Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20171128

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On the clock this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up under is Opposition Leader silva donuts maintains a steady lead of the president when and as his vote counting continues. Indonesias mount eigen volcano continues to spew ash forcing the closure of one of its busiest apples for a second day. How the impending trial of a tough gold trader is testing u. S. Turkey relations. So i think government gas strikes have killed nineteen people in syrias rebel held enclave of the capital damascus it is a second such attack in forty eight hours and on sunday twenty three people were killed by shelling and strikes including a number of children its tax have comet a key moment in the conflict a new round of un backed talks is scheduled to begin on choose day aimed at ending the six and a half year wall Opposition Groups and government representatives jute to meet in geneva about u. N. Officials have been unable to confirm that the government delegation is planning to travel diplomatic at its base has this report. Peace talks in geneva was supposed to stop this bloodshed. But as weve seen many times before the timetable of failed diplomacy is actually creasing the agony of the people of syria. Parts of aleppo province. And the outskirts of damascus bombarded the Assad Government has been intensifying its onslaught in the days and hours before talks to to start. Assad didnt leave a single corner that hasnt been destroyed if you want to fight it dont target civilians instead take on the armed groups at the front lines god willing theyll teach you a lesson briefing the u. N. Security council in new york the man whos supposed to lead the talks on tuesday stefan de mistura condemned the violence he noted that the Syrian Government had perspire own its travel to geneva but he said they needed to attend naturally we hope and indeed expect that the government will be on its way shortly but to get in i dont break that into a commitment to break them putting when they met in filching that meeting part of intense diplomacy in recent weeks the russians who turned things around on the battlefield for assad are supposed to bring the Syrian Government to the geneva table and the saudis created a new Opposition Group ng to go to the talks out are Key Players Like former leader riyadh his job in a figures closer to moscow some of which were previously even derived it as a sad stooges. A number of western diplomats have told me theyre concerned about the way stefan de mistura is handling this process they fear its becoming russian flavored with a focus on a new constitution and elections rather than on political transition j space aljazeera geneva one is over and you have a has been speaking to people in three areas of syria to us about their expectations from the geneva talks. When there are no place in the sky and there is less fear of forces invading you there is hope all around you in this particular town in Northern Syria this is drabness and people are trying to come back and review their lives but when it comes to talks in geneva theyre not very hopeful they say this is the revolution that they began and it has been taken away from them and the world really doesnt care. Im in syria and they call me a refugee what can we want from the talks. As long as assad remains geneva doesnt mean anything. They show solidarity with syrians but in reality theyre all complicit and involved in the destruction of syria we just hope the siege can end. Our hope is not russia nor iran. And. We hope this round could be a new beginning because of the major changes before the geneva meeting we see the meeting in geneva whether its the eighth or the tenth or the twenty fifth round of talks theyre all the same there is a lot at stake at these talks Opposition Leaders have been telling us that theyre fearful that if the United Nations fails yet again to come to a solution to provide a long lasting peaceful terms that all sides can agree upon they will be forced to go to word sochi and then russian solution when they feel that russia will undermine the role of the United Nations as it tries to bring its own version of the solution for said. Power and many people here will tell you that this is something that they do not want. A left wing Television Host is on track to win honduras his president ial election in the hopes of the current leader. Five points ahead of the incumbent president the one Orlando Hernandez with more than seventy percent of votes counted and sanchez has ripple. Supporters of several missed didnt wait for final results. Popular t. V. Personality knew this sixty four year old must run the took the lead in a much contested general election. We want something new from wonderous and new is called salvador nostra. The electoral tribunal says it will wait until all the ballots reach the capital and are counted and that could take a few more days. Demonstrators outside the electoral tribunal say they would defend the vote. Were celebrating our votes cant be stolen. Is the winner of this election and theyre celebrating before theres a final results. From a precedent joined celebrations it was a comeback for him the party he found it may return to power says he already feels vindicated eight years after he was ousted in a military lit. It means the start of a new era it means the closing of a cycle that began with the coup and with the tragedy that that has represented for us in political and social and Economic Trends and it means the hope to rebuild honduras that is democratic. Hours after polls closed top candidates claimed a victory and candidate recently from the liberal party conceded say necessarily had won the election the president cannot london and this remains waiting for the rural vote from remote areas of us. Hoping they could still give him a chance to win. For now the Alliance Claims a victory that many here say is irreversible. Again a centrist i just see that they will see on around us the french president a man with corn has arrived and became a fast on the first stop of a four day africa visit he says he wants to transform frances relations with africa it will give a major speech on tuesday to kick start the process but hes not the first french president to make such promise with russia but reports now from wagadu. The french president arrived in turkey no fasteners capital what to do go late on monday night he was warmly greeted by president. Emmanuel michael says hes come to africa to start a new chapter in french african relations one built on equality rather than former colonial ties you really want to merge or two so i wanted to make the first stop on my africa trip its also a symbol to mark a new era of relations not just with your country mr president but with the whole continent. Back or has condemned frances colonial past he says he wants to end sixty years of french influence over its former colonies where self interest was the guiding principle. Former president Jacques Chirac embodied the neo colonial approach that became known as far south lake Nicholas Sarkozy had little time for africa in a controversial speech in dhaka he said africans had failed to enter the history books. Were going to see it was under Francois Hollande that the syal region became a new frontier in what he called frances fight against terror that. The french have no desire to remain here in mali because it must be the malayans themselves and africans who ensure the security the independence of the sovereignty of mali thats how i understand relations between france and africa. When it comes to Africa Michael has had some false starts he was criticised for saying africa was being held back by women having too many children and for a plan to place french Immigration Processing Centers in some african country. Like every new president. Into the old french African Networks of faith is that in the end most president s end up keeping the status quo and they criticized for that. Four day trip to west africa with a speech to students. He says its Young Africans to carry. On this frances youngest president he may just be the one to convince them that he means what he says its all just. A new release of internal documents another evidence obtained by Amnesty International points to Petroleum Companies shells complicity in here if it crimes committed by the Nigerian Military in the one nine hundred ninety s. The Rights Groups report says shelling the Nigerian Government operated his Business Partners having regular meetings to discuss protection of interests at the time protests by the ogoni people of southeastern nigeria were taking place in response to years of oil spills which devastated their environment documents show that on the twenty ninth of october one thousand nine hundred shell requested Security Protection to subdue peaceful protests over the next two days Police Attacked a village with guns and grenades killing at least eighty people and turning and burning almost six hundred houses well the Spokes Person for shell in nigeria has provided a statement to aljazeera saying that they have always denied in the strongest possible terms the allegations made in this tragic case i was internationals allegations are false and without merit and shell did not could collude with the authorities to suppress Community Unrest and in no way encourage will advocated any acts of violence in nigeria. All right still ahead here on aljazeera. We have a representative in congress who they say was here a long time ago they call or pocahontas u. S. President donald trump mocks a democratic senator at an event honoring native american. One of the worlds most eligible bachelors is officially off the market britains prince harry and t. V. Actor Meghan Markle. Welcome back to look at the weather across the levant and western parts of asia see this circulation of low pressure giving some rain in places the snow Higher Elevations but otherwise much this region is looking dry and fine across much of the stand plenty of sunshine and temperatures not too bad for this time of the year to run at fourteen by tad sunshine highs of twenty now there is an area of low pressure pushing on the eastern side of the mediterranean and thats going to be some rain into these areas into coastal parts of syria and also lebanon and some snow eventually cross the Higher Ground of eastern parts of turkey heading down into arabian potential we have got the threat of some rain here from a front which is going to go across parts of saudi arabia so riyadh for instance could see a threat of a shower in the course of chews day thing here in doha it should be dry and fine maybe a bit of cloud run but thats about it pleasant and abu dhabi with highs of twenty nine through into wednesday jerry fine conditions across much of the region there with thirty four degrees as a high in mecca heading down into southern portions of africa the weather here sort across Southern Arizona looking dry and fine sunshine down ten twenty two johannesburg twenty one but once you get further north into parts of mozambique and through into zimbabwe and zambia some heavy showers are likely here could be quite wet in usaca highs of twenty five. Indulge your five senses. Is on the ground in Southern Africa identifying the crucially important stories. That were going to watch aljazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour Syrian Government jets have hit a rebel held enclave of damascus killing one thousand people comes as a new round of un backed talks and serious well to begin in geneva on. The results of giving honduras his Opposition Leader a clear lead in the president ial election more than seventy percent of the votes counted salvador nasrallah is a five points ahead of the incumbent president on Orlando Hernandez both candidates have. French president a memo might call this russian became the first stop of a four day africa visit called regional terrors aimed at boosting the french african cooperation on education Digital Economy and the environment trip is michaels third to Subsaharan Africa since taking office. Thirteen people have been killed and thirty injured in a Service Attack southeast of the iraqi capital baghdad it happened near a market in the no one area imran khan has more now from baghdad. Sources telling us that all after the explosions. Improvised explosive device to no. Amber of gunmen least full they say fired from the rooftops of buildings adjacent to the market and thats where we saw a lot of those thats taking place now we are hearing that i still have claimed responsibility for this attack now this will shock a number of people in baghdad i guess is going through a relative period of calm the last major Suicide Attack like this that we saw a bombing that we saw was actually in may now that happiness you very small incidents outside of baghdad in the south but nothing in the south of baghdad story but nothing the scale of their star as i say i still have claimed responsibility for this its likely that theyre striking back because theyve suffered defeats in mosul in iraq and syria and also in the north in Anbar Province already in iraq zimbabwes new president emerson man who is expected to form his cabinet this week all eyes are on whether hill break with the past to name a broad based government or select old guard figures from Robert Mugabes era very much us reports now from harare. Nearly two weeks since the minute she take up at Zimbabwe Security forces say the situation is getting back to normal the police who havent been seen on the streets of karachi for days. But now that means doing joint patrols with soldiers to try and maintain law and order Law Enforcement agents or did you think the reports of looting and illegal occupation of other Peoples Properties but to cannot be found in houses just yet here. It is criminal in the spirit of man. And it will be made by people of the law the announcement comes days after a muslim and i got with the new president urged citizens not to take matters into their own hands by punishing allies of the former president Robert Mugabe there are reports that Robert Mugabe and his wife grace have been given immunity from prosecution the police wont say how many of mugabes allies have been arrested so the most high profile is a nation the former finance minister hes accused of corruption going back at least ten years. Some say selective punishment could be a sign not much is going to change under the new administration we might have had one person removed but. Remains in place so for me the more things change the more they remain the same and you know if im against you and i think you are challenging me. You become fair game human rights abuses the high court recently ruled the military takeover which eventually saw Robert Mugabe resign was lawful zimbabweans who were tired of having macabre as their leader for thirty seven years have welcomed the courts decision. But others worry allowing the army to legitimize taking up with the functions of the state sets a dangerous precedent. And. Remains closed for a second. Continues to spew smoke and ash up to three thousand meters into the sky authorities have also expanded their Evacuation Order from the immediate area surrounding the volcano. As it. It could lead to a major eruption at any moment thats what indonesian officials are saying about the volcano on the island of Bali Mount Agung has been rumbling and spewing ash into the atmosphere since the weekend on monday a Mass Evacuation was ordered and the danger zone was expanded the possibility of a large eruption is very high some indications show they will indeed be an eruption since yesterday the eruption that happened has been accompanied by the sound of explosions and vibrations that can be heard and felt within a distance of twelve kilometer as. Indonesian Officials Say they will continue to search all the villages in the area and force residents to evacuate if need be. So until now based on incoming reports that eruptions and trim is continuous and the lava is filling the crater the lava will flow down the slopes after the crater is full. Balis International Airport was closed hundreds of flights were canceled and tens of thousands of travelers were stranded after tests indicated ash had reached its airspace. Everything you can get by making. Bali is the top Tourist Destination in indonesia and plays host to millions of visitors each year the volcano last erupted in one thousand nine hundred sixty three when more than one thousand people were killed mohamed atta. A senior military general has denied religious discrimination exists in his country the comments were made all through meeting with pope francis head of the Catholic Church is on his first visit to me and has been advised not to use a word or hinge adjourning discussions and military crackdown to minimize Rakhine State has forced more than six hundred thousand ranger to flee to neighboring bangladesh scott hietala has more from the un go on. Word coming out late on monday here the first day of the popes visit to myanmar that he met with the commander in chief general men now this is a meeting that was supposed to take place on thursday caught some people off guard because this word came out late on monday that was originally described as a rest day for the pope now. The general posted as a statement on his Facebook Page to say they met for about fifteen minutes now he said also in that meeting he got across the idea he said to the pope that there wasnt religious discrimination in the country but that it can press office said that the discussed several issues and that the pope got across to the general that there is great responsibility for the authorities here in myanmar during this transition period no theres no word from either side if the range of issues was brought up now obviously thats a very sensitive topic during the popes visit here now on tuesday the pope will travel to naples or the capital where hell meet with the civilian leader and other members of the government and other members of the religious affiliations now itll be interesting to see how those meetings go and if theyll be any mention of or hinted but this first high level meeting that the pope had unexpected high level meeting the pope had with the commander in chief of the military no mention of a hinge of but well see if that changes when the pope goes the napery door on tuesday the time gold traded charged with conspiring to evade u. S. Sanctions against iran will not go on trial in new york this week. But i dropped out of sight in the two months leading up to his scheduled trial to Prime Minister to suggest it has reached a plea deal with u. S. Authorities she ever tuns he has more now from washington. President. Of turkey has repeatedly trying to get this trial scrapped lobbying vend Vice President joe biden and twenty sixteen and President Trump in september of this year he maintains of this is a politically motivated prosecution intended to discredit and ultimately overthrow his government on behalf of fatah and islamic cleric who lives in pennsylvania to learn. These steps are purely political i hope well get a chance to discuss this issue the United States needs to revise this decision there are very peculiar smells coming from this issue. But drew prosecutors have dismissed that contention and in Court Filings say they anticipate that the evidence introduced at trial will show that turkish government and banking officials were integra to the sanctions evasion scheme raisers are is among several turkish men charged with operating a billion dollar Money Laundering scheme to evade u. S. Sanctions against iran only two of the accused are in u. S. Custody however there is widespread speculation that zurab has flipped and is not cooperating with the prosecution he was abruptly released from prison in early november his whereabouts publicly unknown Authorities Say he remains in federal custody and thats led to speculation that he entered the Witness Protection Program there is another strand to this case the special Counsel Robert Mueller looking into alleged russian meddling in last years president ial election is examining former Trump National security adviser Michael Flynns on the lobbying for the turkish government its been alleged that flame was offered large sums of money at the very least a lobby the trumpet ministration for the extradition of good if not kidnapping himself and transport the cleric to ankara hes also alleged to have been asked to get this legal case dropped now there are questions as to whether i will be able to provide any further information about turkish lobbying of u. S. Government officials like flynn if there and can provide documented evidence that would be a huge break in the fight investigation but also possibly and i think this is the most. Interesting angle to the case is a potential criminal investigation of the president of turkey for violating irene sic iran sanctions. That could be what. Got him released with turkey describing this case as an attack on the country the trial is seen as yet another blow to u. S. Talk with relations already under strain she every time see aljazeera. U. S. President donald trump has raised eyebrows once again after using a racial slur at a white house event he called a Democratic Senate set pocahontas during a ceremony honoring native American Veterans of the Second Mobile christensen really explains why some found his remarks offensive. The event was to honor native American Veterans but President Donald Trump couldnt resist the opportunity to criticize a political rival use the name of a native American Hero in front of a portrait of president Andrew Jackson who is known for forcefully removing natives from their Ancestral Lands no less in a way that was not meant as a complement thank you because you have very very special people youre here long before any of us were. Although we have a representative in congress who they say was here a long time ago they call or pocahontas its a name he first used on the campaign trail and polka dot this is not happy she got to refer to the democratic senator and staunch trump critic Elizabeth Warren the senator whos claimed native american ancestry was quick to respond it is deeply unfortunate that the president of the United States cannot even make it through a ceremony honoring these heroes without having to throw out a wave or the president s spokesperson said there was nothing offensive about it you know most people find offensive is center warrant a line about her heritage to advance her career but native groups such as the National Congress of American Indians have expressed outrage at the president s use of the name pocahontas before and again called it a slur that denigrates her legacy and i think her native women who remain and i think that i take one of the name one of the stories of our women in a race in the story but using her name a pejorative term only helps to conclude the extremely high level of violence we have against native women today you know the controversy overshadowed recognition of the veterans who use the navajo language to transmit secret messages during World War Two sending what some insist is a message of disrespect kristen salumi aljazeera britains prince harry and his fiance the u. S. Actress Megan Markham of given the first t. V. Interview following the official announcement of their engagement the shop as it. Prince harry and Meghan Markle together outside Londons Kensington palace the thirty six year old actress brings a touch of the twenty First Century to britains royal family shes an american who describes herself as mixed race which came under scrutiny in Media Coverage of their relationship and some of that scrutiny and you ended up making a very Public Statement about it some of that scrutiny was centered around your ethnicity. When you realize that or to think. Of course its disheartening you know its. Its a shame that that is the climate in this world to focus that much on that or that that would be discriminatory in that sense but i think you know the end of the day im really just proud of who i am and where i come from and we have never put any focus on that weve just focused on who we are as a couple and so when you take all those extra layers away and all of that noise. I think it makes it really easy to just enjoy being together and to know all the rest of that out. It was in september two thousand and sixteen that they made their first public appearance a sports event for wounded veterans later prince harry was incensed by the press coverage of their relationship his Office Issued an unprecedented rebuke his girlfriend Meghan Markle has been subjected to a wave of abuse and harassment a smear on the front page of a National Newspaper the racial undertones of comment pieces and the outright sexism and racism of social media trolls this is not a game it is her life and his prince harry whos fifth in line to the throne so permission from the queen to marry this is a royal family that from the top that means with the times and sage to say to its members and harrys a modern going hes a guy hes grown up in the modern world he wants to do things his way hes not bound by tradition hes following his heart as opposed to any form of protocol that people think he should marry the worlds media had set up outside Kensington Palace but on the streets of london news of the engagement was greeted with a mixture of delight and disinterest there were actually there. Time to get mad when you think. So much of her interest. Dont you. Think but well then. Missing gauge woman speaks volumes about how the royal family history. An american actress of mixed race will become a duchess unthinkable even a few years ago. In london. Plenty more about all the stories that were covering right there on our website its not just a story that plenty of comment and i said to you that you could interact as well. So this is out there and these are the top stories the Syrian Government jets have hit a rebel held enclave of damascus killing nineteen people comes a new round of un talks on syrias war is scheduled to begin in vivo on tuesday meanwhile the u. S. Says its considering it just means to how it gives military support to kurdish led forces fighting eisel in Northern Syria he considers the kurdish syrian fighters known as white p. T. Terrorists on friday the turkish government said that u. S. President donald trump told his counts of first time voter one that supplies of the kurdish led group would hope that now says such decisions were on military support will be based on battlefield. Not on. We are allies of the us under nato and we have made it clear several times to us with the right method with the right rhetoric that this was not the right thing to do what we were told in response was that they attach a lot of importance to the fight against and as a result they have to assess all options but of course it is not a choice for us to work with these organizations to fight against it is a necessity they told us but we are having difficulty understanding this since when do you need to work with one terrorist organization against another terrorist organization its not fitting of a serious state and not behavior that suits a country such as the United States. Thirteen people are being killed in. Attacks southeast of the iraqi capital baghdad it happened there a market in the no one area eisel has claimed responsibility but i have been going through a period of relative calm the last major attack was in. Early results have given honduras is Opposition Leader a clear lead in the president ial election with more than seventy percent of the votes counted. Is five points ahead of the incumbent president on orlando and both candidates have declared victory of ok no on the indonesian island of bali is spewing smoke up to three thousand meters into the sky authorities have expanded the danger zone and have ordered more evacuations from the immediate areas International Airport has been closed and hundreds of flights have been canceled for europe today with all the headlines here on the coming up right now its counting the cost. A hundred and sixty years ago. And in st. Popular. Music genre. A century and a half later the sound still resonates with. Today. The peoples music at this time on aljazeera. Counting the cost on a weekly look at the world of business and economics this week a new dawn in zimbabwe they call him the crocodile can the new president attack the countrys broken economy. Also this week modern day slavery in Libya Migrants trying to escape poverty and conflict find themselves trapped in a people for profit economy plus chinas biggest social Media Company ten cent is now the fifth most valuable company in the World Facebook out of the top five. Many young zimbabweans are hoping this week will prove to be a watershed moment for their countrys Economic Future as well as its politics after nearly four decades of Robert Mugabes unchallenged power the countrys Banking System agricultural system and industrial sectors are in urgent need

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