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Protests in honduras against alleged electoral fraud the Main Opposition Party says that it will hold nationwide protests of president ronald and often and as is declared the winner of last months president ial election is that of their candidate Salvatore Cassano those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after inside story next. Iraq is totally liberated from eisel the message from the countrys Prime Minister after a three year fight against the armed groups so is the war against ice already over what does it mean for iraqs future this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the show im sam is a dan its all in the name of the Islamic State of iraq and the levant two thousand and fourteen isolette outs taking over nearly all of iraq in syria but three years later and billions lost iraqs Prime Minister had the law by the says his military has defeated the armed group. And now out of the calm the have the right honorable rockys your land has been completely real approaches your cities and villages have been returned to the nation the dream of liberation has become a reality we achieved victory in difficult circumstances and with gods help steadfastness of our people and the bravery of our heroic forces we prevailed has been a long road to get to this point the battle for most all alone took months almost a Million People had to flee and thousands left behind were killed more than eight thousand homes were reportedly destroyed and that was just one of several iraqi cities once controlled by ice on ice all held all the area shown here in red back in august two thousand and fourteen soon after it announced its socalled Islamic State at various points it controlled the major cities of mosul fallujah and ramadi now the group is being pushed entirely out of iraq where did its tens of thousands of fighters go. Lets bring our i guess into the show we have joining us on skype from baghdad earlier the former spokesman for the Iraqi Government in exile turn the United Kingdom there are a researcher at the university of exit strategy and security in situ and also in the iraqi capital and approached the advisor to the speaker of the Iraqi Parliament welcome to all of you if i could start with ali so iraqs Prime Minister as i mentioned he said hes declared the end of the war against eisel hes already over it said america will do for all iraqis i think iraqis all now celebrating i just check in one of the government it in the act last about that people all in the street they never have such a happiness moment they have today which this declaration give them the hope the most important that iraqis in the future although that the future had if you will have challenges you challenges to the country and to the Prime Minister and all to talk to all politicians but even though iraqis have. They are celebrating that day which is a real big to the on on the country compared with what we had in june two thousand and fourteen or for failure of the military failure of the all for iraqis and it was in existence issue the for the country which with all the challenges with all the problem and difficulties finally at ikea they did and they had now country liberal from one of the water trick if went in the in the history of the country all right so celebrations happiness and hope the war is over do you agree with that analysis. I think its overly optimistic i mean to say that all the iraqis are celebrating is frankly insensitive i think and with all due respect to our fellow guest. You know you have hundreds of thousands of iraqis mostly sunni arabs who are stuck in you know refugee camps theyve been internally displaced. And its of the utmost importance that these people are returned to their homes and not just return to their Homes Services must be restored to these people before they can actually truly feel happiness of course everyones to be really liberated from a terrorist organization like that. But theres only so much that someone can claim as a victory so when the Prime Minister heard that a body is talking about finding liberating all iraqi lands from isis one has to always bear in mind that they actually began as an insurgent asymmetric warfare Capability Group they were not always Holding Territory and they will simply revert back to that this is just made me a reality check really we actually have to be very vigilant keeping an eye out for any further disturbances and if the social conditions that lead to the rise of isis are not addressed we will likely face either revitalization of isis or something much worse or it will come back in a moment to some of those points are mentioning about what happens next to iran to iraq as a state but on that point if we could take it back to our lead before we head over to our. The spokesman for the state the part of the u. S. State department sounded less sure than the you are today ali let me read a quote she said iraqs liberation does not mean the fight against terrorism or even a gainst ises in iraq is over should there be more of an element of cautiousness when you say it is a great victory at this point. I do agree that ises. Presence over the ground its over but definitely they will go underground and they will be i guess it would be a search and definitely not only for this challenge is not only what act it will be all for the whole region but our state this is the what we have because we be back being occupied one third or forty percent of the iraqis to fight by the state which is so called the state now which has been liberated definitely we have we do have the challenges as i said challenges that huge and one of them is that people if you choose this in place people definitely but what to do finally we did it and now there is a hope for the people which has been this a place which has been the if you g. s they had that huge huge disaster in the history the hope for them to go back home and to reconstruct and to resume their normal life so that is what i am saying there is a hope otherwise but what there is no other option for us that finitely that is what we we do have to to hope in the future that isis is no more presence over the ground or at the end that a ground that is a still a threat lets talk about that the need of all around threat perhaps if i can bring a friend into the discussion i mean its clear that not all members of iceland been killed or captured or right in some of these battles they withdrew in some of the battles in iraq or syria they simply it seems cut some kind of deal and evacuated where did they go well actually just messiahs said they are moved groups there are one of the most. Speeders or lets say most fast military groups that can hide everywhere were talking about her primary damage theyre saying now that ive kicked them out the cities and he even went on to say theyve secured the deserts where is the on the ground and air and control of both the cities and deserts where is the underground left to hide. Dont just say i said sleeping cells they can be with the people no one knows but the problem the accurate probability the most important problem is that we have a tremendous day to day for the victory but the day after there will be so many crises actually will be in the face of the Prime Minister himself and also for the benefit of the sleeping cells and by one we have a humanitarian crisis which is can be with the idea of ps three point five million and also with the destroyed cities number two we have the financial crisis we have corruption we have debt about reached to one hundred thirty nine billion dollars which is the first time in iraq and the third thing is that we have reduced Central Bank Cash in the region to thirty seven billion dollars and the third crisis which is a political one we have. Disappeared we have some use only dispute we have kurds kurds that and also we have the for under a crisis so all these things now its on the shoulder of the Prime Minister i dont know how he can deal it with about lets say five months for the elections which seems to be a lot of huge kind of challenges returning to the sleeping cells they are very clever and they are waiting to see exactly whats going to happen and what are the solutions its supposed to be for all these crisis are you covered a lot there in the answer if we take the last part we wrap up this point and take it back to what sort of posture tom how do you expect these sleeping cells to now take do they go back to being a Guerrilla Force do they become secret cells in cities or sort of modus operandi do you expect them to take now i expect them to take a Broad Spectrum approach actually. If you kind of examine and analyze what they were doing previously and by they i mean obviously groups like al tire then at arc and similar organizations. They were running guerrilla campaigns against the u. S. Occupation at the time in the anbar deserts and later on the Iraqi Security forces and that was to devastating effect costing thousands of lives and hundreds of millions of dollars worth of equipment. On the other hand they will also probably try to conduct terrorist attacks inside cities and weve already seen this in baghdad and in cities around the baghdad belt so they will take a Broad Spectrum approach that is very low cost its asymmetric its difficult to trace and difficult to track which is why and intelligence approach is very much suited to this kind of warfare but in order for that intelligence operation to succeed you have to have the people on board and you know going back to the refugees in the i. D. P. s. Youve got politicians now making grand announcements and you know giving hopeful messages but the reality is it comes across as this message is being given purely because there are elections coming up and Prime Minister had that ability wants to win another term and he wants to kind of prize away the parliamentary power from his adversaries the the actual reality on the ground is not much different from what we saw in twenty fourteen for isis jumped onto the scene with such explosive force so until that is addressed we just have to bear in mind that the last you know person who declared that iraq was liberated was george w. Bush and it led to all the where we are now years later very short a circle point taken i like the statement you made there you have to have the people on board ali the Prime Minister hyderabad he said quote we have won through our unity is iraq today unified hourly. I dont think as rosy as the head by the said unified we are headed seeing huge difficulties and problems and definitely there is a difference is the especially take in consideration. Election is coming elections just a few months definitely that will be why then there will be there will be huge difficulties with the could with the other with the true news interruption our intention news but what is also what is iraq is that chance what they are saying is if its not a unified state what is iraq but it is we have difficulties a problem but as i want to say that we have no option only to have the election only to change only to make a new go to Good Governance and to change the situation which which which led to isis to occupy the country that is the only option left to act definitely we havent had a thing as the others all the region in the editing give huge difficulties and the problem and the ak is not exclusively from this region definitely we had much more from the other countries but what is the option we have to exist we have to live we have to call him home each other and to find solutions for all the difficult elections being how we could in hines a large and if we could manage that differences are i go let me give you wanted to come in on that go ahead. Yeah im just curious as to the gentleman from baghdad i mean i agree elections are very important we need to kind of get a reflection of the will of the people in government thats fantastic and no one disagrees with that but how we supposed to have free and Fair Elections when you have hundreds of thousands millions in fact who are displaced in refugee camps their primary concern is survival its not you know political manifestos i think that we need to kind of understand i think alice point was the only alternative or not hold the line in this because a lot of people cant participate. So the the alternative. What no the alternative is to i mean if we look at for example the last elections twenty fourteen much of the population could not vote simply because there was no security in the region so thats millions of people who were left out of the political process that creates more marginalization what needs to be done is to have a transitional period whereby you know enough security im not talking about total security as unrealistic but enough security can be please put in place as well as the restoration of services so that people thinking about that if i may give him a chance to come back we dont want the culture of our kind and leave the question what what is the alternative value how do you sponsor those who say well maybe the old turn to this things like baghdad redistributing the budget in a fairer manner changing the constitution empowering governance scrapping the anti terror law you know some of those measures that suddenly say keeps them marginalized then you might get a better sunni participation in elections definitely definitely i do it you know thats when you need to have really but disappeared and fully but disappeared to feel that they are part of this country you know but that i dont. Need to do something to help them to pursue a pay right if you are right but we do need to start which is which way first come chicken out of the egg this is the thing now either to alternative to abolition and change the whole politicians which they destroyed the country or do we continue on a such a situation very corrupted situation we have to choose we have to find that people are willing to change and there is no other alternative or let me put the question to ask but how much of a plan for reconstruction for development in some of these areas which have been taken back from i saw how much of that sort of plan is the government unveiled are you satisfied to be you advised the speaker of the parliament what do you say to politicians. While none of that i didnt see or all the parliament didnt see any plan from the Iraqi Government to rebuilt all of the cities actually they made only two percent from the budget for the liberated area now the question of the two percent is enough to rebuild all these cities and also to satisfy people and the most important thing is that is is keeping cells is already working on that telling to the people of your Central Government actually dont give a damn on you what they didnt what what they are doing now is actually giving all only promises now the Prime Minister himself saying that we must prioritize our government in a way or another now were supposed to be the first thing the i. D. P. s done the budget came with only two percent for the destroyed areas what whats happened is that. The inside the parliament actually discerning peers pushed the budget to the government saying that we will not accept it its will not helpful and of the end you need to make an election if you want to make election uproar its supposed to be the idea is returning home first and secondly make them a willing to go to election is that we are doing our best just be patient and other and we are all going to five dollars in a way or another now all of these things is not happening actually all right let me pose a question to. One of the demands of people in some of the areas where isis has been pushed out is that they dont want to see. Militias dominant in those areas they want to see regional provincial perhaps Security Forces to take over how. I guess realistic is it to expect that this this member moment or this banding now of the Popular Mobilisation forces which was such a key force in the fight against. I think it is entirely unrealistic to expect the disbandment of the house to shabby the Popular Mobilization forces. Just recently within the past day one of the main leaders of the Popular Mobilization forces base of hazily was actually on the israeli lebanese border having to tour with hezbollah operatives so you know these guys are heavily backed by a Regional Power which is obviously yet on and they wield incredible influence not only within iraq but across the border in syria and further on and in lebanon so when youre looking at Power Dynamics that stretch across a geopolitical space. When you try to focus that within solidly the iraqis fear you begin to appreciate the level of difficulty that the iraqi state and people this is a social problem as well so i thought if i may jump in here who is in control right now of those areas where i salute been pushed out. You can just take a look at footage from mosul and from for an order from from various cities ive been recaptured by the Iraqi Government and you can find Recruitment Offices and headquarters and Everything Else for shiite militias and these are predominantly sunni arab cities so ok thats going to build a lot of discontent and i think youre around and you do not want to be an open door for more groups ok got it early please weigh in yes certainly one of the units is being declared today to do a lot of the out of this or themselves and theyve put the things and the Prime Minister i do agree that the. Mobilization unit is one of the challenges but definitely they did that with job they had to participate in liberation of the country although that many mistakes we do agree but at the end this is all countries everywhere with occupation as their. Popular unit has been participating and then you have to find a solution you have to find and and there is everybody. But it definitely but a hard with this one of the challenges of the up how to occupy them how to accommodate them within the within the. Power within the military forces and not to be any individual realistic i mean. There are badly take on these militias one maybe announcing at least that its this banding what that really put high that are badly on a collision course not only with the most powerful military forces in the country but with iran. Which banks mental but he cannot eat cannot ban them banding its not its not on the table even highly they have to or they have to accommodate them in a way or that in the military forces as individual and being a continuation of sectarianism if they continue and just were not alone there are a lot of competent country and they are part of the iraqi people and they have i what about those who are near us and i miss the war crimes and what happens to them well that they definitely do a good deal and we united against them that they have to be. Taken to the court and they have to face the justice and they have to be punished im sorry have you dont want to in hell kind i want to be held accountable or i mean go trials i promised. Or come to in a minute tell her i promised that i would give him a chance to weigh in on this for us to be. Well sammy letter spiritualistic now the seventy per cent of the war game against the us was in the hands of the coalition in the hands of the American Forces then after that the high per cent of the iraqi forces war was the Anti Terrorism task forces were talking about the golden brigade who lost about five thousand troll gers and the and the and mosul and then the mosul combat then after that the federal police who lost about three thousand soldiers then the pm have full come to respond as a response for whats happened in the combat in mosul or in other areas we all know that so let this period stick and put the numbers as well because of the end if you want to make some sort of of your own money just like whats happened today the Prime Minister himself as we all see as we also is that the first was the goldenberg the Antiterrorism Task forces then the federal police then the other then the piano forces so that that means we must put or lets say give everyone his share of duties his share for his second feiss now for the result or lets say the future of the pm its something of the hand of the Prime Minister there is a law about the p. M. S. Have and its supposed to be one of the major points in the law is that if there is no combat at the end the pm hour fall be what will have some sort of merging inside the ministries or lets say the bears are supposed to be the way my work was adamant that many analysts say that is not the way it works that many of these militia are beholden to no and sammy power from meetings and equipment from iran yes. Bus but sunny the Prime Minister said there are thirteen persons per cent of the pyramid they are not existed they are stern and our first and secondly they have they have a budget so iraq have a financial crisis from where he will get the money to give them to give the the fifty thousand. Forces its a way of managing things if it will not happen on our way or another that the fifty thousand will be either immersion side the military forces or be dismissed there will be another financial crisis for iraq and he will not he will not pay for them anymore so this is and the runway should be able to fill in the following the gaps the funding gap you dont think let me put that question to tell how they are the problem weve got a chance to come back and i think weve only got a couple of minutes left so go ahead paul. So i mean weve got a number of problems here with p. M. S. First of all as. Dr he was saying there are there is legislation regarding the p. M. S. And the thing is its been recognized as a formal part of the Iraqi Armed Forces so therein lies the problem there are units and there are various you know you could say even terrorist organizations within the p. M. S. You know some of them like you know are listed by the United States government as terrorists like obama didnt want this and these units have been responsible for war crimes in iraq there has been zero accountability and right the main point of a democracy is to have transparency and accountability and a judiciary that can hold these people to account or otherwise would have chaos im afraid we are out of time i hate to end on a not less than optimistic note there chaos but lets hope that the coming days will bring some more positive news and be able to have this chat again and hopefully some better developments for now lets thank our guests. And. Thank you to fortune you can see the show again any time by visiting our website aljazeera dot com of a further discussion head over to our Facebook Page thats facebook dot com forward slash a. J. Inside story also join the conversation on twitter our handle there is at a. J. Inside story from me sam is a ban on the whole thing here and now is a good buy. He was born in ireland but at seventeen found himself in the middle of a Political Revolution in egypt i went on stage and i spoke about democracy i was put in a cell diffuse pockets little if sixty people were put a hundred and twenty people in the cell after four years imprisoned in cairo ibrahim holloa talks to al jazeera at this time. We understand the differences. And the similarities of cultures across the world so no matter how you take it aljazeera will bring you the news and Current Affairs that matter to aljazeera. If you are in beijing looking out the Pacific Ocean youd see American Warships one mess was that somehow time is aiming to replace america and go around the world all the chinese are not that stupid these guys want to dominate a huge chunk of the planet this sounds like a preparation for our first president George Washington said if you want peace prepare for war the coming war on china at this time on the jersey of. Aljazeera its just swear every. Im come all santamaria here in doha with the headlines on aljazeera the russian president

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