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This is aljazeera. Hello once again from doha everyone im Kemal Santamaria this is the news hour from aljazeera. Iran calls on the hurt days and yemens former president Ali Abdullah Saleh to unite. A lot be careful far in this present march that donald trump has warned against tweeting about the f. B. I. Rusher investigation the emir of qatar is set to attend the g. C. C. Summit after the deep divisions in the gulf war the annual conference and doubts and the humble text message turns twenty five were going to look at how s. M. S. Change the way we communicate and what lies ahead. So with yemens anti Saudi Alliance collapsing into its own open warfare in santa. Iran is now calling for the rebel forces to unite yet more proof of the proxy nature of this ongoing civil war in yemen the rebels have been battling fighters loyal to the former president Ali Abdullah Saleh since whedons day dozens of people have been killed saleh has announced he is open to talks with the saudis a key shift in this war and an apparent end to his alliance with the who the rebels there who these themselves are fighting back claiming they fired a Cruise Missile at the United Arab Emirates which is a coalition member. Pulling all the see the first. A Missile Launching from yemen. Being Nuclear Reactor at least thats what who the fighters say is happening in this video uploaded by the military media center. Has been a large a full range rocket of the crew towards a live military target important to the cooperation of the Iraqi Military internally the former president. And his militias aim to create division inside yemen despite the fact that they were unable to sustain any military political or economic gains in yemen. Abu dhabi denies this video was authentic saying there was no Missile Launch or interception what can be verified is fighting in the capital sanaa. Five days of combat between former allies former president Ali Abdullah Saleh and the who think hes dozens have been killed. In alliance with the who face after a Popular Uprising ended his thirty three years rule in two thousand and twelve together they took control of sanaa now theyre tearing the city apart. Snipers are on rooftops and residential areas tanks replace commuters on city streets the u. N. Says fighting is so severe medical teams cannot get to the injured and people cannot leave their homes this report see u. N. Is trying to evacuate at least one hundred forty aid workers but fighting has cut off the a port wrote they have also been coalition is strikes on sana airport. The coalition bolstered by the new support of the former president s have doubled down on the iranian backed who thinks the Iranian Embassy was hit by a rocket on saturday and then who think controlled territory in yemens north the Coalition Air strike killed at least a dozen people. Oh. They targeted my house while there were eighteen to twenty guests my whole family was inside as well as all our cattle everything is gone theres nothing left. Tehran has told salai to rejoin the who the airline against the Coalition Says he just wants a quick game to the conflict which is a volved into the Worlds Largest humanitarian crisis where his motivations or power play clear as where the who things really did more to miss. Dallas. We moved to other news a wave of syrian air strikes have killed at least nineteen civilians in eastern near damascus the area has been under siege by the syrian army since twenty thirteen and about four hundred thousand civilians are believed to be trapped there and those whove managed to escape theyre living in makeshift camps mohammed and i reports. On an open field just outside the city of hama displaced syrian families have set up camp they are part of the now familiar to us from syrian cities and from Government Forces they endured weeks of bombardment then fled panicked defenseless in the face of talks and with little hope of a that despite all relieved. By him an hour went out there are thirty to forty tents here two to three families live in every tent the are no toilets Running Water or schooling for the kids we dont have much. They joined the ranks of millions of city and sold most the homes in the conflict. This is the hardest to any old is than old. Despite us says find some it is the war cry and. The Aerial Bombardments trail is still tiny once vibrant neighborhoods into decrypted shells hold their foremost selves the government insists its protecting the people targeting sold them terrorists based in residential areas but often its the civilians who are right. Whenever the bombs land its the Syrian Civil Defense force or why thomas will come to the rescue rushing in to free the injured and recover the dead that job isnt going to him as it has done juice Food Shortages are also adding to the misery of cities and borders you know. We havent eaten since last night we had rockets falling throughout for the sake of god this has to stop. Dozens of civilians are reported killed in recent. Talks by Government Forces in. The us humanitarian coordinator. Five hundred people with i didnt medical needs have to be about. The people of syria say theyre victims of a crime committed by those charged with protecting them briefly they defied the. Crushed these International Outrage about whats happening in syria but no agreement on how to bring these two on and mohamed atta well just. Both democratic and republican politicians are warning us President Donald Trump against his constant tweeting on the investigation into alleged russian meddling in the twenty sixteen election on sunday trump tweeted he never asked former f. B. I. Director james comey to stop investigating his former National Security advisor Michael Flynn he blamed socalled fake news for covering lies but remember komi testified in june that trump had spoken to him about letting flingo flynn has since pleaded guilty to lying to the f. B. I. About his contacts with russia insists he was asked to do so by a Senior Member of the trumps trend Transition Team then we have the second tweet president trouble so launching an attack on the f. B. I. He said its reputation is in tatters and called the organization the worst in history. I see it in the hyper frenetic attitude of the white house that comments every day the continual tweets that. And i see it most importantly in what happened with the firing of director komi and it is my belief that that is directly because he did not agree to lift the cloud of the russian vested geisha and thats obstruction of justice more now from Diane Estabrook reporting from washington d. C. Well these tweets always seem to get the president in trouble and this tweet from yesterday was especially troubling because up until yesterday the president claimed that he fired mike flynn back in february because he lied to Vice President mike pence about these conversations with the russians now yesterday in the tweet he indicated that he actually fired him as well because of lying to the f. B. I. Which raises the question what did the president know did he know that the f. B. I. Was in fact investigating flynn and that is why senator Dianne Feinstein raised the question of obstruction of justice because a couple of days after aslan was fired the president asked former f. B. I. Director james comey to go easy on him because he was a good guy now today the white house is saying that actually the president didnt fashion that tweet yesterday that that came from an attorney and nonetheless people within the president s own party are telling him to go easy on the tweeting i would just say this is for us theres an ongoing criminal investigation comey may be part of it you tweeting comment regarding ongoing criminal investigations at your own peril i would be careful for you mr president watch this and Lindsey Graham said that he didnt think that the f. B. I. Was dysfunctional although he did raise questions as to whether when laing to the f. B. I. Constituted a crime. The Palestinian Authority is calling for emergency talks over the possibility of the u. S. Embassy in israel being moved from tel aviv to jerusalem the arab league and the organization of islamic cooperation of being off to host that meeting israels government considers all of jerusalem its capital while the palestinians hope East Jerusalem will be the capital of fifty states the palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas has warned of a new dangerous phase if the u. S. Moves its embassy and recognizes jerusalem as israels capital. U. S. President has to decide on monday whether he issues a waiver on a twenty two year old law requiring the state department to move the embassy that way has to be renewed every six months son in law white house adviser jared cushion a says the president is still weighing up the matter hes still looking at a lot of different facts and that when he makes his decision. Hell be the one to want to tell your nominee so. Make sure he does that at the right time President Trump is expected to announce his decision in a speech on wednesday but already israels Communications Minister says the announcement will send a clear signal to the world and. I think that a u. S. President knows and understands the needs of the region by validating jerusalem is the eternal United Capital of the state of israel its something that declared and wanted and i think by implementing it sending an important message. Spoke to Laura Friedman about this a little bit earlier shes the president of the foundation for middle east peace and she told us moving the u. S. Embassy to jerusalem will only bring negative consequences. The last time this came up six months ago it was the intervention of King Abdullah of jordan that had a Significant Impact on President Trumps decision not to move the embassy that time its possible this time if he hears again from King Abdullah who is just in washington if he hears from the saudis i dont know what he needs to hear from the palestinians the palestinians are in a weaker position in washington right now than they have been it any time since one thousand nine hundred ninety four when their mission was reopened at the start of the Peace Process the closure of the potential closure of their mission here now hangs on them responding positively to the president s efforts to bring them back to the table which is quasi blackmail already it isnt at all clear to me what leverage they on their part have on this administration at this point powers in the region may not care that much about the palestinians but their people do and jerusalem specifically is a red line because jerusalem touches on things that are much bigger than the Israeli Palestinian conflict that has been the conventional wisdom for jordan this is a domestic issue jordan under its treaty with israel is the keeper of the holy sites in jerusalem so what happens there is a domestic issue for jordan for saudi which wants to play a bigger role do the saudi people care about what happens in jerusalem my personal analysis of the yes this makes a difference i dont know well see same with egypt the other piece of it is what happens on the ground you know the palestinians are working on reconciliation both and hamas are are working very hard to show that they are relevant leaders and relevant in challenging israeli policies that are anathema to palestinian interests so my understanding is that fatah and hamas are already talking about what the joint the joint response would be if the announcement on wednesday is bad on jerusalem and what that really would mean on the ground in terms of potentially a really a groundswell of opposition like we havent seen a groundswell of demonstrations on that we havent seen maybe in a very very long time. Heres just some of whats coming up on this news. You know. Its been a closely guarded state secret for fifty three years what were looking at what is the size of Chinas Nuclear arsenal plus. My. I. Pod. And in sports the new formula east season is Getting Started well be looking at whether electric car racing hes the future of motor sport. Foreign minister says to me and been hammered out that he will attend the Gulf Cooperation Council summit in kuwait on tuesday the Regional Alliance is facing its worst crisis in decades as the saudi led blockade of qatar enters a seventh month foreign minister mohammad been up there says he hopes the summit will provide a blueprint for ending the standoff. Has more in this report. Kuwait has been the mediator in the gulf diplomatic crisis that began in early june the country is now getting ready to host a meeting of the Gulf Cooperation Council invitations have been sent out to gulf leaders but its still not known for sure who will attend since the beginning of the blockade on couple of kuwaits emir. Has attempted to end the dispute in october he warned of the potential collapse of the g. C. C. If the crisis continues many analysts agree this is a good i think the middle quite knows very well that the crisis is actually for a long and we are going to see probably two blocs within the g. C. C. One is led by saudi arabia and it. Will actually have. To a lesser extent probably kuwait. So well be having been to see a lot of that one asked on saturday about the gulf diplomatic crisis at the International Mediterranean dialogue conference in rome called those Foreign Ministers Schiff Mohamed when im on a sunny said it was important for countries to Work Together you need to reach a level of understanding going security principles that everybody is going to and everybody should and should be committed to and then from there weve been. On it on the next system for a lot of the cooperation the foreign minister added that the gulf regions collective security had been threatened by the measures taken by the blockading countries i think the saudis that hes involved. With this is something up i would not do about it has made it clear many times a by the by other Companies Often show that they cannot actually accept a thought that they want a negotiation they want. Concessions by all sides actually to solve the crisis the blockading countries of saudi arabia the you. He behaved in an egypt have accused cult out of supporting terrorism maintaining cordial relations with iran and meddling in the internal affairs of their countries allegations the Company Government has strongly denied other maintains there is no legitimate justification for the actions taken by the four nations calling their decision a violation of its sovereignty the last time father played host to a Gulf Cooperation Council summit it was in two thousand and fourteen back then no one could have foreseen this kind of crisis now just three years later the g. C. C. May have arrived at a defining moment on the cusp of a hugely important summit that many observers believed would not be happening this year. Is it a. Poison pleasure to welcome some to aljazeera is joining us via skype from Norman Oklahoma summers associate professor of middle east politics at the university of oklahoma. Its difficult to see this summit going well isnt it im thinking of the last time there was something similar there was an Arab League Summit and it just descended into shouting basically and people saying well if youre going to talk im going to talk and its it doesnt bode well does it well yes im also not optimistic course this is different than the Arab League Summit for a couple of reasons one its in kuwait and of course the emir so ah has been trying to mediate for quite some time so it would certainly more important for him to have at least not everything collapse and be a disaster but yes im also not optimistic for a number of reasons and the u. A. E. And saudi arabia have not really indicate their willingness to engage in serious negotiations or seen this crisis to a resolution as it stands do. What are the demands remember we had the initial thirteen twelve or thirteen demands that were issued by the blockading countries at the start of the crisis to those still stand really is that what the countries want. Well some of those demands still stand and i think youre right to point to the confusion because you know initially in fact it wasnt that remember there were the allegations about the emir is a legit remarks at a Graduation Ceremony for military cadets and cats and we know that was horse false the website was hacked into and so on so it is a bit confusing and the real issues are not what they appear certainly i think saudi arabia and the u. A. E. Feel threatened by qatars assertive Foreign Policy and its Foreign Policy orientation so that is one key issue and it has to do with not supporting. Authoritarian regimes or qatar is favored attitude towards the arab uprisings and saudi arabia and the u. A. E. Feel threatened by that and certainly al jazeera is part of the story they are threatened by aljazeera and by media and by potential criticism of governments and rulers and so on so i think those are the real issues and terrorism is a very nice term to use to get attention and to get everybody on your side because you can be against terror as you can be for terrorism as you pointed out kuwait is the host and kuwait has been the country that has been trying to mediate has there been any tangible signs that kuwait has made any progress in that mediation. Know sort of is the answer and i think the answer is no youre right that we really havent seen you know any breakthroughs or any even kind of goodwill gestures on the part of saudi arabia or the u. A. E. And so on qatar has tried i would say but there is a hint when shakes off was with donald trump at a press conference in washington d. C. At the end of his official visit he indicated he implied that it was because of his efforts that a military dimension to this conflict was a bird and so i think that he has been a voice of reason and he has been someone who is kind of constrained this so d. And amorites hes over aggressive policies with regard to this and as you know with regard to other issues in the region im thinking of yemen in particular some a shot at always good to talk to you thanks for joining us thank you the u. S. Defense secretary james mattis will be in pakistan in three hours expected to push officials to do more to combat on groups that the taliban the u. S. Has been critical of islam about for not doing enough to fight extremist groups within its borders the first im going to do it do some listening like i always do my goal of divine Common Ground we know we have some Common Ground they have lost. A hundred thousand of their group. Kill them or did by terrorists they have watched a hundred thousand of their innocent people murdered that would be by terrorists so we know that theres Common Ground. Less than a week after north korea tested a missile it says is capable of reaching the United States south korea and the u. S. Of putting on a show of force joint military drills are underway and there is plenty of impressive hardware on display a clear message to north korea which the white house National Security advisor has labeled the greatest threat to the world. Kathy novak now outside south koreas Osan Air Base in tell us more about these Training Drills kathy. What weve seen a number of flight or fighter jets flying via cobol and its all part of the biggest ever joint air drills between the u. S. And south Korean Military is its part training part show of force against north korea which of course as you mentioned just on wednesday launched its most advanced Intercontinental Ballistic Missile and these drills were planned before that they happen every year but notably this time they are including some very advanced fighter jets f. Twenty two an f. Thirty five stealth jets all together more than two hundred thirty u. S. And south korean war planes are taking part in more than Twelve Thousand personnel and what theyre doing is simulating Precision Air strikes against north korean targets and this sort of thing always anger is a north Korean Foreign minister of that country through state media over the weekend before these drills went ahead said that the u. S. Is begging for a nuclear war by staging a Nuclear Gamble on the Korean Peninsula all right kathy novak thank you for now well be checking in with you again later on in the day. As you may be aware the Award Ceremony for the Nobel Peace Prize is due to be held december tenth and picking up the award is the group called i can the International Campaign to abolish weapons it is dedicated to creating a World Without Nuclear Weapons what were doing is looking at the nucleus status of countries in the days leading up to the ceremony in looking at china now where its Nuclear Arsenal is a closely guarded state secret its not exactly known how powerful their weapons are but with four of chinas neighbors also nuclear what we do know is that beijing could strike if needed this from adrian brown. It is fifty three years since china joined the nuclear club. When it detonated its first atomic bomb china was poor and recovering from civil war and japans military occupation. Chairman mao said that to prevent that happening again he needed the ultimate deterrent it was now the cold war and chinas then ideological ally the soviet union was happy to help. There are no official figures regarding Chinas Nuclear arsenal thats because its one of the biggest state secrets of all but a recent u. S. Government report estimated the china currently has around three hundred Nuclear Warheads and around one hundred Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles to deliver those warheads. As recently as may this year chinese leaders pledged they would only use Nuclear Weapons if china was attacked first whats less clear say experts is how china would respond to a conventional weapons strike china we are only used. To retaliate against a Nuclear Strike but we have to admit there are internal debates some people want to see china to changes new care policy and trade commission or strike its Nuclear Weapons as. A new care strike. For of chinas neighbors on Nuclear Russia pakistan india and north korea recent evidence suggests that china may have unintentionally aided the norths Nuclear Missile program when it sold these trucks supposedly destined for the Timber Industry analysts say those same trucks seen here were later modified to carry and possibly launch the long range missiles north koreas been testing china in recent years also so. Having shat shut cease to north korea and in those cases north korea provided. Certificated to china pledging that these heavy trucks would only be used for logging. Unlike north korea china doesnt boast about being a Nuclear Power but a recent military parade in beijing was a potent reminder of its growing military strength a strength underpinned by a Nuclear Arsenal that experts say is now the worlds fourth largest adrian brown aljazeera beijing. And next in this series well be taking a look at the potential Health Impacts of Nuclear Strikes the u. S. Tested its weapons at home before it eventually hit hiroshima in japan and to this day the area where those tests happened are still experiencing high levels of cancer that story on the coals for compensation coming up later on al jazeera still ahead right now on this news out there. Was. A call for more protests in honduras after a curfew is imposed to end a week of political violence. Im turning a page reporting from cape town on the worlds First Successful transplant which happened fifty years ago. And install one of the worlds most extreme traces enters its longest day. From the waves of the south. To the contours of the east. Weve got to try whether its a good part of china at the moment little bit of cloud over towards the southwestern corner more the way and rain there for vietnam the shot was continued to get driven in by the northeast in the north easterly winds pushing that moisture into west central pa so the rays of sunshine the showers there into the philippines and extend across much of Southeast Asia some of the ones in the heat of the day as per usual northern parts of borneo seeing some other wet weather much of malaysia seeing some bacon thundershowers from time to time and you see that western weather just easing its way out into the andaman sea pushing across parts of the gold as we go on through the next few days elsewhere across Southeast Asia as you can see just the usual scattering of showers but some sunshine in between may get a fair amount of sunshine into central parts of india the showers the longer spells of. The letter. Up towards the north of course in new delhi weve had interruptions in the the crickets taking place in new delhi between india and. Around sixty minutes play small stopped play hey weve got the cloud and the rain from our side thats going to continue making its way. Pushing up that western side of the country with more right. There with sponsored by cattle and raise. The fact. Morning place on the planet money could soon be lost. With an International Team of scientists is determined not to make that happen without intervention give the key i would say here to a vast now its a race against time to try and frame a species i think crisis thats in the matches the plan theyve all extinction techno this time on aljazeera. Whenever you. Youre on the news i hear it aljazeera and these are on top stories hoti rebels in yemen say they fight a Cruise Missile towards the United Arab Emirates the u. A. E. Is denying its terror target a dog and iran is calling on the hoodies and the ousted president like the solid to reconcile after the former allies stop fighting on womens day. But democratic and republican politicians are warning u. S. President donald trump against his constant tweeting they say talking about the investigation into alleged russian meddling in last years election could land him in trouble. And called those foreign minister says the emir shake to mean been a middle time he will attend the Gulf Cooperation Council summit in kuwait on tuesday the Regional Alliance is facing its worst crisis in decades as the saudi led blockade of qatar and to six seventh month. The former egyptian Prime Minister says he is still considering a president ial bid although he says he needs to explore the option further made the comments on Egyptian Television in his first appearance since arriving in cairo on saturday last week while in the you know. Arab emirates he announced he was intending to run in next years election a few hours later he issued another video statement saying he wasnt free to travel his family said they feared hed been kidnapped schiff denied that remember the u. A. E. Is a strong supporter of egypts incumbent leader abdul fattah elsisi we have got joining us on skype from North Brunswick new jersey is dahlia for me associate professor of Political Science at Long Island University she focuses on egyptian political reform so the first thing i want to get from you dahlia is your view on well what was the story without being held in the u. A. E. Was he not was he free to travel i mean all these contradictions. Exactly you says that an interesting couple of days where no one really has the picture of the story. But it seems that he and the regime were caught off guard by the happens of the past few days you know theres going to be an election next year and a different president and so having another candidate would give the election some kind of credibility however to be a broad to announce his candidacy he had also said on tuesday that he wanted to have in more or of the egyptian Diaspora Community now this is important in the last two thousand and twelve election where he ran getting the boat for example in gypsys in the United States egyptians in the year of egyptians in saudi arabia giving the diaspora to vote was really important and so now that he has come home or been sent home or its interesting that this part is no longer part in play and so its easier to gain sympathy when youre abroad but now when youre of whom you actually have to play by the rules that the regime is clean clase in so the interview that you talked about earlier of the dream t. V. Interview where the brushy has to be on a telephone interview today even if you almost heard the time former Prime Minister to be backtracking from his candidacy saying well now like hes here i need to see what the gypsum people want and so were starting to see a power play of what exactly is this it seems that both the c. C. T. V. And since we were caught off guard very powerfully speaking is he popular we know he was a former Prime Minister but in spain well is a popular. Well i mean he did he did lose the last election but he did garner a lot of support its not so much of himself at this point it is can you dip in public actually have a voice in the coming election it doesnt seem to be the you know so what is this moment signifies is you know did the state call his bluff bring him home and say now youre going to claim by our rules you accept time not run now he has not officially closed course his papers for effect fantasy so what this moment is is not really clear but what we do know is that because he was high up in the armed forces he would not have run for office or attempted to mine if he didnt think there was some support within the military and the fact that now signals that maybe see since trying to signal to his own military not to think of an alternative. Just to be clear on being common president of the things he is he definitely running again. There is nothing to he has not clearly said he didnt there are no alternatives the elections are next year of course this is everything is always in flux but its pretty certain that either this term will be extended or movement ok that i mean its always good to talk to get your faults thank you for joining us. Residents in the hundred and capital taken are preparing for more protests following a disputed president ial election. A week of violent clashes has left three people dead in fighting between opposition supporters and Security Forces the Electoral Commission is yet to declare a winner as of now president Juan Orlando Hernandez is now only ahead of opposition candidate salvador and his supporters say some of the results may have been manipulated and not time curfew has been imposed across the country well of course when it Manuel Apollo is in take a seat up there with more. Protesters made their way across the city of taking on sunday answering a call by opposition leaders who have asked supporters across the country to march there are thousands of people on the streets of the city demanding the National Elections commission for coming up with the decision theyre also probably already president going. To step down the. Demonstrators express a general mistrust of the National Elections commission making the job of International Observers all the more valuable. Than we were in the recount to be fair no matter who wins we will accept it but not with election fraud. We want to allow them to be president we want to wait. And we want to remain this repressive government the people of honduras have woken up and we are tired of whats been done to us over the last eight years. There is a large military presence in the city enforcing a strict six p. M. Curfew the hundred militarys response to a wave of violence and looting that gripped the country in recent days at least three people were killed and dozens others injured its now been a week since the general election and while peace has returned to the city the concern remains that as long as the political limbo continues violence could spark up once again. That was he got the venezuelan president says his government will launch a cryptocurrency like cohen Nicolas Maduro says its needed to find what he calls a financial blockade by the trumpet ministration he gave no details about what this new currency has value would be or how it would work or even when it would be unveiled. But a Financial Firm fact freedom fianna of venezuela is going to implement a new crypto currency system from the oil reserves for us where they will create a cryptic currency the petro currency to advance in monetary sovereignty to make their Financial Transactions to overcome the financial blockade this will allow us to move towards new forms of International Financing for the economic and social development of the country and it will be done with a cryptic currency issued backed by reserves of venezuelan riches of gold oil gas and diamond. Thousands of people have been on the streets of hong kong protesting against what they call thora tarion rule by china and demanding the justice secretarys resignation over a crackdown on prodemocracy activists one of the leaders behind the occupy hong kong protests three years ago says he will continue to fine in that hes starting a jail sentence next week. Millions of people around the world are risking their lives working in illegal gold mines its dangerous because most of them use mercury to separate the gold from or this is one of the issues to be discussed at the Un Environment Assembly being held in kenya as Catherine Sawyer reports. His hands cant stop shaking she bans a mix of gold and in a mining area in me gori western kenya shes done this for the last year and she says how bloody tremors and slurred speech as some of the effects of matthew pollution. The matter she bans up can remain in there for up to one and a half years and in water that goes up to eleven years an estimated one thousand four hundred tonnes of my carry from small scale mining like this is released every year. But the tremors are sometimes very serious especially fine burning the stuff when its raining and sometimes i cant even move thats why theres a Global Campaign headed by the United Nations to stop the use of mockery in an official gold mining but alternative machines are still too expensive for miners like those who are here what theyre doing now separate from the cold you. See here they were doing i dont know one can produce an average. Has managed to buy this machine and uses corn starch to extract a concentrate of Different Minerals found in the region he was part of a global study of environmental nonprofit organizations that revealed high levels of mercury in a majority of women who live in areas where the chemical is regularly used the first thing is to create Awareness Among them they need to come together. To acquire some of these machines. Because we believe because we are poisoning ourselves. More women go through basic tests for symptoms that all too much matter in the system could also affect unborn children fifteen Million People vote. They have to have. A huge number of people affected by mercury. To move from the great spirit. Back at the mine the mine is a hundred meters down to dig out the gold or. Economy depends on this they say they know about the effects of my career but they cannot afford anything else catherine sorry aljazeera Nairobi Kenya it is fifty years since the worlds First Successful heart transplant operation was carried out by dr Christian Hospital in cape town and that landmark still generating groundbreaking ideas today more from tanya page. What a scale hospital is home to a Museum Dedicated to the worlds first heart transplant it happened in this room under the steady hand of dr christiane who died in two thousand and one the surgery has barely changed in fifty years what has of course dramatically changed is the postoperative immunosuppression postoperative care and that led to from norman survival right you have to go seventy eighty percent of transplant Patients Living after ten years in one thousand nine hundred sixty seven the first transplant triggered a debate on whether it was ethical all not letters written at the time show a mixed response to the surgery one doctor in a former yugoslavia describes it as the most important event in the history of the human spirit a man in turkey wants to send everyone on the Surgical Team a new pair of shoes congratulations but some were negative as well one man in a stray or has found a complaint with the police he thinks the operation was illegal and this woman and italy say it never men shall be able to replace a human heart as man cant replace god as well half a century later a lack of education and awareness continues to prevent people from bridges storing as organ donors but without them none of these men would be alive today three of them have new hearts the fourth a transplanted kidney we dont have a very strong tradition of people becoming organ donors so why not consider living on through somebody else and giving somebody else a Second Chance and to weigh in a little it is one legacy of dr bonnets pioneering surgery is inspiration the Cardiology Team at the hospital where he worked is continuing to break new ground just launching a new plastic heart valve that could revolutionize the treatment of remeasured Heart Disease the significance of what we do now is a practical significance because we talk about thirty three million patients. These trainee nurses have come to be inspired by dr work by looking at the six hots he transplanted some see the vital organ as the. Emotions as a pump but its only understood as well as it is because of dr king. Cape town. Coming up from you will be looking at the small pollution which had a top level cricket match in india and is a little bit of that. The nature of news as it breaks the last time senegal qualified for the world cup was in two thousand to fifteen years on and hope to do even better in russia next year with detailed coverage tied to imagine it only seven years ago people were living right here farming shrimp now the sea has taken over their land from around the world donald trump is promising a major policy announcement on trade a potential challenge to caracas a missed opportunity a bra. And his twenty five years since the first text message was sent to a mobile phone service that revolutionized not only how we communicate but modern language and technology to all bring it takes us through it. Twenty five years ago human communication changed forever in the u. K. A Software Engineer used his computer to send the first of a text message to a mobile phone just two words Merry Christmas it was the beginning of a true revolution a revolution not just in technology but also in language and the way we communicate that first text message or s. M. S. Showed that mobile phones were capable of much more than just voice calls todays smart phone apps have their origins all way back with that eureka moments of the first text of the limitations of s. M. S. Inspired the heavily abbreviated new language and more recently the rise of the m o g now in two thousand and seven u. K. Users sent sixty six billion Text Messages by two thousand and twelve it was one hundred fifty one billion but by twenty fifteen internet based Tech Services like whatsapp and messenger were overtaking s. M. S. And twenty fifteen whats happened messenger together handled sixty billion messages a day thats nearly three times more than the twenty three billion texts sent through s. M. S. And twitter of course a direct descendant of the original s. M. S. Is now the worlds window into the mind of the United States president so has the text message had its day well perhaps but itll never really disappear because in an emergency even if youve got no wife i know three g. Connection you can still send a simple text. And why file three g. My goodness Neil Papworth was the Software Engineer who actually sent that first text message and he says even though the technology has changed the information is still the same. Back then it was just it was just a days work it was something i was paid to do you know by my company its come down here show the software that we developed show that it works send a message and at the end of the day it works we were just doing what what we were meant to do and you know i i came away from there just just happy that we try to do it work its not you know i have i dreamed what we want straight would become today kind of thing we implemented that managed to get that first text back in december of ninety two and it hasnt made me rich you know i wish id had like point zero zero zero zero one of a penny for every text message thats been sent but unfortunately i dont so i think people are just going to still keep texting really i mean whatever media may use either a text on a phone or whats apple messenger. You know how much more do we need to. Take to get over here you know the. Great uses for texting are things like you know ill be home in twenty minutes or im going to be late and why why do we need to make that more complicated you know now youve got there is youve got those great things on your phone where sometimes send your message and and your family going to pick you want to three responses and its like saying im going to be late you know its only on the screen you just tap it once so i guess you know the apps are getting smarter but whats getting sent over the text messaging is you know i think its pretty much going to remain the same time for all your sports news here is andy thank you very much all Manchester City have to reestablish their eight point lead at the top of the English Premier League they did so by beating west ham having gone behind they equalised their neck us off some mending and with less than ten minutes to go david silva got the win at the win means city have a cold are still and chelseas record of thirteen consecutive wins in a single premier league season. Its been the last three games its not as it would be today alone a little bit like a moment you could argue we do for him because we blew it to a stroke or normally do we to our struggles in doing those. To attack this going to defense emerged better for us and so with good news for me for the future heres how the top of the table is looking at leaders city undefeated but united can cut the gap next sunday when the two manchester teams play each other now struggling italian team bent over and so had to keep it to thank for their first ever points alberto bring your only ventured forward for a free kick and headed home an injury time equaliser against ac milan it ended better then so is a record breaking run of fourteen straight defeats in italys top league now the Fourth Season of formula erasing is just got under way in hong kong this is the series that uses only electric powered cars lets have a listen to what they sound like. Why the role of a traditional petrol engine but organizers believe they can generate a marketable sporting product and help speed up the development of electric cars for regular road users b. M. W. Audi and jackie were of already involved while pushing the sadies assets to join in the future the series began in twenty fourteen with a race in beijings olympic park there are ten teams consisting of twenty drivers over a seven month season they raced on street circuits in eleven cities because of a top speed of around two hundred twenty five Kilometers Per Hour that compares to f one cars which reach three hundred sixty Kilometers Per Hour formally is a sport where fans can vote directly affect the action the three drivers with the most biased found both steven votes received extra power in the second half of the race well earlier on we spoke to former commentator Jacques Nicholls who is in hong kong for the start of the season he says the lack of noise can actually make the sport more accessible. It is strange to get used to the cars not having noise and and i totally get that as a massive motor sport found i love a screaming engine that deafens me and i cant hear anything for the next few days but youre there for the racing youre there to see who wins youre there for the competition and that all still exists in an environment where people can bring their kids if they want to because theyre going to have to wear ear defenders and all of that swing and you can run it in the hope you would never been able to run in the center of hong kong an event that used really loud engines that sort of woke up the whole city every time they went out there is just not possible so. For the strangeness of not having the noise the positives you get back at the locations in which from reason able to race. When former first started essentially all the cars were the same now youre getting more and more big manufacturers coming in spending money building their own power trains electric motors batteries that sort of thing to put in the back of the car and as a result its just getting bigger and bigger and formerly was there before it was known to be needed that nixon went for it was a lot people say well why do we need a racing championship for electric cars. In the years since then its become apparent that audi ran a. Porsche ever joining the championship mr davies who is going to be joining the temperature all the the market the platform on which to market their electric vehicles and i think its not so much formalise change its pretty much the same as it was when it started three years ago its just getting bigger i dont see it overtaking the one and being the biggest motor Sports Series in the world simply because of the history that formula one has going back to nine hundred fifty and the association that people have with with formula one but i think formulary has a has a very Bright Future theres no doubt about that with all these manufacturers coming on board because as i say they have to have somewhere to show off their electric cars and what they can do with electric bake with technology. Australia have taken control of the second ashes test against england england finished day two of this first ever day night ashes test on twenty nine for want this after australia had declared on four hundred forty eight shaun marsh hitting an unbeaten Century Australia already one up in the series. Probably right into their nani. Little bit. Just obviously extremely had three hundred my country to get a hundred is pretty special. Its not impossible to school runs it lose a lot of the bet is made starts so its not impossible to school runs. A long time on lifting the guy and. It will be up to want to be are going to go out and make a big school and not just that forty fifty one ply england could do with ben stokes who suspended from national tutti he made a poor return i dont think the cancer in new zealand the all rounder outfits. Also fail to take a wicket with the ball stokes has been barred from england duty while u. K. Police investigate alleged assaults he was involved in. Now smog pollution forced three stops in play during the test match between india and sri lanka in delhi sri lanka players wearing face masks at one point in an effort to carry on playing the indian capital has been struggling with poor quality for several weeks showing his coach saying the conditions meant some of his players had to leave the pitch to vomits. It wasnt a case of us wanting to stop we just wanted to have some clarity on the safety of a player you could clearly see that too fast bowlers i mean fast mornings are very high intensity activity and you could clearly see that you guys were struggling to perform negativity when it becomes unsafe i think thats where the conversation started and competitors at one of the worlds most extreme foot races have been negotiating its a longest day a sister events of the legendary marathon which takes place in the sahara is ongoing in south america stage four in peru was a seven inch the weeklong events consist of a two hundred forty kilometer route and apart from strictly russian water runners have to carry all their own supplies ok that is why sport is looking for now. And that is the news hour as well thanks for joining us im come. Will be along in just a moment with all the latest news right here on out its here. And under pointed well on the. U. S. And British Companies have announced the biggest discovery of natural gas in west africa but what to do with these untapped Natural Resources is already a source of heated debate nothing much has changed they still spend most of their days looking forward to for dry riverbed like this one five years on the syrians still feel battered or even those who managed to escape their countries havent truly been able to escape the war. Thats what they feel good. About shooting people are not in the traditional to run themselves and their other countries have managed to solve this problem but you worry that this conflict could erupt into an outright open war thats the sort of the general security issue where the people who pay the price clearly there writeup unprejudiced setting the stage for a serious debate absent at this time on aljazeera. The International Campaign to abolish Nuclear Weapons has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in an exclusive interview with the winning delegation from the Award Ceremony in oslo al jazeera asks whether banning these devastating weapons could finally lead to complete disarmament on aljazeera. The to. Iran calls on the whole things in yemen as former president

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