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This is zero. Hello there im dealing with donald this is the news hour live from london coming up in the next sixty minutes u. N. Chief antonio get terrace arrives in conflict torn Central African republic he wants more peacekeepers on the ground the uns legacy there is tainted by scandal. Sending a message to washington and says its withdrawing military aid from me and maher over its treatment of range of muslims plus. Cheating pings political fallout is in shrine chinas constitution cementing his status as one of the most powerful leaders in the countrys history. In sports town and police are investigating anti semitic behavior by lets see our friends called officials have visited at romes main synagogue to apologize off to france to face their own stadium with anti semitic slogans. A fair warm welcome to the news hour the u. N. Secretary general has touched down in Central African republic his first visit there since he took office in january and tonio good sarah says the trip is to draw attention to violence there which he says is so often ignored by the worlds media in august the un warned that violent clashes in the country could soon become genocide lets go live to Nicholas Hong who is in the capital hi there nicholas so the u. N. Secretary general wants to see more boots on the ground. Thats right he wants nine hundred additional troops here in Central African republic last week he said that this country was on the verge of ethnic cleansing were talking about christians attacking muslims here and so next month in november the un mandates budget will be up for renewal many countries are looking to slash peacekeeping budgets notably the United States that would be detrimental to say the least for a country like Central African republic who is totally dependent on the United Nations both for its security and for the humanitarian aspect for members of the half of this country depend on humanitarian aid mostly done through the United Nations but theres also the security aspect which is a huge challenge because the situation has deteriorated since the french who came in in two thousand and thirteen to stabilize the country left late in two thousand and sixteen so in the last few months the situation has gotten worse and thats why one of the u. N. Humanitarian humanitarian chief warned that we could be on the verge of a genocide so good terrorists once more troops on the ground well human rights organizations accuse some of these peacekeeping troops of violating their mandate to protect people from abuse in fact theyre saying that some u. N. Peacekeepers in Central African republic are responsible for the rapes and sexual abuse of Young Children this as well as the french troops that were here i met some of the victims earlier today take a look at this report. It was thirteen years old when her family took refuge by a French Military camp to escape the violence in her neighborhood. One of the soldiers to ask her to fetch some water inside the tent thinking she was safe she did as he asked to playing soldiers grabbed me they forced themselves inside of me i screamed they strangled me and covered my mouth when they were done they let me go human rights organizations believe several children both boys and girls were raped by french soldiers who were there to protect them some were forced to have sex with dogs and even took pictures of the act friends opened an investigation but prosecutors dropped the cases saying there was not enough evidence to charge the soldiers involved the french troops left in late two thousand and sixty since the violence and the displacement of people has intensified its left to the United Nations peacekeepers alone to bring back stability to this country with one mandate protecting the civilian population. But a un investigation revealed that some peacekeepers in Central African republic are violating their mandate and sexually abusing girls daniela not her real name says she was gang raped by three congolese peacekeepers in june. You know something i dont feel good i feel guilty im scared to talk about it i dont trust them anymore. Human Rights Groups fear there are many cases of sexual abuse by soldiers that go unreported the new secretary general says he has zero tolerance for abuse the u. N. Is investigating cases and putting measures in place to prevent this from happening again but so far no one has been arrested or charged if countries old denies ations that claim to defend human rights and rights of women on able to bring justice the miss will bring irreversible damage and may break the trust people have in these organizations. There is some comfort from todays from her father its not your fault youre not to blame he says we love you some day we will get justice. Both. Daniella were too scared to go to the authorities to ask to to lodge a complaint to the Police Station in fact there is no Justice System functioning in the country remember there are parts of this country that are in the hands of rebels parts of the country that are the size of a country like austria so its impossible for the government the authorities to actually process they dont have the means to prices process kate cases of sexual abuse now some of the lawyers that i met that are supporting these Young Children and their families were absolutely baffled by the way that the french prosecutors handled the case of sexual abuse of children of Central African republic three investigators three elderly men met with these Young Children young girls they lost himself in their rooms interrogated her in the company of a translator they didnt have access to a lawyer during these interrogation and so for many lawyers here theyre absolutely astonished that such an investigation would take place in such a manner one of them saying that if it was a french child attacked sexually abused by five african soldiers in paris how would the world react how would the International Community and what kind of justice would would there be played out there is clearly according to this lawyer a double standard when it comes to sexual abuse when it happens here in Central African republic as for the United Nations theyve really stepped up to the plate theyve put all sorts of measures into place to try to to try to to mitigate this issue of sexual abuse and to neutralize says he has zero tolerance for such abuse hes done we did it jane connor human rights lawyer to investigate all cases of sexual abuse with a man the u. N. Peacekeeping peacekeeping force not just in Central African republic. Also elsewhere where u. N. Peacekeepers are operating so this is something thats really important to him and thats why hes come here to really tackle this issue in this is something that hell talk about later in this visit scheer in Central African republic but yet still no charges have been made against any peacekeepers accused of abusing Young Children nicholas on their lives from bangay nicholas thank you will Central African republic holds the record for International Interventions on its soil besides the un the e. U. The African Union regional african organizations and france have all taken part in military interventions there the most recent violence erupted in two thousand and thirteen thats when president francois bosy was overthrown by the main news them select the rebels that triggered the bloodiest fighting in the countrys history between selec and the mainly christian anti belloc are now the unrest says driven about six hundred thousand people from their homes most of them living in camps for internally displaced people another half a million have fled the country altogether half of the population that surround two point four Million People are in need of aid and getting that aid is difficult the u. N. Says the humanitarian response is underfunded they need almost five hundred Million Dollars but only have one hundred and sixty eight million thats a shortfall of three hundred and eighty two Million Dollars well louisa long bond is an assistant professor of anthropology at Yale University and the author of state of rebellion violence and intervention in the Central African republic she joins me live from new haven in the u. S. State of connecticut and louisa a very warm welcome to the program good to have your company can a visit from somebody like antonio good terrorist does it have the potential to make a difference right now. So one of the things that a visit from Antonio Gutierrez can do is draw attention to the Central African republic and as youve spoken about violence in the country is at a very high level weve seen higher levels of violence in two thousand and seventeen than we have at any point since two thousand and thirteen and humanitarian need is quite dire and underfunded at this point however fundamentally what the Central African republic needs right now is not Attention International attention in and of itself what Central Africans need are leaders who stop about who dont just talk about peace but who actually take steps to make peace and do peace to turn it into to effective. Actions and policies so these it the government in. Believe controls thirty percent of the nation and then weve got this succession of all the groups in the other seventy percent of the country so i would then can they enact successful governance with that sort of balance happening well im not sure that they can and thats part of the reason why we need to have a credible Peace Process its been underway for some time but hasnt been moving forward very quickly we do have a situation where the government controls very little other than the just the capital city and the area around the capital and armed groups including new armed groups have been forming throughout the last few years that situation is not something that we can pretend will just go away on its own its something that needs to be made a concerted effort a Peace Process and the reason why did the violence continue after the ceasefire why didnt things improve them. Well the seeds of the ceasefire didnt really do anything to change this fundamental situation of a government thats based in the capital and a territory that is controlled almost entirely by armed groups armed groups that have lots of squabbles and arguments among each other and that are constantly splintering and joining alliances and you know are very unstable in those kinds of ways so you know there was i think one of the reasons why some of the armed groups signed the peace fire with cease fire was that they thought that there would be some kind of inclusion or largess that would be coming to them and they feel like they have not received any of that and so in addition to the squabbles among the different armed groups then that has meant that weve seen these increases in violence and not of sticking to the ceasefire louies it does the u. N. Still have a part to play here all of this the terrace is talking about yet more boots on the ground but the reality is and all the see we heard this from my colleague nicholas have that there are parts of the u. N. Not trusted by the local population anymore because of the allegations of misconduct so what can they successfully play i wonder. So i would just add to that that there are a lot of reasons why Central Africans mistrust the u. N. Mission in their midst and there have been a lot of credibility problems around this u. N. Mission however i think the situation would be quite a lot worse if that u. N. Mission was not present and the u. N. Mission certainly has a role to play is playing a very Important Role its just that the u. N. Cannot substitute for a political vision for how to make peace in this country which has to be which is something that Central African leaders both government leaders and armed Group Leaders really need to be taking the lead on and so far have not been doing hes alone but assistant professor of anthropology at Yale University louisa thank you. The u. S. Says its considering sanctions against me in mars top military officials over there targeting a range of muslims washington also says its withdrawing military aid from me and more army units officers involved in the violence and wont allow Senior Security officials to attend u. S. Sponsored events the un security man was army of ethnic cleansing the military denies the claims will mean more and bangladesh have agreed to Work Together to repatch treat hundreds of thousands of ranger who fled violence in mean mars Northern Rock kind stayed within six hundred thousand where he have crossed into bangladesh in the last two months alone but his florence who reports from yangon is very little detail about how exactly those repatriations will take place. The end of one journey but the start of another struggle hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Refugees have been making their way to bangladesh since the Myanmar Military launched a brutal crackdown in august the rohingya say they had no choice but to leave. We left our homeland because the people in rakhine were killing us they shot at us they took out hassle and burnt our houses so we have come here theyre safe here but life in bangladesh is difficult the camps are overflowing people here are entirely dependent on eight the country and humanitarian agencies are feeling the strain bangladesh and myanmar have now taken the First Step Towards repatterning recent arrivals theyve signed a memorandum of understanding but theres very little detail about how the process of returning rohingya to me and ma will take place myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi in an address to the nation last month said myanmar was ready to start a very for cation process following the same principles as the nine hundred ninety three agreement with bangladesh under that deal could return if they could prove their residency and had National Identity cards or other relevant documents issued by the authorities but the Myanmar Military still a very powerful institution here said in a statement that the verification process would also have to be in accordance with the nineteen eighties citizenship law a law thats been used to deny citizenship to the arabia. But after what theyve lived through and many refugees have been given consistent accounts of murder and rape at the hands of Myanmar Military and buddhist mobs many were would choose not to return to a country that seems intent on keeping them out florence. Yangon well theres much more to come here on the aljazeera news hour. Pakistan insists that its committed to the war on terror as the u. S. Secretary of state touches time in islamabad. No place to go all the migrants forced to sleep in the rough one year after the closure of one of europes largest refugee camps. And in sport well tell you about a place where baseball is flourishing away from its traditional home. A u. S. Republican senator has taken aim at president gone on american t. V. Tennessee senator bob corker unleashed his attack against the president on choose the labeling him quote a bully who is quote utterly untruthful and accusing him of purposely damaging the standing of the u. S. On a global scale lets go live to kimberly how could the white house hi there kimberly these have been some extraordinary exchanges havent they between both corker and the president whats happened. Extraordinary exchanges in advance of a very important meeting with the president going face to face with the man who has been trading these tit for tat barbs back and forth with the president bob corker were watching right now for them to emerge from that port policy meeting on capitol hill but youre right it was the spot that preceded that meeting that really has dominated the News Headlines here in the United States now donald trump certainly has taken swipes as bob corker before this isnt something he woke up and decided to do this morning but he did make the rounds corker on television here in the United States this morning not really holding back on his criticisms of the president s conduct and the reason all of this matters is that the president is looking for a legislative victory right now he hasnt succeeded on passing repealing and replacing obamacare he hasnt got funding for his wall he needs tax reform thats what this policy meeting is about but instead it devolves into sort of a personal attack as you point out with the with the Top Republican that the president needs to get any sort of legislation passed criticizing the president s conduct and behavior i think people look i think there were many people i was one of those that hope that you know he would rise to the occasion as president and you know spiral. To lead our nation instead of dividing it and you know its obvious his his political model and governing model is to divide. And he is not risen occasion and not can be republicans are normally keen on cutting taxes arent they so why has it gone so wrong this time. Well its gone wrong because the president is particularly thin skinned this is something that we know and he didnt like seeing senator bob corker going on there criticizing him and anyways thats why the president responded on social media accusing bob corker of saying he couldnt get elected without term support in fact he could even be elected dog catcher i think there were five tweets in the span of about two hours youre right tax reform should be controversial even some democrats believe theres a need for tax reform given the fact that it hasnt been done in more than a generation some of the tax cuts that are being promised are some of the most sweeping in eighty years but again what we often see is these policy discussions now sort of really being eroded into kind of nastiness on both sides the difference this time is that its happening within the Republican Party with those that the president needs very much on board to pass any legislation especially when he has not yet had a legislative victory ten months into his presidency kimberly how could there live from the white house kimberly thank you well u. S. Secretary of state makes tellus a whirlwind trip of south asia has continued with a stop in pakistan it was his First Official visit to the country to meet the new Prime Minister to listen says a stable pakistan is good for the entire region and tasha can name has more of what the trumpet ministration is hoping for. In south asia all roads lead back to afghanistan for the United States as it tries to find a way to end its longest war to underscore that fact u. S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson made a surprise stop in afghanistan to meet with the president before traveling to pakistan and this whole strategy this is a conditions based approach and so our relationship with pakistan will also be conditions based it will be based upon whether they take action that we feel is necessary to move the process forward of both creating an opportunity for reconciliation and peace in afghanistan but also assuring a stable future pakistan. The u. S. And pakistan are allies but the relationship has long been complicated the u. S. Says pakistan is creating safe havens for the taliban which is made significant gains in afghanistan pakistan denies that and says when the u. S. Has provided intelligence its acted this month the relations between the two countries were boosted after pakistan acted on u. S. Intelligence to rescue a canadian American Family held hostage by the taliban linked conny network for five years us then. They have agreed to that it made engage in the future as it were the typical operation and lead to understanding each of this concerns tillerson arrived in pakistan as its adjusting to a new political order Prime Minister Shahid Khan Abbassi was elected in august after a Corruption Scandal ousted his predecessor the Trump Administration is hoping with the recent spirit of cooperation it can look to pakistan as a reliable partner in the future natasha going to aim does iraq. The chinese president s name and ideology have been added to the constitution cementing his status as one of the most powerful leaders in decades the announcement was made on the final day of the communist Party Conference the vote to establish cheese thoughts on socialism was one of the countrys Guiding Principles means that any move to challenge him will now be seen as a threat to communist party rule she has steadily increased his grip on power since becoming leader in two thousand and twelve Andrew Thomas has more now from beijing. After their weeklong congress these are the members of the communist party pouring out of the great hall of the people behind me getting on the buses and to go back and spread the message oh i have a china what is that message thats come out of this congress well first and foremost that president xi is an absolute control of his party but only his name going to be in shrine into the communist partys constitution that was confirmed on tuesday his soul will be part of the house hes also Standards Authority on the personnel in the heart and there was a seventy percent turnover in the membership of the Central Committee of the communist party with one hundred members of that the overwhelming majority of the new appointees officially elected appointed as they are the supporters on wednesday will find out the membership will be all important. And the seven Member Standing Committee of the politburo again we can expect to see the supporters dominate that so the next five years will be absolutely hes hes new era as he thinks the specifics well this congress was very light on what that its but this will be shes a hero so an important time perhaps to take stock look at where she has come from particularly with the religious right that he says turned him into the man he is today. When shes paying waved in liang jai ho in the early one nine hundred seventy s. It was a rural village where people lived in caves and in poverty now people riding on electric shuttle buses most villagers have left their home turned into an open air Tribute Museum honoring the man whos now president. Some very young tell a sanitized version of the she story what he learned here what he did here and how loved he was visitors see the bed in which those flea infested she is said to have slept they hear how he built downers and duct welds most groups are brought here by communist Party Workers and photographed in front of shes wise words. Sheeting ping was born the son of a Senior Communist Party member in beijing but in one thousand nine hundred nine his father fell out of favor the family was banished by chairman mao during the cultural revolution at fifteen she was sent to remotely young john her he spent seven years farming in fertile land living and working alongside some of the poorest people in china they were his formative years she became a leader of the local branch of the communist party hed go on to more senior roles all over china until becoming president five years ago she never forgot her returning for a visit to years ago the village has become an important part of who he is the president with the common touch i surveyed had done happy and excited this is where uncle she started his long march all his hard work began here the official she story one of hard work honestly innovation and empathy means the president sounds authentic when he demands those qualities of Party Members and of the chinese at large this is essential thing park extension of the shooting ping brand what these people have come to see for themselves is the setting for a story that hundreds of millions of Chinese People are reading about daily in state media and learning about in schools. At the entrance to the enjoy her workers are expanding the car park and building a grant ticket whole two and a half thousand people already visit every day but a lot more expected for many years to come after thomas aljazeera liang jaya her central china. The hong kong democracy activist joshua wall has vowed to continue his struggle against what hes calling authoritarian rule from china while minutes federal campaign and nathan long been granted bail while they appeal against their sentences for inciting Illegal Assembly and twenty fourteen they took part in a demonstration which helped spark hong kongs prodemocracy movement theyre watching the news hour here on aljazeera still ahead the sicilian beaches that were once a paradise but and i remind us of the perils migrants face in the mediterranean. Strengthening ties the french president holds egypts leader Abdel Fattah Elsisi in paris human Rights Groups are not impressed. And in sport a doping scandal escalates of the worlds most famous dog sled race all that and more when we come back. Hello there were seeing some very heavy rain over parts of turkey at the moment you can see why on the satellite picture weve got this huge area of cloud is gradually trying to edge its way eastwards as it works its way eastwards though it is beginning to break up so for turkey then thats where were seeing the wettest of the weather during the day on wednesday but as it tries to work its way eastwards it is breaking up so for beirut there doesnt look like theres going to be anywhere whether were told in fact well see a couple of showers around the coast of egypt and a few more around the coast of turkey there for thursday but elsewhere does look more or less dry towards the east fine unsettled them for many of us here are marty struggling to get to ten degrees as a maximum but for terror on will be getting to around twenty six a bit further towards the south and here in doha the temperatures are gradually easing but it is a slow process so were looking at a maximum of around thirty three or thirty four as we head through the next few days so in the southern parts of oman theres a little bit more in the way of cloud and that could give us one or two showers around the lala as we head through wednesday and into thursday down towards the southern parts of africa more wet weather here you can see it on the satellite picture stretching for mungo low down through namibia and were seeing a couple of showers around botswana and then that works its way into the eastern parts of south africa more showers are expected here as we head through wednesday. With. Whats the address of my mom. Who are. Changing girl as america struggles to contain its rust of a drug crisis four lines looks at the devastating impact its having on the children left to pick up the pace of. Heroines children of this time on aljazeera. Aljazeera. Where ever you are. Our mind of our top stories here on aljazeera the United Nations secretary general antonio good tell us has arrived in Central African rugby republic for a four day visit and wants nine hundred more peacekeepers deployed to the country to help ease the violence there. The u. S. Says its considering sanctions against me in march top military officials over there targeting of the hinge of muslims washingtons already announced its withdrawing military aid. In china pings name and ideology have been added to the constitution cementing his status as one of the countrys most powerful beaches in decades. Well its been a year since the socalled jungle camp in the northern french town of kalak was dismantled forcing out refugees and migrants who set up makeshift homes there but far from ending the problem many have simply moved to a new location so they can continue attempts to reach the u. K. It is in the times of we storm where residents are divided in opinion over their new neighbors. An Early Morning ferry prepares to sail from the northern french port of to england its a popular link across the channel but recently its become a new route for some refugees to reach britain they try to climb on to trucks that are boarding at least ninety refugees mainly from sudan have arrived here in the past few months and then numbers are growing you know with a kid you know its only like what if it takes one year or ten to get to the u. K. We wont give up our dream of a lot of people finally we sam is a small fishing town it was etched into history on d. Day when allied forces landed to liberate france in one thousand nine hundred forty four today its facing a different struggle the mayor says many residents feel unsafe some local people are a fig thinking of not being in security and im also thats the tricky question for us to deal with the migrants problem here in the city the refugees sleep outside often in fields or woods this is where about thirty refugees sleep each night you can see some of their possessions on the ground his sleeping bags and clothes and there really is nothing here its just a clearing in the forest and what some of them tell us is that the police come in the morning and tell them to move on good of all the police do is chase them from one street to another they chase them from the woods or from the port people dont want to see them walking in the streets but all human beings have a right to walk in the street. The article. With winter approaching the hot food prepared by these volunteers as often they were in email adam who didnt want to show his face says hes a farmer who fled darfur two years ago that was the wars the government killers and our family are now the honestly. The only indulged in darfur up to here is so hard i dont know we dont know whats going on there if you what the england is really like us or the middle east we dont know. But opinion is divided in the town these residents say they dont want the refugees on their doorstep its pretty pathetic we cant go out now the shops are closed tourism will stop our house prices will go down we arent safe from the cali region look what happened. No one here knows how many refugees managed to cross to the u. K. But with cali now a heavily policed fortress new frontlines such as this port of forming in northern france natasha bottler al jazeera. Lets cross to county now and speak to have or less legal coordinator for help refugees which began in response to the migration crisis in europe and other warm welcome to the program so we saw a little bit there in an my colleague natashas piece but how are people coping on the ground and just how many people are we talking about. Right now there around seven to eight hundred refugees and how they and around five to six hundred refugees and. There are even more in paris in another small camps as well however since the demolition of the camp one year ago the infamous jungle the people who are here at the moment have absolutely no former shelter and the aid organizations like help refugees cannot provide any tents for fear of targeting people even more and fourth fear of us being seen as enabling our differentials ortiz call it extension point and does that mean then that what are the french government hoping will happen here and of course the u. K. Government do because they no doubt have a responsibility. The french authorities have said repeatedly they dont want to recreate the possibility of another jungle again which is perfectly understandable however it just leaves people completely exposed to the elements of the hundreds of refugees in cali at the moment here there are around one hundred unaccompanied minors and the youngest of them is only nine years old so children as young as nine are on their own hiding in the woods and sleeping on the ground there we still have a situation where some of those people i dont know if the children that you are speaking about do have relatives in the u. K. I know that that was the case before is that still the case now its still very much the case now and its not just family reunification under the dublin three procedure but its also the dubs amendment which is not being respected in any way the government declared a total capacity of four hundred eighty places and only two hundred children have been transferred so far that leaves almost three hundred places unfilled and no one is here to actually identify assess and safely transfer children out of northern france and into the team before the freezing winter comes to people have any parts protection from the people smugglers and economic guessing that people are still being targeted to try to get to the u. K. Absolutely were seeing quite exploitative methods being used to convince people to keep going to the u. K. Those who dont have family necessarily there are still under the influence of these exploitative individuals and even in case of potential trafficking there isnt anyone to speak to in the region if we see any potential signs and even not any kind of you game bowmen when it comes down to trafficking years its really really scary panic after leskie there joining me from cali atika thank you. A two Day Conference is underway in sicily focusing on whats been described as the worlds deadliest migrant crossing the organization for security and cooperation in europe says despite the risks people are still making the dangerous journey across the mediterranean to get to europe where there are hundred forty seven thousand people are thought to have crossed so far this year. The migrant crisis has transformed parts of sicily some areas on the italian island are now a reminder of the risks that people face trying to reach europe or the abdelhamid reports the landscape of some of sicilys most secluded beaches is changing since the middle of the summer there are more and more abandoned boats coming from across the mediterranean but. There is an environmentalist who now spends his time documenting their arrivals of these migrant boats. Which ninety nine percent of the boats arrive from to new zealand those on board are mainly north africans so they are economic migrants who have no chance of getting residency thats why they arrive in this way that it want to be recognised we know little about them and they have total freedom here. Eighty boats are now stranded here including this one that could have never made it across the sea alone authorities suspect a larger mother ship somewhere at sea this patching migrants in smaller numbers people here call these then goes both it takes twenty four hours from the minute they leave tunisia to when theyre arriving here in sicily and during that time these boats go completely undetected the minute theyre arriving on shore the people on board this person as quickly as possible and nobody knows how many they are who they are where they come from or where theyre going to. This is the usual pattern running along the beach towards the hills and from there onward to the mainland all this trying to evade Security Forces but with little or no control there is concern that i still could be using this route to infiltrate europe i think its. Quite possible that these fighters will go somewhere either they will go home or they will go elsewhere i think we better be attentive Law Enforcement agents will have to cope with this specific challenge and that. Security is also a concern for people like capello who lives near to beach and often sees groups of migrant walk by her own and most of it its very worrying there are more and more people should be doing background checks to identify them the revival of the in route came after italy and libya reach an agreement to stem departures from the libyan coast underlying the challenge for europe to face smugglers who continuously adapt to new realities on the ground but of the sicily. Egypts president has met his french counterpart in paris where the two have pledged to strengthen economic and military ties Abdel Fattah Elsisi and a man well back home also discussed escalating violence in libya as well as security in the middle east and meetings been heavily criticized by activist groups with protests being held David Chaytor is in paris. Present a manual macro and did make it clear to the press conference after the long lunch with adoption counterpart that he thought human rights must be protected that the fight against terrorism and the the idea to protect security inside egypt and beyond egypt had to be fought within a framework of law protecting things like the operation of nongovernmental organizations protecting Civic Society and making sure that human rights who were suspected and he thought that the egyptian president should lead his country on the path of this fight against terrorism within the framework of those laws and those rights but the egyptian president himself i responded by saying that his main concern was to fight what he called the proliferation of terrorism within his country he also denied that there was a an epidemic of torture by his Security Forces which was plainly said within the reports of the Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International at a press conference only yesterday who turned his back on the idea that there were severe abuses of human rights and he said that also human rights and egypts also included things like having a right to education having the right to housing having the right to a job so he he turned his back slightly on what present a man your market was saying and it seemed to be saying that the situation within egypt is not as bad as the human rights organizations were saying so theyve signed a corp Agreement Alliance between france and egypt scenes as strong as ever it must be remember of course egypt is the number one customer for france and its military industrial complex. Aljazeera is demanding the release of its journalists not what hussein has been in prison in egypt now for more than three hundred days hes accused of broadcasting false news to spread chaos which he and al jazeera strongly deny that has for peaceably complained of mistreatment in jail he was arrested in december was visiting his family. Still ahead on the aljazeera news hour. Its a bull run for u. S. Stocks but how long can a bestest enjoy the right. Bring music to the masses the american orchestra thats hitting all the right notes and the olympic flame has been lit ahead of next years winter games in. Detail in sports. Wall streets jones industrial average has opened and a record high hundred fifty one points at the start of trading the u. S. Stock market is breaking records on a daily basis with stock prices more than tripling since two thousand and nine and investors and i wondering how much longer it will last down to zero as chris as let me takes a look. With a Nuclear Armed north korea making threats International Trade deals on hold and revolving door for white house staff u. S. Politics have been anything but predictable under the trumpet ministration. Nevertheless stock prices have been steadily climbing recently passing twenty three thousand for the first time defying conventional wisdom that the market craves stability. Since President Donald Trump selection the Dow Jones Industrial average has shot up twenty six percent and shows little sign of slowing there are some signs of some cracks in some of the most a billion of forecasts but generally still looks like we have further run particularly because markets are a little bit fixated on what so far has been a strong earnings season and so a positive notes about possible tax reduction the market also continues to benefit from low Interest Rates and a policy of quantitative easing that started under president barack obama seven years ago starting the market on its current upward climb but if history is any guide this child wont last forever. And whether its the stock market selloff that led to the Great Depression in one nine hundred twenty nine. Or black monday in one. Hundred eighty seven the superstitious point out that the greatest market drops have taken place in october some warn that safeguards meant to stop such slides not kept pace with modern technology. Do i think that Something Like that can happen again i mean anythings possible i think that with the advent of Computer Technology and the speed at which that technology is transfer on the market i think its very possible i think it would be a very quick move for now however with the possibility of tax cuts on the horizon the market continues to skyrocket vester is hold on tight for the ride christian salumi aljazeera new york so i truly experiencing the work of musics grand maestros like mozart bach and wagner usually involves a trip to massive concert halls and sixty four piece orchestra is roxanne for some but for many it doesnt quite hit the right notes in the us a minimalist orchestra wants to change that explains. The flowing musical composition emanating from an orchestra but here theyre taking Classical Music out of the concert halls to reach new audiences theyre called pegasus and they play all the classics but differently instead of dozens of musicians in a Philharmonic Orchestra on this night they play with only six instead of long performances in front of a crowd in formal attire they play for only an hour in a more casual setting. The foundering composer of the group made his debut at Carnegie Hall when he was seventeen but now is trying to make music written hundreds of years ago relevant today. Classical music i feel like its you know really is timeless so if its presented the right way it should be able to risk just about anyone no matter of their age their their ethnicity their background you know if they dont need to have education they just need to be exposed to. Its not only how they play thats different its where they play as well far away from their traditional venues for Classical Music instead here at a place called the mana contemporary it used to be an industrial warehouse its been converted into a modern space for music art and culture. All of the musicians are accomplished in their own right and have played in famous menus in front of big crowds but most like japanese violinist aiko kano say they light

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