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Live from doha also coming up the United Nations sends an s. O. S. To the world asking for billions of dollars to help communities destroyed by conflict. A crackdown on the opposition often after delay the election result leads to violence in honduras. On the islands of hawaii responding to Nuclear Threats and north korea dusting off a relic from the cold war. U. S. President Donald Trumps former National Security adviser has pleaded guilty to lying to the f. B. I. About his contacts with russia Michael Flynn admitted his actions were wrong but said a Senior Member trumps Transition Team and asked him to reach out to russia. Ambassador to the United States is not cooperating with the f. B. I. Into alleged russian meddling in last years u. S. Election a White House Correspondent kimberly health records. Arrived at federal court in washington Michael Flynn ignored shouted questions by reporters. Inside moments later the former National Security adviser to President Donald Trump pled guilty to lying to the f. B. I. Court documents show the charges against flynn stem from his lying about efforts to obtain advance knowledge of how foreign governments might vote on a u. N. Security Council Resolution about israel as well as phone conversations flynn had before tribe was even sworn in as president with the former Russian Ambassador to the United States sergei kislyak. Flynn is said to have suggested to kiss li ak sanctions put in place against russia by the Obama White House may be dropped once trump was sworn in and they did not discuss anything having to do with the United States decision to expel diplomats or or impose a censure against russia flints lies to the Vice President about that phone call led to his dismissal after just three weeks in office in a statement trumps lawyer said flynt false claims mirror the false statements to white house officials which resulted in his resignation in february of this year nothing about the guilty plea or the charge implicates anyone other than mr flynt by his plea in fact may directly tie the oval office to the investigation by special counsel Robert Muller and whether or not the Trump Campaign worked with russia this suggests that mr flynt has more information to provide about other things the white house has lied about other things the president himself may have lied about and whether or not the white house including the president himself colluded with russia according to the former f. B. I. Director james comey trump once asked him to drop the case against flynn and despite claims by the president s lawyer flynns cooperation with the f. B. I. Probe shows that most investigation is ask. Could lead to charges against an even bigger target clue to the president of the United States kimberly helped get aljazeera Washington Well so far the u. S. President has been quiet on flynns guilty plea and told his turning to who links to might be implicated in the investigation into russian meddling in the twenty sixteen election particle hain has been gauging reaction on capitol hill. General Michael Flynn was a very visible part of Trumps Campaign for president one of his earliest and close. Just advise or his job often go after hillary clinton. By her thats right. That chance came back to haunt him friday oh. And. His guilty plea will make it that much harder for the white house to downplay the investigation that the f. B. I. Now admits is looking into potential collusion between russia and the Trump Campaign which the president has called a witch hunt but i think most of us believe its not a witch hunt or a hoax and that the f. B. I. Director and all others believe this is a legitimate concern for their part democrats dismissed the white house assertion that flynt was a minor figure in the Administration Hard to distance yourself from one of the most visible of your Campaign Surrogates and your National Security adviser we want to wish everybody a Merry Christmas on thursday night trump seemed to bask in the spotlight lighting the National Christmas tree it was a much different scene after the news broke friday reporters kept out of a planned photo shoot in the oval office the president who seems to love to talk. And tweet stayed silent general flynn is the fourth person close to president thats been caught up in this investigation now that we know hes cooperating its pretty much guaranteed he wont be the last. Aljazeera washington the United Nations has launched a record appeal for more than twenty two billion dollars to help victims of conflict and humanitarian crises it says more than one hundred thirty five Million People across the world need aid the largest crisis in the world right now is in yemen war that has left more than twenty two Million People in need didnt want to get as a james bays reports from geneva. The u. N. Says its the worst humanitarian disaster on earth in yemen the people are suffering from conflict and a continuing cholera epidemic the situation only made worse by a saudi blockade stopping much of the food and medicine from getting to those who so desperately need it the u. N. Appeal for twenty eighteen estimates there are in the country twenty two Million People in need the situation in yemen is atrocious the number of people in need of population in twenty of twenty eight million is approaching twenty million seven or eight million of those people are right on the verge of famine and starvation we need to get their paws fully opened so that the fields around the Water Systems can get in the fuel to get the food around the country can get in more commercial food as well as the aid can get in until those things happen the situation will continue to deteriorate and the risk of millions of lives being lost will grow yemen is just one of many civil tenures emergences making this a time of unprecedented need in its appeal for twenty eighteen the u. N. Says it believes there are almost one hundred thirty six Million People in need they come up with a plan to help almost ninety one Million People will cost twenty two point five billion dollars but i have to say i dont think were going to get all that money you just have to look at this year twenty seventeen their appeal was fifty two point five percent funded from south sudan to syria from afghanistan to the refugees from myanmar conflict is the main cause of the human suffering and in most cases these are conflicts with no end in sight james pais aljazeera at the United Nations in geneva. Saudi arabias foreign minister are to lodge a bass says the military coalition any yemens looking at ways to step up the flow of humanitarian assistance that blocked aid earlier this month after a missile was fired from who territory toward saudi Arabia Chavez says the who things should stop fighting and join the political process we hope that eventually the who things will realize that this is not in it and that they will make peace there are many citizens they have every right to participate in the political process but you cant control the country not if youre fifty thousand and the countrys twenty eight million. Its ridiculous and so this is where we are we are very concerned about the humanitarian situation in yemen were looking at ways of intense in the floor humanitarian assistance into yemeni ports and airports in the coming days and few weeks we will make more announcements in this area diplomatic sources have told aljazeera that saudi officials have no objections to attending the annual Gulf Cooperation Council summit in kuwait they have been doubts about whether the summit would go ahead because of strained relations between g. C. C. Members saudi arabia the u. A. E. Bahrain and egypt all qatar is an imposing economic blockade on qatar in june they accuse doha of supporting terrorism a charge it denies qatars an issue to me been hammered out than he has received an invitation to next weeks meeting. People in a rebel held on klav in syrias Eastern Ghouta have made a desperate plea for more medicines and food aid the un has called for the immediate evacuation of five hundred people including over one hundred sixty children from the area which is near the capital damascus nine people have died in recent weeks while waiting for permission from the government to be allowed to leave. Because of the rockets the houses we live in have holes in the ceilings there is nothing else to say it is not enough that we are hungry and we are covering ourselves to keep and lighting fires to cook like a barn animals now we eat. What can i say god help us we dont know what will happen to us what is going to be the end of us what now what are we to do our children are dead from the shelling those have fled the head of the Syrian Government delegation has criticized the opposition for statements made ahead of the current round of talks in Geneva Bashar jafari says there can be no progress as long as the opposition keeps demanding that president Bashar Al Assad steps down the government delegation is now returned to damascus and says it will decide whether to return to geneva when negotiations resume on tuesday the current round of talks to find a solution to the conflict is due to run until december fifteenth. In honduras the army and police now have more powers to handle the unrest triggered by the delay in the announcement of the result in the president ial election no winner has yet been declared even though ninety five percent of the ballots have been counted anger over the lady has led to violence the opposition is refusing to take part in a recount of some ballot boxes it says the process is rigged so far incumbent president one Orlando Hernandez has a narrow lead over the opposition salvador and i said rollo. Not in the wake of north koreas latest Missile Launch hawaii has tested its Nuclear Warning sirens the u. S. Is updating old Civil Defense plans on systems that date back to the cold war rob reynolds reports from los angeles. Eerie wail of air raid sirens sounded across holey. On friday the first test of its Civil Defense Warning System since the one nine hundred eighty official say they would give why one and a half million residents just thirteen minutes to take shelter the basic guidance again if you hear this is get inside stay inside and stay tuned its a direct response to the growing threat of war with north korea young yanks Nuclear Weapons and Ballistic Missile program is developing rapidly undeterred by months of threats bluster and personal insults from u. S. President donald trump they will be met with fire fury and frankly power the likes of which this world has never see before earlier this week north korea tested an Intercontinental Missile experts say could strike all of the u. S. Including east coast cities like new york and washington. Air raid sirens like this one in Downtown Los Angeles were a feature of American Life during the cold war most of them were disconnected decades ago and technology has moved on a text message and email a phone call on your device on your smartphone whatever it is you have and for a scenario like were talking about the Nuclear Detonation that would be a president ial notification that would hit every single phone in this country they have that capability theres no way to override that alert and that alert will give you specific information about what the threat is and whatever the actions of the public can take in the past government funded full out shelters were stocked with supplies thats no longer an option if we did have a detonation we dont have those fallout shelters anymore people call us all the time on our public lines were the shelters so now were looking at sheltering in place so you may have to stay inside your home for about fourteen days do you have enough supplies do you have enough you know first aid those kinds of things within your own home so were encourage residents to do that no matter how well prepared the general population might be a Nuclear Strike would be horrific its an armageddon scenario its going to be a lot of fatalities a lot of areas that will not be livable habitable for a very long time as a wise governor said this week a revived Nuclear Threat has become the new normal. Al jazeera los angeles. The u. S. Senate is due to vote on a controversial tax bill after the democrats failed to meet genet senate has been discussing the proposals which includes a big constant Corporate Tax the senates republican leaderships confident the measure will pos President Trump says that the bill will boost Economic Growth the democrats those who oppose the legislation say it will have a damaging impact on the working families critics say it will add a trillion dollars to the u. S. Deficit over the next decade. Also to come here not just here including lebanons mountain of waste beirut struggle with rubbish becomes a human rights issue plus. The system will be three three times more powerful than any system in the on earth it could be the beginning of a new era in Renewable Energy the Worlds Largest lithium ion battery is unveiled more than stay with us. Welcome back as we look at the events in western parts of asia a little bit snow to be seen there for our marty otherwise weather conditions much as youd expect its dry across much of a ghana stan couple theyre looking at highs of twelve fine around the caspian sea no baghdad decent temperature twenty degrees and finer on the eastern side the mediterranean beirut twenty three degrees looking very nice in that fine weather is maintained through into sunday to slow down into the Arabian Peninsula general looking fine weve got a fairly brisk wind blowing down through the gulf for the moment so temperatures twenty seven expected in lovely weather conditions here abu dhabi similar elsewhere cool for riyadh a high of twenty one degrees as you move through into sunday temperatures still strong a little bit but mecca on the other hand looking at highs of thirty five degrees so for southern portions of africa a lot of fine weather should expect although weve got some showers on the eastern side of south africa and they should be largely dry sunshine across the bulk of the maybe you have to get its northern parts and go through northern parts of zambia to really pick up any different charities are looking fine through much of zambia and zimbabwe weve still got some heavy showers on the east coast amount of gas to the west coast should be fine twenty six the high in. The Antarctic Ice sheet is melting process that is affecting the entire globe. In a special episode. Joins fifty point scientists on a journey of discovery around the continent look into the past and the future. But its quite amazing to see that thats. Why this time on aljazeera. Welcome back a quick recap of the top stories here on aljazeera u. S. President Donald Trumps former National Security advisor has pleaded guilty to lying to the f. B. I. About his contacts with russia. Michael flynn admitted his actions were wrong but said he was asked to do so by a Senior Member of trumps Transition Team. The uns launched a record appeal for more than twenty two billion dollars to help victims of conflict and natural disasters yemen is the worlds worst humanitarian crisis with more than twenty Million People in need. And in honduras the army and police now have more powers to handle the rest triggered by the delayed i mean as one to result in the president ial election. When it has been declared even though ninety five percent of the ballots have been counted and over the delay has led to violence. Now pope francis is on the final day of his trip to bangladesh hes been given a tour of a home named after mother theresa who he declared a saint in twenty sixteen hes Holding Meetings now with religious leaders and youth groups before he flies back to the vatican. Venezuelas government and opposition have started a new round of talks in the Dominican Republic top of the agenda is the countrys economic and political crisis these are the first formal talks since antigovernment protests ended in july months of often violent demonstrations left at least one hundred twenty people dead and thousands detained the opposition wants the government to release Political Prisoners it also wants guarantees that next years election will be free and fair. Now this time five years ago mexico was swearing in its new president and he kept pena nieto but since Winning Office his Approval Ratings have slumped to just about thirty percent homicide rates of reached a twenty year high and worsening security has become a top concern for voters and of next years election by your apollo reports from getting out of state news. This morning in the city of siegel mexico have reached a breaking point in increasing violence means bodies are arriving faster than they can process. Forensic teams are working twenty four hours a day just to keep up. Cutting the number of homicides in states like get out of one of the deadliest places in mexico it was a cornerstone of it to take opinion yet this president ial campaign now entering his sixth year in office many say the crisis has grown and is now out of control this part of the country sees over two thousand homicides per year and when the morgue runs out of space for unidentified bodies they end up here these above ground niches on the outskirts of town. President pena nieto is facing criticism beyond the violence evidence of corruption within his party has already landed two state governors in jail and another three are under investigation. As youngest son disappeared in two thousand and fourteen she along with other relatives of missing people in a ghetto blame the president s government. This is a desperate cry for the people of mexico to see and know that we can no longer live in this corrupt system thats obsolete that gives no to anyone education is in the dumps and there have been structural changes and there have been reforms but theyve all benefited themselves. Despite evidence of corruption policy experts suggest that it might still be too soon to judge the impact of opinion it was presidency. The best this government has done are the Structural Reforms to say they have not yielded immediate results perhaps they will further down the road unless they are obstructed. If we allow reforms time to be refined perhaps well see positive results. Today the president s National Approval rating hovers at around thirty one percent not the worst of his tenure but a long way from the days when he was featured on the cover of Time Magazine as the savior of mexico. Looking to the two thousand and eighteen general election the president s party is counting on a Strong National economy still forecast to grow but short cuts on everything from human rights to alleged corruption appear to have a majority in mexico ready for a change in leadership. Ill just get a little mix of. Germanys chancellor Angela Merkel and Opposition Leader martin short say theyre ready for more talks to end the political deadlock that comes after the leaders spoke at a meeting organized by president frank world of stine lie in Berlin Germany has been without a government for more than two months since both major parties lost ground to the far right and septembers election merkel c. D. U. Party wants to renew its its alliance with shorts as social democrats but so does angrily denying reports a Coalition Deal has already been reached. The news theres the green light for another coalition is simply false seems to come out of the other party circles ive just spoken about it with Angela Merkel on the phone and told her its only acceptable i dont want to speculate about whos trying to harm for me one thing is clear if a party news destroys trust. Lebanon is struggling with another rubbish problem two years off it brought the last one under control but this time its the way the waste is being disposed of because public activists worried you know how to reports from beirut. Lebanon is being collected but its what happens next which is causing concern activists are warning of a new garbage crisis in the making and Serious Health risks. Two years ago. The streets of the capital beirut and surrounding areas were clogged with un collected trash and the stench filled the air the main landfill was full and there was nowhere else to go it took months before government leaders found a temporary solution since then the mountain of voice produced every day in the lebanese capital is taken to two new coastal landfills but they are quickly becoming close to overflowing. Leaders are considering enlarging landfills and importing incinerators but environmentalists accuse them of not wanting to solve the problem. Problem in six. Is ready to offer the twenty five Million Dollars needed the problem is environmentalists looking for Sustainable Solutions for the politicians. So they can reclaim land for development. The situation is worse outside the capital where there are no Waste Management facilities this is one of hundreds of open waste dumps and they are being burned environmental. Has never had a comprehensive Waste Management strategy. Human rights watch is sounding the alarm with a report called as if you are in. The open burning waste is dangerous say activists lebanese who live near the dumps complained about health problems. When they burned the trash i lose my breath and i cant breathe i use this inhaler because i cant take a breath. My kids are growing up here and you know there is no way of protecting them what will happen to them twenty years from now they will get diseases. Activists are blaming the government for failing in its obligations staff at the Environment Ministry werent available for comment theres actually very Simple Solutions to this problem. Waste could actually be recycled but at the moment. Some of the burned. The garbage crisis did spark several weeks of protests demonstrators accusing politicians of corruption not much has changed since then except that mornings about a Public Health emergency are growing louder. The United Nations is warning that progress in protecting children and adolescents from aids is being undermined by complacency last year hundred twenty thousand children under the age of fourteen died from aids related causes and eighteen children affected with hiv every hour if that trend continues to be three and a half million new hiv infections by twenty thirty or dr got freedom shows on the World Health Organization he says there needs to be more focus on sufferers who are stigmatized. Access to testing and treatment and obviously also to prevention is certainly a major priority for the well has been is asian and for the Global Community more broadly speaking and more people have access to treatment but still we see too many new infections forty percent of these new infections actually occur in certain populations what we call key populations these are prisons we inject drugs men who have sex with men sex workers in Subsaharan Africa we know this is specifically affecting listen girls and young women we also know that in many parts of the world specifically men have. Somewhat compromised access to services so we really have to put the access to these services but also we have to make sure that we specifically get. Access for those those populations that are. Very severely affected and that need access most badly so that is a strong focus and our Campaign Message this year is actually exactly that is everybody counts nobody should be left behind so we need to really focus on those that traditionally statement eyes and exclude so sports news now in the draws out for next years football world cup in russia with exciting opponents for the tournament to debut nations events got underway in the capital Moscow Office space countdown from russian cosmonauts iceland soon found out theyll start their first ever Finals Campaign against two times champions argentina. Second games against another former winning nation england the tournament kicks off on june fourteenth with host nation russia taking on saturday every. Now anyone who uses a laptop or smartphone should know the importance of a good battery so with a u. S. Electric car make a tesla deciding to make a battery Strong Enough to power an entire city the world is taking notice how the hoaxer has more. This seemingly innocuous rural area and South Australia has suddenly become home to one of the biggest sources of Renewable Energy in the wild built in sixty days the Us Technology Company Tesla has built the largest lithium ion battery which is plugged into the power grid in the state of South Australia the states premie unveiled the john battery which is powered by a nearby wind farm this is an example of South Australia leading the world the Worlds Largest lithium ion battery its right here in jamestown in South Australia and its already supplying power to the National Electricity market australia is a major exporter of calls and is considered one of the worlds worst Greenhouse Gas polluters the state of South Australia is demolishing is coal fired power stations and switching to Renewable Energy thats imperative after a freak storm last year caused a statewide blackout highlighting the reliable supply of electricity the billionaire business tycoon mosque offered to build the Battery Point here is that the system will be three three times more powerful than any system on earth. This is a this is not like a sort of short like a minor foray into a frontier its like you know going three times with anyone going before must also promise that if it wasnt completed on time it would be free lucky for him the forty Million Dollar project was switched on ahead of schedule its a Exciting Development electricity story just kind of been the holy grail for the whole power business for two hundred years now because if we want to move towards variable Renewables Wind and solar produce their own tricity when they want not necessarily when we want and so some way of storing the excess that theyre producing which can then be used when theyre not generating has been something weve looked for for many years people nearby jamestown gave their verdict lifted our spirits because everybody is a happy about it and we have a question marks on that but the result in result i want it because its never been called into action we really dont know whats coming and. So when it if it does do the job well and good if it doesnt its just another political. Teslas chief executive wasnt at the unveiling but the states new power backup surprise im sure to please Climate Change and pollution activists and possibly pave the way for other projects worldwide how to. Recap the top stories here this hour u. S. President Donald Trumps former National Security adviser has pleaded guilty to lying to the f. B. I. About his contacts with russia Michael Flynn admitted his actions were wrong but said he was asked to do so by a Senior Member of trumps Transition Team will not cooperate with the f. B. I. Investigation into alleged russian meddling in last years u. S. Election. The uns noise to record appealed for more than twenty two billion dollars to help victims of conflict and natural disasters yemen is the worlds worst humanitarian crisis with more than twenty Million People in need. The situation in yemen is atrocious the number of people in need population in twenty of twenty eight million is approaching twenty million seven or eight million of these people are right on the famine and starvation we need to get the poor. The fuel to run the Water Systems can get the fuel to get the food around the country can get in more commercial food as well as the aid food can get in. Dearest the army and police now have more powers to handle the unrest triggered by the delay in the announcement of the result in the president ial election no winners yet been declared even though ninety five percent of the ballots have been counted anger over the delay has led to more violence. Pope francis is on the final day of his visit to bangladesh shes been given a tour of a home named after mother theresa who he declared a saint in twenty sixteen hes Holding Meetings with religious leaders and youth groups before he flies back to the vatican on friday pope francis used the word ranger for the first time on his asia trip while meeting refugees from the ethnic minority in bangladesh. People in a rebel held on klav in syrias Eastern Ghouta had made a desperate plea for more medical and food aid the u. N. Has called for the immediate evacuation of five hundred people including over one hundred sixty children from the area which is near the capital damascus nine people have died in recent weeks while waiting for permission from the government to be allowed to leave. Well those are the headlines and news continues here on aljazeera after earthrise thats a water bottle. When the power goes out. Theres only one humanity trying to. Local heroes to many he steals electricity. But keeping the lights on is dangerous work. As your forces cracked spock speak into flight. Powerless a witness documentary at this time on aljazeera. Parts of antarctica a woman faster than anywhere else on the planet this is having an effect on wildlife and is altering deep ocean currents which regulate the worlds climate from the poles to the equator. As antarcticas ice melts were seeing global sea levels rise and unpredictable changes to with world wide. And this earth rise special we visit the worlds most remote continent to see the effects of Climate Change firsthand. Im tired as an obvious winning the next month on this Research Vessel travelling around antarctica with a group of scientists who are trying to understand how the changes taking place

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