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Protests and clashes throughout the middle east. Hello im down zero live from doha also coming up sinking down teams and security north korea says it wants direct talks with washington. Thousands of firefighters work to contain wildfires spreading throughout Southern California well have a live report. And a new budget from zimbabwes new president to reviving the countrys economy. At least one hundred palestinians have been injured in protests across the occupied territories the angry scenes were sparked by u. S. President donald trump for you recognizing jerusalem as israels capital. Demonstrators in several palestinian territories of clashed with israeli troops who fired tear gas and live ammunition at them in ramallah and the occupied west Bank Thousands heeded the call from palestinian leaders to mobilize for three days of rage. More from reality. Anger disappointment and a sense of betrayal some of the feelings among palestinians now still they remain defiant saying that regardless they do consider jerusalem the capital of a future palestinian state now this march is a show a few need usually you would see the many flags of the palestinian factions this time only the palestinian flag is raised. Or jerusalem thats the only thing we can do this time to clear the slap for us here to wake up and realize the Peace Process was just an illusion its the biggest insult to arabs even before palestinians saudi kuwait emirates jordan all of them then to us here in palestine we defend it but we cant do without support but if those peaceful protests there were also clashes across the. Bank usually a distil called fiction point thats when Palestinian Youth come face to face with the israeli army now the military had announced that it has deployed several extra battalion to the occupied west bank because it was preparing for the mentality of unrest now friday is another day of rage and more of these kind of violent scenes expected meanwhile a Senior Palestinian official in president Mahmoud Abbas his Ruling Fatah Party says u. S. Vice president mike pence is unwelcome in palestine pens was planning to meet with abbas in the upcoming visit over the move to recognize jerusalem as israels capital the shock decision by the u. S. Administration has sparked protests in gaza and a smith reports. Goal of most of them this is a scene being repeated across the palestinian territories we are like a Palestinian People we will not accept this world state to fight and fight and fight to get jurors all i am have a telephone with so. But beyond protesting palestinian leaders are now trying to come up with a unified action plan to respond to Donald Trumps recognition of jerusalem as the capital of israel most say the oslo accord is dead its been the basis of twenty five years of u. S. Mediated off negotiations between the palestinians and the israelis yeah. And telling my brothers in the Palestinian Authority that the situation should be clear we will go out of the darkness this decision has killed and. The p. A. s Prime Minister was in gaza on a prearranged visit as hamas hands back control of the territory well before trumps announcement poll showed two thirds of palestinians wanted handlers boss president Mahmoud Abbas to resign because theyre no nearer a deal on statehood now theres even more pressure on the p. A. To come up with a new strategy. We will confront this decision by having our own National Unity the justice of our case we will establish on sixty seven borders. This is a demonstration of why fighters from hamas is armed we know. Its likely to remain just a demonstration because political leaders here realize this time they want the focus of palestinian anger not to be on the situation in gaza but to be on whats happening to jerusalem but its many aljazeera. Palestinian leaders have said they will announce their next steps in the coming days one of the first moves by a palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas was to meet with Jordans King Abdullah they stressed the importance of a coordinated stance about reiterated that the u. S. No longer has a role to play in the Peace Process. Well toms decision to recognize jerusalem as israels capital also caused protests across the region hundreds of palestinians march through the camp near jordans capital amman thats can be home to hundreds of thousands of refugees who fled the west bank and gaza following the nine hundred sixty seven arab israeli war. Into his yemeni took their eye go to the streets of the capital some protesters are demanding the closure of the American Embassy to denounce trumps decision one they say would lead to catastrophe in the arab world. The Russian Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov says kim jong un wants direct talks with the white house to discuss north korea security guarantees from the United States labrum said he passed on the young guns desire for direct talks to secretary of state Rex Tillerson when they met on the sidelines of a conference in vienna on thursday meanwhile the u. S. And south korea continued to carry out combat drills despite pyongyang is warning the exercises make the outbreak of war and establish fact that is something that foreign minister lavrov said took place as a part of a conversation i dont have anything on that particular part of the conversation and i cannot confirm if that came up in the secretarys conversation with mr lavrov i will say though as a general matter the issue of direct talks with north korea is not on the table in till theyre willing to denuclearize it is something that russia has said it agrees with it is something that china has that it is it agrees with and many other nations around the world as well the d. P. R. K. Is not showing any interest in sitting down and having any kind of serious conversations when they continue to fire off Ballistic Missiles period. In jordan has more from washington d. C. Even though north korea has been actively building its Nuclear Weapons program it seems to have picked up speed with the advent of the presidency of donald trump certainly the latest test launch of what north korea says and which the pentagon agrees was an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile has raised real concern here in washington about whether enough is being done particularly in the sanctions realm to bring north korea to heel to get it to give up its Nuclear Weapons ambition now comes this apparent offer from pyongyang to have direct face to face talks with washington about its Nuclear Weapons program the Russian Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov apparently transmitted this request to the secretary of state Rex Tillerson during the meeting in vienna on thursday even though the Spokes Person here at the state department how theyre now it says that she doesnt have much in the way of that particular discussion she did reject the idea that there would be any face to face talks between u. S. And north korean officials at least not until north korea repudiates its efforts to build its Nuclear Weapons program and demonstrates that it is serious about doing so however now were told reporters on thursday that in light of the repeat it tests of Nuclear Warheads as well as the repeated tests of medium range and intercontinental Ballistic Missiles washington doesnt believe that north korea is serious and neither do the allies of washington in this case wildfires in the u. S. State of california forced more than two hundred thousand people to flee their homes the largest blaze in Ventura County which has already burned more than thirty six thousand hectares of land schools highways and businesses in the area have been shut down by hot and dry winds Authorities Say theyre expecting the fires to continue spreading while files are also burning in the Los Angeles Area from well and she joins us live now allan just tell us where exactly you are now and bring us up to date with whats been happening locally there. Derren were in the bel air neighborhood up above the city of los angeles in the hills and in this area at least firefighters and residents have gotten a bit of a break today the winds were less violent than had been predicted firefighters were able to get the upper hand on a fire burning in this area and the Evacuation Order has now been lifted people can come back in to the bel air area where about four homes have been destroyed and more damaged another fire burning in another part of los angeles proper the creek fire also a little bit less dangerous tonight fire Officials Saying the break in the weather gave them a chance to make inroads on that one as well however still many dangers there expecting those winds to kick up again tomorrow and possibly through the weekend there allan we understand the biggest fires are in Ventura County and what more details have you been hearing about the fire there and across california generally. Yeah the fire burning in Ventura County to the north and west of l. A. Still a major concern four hundred square kilometers plus growing and darragh no prediction of a time of containment or ultimate control at this point at all we understand that at one point fifteen thousand different structures were threatened by that fire depending on which direction the winds push it and theres simply no way to predict right now what the future will bring in terms of that fire the thomas fire and exactly how many structures have been destroyed the latest confirmed figure we have is four hundred thirty five but fire Officials Say that will grow almost certainly when theyre able to get into some of those areas and actually see whats happened to the south of here in San Diego County theres a new hot spot tonight a new danger area and yet another disaster declaration has been issued by jerry brown the governor of california this is a fire that blew up very quickly in and destroyed dozens of homes in a Small Retirement Community also killed horses at a Training Facility this is not in the city of san diego itself but a little bit north of there and a major area of concern tonight and one to watch again tomorrow in through the weekend as the high Wind Warnings are still very much in effect Southern California still burning in many spots and facing more torment from the santa ana winds that blow out of the hot dry interior of the state there are excellent shot of a in Los Angeles Allan thank you now a former Police Officer in the u. S. State of South Carolina has been sentenced to twenty years in prison for the shooting death of an unarmed black man michaels leg and killed will discount during a traffic stop two years ago a bystanders mobile phone video of the shooting brought National Attention to the case. Lots also to come here al jazeera find out who paid a record four hundred fifty Million Dollars but its rarely not individually painting plus. Im Jessica Baldwin in london looking at a new device to detect radioactive weapons. Hello big fingers of cloud well essentially rain bearing a stretch across iran towards took my son beyond thats a frontal system that brought rain to many places in the levant and its left behind sunshine breezes to strong ai the temperatures probably have taken a bit of a tape sixty in beirut twelve in a lap or six in ankara an improvement in the weather in turkey and youll notice we are some twenty now from iraq or down towards cuba eight despite the sunshine and this is a telling line that usually sparks a shower or two inside the gulf too but the moment but how to get saturday its mostly blue skies and to rough in the stands again was looking a bit more like winter up to eighteen by this time in beirut just as an example forty in jerusalem now as i said once you get these the lines of cloud coming through the chance of sparking the odd shower of the greater than zero so its possible that the time of year you will see a shower too otherwise its a dry period but so it wont feel very warm twenty three in there are seventeen in riyadh rather better on the western side of saudi usually is temp she was at about thirty four degrees and dropping south from arabia through the went tropics to Southern Africa and once again its this eastern side of south africa where showers are developing if youre in cape town is still enjoying the warmth. Building a new life on an entirely beach living off the sea and. A dream shared by so many but so few make it a man its. A Family Business led by a mark of a woman with a flair for cooking and disaster. Yeah i didnt catch it at this time on panties and. Welcome back a quick reminder of the top stories here on the aljazeera senior official president or what up us is running fox up r. T. Says palestinians wont meet us Vice President mike pence during his upcoming visit thats because of President Trump decision to formally recognize jerusalem as israels capital meanwhile at least one hundred palestinians have been hurt in violent clashes with israeli troops across the applied territories. Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov says kim jong il wants direct talks with the white house discussed north korea security guarantees from the United States said asked on pyongyang to soften direct talks to us section of state Rex Tillerson where they met on the sidelines of a conference in vienna on thursday. And while flaws in the u. S. State of california force more than two hundred thousand people to flee their homes the largest blaze and Ventura County more than thirty six thousand hectares and schools and highways have been closed. Zimbabwes first budget under a new president. Has been announced in parliament the new government has pledged to reengage with International Lenders curb spending and attract investors the aim is to revive an economy battered by years of corruption under the ousted president Robert Mugabe reports from harare. Zimbabwe finance minister protection Ambassador Says theres now a new economic order and that the governments policies will be more investor friendly indigenous haitian law a controversial policy that favors blacks and will be amended. To fifty one forty nine percent intrusion is this. True north normally dont want to plug these. So sick. This fifty one concerned should. Apply. Regardless of national its the first budget since last months removal of longtime leader Robert Mugabe the finance minister estimates an Economic Growth rate of four point five percent mixture you dont even have to have a local but you can just coming invest in the that you have a local partner you know youre not limited to the percentage of prescription regarding the percentage participation which is good so were beginning to create a free environment for investors president was new Administration Promises to tackle corruption cut Government Spending by closing up privatizing bankrupt and increased developmental projects one of the first at was to order three months amnesty for a return of stolen funds to the country the new leaders say zimbabwe is open for business and wants to reengage with the International Community some in its National Community are cautious they want guarantees that the bar is not a safe investment destination before they pour billions of dollars in restoring the countrys fortunes and International Standing will be a challenge some western countries impose sanctions the early two thousand and four and less human rights abuses decades of economic Isolation Company closures and job losses independent economists say the Unemployment Rate is more than ninety percent there is a shortage of foreign currency some people make ends meet selling and buying second hand clothes on the street zimbabwes first test will be in next years elections if the polls are seen to be free fair and credible that could show signs of stability and encourage investors to release needed funds. Aljazeera. The Syrian Government delegation will return to geneva on sunday to resume talks aimed at ending the conflict after walking out last week the eighth round of u. N. Backed peace talks have been on hold while the Syrian Opposition waits for government negotiators to return the delegation left the talks blaming opposition demands that president Bashar Al Assad should play no role in any interim postwar government meanwhile russias military says i still has been completely defeated in syria it says there are no remaining districts under i still control but the syrian observatory for human rights which monitors the conflicts as i saw it still holds about eight percent of darrows or province that holder has more from beirut. The Russian Military saying that the military operations against iceland syria have now been completed acknowledging that there are pockets of resistance but overall their mission has been completed now the statement wasnt clear whether the military operations will seize and the whole of syria or just in areas where i still used to operate because the Russian Military has engaged in military activity in other areas helping the Syrian Government fight the opposition groups but what is clear in that statement this is what russia wants to happen next and that is to start the political process it mentions the need for this political process to start and russia really has been launching a Diplomatic Campaign its own initiative really very separate from the u. N. Sponsored geneva talks it wants to hold what is known as the Syrian Peoples Congress but it seems that it still doesnt have the backing of all powers because that congress was supposed to be held in november and now it has been postponed till early next year it doesnt just have doesnt have the support of of players that oppose it really in syria but even within its own camp its own allies its still not clear whether the Syrian Government and the iranian government is on board to actually make the necessary concessions because what is clear is that this has been a very costly war for russia it is looking for an end game its looking for an exit plan it wants to translate its military successes into a diplomatic victory so it wants to push this forward but still little progress has been made the Chinese Government has been defending a campaign that seen tens of thousands of Migrant Workers effected from their homes in beijing Officials Say they will continue to demolish dangerous or Illegal Properties but critics say the operation is part of a plan to reduce beijings population by more than a Million People jim brown reports. A few weeks ago the shin jan neighborhood of southern beijing was home to thousands of poor workers they came here from other parts of china in search of a better life their homes were demolished after government officials decided they were dangerous or illegal the sign is blunt go away quickly this food vendor one of those given just a few hours notice to pack up and leave. The fridge and i had my breakfast stall here business was a bad then the fire happened and we all had to move out we had no choice everything is demolished you know. Follow wages Migrant Workers do the menial jobs that help to keep this city running many are delivery workers footsoldiers of chinas booming ecommerce economy but the governments cleanout is now putting pressure on the industry was shirtless in another condemned neighborhood we met honking she he spends most days caring for his granddaughter while his son and daughter in law work. Hes been paying one hundred thirty five dollars a month for a room measuring around six square metres hes accepting of his fate but says the government has behaved in a heavy handed way. When beijing was developing it definitely need it in micro work its now beijing has been developed and they have this policy of even people people from other places now they consider event a friend to the c. D. C. Development this was a. Minutes later a demolition crew appears backed up by security guards here to enforce the evictions not something they want the cameras to capture we were ordered away. The sudden if action of tens of thousands of Migrant Workers is part of a wider operation that the government says will continue for several more weeks and when all this rubble has been cleared away this land this valuable land because were still in beijing will be ripe for development. The narrative on state t. V. Paints a very different picture here the local party chief is thanking Migrant Workers for their contribution he visited what appeared to be a refurbished apartment complex telling residents that the security of the people was paramount but conceding the government must carry out of victuals with care now. Its clear that many of the homes being demolished were dangerous on many levels but they were cheap convenient and often the only option. Now those that lived here must either return to their home provinces or find somewhere else to live in a city where they no longer feel welcome Adrian Brown Al Jazeera beijing. Now in a windowless laboratory deep in the heart of Imperial College London Nuclear engineers are trying to make the world a safer place using particle physics to try to detect Nuclear Materials its aim is to one day help Border Guards make sure Nuclear Weapons cant be smuggled across countries just a bold and went to see their work. The red in yellow the light signify the presence of Radioactive Material is it dangerous life threatening or just what you get in a standard medical x. Ray. Scientists at Imperial College london are precisely measuring neutrons perfecting a new tool to detect radioactive weapons socalled dirty bombs that could be smuggled across borders that provides the information that the frontline officers need fully automatically which basically means that if theres a real threat the response will also be most foster the risk is real but experts say the threat of a radioactive weapon comes from nonstate actors criminal groups who want to destabilize governments and harm or frighten people on a large scale. Many Border Forces around the world currently use detectors but theyre crude instruments that generate false positives needlessly slowing traffic and raising questions about their effectiveness the end facet should be a game changer its smaller more sensitive and more mobile than current machines put it in the back of a police car and it will find Radioactive Material in passing traffic pinpointing the car or truck carrying the dirty bomb although smuggling dirty bombs or Radioactive Material isnt common crime it is a threat and theres a real fear a psychological fear of something we cant see harmful radiation seeping into our bodies and the environment its not like the movies you know less are going to have your face melting as such and so that the damage might be very very latent for a long period of toil so the concern is always the hidden effects of a radiation device might be some time before its detected the new detector is a byproduct of pure science looking at lifes tiniest matter and made possible only by Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence allows the computer to constantly learn what is dangerous radioactive particle and what isnt. After three years of work the engineers are nearly ready to send their detector out into the real world science helping to make it a safer place Jessica Baldwin aljazeera london Angela Merkels chances of keeping her job as german chancellor significantly improved parties former partners the social democrats agreed to begin talks of a continuing coalition and a change to his previous social democrat leader Martin Schultz used his opening speech of the Party Conference to persuade his members to vote for a coalition dollar it could spell the end of germanys political deadlock ten weeks after inconclusive Election Results reports from. State his political future and he has survived his party agreeing that he can now Start Coalition talks with c. D. U. After it struggled to form a government but this is far from a done deal talks unlikely to stretch into the new year and several things that this party wants such as reunifications of families of refugees and known to be red lines within certain parts of the party so this isnt over yet germany is one step closer to a stable government a grand coalition is widely seen as good for stability in germany good for stability in europe however the complication is it leaves the far right. Party. As the Main Opposition Party in terms of numbers in the parliament saudi arabias crown prince is reportedly the mystery of a lot of vinci that fetched four hundred fifty Million Dollars at auction last month the purchase of the salvage on monday was the most amount ever paid for a single work at auction the painting places saudi Prince Mohammed bin solomon top of a short list of wealthy newcomers willing to pay more than one hundred Million Dollars for a single work of a. Well ali al amin is the director of institute for gulf affairs he says mohammed bin salmonds reputation will be damaged by this because saudi arabia has so many issues at home. To spend four hundred fifty Million Dollars and one piece of our. Country is suffering greatly in terms of Economic Needs and the Economic Situation is getting worse we see that every day in terms of. The flooding of cities with a little rain. And the lack of basic services in the country it would greatly damaged his claim that he is if i think corruption it will definitely make him move weaker and it will expose him as a fake and it will make people angry here obviously and his credibility right now is diminished and thats why i think they they they tried to hide the. Purchase of this on a Festive Season spirit is lighting up the vatican after a long trek across Central Europe from poland a giant Christmas Tree was revealed to crowds children sang Christmas Carols twenty eight me to wonder lit up and sent peter square and the christmas crib features figurines in eighteenth century costumes and abby in southern italy made the donation for the annual event. All the news of course on our website they are it is on your screen to address aljazeera dot com thats not just iraq dot com. Recap of the top stories here now just a senior official in president Mahmoud Abbass routing fatah party says palestinians wont meet u. S. Vice president mike pence during his upcoming visit because of Donald Trumps decision to formally recognize jerusalem as israels capital meanwhile at least one hundred Palestinian Protesters have been hurt in violent clashes with israeli troops across the occupied territories. Wildfires in the u. S. State of california burned down dozens of homes and forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee two hundred thousand people have been ordered to evacuate from Ventura County north of los angeles where more than thirty six thousand hectares of land have been burnt Russian Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov says kim jong un wants direct talks with the white house to discuss north korea security guarantees from the u. S. Labral said he passed on pyongyang desire of the direct talks to u. S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson met on the sidelines of a conference in vienna on thursday. That is something that foreign minister lavrov said took place as a part of a conversation i dont have anything on that particular part of the conversation and i cannot confirm if that came up in the secretarys conversation with mr lavrov i will say though as a general matter the issue of direct talks with north korea is not on the table in till theyre willing to denuclearize it is something that russia has said it agrees with it is something that china has that it is it agrees with and many other nations around the world as well the d. P. R. K. Is not showing any interest in sitting down and having any kind of serious conversations when they continue to fire off Ballistic Missiles period. Im going to merkel may get to keep her job as german chancellor to have parties for my partners the social democrats agreed to begin talks of a continuing their coalition and a change to his previous stance the social democrat leader Martin Schultz used his opening speech of the Party Conference to persuade his members to vote for a coalition dialog and the u. N. Security council has described the sale of african refugees into slavery in libya as a heinous abuse of human rights which may constitute crimes against humanity all Fifteen Council members are asked for an investigation to bring the perpetrators to justice well those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after much in his statement thats a lot like the Worlds Largest humanitarian crisis millions caught up in civil war aljazeera world examines the roots of the conflict in yemen and the complex history that drew our country into perpetual turn. Unitil death separation of. The north and the so these dualisms are a part of history. Yemen the north south divide this time

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