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No im Maryanne Demasi and london youre watching aljazeera also coming up. In a russian response to a u. S. Decision to provide arms to ukraine saying it could lead to new bloodshed in the war torn east. Burying the dead funerals in gaza for some of those killed in the ongoing protests of u. S. Recognition of jerusalem as israels capital. From a well footballer of the year george wiss stages a Major Campaign rally as he bids to become liberias next president. Well than a hundred people a feared dead in the philippines from flooding and landslides caused by Tropical Storm tembin most of the casualties were on the island of mindanao dozens of people a still missing. Now reports flash floods and mudslides brought on by Tropical Storm time the towns of to go on mindanao island the philippines second largest have been devastated dozens of homes are destroyed and rescue workers fear the number of casualties will rise. We really want to go straight now every day to figure out we can give help to so many people that are really there a day at the height of the storm winds of up to eighty kilometers an hour uprooted trees and triggered torrents of mud and rock from a nearby mountain volunteers are digging with whatever they can to try and recover bodies power cuts and the loss of communication lines have hampered rescue efforts and that there is a they said ok theyre out there not to rush and the areas pretty wide its not just in one province but in several provinces show we are having a hard time getting them to communicate why there are areas that may have been affected last week forty six people were killed in the central philippines in a similar storm the philippines is hit by around two dozen major cyclons each year on average many of them deadly but mindanao island home to twenty Million People is rarely hit the region is still recovering from type which killed more than seven thousand people and affected millions in two thousand and thirteen and while the worst of storm tendon has passed it will take a long time before this area recovers indios time zero. Rushes one the u. S. Is encouraging new bloodshed in Eastern Ukraine by providing weapons to kiev the u. S. Says it will give kevin haas defensive capabilities to defend against pro russian separatists the conflict in Eastern Ukraine is claim more than ten thousand lives since two thousand and fourteen tom ackerman reports. Missile strikes hit a small town in Eastern Ukraine damaging homes a school and Medical Clinic in ukraine blamed the attack this week on pro russian separatists civilians caught in the middle of a three year long conflict. The us has strongly opposed what he calls russian aggression in Eastern Ukraine blaming the moscow government for violence that has claimed more than ten thousand lives and displaced one point seven Million People. Now it will provide weapons to help ukraine defend itself the state department announcing the u. S. Has decided to provide ukraine and hants defensive capabilities as part of our effort to help ukraine build its long term defense capacity to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity and to deter further aggression the forty seven Million Dollar weapon fact age which congress is expected to approve includes more than two hundred antitank missiles and thirty five launchers as well as light arms. U. S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson has said russias occupation of crimea which the u. S. Wants to return to your grain is a major stumbling block in relations between moscow and washington the issue that stands in the way is ukraine. We can have differences in other arenas in syria we can have differences in other areas but when one country invades another that is a different set its hard to look past. Or to reconcile it with a this clear to russia for the very beginning that we must address ukraine that saying it stands as a single most difficult obstacle to renormalizing a relationship with russia which we badly would like to do he blamed russia for continuing violence in the done yet region the Trump Administration decision marking a reversal from Barack Obamas resistance to supplying lethal equipment deal crane i think its not logical and size zero. Zero. Zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero. Zero. Zero. Zero zero zero zero zero one zero zero zero zero and both of russias response a warning that the u. S. Decision will embolden key have in the conflict and only increased the use of force tom Ackerman Al Jazeera washington. Well russian president putin says moscow is not seeking conflict with anyone but will stand up for its interests who can spoke at a conference of the Ruling United Russia Party which has pledged it supports in next years president ial election who to new is registered as an independent candidate is expected to win a fourth term as president. Well now in all the top stories protest as a forward Israeli Security forces in the town of bethlehem just two days ahead of christmas theyre angry at u. S. President Donald Trumps decision to recognize jerusalem as israels capital as any forces fired tear gas to trying to spurs the crowd some of whom were dressed as santa claus human Rights Groups have called for the israeli authorities to stop using what i calling Excessive Force three palestinians have now died in the space of two days after being shot by Israeli Forces a total of fourteen palestinians have been killed since the protests began on december sixth malcolm webb has more now from gaza. This the fear. Im a bass in was four years old was the latest people to die in the. Declaration on the sixth of the semi the jerusalem will be recognized by the west was because they say. He was among the protesters who for three fridays in the way was going through the day we have the friends in the woods around. To demonstrate trying to pounce palestinian flags throw stones and the price asked is each friday ive been met with some gunfire a little tear gas cried back by the israelis. The stuff in the jerusalem deserves second fires from our people and we confirm that its our eternal capital and that neither tribal or anyone else can change that our people will continue fighting for our rights until we stablish our independent state of palestine with jerusalem as the capital of photos and they also mccourts to show that. Its no move for the political factions an arm wings to sponsor the funerals of the people that are being killed in the protests this one sponsored by the armed wing of fox but no opportunities lost to make a political statement at a show of strength. The ministry well says mood in ten people are being killed since the onrush began oh and no need is the way past any infractions of crude for the price s. To continue speaking just a short while ago here in gaza the leader of hamas. Was of the Palestinian Resistance in the right. Side so theres no sign of any political factions giving up anytime soon the u. S. President donald trump is praising the United Nations Security Council from posing tough new song. On north korea in the latest attempt to force north korea to abandon its Nuclear Weapons and missile programs the resolution includes measures to cut most of pyongyangs practical imports in a tweet mr trump said the vote proved the world wants peace not death north korea is already on the u. S. U. N. And e. U. Sanctions after several Nuclear Missile tests this year well the new sanctions are aimed at cutting deliveries of refined petrol products by nearly ninety percent all north koreans working abroad will have to return home within two years they wont be able to send foreign currency back home either theyll be a bag on exports of north korean goods like machinery and Electrical Equipment and theyll also be a crackdown on ships smuggling banned goods aimed at preventing the transport of coal and oil well south korea is saying that it supports the sanctions but insists that dialogue with the north remains essential florence lou reports from seoul. South korea says it welcomes this latest round of sanctions calling its an indication the world will not tolerate north Koreas Nuclear Development Program relations between the two koreas are at their lowest point in decades previous south korean administrations have taken a more hardline approach when it came to dealing with north korea but president mungy in who came into office in may leans more towards the liberal side so hes stressing dialogue as the way forward now south korea is also due to host the Winter Olympics in february and its keen to not do anything to heighten tensions on the Korean Peninsula ticket sales for the event have so far been slow with concerns that the the security situation is keeping spectators away so while south korea supports International Pressure on north korea in the form of sanctions it says dialogue has to be the way forward now how its north korea likely to respond to this latest round of sanctions while in the past north koreas previously third that sanctions will only have the effect of hardening its resolve and accelerating its Nuclear Program in august when the un s. C. When the u. N. Security Council Voted to ban north korean exports of coal i n n seafood among other things it responded with testing a Hydrogen Bomb in september when the u. N. Security Council Passed another round of sanctions in september north korea launched a missile test in november and we havent yet had any official reaction from north korea but we can expect a statement perhaps in a day or two put out through official state media we can also expect to hear from north Korean Leader kim jong un himself whos made it a tradition to deliver a new years day speech. Liberias president ial candidate george with held a Campaign Rally head of the countrys runoff on tuesday former world footballer of the year will at the first round of polling in october with thirty eight percent of the vote is main challenger is the current Vice President joseph because i the runoff vote had been delayed because of a Court Challenge by the third place candidate the winner will replace Ellen Johnson sirleaf who was president of liberia for twelve years and im going to do reports now from monrovia. Kundu dates in liberias run of president ial elections in a last minute hunt for votes here at the some old bowl stadium in monrovia supporters of george weah form a in Time National football have got that they see him as a man who can bring hope and change to this country one of the poorest in the world where hostile himself as a mom who is pro poor and i was promised the people of liberia so many things from Infrastructure Development to improvement in the question on health care yes the can a former wife will exclude all these countries Charles Taylor dewalt ala as his running mate perhaps to get the votes off a section of liberians who still goes for Charles Taylor hes facing joseph more kind the current Vice President the man who was on the Ellen Johnson sirleaf the first elected female president in africa just a bookcase currently complaining in brutal liberia and the styles himself as the come to date of transition the month most qualified to take over from president Ellen Johnson sirleaf however the for outgoing president also has not given how boxing to have Vice President and instead chosen to georgia where this elections are crucial to liberia it will be the first time in forty four years but there will be a constant transfer of power. And watching out there and much more to tell you about this. The agonizing wait for reunions we need a has eighty families stranded in greece who spent years apart from their loved ones in germany. And has diplomatic relations with the u. S. Turns out this Cuban Dance Company is taking back the american terrorists in stride. Welcome back as we look at weather conditions across parts of southern and eastern china and through towards taiwan is generally looking pretty good at the moment for a few showers on the coast of vietnam but nothing on toward hanoi so should be dry and fine and as you move through to monday not a great to change a lot of clouds but it should stay a draw and fine so lets head further towards the west and across the south asia weather conditions here generally also fine to see some patchy clouds weve got visibility problems across northern parts of india much as youd expect at this time of the year small conditions in delhi and elsewhere particular cross the punjab but falling conditions expected were looking at quite pleasant conditions in chennai though twenty nine degrees and weve lost the showers for the time being across much of show like of the still a chance of some more coming back as we head on through into monday but otherwise looking fine mumbai coming in a thirty two degree celsius across into the Arabian Peninsula and here in qatar its looking beautiful again although we have got problems with Early Morning mist and folk drifting around the gulf is the time of the year last couple of weeks of december first two weeks of general fog is a mint real issue but it does tend to clear enough less elsewhere across the peninsula we have some a cloud across Northern Areas but it should be fine in mecca here respects and a high of thirty three. Underserved. Monument towards destructor pollards. Theres amid the ruins the foreign student resist. The super. Power investor child a suburb of damascus. Crumble under the march over there so its only. Part two of this time. Back with aljazeera the top stories this hour more than one hundred people are feared dead in the philippines from flooding and landslides caused by Tropical Storm tembin most of the casualties are on the island of mindanao. Russia says the u. S. Is encouraging new bloodshed in Eastern Ukraine by providing weapons to kiev. And protests have fled up in bethlehem of the u. S. Decision to recognize jerusalem as israels capital at least three palestinians have been killed in the last two days. Now the u. N. Has begun flying african refugees stranded in libya to italy more than one hundred sixty arrived on friday night as an airbase close to rome human Rights Groups have condemned the conditions and Libyan Detention Centers describing them as inhumane more flights are expected to follow. Well our plan for the next year is to resettle to third country or two of our great from libya between five thousand and ten thousand refugees well it depends on the countries which will be generous enough like italy now to offer places where we can sell direct. When i was twenty seventeen is approaching its and will be looking back at some of the biggest stories through the eyes of five families course up in them in the First Episode we talk to a family of refugees waiting to reunite with their relatives in germany arent seeing reports from now apollonia camp in northern greece compared to the squalor of the camps on the greek islands refugee life on the edge of this lake in the increase looks bearable because all is desperate with worry she lives here with her youngest son and her husband her oldest boy mahmoud is in germany with his nine year old brother. Hasnt seen them for two years and the best she can do is see their faces on her phone my son every time he get away with the with foreign war when he talked with me he got a mom when did you come to germany but its very difficult. Because all fled single in iraq four years ago but it was overrun by ice and her family has been on the move the since two years of camps in turkey before she got to the greek islands then it was athens it to many on the Macedonian Border the notorious picture camp on Mount Olympus and now here mahmoud had left them and has begun to build his own life in germany both he and his brother are in school but as he says hes having to be a parent as well as a brother. Because it has all the papers she needs to be in germany as well but she isnt and its tormenting her thats not the right for the government government gentlemen its not the right there where we have the. Right humans where we dont see the children in every every children if its in the future but i dont know why you stop with this. So this is where the new german politics is collided with the legal rights of refugees under pressure from the far right germany clamp down hard on his previously liberal policy of reunifying families during coalition because he ations right wing parties were demanding big caps on refugee numbers refugee aid groups say people have been promised they could leave greece and now not sure if they ever will i have the cases also fathers with children and the mother is in germany and the girls who are teenagers and they really need their mothers and they cannot go and the father really puts great therefore to support the children but still its not enough because it isnt alone in her camp there are more than one hundred years eve women and children all with families already in germany if palin wanted to be efficient tickets to the mall on a plane tomorrow but politics she has got in the way lawrence and others in their refugee camp not increase. And on sunday in our one year five family series a look at how the economic crisis in venezuela has impacted people. Twenty five people have been killed by as strikes in yemen according to the countrys state news agency or plays reportedly targeted a protest rally in the district of our have north of the capital sanaa its thought some of the dead were pro hoofy tribal fighters who would organize the demonstration. At least thirty three people have been killed when a bus plunged into a river in indias Northwestern State of roger stone still the driver lost control of the bus after speeding and crashed off a bridge on their way to a nearby hindu temple for pilgrimage india has one of the worlds worst road safety records if more than one hundred ten thousand people die each year in crashes. The high cost of fresh food is one of the many challenges for those living in canadas remote fun north pole temperatures a lack of sunlight and poor soil means that vegetables and fruit have to be imported from thousands of kilometers away daniel lak reports now from churchill manitoba on a scheme to make it cheaper and even profitable for communities to grow food. On the rocky shores of canadas hudson bay what is essentially an indoor farm with one crucial difference in turtle we do have soil into greenhouses bill ericson and his wife diane have been growing vegetables for forty years some inexpensive imported soil others in water pipes full of fertilizer they all know hill a passive renos we do peace being care sparkly color we call flower we dont market a lot of them and between october and may its simply too cold for Fresh Produce to survive down at the tamarac Grocery Store government subsidies are the only way that local people can afford fresh fruit and vegetables its more expensive than down south because you know simply because of the freight costs just about everything is subsidised i guess other than the dry goods which is still something that people are paying quite a bit more. Than they do dont so hundred seedlings and eight hundred mature plant nearby in a heated shipping container known as the sea can a start up called the grocer is working on a project using hydroponics chemical Nutrient Solutions pumped over the plants roots the driveby ship in late october and will be up and growing before the end of the year to have it in the see can means that it can easily be taken to places that are maybe only accessed by ship words or is the case for many northern communities. Our can be put on a train or could be you know put on the back of a truck and taken by a winter road not just portable but productive twenty four hours a day twelve months a year the container could potentially grow as much as a two had terror plot of land its estimated that could earn up to forty thousand dollars a year in profit in a part of canada where mounted tradition is more prevalent than anywhere else year round access to fresh Green Vegetables could literally change lives daniel lak aljazeera churchill manitoba footballs governing body fever says it will take all necessary steps to recover money lost in a south american Corruption Scandal and us jerry found two former officials guilty in a case that helped expose a culture of bribery and racketeering within feet able i was under reports from new york. Joe same idea but in brazil juan and hill not a part of why each was a top football official in their country and each has been found guilty of racketeering conspiracy and other charges for their roles in what prosecutors described as schemes where Sports Marketing companies funneled hundreds of millions of dollars in bribes to dozens of football officials its been called the deep a trial because both were powerful figures aligned with footballs governing body new peut was a former head of the south American Football Federation and was found guilty on three counts but not guilty on two other counts were disappointed with the verdict as you can expect it is mr not put isnt a concern if i dont. Explore options and her children are very severe but i answered an expander all very disillusioning. Might in the former head of the brazilian Football Federation was found guilty of six of the seven charges against him the fact they werent found guilty on all the charges indicates the jury at least partially believed the defense arguments that the corruption was part of a larger scheme that men were not fully involved with. Both nineteen and a puta claimed their innocence and they were the first defendants to stand trial here in new york two years after an Early Morning hotel raid in switzerland revealed that the Us Justice Department had been investigating widespread corruption within viva more than forty people have been charged in total more than half have pleaded guilty. To trial has implicated major Media Outlets accused of paying bribes to taint broadcasting rights charges they deny one former people official says a corruption drama highlights how widespread the culture of corruption is at the and the ongoing need for reform the culture that those things that he said is still the same one that. Those instances of corruption and that allowed those people to have the positions of power that the old. Prosecutors clearly feel that justice was served this was a complex trial that lasted nearly a month and it took jurors six days of deliberations to reach their verdict but its not completely over yet the third person man will berger the former head of the proven Football Federation the jury was unable to reach a verdict on him so theyll be back on tuesday to continue their deliberations gabriels on Doe Al Jazeera new york. And i want of the victims of washingtons decision to stop issuing travel visas from its embassy in cuba is a unique Dance Company as an america and as any seen human reports from havana the show must go on. Its difficult to put a label on. Its a Dance Company with very obvious spanish influence. But its not flamenco. Its much more the in the provocative movements the facial expressions something that is in fact very caribbean. This is the least of cuba Dance Company a work of art and love that began as an experiment in the opinion that miley i learned to dance ballet spanish dance in flamenco and popular cuban dances cha cha cha folklore kong and so on which i adore and the African Union dances they have their own specific music and style song and we going down the rivers i wanted to fuse all that into one result a fusion of all those types of dances into one thats what we are a mixture of all this. This fusion style has been receiving brave reviews at home and of performances in more than twenty countries its the first Cuban Company in fact to appear in the Latin Grammys but its been a struggle bearing the name and then your own when i feel that because of the way we started as an independent company many people who control the cuban state institutions dont like it because its a message that you can flourish in your own. Eventually cubas Culture Ministry agreed to provide the company a large building. Its allowed of to expand her other key project a dance school for nearly fifteen hundred children and adolescents the next generation of police cell phones and dancers the waiting list is long these eight year old practise outside before going into their class knowing theyre among the lucky ones. Since i was small i wanted to be a dancer i would say mom mom i want to dance lets upon so dance cuba school has two years ago. The School Receives the International Spotlight Award from former u. S. First Lady Michelle obama. But as always there are challenges the least of which are the handmade costumes in a way these costumes tell the twenty six year old history of this company and that includes political obstacles for example the trumpet ministrations recent decision to stop issuing visas from its embassy here in havana has forced the company to cancel planned tours to the united states. And functional and her husband got it was the companys manager take it in stride as they go through their paces prepared to take the rest of the world by storm. To see an human archer sita. A space x. Rocket has lifted off on a mission to upgrade the Worlds Largest Satellite Network the falcon nine craft was launched from californias Vandenberg Air base on friday carrying ten new satellites but it was this site in the skies over california and arizona that really got people talking a rocket created a light show is it sped through the earths atmosphere many star gazers took to social media speculating it was an alien spaceship or even a missile fired from north korea. Sixty three the top stories now more than one hundred people are feared dead in the philippines from flooding and landslides caused by Tropical Storm tembin most of the casualties of on the Southern Island of mindanao at the height of the storm winds reached up to eighty kilometers an hour many more people are still missing and rescue workers fear the number of casualties will rise. We really arent they straight every day to figure out. What help it will be so many people that are really the great go there even play their oath theyre going to rush over the areas the way that suggested one president but instead. Russia has warned the u. S. Is encouraging new bloodshed in Eastern Ukraine by providing weapons to kiev the u. S. Says it will give care of in arms defensive capabilities to defend against russian separatists the conflict in Eastern Ukraine has claimed more than ten thousand lives as two thousand and fourteen protest is a four with Israeli Security forces in the west bank town of bethlehem theyre angry at u. S. Decision to recognize jerusalem as israels capital Israeli Forces fired tear gas to try and asperse the crowd three palestinians have now been killed in the past two days of violence. Liberias president ial candidate george ware has held a Campaign Rally ahead of the countrys runoff on tuesday where a former world footballer of the year led the first round of polling october with thirty eight percent of the vote is main challenger is the current Vice President joseph because i. The un has started flying african refugees stranded in libya to italy more than one hundred sixty arrived on friday night at an airbase close to rome human Rights Groups have condemned the conditions in Libyan Detention Centers describing them as inhumane. And a space x. Rocket is lifted off on a mission to upgrade the Worlds Largest Satellite Network the falcon nine craft was launched from californias Vandenberg Air base on friday the site of the rocket of a california and arizona led some people on social media to speculate theyd seen an alien spaceship or even a missile from north korea i believe everything you read on social media people in power is next but well have more news after that in about twenty five minutes ill see them. Make the bomb ravaged remains of job a suburb just a few kilometers from

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