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Youre watching aljazeera live from london also coming up. Spains top prosecutor. To be charged with rebellion and financial wrongdoing. In the opposition stronghold of kisumu after her kenyatta is declared the overwhelming winner in kenyas the president ial poll but his supporters are celebrating in the capital. And the growing calls for justice in indonesia following a deadly factory fire which killed at least forty eight people. Us president Donald Trumps former Campaign Manager has handed himself in to the f. B. I. And is due to appear in court shortly force and his former business associate rick gates have been charged by a grand jury with conspiring against the United States and conspiracy to launder money the charges come out of special counsel robert millers inquiry into alleged russian meddling in last years president ial election lets take you to washington d. C. And speak to aljazeera as correspondent kimberly how because im kimberly some interesting developments in the last couple of hours talk us through whats been happening today. Right not only whats been happening but what is about to come we are expecting that we could see these two individuals who surrendered to the f. B. I. Paul man afford and rick gates appearing in court and that is being watched very closely to see if that will happen in the coming hour or so having said that who are these folks well paul amount of four is no small figure when it comes to Donald Trumps president ial campaign in fact he was running the day to day operations as the head of the campaign until he was let go fired after it was disclosed in fact that he had received more than twelve Million Dollars from a pro russian ukrainian leader of course victor yet a coach and rick gates as his longtime business associate now according to this indictment these indictments in fact there are twelve counts that these men are facing in terms of the charges that were approved by a federal grand jury as part of this broader russia probe into potential collusion between the Truck Campaign and russia and these are serious charges they include allegations of attention Money Laundering violation of tax law essentially what this indictment says is that there was millions of dollars flowing through offshore Bank Accounts as much as seventy five million seem to support both of these mens lifestyles now the focus of the investigation but the rush of probe still ongoing on separately but probably just as important as the new information released about another of advices. Thats right George Papadopoulos a name that we havent heard much about but hes certainly a significant figure we know from reporting that his name has popped up before as being someone who allegedly set up meetings or tried to set up meetings at least through to trump advisors and russian officials he pled guilty earlier this month we are told by the special Prosecutors Office for lying to the f. B. I. And lying about the extent of his ties with foreign nationals now weve had some reaction from the white house already in the form of tweets by president trouble few hours ago where he said that these charges against paul manna for emanated from work that he did prior to joining the campaign in the words of the president years ago thats not necessarily true because we know from the indictment that the special counsel was looking at work the palm out of court did including up to twenty sixteen but is the same time the president saying no collusion something hes repeatedly denied characterizing this ongoing probe is a witch hunt and a hoax that we are awaiting a press briefing from Sarah Sanders the White House Press secretary where we expect that she will echo those sentiments of the president or i will be looking to you are listening to that News Conference with some interest could we how could life that the white house thank you. Thank you. Spains chief prosecutor has filed charges against castle and leaders as the regions deposed president colace pushed them all and other cabinet heads to brussels where the charges include rebellion sedition and best summons if convicted the leaders could face up to thirty years in jail under cements reports from barcelona. The police may be guarding its but the siege of Regional Government here no longer has a president as its head the Spanish State is in charge its flag didnt get removed when says session was declared by Parliament Last friday the only sign of carlos. Is his portrayed his name is among twenty others on the charge sheet filed by spains chief prosecutor. In the new study of the prosecution has filed several charges for rebellion addition and embezzlement against the main political leaders of the cattle and Regional Government with their actions and decisions over the past two years have caused an institutional crisis that resulted in the unilateral declaration of independence this was carried out without observing and ignoring our constitution. These charges are the worst Case Scenario for the sat cats a lot of leaders sedition carries a maximum of fifteen years in jail and rebellion a maximum of thirty years. Some ministers braved it out by appearing folk work then being asked by police to leave one was defiant. We will continue. Separate meetings of both parties that were in the Government Coalition they both agreed to take part in the elections called by the Spanish Government for december more twists and turns in a crisis with so many diamonds and now the threat of jail hanging over politicians who declared a republic but now want to stand in the elections and do similar. We dont know exactly what. We know is that. Yes actually since this morning hes been keeping everyone in suspense he started the day by posting on social media a picture of the building just behind me that is the headquarters of the Regional Government but no one has seen him here and then came the news from a. Newspaper that he was indeed. The first it was a media reports and then we had several people confirming that including a member of the Peoples Party of prime minister. Up to now no one has seen or heard from. It is fair to. Brussels is. Only one that was. Article one five five if you remember several of the embassies around the planet work. Same day now we also havent heard any confirmation or denial from. The rest of his cabinet. Members of his cabinet the rest here. And they have been very silent. Monday of course is the first working day with madrids now in charge. Any different. I would say exactly the same barcelona that was before the. This is the same one now there were a few steps that had to be taken on the article. For example the chief of police was. Pretty smooth the picture of. The headquarters of the local police has been taken down to the. Ministry for example in this building there are the chief. And the spanish flag which was expected thats after the regime. Would be put down but that has not happened and. Actually. Political parties including. Have agreed to take part. And that in itself is a. Recognition of article one five five and a recognition of the steps taken by the government in madrid. Thank you. Kenya election board has announced to her kenyatta has won the president ial election very wrong with ninety eight point two percent of the vote there was in the Kenya Opposition stronghold soon after the announcement was made the election board says the election was free fair and credible despite the vote being in some areas kenyatta also ran without a significant challenge of the opposition to run down to the turnout for the vote was just under thirty nine percent of nineteen point six million registered. President her kenyatta gave his acceptance speech in nairobi a short time ago. On the needle more west fifty million claims came along for all. Of these. Eight point four million years. To remain. On october twenty sixth. Ninety percent. Of all the same holders came on once again to support what. This. Was nothing more. Than a rehabilitation. This update from nairobi. This efficient announcement by the Electoral Commission has come as no surprise for millions of kenyans the commission had already said that. Was leading the race with ninety eight percent of the vote its now said of that the turnout for this election is set at thirty eight percent revised a number of times in these last few days which would be a concern for many kenyans around the mandate of the euro kenyatta and the gentleness of this vote this is of course of the the Opposition Party to this rerun they had argued that the Electoral Commission was unable to run a free fair and credible election theyd wanted a number of reforms and when this wasnt done they boycotted ultimately twelve million kenyans and didnt go to the polls on election day and at least six million of those people voted for the opposition in the august election so the concern here is that millions of kenyans didnt have the opportunity to vote because of violence and clashes wed seen especially in Opposition Strongholds the conditions under which the Electoral Commission had to operate elections didnt take place in at least four counties with the violence and the security concerns wouldnt allow the Electoral Commission to even a distribute electoral material the Commission Says they dont need results from these areas because the large margin by which we were kenyatta leads the course wouldnt be affected by an outstanding one point eight million votes ok still ahead on al jazeera going to have the very latest from the Federal District courts and the White House Briefing room on our top story this hour that is those grand jury indictments Donald Trumps former Campaign Manager plus. Our mcleod report on the remarkable return to be audible has been seen in britain for centuries and the controversy its causing by its ability to take down trees at the train whole landscape. We have still got some more unsettled weather radar for cost of parts of the middle east chiefly thats going to be around the the black sea in the caspian sea see this area which is streaming in once again itll put. Some snow into georgia pushing across the media. In ankara hopefully turkey will get a chance to brighten up northern parts of syria i mean Northern Areas of iraq could see a little bit damp weather to go through the next couple of days but elsewhere across the aeration he stays warm dry and sunny thirty. Numbers around for kabul fun and dry here but the top temperature of around twenty three degrees and dry two across potentially a little bit of cloud perhaps one of two showers towards the western side of the gulf of aden but for most of us its going to be fine dry and sunny temperatures here in doha getting up to thirty four to be thirty five degrees over the next couple of days pleasant sunshine then sure youll agree a fair amount of pleasant sunshine too into Southern Africa with the cloudy skies the wetter weather just around in the maybe pushing down into that southwestern side of south africa but. I had sunny so want to say to central and northern. Welcome back and reminder of the top stories u. S. President Donald Trumps former Campaign Manager has handed it to the f. B. I. Facing charges arising from the investigation by special Counsel Robert Mueller into alleged russian meddling in the president ial election. Spains top prosecutor has called for. Leaders to be charged with sedition embezzlement of funds and abuse of authority also last weeks declaration of independence. Spain Central Government is now taking direct control of the region. And opposition supporters in kenya have reacted angrily to her being declared the winner of the rerun of the president ial election. Lets stay with all top story in the u. S. To go outside the District Court in washington d. C. Tell us whats going on right now shihab. Well we expect rick gates to appear before a federal judge within the next fifteen minutes or so for an initial appearance the judge will explain what charges these men these men face twelve counts under the indictment was released this morning by conspiracy but also of hiding their lobbying activities for a Foreign Government in the United States and then laundering the money they received from ukraine to fund and modify this case a lavish lifestyle these charges will be explained to both men and the judge will decide whether or not to release the two men on bail both men may or may not at this point enter a plea of guilty or not guilty thats not clear thats up to them but this is their initial appearance and then we expect we do expect bell to be granted because its a nonviolent crime but this is what well discover in the next fifteen twenty minutes or so it may be a very quick hearing it may just be a five ten minutes or so and then theyre out they came in secretly a bit with loads of cameras out here but they managed to get in without the cameras seeing them and one wonders whether they will also exit in the same way that might be as a sign of good will from the special prosecutor saying look were not turning this into a circus this is going to be a scrum that their lawyers their lawyers might speak off to after this initial appearance but it is also important to say that although these charges have stemmed from that special counsel investigation into these consistent allegations of russian meddling in the u. S. Election they have nothing to do with russian meddling in the u. S. Allegation these charges these are simply about the Business Activities of pulled out of four and his right hand man rick gates in lobbying for the ukrainians the Ukrainian Government on a victory on a coach in trying to make his case to Congress People here in washington more on the details from not course a little later she happened. Now Union Leaders in indonesia are demanding the resignation of a government minister after a deadly factory fire killed at least forty eight people most of them women the owner and director of the fireworks factory have been arrested so far reports. More than one hundred workers were crammed together in this small factory in a just after suburb when there were explosions caught say police by sparks from a well the storage. Bin body was found at the back of the building the fourteen year old was the first to be identified because of her braces she started working at the factory a month ago and paid around twenty dollars a week her mother are stuti as yet to hear from the company was dipping into but i want those who are responsible for this to come forward and they need to compensate me for my losses the but the up and say that. The factory owners are not only facing charges for lack of safety procedures but also for child labor in indonesia you have to be at least eighteen to do hazardous work police are investigating how the factory managed to get its permits and avoid inspections a school with more than one thousand children is across the street those Strong Enough to escape through holes in the wall managed to survive charred bodies of young girls were found behind in another tragic accident and one of the trees that often operate with anthony a safety regulations. Labor unions blame the government for prioritizing Economic Growth before safety in two thousand and fifteen official figures show more than two thousand three hundred people died due to work related accidents on the me were asking the minister to step down and take responsibility if he doesnt feel the need to step down because hes not embarrassed the president should dismiss the put. In two thousand and fifteen indonesia ratified the Occupational Safety and Health Convention of the International Labor organization the ministry of manpower so that inspections are done regularly but the government relies mostly on companies to hire safety specialist. The number of government work safety and Health Supervisors in the whole of indonesia is one thousand nine hundred thirty three people there are twenty Million Companies including small ones but the government in so far regulated two hundred forty thousand there is a big gap. So in as model her only child was happy with her job and never asked about safety regulations because like millions of other poor indonesians she was glad she had an income despite it being well below the minimum wage step aljazeera. The seventh round of talks aimed at ending syrias war have begun in the kazakstan capital delegates are expected to call for a ceasefire between Government Forces and rebel groups for at least six months the clearance of mines prisoner swaps and the release of hostages are also on the agenda two days of negotiations are taking place behind closed doors the talks are sponsored by iran and russia which support the Syrian Government and turkey which backs the opposition imran khan is following events in a sauna. The talk here in a start to continue on monday and tuesday the main thrust has been a technical aspect of the talks this is in regards to the deescalation zones that were created six hundred talks here in estonia in september its the guarantors of those talks that have been speaking today have been talking to each other today trying to figure out what role the take and thats russia turkey and iran however the Syrian Opposition are here as well and they have a very definite idea of what they want to have happen at these talks and what they want to take away from these talks first is the issue of the detainees or the prisoners or the people or almost three hundred thousand people taken hostage actually. And such an issue is beyond negotiations the second thing is the creation areas which are being breached by that are jim and iran on almost daily basis and russias are going to and its supposed to do something about that now whether they get those prisoner exchanges and anything else they want is likely up to the russians the iranians and the turkish and the talks that they have with the Syrian Opposition as well the Syrian Regime will be involved also here are the u. N. And the United States and jordan as an observer member or syrian Government Forces have stormed one of the last remaining neighborhoods held by isolate in the eastern city of daraa so ill have a dia is the most heavily populated area in the city still under the armed groups control the syrian army broke isis for years. In september but it is still facing small pockets of resistance. So you dont need media in me im all reporting that politicians and businessmen are meeting to discuss setting up an Economic Zone in Rakhine State thousands of people marched in young going on sunday to show their support for the military operation in northern me a man the army claims that peace and stability has now returned to the region the military crackdown was launched off to honor him attacked police posts and an army base since august more than six hundred thousand were him to have fled to bangladesh or its louis has more from. The government is keen to portray the offense of normalcy has returned to northern Rakhine State now this is the state owned media global new light of myanmar and its lead article says entrepreneurs to develop rakhine this follows a meeting on sunday between local politicians and business men to talk about set setting up new industries in morning door as well as an Economic Zone there and this is the area thats been hardest hit by a military crackdown that started on august twenty fifth an opinion piece in the same paper also said because peace and stability have returned to the area its time to think about Development Projects that will help alleviate poverty there and while this is happening or hinder activists say they are still receiving reports and videos of houses will hinder houses being burned down not by the military but by with kind mobs these reports are extremely difficult to verify because journalists have not been granted unrestricted access they are allowed into the area only on government as court trips but this should call into question the government narrative and analysts have also said focusing on Economic Development alone will not help resolve the real hinge or crisis when you have an entire population and in time when already severely discriminated against and persecuted. The u. S. Court has blocked all Tribes Administration from enforcing a ban on transgender people serving in the military made the announcement via twitter in july citing the medical costs associated with allowing transgender servicemen and women the group of chance gender Service Members last month asked the court to block the plan than what it considers. The amount of Carbon Dioxide in the earths atmosphere rose at the fastest rate ever recorded last year the World Meteorological Organization Says c o two levels increased at a rate last seen three to five million years ago it means the global temperature could increase by two to three degrees celsius of course sea levels to rise by ten to twenty meters scientists claim the rise on a combination of human activities and the el nino weather phenomenon and say more drastic Emissions Reductions on needed and this is demonstrating that we are not moving in the right direction at all b. O. Actually moving moving in the wrong direction if we think of the implementation of the paris Paris Agreement and this all the more serious. Need to raise the ambition level for of Climate Mitigation to be if youre serious with this one point five to two degree target of grace that is agreement. Students in greece of held petrol bombs at police during a protest in Athens Police responded by firing tear gas into the crowd shop windows and bus stops were smashed up and rubbish bins set on fire hundreds of students are protesting against education budget cutbacks which of course shortages in school books and teachers. Danish Inventor Peter Madsen has admitted dismembering the body of a swedish journalist on his submarine involves body parts were found at sea after she interviewed madsen on his homemade vessel initially denied cussing up her body and said she died accidentally when a submarine hatch fell on her head and im all that was hunted to extinction in britain nearly five hundred years ago is making a return to the Scottish Government ruled that beavis will have protected status and will be allowed to stay as nick clark reports. Wissmann is would be more in southwest england the last remnants of an ancient forest a ghostly relic of a time past that some in heart would like to see return britain was once covered in wilderness like this and in this wilderness it all manner of animals including baz wolves and lynx of course all those animals are now long gone hunted to extinction is the human population grew and cleared land for agriculture where there is a species that hasnt been seen for hundreds of years and has now returned and here in devon the fascinating evidence felled trees and downed waterways the trademark work of not only active beavers reintroduced after an absence of five hundred years now the focus of license monitoring trials at different locations in the u. K. Theyre really good engineers theyre also very industrious creatures as well as feeding theyre looking to maintain expand their landscape but the good thing about beavers is that its a landscape that suits lots of other animals too so its virtuous circle its what we call a keystone species the beaver it changes its landscape but it changes the wildlife as well that fills that landscape up such cautious monitoring of the beavers reintroduction is essential five hundred miles to the north in scotland the impact of unchecked beaver populations is a big problem for farmers this is normally a dry belt just in the ditch over here and they are trying to flood this area on a swathe of prime farmland across and beyond the group of b vision let loose illegally in two thousand and two its grown to an estimated four hundred fifty individuals it cost me four to five thousand pounds a year to degrees out because i have to hire an addict but when the water rises blocking out the drains causes flood damage into the fields which were trying to produce crops often produce food off. That is a major problem for us we need a Management Plan is responsive to the needs of farmers that recognizes that different bits of one can cope with the verse in different ways but accept that management is a fundamental part of having the species in this country in two thousand and sixteen the Scottish Government announced the beavers will have protected status and will be allowed to stay and i know more that lars roam these lands in the sixteenth century is back for good where it is allowed to live clearly needs to be carefully considered and controlled but in the right place its a welcome return to the ecosystem of the british isles. Aljazeera. Scott. The top stories here on aljazeera u. S. President Donald Trumps former Campaign Manager has handed himself over to the f. B. I. But has been charged by grand jury with conspiring against the United States and conspiracy to launder money the charges come out of special counsel robert millers inquiry into alleged russian meddling in last years election. Their federal charges twelve counts they include things such as lying to investigators and being an unregistered agent for a foreign principal providing misleading statements conspiracy what were seeing here and all of these is the culmination of a lot of painstaking work by the special prosecutor Robert Muller kenyas election board has announced her kenyatta has won the president ial Election Rerun with ninety eight point two percent of the vote there was anger in the city of kisumu and opposition stronghold soon after the announcement was made the election board says the election was free fair and credible despite the vote being perspire and in some areas kenyatta also ran without a significant challenger after the Opposition Leader pulled out the turnout for the vote was just under thirty nine percent out of nineteen point six million registered voters spains top prosecutor has called for catalonia former leaders to be charged with sedition embezzlement of funds and abuse of authority after last weeks declaration of independence spains Central Government has now taken direct control of the region. The seventh round of talks aimed at ending syrias war have begun in the kazakstan capital delegates are expected to call for a cease fire between Government Forces and rebel groups for at least six months clearance of mines prisoner swaps and the release of hostages are also on the agenda and syrian Government Forces have stormed one of the last remaining neighborhoods held by eisel in the eastern city of daraa. Medea is the most heavily populated area in the city that was still under the armed groups control and those locations headlines here on aljazeera join me again in about twenty five minutes time to stay with us the inside story is coming next by. Kenyans have had two elections the Opposition Leader wants a third countries divided and there are fears of another cycle of postelection violence one that happened ten years ago eleven hundred people died so what does the future hold this is inside story

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