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Channels with north korea until any of the terrorists was speaking at the u. N. Security Council Meeting on. The secretary of state Rex Tillerson says hell continue to pursue a diplomatic resolution with north korea but the military remains at the ready but we are not going to accept preconditions you heard others have called for freeze for freeze we do not accept a freeze for freeze as a precondition to talks we do not accept any relaxing of the sanctions regime as a precondition of talks we do not accept a resumption of humanitarian assistance as a precondition of talks so we are not going to accept preconditions for these talks but as i indicated in my remarks our communication Communication Channels remain open north korea knows there are open they know where the door is they know where to walk through that door when they want to talk. Free people have been killed and hundreds of others injured in demonstrations in gaza and the west bank against u. S. President double trumps decision to recognize jerusalem as israels capital Harry Fawcett reports now from occupied East Jerusalem. On the outskirts of ramallah in the occupied west Bank Israeli Forces are filmed confronting a palestinian man before shooting him three times last as he sat on the street as they approached the troops appeared to see something and moved quickly away the man was apparently wearing a suicide bomb belt its unclear whether it was a genuine device or a fake Israeli Police say he had just stabbed a member of its border force paramedics took him away. There were further clashes after friday prayers in gaza as palestinians again protested against the u. S. President s recognition of jerusalem as the capital of israel the cross border confrontation bringing more palestinian deaths. Earlier tens of thousands had taken to the strips main north south road to march in protest. There was. The Palestinian People are expressing that they reject decision and they are holding onto all of jerusalem as the historical capital of the Palestinian People. At the heart of occupied East Jerusalem tens of thousands prayed then protested at the al aqsa mosque. Through the old city and i had damascus gate exit Israeli Forces were waiting for them they barricaded off the square preventing a repeat of last fridays protests where hundreds gathered on the steps still some tried to stay here and chant but most were pushed quickly away Israeli Forces have been trying to prevent a repeat of the protests that took place after friday prayers here in the square outside damascus gate last week theyve barricaded off there was a group of largely middle aged and some elderly women have been there chanting for some time theyre now being forcefully clear. Several arrests were made in these limited scuffles again the protests much smaller here than in gaza and the occupied west bank. We know what the words are public or out in the mosque compound and here at the mosque is gate but the occupation has a large force as well as private undercover units. Israeli forces are certainly doing all they can to quell this reaction to the trunk declaration that the anger is deeply felt the protests go on. Aljazeera occupied East Jerusalem there is congresss move to impeach the president over alleged links to a major Corruption Scandal involving the Brazilian Construction Firm order brecht politicians across the divide supported the motion to impeach federal public jin ski for moral incapacity documents sense of purpose congress is said to show that a company or by kaczynski received hundreds of thousands of dollars of payments from older breasts about a decade ago the president of Congress Says he could be removed within a week he has denied any wrongdoing. E. U. Leaders have given the go ahead for breaks it talks to move on to the next stage of negotiations they say they can now focus on trade after making enough progress on Citizens Rights the irish border and how much the u. K. Has to pay to leave the e. U. Which is Prime Minister to resign may has hailed this it says in as an important step so youre up to date for the moment those are our current top stories up next so once upon a time in punchbowl tells the story of history as Lebanese Community will see it about half an hour. Various crimes or strive. To get away from the war that was happening at the top. And they came to restart their life. As a margaret when i first arrived at this rally i like it i i struggled. It was very difficult. I wanted to give us the data but it. Was a part of the beginning so much like there isnt for us the law. For us. For decades lebanese families come to a stranger to build a better life and escape the destruction of. That many demonized in a new land. To. Get rid of this multiculturalism because that is how to divide the soul so that. Then after fifteen years of immigration from lebannon anglo and arab astray leah is divided by the first gulf war they are being confronted with a choice between doing either our restraint because up to now the multicultural story is both. First. Order to answer this question are going to struggle through this or not all the stores trail and i shouldnt be asked about this. On modesty tweets if theres a study ill tell you the about the book about this as well. In the one thousand nine hundred. Eighty criminal minority become drug dealing gangsters defying the old goose games will be watched. In two thousand and one. Terrorism raises fears that arab australians are an enemy within upon terrorists of course the arrival of my five years later and our intention explodes into one of the most infamous race riots in a strain in history dont go to the middle east to buy into the weekend it is now that we have been in the eye for sure if it forced a team you have people converged on print up a chance to outwit the. What happened on that sunday in court all of it is a black or for a country. Im a live in asia wants to own is what im on it none i am a straw man i am lebanese i am muslim im up a majority. Im all that i want this is a story of what its like to be live in a nice and colas trying. We are striving and this is the holy land and sea is where we belong and this is what we have. One hundred fifty police were on homes across Sydney Southwest early this morning nine people arrested for a string of bomb crimes over the past year with the having and in the long thin nanis there was a lot of screams on the streets. There was a lot of crying with the police couldnt keep. Going. On the streets except the ones who want to save all districts lets put it this way and at that farms there was no one to stop them. In sydneys south west lebanese criminals are said to be running out of control punchbowl Bankstown Canterbury look came back the suburbs are described by Law Enforcement officials as a bit of coffee after cocaine trafficking and violence. South west sydney is the center of australia as Lebanese Community. By the one thousand nine hundred these deeply religious and conservative community is being terrorized by a tiny minority of criminals from both christian and muslim family homes. But. We suffered as a community because of what kids are with dealing was drugs their way of drug addict is a weird making good money. And this is just killing people it was so easy for them such a mentality to kill people. They fold their way is untouchable. Up. In the big ninety ninety s. Youve got the growth of crime of drug gangs was sort of stuff. Which is essentially the consequence of not planning for multiculturalism. This sort of if fluorescence if you like of criminals to link wincey as a preferred lifestyle is the choice you make when access to the normal rewards a normal path wise a society is blocked. That really subscribe to the society is to blame sort of train of thought. You know my family arrived here in the sixtys and we probably could have used more of a hand than what we got that you make do and you get on and you have they make a success of all your efforts and your life yet egyptian born New South Wales Deputy Police commissioner nick kaldas still recognizes the pressure of growing up arab in wider australian. I think anybody who says that there is their racism in sydney or australia as they head in the sand the rules racism and that does contribute to some extent to people being a united and people going down the wrong path. In south west sydney the wrong path means gang activity. The politicians order the police to use zero tolerance. The gangsters get personal threatening offices and their families but you dont call. The informant was significantly vala. Gangs running destroying. It involved public by shootings in the campaigns murders it was in your face forward craw. Who were proud of their money and theyre. Proud of the easily gained whirls there with the greatest enemy to Work Community at that time and we needed to make a stand against them. Wanted to form a partnership between the low obeid being citizens and over community and the New South Wales police against those criminal element. A lot of the lebanese young gangsters thought though a bigger than benhur they thought that they were unbreakable and untouchable and thats what i tried to intimidate the police this eighteen year old was shot twice in the legs in a pocket punch bowl of the week in the. It in the area and with the rise of the criminal gangs comes an insidious influence american gangster culture in music and movies has a powerful effect on a stray in lebanese take thought. She when you watch gangster movies and and you see all the money in the last all of those sort of you want to give the voice for. Growing up in bankstown. You known as westy is like many young teenagers with a passion for gangsta rap when you become a teenager your eyes open up to a lot of feelings and. Six drugs and rock n roll and were going. To different parts. Read for the cars and bling girls and guns thats the culture that i grew up with sally care grows up surrounded by a similar culture but graduates university and works in management with a very mild dominated culture as well theres no theres no denying that and i guess the prove your manhood a lot of cases where you show how much youve earned with your. Jewelry and everything else. Being on the streets and my friends sort of did give me and identity. Starts to know who you are and they start the fee. Because of you and your boys. Its just these that you do when youre young and stupid and not really thinking. Brought up in a conservative catholic family in nearby paramatman. George basher and his friends also aspire to the glamour of gangsta rap. If they get caught in a scene on t. V. The other. Cycle in i need to go and you do it and eat not think you ever think in a head youre sitting in the moment its always in the moment. Westy comes from a conservative working class family who immigrate during the lebanese civil war. When i was young i had a very very good. Riffing off a kidney from. And i had or the love and affection from them. He does well at school until he and his friends discovered drugs who is further smoking marijuana first thing we started taking alcohol then i went ecstasy you know and. You know went to. Cocaine. There sat in my fathers side of me that. Is still you know i shall be a mason of the future which is so true. Thats we all went off track because ror doing the same fim getting on drugs making money to support a drug habit and just like in every community in sydney anglo or not the drug culture crosses generations many who stray down the wrong path when theyre young turn into worried parents back with them odd twenties when were all. Hands on and even you know im a hands on. From car going tomorrow on the to the guns to would ever you want to end up with of uncle sally cares little brother sam has some run ins with the law and is lucky to avoid jail. But as a father with a young family he worries about the drug racket evolving in south west sydney. When you get older more mature you want to get real and you have kids you want to be kids as far away from stuff like that as possible you dont want to say the things that you said you dont want to do that youve done. A lot of. Unfortunate interaction with people on drugs and or the dealing or with people actually using i dont forgit because american units. And with drugs comes violence. A more often or absolutely short of simply able to step in i have seen ive seen it all. By the early one nine hundred ninety s. George basher is a Panel Beating apprentice by day and a d. J. At night. But with the gangsters dominating the streets hes also the son of a worried mom. And all the time. I was why i see in a window. All the time i see some cars top i look from the window. If it george back home one or not. So in his bed car i feel comfortable i sleep my husband said to me crazy is all of the noise you see in the window i did them because i was one and he went different places you know whats happened. You know the water is in from the drugs and be a trouble michael is. All styling it in a puff that you know is are. There. One toy mouse ill get a file cause it would get a phone call or tommy are your friends falling for his wife with when ospital said do you want to be. And yes me is just plain. Silly a lot. Good to poornima knave up and his follies for his lot in one of my get. The sought of your friend. Lain in hospital chief come from all over his body. I remember a cried you know it was. Very the way to croy. And so i turned away and then when i look closely slayton im thinking of what could go on then he said thats me. But for westy and his teenage crew the big life lessons are still to come for then drugs and petty crime go hand in hand. To make money or try to powerful doing crime. The majority of those kids their parents. First generation sake i mean from lebanon and they didnt have much control over their kids activity and they didnt know what that kids there were doing even though some of them were using parents home as a Distribution Center for drugs and that sort of thing. But westies parents are not so naive. Appearance eventually started to know that i was taking drugs in that i was making money because my mom would find a lot of cash on me sure for unjoin to find. She started uncovering fings big boy b. And if i should start asking ridge a girl from of found god have to make some excuse but she knew i was doing. Wrong feelings. And for westies dead. Theres only one response physical violence one father tried to discipline me in the form. It really doesnt work when you hear someone it just makes them rebuild. And in the mid to late one nine hundred ninety s. This is when many rebellious lebanese tains find their drug supplies. Tonight be a straight punch bowl. This quiet family on clay becomes the illegal drug Distribution Center southwest sydney to lobby street was renowned for. Being a violent and organized drawn area. There was significant Drug Distribution taking place from runners the lower level street dealers for drugs so there would be a lot of cars going down to like the street looking for dealers to have them supply drugs to people going down the street. It was actually the same as any fast food outlet you go they stop for five seconds you get to pick a new leaf. And. Its only a handful of dealers but they terrorize the street they are directly linked to form that is and twenty five shootings. This was the career they tried but i continued on a tradition of other people who would bring involved in organized crime and some of these young men knew nothing kills but to be criminals unfortunately there was a well founded fear at that time that if people went to the Police Station to give them any kind of information those clean criminal element would know about it and theyll come to retaliate. Its difficult for people to stand up and give evidence as a witness against some of these kron gangs because i was on and as we saw lighter. And i would shoot and kill people who i thought were going to give evidence against them. For the telo be a straight gangsters handguns are part of everyday life. Drug use drug dealing. Carrying guns do i go down people protecting the orders and unfortunately a gun culture certainly has come into prominence to relieve. The guns are supplied by crooked gun dealers and its the beginning of illegal International Gun imports through the post so suddenly youve got the capacity of young people to get guns fueled by money and they see themselves as likely new drug lords theyre on a short fuse they think money is easy and the place i never touch them. There were a significant place response to this. Which which resulted in police undertaking survival once. Covert operations until id be straight on drugs themselves mike is sure that undercover operatives were down the street or dead or foreigners who were responsible for selling the drugs. But the police under political pressure to get tough on crime also struggled to keep the community onside. Community policing at that time did not exist. Police officers on the street did not communicate they forced subjugated and treated. Young people in a very bad manners and at same time there was our idea was ins a community that there is a lot of corruption was in the police force itself. I think from a policing perspective engagement is what is. Important perhaps in some ways in the in the ninetys we were not as engaged as we could have been. As their relationship with the Police Becomes increasingly fractured christian and muslim families are gripped by crime and an epidemic that steals their children. A lot of young people would bury it much earlier than was a should have because of their drug habits a lot of family waited broken at that time because of the drug habits their parent didnt know how to do it was it just did not know how to deal with it i have seen it firsthand in my capacity as a general practitioner we had an excess of eighty different families there were all. Mother or father or sister or brother of a heroin addict and all were community that was staggering. As to low p. A straight sinks deeper into the criminal abyss westie moves from south west sydney to pick up the drug trade in kings cross. When i was seventeen or was living in the syrian macon or the money and living the hard life. But when hes high on drugs its a robbery that finally brings westies world crashing down. On the train there was three individuals which started to swear at me in arabic. Or warn them once one of them toys one of three times their wooden lucerne for a full hour. And i end up robbing more free of them which i really didnt have to do because i was already making a lot of money in the city being off my head. And. Stripped of all the rugs. Hes arrested and convicted of robbery and serves a year in jail with two years parole. And back on to be a straight punchbowl the violent drug trade forces a teenager to pay the ultimate price. Schoolboy it would lay with bashed stabbed and shot had in the end it was a single knife wound to the heart which killed him. And a people already reeling are about to be demonized. A fourteen year old korean schoolboy is stabbed when he walks into the wrong front yard by mistake. It would had four friends had just pulled up at their classmates. A young boy going to a Birthday Party it just happened that theres the party interloper street he went to zoo wrong house so i didnt like the way he looked so i stabbed him. And it wasnt good for the community but it sort of fit in with the pattern of life around punchbowl of the dog shooting being whatever you want to call it was was unfortunately for recombinant the thought it was parents are receiving counseling he was an only child experience of told police they didnt know their attackers and there was no reason for the killing to get to know not only about one have to find their. Blood this will have found. I think in some ways the murder of edward lee in history focused a whole lot of media and public attention on the street. On south west sydney there were other murders and women there were other people who were killed in very tragic circumstances but they didnt sort of grab the pump. Imagination and the Media Attention the way the lima did and what happens next is going to mean a disaster for the Lebanese Community and all those associated with. After fifty years of occupation and un condemnation of illegal israeli settlements. Of im from and i want to preserve the safety of the village ive clashed several times with suckers on these lands aljazeera world tells the story of a palestinian village thats struggling to survive and the growing threats to the residents desperate to preserve their homes village under occupation at this time the nature of music as it breaks the last time senegal qualified for the world cup was in two thousand to fifteen years on and hope to do even better in russia next year with detailed coverage tried to imagine it only seven years ago people were living right here fahmy shlaim now defeat has taken over their land from around the world donald trump is promising a major policy announcement on trade a potential challenge to khorat a missed opportunity a rotten. Once welcome now fear. Dividing the nation. Aljazeera explores germanys long Term Economic strategy of pursuing immigrants from the arab world i feel more judgment on syria. How much money does the richer get those people put up think that it can do it one german and im not the new germans at this time on aljazeera. Out of there and you know what almost here in london the top stories on aljazeera the United Nations secretary general says its time to reestablish immediately and strengthen Communication Channels with north korea and tony a good terrorist was speaking at the u. N. Security Council Meeting on pyongyangs Ballistic Missile program last month north korea tested its most advanced intercontinental Ballistic Missile yes in direct defiance of International Pressure and u. N. Sanctions u. S. Secretary of state breaks to listen says hell continue to pursue a diplomatic resolution with north korea but the military remains at the ready we are not going to accept preconditions you heard others have called for freeze for freeze we do not accept a freeze for freeze as a precondition to talks we do not accept any relaxing of the sanctions regime as a precondition of talks we do not accept a resumption of humanitarian assistance as a precondition of talks so we are not going to accept preconditions for these talks but as i indicated in my remarks our communication Communication Channels remain open north korea knows theyre open they know where the door is they know where to walk through that door when they want to talk three people have been killed in demonstrations in gaza the west bank against u. S. President Donald Trumps decision to recognize two islams the capital of israel medical group say hundreds of others have been injured in gaza President Trump announced last week that the u. S. Embassy would be relocated to jerusalem and tel aviv Paris Congress has moved to impeach the president over alleged links to a major Corruption Scandal involving the Brazilian Construction Firm all the brick documents sense of who is congress is said to show that a Company Owned by petrol publications skee received hundreds of thousands of dollars of payments owed of a hack. Yes President Donald Trump has given a speech at the f. B. I. National academy in virginia earlier the white house revealed what it called extreme bias against amongst the f. B. I. s Senior Leadership a white supremacist who rammed his car into a crowd during a rally in the u. S. State of virginia has had his murder charge upgraded james fields jr is now accused of first degree murder which carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment in that state heather higher died when friends rammed a crowd of antiracism protest this was a top stories stay with us once upon a time in punchbowl continues. Under the orders of the Police Commissioner peter ryan two hundred officers right to lobby a strange with the media in tow. We did suffer a lot. But it was only zoos. People who shot killed dealt was a drug deal went against the move. In the coming days in right across southwest sydney the police cracked down on known criminals and their associates. Eventually twenty four men arrested. For People Living in punch bowl we knew that was up in a couple years before before so it wasnt anything new to us but here you could possibly be the motive would have woken up the boys and im glad that it did because it certainly changed things a few years after that so there was a lot of a lot of cleanup i guess in punchbowl stride after that. I think incidents like the murder of edward lee focused very intensely very quickly on having enough of a dialogue and out of credibility understanding with that public so that they have faith and can come forward and give you information and talk to you not i mean the Edward Leamer that in the series of incidents in south west sydney around that time. Five young police standish still alive after their station was fried with gunfire but the gangsters dont go down without a fight twelve days later they open fire on the can the Police Station with semiautomatic guns by Police Officers as vulnerable as targets in a shooting gallery. The drive by shooting of look em up least action was a confronting event probably im president of so resonated with me is that it was a direct and very blunt challenge to authority to police and to government generally and to society i. Its sort of a cowardly y. Really of attacking someone and trying to intimidate them and threaten them without having to confront them so they the shooting of look into a Police Station fitted into that category. A state election looms. And both sides of politics compete to bang the law and order drum. The small minority of gangs into focus but an entire community and culture feel the hate more in order to provide all through a strong well resourced probably equipped police force these gangs will be wiped out. Rather than framing this as here is a community under threat from its own davey rump is presented to the community and the water world as this is something that is particular and peculiar to this community its their problem not als. And from then on the basis for the future of the bite is sit in a very nasty and toxic way. People wanted to see politicians get tough on crime and they knew that the sentiment was out there that people wanted to appropriate those crimes to a particular culture. They tapped into a very real fear there wasnt just about the boonies the term islamophobia started to be used or often you know the fear of muslims. Im proud of my slam. Because islam taught me like you know dignity taught me how to respect others and accept them and thats a most important part. At the height of the islamophobia ninety asylum is employed as a local government Family Support worker in south west sydney i was always organizing on christmas ham piss and christmas toys for families that and children. I called one client and she said not here would you mind if i ask you where you from. I said why are you asking me im from here and she said no no whats your background i said the only bennys she said but he wont be muslim youre not muslim arent you i said thank god im a muslim. In two thousand after immigrating during the lebanese civil war. I have saved for their family dream home next to punchbowl park. First thing were thinking about it to have a secure shelter for the family because coming from war. To have a sooky was shelled is is very important. But they soon horrified by what they hear. And fortunately hearing the gunshots in a Early Morning are. The first shock was a man labored on. We moved away from war we came he said it were looking for safety and for. As soon as he hears it is gunshots across or out from you it was not a positive experience the grandstand is actually is a Meeting Point for all the gangs all over sydney. After twelve oclock. Weve got all this gang stand exchange drugs they fight together they shoot shoot together. Gangsters who hang out across the in the grandstand at night. Or be a haven for drug dealing a haven for meeting up with prostitutes to be just. Wasnt a taste that you would want to raise a family or to admit. We all there are seven more news all lacan the real was a police will be there in every single day. Calzaghe has enough he wellies the neighbors and they take action i write a petition. Its all neighbor. Sign it. And sign the petition asked for speed humps are the police to come and patrol the area and do more live think. As well as close this grandstand. And. After six months seven months its the problem is there. Are about schoolboys to get teased because my dad put speed humps in every street in punchbowl it was pretty funny moments ago speed house speed humps when i walk past its its funny but. Is was them behind that because when my dad thought of prince speed humps around the streets of punch broke he let the gangsters the thugs with the fast cars always want to speed down every street belittle no youre not ok in punchbowl. As the Community Works with the police the hope is the media focus on criminal activity will finally die down. But things are about to get a whole lot worse. The sydney olympics a celebration of a modern multicultural nation. Just a few kilometers away the lebanese is Training Community is about to be outraged. I guess im a shift early in the morning. But theres been a suspected abduction. And possibly a social assault of a young female. And information that we had led us to believe that it could be in one of the parks in bankstown. Senior constable Danny Mccarty is lebanese astray and. Hes born and bred in south west Sydney School that punchbowl boys high. In two thousand hes a new constable with less than a year on the force and nothing prepares him for what hes about to find. Im walking through this park and i can say you know disc because its got the tissues on the on the ground and then i noticed. An older gentleman you know one question my oh and hes hunched over something and he seems to be distressed. Can say young for a moment ground so i dont know what was happening so im really going to hold him to keep more from from the young girl when i realize it is its her father. So unfortunate in that situation the father is found his daughter first. And it was clear that had been a sexual assault. It was a very very very traumatic experience very very hard thing to say. In that light her own information came out that it was part of a number of gang rapes that have happened in the city as very very upset very very sad and it was to me one of the most deplorable acts that you can do to commit on someone else. And just thinking right that girl would have been going through at the time is just horrendous are now being. Ever ive got a im a father of a young girl its just something that i cant comprehend and. I would never want to be in that and the fathers position and how without a mother. The park in which it happened was only a few houses up from my parents. Being so close to home the maid and the police and the and the stories i mean i have three older sisters and its scary to know that these things happen so close to home. When the rape because mohammad coupled lady is a student at punchbowl boys high some days later a new attack is a stark lesson in the cruelty of sex crime. Painstakingly the police pieced together a chilling pattern of crime. A gang of teen ages is raping young girls using unusual and degrading violence. Because most of the accused and i attain their names are not made public what is revealed is that they are all lebanese a strain. Not much happens about them until well after the olympics when the. When the accused are brought to court and suddenly the media ruppert. What happened next is that the there was an intense clear of media and public attention about what happened about the ethnic backgrounds of the use and they were use that were involved. I think it really shook the community taught school. I think it really made every family question whether they were how they were raising their kids because it was something that was unforeseen or unheard of was unthinkable that people so local so close to home could do something that terrible to somebody and think that they had a right to do that when the media storm erupts. Muhammads future wife is a teenager in high school. It was very scary off think a lot of families became fee for their daughters. Like harm of the person they thinking im never going to marry a lebanese muslim god because if thats what theyre like then thats disgusting the young women have to just teenagers every libby degrading ordeal in the courtroom hearing it again and again the horrifying crimes committed against them in all they were for victims three separate attacks in fairborn locations in sydney felt waved the Daily Telegraph in particular finds the victims and gets them to repeat. Allegations about the woods that the assailants used against one of the victims said she was referred to as an aussie speak and was told by one of the right just im going to start. The words leg style flash around the nation. Suddenly the lebanese astray in community stand. Accused. It was the epitome of the anti lebanese and team was. History in this country but to live in his community would as outraged and horrified by the rights as any other. There was like a biblical stoning ceremony. People could not throw those stones hard enough right the racial reason. Even to the court demonstrated the fact is responsible for these pieces of thinking. As readily identify themselves with any muslims or the plan of attack as liberals muslims. Shuns introduces a new dimension he moves from the notion which is widely known about ripeness that they are a small minority often psychotic sick minded people who are at the age of the social world and he places stand in the middle as an exemplar of all muslim men. Across the community they were threats received they were missing just left in little boxes they were threats that muslim women would be dragged from the streets and right to intervene. And so working the streets you absolutely looked at differently it looked as if they could be another another right but still they could be part of that gang or you know and because all these guys came from the area and living in it thats on. It affected me even more that it its my identity to the world i mean i knew who i was the world saw me differently. Although i feel as if all that made for the right goals in the process the jew told that they were christians all catholics will do exactly that is that theyre muslim and ok we did not go right by anybody. Finally the accused convicted and then names released this is a bailout gaff the man at the center of one of the nations most notorious crimes for gang rape for these victims for the lifting of the suppression order was welcome. To be named. The heaviest sentence of all is reserved for the eighteen year old gang leader the message is clear the loud gaffe surveying an unprecedented fifty five year jail term for gang rape. On appeal the sentence is reduced to thirty one years and name that capote lee believes the convicted did not understand the damage they did to their own community. Does no remorse and i think that was the most awful disgusting thing and it was example of where the court was applying general death trance and i think the example was definitely set but i think they were destroyed as society thought the Lebanese Muslim Community were the perpetrators of this type of behavior when really what it did was victimize individuals in our community even. The guilty are behind bars but for the community the trial goes on we were torn apart by your whole event as you were the way it was publicized before but we needed to defend or was sold. Against the media when you had to defend or was sort of against a politician when he did defend or was serve or going against all the hate. Mail that we received we were afraid. We were just afraid that that up we didnt know what to do. It wasnt only lebanese muslims who experience this many lebanese christians also experienced it because in the wide. At a public ignorant mind it was simply enough to be arab lebanese from the middle east irrespective of religion or faith or lack of. A community is under media c h. And his racist tensions increase so too does the Police Presence on the streets. The drug gangs are the most obvious targets. But as the crackdown continues the underworld drug supply continues to spread than a cabbage didnt stop the Drug Distribution didnt stop i want to take a run around unfortunately there is someone there to take the advice almost immediately. To loki a straight punch bowl one time to see knees most notorious gangs the street has returned to its old suburban life. Most of these people are now in prison or invoke what semitic. But like a virus the drug trade spreads to other areas of the season. Developed a new process of visibility how impact pushing through through the New South Wales police. So we would get out the hundred poised to run operations through banks stand in the streets of punchbowl of cambridge growing like youre in those other areas to turn imo as many criminals as we could. And possible with lose the ability to get. And unfortunately. Theres a theres a culling process with the poise wake up realize that theres an issue quite a few people are arrested then taken to prison and then everything goes back to normal and then the next generation comes through. And there is a young kids who are influenced by money and the or of being a big gangster or a criminal. I hang around with these blokes and their mentors in the board up to two this is a job so unfortunately they could be school my family relatives or dropouts or or good kids or tongs. And for westie societys punishment fails to act as a deterrent. Of general being true its always back to doing the same stuff that i was doing because i tried to follow the drug or tried to do something good and i just gave up or was just so used to living the. Fun lifestyle. After a year in prison and still on parole. Back into dealing drugs in the city you become a slave. To the club to the customers and to the money and just takes your mind to show your power energy and. Youve got no control over its usually made. To try and make money in a fast way. It consumes you. On you dont want on. To get caught which finally come. Westy is caught and hes sentenced to another term in prison but while hes in jail he writes down his life story as a warning to young people not to follow his path in crime. But back in south west sydney its the law abiding lebanese people who are now faced with picking up the pieces of their shattered community. Disgusted. Element was in the community have been conducted themselves the community victims of all these elements the word victim of the gang wars of writers they were victims of the medias a were victims of the politician they were victims of. At the time they didnt know how to react to it over that one. Feeling was discussed does communities feel they have no recourse no protection so they become cynical angry depressed monoculturalism as it. Took this horrendous kick to the stomach. Already reeling any hope of recovery is snuffed out by world events nobody could have predicted. Without warning lebanese astray and suddenly have the greatest challenge yet. As arab astray and a brand of the enemy within. And the Community Faces a new threat. After september eleventh the young people have been under a different kind of fluids. Its longer the get the rich quick no longer. Its even worse than that it was. Religious radicalization. Next time on once upon a time in punch. Lines that have been the fastest train in in history is prosecuted under a new no laws designed to protect the nation from terrorism who wanted to belong to someone to pick on that his lead told him they were wrong to think about islam for. Equal or article is an equal of fundamentalism extremism on followed someone calling for help and racism raised its ugly head as a strain on lebanese and told to go back to where they came from the lasting image there of a person who is just a symbol of the running for their loss along the boardwalk at the base and i think for those who were watching it it is a way how could it get to the. Hallows no longer quite as hot in sydney this is sort of a cold front is a nice juices a change of wind direction more clouds in the sky so we end up was full custom says a bit more reasonable thirty one in sydney twenty four now when thats been bit of a drop but you know its not bad for summer mostly sunshine and im sure breeze of the queensland coast showing notice it is reasonable woman purpose for that temp is about to drop more of a breeze coming up from the southwest a nineteen degrees for you but that induces walks out of the interior adelaides going hot again thirty three degrees and forty in alice weve seen forty. Five up in Northern Territory and thats probably going to be continued so thats a picture for australia now of course quite often you export from australia into new zealand and the trading front does just that but its not particularly active you saw a bit of cloud maybe blowing off the high ground of science there it looks like it mark bringing showers here and onshore breeze but to be armies complain twenty three degrees in both north and south along with these in oakland and wellington quite possibly on sunday a slight increase in temperature theres a greater chance of showers of rain in the south of south london but to be honest that is a nice bit of summer. Counting the cost the mouse wins over the fox well look at disneys acquisition of twenty First Century fox impact on media landscape. Net neutrality and where the changes will affect how we view all that content and making the most of the greeks. Counting the cost at this time on aljazeera. Training start slightly but the pace picks up quickly as these grannies work out a long life time of frustration. At eighty five years old intombi sold what trains as hard as anyone and. I feel so good i feel fresh i punch this side and this side like this and like that. Because. These ladies are tough and they take their training very seriously. So you feel a. Little more energetic if. Singapore is being accused of expanding its coastal and illegally dredged and some of the islands off the coast of indonesia literally vanish its a big business when they will take the city there in the sand is are there you see this beautiful beach behind it is something thats not so tragedy is that people are just not aware and ecological investigation into a global emergency sound walls at this time on al jazeera. This is zero

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