Announced hes dissolving the castle impala months and calling them elections after it declared independence from the us. Mariano rajoy said their decision was based on the law and fraud lets not be election will take place on december the twenty. Mr premier of maybe the game was operable though the first measures that have been tossed are the following to depose the president of the council on government the position of the Deputy President and all other members of the council on government we will also abolish the delegation abroad known as the embassies except in brussels and the secretary general of the council on police will also be suspended. Well described as comments thousands of people are rallying in barcelona to show their support for independence waving flags and singing traditional song the last of the votes in the assembly. Addressed the Parliament Chamber about the challenge ahead. Of the citizens of catalonia in the coming hours we will have to maintain our countrys polls a most of all two months in the public spirit and our dignity we have always done with no doubt it will continue to be that way. Simmons is in barcelona. Will be defiant and try to keep his place possibly he could be arrested but. He has. Anyway the statement from. Saying hes sacked. The parliament is dissolved basically saying that madrid is in control now the people want to know about that in fact they probably didnt even hear about it but that the party however there was a serious. There are many people who dont agree with what happened who dont agree with a vote in Parliament Even though its been described as democratic by the president and also his ministers. The mole their own. People who are in whole or in other areas of. This government. In this region. Six people have been killed in kenya support us took to the streets to protest president ial. Position strongholds. Has now been canceled and the violence Election Commission has a calm. Following him around. Two White South African men have been sentenced to a total of twenty five years in prison after they were found guilty of trying to force a black man into a coffin and threaten to burn him alive Martin Jackson and with those ties and welcome back to david tempted. To be both happy they did not guilty claiming they only intended to. Walk in last. Monday has become the first country to withdraw from the International Criminal court a year after it notified the United Nations of its intention to move the route it follows accusations that the court focuses too much on africa the i. C. C. Says the withdrawal doesnt affect Ongoing Court proceedings or investigations on the country. Government says it will allow food aid into russia and states off to denying access to aid agencies for two months the u. N. Is World Food Program says malnutrition rates in the states are already above the emergency level. Those were the top stories dont go away ill be back in half an hour but now its living beneath the draft. Think. Its impossible to measure the true cost of war. Its not only the physical devastation caused by bombs and mortars survivors struggle with psychological damage that can last a lifetime you are one of the few uncovered your brought about by what you are actually. Afghanistan has been a battlefield for decades generations shattered by endless conflicts. Around three quarters of the population have Mental Health problems Johnnie Jones or that the johnny. Belgium is in the unit to know one of the one you. Used much more than half a million western troops have fought in afghanistan since two thousand and one thousands returned home diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder or p. T. S. D. These invisible but catastrophic mental scars of war have finally been acknowledged in the west but enough to understand there is little help or recognition for those suffering from p. T. S. D. But many are treated like criminals. And i know one of the now thats going. To be. And the latest. Weapon of war the drones that constantly fly overhead add to the sense of terror amongst the people here know how well you know you do not know yet the more you work on it ok the reason those drones are there is to assist the innocent civilians not to harm us. If. As an afghani journalist below qureshi has reported on the war since the first us air raids in two thousand and one. He has witnessed the devastating impact of the missiles firefights and suicide bombs on his country and on its people. Now hes seen the terrible consequences of the latest military Technology Drones the existence of a drone all the time even theyre not firing is then frightening because theyre thinking i mean mormon take on a bomb. Thats why they are really really frightening that. Crazy has been invited to meet the man who has survived the drone attack and who has all the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder. Our crew had to his family home in cannot province. There are constant checkpoints on the three hour journey from kabul reminders of how insecure and dangerous of fun is still remains after decades of war. Well. What are you. Going to. Its six years since the drone attack near the hotel was worked as a cook. Tell was close to an american base in that a passion which was attacked by the taliban. In response the americans use drones to bomb the surrounding area with taliban fighters were hiding. On the ground on monday. Night i would say that. Relives the attack over and over again in his mind. Desperate to find the cure his family took him to pakistan where he underwent surgery. Superskinny. To learn of. The coming. Its a sure way home with a husband or son or look out for the point im going to have a bike you. Look up what i could literally end up a future you will be back i remember taking my phone from last night so they can make one of us some of the units of all of them that freshmen are. Years after the drone attacks the ongoing violence in afghanistan shattered the lives of this family yet again when psychical was younger brothers to hit a love was badly injured in a land mine explosion. Already mentally frail it was simply too much for the brain. The way you know. If you look at. The. Work. To do. In this work. The. People who are in the restaurant were all killed in front of his eyes you know you know in afghanistan if somebody died in front of somebody they keep crying and beating themselves so at the moment they still doing the same think. Although most western troops have pulled out. Suicide attacks gun battles and drone bombings are still the norm here. Each week there are so many deaths so many horrific injuries that healing peoples minds has never been a priority. If theres any country that would be as a nation experiencing p. T. S. D. It would be a nation thats been out war for our way now for generations and do it. Peter singer is a us expert on robotics warfare and drones this is a nation that starting in one thousand nine hundred seventy nine has experienced utter horror for multiple decades and the horror ranged from the taliban murdering people in soccer stadiums to bomber strikes from dado that hit the wrong people to drones today. Najibullah quraishi travels to a refugee camp outside kabul where you meet some of those who have lost everything they had in this war. Originally from muso kuala in Helmand Province this man and his family have moved from one camp to another since their home and their lives were destroyed by bombs dropped by drones. The no i get over to all of. The. Humor that there have been i had a sort of a. Wheeze mother one of of out. His mother for now let others know that it is my fault for that cause im in the minds of the same she does id done as i did that i have a mind you dont have a mind does my much money. Are money she. Said afternoon john warner who does he a terrible kind he was not she that. Was does not i dont follow. Yo yo. Put up the money money shocker well there was i can find you and sometimes i guess not surely not that there was a pretty one instance with. Each man each day i think the. Power. To pierce the. Young man up and i know but there wasnt a double minded double minded that mushroom and we had our share in. Visually now pretty remind. You has a more american than in the fall of the. Time it was her happy. But thats what. I mean. I think that the whole world it. Could ratio has come to talk to one of the countrys most respected psychologists about the impact of war on the mind. Dr mohamed not dead alimi was responsible for building of understands only specialist Mental Health hospital in creations home town of Mazar E Sharif. John i join me james and this is just one of the ticket because he is a general doesnt. Get. Sued under. But. The notice of that. Car. Was going to get us. How we were in my life be sure you dont walk good im a going to get hold of big man i was again i wasnt. Yet you know i couldnt jack but why in a hurry to sick and then what im not i mean the bottom of the mine but i know what i mean about medical well wanting what ive seen the morning my daughter was fourteen my son called my doctor i lay me and his colleagues at this private Mental Health clinic treat thousands of people each year. Many are suffering from p. T. S. D. My that your forces shes killed or disorders. By mr dont was out of work that well when you purchased my lunch and she asked for the whole community im who im sure now when you have a good life for those who want to climb. The rabbit or not i will play the music so i dont measure how im not on the show usually i dont mean i mean any. In kids on the sea posttraumatic stress this hour. He and his colleagues treat anyone affected whether civilians soldiers or even taliban fighters. The painter who might have drawn his and they give him. A moderate islamist government like a talking would. As kind of a joy the know that young mr to say tomorrow i could have junk somebody there would most of them young young me other than. Myself. Go to recovery show me from a doctor what youre going to have it what about what you know it by age because it ties in with you this introduction and when. At the time. I was with. The saudi national. You know moving a caution zone then im quite near the source make of them around me with the militia. Can. Stand out almost as often as well. Especially in. The after you tell the range of. Dr ali me takes Najibullah Quraishi to the Regional Government hospital in mazar which is one of only a handful in afghanistan that also has a Mental Health clinic there are no m. R. I. Or c. T. Scanners for diagnosis but most care here is free mr straight want to. Write one us after the mother which im sure my journey has a mission in yangon i see. What. I see i am sure i am who bowed to she and her last. But there is a shame and social stigma associated. But Mental Health which means many are reluctant to seek help. In such a conservative society families dont want their loved ones to be seen by friends or neighbors in a psychiatric ward. Known they say x. Amount on a specific. This is one this is the one you dont need but i hope that you are thinking out of this one and not. The fighting and bombing still rages in many regions here according to the United Nations around three quarters of civilian deaths are the result of insurgent attacks and three percent by coalition forces. Retired u. S. Air force general david dipped to the man who introduced the Drone Program to afghanistan claims theyre the safest form of modern warfare. There is plenty of evidence. In fact evidence that has been monitored and provided by the United Nations that contrary to popular perception remotely piloted aircraft Drone Operations result in the greatest pursuit and least amount of civilian casualties than any other means of force employment if you take a look at the last un reports regarding civilian casualties in afghanistan over the last several years they attribute less than one percent of civilian casualties to the use of drones. But this doesnt take into account the mental anguish of drones flying over your village or town. But about my looks you know do you give them so i communicate well i think you. Give me for that fight me when im going to kill the photos of the gun dont shoot them if you want new get on as you said with a good. I mean an amorphous if i dont know what you mold to get a cell or not i have a major. Figures from u. S. Central command show that from two thousand and eight to two thousand and twelve there were around one thousand drone attacks a thirty six thousand armed drone flights averaging twenty five a day people never know when one might drop a bomb. Reporter nigel look qureshi visits the site of a drone bombing in wonder how. Provinces on the pakistan border are often targeted because taliban fighters are known to hide out here. Children are now told in tents after the school was totally destroyed. Were going to know how were going to get up there with the drones killed thirteen taliban fighters who sought refuge in the school during a firefight. A night watchman also died. The other watchman high up who was the only survivor. Of. The navy when he dug out of. The money. We knew had out of the well you. Know if you want to get if you want to have a home i want to know for the elderly that you know what i have. And that you could get out of the time that i want to live in a better political wonderful beautiful from omaha that you will get if you like you know. The thing about you know for almost never the fear that you. Know what i you know i want to get in but that that i do looking notable for a little bit with. A little bit of. Gravity affinity that beauty how do you deal with an overture in. A bomb from a drone both the battle to a close. Look him over the weekend to what is really kind of you know you are in a way you are one of the one of another. After the attack Afghan Soldiers found high at school unconscious they handed him over to the americans. They fed us the letter that he had to go to the. Movie to get it under their name but you get. No letter rather than. Being told you are being taken to bugged out is enough to frighten anyone in afghanistan. The largest u. S. Run airfield and Detention Center in the country it has been associated with allegations of torture and human rights abuses. I think youre going to go a little bit thats a little before you will that everyone should go to work and wait for the want to know what. Happened to you. Know that whatever. You know youre never. Going to help you get that youre going to get into. This video was filmed by the ton of bond and the immediate aftermath to only one of the commanders killed inside the school witnessing the bloodshed has left high at school with classic symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder. But im not going to get over those who were meant for me when i get my ged when i get where youre going to get the fulfillment of. That nobody had any. Need dont you want to thank you very much for my favorite i know you have ended up. Going to this and i want to have so many people here really doesnt know that you are going to hear credible drew she i want you with a direction but you know. National get it. The reason those drones are there is to assist the innocent civilians not to harm by the way the average missed distance of an artillery round is about a thousand feet the most accurate mortars average missed this tense around three hundred feet and in fact remotely piloted aircraft drones because of their number one defining characteristic and thats persistence allows us to provide the greatest degree of ethical oversight and for season when weapons are actually being used than any other means of force application at a distance. But others are critical of a system that allows bombs to be dropped on a console by people sitting in command centers up to seven thousand miles away. I think the worry is. Is the Technology Enabling an attitude that war is somehow both precise i. E. No mistakes and easy i. E. No consequences or at least no consequences for me thats a very slippery slope because it makes it easier to undertake decisions that should be weighed with the most serious consequences. Like so many in afghanistan i at school is too poor and too far from a hospital to get treatment. But has no jubal look or a she discovers some families will do almost anything to try to cure their loved ones taking them to shrines but those in charge use bizarre methods to cure them. By stop people or war on chain. Six locks on their feet so im up for five on the hounds and was looking like a present i was shocked. When the goober. Soto should. November on aljazeera. In a historic visit the pope will travel to me in my bangladesh bringing more focus to the plight of the range of. A new six part series about extraordinary lives of the Common People from across tunis here. As the u. S. Backs away from the paris climate agreement well diplomats will be gathering in bone to restate that commitment. From the heart of asia one when east brings captivating stories and Award Winning feel. As tensions on the Korean Peninsula remain high President Trump in the box and a fine nation tour to east asia november on aljazeera. On counting the cost of italys wealthy Northern Region say seeds of more autonomy but who are the forces reshaping european politics how might chinas new leadership line up the fact the economy plus why trade is the Hong Kong Stock Exchange is saying bye bye to the back country the cost at this time ill just. Say. Hello im suits hats and long on the top stories here on aljazeera the scottish Prime Minister says hell dissolve a castle on palm went on called the elections after it declared independence from the rest of the country are on a roll hall is said their decision was based on lies and forward a snap election will now take place on december twenty first. Mr premier of maybe you dont move but ill go with the first measures that have been tossed out the following to depose the president of the council on government the position of the Deputy President and all of the members of the council on government we will also abolish the delegation abroad known as the embassies except in brussels and the secretary general of the council on police will also be suspended while despite rigourous comments thousands of people have been rallying in barcelona to show their support for Catalan Independence maybe waving separatist flags and singing traditional catalan songs. Six people have been killed in kenya as opposition supporters took to the streets to protest against the with president ial election voting in full Opposition Strongholds shed jeweled for saturday has now been cancelled amid the violence the countrys Election Commission has appealed for calm as ballot papers all still being counted following thursdays very long two White South African men have been sentenced to a total of twenty five years in prison for trying to force a black man into a coffin and threatening to burn him alive martin is jackson and well and most hasan welcome victims of attempted murder assault kidnapping when. The wrong day has become the first country to withdraw from the International Criminal courts a year off to notify the United Nations of its intention to leave it follows accusations of course focuses too much on africa the i. C. C. Says though the withdrawal doesnt affect Ongoing Court proceedings all investigations on the country. Mammals government says it will allow food aid into rock kind state after denying access to aid agencies for two months u. N. Says malnutrition rates in the states are already above the emergency level before access was blocked the agency had been providing aid to about eleven thousand the hinge of ostend in the region. Stay with us. Continuing his journey into the mountainous region of hark at the pakistan border our reporter. Has heard about the shrine with people with Mental Health problems are kept in cells chained to the walls. That german russian. Church but. She. Sure. Why dont. You know christiane. I think. Ever that were going to give a shit about. Their own shrines all over of going to stand which attracts people with different medical conditions who hope to be cured through prayer and charms but that the shrine near jalalabad the mentally ill are chained and only given limited food mainly bread black pepper and tea they are not allowed to wash and are kept here for up to forty days many have lost touch with the reality around a hundred. New words from. Many here suffer from p. T. S. D. The psychological legacy of the war some as the result of fighting the suicide attacks others from drones. Some of the men here for once amongst the most respected in their communities. Is a former commander of the Afghan National army. Now he struggles with p. T. S. D. Sounds almost livable you take the course and thats one reason im going to judge by those that may. But i feel welcome a lot of what he says is a traditional. Retail you can do them additionally some like it when you can either because youre more moderate or you have more that you. Are the one i develop i may well be one of them im must not take the mantle piece of im up one of the cash for the. Commander nobbys family live only a few kilometers away. Last year year next. You know what. They walked out of session she just. Didnt want to go you know thats a show all of them do i think you. Missed it you got me think about that but i heard some of them the. Mind on good. That is the other went on with the niji it was a feel good to talk about image and get a whole lot. About what it was it is a major thing it was a good what are you washy cussed out because what im what bothers is that the daughter laura sydell theyre going after they dont want to pressure the. Family once had a very comfortable lifestyle. But since come on theyre not became ill theyve lost everything. His eldest son also has Mental Health problems. His younger son is now forced to support the family by selling coal. Dust come with the. Ribbon or what were they. He just thought. It would make it was too much you know we should. Give us just used an awful lot of the media god what do you make that you did they got it got it got out of. They go to god go to go on with the dog with. The. But you know what that was in the mark im a fantasy actor that im now im very good i mean i want the cars im the i will buy last the car im a movie yeah im all right here i am around the i am but im up for sparkle but im alone i think that my stand on this are not our money and that im a mother that im good but im you know this these are downtrodden that im the same and that makes them a. Reseller who i dont move the satellite with hahaha thats a valid us literature by any means but i want to show more yes i want to on what publishing of measured rock was going to measure in your neighborhood your mission not him decided to run by that there was no woman that is actually i just asked him nobody made me borrow money their suffering. Who wants to run. The whole. Shebang. The whole dont need to sit on whiskey the rest of the week i wish i was. That even got. Me a girl on the hater is one of the guardians of the shariah. He has no medical training and limited knowledge of islam but he tells nigel look ratio his family has been in the business of what he terms curing the mentally ill for over one hundred years passing on the tradition from father to son how little discipline he does but by the. Way whatever he does about what it is that we dont yet know. That idea why did. I say i love oh no it was you know at the moment when it. Comes to much of what i dont want to. Look at. She learned. That as much as they do. What they want and i want. Another guardian again with no obvious islamic or medical training writes down alternative names for of love and blows his blessing onto this young mentally disturbed the victim of the war. Youre no. More me. Music doesnt exist. In the rule of afghanistan f f i child gates some headache or something their families believe that if they take to mullah if you read some koran then you will gate will but what i saw in the shrine was different i didnt see any koran it was just some piece of paper and himself was writing it you know. You know im really. Not a lot of the love article dr mcadams you doxology that maybe alarms that im here are not what is your dogs out of the shuttle or available to a lot of followers that ive been difficult. The shrines caretaker. Started working here a month ago from kabul he is known to some inmates as shooting them in action the deadly one has much barnyard so i want to. Push it down the design of the. Murder gun issue no bullshit issue by the. Right. To change that. The men and women. Stuff has my thinking so i come to the northwestern mononoke that i say go with these in age as a word against these who do want to watch a clip or to watch a. Good one is for people i think you know damned. You know what in the. Room. But did in a cookbook that without my not. But. I dont think its similar to matter much still you when you get bad i began as a cookie. On. The car. I was not going to. Like most others shed gould is being held against his will another victim of the war and the system he shows clear signs of p. T. S. D. Married with four Young Children he was driving a truck for the u. S. Forces when his convoy came under attack from the taliban he managed to escape from his burning vehicle but missed many others dying. His family say the surrounding area was then bombed by drones. The more all the more sort the rumor got started. And i know i told you. And i mean. Now thats come on that has to be our way shall not be said i was on your way she was out and im out i spoke it was like im going to. God im a push out god im a kind i guess she just what are the amount of make life pyramid that you have. So much idea there will resign over there was one giant there. Are a lot of what i was shot there was a song. She did the person show this and i call my book so. Thats the whole whatever i am then the oldest one of the diary but just give it just go with you because you know because youre not its not like you have any other big where much and i just think about what they went. Out of their pocket went through that again thats not. The model that luke. I dont know. How to talk about how it can work out that the person sharp enough does not count that as a particle. Is part of the city. Thats come up that you know that. I do not understand why my friends so i mean just as i want to be just talk. Thats like a bad check not the same as one and i kind of like your style so whereas you. Know i dont know how did i learn. How the canary dont want to. Come second i get it was. You know were. Doing. A lot of money and do what you are. Going to do with her so much. You know they dont. Look up to the top of the well theres a lot of good work there with our. Guys. You know you dont you know i mean. Oh yeah i was a. Young guy i was the guy that i mean this time i love when i get on would you go back when i was there that meant that im going to the. Shrine selling talismans as cures are common here but not your beloved chris she and our afghan cruel are shocked at the practices at me ali baba. They decide to head back to the clinic in Mazar E Sharif to find out from dr ali me whether these men could suffer long term harm as a result. Didnt i system i see them there. As all that icky the kind of undertow destruction was and you know i do sort of close but secondly what the source was there was like a distraught and even i mean what about him what would you guess that language will tell you hold money she could all come true that i was the gentlest i mean its nice to see that yourself to want to for their will to lose it but not make each other well i dont want to cut that has escaped this to. The shock. Almost to see he got hurt well and have some accommodate. Even a bit you know let me let me when i go to do genre going to jail it was for some kind of that what i was each of you going to get joe and i wish that you kindly based react understand if you can in common with your quality to this when i was young last time to get it done. But challenging of religious shrine is no easy task. Earlier this year fuck under maliks other a twenty seven year old religious graduate attempted to stop those at the shrine in central kabul from claiming their amulets and charms could heal people the mullahs tired of her interference falsely accused her of burning a koran within a few minutes she had been beaten to death by the furious crowd. The incident caused unprecedented protests throughout the country and international outrage. The police were unable to say for come the nevertheless knowledgeable luckily she decides to confront the regional chief of police for eastern afghanistan about the me ali baba shrine. And john carmack and what. I see that it was you know with the muslim well. As all of my denise the. Economy if. I only actually wanted to know how come i asked the as how this subject question well if either i dont you can give. Mislead shopaholic want to show us a pilot of a car that you. Cant even get to the door jumps off in my mom and i will make rummy did he what will the source kitty hydrocarbon when i didnt know your heart because im not of the what me thing where you most of the men with any courses were going into jewellery too i want to be getting one has that because as you did im about i. Q. Slump so is the father no. But naji bullah qureshi has little faith in the Police Taking action in the immediate future and is concerned at the extreme distress of one of the patients currently held at the shrine. He decides to travel to the north of kabul to meet shared goals family. As charitable as brother so its going to take us to his home to meet his family to find out why they didnt take you to the doctor i wired believing that if they put them on jane he would be gate that well so these are all the questions im going to right now. My mind my. Shared goal for to put the majority in against the russians in the one nine hundred eighty s. But his family say it was the more recent attack on his convoy and subsequent bombing by drones the triggered his Mental Illness. A subset of the young men for what. They were. More like you know the move there. And. I think. We need to. Share cool was once the respected head of the family bringing up his younger brothers like his own children but his Mental Illness has made him problem to violence even towards them. You get. The money. She shot him and then make other better. I mean. The changes left his children frightened and confused i thought of. My father. Maybe. She saw my father. I think of me. But i dont. Know what youve done you go to. That i think. Would agree with. You. The effects of the war and the bombs are etched on peoples faces everywhere yet there is no end in sight and drones are seen as the way forward not only but the u. S. At least eighty Different Countries right now on the formal military side have drones are using them within their military it is a technology that has gone from being Science Fiction to abnormal to the new normal of both war but also all the rest of civilian life the iraq war three point zero is a great illustration of the proliferation of drones and that every single actor and the fight from the u. S. Military to the Iraqi Military to the iraqi militias that are really are rainy and to isis are all using drones. Im not worried about the exploitation of aircraft around the world because ninety eight percent of the use of Drone Operations does not involve the use of force is there to provide oversight overwatch increase the knowledge of whats going on in an area so that operations can be conducted in a much more precise fashion. They keep using drones they did then to stop that and they are a stand in afghanistan and they will be in afghanistan for another decade or so thats why i cant see any any good future. Of showgirls brothers decide to visit him at the shrine. Joins them on the three hour journey but shared goals mother is too weak to travel with them. And their family. Misses the mission. You know. The brothers werent previously away or it would have cost them less to have shared gold treated at a Government Hospital forty days at the shrine doesnt come cheap. You. Know what they have. But i know that if im. Not mad i doubt it will. Have. I know youve got now how do you know i just got off. On a shared goal hasnt eaten properly in twenty days but hes still happy to share the eggs and dried fruit from his mother with his brothers. Despite their Mental Health problems the men here are treated more as prisoners than patients. For many in afghanistan their entire homeland has become a prison. This is a nation traumatized by war. Family abandoned their Mountain Home and numbed after a drone killed five people in the next village they fled hoping to escape the drones but it seems there is no escape. And there are what if you have a very. Good afternoon after if you. Were. Going to. But when i saw insurgents now spreading into afghanistan from syria and iraq the fighting is expected to escalate its very likely the number of Drone Operations will actually increase. For the Afghan People who have suffered almost forty years of conflict the silent threat from above is likely to remain for a long time to come. A new level of luxury has arrived. An experience that will transform the way you try. Our Impeccable Service remains but now comes with breaking heat is a. Revolution in business class. The ultra for the city before us. Whether conducting business or sharing especially. With a list of. The search that. Trunk somewhere else. Youll sanctuary in the sky. Should you say. First and most. Cars are always going places together. How in places say we got some dry weather for a possible strike the river the next outside of the south was never really too far away the wet weather was going to continue driving through the bite long weather system just coming in for him well see some pretty brisk winds feeding into a good part of south will strike a little bit about whether theyre coming into victoria twenty celsius full melbourne ahead of that some warm skies that bristling at around twenty eight degrees this season rather wet weather in perth recently one of the types of quite some time past chippy dry through sas day sunday i suspect a little drive as well we see a little more cloud just pushing in but temperatures getting up to around seventeen once the weather the cloudy skies push across the foss out but i think for many it will be fine and dry now just as temperatures picking up in brisbane to around thirty one degrees we will see some clouds increase in cloud just spilling across the tasman sea heading towards new zealand i think some pos will see some dry and bright weather having said that south thought and certainly as we go through saturday whats the weather just pushing across the north island for a time but nine hundred. So not too bad him a while things will take a turn for the west over japan over the next few days as that Tropical Storm makes its way in from the south. This is al jazeera

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