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Iraqi forces launch an assault on ice souls last strongholds in the country. Hello again im peter w. Watching al jazeera life from our headquarters here in doha also this half hour the kenyan president cost his balance in the Election Rerun but an old position boycott has been overshadowing the vote. Bidding farewell to a revered monarch bangkok comes to a standstill for kingpin the palms five day funeral plus. The city of boston has some of the highest income inequality anywhere in the u. S. Im going to introduce you to a company that has a mapping system that really shows the economic divide all over this country that story coming up. There all the forces have launched in a soul to recapture two key held by. And rawa in the west of iraq a close to the Syrian Border they are among. The hold in the country stephanie monitoring events for us out of bill stephanie these two tons why are they so crucial here. The crucial because theyre the last territory really that isis still holds in iraq there are other smaller pockets but it is sort of a significant area because it borders syria the all crime town this is on the Border Crossing this is the last Border Crossing that i still feel controlled on both sides is the syrian side of this so this is now under way the iraqi Prime Minister made a Statement Issued a statement early this morning to announce the start of this offensive and i think also symbolically not that i saw you know the threat wont be completely eliminates just because theyve taken back its territory but theyre you know symbolically when it comes to the border because we all remember the beginning two thousand and fourteen when i still broke down those borders bulldozing them their Propaganda Machine in full swing so this is the very last border they still hold us so that in itself will be significant once iraqi forces forces must take it back give us a sense steph whats going on as well between iraqi forces and Kurdish Peshmerga i mean is that just no more than skirmishes or is it a full on offensive. Theres skirmishes at the moment we understand that the fighting has stopped this is the North Western iraq also along the border with syria and iraq in military delegation is recently just arrived there we understand to try and calm the situation but its all part of a bigger issue that is really putting the pressure on the kurds here following that referendum that wasnt welcomed by baghdad it was welcomed by the United States it was welcomed by turkey it was a welcome to by iran will the kurds are feeling it peter International Flights have been counseled here to appeal this is a region that was already facing huge economic challenges and now iraq seems to be saying baghdad in particular by the government that it wants to control it wants to impose federal control in this according to the constitution the iraqi constitution they can do and of all Border Crossing including those at the moment administered by the k r g now it sounds complicated but just further north of where the skirmishes were peter is a Border Crossing called fish which is with iraq and syria so there is a feeling that the iraqis the end game is to take that there are others but politically a dow you have the iraqi Prime Minister has just been to turkey is today in iran they will be discussing all of these issues and at the end of the day everyones been calling for dialogue to do when it comes to the americans but i think at the moment were still seeing a stalemate just briefly the iraqi Prime Minister categorically not accepting the kurdish offer a freezing those results of the referendum and starting dialogue he says those results need to be completely and knowledge with or any talks can take place in a military sense to everyone says the same thing the peshmerga really good at what they do the iraqi forces obviously suitably emboldened because of their recent successes over the past six months does that little mini conflict have the potential to get a lot worse do you think. It depends what happens on the political Playing Field as to what the military maneuvers are going to be peter but yes and speaking to the passion matter what happens you have to these sides are both arms by the americans and the coalition theyre trained by the best margaux weve been speaking to particularly what happened in pro cook will tell you we were facing a far more superior military power at the same time you had no support they felt like they had no support the americans were against the referendum everyone had warned the bahraini and warned the government here that it was not the right time it was not the right thing to do the backlash has been extraordinary the land loss disputed territory that the kurds were Holding Around Twelve Thousand square kilometers were taken in the space of thirty six hours with very little bloodshed the dream of the kurds and this is a dream that any kurd will tell you whatever Political Party you belong to is of an independent kurdistan and with whats been happening here i think over the last ten days or so that has been completely completely taken away from them stephanie thank you. Now were getting reports out of indonesia that at least twenty three people have been killed in an explosion at a fireworks factory the incident happened at an Industrial Complex in the city of time there and just twenty five kilometers west of the capital jakarta a local official says all the victims were factory workers the cause is being investigated well get you more on that story as it continues to develop. Security forces in kenya have fired live rounds and tear gas at protesters opposed to the president ial Election Rerun in which the voting is underway the opposition we dont reload has asked his supporters to boycott what hes calling a sham election the polls opened a few hours ago except in a stronghold of kisumu where some voting material is yet to be delivered so how did we get to where we are now well the president of the kenyatta was declared the winner of the initial vote in august however his rival reloading was quick to cry foul saying the result was hacked and manipulated a danger to these allegations of fraud to the Supreme Court and on the first of september judges to clear the elections invalid they ordered a rerun within sixty days more than one month later odinga withdrew his candidacy from the rerun saying he still didnt believe the Election Commission could ensure a fair race shortly well get the latest from catherine soyuz in the opposition stronghold of kisumu first lets take it to for me to miller whos in country for me to ask whats the turnout like compared to the lost time. Well it certainly is a stark contrast here to where we were earlier in Nairobi County here and weve seen quite a significant turnout visiting a couple of polling stations in this area one polling station that makes up seven in this particular center at least a half hour more than half of the registered voters have come out and vote in there so a number of long queues are behind us but that isnt necessarily the case all over nairobi other polling stations are quiet to not many people coming out of course the rain did hearing some people but also in the opposition stronghold of kibera weve seen scenes of people lighting fires barricading polling stations thrones being stone out Security Forces and Security Forces of course retaliating with tear gas so some people it depending on which area they are arent able to vote because they simply cant get to polling stations or they arent open or electoral material hasnt been delivered and election observers we understand as well theyre kind of scaling back on what theyre doing today so were not going to get to a point presumably where every election observer can say either this was free and fair or it wasnt i mean that there might not be a conclusive end point to this process of electioneering today. There certainly are a lot of circumstances to take into consideration given that the opposition had said that their supporters should a boycott to this election we did speak to president album back who is leading the African Union Observer Mission here in kenya and at that point he had said its too early to tell but he had also been visiting polling stations where there was certainly some activity but of course the election observers will have to take into account the difficulty some voters have experienced we know that many polling stations arent open and in voters arent able to cast their ballots also if you have six million voters potentially these are the voters who voted for the opposition raila odinga the Opposition Leader in the last election if they boycott in this election they certainly will be issues around legitimacy and there is also a concern even around supporters of the ruling party to believe if voters do come out in numbers because they were is a sense that they could be a level of apathy given that the results in this election would be a foregone conclusion given that kenyatta is the major contender the others on the ballot they are eighteen total but at least the six others only garnered about one percent of the support in the august election so they are a number of concerns that these electoral bodies these Observer Missions would look at when giving a final conclusion to the days events from either thanks very much catherine so it is in consumer in western kenya for us catherine how would you describe the atmosphere there today. Very tense indeed peter its been running battles here and condell in kisumu where we are police there have been firing tear gas at crowds of people right behind this truck trying to push them back but the protesters there have been retaliating using slings to throw stones at police this has been going on for a couple of hours people here saying we will not allow any voting to take place many roads in kisumu have been blocked using stones we had a problem navigating through some of this road blocks it was also very difficult peter trying to get a polling station valleys opened we tried several police stations this morning when we finally found one yes voting materials had just arrived but then there was nobody to vote in the last election in august we were told in that polling station there were many many people queues of people just waiting to cast their ballot but nothing was happening at the time and we spoke to the officials of the Electoral Commission there who said that their biggest concern and the biggest challenge really is getting of voting materials to the polling stations this area is called kisumu central there are one hundred in one thousand nine polling stations no materials have gotten to any of those polling stations another concern that was raised is the fact that the stuff of the Electoral Commission like clocks have not able have not been able to go to work it was just about four that we found told the situation is the same even now a lot of other stuff members are complaining and you know giving out their fears of you know the security challenges as well so very unlikely peter that theres going to be an election in this area doesnt sound as if anyone involved in this process catherine could really say they have full confidence in the election. They dont have an they dont have confidence at all there are about two million voters in this whole region and a lot of people were talking to really are saying that they will not recognize. When they will not recognize hes presidency as well they say they are fully behind who they fiercely who they fiercely are loyal to so thats what people have been telling us we also talked spoke to the governor of this area and he told us that if a regime thats what he called it a tries to impose its will on the people without the mandate of the people then the people have a right to rebel so these protesters here are saying that thats what theyre doing just showing their displeasure at what is happening today peter and then again Something Else about the election observers we have seen some of them in the hotels and things but we have not been able to see them in the polling station where you are or here again because of the security concerns Peter Catherine thanks very much. For the cremation ceremony of the late thai king from the palm has begun this is the main part of a five day Funeral Service the ceremony is led by his son rama the tenth the time on a dying just over a year ago after reigning for seventy years when he joins us now from bangkok wayne a lavish day of ceremony and ceremonial just explain to us whats going on. Well as you join us peter theres been a huge downpour come across the funeral site so that may well delay proceedings they were already quite a bit behind schedule but the main out with at least the first part of thursdays ceremony i came to an end sand that involved the king of the tenth as you mentioned how would you along for the only son of the late king to meet on leading a procession from the grand palace in bangkok to the purpose built funeral site which is just outside the gates of the grand palace and that procession was carrying the royal earn it was very much a ceremonial event because we believe that the body of the late king bumi pawn will be transferred to the purpose built prima tori and in that funeral site in a private ceremony so this procession carrying the royal urn really only traveled for about two and a half kilometers around that funeral site but it took several hours to complete that so the royal family other visiting dignitaries from around the world have now gone off for a break and about an hour and a half days when the first of the cremations is supposed to be held that is a symbolic for mation as is the norm for this funerals and then in about six hours from now were expecting the actual commission to take place but again because of this rain we may see further delays its a very big budget affair and youve got people like queens the fear of spain Prince Andrew from the u. K. Is there as well but the adulation that were hearing from toys it certainly does seem to be genuine and heartfelt. Yes and i think this is the end of an era there is no doubt thing going on as you mentioned rain for seventeen years he came to the furniture just eighteen years of age so for most thais an overwhelming number of times he is the only king they have ever lived done and during his reign there were many. Problems facing thailand there was the threat of communism the cold war there were countless domestic political upheavals military coups financial crises in threw it all out regardless of your view all the time on a key he was a constant he was there and he was someone that thais were able to fall back on to look up to as a father figure so of course there was a lot of grief there was a lot of sorrow on this day when he will be cremated but the result a little bit of uncertainty Going Forward for this country because his son king which year long corn is already the king he ascended the throne soon after his father died a year ago but he will not have the luxury of time to build the legacy really that his father did because he ascended the throne last year at the age of sixty four so a very different scenario so certainly a transitional period for this country as a whole when thank you. Lots more still to come here on aljazeera including the Brazilian Congress votes in the Corruption Case against the president michel thomas. Plus passing on the palm and a meeting to discuss madrids plans to take control of the region. Hello theres a good scattering of heavy showers daily showers now throughout malaysia and indonesia you get similar figures anywhere from singapore down to jakarta and there is a figure to play with seventy two minutes and twenty four hours thats about two thunderstorms were going to carry all next day or so as they should do maybe the concentrated res bit further north just touching cambodia or Southern Vietnam trying to get back into thailand but probably not succeeding bangkok looking drive the next couple of days as it is at the moment south of the equator and big changes again for melbourne theres certainly some big storms recently not far away from cities in New South Wales Hunter Valley reported big hail theyve gone eastwards now into the tasman sea the system taking them away just as circulation so showers on sure possibility around sydney up to twenty five in melbourne thirty in adelaide youll notice that wind comes out of the interior in opposition to a rather chilly in comparison seventeen in perth but last were down to nine hundred twenty as the wind direction changes on saturday and this cloud indicates the development which could see a few thunderstorms rolling through southern queensland all their way east was but otherwise its a quiet day in sydney twenty six slightly warmer in brisbane. One one whats the address of my mom. And you are changing color as america struggles to contain its must have a drug crisis four lines looks at the devastating impact its having on the children who are left to pick up the pieces of. Heroines children of this time on aljazeera. Theyre watching aljazeera in pieces over here in doha you headlines iraqi forces have launched an assault to recapture the last times held by i saw on iraqs western border with syria. And are among isis last strongholds in the country. Kenyas president a little kenyatta has cost his palace in a controversial Election Rerun but the votes being overshadowed by protests and Opposition Boycott the Supreme Court and on the first poll held in august two thousand irregularities. Will live in bangkok as the Commission Ceremony of the late thai king has begun its considered the main politic a five day Funeral Service is led by his son rama the tenth. The uns aid chief is visiting yemen to see for himself the worsening humanitarian crisis that this war torn country is facing severe Food Shortages and a cholera outbreak thats killed more than two thousand people in Victoria Gate and. The conflict in yemen has been going on for more than two and a half years the u. N. Says more than ten thousand yemenis have been killed and almost forty thousand. And injured since twenty fifteen eighty percent of the population is in need of humanitarian aid maybe is it paid for on the verge of famine. The worlds worst cholera epidemic. The fact she didnt have major problems with the basic Services Like water and Health Education a saudi Like Coalition of countries has been bombing the capital sanaa and other parts of yemen to try to restore the internationally recognized government ousted by heathy rebels human Rights Groups accuse both sides of committing atrocities millions are on the brink of famine and the economy has collapsed. People are struggling not only because of the siege and on paid salaries but because prices have increased in an insane way its causing a terrible amount of suffering. Analysts say the depreciation of the yemeni reale means basic goods are out of reach for many yemenis. The. War has caused yemens currency reserves to decrease and as halted oil and gas exports as well as donor support dollars in the market have dried up amid an increase in foreign currency demand yemen imports all of its goods this is led to a price increase. To add to the prices the color outbreak has killed more than two thousand people and infected more than a million the u. N. Is edging all sides to negotiate a political deal to bring the fighting to an end. The u. N. Secretary general has made his first visit to one of africas most troubled countries and turning good terrorists visit those displaced by the conflict in the Central African republic and paid tribute to u. N. Troops killed there nicholas haq has the latest now from bangor. Until you get terrorists met with victims of sexual abuse by peacekeepers behind closed doors late on wednesday night he told aljazeera that he will not tolerate any more abuse and all of these cases will be thoroughly investigated today hes meeting with the president with members of Political Parties religious leaders after of Civil Societies all of those he hopes will bring back peace to this country on this visit he said that the root of the conflict comes from politics and politicians fermenting hate speech and he says that the solution will also come from politicians and politics a newly elected government that was like to back in january is going to be spearheading efforts for peace and so theres a lot at stake with this new government but some criticize it because theres not enough representation of muslims in that government the u. N. Is backing the African Initiative a group of African Leaders that will come to Central African republic in november to try to speak to various rebel groups and factions to bring long lasting peace to this area but of course the government here needs to address grievances that have been lasting for decades notably among the Muslim Population that feels discriminated against there are a Million People most of the muslim that are displaced are living in neighboring countries for peace to come back they need to be allowed back to their homes and for the government to allow more dialogue between the christian and the muslims in this country. The parliament will meet today to discuss its response to madrids plans to remove the regions or ptolemy leader collis preacher will attend the meeting in barcelona on thursday politicians will discuss how to tackle the possibility that the Central Government will impose direct rule if article one five five is triggered on friday hes turned down an invitation to speak to senators in madrid more protests as well against the Spanish Government in barcelona from the Andrew Symonds no reports. This demonstration is of two groupings School Teachers and parents protesting at what they say are false allegations from the Spanish Government of indoctrination in the Education System here in terms of prose secession they say thats not the case many of them protesting are in fact against the session then theres another grouping which is the Defense Committee for the referendum and they are intending to march to parliament with their message the steam is rising here in the sense that there is more and more suggestion that there is now a path towards a declaration of secession from spain and in fact the real german care ass who is the Vice President of catalunya has in fact told Associated Press that quote there is no option now but to proclaim a new republic one of the big issues were seeing at the moment is the future of the Regional Police force because a lot of people fear that theyre going to be under pressure when article one five five goes into effect on friday brazils lower house of congress has voted to reject corruption charges against the president michel tema hes accused of taking bribes which he denies the lower house voted in thomas favor and decided he will not face trial in the Supreme Court on charges of criminal conspiracy and obstruction of justice. Has more from when osiris. President michel tamar has done it again he survived a vote in the lower house of congress which wanted to suspend them for up to one hundred eighty days so the Supremes Court could try him on corruption charges he did the same back in august by a similar vote although hes one of the most unpopular president s that brazil has ever seen with popular popularity ratings of around four percent he one managed to win enough support in that congress so that the opposition could not get the two thirds two thirds of votes necessary one congressperson at a time came to the microphone they were given fifteen seconds to speak before the microphone was cut off to say yes or no vote as to whether they supported it michelle tam or not he is accused of taking bribes by j. B. S. A massive meat packing for some of that conversation was recorded he all along has denied the charges he is part of a much larger criminal investigation known as lover shot or the car wash scandal which is implicated hundreds of politicians and Business People across brazil some of them serving time in prison some of them waiting to be tried some of them plea bargaining saying theyre going to name names but michel tema has a skate he will serve out the last fourteen months of his time in office he says to push through vital measures to boost brazils ailing economy to get it back on track but he has survived but he has a much that we can the president. The gap between rich and poor in the u. S. City of boston is one of the widest in america the wealthiest five percent make more than a quarter of a Million Dollars each every year was the lowest twenty percent well they earn less than fifteen thousand dollars gabriel is on his part two of our series on american inequality. The divisions between rich and poor in america nearly side by side in two neighborhoods in boston on a tree lined street homes for those with access to wealth nearby rundown Public Housing units for those without. But now the area is changing as developers tear down the old and replace it with luxury apartments to cater to more rich buyers moving in and with the development as this place man saw all these families that live here and work here are being displaced because they can no longer afford the rent. Like rita as an immigrant from mexico who is being pushed out by a landlord who has doubled her rent to nearly two thousand dollars a month. Were trying to be strong but also were upset because we dont have the money to pay the reality rita and people like her live with every day now part of new data mapping that shows the economic divide and how close together rich and poor live lets look at this neighborhood this dark blue Neighborhood Analytics company s three created a neighborhood by neighborhood breakdown of what he calls the will divide in america this is washington d. C. The darker the blue the wealthier the area the darker the orange the deeper the poverty and this is what the mapping showed in the area of boston where reader lives this neighborhood is called Jamaica Plain where the average Household Income is one hundred sixty nine thousand dollars a year more than three times the National Average making this neighborhood one of the more affluent in all of boston but just a few blocks away here in the forest hills neighborhood the story is much different here the household Median Income is only thirty four thousand dollars a year the hope is these maps prod people to think about inequality on a deeper level and maybe bring about change is the american dream. Buyable it sure it sure should be it must be and how can we how can we make sure that it is viable not just for those of us who are privileged and wealthy but but that those opportunities are open to everybody a new way to identify the economic gaps in society the harder part is how to close them gabriel zandu. Boston. This is al jazeera these are the top stories the iraqi forces have launched an assault to recapture. From eisel the towns on iraqs western border with syria are two of the armed groups last strongholds in the country leaflets were dropped over the area on weapons day warning of the operation. Fighting has stopped within Kurdish Peshmerga and iraqi forces in Northern Iraq sporadic fighting began in invade province on thursday but its since halted there has been tension since the kurdish session referendum last month the issue was discussed during iraqi Prime Minister haidar about his trip to iran both countries have big kurdish populations and oppose any secession bid the kurdish government offered to suspend the result of the vote but a body says hell only accept a full cancellation if were getting reports out of indonesia that at least twenty three people have been killed pardon me in an explosion at a fireworks factory. The incident happened at an Industrial Complex in the city of town arriving just twenty five kilometers west of the capital jakarta a local official says all the victims were factory workers of course is being investigated. At least four people have been killed in a train crash in southern finland the train collided with an army truck during a military exercise near the town of rosberg three of the dead are reported to be soldiers the fourth a passenger was on board the train eight people are being looked after in hospital the kenyan president or a kenyatta has cast his ballot in the controversial Election Rerun. But the votes being overshadowed by protests and an Opposition Boycott the Supreme Court an old the first pole held in august because of irregularities the ceremony of the late thai king kong has now begun its the main part of a five day Funeral Service the Catalan Parliament will meet today to discuss its response to madrids plans to take control of the region politicians will discuss how to tackle the possibility that the Central Government will impose direct rule on friday those are your headlines the news continues with the news hour after faultlines here on out of syria also he said. It was an audacious bid to capture a city in the southern philippines and turn it into a province of myself. With rai left the smoking room is asia the new battlefront twenty one east investigates at this time on aljazeera. Are one

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