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Celebrations on the streets of liberia with the announcement that football legend george waya will become the countrys next president. How some greek farmers are creating opportunities for the countrys many refugees. And tech giant apple apologizes after a million slam is deliberate slowing down of older model i phones. U. S. President donald trump has accused china of violating u. N. Sanctions against north korea by not cutting off oil supplies to pyongyang has tweeted caught red handed very disappointed that china is allowing oil to go into north korea that will never be a friendly solution to the north korea problem if this continues to happen a White House Correspondent Kimberly Hawk it has more from washington d. C. Chinas denying the accusations that the president made on twitter you have to sometimes decipher why and what has prompted donald trump to go to twitter and often this is when he feels that an issue isnt being covered adequately in his view in the media he will tweet knowing that then in turn we will take a look and see what hes talking about and this is a really good example of that if you go back to the u. S. Treasury website last month youll see that it first called attention to these satellite images that said that it had of chinese ships applying oil to north korean ships in the west see now apparently these satellite images put out by the u. S. Treasury department were taken october nineteenth but again it didnt get a whole lot of Media Attention even though the United States says that this is in violation of sanctions that were put in place specifically speaking to this by the u. N. Security council in september so perhaps its a little bit of frustration on that level and frustration too by the president that hes tweeting this given the fact that when he first came into office in january he immediately began to address the situation of north Koreas Nuclear program by investing heavily in the relationship with chinese president xi hosting the mara lago speaking enormously about the investment that was being made in the hope that china would use economic leverage to limit the north Korean Program but in recent weeks and months weve seen some frustration with that while the Treasury Department says there has been some success with china helping to isolate north korea from the Global Financial system again there is some frustration by the United States with examples like this of these satellite images so well china is denying these charges saying that there have been no u. N. Security Council Violations as far as its concerned the u. S. Sees it differently and now we see the frustration playing out on twitter by the president donald trump. Hours after the president s tweet south korea seized a ship suspected of violating the u. N. Sanctions cell says the Hong Kong Flagged vessel transferred oil to a north korean ship in International Waters in october yes proposed blacklisting the ship for ignoring International Sanctions placed against. A correspondent rob mcbride joins us now live from beijing several brought response of we seen from china hare well china will certainly not be happy with this stinging criticism coming in such a public rebuke but to be honest laura i mean the past year china has gotten used to a new type of relationship with the United States and also become accustomed to this kind of tweeting diplomacy we are not likely to see a direct response from china to this latest attack what china is likely to do will be merely repeating its denial so we had yesterday thursday here a very strong press conference given by the Defense Ministry categorically denying that these transfers of oil have been taking place the day before at the regular ministry of Foreign Affairs press briefing they played down these reports they said that they have no knowledge of this transfer taking place this Illicit Trade asking for anybody to come forward with specific evidence but interestingly saying that questioning whether all countries all member nations of the United Nations can be sure the entities or companies in their countries are not getting around these restrictions which does seem to be far less than a categorical denial thats really and is asking for evidence but weve got these satellite images weve got south korea seizing this ship just in the past few hours i mean it does seem that it has been caught red handed. It is difficult to see how this trade could be taking place without chinas knowledge you know people believe it does give evidence or give ammunition to many in the u. S. Administration who suspect and claim outright that china could and should be doing more to rein in north korea and it does fit with the general narrative that quietly behind the scenes china is still prepared to support north korea to stop it collapsing not out of any sense of loyalty to an old ally but more as a pragmatic measure just to stop the place collapsing to keep it Going Forward and we are seeing for example other allegations about about and bar goes and sanctions being circumvented for example much was made about china stopping imports of north korean coal thats a big money earner for the north korean regime but theres a lot of speculation that some coal at least is finding its way from north korea to ports in russia where it is then unloaded and then reloaded onto ships that then come down to china as a way of getting around that embargo from chinas point of view it is still the case that it is while its not ideal it is still acceptable for china to have a Nuclear Armed north korea what is find unacceptable is to have a collapsing north korea with access to Nuclear Warheads thats what really scares china ok rob thanks very much. Liberias Election Commission says former football star star george where has won the countrys president ial runoff where the project has sixty one point five percent of the vote ninety eight point one percent of the votes have been counted and tallied ahmed out to reports from the capital monrovia was celebration on the streets of the liberian capital neutral was supporters will find some National Football adored with greeted news of his victory in tuesdays Runoff Election with song times it was broke down in t. Is a soon as the results won last hes seen he have been consulted by his running mate if you will take that who is an exwife or former liberian president Charles Taylor who is currently serving a fifty year sentence in the u. K. For war crimes committed in neighboring sierra leone was full we any supporters its a dream come true a struggle they say that started we back in two thousand and two us pointed to succeed because i saw a need. For us that we can take was good but this time in a trip to come to it was such a just we had a president talk through the Electoral Commission had Just Announced the preliminary results were all present ages are c. D. C. Thank you mr president is sixty one point five percent for the c. D. C. And thirty eight point five percent for the unit body and now his opponent and current Vice President just have block i says he has had deep misgivings about the elections from the beginning he contends that there is also the fuss wound on supported a case taken to the Supreme Court by the county they took him out in the race weve gone into an election that we knew from stopped it had a lot of problems we were not satisfied with. Whether or not they have structure in the Supreme Court were followed we were. Constrained to go but what we want to see what we wanted we had all hoped for a free fair transparent election i doubt seriously if that is why were going to get the Vice President on his unity party and not say whether they will challenge the results in court. Dont waste said to succeed Ellen Johnson sirleaf africas first elected female president who led liberia for the past told fees shes credited with presiding over the longest period of uninterrupted peace in liberia since one thousand nine hundred eighty nine. Played for st will football clubs including s. C. Milan chelsea and parties and german hes the only african football to have worn the feet for a while play up the old way as a victory in the president ial race is attributed mainly to his support base within the countrys youth who are calling for up to sixty percent of the population he grew up in want to be a slums and he success against all appeals to many in what is one of the worlds poorest countries. Where and the politics of the his retirement from football in two thousand and two and is currently a senator in liberias pilot. Would be the First Time Since one thousand nine hundred two for the home but by the us leaves in the Mountain Center will have transfer of power from one elected president to another. One groovy liberia. At least fifteen people have died and dozens more injured in a fire in the indian city of mumbai plays broke out late at night in a restaurant thats pretty quickly throughout the four Story Building thats like cases in an area popular for nightlife. A new york Apartment Fire left at least twelve people dead including a one year old baby four others were critically injured more than one hundred seventy five has battled the place in the bronx neighborhoods the cause of the fire is unclear and made the mayor of new york says it could have been was. This. Is the worst fire tragedy we have seen in this city in at least a quarter century because of f. D. A. And wise Quick Response based on the information we have now at least twelve people were rescued and will survive but the. Search of the building continues. So we know that even though its horrible report that twelve are dead or are dead already we may lose others as well greece which already has huge unemployment is struggling to find jobs for refugees one has been made worse off to some in countries refuse to resettle some of them but one great thinks refugees could help crease his feeble economy lawrence lee reports. Language class for this group of refugees in northern greece jason from it live in syria has decided to seek asylum here that will need greek anyway because hell be here for months or even years so slow is the bureaucracy. Jason said he wants to study and maybe become a hairdresser. But hes open to suggestions for work. Across his country similar scenes are happening the rest of europe has decided the greece can cope more or less greece has got a big problem the economist on the whole more than forty percent youth unemployment and at the same time greece is having to deal with the brunt of the refugee influx and the european quota system for sharing the mouse has fallen apart completely so is the big question if theres not enough jobs for greeks and what to expect refugees to do. In the absence of any other bright ideas some people here have decided to celebrate the new arrivals farmer demetrius makes some dried tomatoes and grows herbs but he has a problem his village like hundreds of others has shrunk by half since the economic crisis as the young people moved away their empty houses here waiting for families to move in to breathe new life into the community hed love nothing more than refugees from rural syria to help him out you think you can help each other yes if theyre if you just want to stay here we can do it many thinks look at that so the idea came from a local organization working with refugees it argues that greeces economic crisis could be partly solved by the refugee influx not cheap labor but cooperative farms giving the new arrivals an economic stake and encourage them to stay refugees that used to be in. Their original country or they have experience in farming we think that they can also assist the locals and the locals can assist then and in developing a future for both in the camps its becoming clear what happens when refugees cant access the jobs market a groups are warning of a huge spike in drug abuse by refugees stuck for years in a shipping container cannabis is sold alongside fruit on the road side of the noses of the police of the camp male refugees telling their bodies has become common as well they are buying the drugs they are the ones that have a some people using headline also or. In their camp and they are just because theyre plants and just because you dont have any hope they. Hear these last life of. Their life. You dont have any hope. Many greeks here claim refugees get special treatment while theyre left to suffer in poverty and their life in the camps hardly looks generous there are apparently no greeks to work the fields in these agricultural lands and grow the economy its only one idea but maybe theyre starting to realize you can make a virtue out of a crisis barnsley aljazeera in the increase. So has had on aljazeera a look ahead to see what could be in store for the Trump Administration next years u. S. Midterm elections. Hello and welcome to the International Weather forecast now to take a look at the weather across europe through friday weve got the front across eastern areas you know says southerly winds so temperatures on the rise for ukraine for instance there are nine degrees in kiev but low pressure pushing into wards the u. K. And western parts of europe is going to give some heavy rain and indeed some heavy snowfall in areas to certainly as we get on through into software is that he went to a few minutes with him on across more Western Areas but again weve got more heavy snow for across the alps really has been exceptional start to the season here states that front moves further away towards the east and a slight drop in temperatures behind it and the circulation around parts of greece and into turkey could do some heavy rain at times on the other side of the mediterranean the winds are quite brisk along the coast of north africa some showers through the gulf of sirte karo looking at russia be quiet weather conditions temperatures just around about the twenty twenty one degree mark into central parts of africa still picking up some showers or congo too otherwise across much of the region for west africa weather conditions looking dry and fine nice day in Lagos Nigeria with highs of thirty more so than there is still some heavy rain across some be zimbabwe and along the east coast of madagascar highs of twenty five in. Hello again youre watching aljazeera has a reminder of our top stories this hour u. S. President donald trump has accused china of violating u. N. Sanctions against north korea by not cutting off oil supplies to pyongyang the u. S. Treasury has released satellite images that appear to show chinese ships transferring congo to north korean vessels china denies the accusations. Liberias Election Commission says former football star george way has won the president ial runoff where defeated Vice President joseph cohen will take over from Ellen Johnson sirleaf next month. And a new york Apartment Fire has killed at least twelve people including a one year old baby four others were critically injured more than one hundred seventy five feiss were on the scene in the bronx neighborhood the cause is unclear. More than six years ago japan shut down all its Nuclear Reactors off the fukushima disaster now the government is going ahead with plans to bring them back to life on wednesday it cleared to react as if the Worlds Largest Nuclear Power plant was a kike cairo cairo up in total fourteen reactors across the country have been given the green light to be restarted it may say good is until all of them can operate because it requires an approval from local governments and theres strong opposition to the plan sean bernie as a Senior Nuclear specialist with greenpeace and joins us via skype from glasgow good to have you with us so is the public right to be nervous about this plant reopening i mean even with all the Safety Measures in place can tepco prevent another fukushima like disaster. The simple answer is nobody can correct. The public in niigata which is on the sea japan coast the overwhelming majority are opposed to the restart of the question was attacking reactors even before these reactors were built in the one nine hundred seventy s. And one nine hundred eighty s. It was known that the seismic conditions the geology of the site was highly vulnerable to major earthquakes in fact they had to go forty meters to reach bedrock for the foundations of those reactors and there are twenty one seismic fault lines running close to or through the actual Nuclear Plant site so yes the public in niigata but also across japan are still very strongly opposed to restarting Nuclear Power in japan they do think it will restart and we did an analysis earlier this year which looked at tepco as Business Plan tepco is the owner of the fukushima site but also the owner of these reactors basically theyre absolutely desperate to restart at least to the two new u. S. Reactors unit six and seven they shut down in two thousand and eleven in two thousand and twelve their analysis was that we could restart by twenty nineteen our analysis is that theres no prospects of those two reactors we starting at least the four and twenty twenty one the simple reason is that the governor of the region heigho yama he was elected on a mandate recently investigate the Nuclear Plant site and he came out shortly after his election which was a big surprise to techno to see that he was opposed to restarting until there are enough full investigation as to the actual causes and consequences of the fukushima accident so the prospects are they may have given approval but those reactors are not going to restart anytime soon and why is tepco so desperate to restart them. Simple reason you mentioned the number of reactors approved two are through the region agency in japan actually only four reactors are operating there were fifty four in two thousand dollar took your trip has no reactors operating and therefore has no income generation from its reactor fleet the only prospects are for cash was akhi talk really that would generate perhaps around two billion dollars per year in profit protect you but theyre looking at a bill a financial bill of the fukushima accident of at least four some would even same perhaps ten billion per annum over the coming decades so that the basically the economic issue the needs of those reactors to restart if they have any prospects of finding some funding to take over the submission of eighty accident i just pray they were looking at lots of pictures and focus post two thousand and eleven tsunami and its absolutely decimated whats the situation there now. Still an ongoing crisis in fact that the government has not lifted the emergency and there are tens of thousands of people still evacuated the utility still has not found the molten fuel that six hundred tons of molten fuel that burst through the reactor Pressure Vessels in units one two and three or four million tons of highly contaminated water in storage tanks opposed to being released into the pacific by the local community its an ongoing disaster and were nearly seven years in but this will go on for decades ok sean bernie great speak to thanks very much for taking time to join us there from glasgow on the. Well u. S. Politics is the subtext this time and also hes looking ahead at the major stories we expect to see and twenty eighteen midterm elections in june and they could have a major impact on Donald Trumps presidency up for grabs all seats in the u. S. House of representatives and a third of the senate the president supports. Donald trump as a lower Approval Rating than any other president in modern times at this point in their first terms of office and thats bad news for members of congress in his own Republican Party as they face the november twenty eighth teen midterm elections works its very helpful to have a popular president at the top of the ticket but with this point in pro rating and only one in thirty years im not sure how much of a plus donald trump will be disservice faction with trump and the unpopularity of his tax cut legislation which is seen to benefit the wealthy has created a big Enthusiasm Gap between republican and democratic voters that was vividly on display in recent elections when a democrat won the virginia governors race and even more so when democrats turned out in large numbers to help the Democrat Doug Jones eke out a narrow win over accused child molester roy moore in the senatorial race in conservative alabama democrats are fired up we saw some significant Electoral Movement particularly among africanamericans a solid constituency for the Democratic Party but we werent sure that they would be enthusiastic in both of those contests they were very enthusiastic and the other group that weve been looking at in particular are White College graduates who see many of whom seem very disenchanted with. Many analysts believe democrats have a good chance of taking control of the house of representatives. Winning the senate is more difficult for democrats because many of them are defending seats in states which voted republican last year but even control of one house of congress would allow democrats to block trumps legislative agenda for the rest of his cerm ending in twenty twenty overshadowing the entire political scene is the investigation by special counsel Robert Muller of russian meddling in the twenty sixteen president ial election if mohler is able to show collusion between the Trump Campaign and the kremlin it would be a political bombshell and a disaster for the president and his party robert oulds Al Jazeera Los Angeles but our series continues on sas they were me visit some ball play two thousand and eighteen will be a significant question that but how much change should we expect well bring you that story from harare. The u. S. Embassy in ankara says its lifted all restrictions on Visa Services ending a two month round between the u. S. And turkey as turkey has met all assurances that local u. S. Embassy staff would be detained or arrested us stopped issuing visas in turkey after two Staff Members were detained. At the consulate in istanbul apple has issued an online apology to customers following weeks of anger over intentionally slowing down to i phones the tech giant says the slowdown is to preserve the life of degrading batteries a hostile reaction from customers has led to several class action lawsuits against the Company Apple is now offering a discount for replacement batteries larry magid is a Technology Analyst in california he things handed the situation badly. It seems to me that they should have been forthcoming at the very beginning before they even slow down the phone they should say we want to slow down your phone because its going to help you preserve battery life its going to avoid potential crash it is that ok and most people would probably say yes i would rather have a slow phone than a dead phone and so it actually was a feature not a bug but the way they handle it was so poor that i actually want to becoming almost a crisis for the company but if you have an old phone with an old battery you can expect erratic behavior that is the nature of the Battery Technology they degrade over time so apple is right that older phones with older batteries are likely to hear through all that run for as long and potentially crash unexpectedly so thats not the problem thats just the nature of the technology the problem of where they handled it in check i dont know what people said i know i would have said yes slow my phone down in exchange for not crashing and i would have rushed out and bought a new phone or a new battery and i think the way apple with the ultimately have to live by making the batteries relatively cheap twenty nine dollars does pretty much solve the problem for most people but they irritated a lot of people in the process more than one in one hundred women worldwide suffer from hair loss but some are finding new and inventive ways of talent in the stigma of baldness for about money but one woman whos using her skull to showcase traditional hannah not kony said bell has been battling the skin disease the let her have falling out in large clumps but instead of hiding a head in hats wicks the School Teacher in kata is celebrating her baldness with hannah im embracing it im embracing my boss because this is what i havent you have to work with what you have and i feel like in a way thats what makes me unique. And different can each was diagnosed with alopecia more than ten years ago the auto immune illness can cause total head loss and affects one in every one hundred people it doesnt matter if you have hair of your dont have air you see hannah is one part of a process of reconvening her confidence but getting to the stage has been an uphill struggle in the beginning it was very painful to get the needles in moscow but you get used to it after a while. As i would get them once a month the hair will grow back and then it was start to fall out again and then it will grow back henna has been used as a natural type of body art for thousands of hears and is often painted on paper for celebrations such as birthdays a weddings this has a crown. Is a symbol of her unique identity and she now wants inspire others from other patients suffer of the Cancer Patients to do the same the american hair so c. H. And says four out of ten had no supper as are women around seven million americans are also affected but Little Research has been done to find out why. Society has forced women to suffer in silence it is considered far more acceptable for men to go through the same hair loss process. Which. You know. Usually. Its very much a rouge alopecia sufferers all Cancer Patients having chemotherapy in kata can turn ten knots the head the artist is making baldness a thing of beauty to see how customers confidence once they applied to him on her head she was taking filthy and she is sending all the oil to her friends its its its made me cry. Denise is the next step to where her new crown with pride at walk and challenge the stigma a female baldness head all. The more about a man the aljazeera. Youre watching out is there are these are the top stories u. S. President all trump has accused china of violating u. N. Sanctions against north korea by not causing off oil supplies to pyongyang u. S. Treasury has released satellite images that appear to show chinese ships transferring call go to north korean vessels china denies the accusations. By bear is Election Commission says former football star george where one the president ial runoff where defeated Vice President as a more takeover from Ellen Johnson sirleaf next month. At least fifteen people have been killed and dozens more injured in a fire in the indian city of mumbai it happened late at night and a restaurant the fire spread quickly throughout the four Story Building in an area popular with nightclubs. And in a new york Apartment Fire twelve people have been killed including a one year old baby four others were critically injured more than seven hundred seventy five fighters battled the blaze in the bronx neighborhood and the cause of that blaze is unclear. This is the worst fire tragedy we have seen in this city in at least a quarter century because of f. D. R. And was Quick Response based on the information we have now at least twelve people were rescued and will survive but the. Search of the building continues. So we know that even though its horrible report that twelve are dead or are dead already we may lose all of those as well the u. S. Embassy in ankara says its lifted all restrictions on Visa Services ending a two month route between the u. S. And turkey is that all assurances that local u. S. Embassy staff wont be detained or arrested the u. S. Stopped issuing visas in turkey up to two members were detained in october at the consulate in istanbul and apple is this is an online apology to customers after weeks of anger over intentionally slowing down old i phones the tech giant says the slowdown is to preserve the life of degrading batteries apples now offering a discount for replacement batteries. Those are your headlines im back with another full news bulletin head on aljazeera thats after inside story. In a country where parents often pick who you will marry falling in love can have serious consequences one on one east meets the men risking their lives to protect indias young lovers one east at this time on aljazeera. Race to the red sea china israel you am the us are just a few of the countries building already have bases in the region now turkey is the latest to that group so why the growing interest in the red sea this is inside story. Welcome to the program hushabye

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