worried about civilians caught up in pockets of violence in syria arklow caught made the comments during a visit to the capital damascus a while the army is waging an air campaign in eastern gooden your the syrian capital this is an opposition held area that has been under siege for almost four years at least eighty five people have died there just since the start of the new year. Right. Now. Im concerned about reproducing. Me. And im. Going to find him in. Trying to reign in the. Around. Two palestinian teenagers have been killed in separate incidents with this really soldiers palestines Health Ministry says both of the victims or sixteen year old boys and central gaza one was shot in the chest near the border fence the other was shot dead in the occupied west bank near novelists the city has been seen a surge rather in violence after the killing of an israeli settler on tuesday israeli army is investigating now israel has approved more than eleven hundred new settlement units in the occupied west bank the Defense Ministry signed off on the houses which will will be built across the territory the move will further strain relations between israel and palestine allowing the us decision to recognize to resign as israels capital all settlements are illegal under International Law the father of a seven year old pakistani girl who was raped and murdered has accused police of not acting fast enough when his daughter went missing last week saying about sars body was found and been on tuesday for days after she was reported missing from her home in eastern Punjab Province for a second day protests have taken place across pakistan a local police chief has been fired for negligence. Father. If the culprits in earlier gripen murder cases had been caught and punished then this incident would never have happened if they had been given exemplary punishments peoples daughters would have been safe today in this area people are too scared to let their children out there distressed leaving our homes to earn a living britain has become a difficult decision we wonder whether we should go or stay at home to accompany our daughters to their schools and peru thousands are rallying against the pardon a former president Alberto Fujimori its the latest in a wave of demonstrations sense for humorless released on Health Grounds and december it served twelve years of a twenty five Year Prison Sentence for corruption and human rights abuses including mass killings and kidnappings. A mass burial has taken place in nigeria for seventy three People Killed in fighting between falana herdsman and farmers the two communities have been locked in conflict for decades over the use of land to graze cattle. Reports from mccurdy and in our state. Are some sort of many victims of recent violence between herdsman and farmers as the dead brought in covering some open trucks emotions to run high. Survivors say the attacks were carried out by a herdsman stevens i am a member of a local militia formed to confront the moment says it was left for dead when the camp was rated. And we were in a calm around five pm without warning without information we started to hear gunshots there was shooting we didnt have any rifle ammunition mary is a mother of two shes alive but suffered a deep my shit to cut to the phrase. Attacks and counterattacks between farmers and cattle herders have grown worse in nigeria over the past five years last year alone at least one thousand five hundred have died and more than one hundred thousand displaced as the seventy three victims of the recent violence are buried here the Nigerian Government is sending soldiers to stop the killings and the problem is access to land a changing climate is forcing the migration of moment from the north to the south side of boston existing lands reserved for grazing have been overtaken by family and some from possible relations groups and this is created a conflict between families and credit cards. Security forces have announced arrests on both sides and some states have enforced a ban on open grazing i know. The size of my state. Is where. There is no. To have tons of land to drive to come food as brazil is that so it cannot work here nuland is all bad but the herdsman said the law was in bad faith meant just to english their way of life i dont get is it is their grazing is the philosophies legal right is nigerians thats the way they were brought up when they insist on ranching they should be provided with wrenches if there is no provision for branches how do you want them to live efforts by the Central Government to demarcate areas exclusively for grazing is being resisted some state. This conflict has been going on for half a century or the rising casualties on the scramble for land and water many nigerians say they believe the violence will get worse before it gets better i meant to address aljazeera mccauley nigeria. Still ahead on aljazeera us president calls a story after using the vulgar language and meeting on immigration. The new science of efforts to form a government in germany still have a long way to go. From a fresh coast to breeze. To watching the sunset on the australian outback. Hello the weathers last a crisp and sunny across a good part of central and Southern China over the next comes just three celsius there for shanghai come further south seventeen celsius in hong kong not see bad it will stay settled and fine as we go on through saturday temp just picking up a little less for shanghai by the weekend and we want to see shallots just coming into the philippines and those showers stretch their way down across the good parts of Southeast Asia heaviest of which will again be over towards the malaysian peninsula some more big downpours coming in here plenty of cloud showing up and well see the heavy rain persisting just around k. L. Out also into singapore little circulation here continues to drive those heavy showers is a quite of them but could easily see some flooding as we go on through the next day out to well the lava showers to into java indonesia we are looking a little over the next day or a little bit disturbed weather into the far south of india maybe into shrank over the next few days you can see how the shower was a drifting from aced to west so the possibility of that a bit that weather coming through here but for many it does stay dry and saffold winds picking up a little bit of help to shift the fog and smoke the jelly with the top temperature of twenty one degrees celsius. There with sponsored by the time hes. Made some night. The brunt of the. Shares change with the next in the chair. Not. This time. Watching aljazeera lets recap the top stories right now french fries that men will not go on his surge donald trump not to cancel the Iran Nuclear Deal ahead of fridays deadline on whether to reimpose sanctions against tehran and the Foreign Ministers of france germany and britain also reiterated their backing of the two thousand and fifteen deal after meeting irans foreign minister in brussels demonstrators in tunisia have burned down a security base near the algerian border this follows days of violent protests against planned price and tax hikes more than three hundred twenty people have been arrested since protests began on sunday. And theres been a second day of protest in pakistan after the rape and murder of a young girl her family is accusing the police of not doing enough to investigate the local police chief has been fired for negligence. U. S. President donald trump has caused quite a stir over offensive remarks he is reported to have made during an Oval Office Meeting so he was speaking about protections for immigrants from haiti el salvador an african country specifically and this is what he said a very salty quote but here it is why are we having people coming from shithole countries come here christian salumi joins us live from new york all right kristen so give us some some context for these comments. Well the comments were made in a private meeting with the senators to discuss compromise legislation on Immigration Reform two days after the president held this bipartisan congressional meeting calling on women lawmakers to do just that come up with a compromise on immigration and not only did he make disparaging comments about these countries he went on to ask why the United States didnt get more people coming from places like norway this was one day after he met with the Prime Minister of norway so he was responding specifically to a proposal by senators to restore some protections to immigrants from these countries haiti el salvador and some african nations which had recently been taken away from them protective measures that were taken away from them and could expose them to deportation. This was part of a deal that is also expected to include more Border Security protection for immigrants who were brought to the country illegally as children and also changes to the visa lottery immigration system here in the United States but clearly this is an indication that the president is not yet on board with the compromise that has been reached by leaders in the Senate Kirsten the white house is not even denying that he said this this horrible thing theyre not denying it what are they saying. There was a Statement Released by the Deputy Press Secretary raj shah in response to questions about these. Provocative statements that were made by President Trump in this private meeting and he didnt deny as you say that the comments were made but rather focused on the priorities for President Trump which includes switching the lottery visa system to a more merit based system this is something that he and other republicans have been talking a lot about as a priority for Immigration Reform he called on. Im sorry the spokesperson said that while other politicians may be fighting for Foreign Countries President Trump wanted to protect americans in the quote from his statement is that president tribe is fighting for Permanent Solutions that make our country stronger by welcoming those who can contribute to our society grow our economy and assimilate our great nation so rather than deny the comments we get a little insight into what the holdup is for president in restoring these are in approving this compromise deal or going along with this compromise that was reached by senators ok kirsten salumi live for us in new york kristen thank you the u. N. Secretary general is calling for a worldwide agreement to protect refugees and Migrant Workers sitting at the launch of a new report ten to terrorists said u. N. Member states must appreciate the positive benefits of migration and take steps to safeguard foreign labor or thought it is that the direct measured obstacles to migration or play seaview restrictions on migrants when caught but you need to use inflict needless economic self harm is that you bulls barriers to having their labor needs met you know normally and legal fashion and diplomatic editor james phase has more from the United Nations headquarters in new york. Well this is an important report thats been released by the u. N. Secretary general antonio good terrace about global migration first lets be clear what were talking about here were not just talking about refugees who are fleeing from say conflict or famine were talking about all of those that the u. N. Determines to be a migrant i for example im currently a migrant because i was born in the u. K. And i currently live here in the United States now the u. N. Secretary general is making the case that migration is a positive a global phenomenon and when you listen to his words you have to i think contrast it with some of the words from President Trump and the Trump Administration because it seems to be the complete opposite what the u. N. Is doing is building to the end of the year when theyre hoping to get a new global deal a Global Compact on migration which they want to sign in morocco i can tell you that already the u. S. Has said its pulling out of this process doesnt want to be involved doesnt want to sign the compact doesnt want to be involved in the negotiations but i think the problem for the u. N. Is that there are quite a few other countries that consider this also to be a very difficult issue they may privately agree with the secretary general and his views about the economic effects of migration but World Leaders know that this politically and domestically is a very toxic issue in California Workers are cleaning up millions of tons of debris from mudslides seventeen people are known to have died since tuesday and eight people are missing are battles has the latest from los angeles. Deliverance from above a coast guard helicopter hovered low to rescue a man a child and their dog from the roof of a house surrounded by mud roads in the area have been washed out or are impassable because of mud and debris another coast guard crew landed on a golf course and shepherded eight people and five dogs aboard their jayhawk helicopter Officials Say five hundred rescuers are combing the hills and canyons using search dogs and thermal Imaging Equipment crews have to work their way through waist deep mud fallen trees and boulders oh my god mark marco farrel was reporting at the moment a torrent of mud and debris came rushing down the street where his parents live where wildfires last month stripped the hillsides of vegetation that usually holds back soil and rock making the mudslides more powerful ive been a firefighter for twenty six years and yeah for most people that are here on this incident weve never seen in a band like this work crews are struggling to clear roads and restore Services Like electricity telephone gas and water some residents shoveled out their own houses and driveway about one hundred houses were destroyed in tuesdays mudslides its just my everywhere and completely across six lanes of freeway. India peoples homes down their driveways grateful for the nonstop efforts of rescuers and work crews residents of the area they say a long road to full recovery rob reynolds aljazeera los angeles the german chancellor and the opposition leaders say there are major hurdles to clear before a new Coalition Government can be formed on the markel is hoping for progress on a deal on the final day of talks and berlin and the bike a political stalemate thats left germany without a full government since inclusive and conclusive elections pardon me in september or Christian Democratic Union party and the opposition social democrats have been trying to find Common Ground and began formal negotiations on an alliance David Chaytor has more from berlin. This has been an unprecedented political limbo for germany so its crucial these talks do reach some sort of result and remember that only talks about talks and now the main issues are the separating the parties are perhaps the refugees the crisis in two fifteen when one million refugees started coming into the country are they going to allow refugees to be reunited with their family also taxation taxations another real issue that separates the two sides but talking to political analysts here they say that this political limbo actually is is maschine what is a lot of Common Ground between the parties in the grand coalition but the real problem is that theres no chemistry between the parties and as far as the social democrats are concerned no chemistry within the party itself now that means that theres no real vision if they do come to agreements on having Coalition Talks theres no real vision that the party can present to the country no real vision no wheel way of moving germany forward on major policies that are important to everybody that ecuador has granted citizenship to wiki leaks founder Julian Assange has been holed up and its london in the c. Sense two thousand and twelve. Activists has been avoiding extradition to sweden hes one of their for questioning over a rape investigation which was dropped last year at the moment asylum says he fears extradition to the u. S. Where he could face charges over wiki leaks release of thousands of classified military documents a report released in the u. K. Warns that Nuclear Weapons systems around the world are increasingly vulnerable to being hacked by rival states or other groups the Chatham House think tank says the spread of Digital Technology makes it more likely that Cyber Attacks can disable or even launch Nuclear Weapons or port calls on governments to work with the prime. Sector to stay at the cutting edge of Technological Developments Rebecca Johnson is an antiNuclear Weapons campaigner who founded the Acronym Institute for disarmament diplomacy she says the the only way to make the weapons safe as to eliminate them entirely take the u. K. s Nuclear Weapons which are dependent on wind you know a customized version of windows x. P. Where we know now that the hackers have been able to to. Paralyze systems that have that particular form of of of electronics and you know were seeing the i mean essentially Nuclear Weapons are a Twentieth Century technology but a very very Dangerous Technology a weapon of mass destruction intended for by and large the the kind of wars of the Twentieth Century in a situation now where because of electronic and technological advance and particularly cyber advances that iraq and nonstate actors a small group of people in their bedrooms virtually can devise ways to get into those systems and either power lies them or possibly even turn them against. The holders of those Nuclear Weapons. This is al jazeera and these are the top stories french president memo micron has ordered donald trump not to cancel the Iran Nuclear Deal ahead of fridays deadline on whether to reimpose sanctions against tehran the Foreign Ministers of france germany and britain also reiterated their backing for the two thousand and fifteen deal after meeting irans foreign minister in brussels alan fisher has been following developments from washington. Just in the last few hours a stew steve who is the treasury secretary said he expects new sanctions on iran but we expect them to be no one new clear sanctions and were expecting that announcement sometime in the next twenty four hours or so we also know that donald trump is being told by his advisors look there is pressure on you really in government at the moment which is what you like and that is because of the situation with the economy and the sanctions that have been put in place if you blow up the nuclear deal then that gives them a nationalistic totem to rally people around the nation demonstrators have burned down a security base near the algerian border this follows days of violent protests against planned price tax hikes the government has deployed troops across the country more than three hundred twenty people have been arrested since protests began on sunday demonstrations have now spread to several cities the nations Prime Minister has urged calm and theres been a second day of protest in pakistan after the rape and murder of a young girl families accusing police of not doing enough to investigate and the local police chief has been fired for negligence egypts former military chief of staff sami anon will run in the president ial election in march his party made the announcement on thursday that comes days after former egyptian Prime Minister. Schiff feat that is said that he would no longer consider running in the election the president ial election the current president until fertile sisi is expected to seek a second term but as yet to officially announce his candidacy and peru thousands are rallying against the pardon of former president al gore to the timorese it is the latest in a wave of demonstrations since Virgin Morgan was released on Health Grounds in december a report released in the u. K. Warns that Nuclear Weapon systems around the world are increasingly want to bowl to being hacked by rival states or other groups the Chatham House think tank says the spread of Digital Technology makes it more likely that cyber attackers could disable or even launch Nuclear Weapons. Those are your headlines keep it here the news continues on aljazeera after inside story. The rebels in yemen say theyve built their own surface to air missile it comes days off to saudi arabia said that it intercepted a Ballistic Missile that was fired towards its territory so is there an end game to this near three year conflict this is inside story

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