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Youre watching the news hour live from the headquarters in doha. Coming up in the next sixty minutes violence escalates in yemen after ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh was killed by filthy rebels but the u. N. Calls for a pause in the fighting as the humanitarian situation worsens in yemen the u. S. Supreme court backs Donald Trumps travel ban on six mostly muslim nations and smiles and handshakes but no deal yet british and e. U. Leaders failed to reach an agreement on. Hello the killing of yemens ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh by Houthi Rebels has plunged the war torn country further into chaos thats who sides had been allies until just a few days ago but this time switching sides led to the end of a man whos been president. For thirty three years and navigated shifting alliances for decades well a few hours after saddams death who feel leader abdul malik and who three made a Live Television address describing salles demise as a victory against reason yemens internationally recognized president of a double months that had the also spoke out he called on the people of yemen to unite against the who with these fightings escalated in recent hours with reports of airstrikes by the Saudi Led Coalition on the president ial palace inside heres a with more. A sudden end for one of yemens most powerful men who the rebels say they killed ousted president aliyev delish sala during an attack on his convoy. His remains were packed on the back of a pickup truck in a televised statement the leader of the said salo was involved in a conspiracy with the Saudi Led Coalition to take over well. What are the reasons behind this transfer to the other side suddenly you talk to the aggressors against your own people had been an alliance with the iranian backed who for more than two years together they controlled the capital sanaa and fought against the Saudi Led Coalition which supports the internationally recognized government led by months or hadi but this partnership with the collapse last week sparked a major confrontations between salis forces. And the rebels after days of running street battles announced he was ready for dialogue with the Saudi Led Coalition if it ended its blockade of yemen sports and airports and allowed for more humanitarian aid yemen is already a failed state its a state where there is no Central Government the institutions of most of the structures of failed the economy has failed the war has further destructive it destroyed the entire country so i think in the in the short run we. Saw and the who pushed out how these government in january two thousand and fifteen and set up their own administration prompting the saudi led campaign against them since then the country has been split between the who the rebels in the north ministration in the south and forces loyal to solid inviting began among the former allies its part fears of a new front in the war a war which has already killed nearly ten thousand people pushed yemen to the brink of mass starvation and triggered what the United Nations has called the worlds worst humanitarian crisis and there have been multiple investigations about the atrocities being committed in all parties. Whether its the whole thing whether its the Saudi Led Coalition and you know the u. K. And the u. S. Are largely complicit in this war as well through the billions and billions of dollars worth of arms sales to to the saudis. As yemens president so they ruled for more than three decades until he was forced to resign during the arab spring uprising that he was able to remain in the country and continue to wield enormous power behind the scenes its not yet clear what his death will mean for the fighting on the ground or future. Well over more than three decades in power assad i had cultivated close ties with a network of local leaders tribesmen and army units that includes the elite Republican Guard but now theyve been pushed out of large parts of the capital by the whole with these and its not clear whether saw a Loose Alliance all now be fragmented parts of the army or are loyal to the internationally recognized government led by president tad the theyre backed by the Saudi Led Coalition but the rebels control most of the northern yemen theyre supported by iran adding to the complexity. In the south they formed the socalled Southern Transitional council and the u. S. Is accused of giving them political and financial backing and al qaida also has a strong presence in parts of the south julian schwedler is a professor of Political Science at the City University of new york she says its only going to get worse on the ground in yemen. Well this is again one of the Big Questions we have in some ways its the Million Dollar question which is is there someone now in the north not someone outside not not his son who might be brought in but is there anyone in the north now that could actually bring forces together and provide some kind of leadership we dont have reason to believe that he had extensive militias supporting him he certainly did have some but who they seem to have much more militia strength and so the who are these are going to be weakened in this regard but then the sollie factions without solid as a leader and the very large number of bureaucrats that really wanted to move in and take control of the government we dont know who theyre going to rally behind if theres someone in the north or if theyre looking for someone else to come in haps. Eldest son off meds perhaps not but we really dont know who that person would be that could put those people together i think theyre going to see increased violence unfortunately in the capital city and very fearful that youll see a lot of revenge killings going on i think the call for a pause to evacuate civilians is absolutely essential but im not sure that were going to see that and i think well see an escalation of violence at least in the short term and i dont see this being a positive thing for yemen in the medium term either well as we mentioned yemens president asked his people to rise up against the whole of the forces. And i call upon all of you with an open heart and a strong determined. And to get rid of such a nightmare lets put our hands together to end the control of these criminal gangs and to build a new united yemen. More on the war in yemen and its devastating impact on the people later in the program well tell you what the u. N. Has to say. Well the developments from yemen have taken the spotlight from other regional issues of the Gulf Cooperation Council meeting in kuwait its the first g. C. C. Summit since a saudi led group cut ties with cats are in june and the talks could define the future of the bloc. Reports from kuwait. Foreign ministers of the six countries arrived in kuwait on monday ahead of the groups thirty eighth annual summit its the first time senior ministers have met since three of the Member States impose a blockade on qatar back in june saudi arabia the United Arab Emirates and rain have cut off all trade ties with qatar bahrain qatar the citizens from entering their countries and closed off their territorial waters and earth space to their neighbor for six months now its a crisis that struck at the very core of the Gulf Corporation council an organization that was set up to unify through greater trade cooperation and the Free Movement of people for months now has been leading mediation efforts while cutters amir has agreed to sit down and discuss differences with his counterparts kuwaits call for dialogue has not been accepted by the blockading countries thats why this g. C. C. Summit is so important many analysts had believed the organizations future would be in doubt if it didnt take place now that it is the focus is on whether the blockading countries will be represented by the heads of state or junior ministers instead the fact about. How they are going to the meeting and if i got the for the first time it would be possible for them to sit together and to discuss something. I think it was a positive development already the fact that they send you in your office and instead of the foreign minister i think would be. Going in the wrong direction but its not only the blockade on qatar thats threatening the g. C. C. The war in yemen is proving to be a major challenge for the Saudi Led Coalition which continues to spend millions of dollars while the yemeni people continue to suffer meanwhile unemployment in saudi arabia and across the region particularly among young people is on the rise and g. C. C. Member economies are slowing down this is one of the most important summits in the g. C. C. Is history it has the potential of her. The way for relations to be mended and a solution found to a crisis that has torn up the very fabric of the Gulf Cooperation Council but it also has the potential of further damaging what is arguably the only source of stability in an extremely. Unstable region. Well the Us Supreme Court will allow the Trump Administration to fully enforce its controversial travel ban until an appeal against it is heard the ruling extends the bands of people from six muslim majority countries venezuela and north korea who are already have family members living in the u. S. She have returned she has more from washington. This is a big victory for the Trump Administration oral arguments were due to begin this week are due to begin this week in two federal appeals courts on this third incarnation of the travel ban but and injunction a partial injunction been placed on the travel ban that injunction said those with a bona fide relationship with the United States that is with close family relations or business or education ties to the u. S. Should not be affected by the travel ban while its working its way through the courts and conceivably ending up at the Supreme Court the Supreme Court however has decided there is no need for that injunction thats particularly significant because the wording that was used for this injunction was from the Supremes Courts own adjudication of the second travel ban it was a Supremes Court who said that those with a bonafide relationship should not be affected by the second travel ban while it was working its way through the courts it appears though that now a majority of justices dont feel that is thats very words clear that they dont feel its necessary for the third travel ban which suggests perhaps and this is where the speculation comes in that well the third travel ban ends up at the Supremes Court in the coming weeks and majority of justices no longer have the objections they once did with the other incarnations of the band thats very good news for the trumpet ministration. Israel has fired missiles into syrian territory near damascus Syrian State Television says the military intercepted three missiles which were targeting a military facility northwest of the capital staying in syria there are still no relief in sight for hundreds of thousands of civilians trapped in eastern old saw the rebel enclave has been under siege by Government Forces since twenty thirteen theyve struck the area over the last three weeks leaving a deescalation agreement made earlier this year in tatters reports. Designated as an escalation zone in reality is a battleground. Theres supposed to be no military activity under a deal guaranteed by russia turkey and iran says theres only escalation of the besieged rebel and on the outskirts of the syrian capital. This is supposed to be a safe area but its not safe planes hit all day and all night where should we go. The escalation agreement brought several months of relative calm but that we should be changed on sunday at least thirty people were killed and Dozens Injured in airstrikes that targeted several towns the syrian observatory for human rights said it was the biggest death toll in a single day since proGovernment Forces stepped up attacks to be weeks ago since then up to two hundred civilians have been killed. The regime didnt respect the deescalation agreement the russians said they would provide guarantees but they didnt. Is on the doorsteps of damascus its one of the last remaining areas under the control of the rebels and their last stronghold close to the capital its a strategic target for the government aid agencies are worried the intensity of the bombardment is worsening what they call a humanitarian disaster theres a shortage of food and medicine. Babies have died of starvation many suffer from malnutrition and up to five hundred people among them children are in desperate need of medical evacuation. Order has been under a government since two thousand and thirteen in april the government launched a Major Military offensive in the area that closed many routes used to smuggle in goods since then the people have had to rely on irregular aid deliveries in the past two months supplies that reach twenty percent of the four hundred thousand people trapped in these. Rebel fighters have so far managed to defend their territory its not clear if the government is planning a large Ground Campaign or if it is trying to force a surrender with a siege backed up by nonstop air attacks and shelling it wouldnt be the first time its used the surrender or starve strategy giving people the choice to leave to rebel held areas in the north or die. The regime is trying to force the residents of to accept being relocated to the north of syria people here will not accept this they wont be forcibly displaced. That sentiment could change a proGovernment Forces stepped up attacks and if the situation becomes even more desperate in this corner of syria the war has not ended and many fear the worst is yet to come to. A prominent muslim cleric whos been under house arrest and by her is in hospital. And was stripped off a citizenship in june last year after the bahamian government accused him of fueling extremism and dividing society while activists say health has been deteriorating officials insist nothing is stopping the cleric from getting medical care news about. Tension and majority as the city monarchy news its crackdown on oldest son. Youre with the news hour on aljazeera theres plenty more ahead including saudi arabia warns against President Trumps plans to move the u. S. Embassy to jerusalem supporters of secession in catalonia take to the streets as election campaigning begin its. England fight back against australia and the second ashes test in adelaide peter will tell you if theyve done enough coming up in sport. First the uns Political Affairs chief is traveling to north korea Jeffrey Feltman is the first senior u. N. Official to visit pyongyang in six years as tensions in the region escalated last week after north korea said its latest Ballistic Missile test placed the u. S. Mainland within reach lets bring in kathy novak shes joining us from seoul to tell us more about feltman visit and is this a sign that north korea may be willing to negotiate. Well i think here in south korea at least the feeling is that the door for dialogue should always be left open but the signs that north korea has been sending here have been just deafening silence basically there have been no into korean talks since last year despite the fact that south korea has actively been asking north korea for talks so interesting lee when north korea launched their most recent i. C. B. M. On wednesday through state media it declared that the Weapons Development program was complete and some analysts had been speculating that north korea might have been waiting until it could say that it was well and truly a Nuclear State before coming to the negotiating table and in fact that it wanted to be recognized as a Nuclear State before talks so interesting that it is willing to talk to this u. N. Representative the u. N. Says the invitation was extended back in september on the sidelines of the meeting of World Leaders at the u. N. General assembly and has just been accepted now with the u. N. Official heading to north korea last month china sent an envoy though he didnt meet with the leader kim jong un and russia had a group of lawmakers in and when that i. C. B. M. Was launched according to russias state media. The lawmakers reported that pyongyang is not willing to disarm and that it does not want nuclear war though it is prepared for it if threatened by the u. S. And we know that russia and china both have been pushing for whats being known as a freeze for freeze solution that would see north korea agreeing to freeze its Nuclear Build up in exchange for the u. S. And south korea stopping joint military exercises that angered north korea but those very exercises are continuing this week they just kicked off yesterday here on the Korean Peninsula large scale air drills between the United States and south korea and north korea once again has reacted extremely angrily saying that the u. S. Is pushing the Korean Peninsula to the brink of nuclear war during ok kathy novak thank you. Well on sunday this years Nobel Peace Prize will be handed to the International Campaign to abolish Nuclear Weapons or icann in the days leading up to the ceremony in oslo were looking at the Nuclear Status of a number of countries so the us is the only country to have used the nuclear bomb in war america dropped Nuclear Weapons on hiroshima and nagasaki in japan killing millions of people in one thousand nine hundred five but historys first victims of a nuclear bomb were u. S. Citizens caught in the radiation field of a test in new mexico castro reports. Father had oral cancer he had Prostate Cancer my brother gilbert her Thyroid Cancer the list of names and cancers goes on and on my aunt had Breast Cancer another aunt had lymphoma and lung cancer twenty three people from one family alone my daughter eugenia had Thyroid Cancer and a tumor in her ovary. A repeated history of sickness in the new mexican desert where on july sixteenth one thousand nine hundred forty five the u. S. Government tested the worlds First Nuclear bomb a blinding light turned the still dark dawn into day the blast converted the desert sands into greener radioactive glass which you can still find here at ground zero today at the time ranchers reported then white ash falling from the sky covering their wells their gardens their livestock for days unknowing children believing it was snow caught the poison on their bodies and inside their mouths Darryl Gilmore was seventeen years old and driving past the site on the day of the test. My arms and face an. All or the quick i had a bad saw him for years later he developed skin cancer on much of his upper body he continues to battle the cancer among the last living survivors of what was officially known as the trinity test theyre just waiting for the rest of us to run out of people who are ready to die for. Whom the roots of. Theres not many left though the incidence of cancer in the four counties surrounding the test site is greater than the National Average but a formal government study on the Health Impact to nearby residents is still pending seventy two years after the blast sickened survivors say they were never warned and later forgotten they counted on us to be unsophisticated and an educated and ignorant unknowing of what they were doing right now or backyards most people here are of native american and hispanic descent they were among the countrys poorest citizens at the time of the nuclear test and remain so today they received no government apology or compensation left to bury their dead in poverty. And justice has been that they ignore is the medical records of children born after the blast are the most devastating oval unexplained birth defects in feared genetic mutations i have a son and two grandsons i know that i have passed on the genetics for Years Congress has promised to look into the matter but has yet to take action people here though say the evidence is clear that in the us as march toward Nuclear Dominance they were sacrificed. Castro aljazeera albuquerque new mexico. Well next in our series will be looking at the rivalry between nuclear are mayberg as india and pakistan. Theyve been developing new military technology to gain strategic advantage in the region since they split into two countries in one nine hundred forty seven you can see that story later on aljazeera. Thousands of people have been protesting across catalonia after spains Supreme Court refused to grant bail to four procession leaders accuse the sedition they took to the streets as campaigning got underway for the regions election on december the twenty first catalonia is former Vice President says he was refused bail to stop him from running in the poll madrid says the snap vote is an attempt to find a democratic way out of the crisis sparked by october secession referendum well catalonia is a former leader whos waiting to hear if hell be extradited from belgium has opened a Campaign Rally via video address carlos appears from all urged voters to view the election as the second part of the referendum his government held two months ago but. If there is something they are afraid of if there is something that makes their legs it is that all december twenty first we have the kind of people who will this country to go forward we should vote all together for catalonia we should not get a good result we should win now britain and the European Union say theyre confident about reaching an agreement on the terms of their divorce soon despite failing to reach a deal on monday the main Sticking Point in talks is what the border between Northern Ireland and the republic of ireland will look like as Barnaby Phillips reports. The day began full of hope when to resume a guy with digital brussels rumor mill had it at a breakfast deal was about to be. But when they had to several i was there was no deal just two leaders putting a brave face on a disappointing day. Im still confident that we can reach sufficient progress sufficient progress before the european cultural to fifteen of this is for the failure. Of the very strong im very confident that well reach an agreement because of history on a couple of issues some differences do remain which require further negotiation and consultation. Continue but we will reconvene before the end of the week and i am also confident that we will conclude this positively its the border between the republic of ireland and Northern Ireland part of the u. K. Which is emerged as the problem in recent weeks the republic wants guarantees it will remain open with no return to a socalled hard border but if the british really are intent on leaving the Customs Union and the Single Market as well as the e. U. Itself that how will they meet irish demands tourism a has been negotiating on two fronts on the one hand hes been hammering out a deal with seven countries in brussels but hes also had to talk to politicians here in westminster he needs to be sure that a majority of m. P. s will support any deal that he brings back. The Prime Minister called to ignore a small party from Northern Ireland who give her that majority in parliament these unionists are opposed to concessions on the irish border which they fear could undermine Northern Irelands future in the United Kingdom. We have been very clear Northern Ireland must leave the European Union on the same terms as the rest of the United Kingdom and we will not accept any form of regulatory divergence which separates Northern Ireland economically or politically from the rest of the u. K. Well no. You cant i know they still believe bracks it can be stopped that seems unlikely but the faltering negotiations on the governments weak position mean that almost eighteen months off to the u. K. Voted to leave you dont much about the future is clear i told bob if its al jazeera westminster. Still ahead on the aljazeera news hour President Donald Trump dramatically reduces to Utah National monuments a move thats already sparked legal action coming up in sport runners enjoy spectacular scenery says the worlds most extreme foot marathon nears its and peter will have all the latest on the late. From the waves of the south. To the contours of the east. Dry weather across southern parts of china a little bit of cloud down towards the southwestern corner plenty of showers there over towards vietnam picture i was coming in and that is also the case into the philippines over the next couple of days that will change as you can say to hong kong at around twenty two celsius ten degrees colder than that for shanghai but it will be fine. And plenty of sunshine sunshine and showers meanwhile across Southeast Asia not too bad into indonesia for the time being i think what this weather will be across malaysia more especially further north more heavy showers coming in across southern parts of thailand Northern Areas of malaysia just around the malaysian peninsula and the really wet weather well that is sliding its way out into the by a big goal is making its way it was at least the side of india this area cloud here lets focus on the other area cloud they just across the western side of india here of course we still have side making its way up towards good herat as we go through choose day much of that western side of india of the western gets seeing heavy downpours with the risk of flooding the flood risk eases as we go through wednesday and by that stage here comes our next circulation and thats going to feed some very heavy rain to was honorable dash towards addition and i think by the end of the week we could also see wet weather for bangladesh. The weather sponsored by qatar and nice. On counting the cost the goldilocks oil price is there such a thing as the perfect price of crude for consumers and producers financial bubbles and big point the future of job creation in africa the only continent where the young outnumber the counting the cost at this time. I really felt liberated as a journalist was. Getting to the truth as i would thats what this job. The pages of this. Unspeakable matter compiled testimonies of victims of congolese mustnt. As this intimate evidence finds its way to International Conflicts the Central African republic is plunged into further. And interviewed ten of the people and in the nations critical recent history. Africa not one of the two hundred series at this time on aljazeera. Here with the news hour on aljazeera hello again the top stories yemens president has been killed by his former allies the rubbles the last saw that ruled yemen for more than three decades and played a pivotal role in the war. All the developments from yemen have taken the spotlight from other regional issues of the Gulf Cooperation Council meeting in kuwait its the first summit since a saudi led group cut ties with qatar in june. Takes a look back rather at the volatile life of yemens president ali abdullah. He once said that ruling yemen is like dancing on a snakes head and no one knew that dance better than Ali Abdullah Saleh mastering every step throughout his three decades in power. Believed only he could hold the country together but his legacy is one of corruption war and i deeply divided poor nation. Born in one thousand nine hundred eighty two as a young man he joined the army and rose to the rank of qana before taking part in a coup that later saw him become president of what was then north yemen at the age of thirty six for the next decade he oversaw fighting with the communist south the decline of the soviet union weakened his enemies and in one thousand nine hundred ninety north and south yemen became one country with. As its first president that same year iraqs leader Saddam Hussein a longtime close ally ordered the invasion of kuwait at the Un Security Council yemen voted against the use of force prompting the us to cut off millions in aid frozen for. A decade later he was welcome back by the west in october two thousand and attack on the american warship u. S. S. Cole off the shores of yemen killed seventeen sailors and injured thirty nine others washington understood that salah a secular leader and yemen we important in this so called global war against terror hed won friends and cash but did little to fix yemens internal problems. Rebellion in the north and a separatist movement in the south critics say that more than a dancer salah was a dark horse of yemens to mulches politics playing off military and tribes to keep himself in power. The toughest challenge came in two thousand and eleven the arab spring was sweeping across the middle east. Inspired by tunisia and egypt yemen filled the street protesting against poverty unemployment and demanding for regime change but this sent was something some never tolerated. Yemenis stood for even when the protests turned violent a few months later injured in a rocket attack on his compound saleh was flown to saudi arabia for treatment his face burned and hands bandaged he appeared on t. V. Defiant as ever but this was a weaker president abandoned by his political allies at home and under intense International Pressure to hand over power with yemen on the brink of civil war gulf countries brokered a deal that so power transferred to his deputy ive the rebel months who are heady in return for solace immunity from prosecution after ten months of protests many yemenis were celebrating his ousting even though the country was in tatters but Ali Abdullah Saleh had merely gone into the shadows we heard sing the next step in his snake dance and nearly three years later saleh was again at the forefront with a strong of support of the army he allied himself with the iranian backed who sees rebels they shared a common enemy his successor heading in two thousand and fifteen a Saudi Led Coalition started a military campaign to restore headed to power and imposed a blockade over the country but the snake charmer was losing direction just a few days before his death turned his back against ruthies signaling a possible return to the arab fold it was meant to be another great survival act but it turned out to be his last for the. The u. N. Says fighting and saladin letter strikes have ramped up in sanaa with tanks blocking many streets humanitarian operations including flights to and from the capital have been suspended and the u. N. Is calling for a pause in fighting on tuesday to help civilians caught up in the violence it is paramount that civilians are protected that the wounded or forty say factious to medical care and that all sides facilitate lifesaving humanitarian access we remind all parties. We remind all parties to the conflict that deliberate attacks against civilians and against civilian and medical infrastructure or clear violations of International Humanitarian law may constitute war crimes and the International Committee of the red cross is saying at least one hundred twenty five people have been killed in just over the past week some two hundred forty others have been injured and dots all putting extra pressure on yemens struggling medical facilities many of which have been damaged or destroyed by fighting back at the clashes were ongoing the entire night until the morning if someone stepped out into the street or fled they would have a bullet hit the mean the head chest or body and. He was injured this morning at eight a. M. When he went out through his show a random bullet hit the wall and then struck his head we were telling you earlier on about the u. S. Supreme court now allowing the trumpet ministration to fully enforce its controversial travel ban so well cross over to nor is the far shes an attorney at the center for Constitutional Rights joining us from new york to discuss this news this third version now u. S. Supreme court allowing the trumpet ministration two to enforce this travel ban nor is a farce so this is clearly a victory for the administration but im sure you must be concerned why is that so. Yes i mean i think its concerning for a number of reasons the first just being again you know families are going to be torn apart and because this is temporarily allowing muslim band three point zero to go forward there is again some gray area about what happens to people you know who are in the country when their visas expired so you know and so forth so its going to we might see some of the same conversion we saw with the previous iterations of the band but i also think its concerning because it really indicates the way that the Supreme Court is looking at this third iteration of the muslim bend namely it seems to indicate that theres justices for the most part think that the band my in the end be constitutional on its merits and so this kind of temporary temporarily allowing the ban to stay in place indicates that when this case is eventually heard by the Supreme Court which it likely will be on the merits that many of the justices might be persuaded that that this this iteration of the band is indeed constitutional but while this is being enforced there are challenges as we understand what do you expect from the legal challenges taking place this week. Right so theres two challenges that are. That are taking place and arguments in both of those challenges will be heard this week the first is the ninth circuit case out of hawaii and the other is the Fourth Circuit case in virginia and what we you know expect to kind of whatever ends up happening in these cases ultimately will come before the Supreme Court so if if the if these lower courts say that the ban is constitutional the plaintiffs no doubt will appeal and asked his Supreme Court to to rule on it finally and if the ban is struck down we see that the government is emboldened to continue to fight for this ban continue to have it upheld so we can definitely has a pate that to trump admission will also appeal should either of the lower court strike down the ban break this version down for us as its called a three point zero what does it mean what does it practically mean on the ground for anyone trying to come into the u. S. From these countries the muslim majority countries plus venezuela north korea. So it means essentially that the consulates and embassies in these countries will no longer be issuing visas to nationals of the listed countries and they are i mean it applies blanket lead to muslim majority countries and for the two non muslim majority countries north korea and venezuela you know really for the venezuelan aspect of it it just applies to diplomats to government certain government officials and with north korea theres already such limited amounts of immigration to the u. S. So you know to be very clear this is still a muslim band but i think that the Top Administration kind of has become savvy to the ways in which it needs to draft its its loss to maybe help them pass constitutional muster and what we see is you know throwing in these two non muslim majority countries then mission is trying to erase all of the anti muslim animists that we saw it with the previous two bands so while you know on paper we see additional countries added in practice its still very much as a muslim band and so nationals of the countries listed are banned from entering the immigrating to the u. S. North before we thank you for speaking to us from new york. Well saudi arabia is weighing in on president Donald Trumps possible recognition of jerusalem israels capital trump is expected to decide this week whether to move the u. S. Embassy there the saudi ambassador to the u. S. Could have been seven months says this any u. S. Announcement on the status of jerusalem prior to a final settlement would have a detrimental impact on the Peace Process and would heighten tensions in the region kingdoms policy has been and remains in support of the Palestinian People and this is been communicated to the u. S. Administration while other arab states have also warned President Trump against moving the embassy from tel aviv israel claims jerusalem as its capital but that claim is not recognized in International Law the president does decide to make the move the u. S. Would be the only country in the world with an embassy in jerusalem harry fossett has more from outside the u. S. Consulate in west jerusalem and also has reaction from the citys occupied east. Changing the status of this consulate here in jerusalem to an embassy was one of the key campaign pledges as far as Donald Trumps Foreign Policy went during his president ial campaign it has though butted up against the realities of the political situation here as he also tries to implement tries to come up with a peace plan that would be suitable to both sides his key man on this jared cushion his son in law said on sunday that the americans understood the palestinian red lines that President Trump was examining all the facts before he made a decision on whether to move the embassy from tel aviv to here but now we have this other potential major obstacle as far as the palestinians are concerned an announcement on wednesday which could see the United States whatever the status of this consulate in the short term recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel the palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas has said that that would threaten the entire Peace Process but not as an issue. I dont think that this will happen the arab and muslim world should stand against it. But when trump says Something Like this he should take responsibility for the consequences this is not just the palestinians this will spill over to other countries thats very much the reaction coming from the palestinian leadership as well that this would not just threaten the Peace Process also it would threaten stability in the wider middle east privately palestinian officials are also talking about this potentially being an opportunity a way to break with the United States before any trump plan is announced and reset the nature of the relationship between the u. S. And the palestinians but if that is the case it doesnt seem to be an opportunity that theyre really welcoming given how hard Mahmoud Abbas and his team are working to try and head off this decision before it happens there have been all sorts of bilateral contacts with other powers in the region youre in a zation these i mean conference the arab league there is a huge effort to stop donald trump from making this announcement on wednesday now all eyes are on washington to see what happens and what the consequences of it might be. The United Nations. Urging african countries to protect young women and children it says theyre bearing the brunt of the continents aids epidemic the call was made at a conference on. Which is underway in the ivory coast after the dress reports from. These young people represent an emerging Health Crisis in africa a new positive generation that is sexually active. Give us a for every young person here living with the virus there are four others who are staying away. From infant into. This fifteen year old has been living with the virus for eight years now and all these years only her immediate family know how condition not even the neighbors. The stigma associated with the infection has discouraged many young people present themselves for screening. And experts warn of an impending Health Crisis. Hes. Going to say. Transmission. And then not have the knowledge. Nation more than half a million children up to the age of fifteen in west africa to make it to be infected with hiv virus eight out of ten of them give life saving and ritrovato medicines many youngsters have not been identified to interview because access to Testing Facilities like this in Government Hospitals is often. In this Government Hospital why six thousand young people have been registered to. Begin to drive to screen more. West in Central Africa currently a counselor a quarter of child and adolescent infections while white. The situation is worse in east in Southern Africa but with the rising infections and limited access to testing and treatment the fear is that could change. Lagos. Still ahead on aljazeera russian olympic bosses prepared to learn whether or not they may send athletes to the winter games in trying to have that story for you coming up in sports its. Time for sports here is peter thank you very much englands cricketers will have their work cut out if they are to save the second ashes test against australia in adelaide england suffered a brutal day three they were all out for two hundred twenty seven thats one hundred eighty five short of a straight his first innings total Mitchell Starc took three and nathan lyon finished with a full wicket flourish but australia did not enforce the follow on and they may be regretting that nel they slumped to fifty three for four by the close of play James Anderson and chris woakes took two wickets each theyll need to keep that momentum going into day four if they are to save this test you know i mean actually i think we if we fought back well you know weve pushed to show you a button on which is obviously good to say you can take some positive stuff from the. Actually were behind in the game. But sometimes really get the fact that we fought back in shirts and some good character to guess i was you know back in the game and weve already well known as a unit and put some pressure back on the story tiger woods says hes looking forward to the twenty eighteen golf season after returning to the game for the first time in ten months the fourteen time major champion wasnt quite back to his best in the tournament in the bahamas but he put in a solid performance to please golf fans and hes fellow professionals as Helen Gleason reports. Its a sight that golf fans have missed tiger woods wearing red and making buddies on the final day of the tournament. But thats what they were treated to at the Albany Golf Club on sunday as the American Made it through the front nine in thirty one shots on it the last few days are anything to go by it could become the norm again woods briefly led this tournament on saturday and was just five shots off the lead heading into day three before a disappointing round of seventy five left him out of contention not bad though for a man hes had four lots of back surgery in three years and he many thought might never get back to the highest level this is the way i was i have been playing at home and when i came down here and played i was playing versa versus not quite us as far as i dont have a drawing on but overall im very pleased so no victorious comeback for tiger but it was an exciting end to the contest in the bahamas nonetheless. Charlie hoffman had led the tournament going into the final day tee shots ahead of jordan speight and just didnt rise but the challenge came from further back in the shape of rickie fowler. The twenty eight year old american hitting a stunning course record eleven under par round of sixty one on the final day to steal victory. Whats been his ten shots back in a type a night spot and the attention is now turning to what can be expected of the forty one year old going into the new season one thinks there was a setback in trying to figure that out and. As i said i dont know about schedules going to be but my expectations are as well be playing next year home anywhere i dont know yet but well figure all that out so while this year was one to forget for tiger on and off the golf course it looks like there could be a lot more for him to smile about in twenty eighteen Helen Gleason aljazeera. Earlier i spoke to African News Agency Sports Reporter Michael Sherman who says it was good to see woods back in action and theres no reason to believe that more success could be achieved by the fourteen time major winner. Well i was very impressed. With them the main thing was that you got through healthy that was the first objective to complete and it did that with flying colors and the clock is in any discomfort. Well you get three pretty good rounds that one and overall it was a good week scoring one. But the emphasis on staying healthy you look great having gone so long well basically three or gulping peaking is basically your mid thirtys its difficult to say but the first thing you need to do is when a regular p. G. A. To event think you have to do that if youre one step in the hope of winning at the masters but if you can regular p. G. A. Turbans thats the first step and once he does there can another major how many that will be obviously sitting on fourteen dearly love to at least match jacks record of eighteen majors and hopefully go past but i think a fair. Amount of that first major and if he does that the possibilities are endless but also be nearly forty two hes got to do that soon twenty eight hundred will be extremely important for Tiger Rafael Nadal knows exactly what its like to come back from a long injury layoff tennysons world number one was watching in the bahamas on sunday and also believes woods will get back to the top of his game. Have to like to see him play well hundreds of times on on daily. But dont realize the second time. To come back like this after an injury and playing that that way in five hundred for the first or the first line holes and i will one mistake the denver now again amazing amazing shot. Probably thinks to be enough hell to practice out of practice well and good to feel that you can do the things that you need to do to be to be back to your dog night if he if hes healthy i believe that he has everything to be back where he deserves to be russias government says it will not to boycott next years Winter Olympics even if its forced to compete as neutral young chairing the International Olympic committee is due to make a decision on tuesday on whether to bar russia for doping violations so far the team has been stripped of eleven of the thirty three medals from the saatchi games that hosted four years ago its not the first time the country has faced and limbic ban its track and field athletes were not allowed to compete at the summer games in rio in twenty sixteen because of a state sponsored doping program runners of the worlds most extreme foot to marathon the marathon the sauber in peru were awarded an easier day if there is such a thing of competition on day five of the stage four was seventy kilometers challenge competitors enjoyed a mix of small climbs and these things beautiful scenery along the coastline of the pacific as they continued their trick this time for forty two point two kilometers but rockers a russian. And frances Natalie Moore clare both increased their advantages as the respective male and female leaders beatty ran a time of three hours twelve minutes and fifty one seconds while more claire clocked a time of three hours and fifty nine minutes and thats always vote for me another update coming up again later. Well environmental groups are suing to block u. S. President donald trump from drastically are threatening that is shrinking the size of two historic National Monuments in the state a futile the move sets the stage for public lands across the u. S. To be opened up for mining and oil drilling and gallagher reports. Over the weekend thousands of protesters gathered outside the State Capitol building in Salt Lake City this is truly a monumental mistake rumors that President Trump plan to scale back National Monuments have been rife for months now its official two of utah as most important wilderness areas have been dramatically reduced have come to utah to take a very historic action to reverse federal overreach and re store the rights of this land to your citizens the decision affects the bears ears and Grand Staircase escalante National Monuments it also represents the biggest reduction of public lands protection in u. S. History americas public lands they belong to everyone by lifting those protections those lands and all of their treasures within them the natural wonders and sacred sites they will now be open to private again those in favor say its about getting land back from Big Government its about control and overreach of the federal government we want that access to remain open and people be able to enjoy the scenery and the area like they do right now the movie is bound to be challenged in court cross the us lines that have enjoyed special status could now be leased for Energy Exploration the President Trump says socalled federal land grabs over over together we will usher in a bright new future of one doing well for liberty and law and patriotism and pride all across this great land. And vera. Mentalists and native american tribes say the move threatens both archaeological sites and National Heritage some states have long pushed for control over their own lands but the president may have just set the stage for years of legal battles and a gallica aljazeera where you can find much more on our web site al jazeera dot com thanks for watching the news hour more news is coming up right here on aljazeera in just a moment. The sky why should be no borders up here. Only horizons. As an airline we dont believe in boundaries we believe in bringing people together the worlds better that way. It is a right football of us to go where we need to go to feel with things we want to fail. To see the people we want to see. Thats why well continue to fly the skies providing you with everything we can one and treating everyone how they deserve to be treated we do this because we know the trouble goes beyond borders and prejudice. The travel teaches compassion the travel is a necessity. To travel is a right for. Remember that this world is full of us to explore. And its a strange thing for us to be a part. Cats are always going places together you are making very pointed remarks where on line the u. S. Response to drug use and the drug trade over the last fifty years has been criminalized or if you join us on saturday no evil person just wakes up in the morning and says i want to cover the world of darkness this is a dialogue that could be was leading to some of the confusion a lie about people saying they dont actually know whats going on join the colobus conversation at this time on aljazeera. And. I dont. Think its over here. Defying my disability on aljazeera well at this time. Violence escalates in yemen on the ousted president ali of the sound as killed by hopis rebels

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