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People in adlib city the Syrian Government forces step up their offensive on the province. Donald trump gets an apology from steve bannon offers former aides explosive comments in a new book about the president. And were going to be live at the Golden Globes as hollywood prepares to take a stand against Sexual Harassment. Im joined again in doha with the day sports news including an upset at the f. A. Cup as holders also more knocked out by not in forest in the third round. A welcome to the program our top story this hour nigeria is started flying foul of its citizens home from libya where theyve been trapped in slavery like conditions large numbers of nigerians stuck in libya theyve been trying to cross to italy by sea but was stopped by local armed factions and libyas coast guard and now facing daya conditions and abuse and government says the flights will continue for as long as they need to libya serves as an important portal to the mediterranean and on to europe for refugees and migrants from africa and the middle east up to ninety percent of people crossing the Mediterranean Sea to europe to parts. From libya there are forty three thousand refugees and Asylum Seekers registered with the Un Refugee Agency in libya the highest number come from nigeria nearly seventeen and a half thousand people followed by syria with sixteen and a half thousand and then guinea and ivory coast most traveling from east africa arrive three sudan those coming from Central Africa travel through on a jet while the route from west africa goes through algeria and i jerry government has found it difficult to tell exactly how many people need the help of president has made available all the resources necessary. And i couldnt move out of the lead him to repatriate all the nigerians here that gaffigan may here you know who you know when we came we were working around a figure of about five thousand five hundred. And im going to assess how that comes and comes to left me at martin but the question of numbers. Has become a bit problematic well al jazeera is ahmed idris traveled to libya to investigate this story he filed this report when he returned to nigeria well basically patrician part of the Nigerian Government started after reports of. African african migrants in libya are being sold on the slave market and of course put to put in slave like conditions and this doesnt even stop at those in the hands of. Human smugglers in libya but also in detention camps official and unofficial detention camps across libya we met some of them over the course of four or five days in libya today more than eight hundred one. Were dropped at the airport in tripoli two hundred on their way home the initial flight of five hundred migrants stranded migrants came into Port Harcourt this evening and we spoke to a lot of people on that flight and they all have the same story to tell most of them are being exploited sexually physically and some of them ive been tortured and the situation among them is that they keep. Even some of the migrants coming migrant camembert Community Community members there keep on sort of stealing or kidnapping some of these migrants and forcing their parents or relations back home to pay ransom before they release them and immediately one person is released another person takes over and demand ransom so its a vicious cycle if you dont pay up they torture you and you go through several systemic abuses inside those detention camps and even the guesthouse are set up by the human smugglers across libya. Moving to our other top story in syria where a car bomb in the city of it live has killed twenty five people more have been injured in the city which is under the control of. A syrian observatory for human rights says the explosion appeared to target the headquarters of an opposition faction thats not yet known who carried out the attack Syrian Government forces have continued their push in the italy countryside the three three People Killed on sunday including a woman and a child after intensive rates carried out by russian jets in the countryside meanwhile the fighting rages outside damascus as well as the regime tries to wrest control of Eastern Ghouta or a bird unmanly has more. The war in syria is entering its eighth year and the aerial bombardment by Government Forces continues as Regime Forces and remnants of the eisel of both attacking opposition held areas in the northwest rebel fighters was struggling to maintain it live proppants which is one of the last strongholds of. Refugees leaving the driving range by any way they can someone trucks with little more than a blanket shielding them from the winter weather. The internally displaced pour into refugee camps the aid agencies say a stretched to the limits a tent city is being constructed and it lived live a Turkish Border to hold tens of thousands forced from their homes in the past fortnight. A many more syrians who rebel held areas have traveled to the area and hope of safety and response putting the total number of i. D. P. s at three quarters of a million look to small rebel held pockets of syria and its clear why. The latest asteroid struck east induce her to the east of the capital damascus the suburb of four hundred thousand people has been besieged by Government Forces for five years. As one of the socalled deescalation cerns brokered last year by iran russia and turkey but people there have reason not to trust the agreements videos show the destruction of the Government Forces bombarded targets the sort of massacres on saturday everyone from the elderly to the very young are affected. I was with my grandfather and brother then we went out and hope planes everything was ok and then the bombing started and all of a sudden this happened to us it is also considered a deescalation cern but the deal to reduce fighting is proving to be difficult to enforce the rebels including hyatt. And the Free Syrian Army controlled large areas of land here and the regime backed by russian air raids a mine taining intense pressure on the rebels while the growing number of intelli displaced have temporary despite from the bombs its unclear how long they remain relatively safe laura manley aljazeera. And watching the news hour live from london much more still to come egypt tonight accusations its pressured t. V. Host to back Donald Trumps recognition of jerusalem trying to break the deadlock Angela Merkel meets with the social democrats as she works to form a government. And then a bit later in sport with joy one of the most controversial players on the professional tennis circuit makes a postfix start to his season. Steve bannon a main source for the bombshell behind the scenes book on Donald Trumps white house is trying to make amends with the u. S. President toms former Campaign Manager and chief strategist issued a statement saying his support for the u. S. President and his agenda are unwavering meanwhile trump continues to criticize the foreign theory book which was written by Michael Wolff on sunday he tweeted ive had to put up with the fake news from the first day i announced i would be running for president now i have to put up with a fake book written by a totally discredited also Ronald Reagan had the same problem and handled it well so why lets go to mike hanna who is live for us in washington d. C. My. Donald trumps attacks on Michael Wolff continue you dont seem to be able to that is go. No it doesnt its clearly something that President Trump is taking very personally we had a stream of tweets over the weekend more this morning attacking the author of the book attempting to discredit the author personally so certainly this is something that President Trump taking very very seriously indeed and indeed it might have some impact on his presidency the question is to what extent some of his supporters clearly would see follow the president in seeing what is written in that book as lies or as they would put it fake news the critics of President Trump would largely not be surprised by the content of the book but importantly the books author has raised the possibility of a twenty fifth amendment move that is the move by which members of the cabinet can decide to remove the president from office if you believe hes an able to lead this is what the books author had to say i dont know when when the train is going to is going to finally hit the wall i think i think the the entire narrative of this presidency. And this this can of the see and then presidency has been its going to hit a wall and the thing that keeps everybodys attention absolutely riveted this global attention. Is that it took the train keeps going but the wall is still there or trump might be on the offensive my by his colleague steve bannon is very apologetic today why has he changed his tune. Well steve benen is arguing that a number of the quotes attributed to him were inaccurate but the cynical might argue that steve benen is making his post trumpeted ministration career out of his connection to President Trump certainly the Breitbart Organization of which he is the head relies very early very heavily on funding from supporters of president from so certainly the sun playing on steve abandons mine very strongly the fact that if he does not attempt to publicly reiterate his support for President Trump he could be losing a lot of donor money in the months ahead from washington d. C. Mike hanna thank you egypt has denied pressuring t. V. Hosts to back the u. S. President s recognition of jerusalem as the capital of israel the New York Times is reportedly phone recordings of a Senior Intelligence officer telling hosts to play down opposition to Donald Trumps move its been released in the wake of an Arab League Meeting about the creation of a palestinian state Mohammed John john reports now from ramallah in the occupied west bank. One month after Donald Trumps decision to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel some members of the arab league met in jordan to say no i definitely will come our goal is to overturn the american decision to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel and to assert that it has no it legal effect. We have specific requests the most important of which is the recognition of a palestinian state with jerusalem as its capital according to the june the fourth nine hundred sixty seven borders as many palestinian say the wall saturdays meeting in iman was important they were expecting more a little bit disappointed that they cannot go beyond just stressing the scoring position and try to be up to the challenge and take. Measures to contain. It to this very dangerous new position of the United States at a time when many in the arab world believe regional leaders arent doing enough to show solidarity with palestinians egypt stance is being called further into question by an article in the New York Times the newspaper reported that some egyptian t. V. Personalities have been pressured to play down opposition to President Trumps decision on jerusalem. Adding that in leaked phone recordings egyptian Intelligence Officer captain a showman foley reportedly told leading t. V. Talk show hosts to influence their viewers to support the decision despite condemnation from the government and egyptians nationwide egypts state Information Service denied the report stating that it was inappropriate for the New York Times to publish such an allegation and adding that the times report claims that captain of holy is an officer with the egyptian general intelligence without presenting its readers with the slightest evidence as to the truth of this piece of information or that a person by this name exists in the first place palestinian Officials Say they believe egypt is continuing to support them but that the u. S. Has perhaps intentionally muddied the waters they think that the. United states working. Intentionally actually. To try to create an atmosphere which says that there has been. Committed or taken with the tests that approval of certain out of governments these developments have not yet had much of an impact on the ground here the major concern for palestinians is seeking concrete measures to alleviate their suffering how much enjoyment is it of the model of the occupied west bank. Yemens huizi say they shot down a Saudi Coalition warplane saudi media is reporting two pilots survived the crash which happened in yemen sa the province. Which is the forces t. V. Channel says the fighter plane was a british made tornado. When all in all the developments in that country the party of yemens former president Ali Abdullah Saleh who was killed last month as named its new leader the former agriculture minister amenable russ will be the new head of the general Peoples Congress party was killed by his the rebels after he switched sides and back the Saudi Led Coalition in its battle against them now the german chancellor Angela Merkel says shes optimistic shell form a Coalition Government almost four months after the countrys general election talks have resumed in berlin between a Christian Democrat Party and its former Coalition Partners the social democrats valid to go into opposition a potential Sticking Point though the refugee crisis and whether to allow the relatives of immigrants to join them in germany we s. P. D. Is governed jointly with the question democrats for eight of the last twelve years after the party suffered a punishing defeat at last years election they did not in shills promise to take it into opposition but pressure is now mounting on him to do a deal with marco since her proposal for a coalition with the greens and liberal f. D. P. Fell through these governments can really. I think we can do it we will work very quickly very intensively thats what we set out to do and you always think about what people in germany are expecting or those who always hope that politics will solve the problems and create the framework for people to live well itll come true i am optimistic about these talks but i also know that there is a lot of work ahead of us in the coming days were willing to take all the work. Aljazeera is david has more from ballin. This is been the longest Coalition Talks that weve had in postwar political german history its running up almost to four months now and the people of germany have been under a caretaker government its very important for anglo merkel and her prospective Coalition Partners that she sort out in these talks and remember there are only talks about talks in the next five days exactly where the red lines are what form of they can get where immigration is how can they get other form of to lease shape immigration policies and coalesce those policies in some way it is going to be as anglo merkel said in her statement before the talks began a lot of hard work but she said she was optimistic and her social democratic partner mark Martin Schulze prospective partner said there should be no red lines but there is a lot at stake it shows essentially that the the power at the heart of the European Union that was angular merkel she was the one that had the Strong Partnership with with france is beginning to erode shes less popular now with the people of germany are almost dismayed by whats happening how long its taking and they want to result in an and in fact during these five days there will be a more or less a media blackout they dont want the sort of interviews they had during the last Coalition Talks which sided feeding in to the actual Coalition Talks and that she increasing friction so were not going to hear much about whats happening but i think that or a concentration to make sure there will not be another general election and there will not be a minority government is in all their interests to come to a solution. Well joining me now in the studio is leopold how good is a policy analyst and a think tank open here thank you very much for taking the time to join us on the news hour so Angela Merkel is confident about this new round of Coalition Talks with her old partners is this confidence misplaced how difficult might these negotiations be welcoming causation certainly will be difficult a lot of thorny issues to be discussed on migrations of security what are your policy and its also democrats have up their price of what they will demand to join government once more never less i think still think a lot of Common Ground between two parties clone to share the thing if theyre both flexible and willing to compromise who would in fact you have a grand coalition emerging one of the key obstacles one of the key of the glue certainly the question of immigration where the conservatives are pushing for an upper limit on how many refugees to get into germany or to limit family unification for those already in germany these are points was of the moderates are pushing for far more open approach towards refugees then this question about Social Security whether those of the migrants want to reform the system to make it a unitary. As well as questions about European Union for example because of democrats who are more federalist and far more lined with the french president among them a core and merkel is position on europe she is also pro european theres no doubt about that but i think shes far more cautious about how far shes willing to go along with the ideas of minimal core she will also be example for example be fine with creating European Monetary Fund or with having a euro zone budget but it would not be as as large scale for example as of the democrats would like to have it whats at stake here what are her Angela Merkels options if these talks fail. The risk is that if these talks fail or not many good options left on the table the only two things you can still do is first of all to do a minority government where you would rely on flexible shes ruled that out with which youre still allowed but people are ruled out a lot of lawsuits in germany and then come back to it so we never know but it certainly would be new elections but if we look at the polls with that do you do result are basically because same as in september the greens have gone up a bit different on a course of condone a bit but basically result of new elections would be the same though its quite unlikely right so if she was to run as for the chancellorship again she wouldnt be she wouldnt her performance would not be any stronger or any weaker than the inconclusive election last september would be virtually the same if you look at of course it would be virtually the same obviously people change their minds but last locally things will be change what are the problems for her in terms of her position within her own party well for the last twelve years smugglers been. Champion of a party basically noticed a lot of talk about the imminent demise of merkel about to exit from the political stage but it was largely been due mongering really exaggerated if you look at the current polls we see that one out of ten supporters of the party think she has a good job as a chancellor and want to run again and govern x. For years so this still isnt a strong position but nevertheless people often start to think about who comes afterwards who will succeed her and little party go to the question of migrants and refugees and g. s appears to have been quite a significant turning point in terms of Angela Merkel stance on the domestic front but when you look at the uncertainty emanating from washington d. C. Right now under President Donald Trump and then the problems that you have here in europe a very uncertain future for the e. U. Particularly with a brac set and other far right movements gaining strength if she was to be for some unexpected reason out of the running how much of a vacuum might that create in terms of german and european leadership. Theres certainly will be back here and some of you because theres the fact that she has been the most powerful european politician for the last decade or so nevertheless i dont think a vacuum would be that love seeing that germany politically wouldnt change too much anyway would still have the same party leaving germany the same second Strongest Party in the past no good change but directions wouldnt change too much so dont think about your would be too big and i thank you very much good analysis now Israels Strategic Affairs Ministry has published a list of groups banned from entering the country the socalled b. D. S. Blacklist includes twenty organizations which will not be allowed to enter israel due to their support for the boycott and sanctions movement against the country the list primarily includes european and american organizations including american muslims for palestine the palestine solidarity campaign. Aljazeera as Investigative Unit has obtained secret documents that reveal a plot by Eastern European only guards to profit from billions thought to have been stolen by the coverage the former ukrainian president was overthrown in two thousand and fourteen officials froze one point five billion dollars soon afterwards but as well jordan now reports theres no guarantee the money will make it back to the ukraine when he fled ukraine in twenty fourteen rhydian a coach took all that he and his men could carry they headed to russia soon after ukrainian officials found one point five billion dollars stashed offshore and they froze it the day he ran away from the country the entire ukrainian treasury and its accounts had a few thousand dollars so the point is that entire treasury was robbed. Today aljazeera has discovered a young code which is working closely with the russian government we obtained an unsigned copy of a secret deal a plot to sell tens of millions of the frozen money unbelievable. It sounds like an agreement between a criminal busts you can assign it with your blood. The document names to all agog says the buyers one wanted in ukraine the other a russian property magnate but the seller is hidden behind an offshore Shell Company based at this law firm in cyprus other Bank Documents and Company Records eventually led us to moscow and a surrogate. Gas tycoon who was young a curvatures money man and the seller of the frozen assets he was given control of a chunk of the gas trade he made a lot of money for himself and then he cut back most of it than to his political patrons which was you know get a Commission Letter which is son. Wanted in ukraine and sanction in the us and europe he travels under armed guard in a multi car convoy rarely appearing in public. We tracked down his former chauffeurs and they revealed his regular meetings with the russian government we often drive into the ministry of Economic Development the ministry of Natural Resources the National Space agency also the russian president ial administration and state oil and gas firms. Aside from frozen assets ukraines Intelligence Agency says good chunk is Trading Oil Gas and coal in the conflict zones of Eastern Ukraine fueling corruption and conflict in a country that was once his own. Go didnt respond to our request for comment will jordan aljazeera. Youre watching the news hour still ahead. Political groups blacklisted by the u. S. Unite to rally against trumps recognition of jerusalem as israels capital. Fifty years on end. Of chiles military dictatorship are finally being remembered. And in school and on the day another victory in the wilds my own state. How the weather still remains pretty disturbed across western parts of europe still that circulation just spinning away there from spain and portugal it will gradually not its way a little further east as we go on through the next few days of the wet weather heading towards italy clear skies come back in behind that for middle east for a time ice celsius no great shakes when the temperatures say paris will be warmer highs here of around nine degrees celsius or the six there in london similar values actually as we go into central parts vienna at around eight degrees notice those temperatures do whole offering around freezing into that northeastern corner further south little cloud coming in is we go on through tuesday that what the weather moving across italy some snow there for the out so the winds come in from a southerly direction a relatively warm direction yes but is it pushed into the color red across the high ground looking like its going to really turn to snow was to the charles and snowy bits there across northern parts of by just four celsius the top temperature in madrid at this days so wet weather still in place there across northern parts of africa for north America Northern algeria could see some rain as we go on through monday twelve or thirteen celsius it brightens up and it warms up as we go on through chews day by that stage little more cloud sliding its way into libya to the east of that not too bad in colorado with a high of twenty. Witness documentaries that open your eyes at this time on aljazeera. With bureaus spawning Six Continents across the. City. Aljazeera has correspondents living green the stories they tell. You see are fluent in world news. Welcome back with the news hour an update of the stories making headlines i geria is in the process of flying over five thousand of its citizens home from libya large numbers of nigerians are trapped in the country where they were trying to cross to a city by sea a car bomb in the syrian city of any of this killed twenty five people it comes as the rebel controlled area comes under renewed assault from Syrian Government forces. Former white house chief strategist steve bannon is trying to make amends with the u. S. President he reaffirmed his support for donald trump in a statement after becoming the main source for a damaging book about trumps presidency. Well now several religious and political groups facing pressure from the government in pakistan have been demonstrating in the northwestern city of the shoah this is the second in a series of process initially organized in the wake of the u. S. Decision to recognize jerusalem as israels capital the groups behind the rallies include a dollar the Organization Led by the two thousand and eight mumbai attacks suspects half the sides to has more from the protest and push our. Sure father dad if i gotta get you on differing accounts for the dying and the people of rush made by both of those go and offer to join a few for people like rush this country or shoreditch then i guess there isnt a trade by the us president mr from the middle east on n. P. R. Ameri corps in india but themselves a terrorist but sadly they apply i mean muslims in pakistan for supporting terrorist despite the fact that muslims all over the world a victims of their brutality and with the blessings of Almighty Allah we will get rid of them very soon their credit on has already sacrificed far too much and they didnt do no more do i think the american then they go sorry mephedrone should enough run it on by the government all the things that the americans ever bring the banking there from guys should have done it on a good note blaming project on failure then i run it on this particular organization right now be holding rallies across the country it was for sure that the people of baghdad gonna be supporting the president in oh so they really bred that in and above all hanging all over the United States president mr garner trauma as. The Jerusalem Decision by the United States president the kashmir issue and of recent tweet by trump compelled us to launch a Movement Across pakistan to reunite and activate the people against the cruel decisions against muslims and pakistan on. The days large gatherings did not have our first day and that the good thing i did and the government of pakistan which are carrying on the pressure for the United States which they dont accept and by the. Protests in sudan of the price of bread have led to the death of one student authorities have also rested one prominent Opposition Leader and confiscated newspapers in a bid to calm. Down only on rest demonstrations began in the southeastern city of sennaar on saturday after a bread prices that doubled in nearby police fired tear gas at demonstrators the price of bread rose after the government eliminated subsidies and its two thousand and eighteen budget. And group has claimed responsibility for fridays ambush on Myanmar Military town of me on my military truck in western iraq and state which wounded several soldiers the hour can render Salvation Army says it has no option but to fight to defend their engine minority military crackdown on rock on was triggered by the group attacking the Security Forces on august twenty fifth last year well bangladesh in myanmar i say they are ready to go ahead with a plan to bring ranjoor refugees back home but aid agencies and the United Nations of called the agreement a farce Charles Stratford reports. Tess lima begum her husband and three children fled the Myanmar Military crackdown on the ranger in late december she says a boatman demanded seventy dollars for each person before he ferried them across the naff river into bangladesh more than six hundred fifty thousand rangers have fled across the border in recent months Rights Groups say myanmars military killed around seven thousand ranger men women and children in the first month off of the crackdown began in late august but the bangladeshi and me governments are already preparing to offer what they describe as voluntary repacked creation for refugees who want to return to myanmar. Plus lima like many refugees says she will not go back. No we want to go back not under these circumstances weve been persecuted and brutalized that they took all our possessions our crops and cattle he would rather die here that go back under these circumstances. Three penetration agreement is based on a Similar Initiative by bangladesh in myanmar after a previous crackdown on the regime in one nine hundred ninety two it involves the myanmar government verifying the identity of refugees who want to return. But sales of ranger have never had sufficient identification documents proving their residency. Then burmese government stripped them of their citizenship in one thousand nine hundred to. Me has destroyed hundreds of range of villages in recent months so the repatriation plan involves putting those returning into temporary camps. Dealing kluges a role for the un but in what Capacity Remains unclear. At the present the situation by mark is not conducive for the battery issue hundreds of thousands of refugees here are traumatized i did Psychosocial Support regular feature the third coming to baghdad is on daily basis even. The Bangladeshi Government is estimated to be spending around four Million Dollars a day to help pals in feed the refugees and its signed off on a separate plan to move around one hundred thousand refugees from the camps to temporary shelters on a coastal island that critics say is highly vulnerable to typhoons western governments including the u. S. Say myanmars government is guilty of ethnic cleansing of the predominately muslim ranger they ask who can guarantee the security of the refugees like to sleep family if they return to myanmar and how can they go back when their lack of citizenship which is made them so vulnerable to violence and persecution for decades has not changed chance trafford aljazeera south Africas Parliament is expected to start reviewing its rules on how to remove president jacob zuma from power the Constitutional Court ruled at the end of december that lawmakers that failed to hold the scandal that has plagued the president to account zuma has survived several no confidence votes in parliament over recent years mostly relating to a string of corruption allegations though he denies any wrongdoing. The seventy fifth annual Golden Globe Awards will be held in Beverly Hills on sunday the ceremony usually focused on the glitz and glamour of Hollywood Well have a more somber tone now many male actors filmmakers and produces are accused of Sexual Misconduct in twenty seventeen including hollywood heavyweights like direct Avi Weinstein and kevin spacey those in attendance of planning to blank spots of the hash tag need to movement highlighting the issue of Sexual Harassment in the industry that speak now to n. B. C. Correspondent Stephanie Stanton who is live on the red carpet for us and as you hearing that continuing campaign to highlight the problems around inequality and Sexual Harassment are you seeing most people opting for black tonight. Yes hello to you mary im in fact indeed i am lets show you whats happening right now the official start of the red carpet just a few hours away we have seen some a listers come down and so far ive seen the majority of people men and women wearing black and of course as you said hollywoods leading ladies decided to wear black tonight to highlight the Sexual Harassment scandal that is sweeping through hollywood of course many of them joining together in solidarity this year at this awards show has been dubbed the year of the woman for that reason and for other reasons as well of course we have several talented leading ladies nominated in many categories across the board but itll be interesting to see what happens once the carpet gets under way here if we do in fact see all of those hollywood leading ladies standing up to that pledge to wear black berry im. Right and so which films are likely to end what do we need to watch all. Right lets talk about break it down for you a little bit the shape of water it leads the pack with seven nominations thats the gear motor. Directed film that is in the drug dramatic category its got some very tough competition though mind you among them ladybird and this goes back to we talk about the year of the woman ladybird of course has fabulous b. Male actresses outsource the ronin and Laurie Metcalf both of them up for nominations here at the Golden Globes this year it is also a film directed by Gretta Gerwig a woman so will that film rise to the top not only because of its great talent but because it is basically a female directed film with some strong leading ladies well see if that holds true another film to watch out for call me by your name this film has generated some controversy because of its plotline a coming of age love story again love story if you will between a seventeen year old and an older gentleman that of course played by armie hammer so well see how that film fares especially in this Political Climate in this climate that we see here so its going to shape up to be a very interesting awards and yes we will see the glitz and glamour but it will definitely take on a more serious tone when it comes to get me to movement mary indeed it will strike you very much Stephanie Stanton the forgiving is there a taste of what were likely to see on the right comp and of course the front runners in the competition thank you. All the winter deep freeze continues to great much of the northeastern u. S. And canada with record breaking cold temperatures in baltimore often hot foods connecticut amount washington and New Hampshire as one of the coldest places on earth the wind chill temperatures of minus sixty nine degrees celsius but our temperatures follow the storm dropped the bomb site which is being blamed for nineteen deaths in the u. S. Extreme cold and wind chill warnings are in effect for parts of the u. S. And canada exposed skin can freeze in less than ten minutes thousands of flights have been canceled or delayed causing chaos for travelers. Well moving to chile which will open its first memorial for members of the my intention as minority killed by the military dictatorship on the augusta pinochet many activists vanished during the one nine hundred seventy s. And their remains were never found. America at its release in human reports from to move in central chile. Native mapuche a historian it noncoding need want the world to know to news. The center of the plaza goes through here to the quake its a sacred space where only one day a year the sun rays pass directly from one side to the other. Its here surrounded by seven hundred year old trees that the first ever memorial to one hundred seventy one my put victims of chiles former military dictatorship will soon be formally opened up here. Shortly after the one nine hundred seventy three military coup could he needs twenty three year old brother nelson a left wing University Student was detained by soldiers and never seen again but he made out this boy didnt and thats when i understood for the first time the meaning of state terrorism the fact that i could escape and go into exile explains why im alive to tell the story. It took twenty warrants for nelson quoting needs family Google Scholar the soldiers had shot him dead and thrown his body into this river to this day only one of the supporters who disappeared during that period with her mains were ever found. Thousands of chileans were executed or disappeared during the pinochet dictatorship but the fate of the indigenous my putsch victims has until now received little attention in a country where they have long been discriminated. My dear lynette remembers how secret police referred to her father a teacher and a poet as the indian she says they were all vilified for being my plutus. My father was vomiting blood and urinating blood from the beatings he received when they brought him back from prison hours later they took him away again and he disappeared forever weve never been able to accept his death. And the other survivors welcome the opening of the soon to be finished Memorial Park in the hope that it will help chile see that them up which is were not just victims of a dictatorship but of a society that never acknowledged their suffering. You see in human i just didnt call. French president emanuel macron makes his first state visit to china on monday the trip comes at a time of uncertainty over the crisis in north korea and tensions in the relationship between china europe and the u. S. But pride reports from beijing with political upheaval impacting is e. U. Neighbors president Emanuel Mccraw comes to china with the clear message talk to me and youre talking to your. England he. Leaving your rope. Germany. Very strained political. And france is very sometimes macron president xi jinping have met just once before at last years g twenty summit and mccraw will be looking to china to reaffirm its commitment to the Paris Climate Accord to control global warming. It was signed just two years ago but damaged by the u. S. Decision to pull out of it and its very important no preference to talk wes china about because america u. S. President trump and leave the conference this is macros first state visit to china and we can expect the usual flurry of trade deals and possible agreements on future Nuclear Power projects in which both france and china have expertise but as permanent members of the Un Security Council there are also likely be talks on the war in syria and on the north korean crisis in both china and france theres been alarmed at the kind of insults traded by the leaders of the u. S. And north korea and china will be looking for support for its socalled double freeze proposal that calls for the u. S. And south korea to suspend military exercises in return for north korea halting its missile tests for. This market im sure china hopes mackerel will support this plan but if the french come up with this own ideas of china we are consider them carefully. Thinking and you in the face of so much International Instability french and chinese diplomats will be hoping that the spectacle of two World Leaders holding a state visit will in itself be a stabilizing influence macbride aljazeera beijing. Your challenges there are still to saving the great wild scientists in california developed a Warning System to protect the mammals from possum containerships. In his record signing arrives to start his new job all that more coming up shortly with the. Coveted beyond well. Taken without hesitation. Fortune died for. Power defines our. Power investigates exposes and question the use and abuse of power around the globe. At this time on aljazeera. Aljazeera. Where every. Off the coast of california enormous container ships travel full speed to the port of los angeles the shipping lanes cut through waters that are the feeding grounds and migration routes used by great whales every year and danger struck and killed by these vessels as reports from Santa Barbara scientists are trying to develop a Warning System for a ship kept for the captains of these ships to help prevent the deaths of the wild. The blue whale is an all inspiring creature the largest animal that has ever lived they get away one hundred thirty thousand kilos and stretched thirty meters from nose to tail they may live from eighty to one hundred in ten years. But in the Santa Barbara channel even blue whales are no match for giant cargo ships when ships hit whales whales die there are about eighty endangered whales that are killed every year ago along the coast of North Western north america and thats a lot of whales for some of these whales that are quite rare in these populations we really think that that road kill is inhibiting the recovery of slowing down the recovery of these whales commercial whaling reduced blue whales to about one percent of their or original number before killing them was banned by an International Agreement in nine hundred sixty six whales population is increasing worldwide but given their slow reproductive cycle scientists and government officials are concerned about their survival were at a point now where we have a chance to bring blue whales back from the brink of extinction we need to find the ways to slow ships down along the california coast researchers with the university of california and the buying off Ocean Initiative are working on a technologically sophisticated way old Warning System at a rate of visual surveillance hydrophones thermal imaging and data crunching all that information comes together to be alert that says hey ships watch out today is a bad day for whales please slow down if the ships build in two to four hours of their transit to accommodate for slower the slow speed zone to protect the whales then we can achieve what were trying to without regulation the Government Agency responsible has asked shipping companies to voluntarily cut their speed and even offered modest cash rewards for those who will do so but never the less ninety percent of all ships that transit these whale rich waters go full speed ahead in shipping like any other Business Time is money no Vessel Master wants to hit a well its a tragic thing when it does happen and we do take steps to try and avoid it but the. Opposes mandatory speed limits in blue whale territory what we would like to see is the continuance of voluntary programs in order to collect the necessary data to inform that Decision Making process whats known already is this unless the ships slow down more of these magnificent animals will become roadkill rob reynolds aljazeera Santa Barbara as promised his all the sport now with check. Thank you will we start with a big upset in the english f. A. Cup defending champions also will have been knocked out by Nottingham Forest forest went to one up in the first half thanks to two goals from american defender erik lick i any hopes of a comeback for arsenal were ended when second tier forest were awarded two penalties in the second half which they converted for two was how it finished and that means that the most Successful Club in the competition will not get to play for fourteen f. A. Cup title fourth to Newport County can also call themselves giant killers as they condemned second his side leeds united to the knockout pile with a two one victory no problems though for spurs who beat a. F. C. Wimbledon three nil while west ham get a replay with rice bree town. Barcelonas new record signing continue has arrived at the nou camp the former liverpool midfielder is the third biggest transfer of all time at one hundred ninety two Million Dollars hell finish the season with the spanish side and signed up for another five more after that continue will undergo a medical on monday. I think he will bring us a lot he is a player that has a very Good Relationship with the ball but he also knows how to give assists hes a huge player and i hope to help him adapt to the team and i hope of course that he can help us i wish him a lot of luck and if things go well this could be a beautiful relationship with will continue mistranslate his first match back after the spanish leagues winter break but it was a winning start to two thousand and eighteen anyway the Legal Leaders beat levant a three nil you know messi schooled twelve minutes in luis suarez and sealed the victory in the second half they now go nine points clear of Atletico Madrid in the table so this is how things stand in the league also i know all this talk about sizable lead to real madrid were held by fourteenth play celta vigo to a tutor or two to draw and that hasnt really helped them narrow that gap on third place for lengthier now twelve n. F. L. Teams will be down to eight by the end of sunday in the race towards next months super bowl is what they call wild card weekend with four sudden death games the Jacksonville Jaguars won their first playoff game since two thousand and eight they beat the Buffalo Bills ten to three in the a. F. C. Playoff then in the n. F. C. Division the Carolina Panthers well theyve just kicked off against the new orleans saints. Nick kerry also has raised the hope of australian tennis fans one week out from the year is opening grand slam the twenty two year old won his first tournament on home soil in brisbane curious is known for his role talent and his mixed temperament but the australian struck his best form against Ryan Harrison the american a straight set six four six two its curiosus first a. C. P. Tool title since two thousand and sixteen. Coming here and you know i feel good always. You guys ever tell us that you gave me such great support. Of playing for you guys even though sometimes it may not say in that way. I think. Theres a hope of a thought or in relations between north and south korea ahead of next months Winter Olympics officials will hold talks on tuesday focused on the participation of north korean athletes but this all issues facing the games as well in the next part of our series looking ahead to the stories set to make headlines this year florence lowy reports from. The Mountain Town of p. R. In china the site of south koreas first ski resort and is preparing for another achievement to host the countrys first olympic and paralympic when take games some of these slopes will be closed later this month for the event across town finishing touches are being made and people are looking forward to the Opening Ceremony in february. Im excited and a bit nervous that ill be able to watch such a big event taking place here. Its been such a long time since south korea hosted an olympics event its a Good Opportunity to promote the country and especially this area. It could also be a chance to improve into korea relations north korea has recently said it may send its athletes to take part in the event something south korea says it welcomes but security concerns over the norths Nuclear Weapons development remain organizers however say this isnt the first time a huge sporting event is held against the backdrop of heightened tensions but of course again safety and security are part of all of the Olympic Games and so its a part of our preparations that we do but every other Olympic Committee has also had the same measures in place so were working to ensure that everything is in place in time for the games. But an even more unpredictable factor is Mother Nature for costa temperatures on the day of the Opening Ceremony could make it one of the coldest in thirty years and the stadium has no roof a deliberate design to save time and money Officials Say to counter the cold theyre installing when she and will give out hot packs and blankets to spectators. This is a hot tub a pocket sized portable heater to give it a good shake the chemicals inside react this packing generates heat their last for at least ten hours put in your pocket you hands out warm and toasty. For those willing to brave the cold its now easier to get to the venue with a new high speed train from seoul to p. R. China. South korea also plans to use the upcoming on the pics to showcase what it says will be the most technologically advanced games should i mention that theres a camera placed on the helmets of competitors spectators can watch the event from athletes perspective in real time on this tablet which uses five g. Technology. No efforts being sped to make the two thousand and eighteen Winter Olympics and paralympics a success florence li aljazeera china south korea. Michela shifrin will be one of the stars to beat at the pyongyang lympics the american continued her incredible season winning her fortieth world cup race on sunday she clinched victory in the womens slalom in slovenia in what was her seventh win in eight races result schifrin level with swedish great in the last denmark for the number of world cup wins before the age of twenty three. Now compared says have tackled extreme but beautiful scenery in the second stage of the dakar rally is the fortieth edition of this annual event and sundays racing took the cars quads bikes and trucks on a two hundred sixty seven kilometer loop it started and finished in the peruvian city of piss coke with some tough sun jeans to tackle along the way frenchman cyril dupre won the stage to take the overall lead in the car category. And that is all this for for now back to mariam in london and ill be thank you very much joe if the news hour but ill be back in a moment with much more of the days news a full round up of the top stories coming up i shot in a couple of minutes. June nine hundred sixty seventy six days that redrew the map of the middle east is record of victory of the israeli army in that war or the greatest tragedy in the history of islam fifty years later aljazeera explores the events leading to the war and its consequences which is still felt today we tried everything went to the United Nations and tried mediation contacts through Different Countries and it was clear that all this was to know if the war in june at this time conservation is helping kids stove to recover its snow leopard population to see the results i traveled up to the remote nature reserve of saudi chat at a touch camera traps have identified a healthy population of up to twenty Snow Leopards as the Technology Improves were refining all these ways in which our guesses are are getting corrected the latest evidence suggests theyre more cats than previously acknowledged but the Snow Leopard Trust believes its premature to downgrade the cats on the International List of threatened species. This is architect divide. The selfappointed time asks to create Sustainable Housing for the rule. To bring the beauty came to vietnam. And to convince to statistics are attainable to the changing minds. Altering space the architecture continued with meaning in the city at this time on how disease. Nigeria starts evacuating thousands of its citizens whod been trapped in slave like conditions in libya. Last no i am the bosnian on daniel watching aljazeera

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