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Still holds about eighty percent of their a sore but. Those are your current headlines so youre up to date stay with aljazeera though the stream is next of course you can find loads of video on demand in articles from across the globe at aljazeera dot com. Ok and youre in the strain today why have stories of Police Brutality gone viral in nigeria and hows the police force going to respond i really could be loud and ill be bringing in your comments and questions if you look forward to the pedals here youll see just a sample of the thousands of tweets weve given getting on this topic and remember we want to hear from you so keep those coming with hash tag stream of course were also live on you tube theres a shot off to the side on that site and one of our producers is a moderating type your thoughts and ill try to bring them up on air now the in sars campaign has been big news in nigeria and easily one of the most requested stories from our community this year. It all started with just one tweet a Nigerian Twitter user posted in apparent shock that they had witnessed a police unit shoot a boy there was yet rarefied the story prompted thousands of people to come forward with similar tales and demand that the special anti robbery squad or saws be disbanded just this month more than one million tweets been sent using hash tag and saws set up to combat Armed Robbery its critics say sellers is now engaged in harassment extortion violence and even killing at all of it with impunity the Inspector General of the place force has promised a reorganization of the unit and an investigation but a Police Spokesman has also accused campaigners of being politically motivated the protests though is not going away and there are plans to take it to the streets next monday to mark world human rights day. So what next how should the government respond and is the in sars campaign an indication of deeper problems in the Nigerian Police force but joining us to discuss going to resign yet is a life coach technologists and one of the main faces of the end sars campaign. Is the assistant commissioner of police in the complaints Response Unit and go is the country director at Amnesty International nigeria welcome to the stream everyone i want to start with our Community Members they are giving us a sense of what the name sars invokes in everyday average nigerian citizens heres one example site you on twitter says made here ians tremble at the mere thought of getting into the crosshairs of the sars that tells you a lot gone from being an anti robbery squad to being a menace to ordinary citizens who just want to live normal lives we want to feel protected not threatened perhaps an example of what that actually means every day life is in this video comment we got from she. Tells a story about a neighborhood he lives in in which a woman was allegedly shot and killed by a sars officer and heres what he told the stream on the set of it true. Its true man you know this. Is. Not marriage and if somebody has been abandoned by these. You see. A minimal steam these mothers abuse extension. Means and weve seen and. You know me what do you make of comments like that. I believe in everyone you know i am here with one simple message this evening that the federal government of and you are listening to all the conversation regarding the end size and appropriate actions have been directed to be taking the an Indian Police force is also listening to the conversation around and sas campaign and probably action has been taken straight to the video of chidi that very incident what happened that the Police Officers they were about to address the suspects. Arrested the suspects and when they were about to leave the same there was ample turkish and a group of people who prevented them from leaving the scene and during the situation i think shots were fired so as to enable the policeman to lead the scene and it was in the process that the one woman was shot you know lets get one thing clear yes it is this sad incident an unfortunate incident but the shooting of the woman was not intentional and a Police Officer was arrested there was detailed investigation and at that point in time it was not. Sufficient to do with establish where the shock came from what i was from the Police Officers got from the group of people that were trying to prevent the police from looking out saying i want to share this with the shop and this is from the cable a response to some many nigerians actually saying we do not like this a late squad of Police Offices theyre doing fantastically well please kick against hash tag and sauls compound how would you describe this scott the special unit robbery it said thank you. I am if you look at the bag you will realize that they are becoming an extermination squad and extortion indicated days no way out of disappearing in this people we dont care about human life and we treat people as if there are animals these people are supposed to be playing respected Police Officers who are meant to protect and serve the public but the way he is he the public as there are millions of like you you know if you look at the way the honey do keep giving you we want we need we are at war undefined when you look at. Africa you think you are confronted with a number of. Well sean. With the crowd involved would you treat people with the opry youre terrible you are probably all over for a lot more. Young boy or man driving a car. To National Security who does the kind of things that you believe and the kind of records that we get you know you begin to may cause a war if youre in the concrete if you want longer while going negative conclusion on what people are will go if you are one doctor you will recall that you are not going to start talking. To me to me or trying to kill my boss incriminate you work wont bring about let me just bring in all these let me bring in as i thank you thank you can we come back right back to this is justice jags here online he says ive had not want to experience myself but five and one of them i slept in the Police Station for two days for driving a car and stars now also the problem with a lot of these stories of how do we verify them who do we know who just says johnson is is this actually really happening because the police came up we witnessing two hundred thousand reports of alleged Police Brutality but how do they know but this is something that you as amnesty has been researching and you put out a report saying you have signed your death warrant torture and other ill treatment by nigerias special anti robbery squad so whats the truth from your perspective. Thank you very much you would find that when we actually carried out the research we interviewed quite a number of people who also visited many of the stations where people had actually reported that they have been tortured or theyve been detained in and we actually go and also speak to the officers in charge who are actually manning those places you know that build a story and we just dont take one side of the story without very finding information by checking with other sources and what you find is that over time people say similar things about similar experiences theyve had in the hands of these officers and so that tells us that theres a pattern and then when you delve deeper and you speak with those who witnesses who witnessed such incidents youre able to get more clarity in terms of time in terms of the officers involved and in terms of the amount of that have been met out to them. I have a comment that i want to pick up on that echoing really what youre saying but first i want to bring this in because we just got this tweet from j. P. Who is saying something a little different than most people in our community he says im happy to say that i am a beneficiary of good policing i stand with sar so those voices are out there picking up on the comment you made a little earlier overside this is a common weve got live on you tube this person says theres more than enough Video Evidence flying around on twitter to portray the dastardly activities of this criminal police gruppioni i want to pose this to you what do you do with all the reports and weve gotten so many of them of different incidents that are being shared on social media what would you tell people to do when they have these incidents. You see the message is very clear we have posters in all the stations and youre a one size and we have billboards across middle cities in india weeds phone numbers where you can call twenty four seven phone numbers where you can send text message where you can send Whatsapp Message phone numbers where you can send blood. Emails etc and let me sit in a police force is the only police force in Subsaharan Africa that has provided it twenty four hours close to my service care and this simple thing where just accept is he was did time place i dont see what is difficult in. Time i am pleased to accomplish and look at the tweets that i started to host on this morning were having this discussion nobody knows who the pope or ted boyd i was shot nobody knows the area the city or the town you know so most of these reports on barry fire and situations where we have gotten better if i had reports that investigations were carried out the officers involved are dismissed from the Nigerian Police force because the Police Leadership has it. Professional conduct so all i would just ordered is that the platform is there proof by your details shared Movement Short of two hundred thousand. Complaints these are on fire complaints without the name complaint without it did complete without knew that that that might not meet the definition of constructing and well and when i made it was also folks dont have specific shamrock just some having shot them. I think we dont need to shame our club on International Television i dont want their situation where i respect the Police Institution i am a citizen of nigeria and you didnt make up things that you are asking for outside and classes is a ram by product of the end game of the institution are universal institutions for its police force is a shadow of itself and it is not just today that weve been a being like what it has got no worse thing two thousand have you seen. Than the police look inward and help our retail out to people because there are institutions the gaps you know in the system the gap between the cow on the ground between the police and the people within the government and disciplinary so as the case may be when you really could become objections to something further and then look at the things our response will not do be to what personnel they will try to improve maybe it was right try to intimidate and theyll try to obvious or discredit the voice that is because thats the reason that confluence of miami zero if i dont you all would you have a family as we dont want to call him because you remind us like the law abiding we block you on twitter you would block you everywhere else phone number you have to read it again if you think of the past and what is going on political impasse gramercy that something is a nationwide issue aside what do you want to ask ahead. Yes i wanted to stress the fact that when complaints are made it will be interesting to find out what the complaints unit has actually done to check that the detention facilities where people have reported acts of torture and who treatment how did they monitor them how did they ensure that these practices to not continue there is to be interesting to see how theyve been able to manage that secondly people who are always afraid to share information and so its important that they need to be reassured that when they do share information there will be reprisals and that their information will not be shared with this im officers that they have complained about and it cant be independently investigated by a separate unit within the police i think those reassurances are not there what based on our research which culminated in the report. In twenty sixteen there were incidents that were shared with the authorities before we go to press we always shared this information to ensure the authorities can do their own investigation and can respond based on our findings and so this is this is what i really want to put out there the police needs to go beyond saying that some of these people have not given them enough information the units you have how i view money told them they give you reports have you been able to show that these reports that that this stations or these Detention Centers and not torture chambers. Its like you are reading the minds of our Community Members when you speak this is lawyer who says the National Police force official said on national t. V. That we as citizens should ask for identification from sars officers please how do you ask men pointing guns at you for identification also people are also reporting stories like this on twitter says let it be known that theyre now checking peoples phones to see if theyve been tweeting about the sars campaign and weve got several people who are claiming that as well you know me what do you say to these people. You see. When there was a complaint from members of the public regarding be let down by some on professional Police Officers that was sometimes in twenty fifteen b. N. Your own police force made a press release which i pushed out at the time telling members of the public that sort of stuff we want to know has gone out to stop Police Officers from accessing peoples phone and if it happens in reports to be made and let me also add that sometimes in twenty six Amnesty International wrote a letter to the police force requesting to busy sets in detention facilities operated by science and in abuja and i kind of by the talk state now and my office facilitated that b. C. Amnesty international i was given hundred percent full access what i basically but guess was what Amnesty International discovered obviously was not reflect that in the reports which they published or site made mention of and when i read that the representative of Amnesty International told me that they are not our. Police force that because city things that they have seen and that that is not part of their mandate and i was like if you have if you have gone on a show and i think it is professional now to report what you have seen and not just say one thing only to force on the negative aspects some no i still want to see what we want to report yes see but youve made that point let me ill cite a you only in town the bad news is. Definitely not alarmist please him its an impartial organization and that means that we always give an opportunity to the other side and also given the least degree of what is actually happening i would state here that if there have been incidents that have been reported to Amnesty International we investigate that and report to that and we give an opportunity to do respective institutions to respond on those issues if they do before the report is published it is always included in the reports and in any case when we we often get this complains that people say oh you dont talk about the good things we do we actually investigate that ive been brought to our attention and then we give recommendations based on hard be addressed and that is the way we have always worked so pushing this forward a little bit our members are talking about were formats really the big issue here me on twitter says the police should not investigate itself an external body should be the one that spearheads that reform we also got a video comment from a writer a journalist for quartz this is the only because aim this is what he told the stream. The mistrust force Law Enforcement agencies definitely goes beyond just the first the relationship with soldiers and also we regular police men ask the question of whether they can investigate themselves or hold themselves accountable it generally really feel so when im sure its now a credit to them to put together a missionary for which you could Lodge Complaints but there are also several cases or instances where people have shared experiences about how they have lots of these complaints but i havent received feedback or it hasnt been followed up on too often ifills as those hours officials and Law Enforcement agencies general tend to get away with some of these allegations now this is crucial to note because this is something that they say themselves they use language like we could throw you in jail and nothing would happen or we could shoot you and nothing would happen there is that culture of impunity and that has to go. Second he says theres a culture of impunity if you had your way what kind of reform and you like to see. The actual thing is a lot of communication information is lost in translation with most of our agencies and the need to learn how to communicate communicate communication is the two weeks thing is were just passing on information and expecting people to understand it when you send out things people make a lot of meaning to miguel meaning of the things for example you you you you really are an instruction that she going to she sent for a number of information to a particular line there were feedback theres no response drop in to show that we receive your information and by looking through it form well you can add accountability well you can actually spreading the word looking at job where you can add. Acknowledgement of you taking requests taking responsibility our police force dont take responsibility the fans are totally out of control when they give an instruction well ok if you plan to blow the roof of us to get you to be i was saying that theres no communication were going to put you through them if the as the idea of what youve lost control of events is that you have reorganized this plan and the size become what it is the construction. Weve been beaten up because of. And so our country has been doing all sorts of things that would mean we didnt mind and yet when we complain we are the one drunk gone wrong the one we are the one the political one where you want that out in you you know who the up you have of before you and if you really really if you wish and because we dont want we no longer sure where you. Are. From the community or you and the people then theres a problem how can we have league of doing business in a country where impunity ring when people youve been hearing go over before it to the people who do not be concerned or didnt want a long law abiding will of nigeria let me just share this. Thanks were almost at the end of this show i want to show you a couple of instances of where young me and his team have been Successful Police complaint three pts policemen attached the latest state dismissed extortion for policemen dismissed from service to traffic wardens dismissed for extortion and this one here from shake shake is suggesting that the police shouldnt be allowed to investigate itself my suggestion should be i mean for ten invited organization like Amnesty International or even the un to help conduct the investigations because even as youre publishing and sharing your Success Stories of catching people who you say were behaving badly in this song squad your investigating yourself maybe somebody else should be investigating is that a way perhaps to get towards reform. We have outside. Our duty to our side by side. Like we have the days of my marriage commissioner and we have the Police Service commission you know they have a duty to perform what we are really we are what we need to do and let me create complaint you need we give feedback every complaint. Has a tracking number we. Will publish the outcome on our website we need quarterly reports every quarter and yes. When we are outside as be investigation we now see. Let me just remind people that if they want to make a complaint this is what the public complaint rapid Response Unit recommends that you do they say that bell is fraser for any of the Police Officers asked for money you do not have to give them money there are a whole range of ways that you can actually contact them also nonna mislay and here at the very bottom is interesting no to impunity is this actually happening in practice has conversation going down on line too short suggestion samsung size how a Police Officer be on duty without official uniform vehicle and identification first step is ensuring that they have all three and this next person says all were saying is that they should in sars and nothing more so the time half i call the station today thank you to shag and to thats all about Online Community for being part of this conversation our conversation will continue online using hash tag stream and i will see you back take at. 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He was born in ireland but at seventeen found himself in the middle of a Political Revolution in egypt i went on stage and i spoke about democracy i was put in a cell if you pockets a little at the sixty people well put a hundred and twenty people and so after four years imprisoned in cairo ibrahim holloa talks to aljazeera at this time. Hello there im dealing with all the in london the top stories on aljazeera based on to make power

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