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Time about demonstrations against his government protests are allowed but violence is not. Israels governing the could party has passed a draft resolution urging annexation of much of the occupied west bank plus i. Twenty seventeen twenty eighty celebration the world brings in the new. North koreas leader kim jong un has threatened the United States but also reached out to his neighbor in the south he made the comments in his annual new years address kim says pyongyang has weapons capable of reaching the u. S. Mainland and that the launch button is on his desk he also warned washington that in twenty seventeen north korea had completed its push to become a Nuclear Force and that its time to start mass producing Nuclear Warheads but the defiant leader made some unusually friendly remarks about south korea saying the path to dialogue with seoul is open and that he hopes ties of improve between both countries. We should actively create an atmosphere to move forward with the National Reconciliation and reunification improving ties between the north and the south is an urgent issue that not only the north and south want but everyone else wants its a grave matter to which. Entire korean nation needs to put its efforts towards resolving these contacts and dialogue between the north and the south will expand exchanges and cooperation and we should dispel mutual misunderstanding and distrust and take responsibility and our role as the main agent for the unification for florence who joins us live now from the south korean capital seoul foreign so despite seemingly conciliatory tones towards the south the north Korean Leaders still maintained his threatening rhetoric towards the u. S. Absolutely now and this peace offering is only being made to south korea and south koreans president moon j. N. Who took office in may is more of a liberal when it comes to dealing with north korea especially compared to his predecessors now and so this conciliatory tone is perhaps in part a recognition of that north korea is even offering to send its athletes to compete in the upcoming Winter Olympics and paralympics is being hosted in pyongyang in south korea just eighty kilometers south of the border with north korea now but analysts asking what is kim jong un hoping to achieve by offering this all of branch to south korea well some analysts say it could be a tactic to drive a wedge between south korea and the u. S. Traditional allies particularly at a time when south korea is being led by a liberal president who takes less of a hard line approach on north korea it could also be a ploy to buy north korea more time while it advances its Nuclear Weapons technology and as a tactic to gain a supporter in the outside while because this olive branch is only being offered to south korea and not to the u. S. Listen to what else kim jong un had to say. God is from that the u. S. Mainland is within the range of our Nuclear Strike and the Nuclear Button is put on the desk in my office at all times they should clearly understand that this is never a trash sort of reality so florence what can we read into all of this i mean can we expect more nuclear and missile tests and twenty eight. Well the certainly no indication that the war of words with the u. S. Is going to stop theres also no indication that north korea is going to give up its Nuclear Ambitions any time soon despite sanctions tighten sanctions being imposed on it last year though in fact quite the opposite north korea is now even saying that its going to mass produce and deploy Nuclear Warheads and missiles not only that kim jong reiterated that north korea has completed its goal of becoming a Nuclear Force now this is a claim that he made back in november when north korea fired its most advanced Intercontinental Ballistic Missile but weapons experts say while north korea may be capable of striking the mainland of United States it hasnt yet proved that it is able to miniaturize a Nuclear Warhead and attach it to a weapon that can we enter the earths atmosphere but the only way of really knowing that for sure is if and when it conducts a nuclear atmospheric test and there is no specific mention in kim jong un speech of anything tests but the key message here is that north korea is saying that it is a Nuclear Weapons state now even though the outside world has no way of knowing that for sure at this stage and that the u. S. Should think twice about starting a war with north korea or iran slower than seoul france thank you robert kelly is an associate professor of Political Science at Tucson National University Says this in pyongyang is interest to improve ties with the south. The north has a genuine interest in at least reasonably decent relationships with south korea a reason we didnt relationship with south korea that is to say that this isnt the north korea misses the days when south korea used to give it assistance and aid and subsidies and stuff like that this was known as the sunshine policy which was continue which was begun under previous liberal president s and the sop hope in north korea that the current liberal president of south korea bring that back so i think the North Koreans are entirely content to have the relationship they have with the United States right now the nukes in the tension and all that obviously with donald trump thats not going to change and theyd like to find a way than to go along with some of the other players the north has done this for a long time sort of playing one off the other off the other right and so if you if the americans are giving you a hard time and you go to the south i dont really see any change what we see in two thousand and seventeen i am im genuinely concerned right i mean the more the North Koreans build the more missiles the more Nuclear Weapons they have the more tests they do and stuff like that the more sites they have its of the more the pressure raises in the United States to do something more dramatic than sanctions and stuff like that right so when the North Koreans just arent signal pullover slowdown in any way which raises the possibility of course the americans will eventually strike. Now to iran where the governments are using new measures to deal with protesters social media apps including the messaging Service Telegram which has forty million users have been blocked as the government tries to stop communication about upcoming protests theyve been rallies around the country for three days against the clerical elite who who protest as blame for Economic Hardship and alleged corruption the governments warning of a crackdown if the protests continue president Hassan Rouhani a spokesman for the First Time Since the demonstrations began saying iranians have the right to criticize the government but their actions shouldnt lead to violence is pizza shop. After four days of antigovernment demonstrations its the president s first public reaction trold k. Three iranians have the right to protest but that cant lead to violence he said. It should be clear to everyone that we are people of freedom and according to the constitution and Citizens Rights people are free to express their criticism and to protest however we need to Pay Attention to the manner of a criticism and protest should be in such a way that it will lead to be improvement of the people and the state. He was also quick to criticize President Trump for his tweet about iran. This man who today in america wants to simplify people has forgotten but a few months ago he called the nation of iran. This video of protests posted on social media has been blocked by the iranian government the ban follows nationwide demonstrations since thursday government ministers said the video encourage more people to join the rallies. We all saw how they misuse cyberspace and promoted violence trained systematic riots toward weapons and explosives crafting simulated protesters to fight the police and encourage the burning of houses and stores these people are surely not part of our people Iran State Television has reported that some social media sites and messaging apps have been blocked to maintain more termed peace and from the government warnings that irans revolutionary guards corps was prepared to deploy what was described as an iron fist if the demonstrations continued their commander said the protests have degenerated into people chanting political slogans and burning public property. Protests took place again on sunday but the extent of those is still unclear video posted from the city of durham on saturday night show demonstrators dragging away one of those injured state television in tehran said two people were shot dead but denied that police or the army were involved. In the clash that took two lives no bullets were shot from police and Security Forces the people the gathering was meant to end peacefully but the presence of the agitators unfortunately this happened and resulted in the deaths of two protesters. The protests will have rattled the government they werent just limited to terror on but took place across the country the only question now is whether they can gather momentum and how long the government is prepared to put up with this challenge to its authority peter sharp al jazeera. Israels governing the could party has passed a draft resolution urging the partys leaders to establish israeli sovereignty of a large parts of the occupied west bank and for many comics the palestinian territories where the votes not binding but carries political weight inside the Prime Ministers party the kurds right wing has been bullied by the us recognition of jerusalem as israels capital mohamad jump june has more from western lucilla. Now that the live cooed Central Committee has voted in favor of imposing israeli sovereignty over illegal settlements in the occupied west bank the question is what comes next many members of the likud Central Committee in the run up to this vote had thought that this was a binding resolution they had said so which in effect would mean that it would force that would compel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the rest of the likud party to try to take this to the knesset to try to get it passed into law weve spoken to many analysts the however who say that this in fact is not a binding resolution and that there is no way that such an inflammatory resolution would actually get to the knesset in its current form weve also spoken to arab members of parliament and theyve said that if this resolution were to go to the knesset in its current form that that would really signal an into the Peace Process that it would really mean that there was no more attempt to try to find a two state solution to the crisis here now what is important also is what exactly is Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu going to do next is he going to endorse this what is he going to say many more questions at this hour than answers but a lot of other analysts that weve spoken with throughout the day in the run up to the vote have said that they really believe that this is more of a cynical political calculus a way for the likud Central Committee to really rally the faithful especially at a time when just weeks ago u. S. President donald trump recognized israels capital whatever does happen next though this is a tense time and this vote may add another element of uncertainty at a time when there is already so much uncertainty well ali abunimah is the cofounder of electronic intifada thats an Online News Service he says the International Community needs to back up its criticism of israel with concrete action. I think the details of what. The tresses does or what the likud party does is not whats important i think what is important here is the signal this sense to the rest of the world that this is ready government in fact this israeli political regime and what i mean by that is is the whole spectrum of Political Parties in israel is not interested and is not willing is not capable of ending the occupation of liberating palestinians this is a political regime across the board all the parties the netanyahu government that are determined to deepen the colonization an occupation of the protestant and so the real signal from this vote is to the rest of the world but if you want peace if you want to end the occupation you have to put real pressure on israel by thought the Jerusalem Vote was a very important signal but that if things start at words and resolutions that nothing would change and this is what the likud voted for kris syce lee underscores my point is that resolutions have to be followed up by actions by sanctions by making israel pay a price for fifty years of military occupation the west bank and gaza strip twenty eighteen were just starting now is this going to be another year of handwringing and empty statements about a two state solution from the socalled International Community or are they going to impose a cost on israel for its continued International Outlaw status and fire lation its time for a short break here not as iraq when we come back. Protests intensify in the democratic republic of congo demonstrates. The president to resign immediately. And from serena to the super bowl well take a look at some of the sporting highlights of twenty seventy one abstain. From flowing on in wins to an enchanting breeze in the. Hollow weve got some rather blustery showers pushing into the eastern side of the mediterranean that the moment little clutch of storms just fades filter in that award cypress affecting a good part of it is that makes its way further east was ready to snow over the mountain so some wet weather coming into lebanon jordan northern parts of syria a few showers there for baghdad further east is talking loudly falling dry twelve celsius in kabul either the next couple days to ourselves just two for tehran on tuesday wintry mix a little further north that will see some prices sky just coming back into baghdad across the the western side of the region back over towards the levant fun and try to across a good part of the Arabian Peninsula we have the Early Morning mist and focused around the the gulf recently here in qatar for example light winds on monday suggest the possibility of a misty start to the new year but the winds will pick up as we go on through cheese day i will help to shift and he Early Morning mist and fog twenty four celsius the top temperature over the next couple of days and we will see a few showers affecting southern and eastern parts of south africa over the next some rather lively showers too coming into madagascar as you go on through tuesday with that big downpours for tanzania. There with sponsored by the time race. Has never been more of a global its a constant barrage of it with every day but the message is a simplistic clap of brain good logical rational person pretty. And misinformation is rife dismissal and does not well documented accusations and evidence is part of genocide the listening post provides a critical counterpoint challenging Mainstream Media narratives of this time on aljazeera. As a quick recap of the top stories here on aljazeera north koreas leader kim jong un says hes open to dialogue with south korea on the time between both countries made the comments in his new years address he also said north korea has weapons capable of reaching the u. S. Mainland but the launch button is on his desk. Iranian president Hassan Rouhani has made his first speech following days of protest against Economic Hardship and corruption rouhani said the government must provide space for criticism but also one protest is that violence was unacceptable. And israels governing the could party has passed a draft resolution urging the partys leaders to stop israeli sovereignty and formally annex parts of the occupied west bank but it was nonbinding but it could streamline procedures for the construction and expansion of settlements. Now protest demanding the resignation of the president of the democratic republic of congo have turned violent at least seven people were killed and dozens arrested by Security Forces after catholics call for Peaceful Demonstrations across the country michel of venice. The in the democratic republic of Congo Catholic worshipers pray this sunday they pray with a political purpose they want president Joseph Kabila goal thanksgiving was last week was a great day these guys looking to get. Started it. Was. Their prayers were heard by Security Forces in kinshasa twenty seventeen ended as it began kabila second term as president ended in december twenty sixth saying he refused to step down and the un says congolese Security Forces killed forty people who protested the decision four hundred sixty were arrested. One year on they marched off to mass twelve a lot of boys and priests were among the dozens arrested tear gas was fired into churches was the hospital is filled with protesters once more so i guess the human that always says if your term is over give opportunities to others to run your son of the country you belong in the senate give the others the opportunity to lead maybe theyll do it better than you did. Catholic bishops brokered peace talks between the opposition and government with the agreement that could be low would leave office at the end of twenty seven tame but hes still in power and now the catholics and the opposition are united how do you see me coming in shooting one because its not just simply because we have come in we have come here in order to find ways to pray for all we mission. Opposition voices can be heard by ending the fractured country from all corners even in the troubled east a thriving battleground between rebels Security Forces say they use of force is justified one Police Officer was killed and this Police Station was torched by protesters only fucked up we are in need of peace i assure all of our government authorities that our City Government is in peace people should sleep calmly because we as professional police we are doing our job. President kabila says he will stay in power until december twenty eighth because of delays in voter registration. Meanwhile. Appear to be becoming increasingly impatient charlot dallas aljazeera at least thirty six people have been killed in a Road Accident in kenya a bus collided with a truck near the town of naku thats about one hundred fifty kilometers north of the capital nairobi brake failure is suspected more than one hundred people have died on the same stretch of road this month. Twelve people have died in a plane crash in northwest costa rica Authorities Say the plane was carrying ten foreigners and two local crew it took off in the village of meta in the going to cost a province and crashed into a mountainous area the cause of the crash is still unclear and police in australia have recovered the bodies of six people from the wreckage of a seaplane that crashed north of sydney it was returning to the city from a restaurant twenty minutes away when it plunged into a river the bodies of the pilot and five passengers were recovered. Well the u. S. City of rockford in the midwestern state of illinois the nations most violent small city well now the police force there is taking a new approach to cutting crime john hendren went to meet some of the officers moving into ruffords most violent neighborhoods. This is probably the most dangerous city youve never heard of according to the f. B. I. As uniform crime report last year Rockford Illinois is the most violent u. S. City with a population under two hundred thousand block for block more perilous than los angeles or chicago so this midwestern town has launched the most extreme form of Community Policing in america everybody grab one toy. Rockford has officers like eric thurman moving into high crime neighborhoods. I do that too. I cant dance forging ties with a community that is often viewed with suspicion yes have a good day normal if theres a shooting in the neighborhood everyones out. But we go talk to people interview them and what happened no one saw anything or no one heard anything but you know rather me being here they know theyre comfortable talking with me you know theres a shooting right here everyone will come to my door they would come talk to me and they would tell me exactly what they saw thurmond and Patrice Turner or rockford first to resident officers. Is more about building relationships with the people that you police its more about building bridges instead of busting heads the citys police chief expects to add more resident officers in the next year with standard policing an officer gets the call gets in his car and drives through the scene but a resident officer like officer thurman really crosses the street and knocks on the door of a neighbor who probably already know. The program is less than a year old but as part of a broader strategy it appears to be working in two thousand and fifteen Rockford Police solve two of nineteen murders in two thousand and seventeen so far theyve solved nine of eighteen and could soon see charges in three more cases we need to have strategies. Nationwide and this is working yes. Sure. In their own critics say a troubled history between police and africanamericans will make that difficult i think that. Its basically going to end up with a Police Presence in communities that i dont think are ready to accept the police as positive forces but in a turbulent city with a long history of ill will toward police. Eric simmons says its a beginning john hendren aljazeera Rockford Illinois. Now in the next part of our series looking ahead to twenty eighteen we had to brazil the countries emerging from a recession and struggling with the fallout from corruption scandals but there is hope that next years elections could bring change John Heilemann reports from a sea face in brazil. Brazilian politics is in the doldrums forty percent of the congress are under investigation for corruption the president s ratings are in Single Digits and his reforms a stock that next year brings elections on the promise of change. The way for many of brazils poor little feast that means hope for the return of former president Luis Inacio Lula providing he can be corruption charges his leftist government was known for helping the working class it was a one leader for us with lower income the best president was. He did more for us he offered us social programs like also for media improvement in the region for the schools for the children and theres a more affluent so many echoed the view of. Three go they see both lula discloses challenge. Of right wing a whos progun an anti gay as dangerous populists. But im always like the biggest concern is the polarization these days i work in the Financial Market and all that really a fact shares in commodities prices. And were worried because so far there was no other candidate that could challenge those two. But worry his reach professor cream of the sousa as he walks the corridors of power in the Brazilian Congress he sees a stagnant clits can see so we need kill personally a fan and all of these corruption and about the fact that all of the so called all of these speeches up all tell keanu kind of society ideal kind of brazil one you know kind of perspective it all feels that ok. This is only the third decade of democracy in brazil after a military dictatorship and people say that in the early years Election Night it was like a huge party but corruption and mismanagement of really ground that down and now for many here the countrys political dinosaurs have taken over that party for themselves. Is trying to get fresh talent vote he set up for program which Public Policy experts who train would be congressman from all walks of life its paid for by own trip crowdfunding the only rule though career politicians of the political system is very entrenched so our plan is through this program is to help to challenge the status quo and break this vicious cycle of decline in brazilian politics. That will be tough the candidates who still have to roam with established parties in brazil independents allowed but if a discredited Political Class is to change. The speed the stone john homan out to see it a. New Year Celebrations are in full swing in brazil and across the well. This is the scene in Rio De Janeiro earlier an estimated three Million People crowded onto the citys copacabana beach to ring in twenty. Eighteen they were treated to a spectacular fireworks display that lasted seventeen minutes. And in london big bens famous child was running out to usher in the new year followed by a fireworks display over the river thames lighting up the iconic london eye. But as we said twenty eighteen is already here for some of our viewers but for the rest of you were still looking back at twenty seventeen the wellings takes a look at some of the years biggest sports stories in recent years has been tainted by the twin problems of dont pain and corruption and twenty seven saints suffered from the fallout the International Olympic committee bans of the russian flag from the Winter Olympics because of institutional doping their russian competitors will be in pyongyang in february under a neutral flag the new york football was in the dark after faith has meltdown with a particular focus on bringing south american officials to justice there was plenty to celebrate Serena Williams started the year with the twenty third grand slam singles title in australia we didnt know she was eight weeks pregnant the first daughter alexis was born in September Roger Federer showed he still got it turned majestically winning wimbledon for the first time in five years in football it was christiane of a now dodgy year again inspired to retire in the Champions League but hes not the most expensive player thats brazilian neymar who moved from barcelona to paris and demand for a transfer for a fiver a quarter of a billion dollars. The africa cup of nations in the bomb was won by cameroon but its their opponents egypt who has reached the world cup finals i was in houston as tom bradys new England Patriots going from twenty five points down to beat the Atlanta Falcons an extraordinary super bowl triumph. But not always well in the n. F. L. The shadow of the concussion issue and also the clash between President Trump and the players led by College Company who took in me to make a stand of racism and Police Brutality we have a lot of people that arent treated equally arent given equal opportunities no Police Brutality is a huge thing using boats amazing career ended with a red defeat at the world athletics championships in london there was also a surprising cricket speak of twenty seven pakistan with a shot with the champions trophy. And there are three going to be india written off ridiculed but there are masters every day im sure and i won this for a look at trying to destroy three white things might just drive all. The quick recap of the top stories here this hour north koreas leader kim jong il and says hes open to dialogue with south korea and hopes the ties will improve kim made the comments in his new years address he also said north korea has weapons capable of reaching the entire u. S. Mainland and the launch button is on his desk rajamouli has more from seoul. It is of course new north koreas Nuclear Ambitions that the whole world is most concerned about and on that front north Korean Leader kim jong un used his new years day address to call for the mass production of Nuclear Warheads and myself as well as their deployment in the field now you also reiterated the claim that north korea has now completed its push to become a Nuclear Force it is a claim that north Korean Leadership has made. With before specifically in november when it conducted by when it launched an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile which weapons experts say has the capability of reaching the entire u. S. Mainland the iranian president Hassan Rouhani has made his first speech following days of protests against Economic Hardship and corruption rouhani said the government must provide space for criticism but also warned protesters that violence was unacceptable israels governing likud party has passed a draft resolution urging the partys leaders to establish israeli sovereignty and formally comics parts of the occupied west bank the vote was nonbinding though but could streamline procedures for the construction expansion of settlements at least seven people are poor to do have been killed by Security Forces at protests in the democratic republic of congo demonstrators in the capital kinshasa have been calling on president Joseph Kabila to step down theyre angry over his refusal to leave in his term in the year ago even promised elections by the end of twenty seventeen but theyve been delayed until next december. Told people have died in a plane crash in northwest costa rica Authorities Say the plane was carrying ten foreigners and two local crew it took off in the going to cost a province and crashed into a mountainous area because of the crash is unknown. On the world twenty eighteen with spectacular fireworks displays across the globe Rio De Janeiro is one of the latest cities to welcome in the an estimated three Million People were treated to a display lasting seventeen minutes. Well those were the headlines the news continues on aljazeera after listening post station. Twenty seventeen has been full of stories that have changed the Global Political landscape and aljazeera has been there to cover them all to. Join us as we look back at some of our most memorable interviews of the year this special edition of talk. At this time. I took a flight to get back on the. Polar icecap. On the way. Back you will probably. Point. Hello im Richard Burton youre at the listening post this week were breaking format to talk about a gaping hole in News Coverage on a story that matters according to a Global Survey taken earlier this year the number one threat in peoples minds

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