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League is holding an emergency meeting to discuss President Trumps recognition of jerusalem as israels capital. Hello im Maryanne Demasi and ondine youre watching aljazeera also coming up President Trump steps into a civil rights firestorm we are live in jackson mississippi with the latest. The arab league is holding an emergency meeting to discuss Donald Trumps formal recognition of jerusalem as israels capital u. S. President s decision has been widely condemned by governments around the world and has led to protests across the middle east. This started as a protest on saladin street one of the main shopping streets in this part of jerusalem on a saturday theres just a handful of protesters with a picture of tourists on their intention to march just the half a kilometer to harrods gate to make their voices heard in opposition to Donald Trumps decision as they set off we were confronted with a line of police and Security Services we were told that first of all they didnt have a permit to march so therefore the couldnt get out and also they were blocking the street and saw the police and the army started to her siblings push them back that led to growing crowds and a bit of a confrontation bit of a standoff the police then brought in some policemen on horseback to try and break up the codes on the pavement next to the would that lead to a great deal of panic and anger and it also meant a number of people were injured we then saw running conflicts between the protesters and the Security Services the protesters would throw Water Bottles and small stones and rocks at the Police Security services responded with rubber coated steel bullets and also sewn grenades trying to break up the crowds at one point for about thirty minutes the leaders of everything it can done but then we saw young protesters moving forward taunting the police a few stones were thrown and the police moved forward trying to grab those has been identified by Police Photographers as those responsible for throwing the storms and were told there were thirteen arrests a number of injuries were reported as well the intention from the people was simply to go out onto the streets to make their voice heard the said that they hoped that palestinian leaders had their voices and also that donald trump saw some of the scenes from that one street in East Jerusalem. Of more lets speak to how to donny who is live for us now in ramallah and getting a sense there from alan fischer of the tensions in the protests in occupied East Jerusalem whats it been like way you want today well there have been some protests and clashes more so in bethlehem a little bit here in ramallah but certainly not on the levels we have seen over the pause few days that thought an indication that the fizzling drying up but simply i think its usually over the weekend where you get really the sort of outburst you see now on the so thats it. All right and tell us more about the reaction from the palestinian leadership we know that the p. A. Is refusing to meet the Vice President might pence when hes in the region in a few weeks time is that a Strong Enough reaction for the people there is that sort of thing they want to see at this point in time. Well we havent heard that from Mahmoud Abbas himself but however from one of his senior aides now that anyway we have been talking to palestinians through this weekend when they were demonstrating here industries of ramallah and one thing that came up over and over again is that my friends would not be welcome in the occupied west bank that Mahmoud Abbas should not meet him that they had there was nothing to say between the two sides this particular time so certainly for him at least as we see it now as we understand it now but who the bus will not be meeting mike pence that said that he is also under a lot of pressure to do. The opposite we have weve seen several reports that the u. S. Has actually warned Mahmoud Abbas against the king that move and he is pressing on him to meet with michael but so well see what diplomacy will bring about in the next few days but as we stand thats how it is the meeting is supposed to happen on the seventh seventeenth so distant at least ten days for things to change all right how to thank you i mean in ramallah well joining us now in the studio is a senior political analyst Marwan Bashara and summer one palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas has always advocated for peaceful means of pursuing state but now we see these protests and clashes in the region what is the risk of the escalating into something greater now an uprising. Not only did he. Did he bets on the peaceful negotiations which is you know which is great he basically believed like like president sadat of egypt believe that ninety nine percent of the cards are in americas hands and hence he put all his eggs in americas baskets and i think what we face now is not simply a blow back on on on the on the diplomatic front what we have is a real problem with the United States the sponsor of these talks for the last quarter of a century taken the position that it took it took this week so in a sense he needs to now to work on two fronts first of all how to confront israel in occupied territories and second of all to find an alternative to an american role or american pressure on the Palestinian Authority id like to suggest just one possible scenario it would be a nice taste on christmas you know president abbas is not allowed to go to jerusalem like. Most palestinians in the west bank and gaza cannot go to jerusalem on christmas and i think it would be nice of president abbas does not allow my parents to go to bethlehem this christmas because he is coming to the region to be nicer to him you know mr percy you can come to to live because of the position you took on on on jerusalem and i think moving forward is going to be a problem with the United States all as well as we deserve and one thing weve heard from the International Community particularly the u. N. Security Council Meeting yesterday was this renewed sense of urgency for that to be some sort of process on. That sense of urgency of course was an era told before transfers them declaration on the other hand we hear we had members of the council challenging donald trump to come up with a detailed plan so then slightly contradictory message what what shape or form can any negotiation take and then who takes the initiative on that the other thing is on the on the first part of the question the think is is that its its no its clear that President Trump and his administration has no policy have no strategy moving forward on the socalled ultimate deal which weve pursued israelis and this move on jerusalem was total political expediency it was basically trying to to appease the israeli lobby and the evangelical lobby in the United States there was nothing else to it in fact if anything everyone knows contrary to what President Trump claimed that this does hurt it hurts the Peace Process it hurts peace negotiations and it hurts the chances of peace in general now the alternative that unfortunately all fourteen members of the Security Council did speak in favor of renewed different multilateral approach to the question of resolving the conflict and ending the occupation of palestine unfortunately. I cant see anyone today taking the lead you would hope that the europeans will take the lead on this questions like for example the russians took the lead on the syrian question you would hope that the europeans along with the United Nations and perhaps russia the other three members of the International Court quartet along with the United States if these three members led by the europeans would say we need to move on into this question because all three have a lot of leverage with israel you know israel is still dependent to some degree on the you in the European Union is also for so there is room for maneuver if there is a will there is a way but i dont know of the will exists today. Thank you. When our approach has been has been held in paris of the plans for the israeli Prime Minister to visit the city Benjamin Netanyahu is set to meet frances president and later this week says the u. S. Decision to recognize yourself as israels capital is quote regrettable and im moving to some of the other stories were covering this hour u. S. President donald trump has declared a federal emergency in california some of the worst wildfires in the States History for some two hundred thousand people to leave their homes six fires are burning in los angeles and there are fears that strong winds could see them spread even further out and shuffle has more from Ventura County. When the wind dies down the helicopter crews go up here taking advantage of morning call to attack the thomas fire northwest of l. A. The largest of the fires burning in Southern California its now ten percent contained but still growing and a slight break in the weather has helped firefighters in some areas and the fight ahead is all about how hard the wind blows and how dry the hills are theres three factors that influence fire behavior fuel weather and topographic. Weather is a huge factor its the most variable factor that fire for wildland firefighters face across the region fires have burned through more than six hundred twenty five square kilometers of National Forest land the coastal canyons and neighborhoods from san diego to ventura hundreds of homes have been lost thousands of people ordered to evacuate with likely more destruction and more displacement ahead the president has now declared a National Emergency and ordered additional federal help thousands of firefighters have converged here from all over the western u. S. In this ventura neighborhood where the flames have been out for days and residents are now allowed back in kim gray walks us through the home she moved into when she was two years old im very sad but and but seeing it had to be the worst part this is the new normal for us for a little while anyway she and her family got out just in time with only a few possessions when the fire erupted coming back has been so hard but she knows its a shared experience making the regions losses very personal this house was here since one thousand twenty seven so this is like one hundred year fire im hoping they wont happen again ever but. It it might because we are so dry while the battle continues in the air and on the ground in Southern California the grays and many other fire weary residents have no choice now but to turn to the future and the rebuilding job ahead alan kohler aljazeera Ventura County and watching our head the agony of the escape reveals a harrowing story of being shot as she tried to flee. Im tanya page reporting from south africa on how sinful Big International brands have been linked to a corruption scandal. Hello again the weather is quite quiet over the middle east at the moment if you look at the satellite picture you can see this swelling massive cloud today thats clearing away and behind it that is generally quite settled weather for many of us not quite all of us there you can see an area of cloud and rain there working its way into parts of turkey thats going to bring some of us some rather heavy rain here theres also quite a bit of cloud here for the eastern parts of the mediterranean but this is breaking off and it looks like monday should be brighter. They get into around twenty one degrees and for one crow will get to around ten monday wholl be a dry a day to i mean for the towards the south its certainly been very very windy here in doha over the past few days the window easing a bit as we head through the next couple of days but it still will state rather fresh so a maximum of around twenty three or twenty four over the next few days and we dropping down to around fifteen sixteen at night of os that feels pretty cool so a lot of that twenty seven degrees will be maximum as we head down towards the southern parts of africa loss of cloud rolls of rain with us at the moment you can see plenty of what weather stretching all the way down through parts of mozambique and into madagascar more heavy showers a likely hit during the day on sunday and also quite a few showers around joburg as well. Youre going. Welcome back our challenges there are lets take you through the stories making headlines the arab league is holding an emergency meeting to discuss u. S. President Donald Trumps formal recognition of jerusalem as israels capital funerals have been healthy two hamas fighters and two protestors who were killed by an israeli by israeli air strikes and shootings in gaza on friday trumps declaration on jerusalem has led to the leader of egypts Coptic Church to decline a meeting with the Vice President mike pence who is jews travel to the region late this month. And other stories were following closely iraqs Prime Minister is in the end of the war against i still in iraq hyderabadi says iraqi troops are now in complete control of the iraqi syria border it follows an Iraqi Forces Operation to push the last i saw fighters out of the area in else what marks the end of the three year war to drive i still out of iraq. Now the u. S. President visiting jackson mississippi for the opening of a Civil Rights Museum an event has been by control the see that with a number of civil rights leaders deciding to boycott the event because they say the president has a record of racial division. Signs of the vines charlottesville rally and his criticism of n. F. L. Players kneeling during the National Anthem to protest racism or more in a story on his own day joins us live from jackson mississippi what is the atmosphere like that with trumps visit. Its pretty subdued quite frankly this is the main plaza area in front of this new Civil Rights Museum a multimillion Dollar Museum thats quite impressive inside i might add it really documents decades of the struggle by black americans to get civil rights here in the United States but it has been subdued a little bit primarily because donald trump is here and not everyone agrees that the president should be here for this many civil rights activists both national and local have boycotted and said that they will not be taking part in this Ribbon Cutting at least not while donald trump is here and hes here right now giving a very brief speech inside a very private to a private group of people its not a public speech that hes given and its really the Africanamerican Community is saying that they just dont believe in donald trump they dont think that hes doing enough to bridge the racial divide in this country the end of the National Association for the advancement of colored people the most storied his all right Civil Rights Organization in the United States has said that they do not want donald trump here they did not want him here at all even the mayor of this city an africanamerican himself said that he will not be attending either which is really really quite shocking in a lot of ways that the mayor would even attend because of donald trump it just gives you an idea how much really mistrust there is with a lot of africanamericans and civil rights leaders to donald trump they say he just hasnt done enough to bridge the racial divide and they just dont think it sends the right signal that hes here at this event. Gabriel is on the and jackson mississippi thank you. Protesters are accusing South African president jacob zuma of allowing businesses to control the government via corruption state capture is a key issue for the governing party the African National congress is choosing a successor to president jacob zuma next week the new page reports from pretoria. These activists are among the South Africans who say president jacob zuma has allowed some Business Leaders to use corrupt practices to take control of the state is the first not. Particularly members of the gupta family both the president and the group does reject the corruption allegations but the scandal wont go away in fact its widening recently several International Brands have been linked to the scandal British Public Relations Company part and its a pity the German Software giant as well as order to escape p. M. G. And several banks the u. K. s h. S. B. C. And Standard Chartered and indias bank of baroda theyve all had to defend themselves against allegations they either knowingly or unwittingly facilitated corruption and south africa the banks arent commenting other than to confirm theyre cooperating with investigators all of the International Companies involved have apologized and taken remedial action ranging from firing Senior Executives to repaying money earned from gupta accounts neither the group does nor the president would comment to us half a world away in the united kingdoms houses of Parliament Former n. T. Apartheid activist lord peter hain has taken a stand hes convinced financial regulators and the Serious Fraud office to investigate british banks he says are implicated in Money Laundering the profits of state capture in south africa billions of help being siphoned off from tax through contracts dodgy contracts grants that goes straight into the pockets of president zuma as family all the gifts of brothers empire then the money little did abroad sometimes and then certainly is recycled back into the country investigators in the us and dubai are also probing the allegations but president zuma hasnt set up the independent inquiry into state capture ordered by a public watchdog a year ago. Actually guarantees puti and you know people are put in places to actually protect the interest of private interests that are pretty well investigations in britain the u. S. And the u. A. E. May have some impact on companies and banks based offshore in south africa despite months of allegations it appears to be business as usual for those at the center of. Your page aljazeera put. It well a former president of georgia has gone on a Hunger Strike any ukrainian Detention Center according to his lawyer account saakashvili was rearrested in ukraine four days after his supporters freed him for police than he says the charges against him a politically motivated it is sharp has more. We have saakashvili was rearrested late on friday following a police raid on an apartment block in kiev the former president of georgia had been hiding there since his escape from custody after being arrested on tuesday. Myriad confronting of the campaign to end preach ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko criticizing his failure to hold corruption. Secretaries press secretary confirmed his arrest on the us south as the lizza did because saakashvili was detained and now judging from the number of policemen he has kept there they dont let anyone in i dont know who managed to get in there i cant get in there at his press secretary i hope there are lawyers in there and more of our people. Dozens of supporters gathered outside the Detention Center vowing to stay until his release. They are trying to set up a regime right bottom brush or umbrella reese here if people dont rise up against it now ukraine is finished it will be no fight with corruption no change and no investment because no one will want to give money to a corrupt country like in extraordinary scenes on tuesday Ukrainian Security agents dragged the former leader from neighboring georgia across a rooftop of the seizing him from his home in kiev then bundled him into a police bus i before he could be driven away supporters managed to free him four days after their botched attempt to take him into Custody Police tracked him down on friday. Back in custody again his future looks bleak. Hes now stateless because hes been stripped of his ukrainian and georgian citizenship and he faces extradition back home to georgia worries wanted to face corruption charges allegations which are denied he is also denying the accusations in ukraine and a started a Hunger Strike in an effort to clear his name peter sharp al jazeera. The British Foreign minister says hes had frank discussions with his iranian counterpart about the case of an imprisoned raney and mother or as johnson is expected to have urged irans foreign minister and how much of a sorry to free him garri racked with she serve a five year sentence for spying which she denies johnson has been criticized for jeopardizing a case after he said she was in the country to train journalists. Now the opposition in honduras has filed a legal challenge to an all the result of last months president ial election opposition candidate salvador nasrallah said the current president on our land hernandez has both declared themselves the winner the election was marred by allegations of voter fraud fourteen people have now been killed in protests. And i knew old ranger girl has told out as they are how she survived after being shot three times by b. N. Ma soldiers i did a story is not an isolated one the military is accused of deliberately targeting children escaping a crackdown in iraq or instate child strafford reports from the func ali refugee camp near cox is bizarre. But his grandmother called hold back the tears. Its a miracle the nine Year Old Girl is a lawyer. She to says she was shot three times by myanmar Army Soldiers but she fled her village of form bazaar three or four months ago. The bullets went through her growing to leg her left arm and her right arm pit myanmar soldiers shortterm mother and father. Says you too was trying to escape in a boat with a young boy when the army opened for them you know how your little long we were running them crying trying to escape he says i got in a boat and heard gunshots was in a different blood when the Ministry Shelter jeter they were around the ambient away from. Of the seeing they had shelter i filled out i am bound to die. The bullet wound on the infected and wont heal. Infections are common in the camp with hundreds of thousands of other refugees its not known how many children have been killed by the Myanmar Military in this recent crackdown on the river injure the myanmar government is refusing any kind of independent investigation but whats so shocking about this case is that having spoken to two witnesses and the medics treating her all evidence suggests that a myanmar soldier knowingly shots at a nine Year Old Girl from close range. Is sort of indicative of a hard off the weapon and i watch caliber bullet of something of a seven sixty nine and like a five five six bullet which would tend to hit and bath ran and do a lot of internal damage given also the trajectory we think that it would be with for a fifty made a range limit and she too was operated on in a malaysian government Field Hospital near the refugee camp and tiny pieces of fabric from the clothes she was wearing when she was shot infected the wound. Doctors hope as huge as physical agony will eventually subside but its unlikely the terrifying memories of what she and her grandmother saw in myanmar will ever disappear. Chance trafford aljazeera think carly refugee camp bangladesh. The Argentine Navy says its no longer looking for survivors from a submarine that went missing last month but some relatives are Still Holding on to hope as terrys a bow reports. The last few weeks have been emotionally tortures ones full. A father doing everything in his power so that the rescue efforts continue for his son and his shipmates twenty seven year old daniel was a crew member on the one submarine it would missing almost a month ago with twenty four on board this week that nearly would have graduated as an undersea weapon specialist. The navy says that they can only last for a week with oxygen but there are so many variables they calculate on a forty four people surviving and what i say is you know what if only two people survive the explosion or one the amount of oxygen would increase so if only one survived are we not going to try to save him the edison kuan west last heard from on the fifteenth of november sailing from the southern argentine city office why yeah the commander of the vessel made contact with the base to see that water had entered the ship resulting in a battery multifunction not long after an explosion was detected not far from the submarines last known location the navy says that they will continue searching for the submarine but they insist that they do not expect to find any survivors they also announced that theyre investigating three specific points close to an area where official sources say an explosion was registered twenty four days ago. The search for the missing sub has been an International One russia and the United States have taken part but weather conditions have been difficult in the southern atlantic the Argentine Navy says they will once again search the area where they nischelle i believe the want to be but he found successful they would start shifting their hunt to the north towards the submarines final destination. Its like trying to find her cigarette in a football field thats what were talking about and how difficult it is we are mostly focusing around four thousand square kilometers it has been checked twice but now will do it with the help of the United States. Until last week much of a information surrounding the at a san juan was considered a state secret even though the navy has said the submarine was focusing on Illegal Fishing the relatives want to know more. Now we will have access to what the submarine was doing and the conditions the vessel was in what generates doubts is what was the sub doing what was the mission all experts say the sub has no capacity to expel illegal boats fishing in the area we have many doubts because everyone lied to us from the beginning. The argentine government insists there is nothing to hide and we get a says he has not lost hope that his son will come home alive. The minder of the top stories for you now the arab league is holding an emergency meeting to discuss Donald Trumps formal recognition of jerusalem as israels capital u. S. President s decision has been widely condemned by governments around the wild and has led to protests in several countries. Well you heard. All the shouting steely america is being an aggressor against the Palestinian People and against International Law the American Administration through this decision has positioned itself as a party in a dispute and not as a mediator this cannot give america any rights to play any role in the Peace Process. Meanwhile funerals have been held for two hamas fighters and to protesters that were killed by israeli airstrikes and shootings in gaza or on friday elsewhere in the occupied west bank have been violent confrontations between protesters and Israeli Forces also protesters taking to the streets of paris to voice their anger of a plans for the israeli Prime Ministers visit Benjamin Netanyahu is set to meet the president of france and on your lack on the later this week. And our other top stories the former president of georgia has gone on Hunger Strike and ukrainian Detention Center according to his lawyer saakashvili was rearrested in ukraine four days off his supporters freed him from a police van he says the charges against him a politically motivated. U. S. President donald trump has declared a federal emergency in california where the worst bushfires in years is still raging trump has promised additional government help to rebuild charred homes six wildfires are burning in the states south forcing two hundred thousand people to flee and iraqs Prime Minister has declared the end of the war against eisel in iraq hydrilla body says iraqi troops are now in complete control of the iraqi syria border it follows an operation by iraqi forces to push the last eisel fighters out of the area the announcement marks the end of the three zero war to drive eisel out of iraq youre up to date with all of our top stories the news hour is coming up in about twenty five minutes time after inside story which is next. Struggle over corruption all power off the Anti Corruption campaign that Mikhail Saakashvili back in Police Custody for the second time in a week before my president of georgia says his rearrest is politically motivated

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