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A court in the United States and walburga was charged with taking bribes in exchange for the award of marketing and media rights to International Soccer matches or walked free just days after two other south american officials were convicted on similar charges those are the headlines news continues here on aljazeera after the listening post keep it or. Witness documentaries that open your eyes at this time on aljazeera. I take it every time i felt like it and well i think a lot. Of the time i can say if i. Want to know my particular. Hello im Richard Geres virt and youre watching a special edition of the listening post coming to you from Rio De Janeiro brazil is more than two years into a series of political crises that have already led to the downfall of one government that of former president Dilma Rousseff and may well topple another led by current president michel tam there where in rio rather than the capital brasilia because as many people here will tell you this is where the real power lies in brazil. Because rio is where you will find the headquarters of hedge a global the biggest most powerful media conglomerate in south america a News Organization with the kind of influence that media barons like Rupert Murdoch in the u. S. And Great Britain or Silvio Berlusconi in italy can only dream of in addition to global were going to look at the quarter g. T. V. The second Biggest Network in the country whose owner also founded a church that claims almost two million followers in brazil and eight million worldwide. Well examine broadcasting regulations in brazil which compared to other countries are slack less regulation means fewer rules not an ideal recipe for responsible journalists and ultimately well look at the issue of diversity who gets on brazilian t. V. Not just the news side but also the entertainment sector for a country in which more than half the population can trace its roots to africa most of the time the broadcast output looks a little whacked the media matter and while the ongoing political power struggles racking brazil began with a case of state corruption the socalled car wash scandal brazilian news outlets starting with global have played a Critical Role in this story and its political aftermath. There is a company that has one model the media has become a political player that is powerful enough to influence public opinion. Over the last ten to fifteen years the media took a very clear point positions against the government somehow my audience might have. Been off and the country became divided into between a c. Supported previous government and those who didnt want it to remain in power. For you. Know it was good though that put thousands and thousands of people in the streets to demonstrate against president dilma dont think. A lot of money. Thats politically not journalistic it acted like a political party. At the summit of the brazilian media all of darkie stand the marine neos the richest family in the country and the owners of Global Global conglomerate beings out programming nationwide from the amazon in the north to falls in the south and its flagship newscast nasional. Is an Agenda Setting broadcasting institution. And global is more than a national t. V. Network in addition to its one hundred twenty two regionally affiliated t. V. Stations you dont Radio Networks and a twenty four hour news channel it distributes other broadcasters channels on its own satellite in addition to owning the newspapers that gave the company its start back in one nine hundred twenty five theres a well known political maxim here in brazil that sums up just how powerful how influential global has become it goes like this if global doesnt show it it didnt happen or not. You know is without any doubt the highest quality news program in the country it is also extremely conservative both politically and socially there are also numerous examples of politicians having time specific decisions and speeches so that they might appear on journalists who are listening at day what are you not about out daughters of you might get interest picked up in total discipline. Them it. Remains the most Significant National media power associated with political power now. One doesnt fancy that may actually consider for a moment that only fifty percent of brazilians have Internet Access and that the remaining fifty percent of the poorest of the population you can understand why television has become the most Important Information Service Global is the most significant economic and political player in the industry not only because its the most watched and hardest reaching but also because its the media group that has been most favored by the brazilian state throughout history is a little over the systolic. Global in the military government that took power in brazil in n one nine hundred sixty four cool had a symbiotic relationship global back that coup and supported the military dictatorship right through until nine hundred eighty five bus the only need to do is read the headlines of the old global newspaper from the days following the coup. They were celebrating the fool of a Constitutional Government of an elected government they supported the coup. I dont like in a moment of the military government they support behind me to keep the still growing and they facilitated that partly by providing public funds and partly by not amazing anyone for going to concentration of ownership but as you know better than the famed begs me is this in two thousand and thirteen almost thirty years after the end of military rule global apologized for back in the cool but not for its coverage of the regime but for the better and yes mr g. Has for you wagered a whopping hit that jimmy would have you sell to something what and global produced some of its most infamous journalism juror in that twenty one year period in january nine hundred eighty four hundreds of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of sao paolo demanding a return to democracy global could not ignore the story but instead of reporting the facts it told its viewers that what they were watching was a celebration fest they. Also squabble samples it think than a school my is ticking and thats all any of that just. In one nine hundred eighty nine in brazils First National election in more than two decades a debate took place between globals favored candidate sort of nando politics and the leftist candidate Lula Da Silva actually there were two debates the one that really happened one and the version globo edited heavily and put on the air this virus is good the way the debate was edited was one of the biggest scandals in Brazilian Television history. It showed the best of caloric and the worst of lula is done with any luck today he spoils that theres this strain is almost for me as is my sisters after some times global owners became disenchanted with caloric and so they campaigned to get him impeached of all. Book. Its not a new club or it is also true of all the other Mainstream Media groups being aligned historically with politically conservative interests that defend the status quo or supporting the interests of the dominant elite in brazil if you make a historical analysis they continue to act the same representing the same interests as lives. Thats what Many Brazilians saw in the movement that brought down president Dilma Rousseff last year global and other like minded media groups campaigning to overthrow a democratically elected government. In this case the. Counter move against Media Outlets with political agendas was born globals reporters in the field were confronted with accusations of backing a coup. But a gold in portuguese zone undoable the stuff but at the same time a term that was popularized Media Outlets were called in pensacola paestum which translates to party of the proclaimed press. Brazils powerful media monopolies have grown into what they are largely because of a regulatory vacuum there is no broadcast regulator here which is extraordinary for a country of this size theres no law preventing politicians from owning Media Outlets so many of them many countries ban media across ownership the same proprietor owning multiple Media Outlets in the same market again brazil has no such law in fact the closest thing to a lawyer regulating the media in this country was passed more than half a century ago london sixty three. It was. Because thats the way global words every turn away a Brazilian Congress tried to change that had his character assassinated by globe there is no law the law is whatever global wants to do. This issue the possibility of regulation i was raised in brazil a few years ago you know what the reaction was for libya they said this was tantamount to censorship they saw the idea that the government wanted to censor the media so sooner they have issued a little less so in the media. To the who will argue that the middle is moggi book to go with the other promptly if you want to be able to go as other peoples groups alone thats the argument used by the groups who oppose regulation cuse anyone who wants to enlist the conflict of trying to censor the content there is a provision in the brazilian constitution that says that media cannot be a monopoly or an oligopoly in fact if that had ever been written into regulation we wouldnt be in the situation we find ourselves to the power of course to some little constitution prohibits politicians from controlling broadcasters but theres no legislation to enforce that so there are forty politicians in brazil who directly own radio and t. V. Stations youre the mare of a city and you also in the main newspaper radio or t. V. Station he use the media to remain in power or you reach power and then you are quiet Media Outlets and use what should be a Public Service for your own political battle so beneficial political kissing to the face of what sense does it make these days to feel broadcasting with rules when at the same time you have the internet and heaps of unregulated content regulation does not keep up with the evolution of technology that makes no sense saying that the system is dominated by one party pointing and saying they are but that network has forty percent of the market of course someone is always going to be first and someone will always come last it doesnt make sense to regulate television when you can go online and see whatever you want to let you get a little in deal murder. Had not the political courage. To face will they see that they didnt have the political and senses of the political power to do that but it was then when duma was kicked out of power they recognized that he had made the grade is too but is it going to. Happen is it going to do more who said they blinked and ruble kicked in. We contacted globo to give the company a chance to respond to its critics it chose not to global does have its competitors all of them owned by wealthy families or individuals however plurality in media ownership here has failed to deliver a plurality of views media owners in brazil are without exception white and conservative they compete for audiences but do so mostly from the same political and social points of view as you dip it into me will see brazil did not even have a publicly owned t. V. Broadcaster until ten years ago when Dilma Rousseff predecessor the our forementioned Lula Da Silva was president he created a v. C. Over the objections of private media owners having got it start decades after its competitors a. B. C. Has a lot of catching up to do its ratings are microscopic less than a one percent share when it was launched conservatives called the b. C. T. V. They cant even do that anymore last year president to mayor appointed one of his political allies to run the channel one organization the change the ownership formula on the private side of the t. V. Network called her. Its owner is a billionaire a deer in the sado doubles as a Church Bishop he is the founder of the Universal Church of the kingdom of god one of brazils biggest evangelical churches and one of the Fastest Growing churches of its kind anywhere in the world this is the results for. Televangelism the use of t. V. Channels by religious figures to reach new audiences got its start in the one nine hundred ninety s. Various churches like macedo rented airtime on conventional channels like a quarter g. T. V. In my feet then they do this then a little see the televangelists saw their congregations grow and raked in more and more donations by nine hundred eighty nine macedo no longer needed to read air time by the hour he and his church had the financial muscle to buy her out right yeah yeah you can guess what happens next when you have a t. V. Network you have power at their must say though isnt in government but he has power because he has a t. V. Network he speaks to millions of people. So Anyone Running for election in brazil has no choice but to ask for the blessings over at that my saved on the other premature because they speak to a huge number of people who are all voters so then everyone goes to kiss every mustard not just the right we are to be left at the left to educate it is this other oh its when aether must say though and the Universal Church acquired it caused the Chain Reaction from then on a race was established in brazil among other churches to also get t. V. Stations but the economic crisis private Television Channels increased the practice of renting out airtime to religious groups who can pay so the crisis has ended up pushing private television into the arms of these churches this past discourse so by god and the discourse spread by many of these religious leaders is very hostile to those of african editors to womens rights march the one who was never been slow as. Well. But i feel like you dont. Specifically has criminalized after brazilian religions portraying them as devils. Some groups have actually won legal cases against her courts forcing them to broadcast programs which these delusions whitmarsh. I feel. I can categorically say that pentecostal evangelical churches are the pinnacle of extreme right wing reactionary attitudes in brazil today. One might think that brazils church owned or affiliated t. V. Channels would not have that much in common with global and other purely for martial outlets however the content isnt all that different. The programming is just as loud women are objectified in much the same way and whether the channel is owned by a businessman in a pinstripe suit or someone broadcasting from an electronic pulp it the politics tend to follow the same laws its a little bit of a brazilian and doesnt want to lose a single centimeter of its privilege its a very selfish elite and im not even talking about a political event im talking about the truly which is positioned well above this and yes what im talking about is the people who own the mainstream. Then there are the twin issues of diversity and the picture fifty four percent of the brazilian population is of african descent you can see the legacy of the slave trade in the faces here brazil was the last country in the western world to abolish slavery it did so in eight hundred eighty eight twenty years after the us today but despite the fact that more than half this country has african roots you may have noticed that almost all of the faces that you have seen so far in the clips that weve shown you from Brazilian Television either Corporate Media or religious channels have one thing in common theyre white. If you turn on the t. V. In brazil there are hardly any. Black actors or presenters hardly any black journalists this is across all of the mainstream channels we are not seen there the images ability of black people in spaces of power is a clarion call to get what you think about it. Just go to the newsroom of any newspaper or television station and look at the journalists working there almost all of them are white so the coverage of black people on television or in the brazilian news must go through the hands and the work of the white journalist. Yellow here for this kind of television reinforces stereotypes of the time it reinforces the myth as racial democracy and that everyone has rights and equality and everything is ok to them etc. So when certain issues are covered for example when we try to raise the issue of black genocide that every twenty minutes a young black person is murdered in brazil how does it end up being portrayed its always shootouts in the pacific and the criminals were killed and it isnt even an attitude that serves to inform the public of the fact in brazil a country that was the last in the world to abolish slavery which was. The depiction of that brazilian reality does not just occur in news programming the same can be seen on the entertainment side and the brazilian soap operas known as telling of telling novellas are an integrity part of the brazilian media storm for reasons both social and financial a successful tele novella will capture huge audiences routinely in the tens of millions their plot twists will drive everyday conversation in brazil the banking was bought for the networks producing them all of which faced the economic challenges born of the digital revolution telling novellas are still cash cows one of them globals ave to brazil reportedly delivered the address. Of about one billion dollars. And telling novellas have something the brazilian news programs do not they have International Reach globals flagship newscast jordan now nasional dominates domestic news ratings here but relatively few people outside brazil will ever see tele novellas are an export industry of a need of brazil has been transmitted in one hundred thirty countries in one thousand languages in that respect telling novellas are the face that brazil shows to the world and much like the countrys newscasters the faces that get shown are nothing less than a mis representation of what brazil really is because again theyre mostly white be it less than an over in the soap operas of brazils we have a rich world a happy world a white world what is it that a soap opera does it enters the general publics home and tells a child who is still growing up what they are not going to be. The places they cannot reach brazilian private television does this every day every day she is a bit of that put as. An example in adaptations of books in which the main characters are black when they make them into t. V. The custom is white e. G. Kenya duplicated. So my skin after cheers and when he asks why did you put a white actor to play the role of a black character this is it doesnt make a difference and this has happened in some very famous in brazil in the past like the south or the sleet and she came. Out of the exhibit him oh gave huge a need to know. This is. This cat was not here it may not happen today because now we have a platform where we are able to protest this is the internet we can make some noise fines or just put more into prison after a lot of pressure from the black museum. And you can see in it a by little black act is gaining leading roles in soap operas. Which you can see. Minute on these crusades however it is an illusion to them that placing a black person on television solves the problem the way that black people to try to most of the Mainstream Media follows underage atomizes the Structural Racism that we have in brazil for kilmore the banks the city because the successful well the well that works is whites and then when the commercials come on a white person comes along as the representative of buying power of acquisitive power what it. Should say. And then afterwards when the news comes on theres a black person robbing theres a black person being arrested but if its going to see him for who we shant be able to ask you to do so every day private television in brazil attacks brazilians it would miss foot tsunami and finally back to global and the story of the brazilian t. V. Beauty queen just as examples of media malpractise in this country go it is nowhere near the worst but it is revealing. The title global laser was created by global its a beauty contest tied to its coverage of brazils annual carnival that word which some say has its roots in the word meaning is considered racist a word loaded with colonial connotations chosen by global for a beauty contest a stance oblio held to celebrate racial integration viewers get to vote for the global ace and two thousand and fourteen marked a first the winner. Was dark skinned and on the stake of lee blah blah. Blah and. Now i am. Not everyone approved online trolls call just you know. A darkie a few months later. Globo had just you know replaced it set the results of the vote aside and simply picked another woman gobo insisted that its decision had nothing to do with skin color the choice came down to artistic fitness for the role it said artistic merit prevailed. The woman global picked to replace just you know had african roots as well but her skin tone is much lighter and as one of the countrys relatively few news readers of african descent will tell you in the brazilian media racial integration has its limits you know somewhat im a black woman but i have a skin tone that is a little lighter and i can say that i am privileged in this because the doggy your skin is like the more you have to suffer in brazil that they just didnt because. It was an official whitening policy in brazil the initiative that brought european immigrants here after the abolition of slavery was not accidental it was done in order to whiten the population because they believed that within two hundred lose there would be no more blacks in brazil these issues but were still here in this country which still denies its african origins and which runs on the idea that the whiter the better than the christology. In a way the story of that beauty queen typifies the way global sees brazil back in one thousand nine hundred sixty four the Network Supported a military coup that brought down a government brazilians had voted for two years ago global called its viewers on to the streets to help depose another democratically elected government global is not even above overturning a public vote for a beauty queen if the choice of the people fails to align with the Networks Idea of who should represent brazil. Youve been watching a special edition of our program on the brazilian media who they are who they are not and the influence they wield in this the worlds fifth most populous country with you next time youre listening. The offense being a journalist the crime practicing journalism. The same detained for three hundred sixty five days without charge. Journalism is not a crime Mahmoud Hussein is not a criminal. Free Mahmoud Hussein. A convict is like a god who created things shunning alchemy and Building Full glory yes i mean larry shifts her attention to the disaster stricken regions of pakistan and building upon traditional techniques and people with the knowledge needed to sustain the society. To take the traditional future at this time sierra. Im Richelle Carey and lets take a look at the top stories on aljazeera counting is underway after a

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