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With every decision and every action we are now putting America First Border Security is in Climate Change is out as President Trump unveils his new National Security strategy. This is al jazeera live from doha also coming up the u. N. Security council unites fourteen to one against the u. S. Recognition of jerusalem as israels capital washington vetoes the resolution. And see veteran Cyril Ramaphosa wins the contest to lead his party putting him in line to be set up for this next president plus. Protests in front of argentinas congress turned violent politicians debate sweeping changes to pension. Us President Donald Trump has outlined his National Security strategy identifying russia and china as competing great powers hes promising hundreds of billions of dollars to modernize the military and assert u. S. Power abroad our White House Correspondent can really help get reports from washington populism has been a hallmark of his presidency and donald trump again struck that note as he announced his strategy for u. S. National security is an approach he says began when voters rejected the Security Policies of his predecessors on january twentieth two thousand and seventeen i stood on the steps of the capitol. To herald the day the people became the rulers of their nation again in a rambling and often disjointed address skim through the substance of his plan including highlighting a desire to pursue an almost cold war like mindset identifying china and russia as key u. S. Adversaries despite working with russia recently to avert an attack in St Petersburg area sieved a call from president putin of russia thanking our country for the intelligence that r. C. A. Was able to provide them there was no specific mention of the kremlins meddling in the twenty sixteen u. S. Election just allusions to china and russias use of technology to shape a world counter to u. S. Values. And only a vague mention of how trump intends to combat the Ongoing Nuclear threat to the United States by north korea america and its allies will take all necessary steps to achieve a denuclearization and ensure that this regime cannot threaten the world overall trumps message was thin on details hes laying out this case of you know the world is really bad it was really bad before i got here and now im going to fix it so its not really about the strategy itself so much as you know the persona of president from determined to fix these problems. And there was only one reference to the middle east in his remarks although his strategy specifically calls on countries to combat extremist groups like eisel locally it was a speech further highlighting one of the Biggest Challenges for the trumpet ministrations since taking office cohesion and Foreign Policy success it is a challenge that appears likely to continue given the divergent positions of trumps National Security plan kimberly hellcat aljazeera washington. Well engine brown has been following chinas response from beijing well theres been no official reaction yet from chinas government that will come probably later on choose day but ahead of President Trump speech a Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said that china defended its trade policies with the United States and outlined what they saw as a win win scenario she said that china would dedicate itself to establishing a strong and fair trading relationship with the United States i think its fair to say that chinese officials are going to be studying every word of that sixty eight page report before giving their official response but lets hear more about what the Foreign Ministry spokesman had to say about President Trumps remarks or mir you may find that we are all willing to work with the u. S. To build a strong stable and sound bilateral economic relationship it is in line with the two countries interests and the expectation of the International Community and she also reminded journalists that chinas two way trade with the United States last year amounted to some fifty five billion dollars and that some two point six million American Workers were dependent on that trade so her message was almost why would the United States want to jeopardize any of that but overall as i say nothing here thats going to concern chinese officials too much more trouble for singled out north korea promising to take all necessary steps towards achieving denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula kathy novak has more from pyong china. In the written statement the National Security strategy warned that north korea is developing Nuclear Weapons that threaten hundreds of millions of americans it also says the country is pursuing chemical and biological weapons that can be delivered by missile the United States says the north korean government is starving its own people while spending hundreds of millions of dollars on weapons and separately in an op ed in the wall street journal the National Security advisor Thomas Bosshard says north korea was behind the want to cry it cyber attack that affected more than two hundred thousand computers in oh about one hundred fifty countries earlier this year that attack used a virus that used ransomware that demanded money so that victims could access their own computers so now you have the United States saying that north korea is developing nuclear Chemical Biological and cyber warfare but when it comes to Donald Trumps remarks there was little new in terms of what the u. S. Intends to do about those threats of course last week Rex Tillerson the secretary of state caused some confusion when he seemed to suggest that the United States was open to negotiations with north korea without preconditions but he later seemed to walk back from those remarks and the white house and state Department Said that the u. S. Position on north korea has not changed from preterite of calls to pakistan to do more to combat tom groups operating in its territory for more on this lets cross to come all haida in is not a bad kemal has there been any reaction yet from pakistan to trump speech. The new. American policy Foreign Policy moves. Rejected many of the initiate. Just yesterday the National Security adviser to the prime minister. Outlining. The u. S. Policy with. Us void. In south asia. While the United States was giving a bigger role in. Strong and also saying that the american. Economic order door and saying that the u. S. Was causing a grave imbalance in the region by going against. The navy chief will be having and. Discussed with that civilian leadership. Of the new. Dead in. The new. Policy announced by the u. S. Come all thank you the palestinian leadership is condemning the u. S. Veto of a u. N. Draft resolution on jerusalem the motion oppose president recognition of jerusalem as israels capital the u. S. Was on its own at the Security Council with the other fourteen members supporting the resolution reports from the u. N. Those against. The u. S. Exercises its veto when the resolution fails and then at some bastard a sharpie attacks the fourteen other members of your Security Council that voted in favor what we witnessed here today in the Security Council is an insult it wont be forgotten its one more example of the United Nations doing more harm than good in addressing the Israeli Palestinian conflict the palestinian representative is adamant that the veto is a final confirmation that the u. S. Cannot be regarded as an honest broker in the region. And this resolution affects the status of the United States as a peace broker and it actually stresses its bias and it undermines its role in any future Peace Process earlier ambassador after ambassador outlined why they would support the resolution the United Kingdom will vote in favor of the egyptian text on the islam because it is in line with our longstanding position on jerusalem it is in line with previous Security Council resolutions israel the only other nation that backed the us position they can vote on this issue again and again and again even a hundred more times but it will never change the fact that you lose a limb eve has been it always will be the capital of israel but the matter is not going to end here even before the vote was taken palestinian leadership insisted that would take the matter to the u. N. General assembly where there is no veto such a resolution would be nonbinding but it would highlight the Massive Division between the u. S. And the vast majority of other nations on the issue of jerusalem and the possibility too that the palestinians may now push for the International Recognition of East Jerusalem as the capital of palestine. Mike hanna aljazeera United Nations meanwhile the white house has announced that Vice President mike pence has postponed a trip to the middle east it says pence needs to stay in washington for this weeks vote on a major tax reform bill but following trumps Jerusalem Decision the planned visit was also running into trouble Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas and one of egypts top religious leaders had both announced they would leave him. South africas ruling party the a. N. C. Has announced its new leader Cyril Ramaphosa will take over from president zuma after defeating his exwife tanya pages at the Party Conference in johns bob. Graham of course as the new president of the african nation our home. Several of them a poster supporters erupted into cheers as he was led to the stage theyve penned the hopes of the African National congress and the country on him im so happy about the president because the president has been the member of the n. A. C. The Deputy President has been in the business sector for a very long time. Im sure all during the cold in the crisis that we have economy clearly is a country will have some improvements and im of course a has a hit for business and that could be whats needed to get the economy back on track so millions of unemployed South Africans can have hope he helped write the constitution and helped negotiate the peaceful transition to democracy from apartheid skills he will need as the top six new a. N. C. Officials and all his allies inside the food outcomes for the organization i think we have good widespread it is sad to create a unit in the a. N. C. But im opposed to it here its a deeply divided and see one split between the politics of petron age of president zuma who said passively as the results were announced and those who feel the a. N. C. Has lost its way prisons in this ten year has been tarnished by controversy there was the rape charge he was acquitted of and hundreds of corruption charges related to a multimillion dollar deal it will take a lot to undo the damage to the party of Nelson Mandela so ramaphosa campaigned on an Anti Corruption message policy a fresh start and a clean up more transparent style. Governance and baiting are his business at home and to build a stronger economy to create millions of desperately needed jobs perhaps adama poses viable and courses on it let me zoom of the current president s exwife was to tainted by association with zuma even her track record as a strong politician in her own right with a passion to promote the needs of the countrys poor wasnt enough but saddam opposes tosk is enormous unite a divided agency and prevent its slide in support from becoming terminal ahead of the two thousand and nineteen general election tawny a page out of sarah johannesburg wells also to come here and aljazeera including after a billionaire conservative against chiles presidency the stock market is up something at the College Dublin social forms may be on the chopping block. And hopes to end south sudans four year civil war as peace talks take place in ethiopia morn. From brisk noise and fuel. To the warm trying cool to those of southeast asia. Hello again theres quite a bit of cloud around in the middle east at the moment the first system is in the eastern parts of this ones mostly fizzling out now but were still seeing a few showers over parts of iran and just about into pakistan as well then weve got another weather system thats pushing its way down from parts of turkey not a great deal to it just at the moment but it is a developing feature so as we head to choose day and into wednesday well see it put it together and the more of us in turkey particularly the eastern positivity were going to see a fair amount of snow im clear though i think most of it will be rain rather than snow but it wont be warm maximum temperature just five degrees but further towards the south and theres been a fair amount of wet weather across parts of oman and the u. A. E. But that is gradually fizzling out now so here in doha we get to around twenty three for abu dabi i expect to get to around twenty four no major change really force as we head through wednesday maybe just a degree or so high a force in abu dabi as we head down towards the southern parts of africa quite a bit of what weather with us at the moment that stretching through parts of angola through the through and eventually into mozambique quite a few showers also force in madagascar for the eastern part of south africa also weve seen from shop showers recently they all still with us for joburg for wednesday there with sponsored by qatar. You are making very pointed remarks where there online the main u. S. Response to drug use and the drug trade over the last fifty years has been criminalized or if you join us on sat. In the morning and says i want to cover the world of darkness this is a dialogue and that could be what leading to some of the confusion online about people saying we dont actually know whats going on join the colobus conversation at this time on our. Zero. Welcome back a quick reminder at the top stories here on aljazeera u. S. President donald trump has used his National Security address to warn that america faces Great Power Competition from russia and china and a major shift from his predecessor barack obama from strategy no longer recognizes Climate Change as a Security Threat. The palestinian leadership is condemning the u. S. Veto of a u. N. Draft resolution on jerusalem that would have required President Trump to rescind his recognition of jerusalem as israels capital all other members of the u. N. Security Council Voted in favor of the resolution. So that for those governing a. N. C. Has chosen Cyril Ramaphosa to take over the partys leadership from president jacob zuma of course are now only defeated seumas former wife go to the conference in japanese. Now theyve been violent protests outside the Congress Building in argentinas capital while politicians were debating Pension Reforms president brazil mockeries government says theyre necessary to curb the countrys fiscal deficit down a sham as more from one of. The battle lines here is you can see you have been well and truly your government is in the compress building to my left where theyre trying to push through to make sure that in the next day or so they have a deadline to try to control the fiscal deficit to try to reform but. Then set work on the top things i play by the north they want to try to bring down inflation and it struck Foreign Investment which is what they say is vital to lock in tight future economic well being. With all these sharing out what t. V. The previous governments do. Not payout you will know when we finally get off the ballot box. To my right we have many thousands of protesters who oppose day last week clashed with the police there clashing again the police will to come in to gas and rubber bullets the protests and with stones and a great deal of i got this they simply dont want to see the government implementing what they say a stand austerity measure the pensioners should not have to pay for government measures to try to control the economy that these are the people the trade unions and the feds and those who will stop what is about thats why were here. Children and our grandchildren because machree is only governing for Foreign Investors hes turning argentina back into a colony and this is the protester let me continue into the long haul days of the argentina. Chile is stock market soared in the currency strengthened the day after the election of billionaire businessman Sebastian Pinera as president hes promised Economic Growth but supporters of the Outgoing Center left government say theyll fight to defend its social reforms a latin america editor listen human report from santiago. A chilean traditional socialist president Michelle Bachelet visited civil. The day after his election to offer her full cooperation in the transition just as the former president had done four years ago after she was elected putting on a brave face by chile is leaving chile in the hands of the same conservative. Democrat and i have said that i will hand over my president ial sash to home every selective democracy is democracy. The news was welcomed by the markets the billionaire businessman victory boosted the chilean currency and the local Stock Exchange on the other at santiagos fruit and Vegetable Market most say its pena has close ties to big business to convince them to vote for him when im running. As he says the better times ahead business have been stagnant these last four years so a change is good. But not everyone believes that will put their interests first. How could people have voted for thing for a man who governed by the whims of big business. Back at home the president elect also receives the national and Foreign Press while his Foreign Policy will differ a little his domestic priority will be to halt many of structural and social reforms he said if we are going to recover the leadership and dynamism of our economy and that starts by restoring growth and reestablishing Investor Confidence which used to grow by more than ten percent a year when i was last president he then went in to receive more congratulatory phone calls mainly from like minded latin american leaders election clearly consolidating the region shift from the left to the political right with the niceties over now comes the hard part. Will have to walk a fine line appeasing his conservative Political Base while at the same time assuring those who did not vote for him that it will not come at their expense you see in yemen al jazeera. At least three people have been killed after a u. S. Passenger train derailed onto a motorway it happened in Washington State during rush hour thirteen of the trains fourteen carriages fell off the tracks the amtrak train was carrying seventy seven passengers and seven crew south sudans rival factions are meeting in ethiopia for another round of talks to end the four year long civil war that comes a day after fighting broke out between Government Forces and fighters loyal to the opposition even morgan reports from juba after more than a year of fighting south sudans rival factions are finally meeting the aim is to revive a Peace Agreement that was signed in ten to fifteen here we have to agree on a comprehensive Peace Agreement and how to implement it you have to to revise some of the. Provisions were not were not able to implement and tried to implement these and see what difficulties does not to implement. The original Peace Agreement was signed to end the war which started in december twenty fifth that was after south sudans president salva kiir accused his former Vice President riek machar of attempting a coup tens of thousands have been killed in the fighting which has divided communities along ethnic lines. Then to Governmental Authority on development or egads is leading the process of bringing all the sides together but each side has different demands in july two thousand and sixteen the two parties which is the government under president for clear and spill are myo under the to reargue which are fourth in juba and as a result the agreement was violated. You know the story was completed displays from source are done so kind of the agreement itself on the provisions of the agreement doesnt mean the text of the agreement and the stakeholders in the agreement have changed a quarter of the countries twelve Million People have been displaced by the four year war more than six million rely on humanitarian aid for survival and the fighting has created an economic crisis that has seen an inflation of more than one hundred fifty per cent making many basic commodities an affordable one challenge since the regional bloc egads started trying to buy the ten to fifteen agreement in june this year was bringing together all the warring sides in one room many new groups have emerged through that agreement collapsed now that theyre meeting this think up until i decide the next perhaps even bigger challenge will be getting them to agree on a solution to end the fighting which means some sides may have to compromise south sudans government has made it clear it wont renegotiate the twenty fifteen agreement some analysts think compromises will depend on whats presented in the talks the different demands of the area listing and then they are promoting what us already been signed in the four shifters of the agreement then they could be incorporated in the new timelines of the implementation that is needed but if they are unclear and realistic i dont think there is any space for for any negotiating negotiations that may bring together a few different groups but told the fate of an entire nation which has been at war for much of its existence. People morgan aljazeera juba. Now the general who led zimbabwes military intervention that ousted Robert Mugabe is retiring the government says constantine will be given another position but gave no further details hes widely expected to become Vice President has more from harare when the military into the field and put relevant either under house arrest on the fifteenth of november the obviously they were doing it to weed out criminal elements people that are surrounding themselves around Robert Mugabe people they are trying to destroy and destabilize the country since then we saw soldiers stationed in strategic points in the capital city theyve been doing joint patrols with the police to try to maintain law and order now the program the army called Operation Restore legacy is over and the army say the situation on the ground is now back to normal Operation Restore early gussy was launched on the thirteenth of november twenty seventh. And its Main Objective was to remove criminals that did surrounded the former president resulting in haiti and this point in a months time of people where some of the individuals have been accounted for. As cuba the country. This notwithstanding the object of operation large extent been achieved some people liked having the soldiers around the state at a border stance order especially when it came to dealing with the police some Police Officers here are known to be corrupt most recently complaining for many many years of holding to pay huge bribes to corrupt Police Officials especially at roadblocks that have somewhat stopped when the armies are doing the joint patrols with the police so people are wondering once the army has gone while the police behave but some people say soldiers belong in the barracks especially when the country is preparing for elections next year they say you cant have a situation where people are campaigning registering to vote and voting and soldiers are still roaming around so mixed feelings in the country right now at this announcement that Operation Restore legacy is over what remains to be seen now is how the next few weeks will play out and if order really will be maintained without the soldiers on the ground a Turkish Court has ordered the release of a german journalist whos accused of publishing under government propaganda masella tolu was arrested in april working for a Turkish News Agency she and five others have now been released on bail pending the outcome of the trial human Rights Groups say the arrests are a crackdown on free speech the European Commission is investigating Swedish Furniture giant ikea of attack steals the company made in the netherlands the companys accused of using a dutch subsidiary to slash its global tax bill as the latest crackdown on tax arrangements between multinationals and e. U. Countries denies breaching european rules. Qatar has been celebrating its national day with a large parade of the countrys armed forces it comes as a six month long political crisis in the gulf continues amid via reports from doha. Jubilant crowds filled the bill howard to front among the last couple of celebrated its national day. As an event was mocked by a display of military might both in the air and on the ground a Country House commemorated december eighteenth and since its independence in one nine hundred seventy one button of i with such magnitude thank goodness our exit all been to the times. Free of cut out a skull from a buzz saudi arabia the United Arab Emirates on behind along with egypt severed diplomatic ties with it and imposed an land and sea blockade they accused qatar of being too close to iran and of sponsoring terrorism. Has vehemently denied those accusations but instead of had to cut off many believe some good house come from the ongoing diplomatic crisis. And i am saying on your since the fifth of june National Unity has increased since then every day is a national day. And lines are open from everywhere in the world instead of getting our needs from saudi in dubai things have changed the whole world is directly open. We wish the blockade took place a long time ago new Business Opportunities new events new projects started which i witnessed myself after all something good has come out of this bad situation we need the country to depend on itself more than four. Hundred. Communities have taken part in unprecedented numbers theyve organized sports and comfortable events to market asian leaders its yet another sign of a Healthy Society thats capable of winning not just the support of its own citizens but also the hearts and minds of its foreign guests. The blockade has pushed qatar to invest in local production and create a new economy and military partnerships mondays celebrations were meant to send a powerful message to the blockading countries but the crisis has only made qatar stronger mohammed five and dizzy. All that is of course now web site there it is on your screen the address al jazeera dot com. Lets get a quick recap of the top stories here this hour u. S. President donald trump has used his National Security address to warn that america faces Great Power Competition from russia and china in a major shift from his predecessor barack obama strategy no longer recognizes Climate Change as a Security Threat we also face rival powers russia and china that seek to challenge american influence values and wealth. We will attempt to build a Great Partnership with those and other countries but in a manner that always protects our National Interest the palestinian leadership has condemned the u. S. Veto of a u. N. Draft resolution on jerusalem it would have required President Trump to rescind his recognition of jerusalem as israels capital all of the other fourteen members of the un Security Council voted in favor of the resolution the fact that this veto is being done in defense of american sovereignty and in defense of americas role in the middle east Peace Process is not a source of embarrassment for us it should be an embarrassment to the remainder of the Security Council south africas governing a. N. C. Has chosen to serve to take over the partys leadership from president jacob zuma from the poerson early defeated zoomers former wife in the vote at least three people have been killed after u. S. Passenger train derailed oms a motorway that happened in Washington State during rush hour the amtrak train was carrying seventy seven passengers and seven crew the worlds youngest leader Sebastian Kurtz has been sworn in as the chancellor of austria along with the far right Freedom Party hundreds of police sealed off parts of central vienna and anticipation of protests but demonstrations were largely peaceful kurtzs new Coalition Governments expected to make immigration and tax reforms a top priority austrias the only western european country with a far right party in power. The European Commission is investigating Swedish Furniture giant ikea of attack steels the company made in the netherlands firms accused of using a dutch subsidiary to slash its global tax bill the latest crackdown on tax arrangements between multinationals and e. U. Countries ikea denies breaching european rules was the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after the stream statement thats watching. Facing realities if a piece of machinery goes wrong is there a chain of litigation through which we can bring a legal system to bear getting to the heart of the matter i dont think we needed the ball but some of my producers just to hear their story on talk to aljazeera at this time. Hi im femi oke a and your industry and im really could be today you wouldnt

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