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Come to the news grid charged with conspiracy against the us Donald Trumps former Campaign Manager for metaphors just turn himself over to the f. B. I. He and his Business Partner on the first people to be indicted in relation to alleged russian meddling in last years president ial Election Campaign we are live in washington d. C. To find out what this means for the president himself. Accused of rebellion sedition and misuse of funds spains top prosecutor rolls out the charges against the natives of the Catalan Independence road if they are found guilty they could face up to thirty years in prison because one of barcelona talks us through the impact of these very serious charges also making the goods zira is here to stay as a man as reiterated his unequivocal support for the station that some of the countrys neighbors want to shut down and that means rain probably one to attend the upcoming g. C. C. Summit they say they wont go on this cattle meets the demands of the blockading nations we explore with us. The five month long diplomatic crisis. And white farmers in south africa are being targeted and killed many are protesting against their deaths for this make the country more divided i me a hearty looking for your questions and comments connect with us for the hash tag eight games for. You with the news grid live on and streaming online through you tube Facebook Live and dot com after months of investigation into alleged russian meddling in last years president ial election the first charges have been made public president Donald Trumps former Campaign Manager paul manifold is among those charged with conspiracy against the u. S. And Money Laundering if he has confirmed that he turned himself in manifolds former business associate rick gates is also facing the same charges can be held at joins us live from washington d. C. Quite a dramatic day there Committee Talk us through how it played out. Well this is a significant escalation youre right these charges are certainly very serious there federal charges twelve counts facing both paula man a for at the former chair of Donald Trumps president ial campaign along with matter for its very close associate now they both appeared walking in to turn themselves in surrendering themselves to authorities we are expecting as a result of these charges which were approved by a grand jury that there will be a Court Appearance its not clear exactly when that will happen it could come as early as today but certainly jane this is no surprise that this was coming given the fact that we know over the summer there was a raid on paul manna for its home and this was very very interesting given the fact that it was a surprise raid f. B. I. Investigators did take a lot of different personal items from paul matter for its home including laptops even photographing details as small as his expensive suits and this we were told at the time it was the first indication that these charges would be coming in fact man afore was told by prosecutors that the time to expect these charges so certainly this is a significant step but of course moving forward you have to remember too that poll matter for it was fired by donald trump as Campaign Chair because of concerns about some financial impropriety namely that he had undisclosed where the twelve Million Dollars in payments that he received from the former ukrainian leader viktor yanna coverts of course backed by russia so certainly this is a Significant Development but certainly not the only one that we can expect as this investigation by Robert Muller into potential russian collusion between the trunk campaign and of course the russian government continues and any word from the man himself and did ministration any response the us sir. Yes there have been some tweets we were watching for them and the president has responded very significant because he says with regard to these charges sorry this was all years ago why arent vest get us looking into crooked hillary and the dems why is that not the focus of course Hillary Clinton the democratic president ial nominee the contender against donald trump of the twenty sixteen president ial election and the president also saying on social media there is no collusion this is something he has said repeatedly calling this investigation we should point out that is happening not just by the f. B. I. But also by four congressional committees saying repeatedly this is a witch hunt this is the media the democrats against him and once again denying that there is any basis to this investigation still we see now that a recent results of this painstaking work that this in fact has resulted in the first of what many say could be further charges slowly unfolding kemeny thank you Melanie Sloan is an attorney with expertise in government ethics and is a former federal prosecutor shes not a partner at some of strategies which is a Public Affairs firm specializing in Crisis Management i suspect they need a lot more than Crisis Management now right melanie head youve read the indictment tell us what stood out for you what it all means. Well i want to add another new fact that seems not to be quite out there yet which is that somebody else also secretly pled guilty george papa dualists and he is a former Foreign Policy advisor to President Trump and he pleaded guilty to misleading the special prosecutor about conversations that about aiming to have donald trump speak with the russians so while donald trump is saying this is all years ago what man afore and rick gates did this is now also theres another indictment of somebody for something they did during the Trump Campaign and lying to the special prosecutor about it so i think this is going to be a very bad day for the Trump White House yes im going to just pose a couple of questions to you since i was via facebook and also on to it so this is from he basically us whats the next step for the Trump Administration as far as the investigation is concerned and right to be on twitter says is poor manifold going to cut a deal with the prosecution or do you have to get a president ial pardon i mean how does this work now legally what are we looking forward to well either of those possibilities is out there paul a man of four it could try to cut a deal with the prosecution and even if he wont rick gates might want to cut a deal with the prosecution so theres always that possibility that someone will decide to cooperate and give them more information on people higher up people other people in the trunk Campaign Like Jared Loughner for example on the other hand it is entirely possible specially given the things donald trump that President Trump has said that he may choose to pardon paul matter for it and pardon gates one issue if he does pardon those people is that they no longer once pardoned have a fifth amendment right against self incrimination which is the rule in the United States that prohibits somebody from being forced to talk about something so if they give up their fifth amendment rights then they have to say everything they know so that could really be another problem for President Trump very good to talk to bill in the sloan thank you. Thank you now if youve got anything else to say about these stories please get in touch with us on our Online Platforms you can tweet us at a. J. English on facebook at facebook dot com slash a. J. News group you can also send us a Whatsapp Message a plus nine seven for one for trouble one for ny and then as always you can use the hash tag a j use could well have been here before another round of talks on syria are being held in a stand of the Syrian Government and some armed opposition groups are meeting in kazakhstan capital to work out a lasting cease fire agreement the two sides are trying to establish for deescalation zones and negotiate the exchange of prisoners russia turkey and iran are acting as guarantors and its not clear who would monitor the deescalation zones which are in mainly opposition held areas imran khan is at those talks in a stand. The talk here in a start to continue on monday and tuesday the main thrust has been a technical aspect of the talks this is in regards to the deescalation zones that were created the six hundred talks here in estonia in september its the guarantors of those talks that have been speaking today have been talking to each other today trying to figure out what role the take and thats russia turkey and iran however the Syrian Opposition are here as well and they have a very definite idea of what they want to have happen at these talks and what they want to take away from these talks first is the issue of the detainees or the prisoners or the people or almost three hundred thousand people taken hostage actually. And such an issue is beyond negotiations the second thing is the creation areas which are being breached by that are jim and iran on almost daily basis and russias are going to and its supposed to do something about that now whether they get those prisoner exchanges and anything else they want is likely up to the russians the iranians and the turkish and the talks that they have with the Syrian Opposition as well the Syrian Regime will be involved also here are the u. N. And the United States and jordan as an observer member all you need to know about the talks is found on a website or there dot com you can read more about those deescalation zones who is attending this meeting and whats different about these talks also take a look at the comprehensive coverage that our online team has put together on syrias war. The mayor of qatar has told the Us Television Program Sixty minutes that he never saw the gulf crisis coming is countrys been living under a blockade for almost five months after four arab countries cut ties in june accused cats are of funding terrorism and accusation doha denies to me and been a model thought he said he believes the blockade in countries are trying to force a change of leadership in qatar yes they won they want a regime change its just so obvious history as well tells us teaches us that they tried to do that before in one thousand nine hundred six after my father. Became the emir. A battering once catalyze membership in the Gulf Cooperation Council suspended the foreign minister said his country would not attend the upcoming g. C. C. Summit unless cattle meets the demands of the blockading countries measure observer is an associate professor in contemporary history of the middle east at catches universe is with me here in the studio as a background very quick to jump in there wasnt always them but very interesting a few days ago the former Prime Minister the foreign minister of qatar did say in a t. V. Interview with the t. V. That always beheading starts attacking more and their mind in other and thats very interesting to hear that that person is a controlled saudi arabia they say that thats one of the possibilities however its very. Strange that why a country like bahrain in term of you know influence its this comparing with so that it is coming the first country to comment on the statements made by the emir of qatar thats very interesting statement and it has said that it wont attend the g. C. C. Summit i mean thats quite significant as far not g. C. C. Is the host as you know the summit is in december and the hosting country is Kuwait Kuwait already said there is a possibility to delay the whole the whole the whole summit whats interest whats more interesting is the whole we have three countries actually facing the three countries we have so that it merits and bahrain facing qatar kuwait and on that lets say there are to see now is one. Of the summit in kuwait that the countries they dont want to attend which basically saw the images and so the you know summits that the scenario is to move the summit to other countries to basically whether to riyadh order or manama or to a body this means that that that will not attend go it will not attend because will be upset of moving the summit from kuwait and a man as. Actually its likely to not attend the whole summit so basically i think we they are freezing whats already frozen the whole g. C. C. Is a frozen actually yeah i mean nobodys budging i mean the mere you know supporting al jazeera its one of the key demands isnt it that anyone is going to go but aljazeera is going to start a you said i want to go to the table so i think he made it very clear cut i want to get the table the other players he said he made it very clear that if they come one mile to us were one meter we were gone ten thousand miles towards them so so the willingness of qatar for a solution is that they are ready to negotiate they are ready to sit and discuss all matters but the others are not ready so basically he says its not to is not to blame us to blame the others who are not serious about solving the problems but it always good to talk to you thank you very much and lets go over to london now for news from the rest of the world. Thank you joining us out in kenya where the election board has announced that a hurricane yes a has won the president ial Election Rerun with ninety eight point two percent of the votes the board says it was a free fair and credible election despite the votes being perspire and in some areas the turnout for the vote was just under thirty nine percent of nineteen point six million registered voters can yet of course run without a significant challenger of the Opposition Leader of being a pulled out he has called the poll a sham. Zaras for media miller joins us live now from nairobi and for me lets start by the facts with the fact that this is obviously no surprise this particular result but how do you think supporters are going to respond to it. Well in the days leading up to this final declaration by the Electoral Commission weve seen raila odinga supporters protesting in some areas in nairobi especially in his stronghold in the western part of kenya things have quietened down to quieten down rather until late this afternoon but just as this announcement came from the Electoral Commission we understand that they are protesters burning tires and starting to demonstrate in kibera specifically in nairobi weve always known that this would be an announcement that would anger railroading as supporters the opposition has called the election a sham considering that it boycotted that at least twelve million kenyans didnt vote and also according to observe the missions or lobbying bodies as well as human rights organizations theres been a lot of intimidation and violence preventing at least one point eight Million People in for a can to count ease in western kenya from voting so this election certainly the election result rather certainly no surprise but we are likely to see protests continue from. People who say if theyre to work in yard to hasnt won the election the judge timidly. What about all married people for me to those who an optic involved in politics in any way how do they feel about what is going on are they simply resigned to this particular result and just want to actually the government to take care of things that. Well at least a seven point four Million People came out to vote for work in the outer thats according to the Electoral Commission and so there is certainly some support to behind the president and and many other kenyans also just wanting life to continue kenya has gone through a difficult time in the last few months after the previous election there was a knowledge in august and now this rerun weve seen the capital nairobi almost come to a standstill in the last week as people went to vote but also there was concern around violence erupting in parts of the city while in many others life did continue but this certainly is a fatigue around this extended this prolonged electioneering and this election period weve also seen business suffer in the country according to statistics at least seventy Million Dollars was lost by business in kenya because of the uncertainty around the politics across the country for me to a life there with the latest from the capital nairobi thanks very much indeed for that. Now alleged war criminal has gone on trial at a dutch court in the hague charged with ordering executions during ethiopias socalled red terror in the late one nine hundred seventy s. Sixty three year old as chateau know is accused of the torture and killing of opponents of the dictator magus two haile mariam including ordering the death of seventy five prisoners in a church he denies any involvement in the crimes and told the course they had the wrong man. Danish police say the Inventor Peter Madsen has admitted dismembering the body of a swedish journalist on his submarine can vols body parts were found at sea after she interviewed him on his homemade vessel peter madsen initially denied cussing up her body and said she died accidentally when a hatch fell on her head the police say he now says she died of Carbon Monoxide poisoning and students in greece of hell petrol bombs at police during a protest in Athens Police responded by firing tear gas into the crowd it was one of several protests held across the country students are angry about education cutbacks causing shortages of books and teachers the amount of Carbon Dioxide in the earths atmosphere rose at the fastest rate ever recorded last year but World Meteorological Organization Says c o two levels increase at a rate last seen three to five million years ago it means the global temperature could increase by two to three degrees celsius and cause same levels to rise by ten to twenty meters scientists blame the rise on a combination of human activities and the el nino weather phenomenon and say more drastic Emissions Reductions are needed and this is demonstrating that we are not moving in the right direction at all b. O. Actually moving moving in the wrong direction if we think of the implementation of the paris batteries agreement and piece all that much to. Me to raise to be some level of for of Climate Mitigation to be if youre serious with this one point five to two degree target of paris that is agreement or thats it for me for this newsgroups back to india. Thank you felicity spain has filed charges against cattle and leaders responsible for declaring secession there are reports that colors freedom or and members of his cabinet im brussels where he is expected to make a statement shortly spains top prosecutor has a man one muslim is calling on them to testify on rebellion sedition and embezzle meant charges a court now has to decide whether to accept the charges if convicted the cattle and leaders could face up to thirty years in jail. They can then when youre in that india the only in the news that if hes gotten the prosecution has filed several charges for rebellion addition and embezzlement against the main political leaders of the catalan Regional Government with their actions and decisions over the past two years they have caused an institutional crisis that resulted in the unilateral declaration of independence this was carried out without observing and ignoring our constitution. Because those go into south africa now with thousands of protesting against the killings of white farmers leo me what sort of impact is this having was of lee having a social impact its a top story in south africa at the moment the hash tag were watching is hash tag black monday activists are calling on people to wear black shirts black clothing and to join in on protests in solidarity with the white farmers that are being killed now there are planned protests across the country and even our broad the theme being stop killing our farmers youre seeing these types of science all around social media the murder rate has gone up across the south africa for the fifth year in a row around twenty thousand people are killed every year you can see that blue line on the uptick there now there are however varying reports about exactly how many white farmers are killed every year this year is according to South African Police in two thousand and sixteen you had forty nine white farmers killed so far this year youve had forty six killed if youre looking at the yellow bar of course the darker orange bar is how many farmers were attacked now others say though that the numbers are much higher africa check a statistic scroope they say that there were sixty four People Killed in two thousand and sixteen but that the numbers are still incomplete to say how many were killed this year the reason behind these killings is usually unclear some say its part of a push to take back land others say that they are revenge killings often nothing is stolen we spoke to a man who told us why he backs the black monday movement. I am in full support of black monday please do not misunderstand this this is got nothing to do with race put your feet in someone elses shoes that has experience violence crime for example write and tell me if you have never taken the streets all your time to do the same thing to send a message on the day that you hurtful this does not bring back up out of date or touch base on the subject if we as a country stand together these kind of issues you prioritize so im in full support and hopefully you will now understand why south africa or nation to get used to the streets to stop waiting for the government the more we stand together the more change thats it now the da is the Opposition Party in south africa that has one of the top tweets online today and it says that this black monday lets stand up against all murders in south africa the ruling party the a. N. C. They have not tweeted about this yet but in march south Africas Parliament said that the attacks were quote crimes fueled by hatred they went on to say that they are extremely violent and often are company by brutal torturing in the most barbaric way if youre in south africa we do want to hear from you do you think the protests will make the country more divided racially or are these protests long overdue you can connect with us of course using our hash tag a. J. News good. And if you have any comments or information on these stories can you get in touch with us you can tweet us at a. J. English or on facebook at facebook dot com slash a. J. News did you can also send us whats up message at plus nine seven four five zero one trouble one four nine between all of that and well make sure it gets written as always you can use the hash tag news group lets bring you more on those developments coming out of spain those charges that have been filed against catalonia president for declaring secession is bring in hot outdoor homemade she joins us live from boston i know these are pretty weighty charges. Yes indeed those charges from sedition to embezzle meant to abuse of public funds and actually proven. Could face several decades but were not there yet the Public Prosecutor has. Those charges now its in the hands of the courts and of course well have to hear from karl as the moment is not in spain but hes in brussels and also the court will have to decide which part of these charges are actually political charges and which are actually based on facts so this is something that will take a bit of a process i think one indeed. Appears in front of court if that is going to happen. Thank you for that now for those of you who watching us on Facebook Live well show you how one group of students is transforming trash into fashion and reducing waste. Then after the break the shutdown of a controversial offshore Refugee Center that houses hundreds of people. However we have still got some more unsettled weather in our forecast for parts of the middle east chiefly thats going to be around the the black sea in the caspian sea see this area which is streaming in once again itll produce some rain some sleet some snow into georgia pushing across into armenia this is the top temperature in ankara hopefully turkey will get a chance to brighten up northern parts of syria Northern Areas of iraq could see a little bit damp weather to go through the next couple of days but elsewhere across the region it stays warm dry and sunny thirty two celsius the kuwait city sort those numbers around for kabul fun and dry here but the top temperature of around twenty three degrees for a dry too across the river and potentially a little bit of cloud perhaps one or two showers towards the western side of the gulf of aden but for most of us is going to be fine dry and sunny temperatures here in doha getting up to thirty four to be thirty five degrees over the next couple of days pleasant sunshine then sure youll agree a fair amount of pleasant sunshine too into Southern Africa we see the cloudy skies the wetter weather just around in the maybe pushing down into that western side of south africa but for the race to stay settled and sunny so one of two showers there to central and northern. Provoking debate the Corporate Tax has not hurt job growth on the barack obama that well but only to that one thats not true tackling the tough issues restrictions on Media Freedom of a tree killings torture maybe you giving me room didnt give me crap challenging the established line every single one of the three and a half thousand people who is killed with a drug dealer yes how do we know that you didnt try them you didnt prosecute them you didnt show the shot that one saw a joint that he has done for up front at this time on aljazeera. Discover a wealth of wood winning programming from around the world powerful documentary as we were running away for our life from a brutal regime the use of its opponents to make some discussions were getting comments on what the International Community should do how worried should we therefore me that this guy has the Nuclear Codes on a scale of one to ten can challenge your perception. Aljazeera. Lets talk a little bit about some of the stories that are training at the moment in the top position is the Balfour Declaration going to be talking about that little bit later on with one of our cars once i do stay and its going to fall its hundred a mock spain prosecutors are those heavy charges filed against catalan leaders which we dealt with very brief a lot has been spent on the g. C. C. Crisis which continues to remain in the top ten positions in the tents or you need to know about the astonished talks which are under way at the moment. State media are reporting that politicians and businessmen are considering setting up Economic Zones in Rakhine State the army says peace and stability has returned to the region more than half a million said the area into bangladesh off to a military crackdown which began in august minima government minister has told local media its likely that one hundred fifty of them cannot be repatriated every day he has more from. The government is keen to portray the offense of normalcy has returned to northern Rakhine State. Now this is the state owned media global new light of myanmar and its lead article says entrepreneurs to develop recalling this follows a meeting on sunday between local politicians and business men to talk about set setting up new industries in more as well as an Economic Zone there and this is the area thats been hardest hit by a military crackdown that started on august twenty fifth an opinion piece in the same paper also said because peace and stability have returned to the area its time to think about Development Projects that will help alleviate poverty there and while this is happening or hinder activists say they are still receiving reports and videos of houses will hinder houses being burned down not by the military but five a kind that is mobs these reports are extremely difficult to verify because journalists have not been granted unrestricted access they are allowed into the area only on government as court it trips but this should call into question the government narrative and analysts have also said focusing on Economic Development alone will not help resolve the real hinge or crisis when you have an entire population and in time when already severely discriminated against and persecuted. Has been covering the prices on the bangladesh me and my border for weeks now and he joins me live in the studio its good to have you with us and good to see you yeah to get some of that experience im sure must be a relief to get away from the intensity there i mean what stands out for you in coming its a difficult story for every journalist who was covering it including us and our other team members when you were covering it of course as a journalist you know you dont Pay Attention to what you see in a personal level but once you take a short break from it thats when it hits you know its a posttraumatic type situation when you think about and its very much a story about women and children you know i mean majority of the people you see suffering a woman an infant and children and that gets to you can see that in their eyes that woman you know just traumatized the stories the narrator so intense that for every woman and children or every elderly man a person we interviewed its a similar stories you know what that trust is that fell in the myanmar side off it how they were pushed out of their Villages Family members killed children traumatized some of the woman actually described the children being hit by the Myanmar Security flimsy about that the fact that the women and children they become the victims of the actively go off to them and very much so very much so and of course when you actually talk to them in the First Responders theyre theyre petrified to talk about it but when they said look well tell the world whats going on then to start narrating and then usually many of the woman would start crying after that or even while talking to the camera and that something effects every journalist its not a typical Natural Disaster story that you cover where you also see a lot of tragedies or combat zone its very different and the influx of people with eunice forty days or forty nine days since i was there you know its just unimaginable you know over six hundred thousand people you know crossed over and and its still its still ongoing tragedy people are still crossing maybe not in big numbers. Maybe a dozen sometimes maybe hundreds even two weeks back we were covering a lot of them when actually between ten to fifteen thousand were stationed in a moments land waiting in a bad exposed environmentalists despite the International Focus is well thats only for the generous point of view how safe or dangerous do you feel when you work now i mean i know that you would one of the first journalists there and there was a lot of apprehension in the beginning it was a cameraman Silliman Hussein who has just done a brilliant job you know hes been actually there alone one week and you know covering the broader radius people crossing the capsizing of the boat when we were there first on twenty seven and twenty eight this is when we didnt even realize how big this story of the influx of the refugees going to come into being the best so the Bangladesh Border guards been very helpful actually that taking us to places where we could actually see the me on my side villages burning with me and my bodyguards actually within the fence and then we saw you know the refugees crossing into bangor the side into no mans land and this is when the Border Guards warned us its so intense now that sometimes theyve been firing and its sometime within the no mans land or even within Bangladesh Border so you have pretty much a high risk and we werent expecting that we didnt think that this would be a risk factor another incident i could tell its to show what they went through in the beginning like that time it was a very bad whether it be cloudy one day sunny another day have a tarantula rain and these people were in the low land area inundated with floodwaters and very content and needed water because there was no sanitation and others and then we see while driving through this all this woman in a pregnant woman woman with infant children just literally need deep water and so women our cameraman said look we have to get down because unless we do it to show what theyre going through people wont understand it was an easy to get down in my deep deep water but we showed. My. There with the infant she was describing that this my childs lung infection has been coughing all the likelihood and pneumonia you know stories like that it effects you because you youve seen how can people eat in a situation like that and thats a problem isnt it that even though they have fled the horror is in me and mommy what theyre facing in bangladesh reminds fantastic that theyve been taken in but theyre still horrors they children being taken from. Yeah and also like just a little over a week ago we were shooting a story on the kids on the street please help me. And that this children were all over within six kilometers seven kilometer playing in the streets you know these are like School Age Children and theyre highly vulnerable save the children so they were out of the kids could be exploited for you know trafficking and other situation so highly sensitive. And to see this kids you know in the street was very difficult for us to handle how theyre living their life and when you go back there. Course because i think this story needs to be told to the International Audience as well as to. Governments all across the world that how big this tragedy is how badly this government alone cannot cope with this it requires all the help International Aid you know as well as political happened diplomatic out because this isnt a story that is dying down soon the people crossing the people suffering in the camps the conditions are really bad. The aid is just not enough you know theres been a lot more appeal for new aid but this is a story has to be told to the rest of the world and im very very inside that story undoubtedly from any journalistic point of view or any just common sense you know thanking an ordinary person either. Straightly an offshore Detention Center on mannus island will shut down on tuesday the controversial camp is still home to about six hundred refugees it was open four years ago following a large increase of refugees trying to reach australia or two years later pop in again is Supreme Court ruled the Detention Center was unconstitutional and ordered it shut down now the detainees will be forced to move elsewhere in the to a different part of pop in again or a different country astray has been criticized for the conditions of the center and treatment of refugees. Is a spokesman for the un asia and joins me now live from geneva talk us through your feelings about the closing down and whats going to happen to many of those who dont actually want to leave theres a lot of uncertainty for these desperate as allam seekers who when they are seeking australians protection and safety in australia has forced they were picked up at sea and prevented their claims to be processed on the australian mainland saying this is for their own safety now australia wants to abandon them and theyre desperate seekers and refugees have been going through a tough punishment in these Australian Offshore Processing Centers for four years now so thats why its a very important now that we prevent a humanitarian disaster to happen as the closure comes nearer and make australia australia explain and accountable for what has happened. Exactly we have been urging australia to give up this harmful practice of all of shore processing australia cannot outsource its obligations and its stress sponsibility to the worlds most desperate lets not forget who these seekers and refugees are they have been fleeing persecution and trauma they end up in these. I mean i dont know what to call these these offshore Processing Center because it has had a heavy human toll on these desperate souls and now it wants to abandon them and just left them in papa new guinea on their own or what would you like to see happen next because this is all going to start happening within the next twenty four hours what should be taking place right now australia. Has a responsibility of care and compassion which has been missing since the last four years tourists these desperate as well and seekers and refugees these refugees have gone through a lot of trauma so force australia needs to prevent a humanitarian disaster to happen by closing the center then it has to take responsibility of these people to resume all Necessary Services were talking about people who have seen a lot in their life happening they have come to australia as doorstep seeking for safety compassion and protection and thats missing was very good to have you on the show and setting us up what to expect when it all starts unfolding in the next twelve hours thank you. But the story of those being held in menace island are disturbing al jazeera spoke to some detainees they compare life there to a war zone saying they feel like lab rats or an animal in a zoo its called menace refugees death is better than slavery that you can find on a website just search for minutes to read and hear about their stories now for a story thats off the grid in zimbabwe or harding you have that story for us. Thank you jane the hash tag were following is hash tag free five z. Its trending in zimbabwe after lawyer and activist five harry was arrested over the weekend now the harry shes a critic of the ruling zanu p f government and shes running for a seat in the zimbabwe in parliament she was arrested on saturday during a football tournament that she helped organize for her campaign riot police interrupted the match and took to a Police Station for six hours she was released later that day but many say that her arrest is a political attack we talk to five over email and she told us that she was charged under an act that regulates the organization of public gatherings that can quote result in public disorder breach of the peace or any obstruction she did not have Police Clearance though to host the tournaments over email she also told us that the tournaments was only intended to help with quote Voter Registration to certify proof of residence and to make sure that our constituency has a large number of registered and formed voters goes on to say that there were no slogans used there was no electioneering that it was just a fun day she says that we strongly suspect that the arrest was a deliberate ploy to shut down the soccer or football tournaments now on mondays she was supposed to await trial but she says the police never called her and quote do not seem interested in pursuing the case online many say that the accusations are just an attempt to stop her from running for office journalist peter doro he wrote in ask saying why is a sports tournament such a threat to the new p. F. Thats the ruling party this user here tweeted this picture saying quote meanwhile in zimbabwe the tyrant of zimbabwe mobilize as a whole police force to arrest an innocent woman with a full. Zimbabwes elections are set to happen next year in august harrys campaign has mostly been focused on Youth Participation and she actually announced her candidacy on Facebook Live back in june shes also running as an independent candidate her campaign is asking for more accountability to stop quote the devastation of misrule by a government that refuses to be answerable to its citizens aljazeera tried to contact the Zimbabwean Police but have not received any response as of yet we want to know what you think about this especially if youre in zimbabwe be sure to get in touch with me directly on my handle which is at leo harding a. J. Jane thanks for that leah a group of at least sixty eight british activists have been walking for than one hundred forty days to bring attention to the bowl full declaration they arrived in the west bank city of hebron just days before the one hundredth anniversary which is on thursday of that declaration was signed by the british in support of a jewish state in palestine several events are planned in britain to mark the anniversary lets go live to Bondi Phillips who is in london i want to hear what youre hearing about whats been planned and how this has been marked so theyre going to be. Well theres quite an active political debate going on as you would expect jane about what is a very contentious anniversary a day of celebration for many israelis but a date of infamy i think its fair to say for many palestinians on thursday night itself the will be a commemorative dinner here in Central London quite a grand event hosted by the Prime Minister to resume a lancaster house and the israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will be here one person who wont be here is the Opposition Leader Jeremy Corbyn he has been invited but hes sending his Foreign Affairs Spokes Person in his place and really thought perhaps inevitably this is being seen as something of a snub germy cauldron has been an outspoken advocate of the palestinian cause in the past and i think its fair to say that the research me a difference in tone between britains main Political Parties in how the sorts of things that they are saying about this and Boris Johnson the foreign minister saying today that the Balfour Declaration was an indispensable part in the birth of the great nation of israel and britain should be proud of its role and really thought bre the labor spokeswoman says that britain should recognize palestine now so all sorts of echoes of the past all sorts of more than political arguments raging will be following them from london throughout the week but Barnaby Phillips thank you for that and those mostly affected the palestinians where life for palestinians in gaza was mentioned proof of the reconciliation agreement between rival groups hamas and fatah but electricity is still being rationed to four hours a day three weeks after the deal it had originally been cast on the orders of the palestinian president to force hamas to the negotiation table and smith reports from gaza. Theyre nicknamed unkindly the a cursed because wherever these men are from garza electricity go. Darkness follows mr norman models we always have to listen to people insulting us he says. In june israel agreed to reduce the Electricity Supply to garza at the request of west bank based palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas. It was one of a number of tactics to force hamas which runs gaza to the negotiating table. In this everything is bad ones to the old lady big me not to turn off the power it was so embarrassing i called my boss but he said no turning it off as i tried to do it five young men came with sticks and knives and started arguing with me then i had to run off and leave the power on each district rotates a for hours on twelve of shad jule half of the two Million People who live here rely on expensive private generated networks to fill the gaps. But theyre not affordable luxury for the other one million residents the power is going to be off here now for another twelve hours the difference in this area is that people dont have backup generators now its about three weeks since hamas started handing control of gaza back to the Palestinian Authority but still the palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas has not increased the Electricity Supply. Israels blockade of gaza meant that there would only ever up to eight hours of electricity a day but these latest cuts normal life to a standstill the life stops every everything you do you do. You know we have. Online we have work on our computers we have. You know. Connection with the world and about. The Palestinian Authority says the Electricity Supply will improve but it hasnt said when hearing gaza theyve had to get used to way to burn its made aljazeera. Still ahead on the news good in sports well gauge the stop how of Lewis Hamilton on the back of his fourth formula one world. Bank. I tried i wanted i told you my audience for today is for jane thank you so much Lewis Hamilton is celebrating his fourth Formula One World Championship title the mercedes driver clinched the crown following sundays mexico grand prix but is a briton a true global superstar certainly a big deal in his home country winning the title also made him britains most successful ever f one driver he got the title despite the nisshin ninth in mexico the low finish prompted by a crash with main title challenger Sebastian Vettel on lap one after is when hamilton spoke of how it felt to be compared stars who excel in other sports. You know you grew up watching these incredible athletes talented individuals and even today im thirty two and im watching the same run and watching the Football Game on and just have such admiration for what it takes to be great how much work and effort has had to go into this these individuals careers and so i recognize that you know the guts and then to receive positivity and support back from these incredible individuals. Man its its the call is the greatest feeling. Well lets take a look at our trends map we can see a lot of chatter out there on twitter about hamilton about around race time but most of it is concentrated in europe with some in the United States theres a little bit in south america and africa but very little going on in australia and asia lets see how able to star power compares with big names from other sports hamilton is only the eightieth most followed athlete on twitter with just under five million followers to get into the top ten you need over sixteen point seven million is even lower than that on this years most famous athlete indexed by e. S. P. N. In which the rankings take into account endorsements social media following an internet search popularity but hamilton is right up there in terms of earnings hes tapped on the forbes highest paid athletes list with forty six Million Dollars by all three of those measures Cristiana Rinaldo comes out on top with more on this were joined by Richard Hague hes the hes from the Brand Strategy consultancy Brand Finance and joins us live from london i havent seen is a World Champion theres no doubt about that but is he a true global superstar hi thanks for having me yes i think he definitely is there are two key considerations you got to think about when you think about Global Brands particularly sportsmen and first of all its they outstandingly successful and i think theres no doubt that he definitely is and then secondly you have to think do they have an interesting personality or more importantly an interesting persona that they have cultivated over the years and i think that Lewis Hamilton definitely has a way to go but is definitely will ground at the moment. When the f one is now us own do you think hamilton is gaining popularity there. Yes it definitely cant do him any harm winning the formula one in the race in the u. S. Certainly will help boost his popularity and i imagine that the u. S. Owners will want to accelerate the growth into the u. S. Market so he may well be benefiting the Formula One Team as well having a controversial start leading the charge will not only help him but also help formula one to build in the u. S. Is it just the case that certain sports stars have an x. Factor that make them popular and maybe hamilton lacks that well i mean i dont know if i agree with you there David Beckham whos now widely regarded as one of the examples of one of the Global Sports stars he was originally lampooned and critiqued for. And criticised for having no personality he was made fun of for having a funny voice and yet over the years over the last twenty years he has carefully cultivated himself his family his brand and now is undeniably one of the best known sports brands in the world do you think at the f one needs to grow in popularity for hamilton to get better. I dont think so i think that over the last couple of years hes really been working on. Well the throat with his success as well hes been transcending the sport hes been cultivating that personality from self and hes been building it i mean he he has not its not just been from self hes been cultivating both his brand for his own personal endorsement but then also from a sadies of the brands that are associated with him so his value is not just for himself but its also for all of those companies that are seeking his influence a status when you were just speaking a second ago about his social media followings and although he doesnt have the fifty four million that David Beckham or christianity out there now they might have hes definitely a very well regarded and well followed person ok richard thank you for correcting formula one. Sorry about that richard will have to leave it there thank you so much because. No question that Lewis Hamilton is popular with stars from other sports heres what a few of them have been saying this is from you st pauls Instagram Account congrats Lewis Hamilton on your fourth aff one world title was the first to congratulate hamilton was neymar this post has been liked more than a million times on the p. S. G. Strikers Instagram Account he says im so happy for you bro and former Manchester United player Rio Ferdinand tweeting four time World Champion on believable achieve. Or wed like to hear from you too send us your views by using the hash tag aging news grid or tweet me directly at underscore is smile ill be back with more ads eight hundred g. M. T. But for now ill hand you back to jane thanks for the odds of a medal due for this news grid forgive the few bumpy moments of joy of live right keep in touch with us on social media as well ill just remind you the hash tag is and it is a. J. News good and we have been receiving a few more comments from you might not get a lot on air but you said the absorbing them the details of twitter handle is a. J. English and for me jane doesnt miss a team thanks for watching and back again to our state of fourteen fifteen inches tall. To. November on aljazeera. In a historic visit the pope will travel to me and my bangladesh bringing more focus to the plight of the range. A new six part series about extraordinary lives of the Common People from across to his years. As the u. S. Backs away from the paris climate agreement well diplomats will be gathering in bone to restate that commitment. From the heart of asia one zero one east brings captivating stories and Award Winning films. As tensions on the Korean Peninsula remain high President Trump in the box in a five nation tour to east asia november on aljazeera. Short films of the hook and inspiration. Personal stories of three young women challenging the world around them. Aljazeera selects at this time. President trumps former Campaign Manager is indicted on. Money laundering charges

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