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Announced his resignation. Crowds have been pouring into the streets of harare to celebrate and impeachment proceedings against the ninety three year old have now been suspended. Two years greyhound and zimbabwes parliament. After the speaker read out the resignation letter. That sco to her would toss a whos been following events for us in harare and her you weve been talking a lot about the people around you but you are from there what did you feel like when the resignation to the news came out the only. Way this closely. It was the only get six. Getting hold of christian he was basically when he didnt hide the disappointment to the people and. Having grown up. Gone to school and seeing as the bob casey first told the paper about it just what it has become now. My family members are struggling individuals. Just want to get. To be honest when the news i only see at first didnt believe it because imagine you had to have one with the. Leaders of the show and it felt like it was wasnt going to change any time i was surprised we did not say that he resigned but also to. Say to us on rights that. The country can afford a different kind that obviously you want to continue to show people. That the family from. The people we know that. Money to buy and build the brand to think that i am a somebody at the will try to keep the money. And her within the last few minutes the zimbabwes Civil Society groups platforms are concerned citizens has demanded a National Transitional authority opted to resignation what chance is Something Like being able to say. No i dont think. You. Could actually get a match strong to this they will need to form a transition with a new body they feel that they have one. Shot the only thing they dont want what any transitional told the opposition we had the war the last few days they cant say. Yes thats a nice in. Moving. But remember this country war veterans contributed to it think the white minority rule one metric ton if you watch independence for this country side of the it is. The strongest box in the box when you cant hear read that line over and over again i think its right. That the whole of trying this you know party would listen its pretty much. What people want to see now it is it going it was the situation. The time being thank you very much indeed mugabe was in power for thirty seven news and we mentioned many zimbabweans a celebration the end of an era this is what some of them had to say from the streets of harare. On their new border yet i dont know for certain im good i have known him alone. For gandhi and i cannot move a little Bright Future because we are only to have the best look good in the world we have the ninos of the book the land. The good lineage people are educated and because we are here present on november seventh in independence here we are harriett realize our own heads. Will overwhelm. Her. Way out a oh yes. Yes. Oh. Yes the. Pages live in johannesburg in neighboring south africa times a bit about the reaction from that to this news of the resignation. Well we know that downtown johannesburg at the moment the lights of which you can see just over my shoulders there are some zimbabwe and south on the street or awaiting perhaps on a smaller scale of course those celebrations were seeing live from harare south africa is home to a large zimbabwe and asked for several hundreds of thousands and they will be very plays many of them left their homeland because of political persecution their opposition supporters but most i think will have left for economic reasons People Struggle to put food on the table at home and so they come here to south africa which is borne the brunt of the exodus of zimbabweans from zimbabwe but of course not the only country all the other Southern African countries are home to large zimbabwean populations as well but they come to countries like this for jobs because they need to earn money to send home and often the job that people can get here in just a couple of dollars a day is better than nothing at home and many of the people who come here are very qualified i know a man who was a teacher in zimbabwe has but years of experience but just cant get a job or cant get paid for that job and servants did he works in johannesburg guarding. And hes just one example so there will be lots of relieved people and perhaps also a little surprise because we saw all of that fears here on sunday and the expectation that that was when president mugabe was going to resign and yet what it came down to was a very short brief Statement Read out by the speaker in harare or. And tanya the potential leadership of innocent men and girls who are choosing not be any pressure from jacob zuma on him to change the way the country is led and that we dont just have a lend of a mugabe government and much of the same continues with us a lot of the sentiment were hearing on the streets and from people who are talking to our correspondent there that actually were. Want not just a different face at the top but a different way of running the country how much pressure will zuma put on the new leadership to to achieve that. Look i think there will be a private conversation with between South African president jacob zuma and. Former president things you never thought you might say mugabe tomorrow because jacob zuma is still we understand going to take a visit to harare along with the angolan president a lot n. C. O. Where the bet message is delivered we simply dont know and we really probably wont know because that really doesnt follow in the style of diplomacy traditionally the Southern African Development Community of which south africa is the current chair is takes a pretty minimalist approach they would not want to be seen as overreaching their mandate and overarching and to be honest many zimbabweans we have spoken to here in johannesburg and we saw some of the n. T. Said ak interference posters in that enormous historic march in harare on saturday buses and darwins dont want sex help and dont want sex and to be ended because the fact of the matter is that for many years ascetic has in its worst instances turned a blind eye to the discrepancies in elections if i can say like that and particularly and foremost South African president thabo mbeki adopted an approach as quiet diplomacy and for many zimbabweans not just opposition supporters they felt that that it may have actually through that role played a part in extending. His role tony page for the time being thank you very much indeed now after news of this resignation Bernard Smith takes a look now at Robert Mugabes life and career. There were always me. That was in two thousand and seven. That was ten years later when the people let their views be known albeit encouraged by zimbabwes military mcgarvie ignore them and then surprise them when he didnt announce his resignation in a television address i thank you. And good night after thirty seven years in controlling mcgarvie found it hard to let go and i made a career by definitely outmaneuvering potential rival because im one of the first to be sidelined was joshua and co mo a fellow liberation fighter and co mo was leader of the party mcgarvie merge them with his zanu p. F. Party their alliance was uneasy and in como was relegated to the figurehead role of Vice President. At the turn of the century mcgarvie started seizing farms owned by whites to appease supporters angry at the slow pace of land reform the economy shrank by a third unemployment soared above eighty percent. Out of this economic turmoil another rival emerged we must to give him more garbage is sounding defeat morgan chang or i formed the movement for Democratic Change he became popular enough to risk defeating mcgarvie in a president ial election runoff in two thousand and eight. I was beaten up frequently arrested and intimidated dozens of his supporters were killed allegedly by zanu p. F. Folks the m. D. C. Leader withdrew from the election. Worried about the stability of its neighbor south africa forced both men into a coalition or i became Prime Minister but mcgarvey retain control of the police and secret service and with that the real power. Mcgarvie won the election four years later by a landslide supporters said Voter Registration lists were manipulated. Critics said mccarthy was just as ruthless at dealing with rivals in his own party war veteran Vice President joyce majority was fired in twenty fourteen accused of corruption and plotting to assassinate mccarthy this time his wife grace was seen as instrumental in engineering majeure his downfall it was the clearest signal yet that mcgarvie was now not only protecting his own position but also laying the path for his wife to succeed him the sacking of emerson managua made that obvious the Vice President nicknamed the crocodile had been in pole position to succeed mccarthy firing him cleared the way for his wife. But this time the ninety three year old president had gone too far and is close to the military leadership they stepped in after thirty seven years Robert Mugabes days of exercising unchallenged power were over Bernard Smith aljazeera home at us and joins us live from harare and when weve been speaking to you this evening a lot of hope expressed on the ground there that things will change if not just the leadership but also the substance of the way the country is run. Well. I didnt see that. These concrete. Films that you know. Drew no maria. These concrete im sure. The the the you know the. Citizen watches it being like living in zimbabwe with an economy so bad it was so bad to everybody the young the men the old moving reports oh no its of. The people. What is it like to be a kid in the. Thing known in the country and on the people you know. Who you know. In mining you know everybody somebody you know on. The. Floor. And. Im just very much an. Opposition politician got into his hands and got his resignation as the end of an oppressive regime. You for. The size of the full of. This is the symbol. This was good spline we are very excited we are saying this is a warning to all african governments or any other that you could tell who are hiding behind this subject to see they think that they can be protected by such theres no protection there is what is called of the people power so we are saying this is a good message to all african does want to tighten the office and we are also even warning. Winnie to office we are saying he has to. Look to place the governance transitional covenants democratic rule we have a shot at the world we the people of zimbabwe we are sick and tired from cut this machine here sions look up the soap listen we have very excited you can see with what is happening currently that the people well kristie where even afraid of talking openly in the public now sitting on the bus. An official from zimbabwes rulings on your past party says former Vice President and mrs and im gonna take over as leader in forty eight hours anderson is takes a closer look now background the man who could become zimbabwes new president. Two leaders one side by side who became sworn enemies this is how an extraordinary sequence of events started this is in relation to ten minutes. Of meant as Vice President amisom and i got what i had been sacked by Robert Mugabe here accused of being unreliable disloyal and to seek for speculation pointed towards grace mugabi the president s wife as being behind the move. The two had publicly fallen out in the jockeying for position over who should succeed ninety three year old mcgarvie. That highlighted the two factions splitting the ruling zanu p. F. Party at the time the military and the war veterans loyal to him and i got grace mugabe as you sam who dubbed g forty one god were fled abroad but his supporters planned their response and it was dramatic the head of the Defense Forces warned the army would step in if the purges of politicians it favors didnt stop hours later Armored Vehicles rolled into the capital harare we wish to assure the nation that he is excellent to the president of the republic of zimbabwe and commander in chief of these and i would defend forces. Ig. Mugabe and his family are safe and sound and the vast security is going to teach many of my gob is long term supporters had clearly abandoned him. That. Should have been recalled from is it as the president and first. Man gaga has stayed quiet a tactic that didnt surprise observers of the man who has been nicknamed the crocodile for his style in dealing with opponents be the one man boy is not to be allowed to use culpability when you look at it when it wants to attack his approach is calculated you dont believe that cause until the person is not knowing what is going to happen then. The number. One guy had been a powerful and loyal member of mugabes inner circle serving as Justice Minister speaker of parliament and Vice President his supporters praise his business acumen and hope he can improve zimbabwes dire Economic Situation if given the chance hes also suggested reengaging with the west after years of International Isolation under the gobby Andrew Simmons aljazeera. Well i didnt close to this is africa the Financial Times joins me now in the studio just on the last point of what kind of a leader he might be if he takes over do you think that is going to be one of the changes the coming gaging with the west that mugabe didnt for years and years and blamed the west for the economic troubles that. I mean many of his economic troubles were selfinflicted by the mugabe regime in terms of some of the decisions they made about kicking out white southerners in the year two thousand i would imagine that man and god given that he currently has goodwill from the International Community will seek to reengage. But time will tell what about the role of the army here in bringing about this transition its interesting what you think was the Tipping Point for them to to to no longer support we go in to instigate this train of events which is led to his resignation was clearly got is decision former president mugabes decision sounds funny to say to remove mr manning as his Vice President which took place last week the head of the Armed Services general is a very close ally of mr and when that decision came about and this seeming pushing ahead of his wife grace mugabe into position for success the succession that clearly was the Tipping Point for everyone and one of the issues that people had mentioned was the mugabe well from their kind of reaching their power in the country just people who just got really fed up with the scale of it what do you think is going to happen to the mugabe is now and. Again its difficult to tell i would imagine that part of president mugabe former president up is tactics in delaying his regular resignation which people actually expected to take place after is on the p. F. Kicked him out as the leader of the party two days ago was negotiated negotiating some sort of exit package we dont know the details of that yet grace mugabe has according to some rumors left the country who knows what kind of assets she may have taken. If that proves to be true. But i would imagine as part of some of that i. Has organized to take something with him but im sure that the new government will fight to have some of wealth repatriated and how quickly do you think. There was talk of being in position within forty eight hours is that. I mean theres a power vacuum right now. Its a vacuum so i would imagine that theyre going to want somebody in place very quickly also if the military wants to maintain its credibility and claiming continuously that this is not a coup they will need to have somebody in place who can represent civilian leadership very quickly so i would imagine that if they are going to maintain that line that could happen very likely next forty eight hours during the Financial Times thank you i mean thank you. Joins us live now from harare so her celebrations continuing where you are do you think that people are hopeful this can be resolved still quite peacefully i mean that so far that was one of the main things about this whole transition of power is that people stayed calm and they. Have. Very weak will still marching season or to ration whites in. The story of the day high ceiling. In a way by the relief and happiness and i came down here. Just to. Witness to others. What it sounds like i just want to be a part of this. You people. I think we should a lot of mistakes. That things. Are less. Clear. A lot of people ive spoken to you say they may have a rule that the state would come to you how do you think that he told me. What planet we. Was kind of surreal its almost like being in a tree. Yes. One can see you know what the one feel. About a country we dont want to feel as if its. Sharing it back this way i want to see children. Be able to see you know my face and. Some of my friends. And sometimes its on me also a long time like the one of. The country to be. Included the following style the problem once again is that kids need to talk slow as it was as if even though its my life i look to my life. Way. Back here and. I was always trying to make to feel a little bit of an a. T. M. I dont have a k. K. K. Ohen. You know as far as i know. I wanted to do it and i had to keep. Trying you know and just accept that i wasnt considered a part of it and i. Always felt like you out of. My heart is a country and the suffering that i was seeing as. Its had a huge impact on me. Oh yes it was. P. T. S. D. And maybe you were going to show the way. I knew you going through the whole cycle maybe this will be a cycle im going to get it right. He said the suffering you see thats had a huge impact on you what does it mean by that i phone handle a fact that the same in the educated people out of jobs. You know i can imagine the frustration and that and that feeling of hope and now this photo and this little bit of the post. What do you pull it on. Than the full name of the fireman faces the soul if it needed to happen that it didnt need to happen the way i said im not an expect that i believe that it hasnt been if its in the right people and i think it could it be done in such an orderly manner. I think that kind of putting it out keeps people say that the poorest people the chorus group of people would benefit and they would have. Changed it was critical i guess out and im not an experience but i think it was that has. You know so much that lying idyllic that i just needed to be mapped out and i didnt find it disconcerting that its such a way that everybody went. What do you think about him as a man and that was as a leader have to say im the im a little bit ignorant. Im just im not im not politically focused as maybe i should be but you know the country and the country traveling in may speak for a long time and i dont look for a very long time but i do believe he said statesman the people you say this one and i know. I know that right now. Hes thinking the whole of. The title of the people and i think hes the most sensible candidate right now i do have i going to need to. Seek some. Food and take us. But i hope that someone will take a few. Bucks to be the priority for the needy to. See the kids get it face to face. But if you. Have practical its ok sure to go. Back to the top. Of my. Academic you stick it in a second makes the. Fact that you call people out of context to be nice to spot out. That result but to get people the right people from primary to know what theyre doing and do. You and i are the same generation both the bobby and. Explain to people describe to the book the good old days was the bobby. The photo they would be waiting because for me what i needed. Even with the title going up with this case for that the book. To try to explain what is meant by that my feelings on that is as a child i grew up and she always feeling of it. Was you would have to put the races. They were not if they were not. You were not educated to it or it makes. It wasnt it wasnt nasi i dont believe it was even us it was a it was a. It was a. It was an organized thing you know. I think it was you know writes about it. Being respectful was we living in a. Positive change. It was very very just coming out of the shell the country came out of a shell for a long time there was a lot of positives and you know you would think six countries. Got it wasnt always disliked i mean he did do some good things what are they me at the beginning i had a face and i believe he was also he says he was a statesman the painter a lot. But if you see things just like him we all we all looked up to it right you. Feel all of us some of. These things getting good. At it. Thank you very much. You can hear the jubilation people celebrating that old nice to say. Except of course the public. Doesnt live in harare thank you very much and this just remind you of the moment the speaker announced Robert Mugabes resignation in parliament. Cheers broke out in the Parliament Talk to the speaker read out and always resignation that impeachment proceedings have now been suspended and crowds as weve seen have been gathering outside the parliament and in the streets to chair his departure and Party Accuses him of allowing his wife grace mugabe to use that power and she says hes too old to leave. Lets just listen to the scenes on the street to live in harare as a consequence unusual unusual nation. Adrian a concert to this is africa one hundred times joins me now. That moments that have happened in parliament that the data suggested that it was voluntary the decision was voluntary and but he was on the court not a question wasnt he realistically with the army takes over the country than people expect him to resign doesnt resign then theres more pressure put on him and eventually he does go i mean he was under house arrest so i understand the need to preserve face and to sort of you know maintain some sort of dignity in his exit but he was certainly under a huge amount of pressure and i dont think he would voluntarily if the events of last week as many of the ism bobbins who spoke were testifying if the events of last week hadnt taken place when ive gone into what what do you think the main problems will be mean or an off the top was even has been about the dos state of the economy in zimbabwe and the suffering with us causing people what kind of things need to be tackled first by who have a takes over if you didnt detail his mind on god was as is expected but i think International Connections zimbabwe it was placed under International Sanctions following the expropriation of farmland in two thousand. The idea being behind that initially was. Black population that obviously didnt happen quite in the in the way that was expected so that is a first step thats going to happen there also needs to be risk reestablishment of faith in the zimbabwe and currency so currently zimbabwe does not have its own currency it is a basket of i think i believe its twelve to fifteen other currencies theyve also issued something called bond notes which are supposed to be equivalent and pegged to the u. S. Dollar nobody believes in their value anymore and theyve depreciated massively so we are looking at sort of very serious inflation with dire consequences obviously for average people and im suppose we maybe got a hint from one of the few i mean that many reactions in terms of International Reaction so far to this but people are kind of waiting to see i think what happened is that weve had the british Prime Minister saying that the resignation of. The opportunity to forge a new path free of oppression perhaps not free of oppression in line. To suggest that yes people want to be partners but need to be a change in the way they operate you cant just be a change of leader i think given. By the military and also by people on the street there clearly needs to be some sort of change the way that the country is run internally and externally for International Partners to engage properly theyre going to need to see policy change theyre going to need to see a change in direction that change a man and a strategy and what about the future of her new position because actually in some ways. Course want her so that zanu p. F. Now is only strengthened by the way this is all happening and can can the Opposition Leader build a strong platform really. I mean in many ways this is a

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