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A row they are out on the streets fighting with police went on into the night antigovernment protesters most of them students facing up to Riot Police Outside terror on university but what began as a protest about rising food prices and welfare benefit cuts turned political on saturday i. Earlier in the day they chanted not gaza not lebanon my life through iran. Dont be afraid were staying strong together. An expression of anger about claims the government is focusing more on regional issues than economic problems at home. Iranian t. V. Showed a display of strength by crowds of progovernment supporters in cities nationwide tens of thousands of people on the streets chanting death to america down with israel in support irans Supreme Leader ali khamenei letter that the people have protested against inflation other problems but that does not show that our people have turned on each other or are against the ruling system and their leadership. The progovernment rallies were preplanned to mark the anniversary of the end of the unrest that shook the country in two thousand and nine unrest in iran prompted several tweets from the u. S. President on saturday warning oppressive regimes cannot do for ever many reports of peaceful protests by iranian citizens fed up with the regimes corruption and squandering of the nations wealth to Fund Terrorism abroad iranian government should respect their peoples rights including rights to express themselves the world is watching for some sign the has been some disparate groups have been protesting whether it was sabres have lost their savings through these corrupt Financial Institutions with his pension is no longer going their pensions will have to live on pensions as people worried about the environment this woman is all these groups and theyve been testing testing and you could see that. Their slogans are now becoming more radical you could say that the atmosphere is going tense or intense and most of all what you could say is that they no longer seem to have that fear from the Security Forces there that in the. While this was a huge display of support for the iranian leadership the government will be concerned it just how quickly a protest about food prices could become political pizza shop al jazeera a funeral has been held for a palestinian man who was shot by Israeli Soldiers during a demonstration in gaza the twenty year old was one of thousands of palestinians confronted by Israeli Forces along the border the protesters were demonstrating against u. S. Recognition of tourism as israels capital. And indian soldier has been killed at least two others entered after rebel stormed a paramilitary camp in the endian administered Kashmir Region Police say rebels threw can a crowd made that isnt fired automatic rifles as they tried to seize the Training Center and the town of. Liberias president elect has made his first speech since winning the countrys Runoff Election earlier this week george waya theres a former world footballer of the beer is pledging to fight corruption a place in california have arrested a man on suspicion of making a prank emergency call which led officers to fatally shooting innocent man and the other Us State Police were sent to an address in kansas where the caller said he was Holding Family members hostage amanda came to the door was shot dead when officers say he appeared to reach for a gun. Hardline religious groups in western india say they will resort to violence if necessary to block the release of a controversial bollywood film. The countrys film Certification Board has cleared padmavati for viewing by anyone over the age of twelve but members of a hindu caste organization say it misrepresents the actions of a fourteenth century hindu queen who refused to submit to the demands of a muslim and for. Those are the headlines news continues on aljazeera after a mania people power. Oh. There are. Many that you are. Going to get you know. Once the most corrupt country in the European Union Romanian Society is engaged in an unprecedented fight against corruption. On the thirty first of january twenty seventeen the biggest protests since the fall of romanias communist dictatorship broke out in the streets of book arrest. The newly sworn in government had secretly passed to be greek that would grant its members immunity from prosecution on some corruption charges. Hundreds of officials including businessmen mayors government ministers and members of parliament have been charged and convicted at the center of it all is an independent judicial body the National Anticorruption directorate for d. N. A. In early twenty sixteen the d. N. A. Prosecutor announced a sharp spike in corruption charges of course the mission is one that got them both on your doorstep she says they include but the court lani berlin not she made. Oh was that emissions are they caught them they changed my more its meaning parliament thought they could. Be nice to. Me mishti sites but. Not all. Independent collectives like the funky citizens have also joined the fight against corruption they are adopting the quirky beat approach. To. A lot of these im. Going to go. Along its not a little. Thirty years of dictatorship has given rise to a healthy sense of humor in romania in this spirit the two are focused on high level corruption has been created in bucharest. The lot use the. God i was out of this. But. I mean of course. A much shorter but so. Not just. A lot of. My former self was. A young minister of agriculture in two thousand and seven sentenced to three years in prison for accepting bribes. And sausages bin laden and jelly beans he might but. In the time think he still. No. One do normally. But i am one. Who. Actually. Mayor of poorest from two thousand and eight to twenty fifteen charged with taking bribes. But. You might be able to. Go out of. The inside out. And agree to the mayor of christe sector three those fifty one Million Euros in back taxes. That is amazing to me. Mayor of sector five from two thousand to twenty sixteen charged with taking ninety million euro bright. Meat but sheesh. Its all describe the same for v six reality in romania writes. The times are changing the local government Schools Police stations and hospitals have a long history of taking bribes in exchange for services. Has additional little huzza. Try going somewhere what do you know my lesson. In romania corruption extends well beyond the envelopes that Civil Servants receive to supplement their incomes at the highest levels bribes are replaced by briefcases and the misuse of taxpayers money becomes more creative and the leverage target of a demo many artists and. She can model modify us and. Kurdish forces told. Us off until party the living corrupt obvious. They exempt. But i got a. List of about this program. But. The parliament in my age despair contacted me to ask what about their preference. Then they are forced quite the with the immuno they should all with their stepped up there but if it is their party therefore she needs to get it out of this bitterly who thought see him or what i said they speak out if i thought it was. In two thousand and two the National Anticorruption directorate or d n a was created as an independent judicial body to enact reforms required for romanians entry into the European Union in a few short years the growing number of corruption revelations in romania have implicated politicians from every party. Thousands of scandals and shameless dealings have been brought to light. The d. M. Is chief prosecutor it is love with. Her unrelenting determination has made her the central figure in the fight to eradicate corruption. Telling me on off or start. They end up and then so pick out of the audience because. Level director not too long to finish the net and then children bust it up or theres no meanest walter mr borders on premier dalton mr harper theres no parliament arsala parliament around suppose a investing is or to purchase one no longer now look at our. Politicians bit childish. Voice of the ask mike what are dont on your photo tear she got a good father more than church or far. Not just the four thousand most or something most of the daughters shall call or exist or general to put a lot of garbage our systems which are vile and dark and there are bottom line you dont need change the gist of the court will decide the role for the good old or our shop there and the other can more than me on the other side of the. Might up in a few floors up at the d. N. A. A special Investigations Team is helping to solve some of the d. N. A. Is biggest cases. And thats to me as long as things. Get out that you. Dont actually have this. Here. In the future mark this remark you might feel mucking about dont go by we actually have a particular. Prosecutor told me that you and Police Investigator nicole asia their stripes in the fight against organized crime. Both highly skilled investigators theyve unearthed key evidence leading to the prosecution of romanian political elites. Wife etc. There were intelligent we just shot we too far to go. Over them. But we want to go to it. Was an. Infection a diversion if you scar. What the little commenter fights if you cut. Must lead. Them to. The dark and what live action they. Put up with i she she and the other tell in the very. Question. Up with each arm will i have a wolf Human History in about it or getting cheaper so. There is too demurely of i walk around to look but question fresh but this divine binding so full sits the c. F. R. Said better listen but thats gotta be like the left is live on the call it show of it looked at it that in all my thoughts. Couldnt buy new its downside was lost but the good Old War Party leadership is the salt of scots if you vomit all put thats it will test you stuck in the apple two like the doctor just lost a lot bundy a. Couple it. Was plus the use of that show it have already delayed but the three of us thought about their corrupt image a bear market of progress a pen to paper. It out that divide spread out their money. Or their corvette or their. Something and i cringe but in the scheme of the post only bottoms of course i mean quite a jane just to trust my own will be. Done cos i mean under something i must i must know in mysterious peaks help it get going its new to different yeah. And youre multiboot. Youre going. Right to remove the. United opposition noise in the pool nor can the fuck to. Be in the party doing so the party that had the power would see it. Also on the wall as. My muse thought youre probably yeah she also fuck. As an independent journalist autobytel has investigated corrupt officials and closely followed some of romanias most notorious Corruption Cases. That you would believe it. To be known until. You pleaded with them you dont look at. Anybody she thought was part of the control room but you took a pretty. Good im going to beat you to because you know but if you want to say to me you simply got up at the start. Of the month you. Might get they said to. Me. I was on a lot of. Family pull a school for a check of the old guard and president of the now defunct conservative party was convicted in twenty fourteen for buying property at sixty times less than its actual value. In monaco meant to. Me and i. Think. You know many. Of these. Stops. Just. Off course. For us but. Then. The model. Shifts for me. As with other eastern bloc regimes the fall of the dictatorship provided an opportunity for Party Stalwarts to prosper. Government funds were misappropriate. Did and many from the old guard to fill their pockets the dictatorship had given way to new levels of corruption. But of all nazi or model that you had extended wouldnt propagate that up only class taught level science that on line. She. Done for the other new normals it up watch it at that out test out only got a society on theres that are partially at our class he makes you stand for them spawn other fuckin way to start the winter politico dela when i type that he does exist acquired of what i thought was the simple technique i also stated that i said here couple below such as what is that nuclear cell scheme other momentum carried out on my knee and to put. On your noddle bana then tried out a shot on film you know what a banner pinkel me so often of course the muscular soprano could have gone d. T. Out on one knee majlis untouchable investors on additional satish. When you come up of a was appointed to minister of justice from two thousand and four to two thousand and seven with the support of the European Commission she prepared the way for romanias anticorruption prosecutors many portland calendar that you have to do it in a short time i mean you have a closing and but two thousand four. So you have very few times. And you have and that was important for me it was a support to me for me to change. Into short years minister michael bays doggedness in the face of intense opposition allowed her to launch a process of judicial reform. Then a relatively unknown entity that d. N. A. Came to prominence as michael v. Pushed for its right to prosecute white collar crime. But d. N. A. Is first cases went relatively unnoticed by the press. But i think if we had our way for years she thought i have. On one of the one main. She yes the cop and told him about a new study out on when you get those in parliament that governmental premodern he stood out on when he. Formed here at this be marred question is that was he should. Or even a Prime Minister indicted in two thousand and five i began as a descendant from the communist dictatorship has become one of the most powerful men in romania just because you did it is. Charged with embezzling one and a half Million Euros for his Electoral Campaign and taking the six hundred thirty thousand year old right quantity to look at us about a woman who has that analysis and all of outside analysis. But she seemed almost her step. Dad. I think all normal. So to me when i last i recall norm. So explain the chair a focal point when. It. I used to get. Sick of it. Just to talk to. You. But it is a few years after these comments in twenty twelve the Prime Minister was sentenced to four years in prison for passive corruption and blackmail again the stuff his conviction was a lightning bolt for Society Since then the corruption investigations have accelerated and the d. N. A. Has achieved celebrity status in romania. It didnt take long for the media to catch on and to begin reporting on an unrelenting stream of revelations each day this is the scene outside the offices of the d. N. A. Certain not to leave empty handed the media gathered to catch the drama in real time its the most closely watched media event in the country. Program for is creating the unique series of documentary portraits that capture the expressions of in battle delete what about. The signature that i. Look for like. Im usually about working why dont i check check check you. Know i dont know im. In april twenty sixth seen a journalist exposed to hicks a former scandal the case cause public outrage forcing the minister of health to resign i think you. See far more. Seconds out of the water runs if you actually defend. Nutriment. Which is that. You put us. At the end of the show. About the more every dental moment recorded so this could be that he walked at least once in the wind if you. Stay on the right it was as if youre in for a life but then after that. If. She interrupted you i dont know whats up for the world but actually looking into they said youre going to kind of get busy to become a monk and real quick so that i will show you the stipulated fact judges just a couple options that they got i just want us to stop it just enough honestly if you want to dress up being the one with it but just that one doctor says the she needs the person the worst that will be you know what you think you get down. On. In my life it isnt the more you know that the net without the bottle in the larger box that is what we need to get on the adults you dont know you imagine are coupled with one will begin to be part of the logic of loss or a loss that is. I. Think. A little. Shocking but then chanelle me to feel many chilled out the broken already most and to be its all on the pro quo tory thing mr young. People. Thats only to taught us that happened in the wrong something could go on the ball. To merge with the chattel. Brought the girl sits us a lizard she college an oral well. Been thrilled oh sorry for the important delicious as a change of guard shot a lot of those are all a little cheap thurstan and thought to ship it will let you know were all on shipboard whos still stuck on the no. On vapor important of in a lot. Of different. Same or. Similar thoughts on the pitot important than triple the best allowed years happened she. Got his law to support and. Yes yes. It will be important and interesting that will be the. Denial all jay just. See this week at a lot of the times most of that. But. The. There were. Many. Dippolito year it would seem to border outdoor that you know chill my book got only a little money of all those lanes betrothal dippolito my love for you. But not because of. The fact almost half hearted out tripped out. Supporting friend sadie geology diminished or economy shares if you know rome does she transgress kalyani could i. Have a son. My. View. Is about that actually extend the moment then current into many more into a. Moment that. Just. The way over the limit on the visit not to mention you wanted one of the richest men in romania sentenced to two and a half years in prison for paying a one million euro bribe released halfway through his sentence reacted with new system. They could defeat the fourteenth lavender of actually my my. My needs she. Was. Graphic. Just by that this is. The stuff either they can organise that vision on with the moment they killed as a powerful. When diplomacy fields and fear sweep then our borders are wide open wide open to drugs terrorists weve proven that barriers are built to impose division and its not a sixties instead of being an obstacle or tornado wastes into became another obstacle to peace in a four part series aljazeera revisits the reasons for divisions in different parts of the world and the impact they have on both sides walls of shame at this time on aljazeera. Unbelievable it sounds like an agreement between criminal bosses slide trading and stolen goods that have been taken by the place if anyone ever comes to ask the question is for throw their hands up in the air and say i dont know i was just nominee director were doing a investigation into. Ukraine could you have a bribes youve been corrupt ill be corrupt i did just what the president say aljazeera investigations the only god coming soon in the wake of the race riots how much can someone take before the fight for recognition is crucial we needed cooler heads to prevail brothers in its cause a lot of them were people things that were said about their religion and the things that were said no they were commanded well most of the disrespect to aljazeera explores the history and struggles of the Lebanese Community in australia once upon a time in punchbowl at this time on aljazeera. Hello youre watching aljazeera im still rob and these are all top news stories antigovernment protesters in iran her fault with police for a third day the latest demonstrations were outside the university of tehran many people are angry at the state of the economy the rising cost of living and cuts to Welfare Benefits the footage has also emerged from syria showing children being rescued probably damascus suburb of eastern following airstrikes this weekend agencies evacuated twenty nine critically ill people from the rebel held area as part of a deal with the syrian government. A funeral has been held for a palestinian man who was shot by Israeli Soldiers during a demonstration in gaza the twenty year old was one of thousands of palestinians confronted by Israeli Forces along the border the protesters were demonstrating against u. S. Recognition of jerusalem as israels capital. Liberias president elect has made his first speech since winning the countrys Runoff Election earlier this week george weah formal world footballer of the year is pledging to fight corruption. We were as the government committed. What ideas that have. Been there. For the people those doors in serve. Us the. Person whos looking. With the low groom. To the murders of corrosion or we have no Police Police in california have arrested a man on suspicion of making a prank emergency call which led officers to fatally shoot an innocent man in another Us State Police were sent to an address in kansas where the caller said he shot his father and was Holding Family members hostage a man who came to the door was shot dead when officers say he appeared to reach for a gun its believed the call was made over an argument between two online gamers. In indonesia more than seventy thousand people face an uncertain future as they continue living in evacuation shelters after the band volcano began erupting in early november those were the headlines ill be back with more news in thirty minutes here on aljazeera next its romania in people in power. Since joining the European Union and romania has been engaged in an unprecedented judicial overhaul special prosecutors have joined with journalists activists and romanians growing Civil Society to uncover and prosecute corruption at the highest levels. Independent media groups like the rice project are playing an Important Role in exposing corrupt practices. Rise is an information site that provides a platform for journalists activists and investigative hackers. Here activists journalists can sometimes uncover in a day what prosecutors would require years to obtain. Is cofounder of the rights project. Hes taken part in Many International investigations and was a key player in helping analyze the Panama Papers leak. Or tipping listing artists from actually investing i tell put it thirty oshima i think thats what i need to look i know where to go to cause a post on this was not a test of the money value. With them. Wanting more. Cheap. Paint him off me when i walk out of it i dont have a gun so that said. You know what i mean i think that it wasnt only getting. In for months or. So it. But i just asked this bubble in prison though buzzer that they were going to put it up a lot in the lives of those men looking for marty this will combine the early start that i was alluding to that the only that was for this was a thing for money you know what i mean that is are going to go than that that is because money could if i can fight a little money thing which. Changed concord. Follow the money for that technology for us in like us investing our. Commodities at the. Last. Week im. In recent years Romanian Society has begun to feel the impact of a growing wave of corruption convictions. Emboldened by judicial reform people are increasingly demanding that the law apply equally to all i think if i was the ongoing judicial battle has energized protesters in november twenty fifteen tens of thousands flooded the streets of bucharest to protest the deadly fire at the collective nightclub despite unsafe conditions the club obtained its operating license in exchange for a bright. Sixty four people mostly teenagers died in the blaze. Just persis Prime Minister viktor was forced to resign. Mass protests are a growing trend in romania where forty years of state rule all but destroyed citizen action thirty years earlier and big gatherings in romania looked like this shows of mass solidarity orchestrated by the state called for justice gave way to resignation poverty and despair in recent years the pioneers of progressive change have claimed that their place in society. Is a historian and specialist in communist crimes hes also a famous activist in bucharest fellow. Difficulty if you have one million here. We should just give you what weve got because. Its one of our petition you know what is he puts. Forth that you know there are more than he says affordable. Although there were no momentum will turn out just like that so yeah it was one called comical vicious for sure school. No matter which joke im sure the for the exam is a cool thing that its going to sell you can watch them here or the Nuclear Weapons capability but that must take ok i say one hundred ten times a day because of the difference that im going to talk about what i want to look at it but i mean i might just almost live in a locked up. As with spains in the those or the will keep by wall Street Movement in the us romanias protest movement is led by activists like me hyped all it takes is a few activists like him to ignite social action or what will they look to stay. Cool character a more gentle darker black on more of a problem a plot to get out of her she was just in prison such as might is go for the. Extra muscle accidentals down dizziness she can deliver sources of. Surprises. Me to know youre not really that she was going to get me in a no. Ok and. Social activism on this level would have been unimaginable a few years ago. Today targeted actions can take only a few hours to germinate and spread. Across our choices of a whole slew of sentiment my goodness a story about a more money i can put into them courtesy of them what we did there was a daughter to pull me and most of the shine on to the set on the Summer School uniforms students like that all but it was its best to just say that though because shes sure to show that the. It was. Building the activist capacity of an entire generation is a bold project. The funky citizens aim to defy boundaries and to forge a path for Civil Society in romania. Give this to the girls its quite amazing to complete because they can. Get close to the ship and if you cheat and and it was just the most. Part. In twenty twelve created the funky citizens to confront government corruption. She hired hyperactive young graduates out of law Political Science and Communications Courses a correlation of creative activists the funky citizens are advocating for the growth of Civil Society in romania who want something that you know hes not going to get that youre going to want to me was a part of the indoor me days to come up more often. But to push off the topic this morning the day i wasnt born or you know to some to block the ok i think ive been doing. That of an age. In the simplest legal that that this sounds an awful lot more info we. Saw when he bought the. Ngos and Civil Society activists have steadily been gaining momentum the funky citizens have been working in a vibrant offbeat style one of the of their name. On the citizens who is punishing. Them to the to the going to import that up to that issue but im certain they become something thats all stop will be gone she funkier for last month at a fortune my surely my old film because. It is to awaken citizen awareness the funky citizens are addressing corruption with a sense of irony. Is the creator of an unusual sight the bribe market which allows users to know the average bribe in a specific hospital town hall or Police Station exists. And. Yes they should chip this site yes they. Start the course the chines age because someone because. Their. Perspective of. What they get. Meant they. Were many features at the town when. Vici a lot of. Many young graduates with specialized skills have chosen to work in these novel structures. Here they can discuss the performance of the courts fact check political statements or analyze the latest reforms. By each. Feeling part. Of the example. Oh photos of course i thought they were. All caught the crooks all day or yet are here on the institutes you probably go i but corruption lives on even when the high and midlevel officials are jailed Public Service budgets are also first though for corruption to address this elenor also has a countrywide program to train advocates how to decipher public financing. I think i thought that was what it was. A. Job and they feared that if it was just a few more well that. Was ok so thats just as cool but the fact that just getting the support you take out second is what you wanted your doctor to call the school to my idea is the fucking store so i can. Get a piece itself this is one of the most of what the cut up time and last class of them in this past effort and my used you mean from what you have since you happen to be the nice thing the chief never spawned up to be so i call that actually cut down for trash i was going to. Despite this flurry of activism the fight against corruption is far from won. The government is it pains to recover stolen funds. The accused to decry stalinist trials and anger against the judicial system has reached a boiling point. The Political Climate has become so tense thats the chief prosecutor broached the issue on primetime radio. Of volatility known throughout the team to not included the last of the now theres one of the got a knowledge of to this but arctic fox dark wood in fear god is the. Ofi a cow disease the best one of the garden i legit at the dog to see if you thought the danger. Offset of all mine also and feed him and. Then to go to cedar bend twenty need another ma activity denies that indoor meat raised british of it its you know its you know youre going to need one moment law possibility that theyre pretty muddy dont i was the easy chair long and. Yoda. But what are the limits of the rich and powerful when cornered by justice. Politicians have been looking to pass laws that would diminish the d. N. A. s powers. You know we dont anybody did it but did. You read into this there might be an action. Just a really good sort it was has been very big. Problem and its funny all the audience just came by little dog on his auto someone if you took all that and celebrated so not so long and i mean it is a couple of thoughts and i think this thing got a subtle such i thought that if he lost thats any old out journalists fall for the first vision extend the important check or the bill are just things to forty but those are better than that of course dont seem to question your thoughts any part of the. Largest therefore the cut of fortune. On the thirty first of january twenty seventh teen romanias newly sworn in government issued a late night executive order that would pardon politicians of some corruption offenses. The media quickly informed to the public by midnight twenty five thousand protesters flooded the streets of the capital that number swelled to three hundred thousand in the next days with hundreds of thousands more gathered in cities across romania. The government was forced to rescind its decree a few days later. As a check to the powers of governance the funky citizens count on an important ally the European Commission. On your behalf to meet them on the budget for the use of ground. Zero for all your case. Since joining the e. U. Romania has been closely monitored by the European Commission twice a year the Commission Issues reports that. Measure its progress in the fight against corruption. No one no ordinary supply dick cheney who looked a lot. Called on me because if he did and got annoyed me keeping them on it or use out of the law books that. Are transmitted from the lawn mower not what you could remove or not or what a poke at the problem and shot the new out they could just send. Me she was broken free and guarded. Although not a change. Of government trying to push the limits n. G. O. S and citizens mobilizing in the vigilant European Commission this framework stands as the most efficient safeguard in attempts to weaken the fight against corruption. Monitoring by the commission should end by twenty twenty but thats romania have been institutionalized and political maturity to progress on its own known to be such a touchy deal so soon im quoting here a foot artist mckinneys the call but other issue that he thought it would. Have been if you chaired the scene that i need to solder but twelve just a shrug to be that she could read them and comic on the spot on one of the but out apart there could at goshen i took that same havent are difficult she crept that us not to send them an artist on quality let you know. Its early summer twenty sixteen and romania is about to elect new mayors. Romanian seem happy about the push for transparency but will they vote for change. Many hope the election will reveal the impact that prosecutors and Civil Society groups are having on the romanian public. Is that the way you. Should have done has created the save book arrest union or the u s b. Its a campaign born of Civil Society founded on hope in the democratic rejuvenation of romania is that for this former mathematician the fight against corruption is a clear path towards the renewal of romanias Political Class. You almost. Thought that quote law. If you simply said. Yes. There were. Enough to open up. The years that. Should have done to present his party as the only recourse to a decadence Political Class a class that continues running candidates in battles by corruption scandals. On election day locked up has decided to follow a candidate he knows well one of the headliners of book arrests corruption to work. The mayor of bucharest sector five charged with taking a bribe of ninety Million Euros. Up i dont want to look at us and get to play chairman so that if you dont shut up when you are put out this month they go yes i mean its not going to get his cup of coffee shop across. The table but he made what he could have been yes ill probably make that. But im going with the coding to go to get one that ive been out with and i have to make a putting could see. The for the model that. I think. Of the five of us are going to begin to. Look look look look look look look. For them a little more. Visible to the stats that you wish but. What do you. Think you know. That really kind of. If youre going to be taken this is not a test that. I. Think. People. Dont want you to do. Pretty much you want to. Be. Good. With was pretty good. Because you dont think. That this new. Things i think might. Really push the funky citizens have banded with other n. G. O. S to spots plus. Able fraud theyve set up a call center and sent observers to polling stations i dont see how much all of us would have thought of Something Like this or somehow so i thought. Of him but what i think of it the less frequently than before electoral fraud can be just as flagrant i think thats what. It. Was the first floor being able. To mobilize. Their vote so the potential should not rest of it should i be as much of the she did the six yet she wanted me out of the way our country got so you think huckabee didnt get what the woman got what thats a little nasty is the secret i always intended but the number asked. To. Come off fast and thats a fear that i thought it was fun to be not going to give it to someone here to talk about why not just the six years ive been the man who fucked up in just a moment or two much of what i wanted out of it i think. The day is coming to an end and any push out of dunns us meeting mates are awaiting the results. In a surprise show done cus the party has won thirty percent of the vote. It is the first time that the new Political Party has done so well in local elections but take the fight to profit. Off. But you know. Do you know i. Think that it was. The funky citizens are taking stock of the day of mixed results even if mayor mike young van gurley photographed hasnt been reelected candidates with Corruption Cases have done well. Was i was leaving. The. Scene did you figure. It. Out on. A limb or some ellis fer the candidates judicial troubles havent stopped many from voting for them the romanians have real acted nearly fifty mayors convicted of or charged with corruption and. Mayor of cry over charged with taking a bribe and Money Laundering reelected with fifty eight percent of the votes. The court rejected the d. N. A. Charges and in january twenty seventeen. Became minister of labor and social justice. Judges get. Charged with taking a bribe reelected with fifty two percent of the. Mayor of miami charged with taking a bribe reelected with seventy percent of the vote while behind bars. As romania confronts the ghosts of its past the descendants of a bygone era are clinging to money and power. In the legislative elections of late twenty sixteen the majority of seats went to the social Democratic Party who are fiercely despite them earlier conviction of its president for electoral fraud. But people are beginning to support the new parties on the promise of change. Following electoral success a few my. Earlier than see us be party changed its name to the save room a new union for us winning nine percent of seats in parliament. Romania continues its push to become an example amongst its Eastern European neighbors at least for now. Is the countrys transformation to democracy a revolution or a Long Distance race a rebate in which the baton is handed over to the next generation teenagers born well after the fall of communism. The funky citizens are supporting the Civic Education of this youth. In romania today Civil Society engages all age groups but in a culture of corruption the countrys greatest hope may well lie with the cool. Off but influence. Of the. Thanks. Hello there weve got quite a bit of cloud around in the middle east at the moment most of it though isnt giving us some significant rain most of its just making the sunshine a bit hazy but do watch out for this area of cloud a rain here thats already given some of us in the western parts of turkey some very very heavy downpours and its now working its way towards the east here it is on sunday still off the coast for now but as we head into monday first like lebanon is going to see that heavy rain the temperatures then struggling to just sixteen degrees and that rain also stretches further north as well giving some snow over the mountains now a bit further towards the south and here in doha the weather is quite quiet at the moment in fact so quite weve seen a fair amount of fog if the winds are light enough over the next few nights theres still the risk that we could see some more twenty four degrees will be our maximum jeer in the day a little bit milder here are temperatures generally hovering around twenty seven or twenty eight at the moment down towards the southern parts of africa and here weve got the usual huge area of rain stretching from angola all the way across into madagascar very heavy showers out of this antananarivo were also seeing some wet weather and this stretching area of cloud and rain is still going to be with us during the day on monday for the south generally a lot brighter thirty degrees so hot in joburg but there is the risk of seeing the old shower there and during the day on monday. Twenty seventeen has been full of stories that have changed the Global Political landscape and al jazeera has been there to cover them or. Join us as we look back at some of our most memorable interviews of the year the special edition of talk to aljazeera at this time. We understand the differences and the similarities of cultures across the wound. So no matter where you call home aljazeera will bring in the news and current of things that matter to you. Aljazeera. And she managerial. Or trade any war criminal. You know bonded young a retired bosnian army general who defended setting a fire against attacks by sir forces. And covers the story of tough choices and determined. That he gave. This time on aljazeera Charlie Gibson for their football fans who dont think about overnight really had that lead explaining when real madrid a club worth five hundred Million Euros or expresses a position on something for the World Antidoping Agency has to take notice youll be able to get. Aljazeera continues its investigation into the widespread use of performance enhancing drugs in the final episode of sports doping the endless chase at this time. Than. The man. Iran said terry administer says it will confront disorder after antigovernment protests turned violent on saturday

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