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Madness island forced out. Hello im adrian for the again this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up. Zimbabwes new leader promises change as he said to take over as the countrys second president. Under pressure the saudi Led Military Alliance says it will lift its blockade of yemen to allow in aid. At a crucial test High School Seniors in south korea take that career defining College Entrance exams. Police in Papua New Guinea have entered a decommissioned prison camp on minus island trying to evict refugees who are refusing to leave around fifty of them left in buses at around three hundred thirty others say theyre too afraid to go outside the former story and run facility fearing attacks by local people the prison camp was close. Last month after Papua New Guinean ruled that it was unconstitutional since then the refugees have been living in increasingly filthy conditions without clean water or supplies but charlie is a refugee on the island gave us details of the police raid. Immigration law. So many question for the. Time present come. Attack. This moment. For the. Holy grail. Throwing everything. Its throwing. Our shelter. People treating people then you must present. Refusing to leave prison camp because they are. Not going to leave this prison camp and go to another prison camp attorney as Prime Minister insists the refugees should go to the alternative accommodation thats been provided for them on the island. Staying there is obviously designed they think this is somewhere they can pressure the Australian Government to let them come to australia we will not be pressured i want to be very clear about this. Border security the integrity of our borders is maintained by my government. It is maintained by my government and we will not outsource our migration policy to people smugglers the people on manis should go to the places alternative prices of safety with all of the facilities they need they should do so peacefully and they should do so you know accordance with the lawful directions of Papua New Guinea we is the country in which the center is located from aljazeera is Andrew Thomas who is on my the silent three bus loads of refugees have passed us on the only road to the prison which is over the water there behind me now we know that the place went in Early Morning on state papa new guinea in time about four or five hours ago now the accounts we hear of what happened very refugee say that they use force or violence against them in the place so they didnt they only destroyed property and they were just trying to incentivize if you like the refugees to leave but in the course of that we heard that fifty or sixty men were taken by the place i think that those that we just saw passing along the road right here just in the last three or four minutes were those men the first bus contains refugees and one of them leaned out of the window and said help help us the second one had a man who went out and said some insulting things about australia but this is all a very live situation was shen in the way and sammy is the human rights director of get up in australia and Campaign Group she told us about her experience at the camp. Why i have a background in post conflict zones and the conditions we witnessed was worse than anything i have ever seen it was horrifically hot men were sleeping inside shipping containers all over crowded the containers were sore heart and unlivable that the camera lens couldnt film inside because it stained up there was no water are there was clearly men with significant medical issues that had not received medical attention the men had not had food other than small scraps biscuits here and there for three weeks and these men have been detained in those conditions for over four years the vast majority of them have been found to be refugees and their play was clear simply for safety the International Legal situation in regards to australias offshore detention regime is actually quite settled it is clearly a struggle is responsibility p. N. D. Shares some responsibility but fundamentally disease strongly in government that forcibly saying to people to these arlens and it is that they have the haste and paid by the australian taxpayer in fact that these men have been held there for over four years the legal situation is also clear internationally that this is an International Human rights crisis four years ago when Amnesty International went into the camp they termed a catastrophe and Numerous International observers and agencies have echoed that recommendation since the International Legal sphere is quite clear this is an International Human rights crisis perpetuated by the Australian Government and in fact the un i said just that last week. Now to the rest of the days news and bob ways incoming president was reportedly in Constant Contact with military leaders in the days following his firing by Robert Mugabe a form of Vice President when i returned home to cheers and celebrations big promises to create jobs for the people was a commie has collapsed many are already holding up well and god was a big can of hope even before hes been sworn in as president reports. When. The country two weeks ago he said he would be back to lead his people former president Robert Mugabe sacked him as Vice President so his wife grace could take over in just one week the military seize control resigned on tuesday the man nicknamed the crocodile returned wednesday and he is now in charge. You know you wont even remember this. He revealed there were plans to eliminate him he says he was poisoned allegedly by the g forty faction in zanu p. F. The rulings on a. President ial candidate. But some people dont believe is the right man for the job he was a faithful ally of mugabe for decades we embraced by the one. They were together. With. But we are hoping. People who supports mugabe the former president one of the good things done by zimbabwes first leader will be forgotten to start praying for you. I think protests of the highest order. Normally of this period of liberation respect to the africans. The incumbent to also take up the torch in order. That spirit of liberation. Is he knows and have High Expectations they know he is a businessman some here say that gives them hope he has realistic plans on how to rebuild a broken economy how to. Live now to harare aljazeera sandersons is the andrew everyone repeating what they. What when i was saying about a new future of democracy in zimbabwe is that really going to be possible given all weve heard. Reports. That is a very big question adrian and its on the minds of everyone here there isnt really naive its a on the streets theres a realize ation that yes this is an incredible time for everyone involved but no the future is not going to be easy so everything is tempered you wouldnt believe it by looking at the pictures the images youre seeing but everyone realizes no one is really in a position of not understanding the reality of the situation the economy is shattered its broken and you have nominate a man who has the same past it has to be said of the war veterans like mccarthy in the sense politically hes been with him all the way and now hes begs to differ in a massive way how will it work out one person qualified to give us some commentary on this right now is bright matonga who is a former minister in the old government deputy information minister youve switched sides tell me why well you know i think part of. This is evolution i believe in the changes to these changes. In the government so i know exactly just like my duty of zimbabweans now they know exactly what is to be done you know weve got the highest which is written in africa i think there was a ceiling sort of things that you could do but the incoming president. You want to see a change hes an accident so lets cut to the chase start to see that change and certainly the African Union and i would guess. Other governments throughout the world not just the west would like to see inclusive government now and there was no mention of that in the speech last night so where do we go there are we going to see some form of house sharing or some form of reaching out to bring people together unity has been used so many times in the commentary here will it happen we see the construction we can be told what to do with. All of the construction. Very clear if a hit is sitting hit of state something happens to him that patty where the country did come from is provide a candidate and finish that to him and it will be up to b. S. To see whether they need to bring in partners saw but hey the unity that were talking about is that every zimbabwean wants to see a new zimbabwe a form does imbibe with new elect electoral reforms business reforms so really we are very keen you know we want to engage it but you can only do that as a united force and we know what needs to be done i would have been qualities is his business background and a lot of hope is being put on that how could he deal with the situation with sanctions still in place with the economy on its knees one of the first things to sink in might want to do im sure has let you in on all of that but surely there must be some sort of bullet point approach to all of this no we want the world to judge you as a new place in prison in your president come into office and you we have to engage we have to open our lines of communication i think with closed doors of the world so thats what we need to do was sit up with local embassies and invite people we have to send envoys everywhere to say hey zimbabwe is it for business where we are part of the their Global Economy we kind of behavior is if its business as usual or if were in isolated you know ireland were not but its going to be very difficult because the for my head of state was tough it is different approach yes it did a lot of think good for the people of zimbabwe but this things that we didnt do properly invests what we need to correct and we need to correct that yesterday we dont have time we dont have time to mess around so he needs to put people with the right at should understand Global Economics who understand that things need to be done like yesterday you dont want to spend three months waiting for for a license. You dont want to spend two weeks waiting for response it is of doing business you come in. Two or three days you give an answer if there is nothing theres nothing and you go because theres no time to waste you know people come in zimbabwe you spend in months weeks waiting. In the end of the day the zero so the attitude of Government Employees has to change you like yesterday they had to be retraining so we will need support as a country from everyone from the from you didnt call support weve got zimbabweans ever we want them to come back and transforming this economy theyve got the right handed it. You will do you will deliver. Thank you very much for your thoughts and now the situation thats unfolding by the other day extraordinary times in zimbabwe back to you right now this is anderson is live in harare that the Saudi Led Coalition says that it will reopen yemens Main International airport in a few hours to allow in humanitarian aid the seaport of her data is also reopening the partial lifting of the blockade follows pressure from the u. S. And the un ports were closed two weeks ago after the rebels fired a missile at the saudi capital riyadh aid agencies are pleading for the Saudi Led Coalition to completely lift its blockade twenty million yemenis are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. Were monitoring these developments and were trying to see whether that actually takes place on the ground of course if that were to happen that would be a very welcome and critically Important Development we have made clear the tremendous amount of needs on the ground were ready to help if the ports are open so well keep tracking this and and see where we go from there in addition to the war in yemen as well as the threat of famine in the worlds worst cholera outbreak doctors are concerned about another potentially fatal disease as Bernard Smith reports. To be new born in yemen means facing one of the toughest chances of survival in the world this is one of the only hospital still open in sanaa the capital of these babies make it out of fear then will have to battle cholera malnutrition and now diptheria. Most of the hospitals in the capital of closed others are on the verge of closing perseverant because of the austerity measures were implementing. In the central city if an outbreak of diphtheria is threatening children and the elderly is slowly recovering from a disease for which theres been an effective vaccine for one hundred years my throat was swollen my ears were painful the hospital has treated me but they dont have enough medicine sometimes my nose bleeds like yesterday when i was at school i couldnt bear it hospitals and clinics which have been destroyed by war are already overloaded trying to manage a cholera epidemic and a million infected yemenis the two week blockade of c n airports by the coalition of countries led by saudi arabia is stopping essential medical supplies including vaccines from getting through. Hundreds are dying because of the lack of medicine and other medical supplies we try to offer everything we can but theres only so much we can do within our limitations. The World Health Organization says diptheria is spreading quickly one hundred twenty cases and fourteen deaths have been confirmed so far most of the casualties the children Bernard Smith are just era. Well get a weather update next year on aljazeera then russias president says the efforts to end the war in syria entering a new phase as three key players in the conflict meet in sochi. However weve got to clear skies now across southern parts of here last the finest settle at long last normal service has been resumed down across the southeastern corner theyve lost big area of High Pressure clear skies here but the cloud that is further north the make this a another system rolling in from the atlantic wet and windy weather making its way across the northwest corner of here were seeing some of that make his way across england and while some snow over the high ground of scotland gradually making its way further east was in scandinavia gains a very lively winds here some heavy rain and at times some snow with that wet weather stretched right down across northern parts of germany france all the way down towards that said northwestern corner of spain and portugal fun enjoy as we go on through friday for a good possible central and Eastern Europe a bit of cloud there just flirting with grace but it shouldnt cause any problems finding try to across northern parts of africa want to see showers a possibility just around the far north of libya maybe pushing into southern areas but a good deal of sunshine getting up to around twenty three twenty four with that former bad. Starting to push its way into southern rock i by this stage the showers well i do continue across Central Africa as well but expect the heaviest of which i was towards the gulf of guinea like us with a high of thirty. Right. This is al jazeera. Hello again the top stories here on aljazeera this hour police in Papua New Guinea have entered a decommissioned prison camp on minus island trying to evict refugees who are refusing to leave around fifty of them have left in buses but around three hundred thirty others say theyre too afraid to go outside the former straightly and run facility fearing attacks by local people. Zimbabwes next president was reportedly in Constant Contact with military leaders in the days after he was fired by Robert Mugabe the former Vice President anderson when i returned home to cheers and celebrations as he promised to create more jobs to be sworn in on friday and the Saudi Led Coalition has announced that it will reopen yemens Main International airport within a few hours a vital seaport of her data will also be letting in the humanitarian aid the move follows pressure from the u. S. And the u. N. People living in syrias east and so hungry that there scavenging from bins of fainting at only eating every second day thats according to United Nations reports forces loyal to president Bashar Al Assad have the siege the rebel held area in the damascus outskirts for the last five years the World Food Program says the situation will get worse for around one hundred seventy five thousand people when food stocks run out in a few weeks the city of duma hasnt had a food aid convoy since august russias president has told his turkish and iranian counterparts that there is a real chance of ending the war in syria let it be a putin says he believes that a new stage has been reached in the conflict hes hosted talks in the black sea resort of sochi from where rory chalons reports. The war in syria is nearly over the three president s meeting in sochi now its time to rebuild the shattered country of lady may putin thinks a plan hes been pushing for weeks now is gaining momentum. I am satisfied by the fact that the president s of iran and turkey have supported an initiative to hold an all syrian forum a congress of National Dialogue in syria the kremlin driven Initiative Aims to bring a Broad Spectrum of Syrian Government opposition and Civil Society groups to sochi in early december to plan for the countrys future. And join me in congo we have all talked about oppositions all three countries have spoken in favor of convening this congress of National Dialogue. But the president has been telling putin he wont accept kurdish groups linked to the p. K. K. Being there and turkeys president still seems lukewarm on the idea. Of them. Let me agree with president putin and he said we need to build on the momentum achieved as we talked together with mr rouhani we agreed that we need to extend our ties in all the areas. Even less enthusiastic is the Syrian Opposition group the h n c which says it refuses to discuss the future of syria outside of the uns geneva framework at an opposition conference beginning in the saudi capital riyadh early indications are that groups will keep their insistence asaad must go despite pressure to compromise with his plan for a congress of National Dialogue russia seems keen to shake the political future of syria much like its already shapes the conflict if putin successful this will be to the benefits of his ally. And yet again the dreams of the opposition will suffer. Aljazeera. Syrian opposition groups meeting in the saudi capital have renewed their demand for the removal of president Bashar Al Assad in a draft resolution the communique states that the governing body could include benders of the government saudi arabia as a back of the Syrian Opposition it says the aim of the conference was to unify the groups and have negotiations in geneva on tuesday. The United States has welcomed the lebanese Prime Ministers return home and says that its encouraged by his commitment to stability. Has put his resignation on hold after arriving in beirut from saudi arabia on wednesday he made the sudden announcement to step down in riyadh more than two weeks ago plunging lebanon into Political Uncertainty hedi shelved his decision to quit at the request of lebanons president to allow for dialogue the president of france says the u. N. Security council should consider sanctions against libya if it doesnt crack down on people trafficking the money all macro condemns the auctioning of refugees is a crime against humanity he was meeting guineas president alpha conde whos also chair of the African Union commission the u. N. Is calling for an investigation after an outcry over a video said to show african refugees being sold as slaves in libya. The situation it is crucial to condemn these situations and denounce them through International Law to fight and do everything to eradicate traffickers is now our priority we should try to anticipate the situation because libya is in a political transition there is presently no stable government we are working actively in the framework of the United Nations mediation so that there can be a durable political situation before countries blockading kasa have added to institutions and eleven people to what they call the lists of terror saudi arabia the u. A. E. Bahrain and egypt claim that the qatar based world union of muslim scholars and International Islamic council promote terrorism through islamic discourse but offer no evidence the world union of list of scholars is headed by use of alcohol or darwin and has sunni and shia members in september it condemned saudi arabia for the reported arrest of more than twenty muslim scholars there both groups have a large following across the world the individuals added to the list include members of the outlawed egyptian muslim brotherhood. Prime minister has reiterated that dialogue is the only way to find a solution to the gulf crisis it is view with t. V. Shake of. The says that interference in doha is internal affairs is a red line. The middle east region including the gulf faces serious challenges right now many issues remain unresolved issues and theres no doubt that the g. C. C. Has played an Important Role in alleviating or finding solutions to some of the issues in the region its absence at this time is having a negative impact as part of our National Responsibility to our people it is imperative for all of us to work to maintain the existence of the g. C. C. And to resort to dialogue to resolve any problems without infringing on the solvency of states how. Did the alleged disputed rise because of the successes of the state of qatars achieved regionally anglo and because of our support for humanitarian issues our support for the stability of the region our respect for the demands of the people or is it really because categories hosting the world cup or is it to interfere in our internal affairs the truth is the goal of this crisis is clear to all by now its the interference in the internal affairs this is unacceptable and is a red line for us and the people of kashmir in general the state is continuing to implement all its Major Projects including world cup project to be completed god willing ahead of time. The pressures on the hundreds of thousands of students in south korea as they set crucial exams the only important College Entrance tests often set the course of a Young Persons future this year they were postponed because of a rare earthquake kathy novak reports from seoul. The years of study and long nights of after School Tuition have all come down to this. I prepared a lot but now that the days here i feel uneasy and nervous the was welcome to school by younger friends students in this new tory asli competitive country know the day long exam can determine not only what university they will attend but also their career and marriage prospects and ultimately their status in society the exam day has become a National Event these students have sewn up early this year on their classmate late comers can have a Police Escort and arent allowed to take off morning during the english listening to. When a rare earthquake damaged buildings in the southern regions of the country the exam was postponed across the nation by a week. But it is no longer a make or break event for everyone while her classmates were cramming in the hours before the test known as the sooner. And was relaxing in a cafe with a friend she attends a Specialized School and has already been accepted into university through a relatively new system which considers High School Grades essays and Extracurricular Activities instead of the single exam i feel grateful because i know there are some people who who look towards those who know that their last chance to prove themselves and they study so hard to just show everything that they have studied and one day a growing number of students have been opting for the new system today only thirty percent of University Applications are based primarily on exam results. The education and College Admissions systems are changing to ease fierce Competition Among students and to provide more learning opportunities a focus more on learning and less on memory. I believe the level of stress that students have from study is lower than the past. Second year student agrees her stress levels are lower than they might have been but still not exactly low. Because you know there are many academies. Are pressured to be more excelling because the universe. Are you know a big factor in their future. And for many students this test could still be the crucial factor that determines what kind of future they will have. So. Take a look at the website for more videos like that aljazeera dot com. It is good to have you with us avery and so they can here in doha the top stories on aljazeera police in Papua New Guinea have entered a decommissioned prison camp on menace island trying to evict refugees who are refusing to leave around fifty of them left in buses first three hundred thirty others say theyre too afraid to go outside the former stray and run facility fearing attacks by local people the prison camp was closed last month after Papua New Guinea ruled that it was unconstitutional since then the refugees have been living in increasingly filthy conditions without clean water supplies. Zimbabwes next president was reportedly in Constant Contact with military leaders in the days after he was fired by Robert Mugabe former Vice President everson. Returned home to cheers and celebrations he promised to create more jobs to pump was economy has collapsed many see him as a beacon of hope he she to be sworn in on friday. The Saudi Led Coalition has announced that it will reopen yemens Main International airport within a few hours a vital seaport of her data will also be letting in humanitarian aid the move follows pressure from the u. S. And the u. N. Ports were close to weeks ago after hooty rebels fired a missile at the saudi capital riyadh we are monitoring these developments and were trying to see whether that actually takes place on the ground of course if that were to happen that would be a very welcome and critically Important Development weve made clear the tremendous amount of needs on the ground were ready to help if the ports are open so well keep tracking this and and see where we go from there the United Nations says that syrians that have a siege suburb of the capital damascus are so hungry that theyre scavenging from litter bins Government Forces and their allies have cut off the rebel held district of eastern for five years days of relentless airstrikes bombarded the opposition stronghold the World Food Program says the situation could worsen for around one hundred seventy five thousand people when food stocks run out in the coming weeks Syrian Opposition groups meeting in the saudi capital have renewed that demand for the removal of president bashar assad in a draft resolution the communique states that a governing body could include members of the government. Those are the headlines ill be back with more news right after my inside story next. Young rich and famous in china goes behind the great chinese firewall to meet the cyber celebs of a booming multibillion dollar business. But this time on aljazeera. Hopes running high in zimbabwe following Robert Mugabes resignation as this african country enters a new era we ask what difference will a new leadership make this is inside story

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