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All of our other top stories of course i will have more in the news in about twenty five minutes time thats off the inside story which starts now. Resign now thats the message from protestors to deal president Joseph Kabila several people have already been killed in a violent crackdown by Security Forces so what will it take for them to step down african countries slide further into turmoil this story. Hello welcome to the program im Adrian Finnegan its a new year but when it comes to politics in the democratic republic of congo theres nothing new president Joseph Kabila has been in power since two thousand and one his second term in office officially ended in december twenty sixth but hes still there and promised elections have never happened catholics in the capital kinshasa prayed on sunday they want to be allowed to leave but Peaceful Demonstrations to violence at least seven people were killed and dozens were arrested by Security Forces so what does twenty eighteen hold for the people of d c well get to our guests in just a moment but first. Has a report. In the democratic republic of congo are catholic worshipers pray this sunday they pray with a political purpose they want president Joseph Kabila goal setting was fantastic he was very good these guys not think it was funny. Their prayers were heard by Security Forces in kinshasa twenty seventeen ended as it began kabila second term as president ended in december twenty sixth saying he refused to step down and the un says kong Security Forces killed forty people who protested the decision four hundred sixty were arrested. One year on they marched off to mass twelve also boys and priests were among the dozens arrested tear gas was fired into churches. The hospitals filled with protesters once more so it goes on the mind that i was saying if your term is over give opportunities to others to run your son of the country you belong in the senate give the others the opportunity to lead maybe theyll do it better than you did. Catholic bishops brokered peace talks between the opposition and government with the agreement that could be low would leave office at the end of twenty seven tame but hes still in power and now the catholics and the opposition are united ill just make up coming in shooting one because it is not just simply because we are coming we have come here in order to find ways to pray for all we mission. Opposition voices can be heard by ending the fractured country from all corners even in the troubled east a thriving battleground between rebels Security Forces say they use of force is justified one Police Officer was killed and this Police Station was top. By protesters. We are in need of peace i assure all of our government authorities that our City Government is in peace people should sleep calmly because we as professional police we are doing our job. President kabila says he will stay in power until december twenty eighth because of delays in voter registration. Meanwhile motions appear to becoming increasingly impatient charlotte dallas his era. Of turmoil has been a part of congolese politics since capellas father was president Laurent Kabila took office in one thousand nine hundred seven after ousting the countrys previous or for a terrier leader Mobutu Sese Seko but kabila was assassinated in two thousand and one which is when his son Joseph Kabila took office his first few years in power will mob by civil war could be legitimized his rule in two thousand and six by winning elections and then won a second term in two thousand and eleven but the constitution forbids kabila from running for a third term a president ial election was meant to take place in the event between the sixteen but that was perspiring and repeatedly the government cited security and logistical concerns and ongoing Ethnic Violence in the past few years has led to hundreds of thousands of congolese being displaced. Ok lets introduce you to our guests for todays discussion joining us from london is quito tongo whos president of the Congolese Support Group u. K. From chicago via skype were joined by jacques behati a political analyst and from chess in kendal survive skype michael im a visiting fellow at the federalist center of africa at the London School of economics gentlemen welcome to you all of a look at you in just a moment i want first though to bring in line but they are allowing the who is the congolese minister of communications of the governments spokesman he joins us now on the line from can show us a minister good to have you with us the many thanks indeed want to get your thoughts first of all on sundays violence what caused it and why Security Forces used such force against largely peaceful protesters. From the by the military power the public your flu shot. Would be some. Problem of security or not sunday demonstrations because the one leading. The motivations and. Not the government. Of the. Whole inspector for. Humanitarian groups and use what they read and fortunately we received a report that made you believe that they. Have been a. Number of three or four person killed all around the country one police man to. Do teacher and the one. Following. Some. Learn to see. Why you should be between the Police Forces and so many bands today. And part of the demonstrations. We are open with fox are any place going on and with the. Results of news from sunday ok on the just the swedish. Decide what to do minister as it is the president s as his critics are trying to cling to power by postponing elections in the d. L. C. Definitely not whats the problem there is a lot of the president here because we have already scheduled for the elections and we are very surprised to hear people talking about elections about to prevent dont know what we havent skidoo that the been accepted by everybody we are. Full. Will be accepted by everybody. The local authorities all of the bishops. Didnt do that i stood there my village. Full that some events delayed me to take profits of three to do come to the most and people in the. Understand what the local authorities to them. What we might need to be. A live show and i dont see any problem with. The we have a fall on the money for elections we have a date for any actions and admit it for a commission ended be to walk over to the station of electoral vote does so what. Ok. So were just very briefly minister because we have to bring in our other guests what the president s message be to the people who are taking part in these protests against him right now that have nothing to say. We have an. Escape route but the. Battle for possible we shall have elections. Be. Free and. The slide for everybody we want to run for the election not. So popular what. Will be. Or may not be candidates so the real out of question are to speak about ok but a step many thanks for being with us on inside story today all right so lets talk with our guests about what we just heard. In london what do you make of that yesterdays. Thank you very much eugen first of all a let me set the assessor a condolence to two dispy people have been killed in the congo as a result of this barbaric regime and i regret to hear what a minister i have to say in regard to this is counting the number of people try to minimize those people being killed as a small number i dont know when theyre going to reconnoitre the value of peoples lives is a very strategic a where the government is still not recognizing the value of human right in the congo animistic bella is clear there is a man that is finnish and a minister is also say clearly that when you ask him a very very good question to know what a president message in relation to what is happening in the congo im very surprised that missed in the ministers conform again to the rest of the globe the mystical nothing to say that make more job question to see the regime whos leading the congo kabila has a message yesterday to the congolese people he did even a care about his peoples lives you can see it as somebody has already taken apart by force and a killing innocent people this is a criminal regime of the moment we talk and we want to see stable of coal the only way we can have a stability in congo is to respect the constitution article these regimes a breach in the constitution using excessive level force and of the impose a military regime at a moment to kill civilians during a very peaceful protest and it has people been killed the minister has a Clear Mission the president got nothing to say ok this is shocking to me it doesnt really show the rest of the planet we have in Congo Chakravarty in in chicago i mean the president s popularity appears to be extremely low right across the country if there was a lection tomorrow hed lose wouldnt he. Thank you for having me on the show i would think that nobody knows that. But what we know is that the constitution. To be. So. We would not be questioned because. That is required by law and. Order next elections like a limo or. What do you make of what you heard that does the president have a responsibility under the constitution to remain in office until such time is as free and Fair Elections can be held safely which according to the minister will be by the end of twenty eighteen well according to a Constitutional Court half announced that hes not to go seventy of the constitution and they say that president kabila has to remain in office until there is a replacement so thats the official position at the moment although of course article seventy five or seventy six of this in constitution can also allow for the president to sustain a sound right so that the president of the senates cant govern during the election during the interim period between now and then elections but at least because hes not quite arguing that position that the president should remain in office until there is a replacement so thats where we are at the moment michael with any with any election overseen by Joseph Kabila if he remains in power be free or fair. That to be very difficult to guarantee. As he looks like that he may well be in power by then we need to really start thinking about steps to in account any. Moves towards rigging an election we feel we need to make sure that internet and social media will be guaranteed throughout the election period even on effective of december the internet and so on we dont wear caps because of any impending marquees on the thirty fares so first we need to be sure they think that this is so media we need to make sure the very selfish and supervision of International Observers over the whole election electric commission outfits need to make sure that there are acting truly and fairly and efficiently throughout that process otherwise we really cannot guarantee that there will be any free faile action we also need to make sure that this Security Forces are tuned promptly with work out to peace with the instructions we also need to get the opposition and all of our parties to work with government to make sure that they have permission to actually go on a Campaign Runs and demonstrations when thats done then its because of the government to make sure that they actually can guarantee this safety and security of campaign in and free and fail actions ok to go in london i mean it is the day i see capable at the moment of holding free and Fair Elections whenever they may be this time this year next year. Election time has already been possible any time in the congo let me huge animation if you think before our answer to that very important question i regretted to hear some comment to mention about michael i think we have to stop talking nonsense a very regularly here michael mentioned the constitution give it could be apologies to nick bauer until the prison has been elected people been misinterpreting the law thats not what it laws say and the constitution clearly mentioned the end of the term or the president was after the second terms and is called only fremont to prepare for not a prison and to take the office after the election but election never been taken plays so out among the prisoners should resign because he felt organized election we should respect the constitution here try to money play it what the law said it just is just nonsense and people have to stop talking nonsense on International Television recreate this has been a very common insulting of people like we dont know what the laws that we can read the article properly thats a really unacceptable and a half people have to stop this number to you when again are something to talk about. What it could be ill or should or repress think we should be clear about what a constitution say it this man should be arrested about now the constitution full beat him clearly that he can not to represent himself is he using the power of excessive level force to stay in power when it come into the second question to the cop ability of organizing the election let me tell you something michael weve got to im sorry to tell you something huge and im going to speak to you clear on this question because your question we could have president here is co history of breaching the law mystica bill is go no intention and is not a publicity of respecting the law is a historically this man says today one has been a power we have to see change of the constitution we have seen breach of the law is continuously using Excessive Force even killing innocent severe wind of calling. For him to resign because he him to respect the constitution and were talking about to put it off organise an election the election should take place is two thousand and sixteen nothing stoping congolese people to have election is claiming we find no sense a regular skewes is there not to be in place we took in about money torgan as election were talking about security told in a selection who felt the stun computer should resign since day one to tell us in sixteen sixteen ok he was a given extension in that a year to organise election he fell and all principle according the law what the law set up by ok jack now killing innocent civilian justice of to be done jack ill get you additionally arrested no need for him lets go lets get lets give michael that the opportunity to reply to that michael what i was going to say was i think the gentlemans head what i said was the Constitutional Courts have a route that cant be allowed or the president s leave office when there is a replacement we are aware that its monday december two thousand and sixteen but as we speak hes still in office and i only quickly when the constitution our courts said no what the constitution sets so i think he needs to be mindful of of that next time i also say that article so five and seventy six of the same concession could allow the president of the senate to actually take over our government between now and their actions jack that you know best all right jack jack the heart here in chicago rest lets change tack slightly here what are we to make of the role of the Catholic Church in the latest wave of protests in the d r c and it was acting as a broker in the late twenty sixteen deal that required could be allowed to leave power by the end of last year twenty seventeen. Yes they got the church had been applying the catholic social teaching which. Social death. The had the opportunity to influence the course of history and the democratic. Party being frustrated by both sides when i think only deals with this and not. Clearly that they had the possibility to do to compromise and bring in another level and go beyond where we are today it was president and then he went back to this idea then and here we are no no not. In the hand to influence anything going on right now so the right now i believe they are not great in not the condition who you know them a question of all of because they are hoping that and so is your condition being the neutral force in the usual course you inject why have Regional Powers appear to be so reluctant to push to be limited to its a Holding Elections sooner rather than later. Regional powers or international power. Has broken and continues to go on. With the government next but. Oncet over these credit union but the only. Relying on outside forces. In this gen going to belgium. And colliding with a colonial power which angered the current regime. Is not the good doctor actually every african country should learn by now that the solution to them then lies in the african. Union by the. King which is long and noble and. Ok just go about it a lot of what do you make of what you just heard what what how do you see the situation in the deep sea playing out we like to see a process that eventually brings in a new legitimate government with International Edition to see what we like to see a bloody uprising that forcibly oust the government from power or a slow descent into into collapse in the country whats going to happen do you think. Very interesting question. A forceful like to mission to finks that was a very poor question but it is more likely to do what i heard from my colleague in the u. S. I think this issue here we still are missing here. People believe that the congo issue is difficult for some time it not difficult to come out of complexity of the situation due to mr kabila imposing himself to stay indefinitely in a power and i have to repeat it is that the Constitutional Court clearly that could be one have to resign and have to step down we should respect the constitution that you have to up to now this guy is now using Excessive Force to kill civilians and i repeat now about using some nonsensical article or people tried to defend what is not defendable by saying that the mandate of the kabila should continue after until another prison has been elected we should stop saying that because that given it could be a law depart is to end definitely in a power up today because there will be no election is going to continue using force when a coming to the second question any strategy could be taken in place to have a stable congo appraising is a wonder solution we respect them and people be using them but we see the outcome of people being killed when it tried to space to freedom ok they tried to suppress the right as a citizen and then number two when it come in to another strategy most people killing those who fear we have are done to fight they are for in a troop and we are calling Congolese Army is it time for them to defend the constitution to defend the duty ok ok ok so its not just a storytelling civilian im sorry to cut you short were almost out of time michael do you want to take on that question that about about how this situation in the sea is going to play out over time. I think really the boy lies in the court of the African Union and the sub Regional Power these are the ones who should weigh in and ask him that you must step down or actually we are going to drive you out or that this should make sure that the security operators house every public space and the Public Authority to ensure that if we are to fail action takes place. It would appear that thats really where my conviction vented their anger towards ensuring that the Regional Powers are acting in good faith but there we also have a problem where some of the heads of state who knows our can in the background supporting Joseph Kabila i mean who we know lets you know. Process gallery and who are actually in the background making sure that hes that deep broaching that so so so so really its the African Union in the sub Regional Power that really have to be blamed for what is happening in a d r c because although states can misbehave but then theres an operator that exists for some reason the reason powers to be able to act and they have still to act at the moment and thats whats causing the problem all right gentlemen im afraid time is against us when we run out of it many thanks indeed to all of your keepers one goh chok behati and Michael Moore and as always thank you for watching because you can see the program again at any time just by going to the website and zero dot com and for further discussion join us on our Facebook Page at facebook dot com forward slash a. J. Inside story and you can join the conversation on twitter to our handle at a. J. Inside story for me adrian for the good of the whole team here in the heart thanks for watching see again by foot. You are making very pointed remarks where on line the main u. S. Response to drug use and the drug trade over the last fifty years has been to criminalize or if you join us on sad note you will first just wakes up of it in the morning and says i want to cover the world in darkness this is a dialogue and that could be whats leading to some of the confusion online about people saying they dont actually know whats going on join the colobus conversation at this time on aljazeera. Training starts lightly but the pace picks up quickly as these grannies work out a long life time of frustration. At eighty five years old intombi saud what trains as hard as anyone and. I feel so good i feel fresh i punch this side and decide like this and like that i really leftist i dont like things like soccer because i will brink these ladies are tough and they take their training very seriously who. Dont live through a. War interjected before all my life. That. Explores prominent figures of the Twentieth Century and how why the recent influence the course of history with the giants of the struggle for civil rights america over hundreds of miles over a veritable who oppress. Them from. When you make rules. That what you mean by that. To free speech at this time. This is al jazeera. Hello im. A news hour live from london coming up at least fourteen people are reportedly killed in protests in iran the president is calling for calm

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