Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20171023

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We cannot force talks upon people who are not ready to talk stalemate in the gulf high level meetings on the diplomatic rift with appear to go no way. Live from doha coming up a victory. At the japanese need to reform this countrys pacifist constitution. An exclusive look inside central come on the desert air base and some called the most important military facility in the world plus. When we aggravate i just saw that it was a vampire dozens are charged with murder in malawi after a mob stoned to death people they believe a vampire. Welcome to the program despite hopes of a breakthrough it seems the gulf crisis that seen living under a blockade for nearly five months would drag on u. S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson is in the region but says the Saudi Arabian led bloc is not ready to talk but after meeting. He called an old sides to deescalate tensions but said the u. S. Couldnt force any discussions lets listen through from saudi arabia where he met king solomon but there were no indications of progress he also held talks there with iraqi Prime Minister says he wants to counter iranian influence in iraq to go hang reports from doha. He talked tough on his way over blaming the Saudi Led Coalition for the impasse in the region the tough talk stopped meetings with the crown Prince Mohammed bin samana asked him to please engage the police and gauge and dialogue. Theres not a strong indication that parties are ready to talk yet. And so we cannot force talks on people who are not ready to talk. Still u. S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson took great pains to compliment the qatari significant progress has been made in a number of important efforts in our counterterrorism joint efforts including sharing of terrorist. List terrorist financing weve participated in a number of counterterrorism technical sessions and training and significant steps have been taken to it hence a v. A. Should security he didnt criticize the blockading countries not even after the saudis seem to publicly slight him by sending the deputy minister of protocol to the airport for his part the Qatari Foreign minister is clearly frustrated by the behavior of the four blockading countries. I also feel sorry to say that they are not ready to face this issue and to tackle with dialogue the reasons for this crisis these countries have resorted to undergo a magic methods that have nothing to do with modern diplomatic channels and this is no good secretary tell us and isnt leaving the region and he is expected to do one more press conference this time on his own here in doha so that means he has one more chance however unlikely to try and put some public pressure on the blockading countries to try to resolve this crisis as it begins to enter its fifth month. Aljazeera. Or jonathan crystal is a fellow with the World Policy Institute he says the u. S. Could do more to push the situation forward. The u. S. Certainly has leverage and tillerson claim that all we can really do is ask and cant force people together its sort of laughable now there might be contexts in which thats true but in this case the u. S. Has a lot of leverage over saudi arabia in terms of arms sales that havent gone through yet that are sort of on board theyre certainly much more diplomatic pressure theres financial pressure but that really has to come from the top or from a sort of unified administration speaking with one voice and if the saudis think they can go around telling us and directly to the president and theyre probably right about that then why should they actually listen to him why should they agree to talks when they think that they can wait out the clock you know u. S. Defense secretary james mattis is in the philippines where hes due to meet defense ministers from Southeast Asia Security Issues on north Koreas Nuclear and missile threats on the agenda to minimum job and has more from money lead. The meeting of defense ministers north of manila is expected to last for two days according to Security Experts the role of president of the go to terror to as chairman of asio and this year is seen to be critical according to u. S. Defense secretary jim mathis they are also here to prepare for the upcoming visit of President Donald Trump and the fit to the philippines in november he also congratulated the Philippine Military for its efforts in fighting pro iso groups in mindanao just last week the Philippine Government declared malawi city in the southern philippines liberated from a pro iso group called the mao day after more than five months of incessant fighting there are still other pro eisel fronts be faced now by the Philippine Military in partnership with another rebel group called the more islamic liberation front it puts and underscores the importance of this Peace Process with the biggest armed group in Southeast Asia but what is most likely expected to dominate discussions here is the north korean issue the Us Government is trying to rally and prepare for trilateral talks with japan and south korea to try to find a way to put a more united front when it comes to the issue of north korea and what also what many see here as a possibility of these three countries preparing for a conflict japans Prime Minister shinzo lobby has secured a big win in sundays election his Ruling Coalition is one three hundred twelve seats and that easily gives him a majority in the four hundred sixty five Seat Parliament to push through his agenda hopes to change the constitution and develop a fully fledged dami japans constitution limits the military to being a selfdefense force of his defeat in the Second World War several clock has more now from tokyo. A resigning between the two thirds majority which has been titled the super majority in both the upper and lower house three hundred twelve of the four hundred sixty five seats that were up for grabs and and as you can see that the local papers theyre reflecting this two thirds again we have on this headline this one one two thirds are by to continue so i spoke to the media last night he said you were flipped on these results with humility voters went to the site i have to say i mean looking at the way he campaigned he used north career is as a key part of his at the campaign foundations we had a very disorganized opposition parties we had the lights of the party of hope to need new Political Parties which were launched in the last month the party of hope was launched by the very popular tokyo governor eureka. Many had hoped she would pose a threat to its majority this didnt come through and she lost that she admitted complete defeat she said she had regretted many of the Campaign Strategies there was a surprise looking at one particular party which has become the Main Opposition Party this is a Constitutional Democratic Party led by you yukio edano he was the face of the fukushima. Nuclear disaster a few years back and he went on to lead this party this partys offering completely different policies to what is offering so a couple of surprises in the the final results which have come through overnight but a resoundingly robust victory for the likes of sheens are by and the liberal Democratic Party partial results in argentinas midterm elections suggest gains for president but its your macros coalition hes looking to extend control of the Congress Wants a mandate to overhaul the economy winds in key districts could give his coalition its first legislative majority since he took office in twenty fifteen general surely has more from when his arms. So with most of the votes now counted in the midterm elections it does look as though the governing can be a most coalition has won substantial victories and in victories in provinces they hadnt expected to do that well in the most important provinces populous places like mindy also called the sound of a of course in one of cyrus in the capital one osiris where there can be has won more than fifty percent of the vote the other parties the opposition parties will be scrutinizing the results in the next few days none more so than the former president cristina fernandez. She finished in second place in the race for senate seat representing the one osiris province the most populous province in the country she will say some kind of victory but she finished second place behind the can be a more candidate is there were no voltage she will take that seat in the senate but is not quite the platform i think she was hoping for towards her president ial aspirations in the elections in two thousand and nineteen when the votes still being counted will be for some hours to come but it can be a most that can be a governing coalition who are celebrating in their headquarters in one hour cyrus talking about the band they now have to put forward policies with a stronger force in the congress and in the senate to push forward economic policies they say are necessary to boost argentinas economy thirteen people have been killed in a suicide bombing in northeast nigeria five others were injured in my degree the target was a camp that people have fled the conflict with the armed Group Boko Haram. Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe has been removed as a goodwill ambassador for the World Health Organization just two days after he was appointed it follows a backlash from International Leaders activist and Health Groups who say its in barbarism Health Service is collapsing god has been criticized for going abroad for medical treatment south African Media activists michel reddy told us why there was so much anger over mccarthys appointment well hes very good at looking after his own health he regularly jets off to singapore for medical treatment abroad his ministers and high level politicians often use private South African Health care facilities well old reason bubbly and die in dilapidated hospitals waiting for treatment the Healthcare System is a block with is collapsing because of economic collapse that is the result of drowning p. S. Policy and the new politics this is a regime that spend ninety one percent of its tiny budget on paying salaries and yet cannot afford to pay nurses and doctors who regularly go on strike and if you recall in two thousand and nine it was a cholera outbreak that killed four thousand five hundred people or thereabouts and this is a preventable disease so this is all political. And its a slap in the face for ordinary zimbabweans though it is quite hard to understand the supports and of course this is not just about health care the regime is one that is that is marked by brutality that ruth and i and and that has left ordinary zimbabweans in a dire situation so it is hard to understand where the support for mugabe does come from and he does have some support although. His legitimacy is certainly crumbling i think in order to really understand this one has to look at the complex legacies of colonialism and imperialism and neo. So to come here and im just here including leaders in spain and france and then you refuse to budge in the deepening political crisis plus. A pretty rebuild france after the revolution of course there are parts of history that are hard to accept Napoleon Bonaparte a hero or source of shame a question that still remains more than two hundred years after his death more of the state. They were remains rather just across southern parts of russia just pushing down across the black sea the caspian sea a little more cloud coming in here but elsewhere across parts of the middle east its fine dry warm and sunny thirty three celsius there for back that city well see some of the temperatures as we go on into tuesday right in five across a good part of the levant but a little more cloud just coming out of turkey pushing over towards the caspian sea and again you can see the chance of a few spots of rain being squeezed out of that but for many as i said it stays fine and sunny thirty three celsius there in karate with the warm sunshine sunshine to the right and potentially abu dhabi that is four degrees thirty six for doha pleasant sunshine coming through with the winds coming in from the northwest direction if anything just swing round as we go on into day so highs here have around thirty five degrees in the sunshine sunshine so you into Southern Africa but a little more clout there just coming out of namibia just running across botswana down towards eastern cape always the possibility of a little bit of light rain and patchy drizzle it will brighten up as we go wanted to choose day a few showers there into northern bake added to tanzania joining up with the heavy showers right across the hearts of africa. In india a Mining Company is heading to australia to build one of the worlds biggest mines will it be an economic bonanza or an ecological disaster. At this time or now does it. Cost china two point zero zero how president xi jinping wants to reboot the economy with ai and robotics look at what makes is causing tension along the river nile plus the u. K. s. Is breaks it failing counting the cost at this time. Welcome back up at recap of the top stories this hour the u. S. Secretary of state says the saudi led group of countries blockading is not ready to negotiate Rex Tillerson is in the region in the latest attempt to end the diplomatic crisis japans Prime Minister shinzo lobby has set to victory in a snap election pledge to toughen his stance on north korea revive the economy. And zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe has been removed as a goodwill ambassador for the World Health Organization it follows a backlash from International Leaders to this new Health Groups who say zimbabwes own Health Service is collapsing. Well more now on our top story the gulf diplomatic crisis Central Command is the arm of the u. S. Military that hundreds all operations north in the middle east its headquartered is just outside doha here in qatar a senior official there has told al jazeera that operations against being affected by the blockade reports. This is an order to her base in qatar some military personnel the most important to you is a base in the way. Its revived. As u. S. Central command with the facilities and equipment required for operations. The base is home to several different types of aircraft used in missions across the region these tasks range from Strategic Bombing flights to just stick support such as the ones provided by refuting turncoat planes you date is truly the nerve center of all the operations that we execute across the Central Command area of responsibility from the planning execution and assessment of the every day operations that we operate throughout the region is done right here without this base without the capabilities that we bring every day we would not be able to orchestrate the fight that were executing today against isis and also in afghanistan which is another important area that we provide support to there are no diplomatic issues that are impacting our ability to operate every day from here on our counter isis mission this is the sensitive operation called the combined Operation Center aljazeera is one of the few Media Networks allowed into this place some screens were blurred to protect Sensitive Information many countries have joined the coalition to coordinate the complex operations in iraq syria and of guns drawn. On the screens we can see the busy air Traffic Coalition aircraft along with military and civilian planes for both the coalition and our field Level Operators they work back through the commanding control system to provide us information we have near real time information where the aircraft are now operating and we can talk to a control agency who is able to talk directly to those aircraft and in many cases we can talk directly to the aircraft. More than twenty countries were here which is considered the command of predation center called the k. L. Holiday the air base in qatar. Hundreds of people have been protesting in spains capital to show their support for council the governments moving to take control of the autonomous region following a disputed secession referendum this month spains Foreign Ministers urging catalans to ignore their leaders and accept direct rule of catalan Political Parties will meet on monday to decide what to do next Andrew Symonds reports from barcelona. This is the center of Regional Government in barcelona in less than a week its set to lose its powers president and his ministers. In spains capital madrid the mood seem to be hardening both politically and on the streets the government has responded very well but they should have been had obstacle one five five should have been applied much sooner all eyes are on catalonia as president carlos pushed him on now he gave little away after the government announced its action on saturday at the mass protests followed in barcelona. Parliament is expected to meet soon a declaration of independence is still an option along with the possibility of calling elections one thing is guaranteed there will be more protest action we are not going to obey the one point five article. For. We have a right for. And we are sure. That justice is on our side in this one of the most decentralized countries in the world the spanish state and the Regional Government in barcelona im now more entrenched than ever before but what about the millions of people affected by all of this for some of them this isnt as simple as choosing one side or the other parent who used to be a socialist Party Supporter hes been against independence but is now in a dilemma he says hes horrified by the action of Mariano Rajoy is government in taking power away from elected politicians they decided to apply the worst Case Scenario for us suppressing the selfgovernment until to the people hey were you are going to vote again not to get what you want but when weve expanded government one because now im feeling not comfortable at all with the spanish. Government or solution but still not believe in what the independent is saying that everything is going to be fast and fantastic i dont know what what whats going to happen next week and i think going to be worst than now. After the mass protests on saturday a contrast catalan coach will events all relating to nationalism. And outside the palace housing a Regional Government that wants independence an old catalan nationalist song is played its lyrics romanticize the struggle for independence in reality theres nothing romantic about the situation right now and drew simmons aljazeera. The leaders of italys two wealthiest regions say theyve won a vote for more autonomy from the Central Government between them lombardi and vonetta generate thirty percent of italys g. D. P. But many taxpayers in the north resent subsidizing the relatively poor south they want more say how their tax revenue is used. The russian Opposition Leader alexina valmy has been released from prison he was jailed for twenty days for organizing protests against president Vladimir Putin about what he wants to stand against putin in next years president ial election but a criminal conviction which he says is politically motivated him from being a candidate. Now thousands of people have rallied in me in mosque capital in a show of support for a leader. Shes been widely criticized the governments handling of the range of crisis almost six hundred thousand range of muslims of fled to bangladesh since late august stuff in the military crackdown in Rakhine State well nearly two thirds of the range of refugees living in camps in bangladesh children aid groups say they are at risk of trafficking sexual abuse and child labor. Has made. The most vulnerable among the new refuge is there close to three hundred forty thousand children among the refugees according to unicef nearly Twelve Thousand children cross with the referee every week from memory into bangladesh you can see a lot of this children will hang out in the street looking for food or begging for money some time with their parents some time alone and theyre playing by the streets sometime you said never stopped at where the children actually selling now they dont have much to do in the refugee camps the question is really bad this desperation for hunger theyre out in the state looking for something or other we have one time in one of the refugee camps sometime back a man tried to snatch a child from our mother and was beaten up by refugee mob obviously a child suffered according to save the children many of them at a high rate for Sexual Exploitation child trafficking and child labor and unless there is some sort of schooling set up here in the long run a lot of this children with still be venturing in the state and will be at high rates of exploitation within this community in the refugee camp area. Protesters are demanding the resignation of malta police chief after the killing of a journalist to accuse senior politicians of corruption. Theyve been demonstrating outside the Police Headquarters in the capital the letter. Was killed by a bomb in her car last week earlier thousands of people marched to demand justice. Aljazeera is demanding the release of its journalist Mahmoud Hussein who has now been in prison in egypt for more than three hundred days hes accused of broadcasting false news to spread chaos. Stronger than i would has repeatedly complained of mistreatment in jail he was arrested in december visiting his family. Well one of the forty people have been arrested in malawi charged with murder or inciting violence in the hunt for vampires mobs are attacking people in whats being called a modern day witch hunt eight people have been murdered in the last month. Students run from a Primary School when malawi second biggest city blunt here they abandoned their classes after a rumor that vampires had come to the school. Room is that vampires and living in malawi and preying on its people began around a month ago are now more on a modern day which chant to find them this is the most recent victim of the vigilantes a twenty two year old man with epilepsy stoned to death at a small symmetry in the rule district of melungeon a residence gathered to remember two other victims mother and son christi and john paul no matter. My granddaughter was with her son who was carrying a bag he had so many pockets and he was also carrying an inflatable mattress when viagra villages so that and the drinking bottle he was holding they thought he was a vampire they started beating him and killed them birth. In total eight people suspected of being vampires have been murdered since september sixteenth many more malawians as well as foreigners have been injured the un has pulled out its star from several districts well the u. S. And u. K. Embassies have imposed travel bans on their staff and issued warnings to Tourists Police havent forced a curfew. And southern malawi after villages formed vigilante night patrols to root out socalled vampires in is that of course i wonder if this is a sad development because were living in constant fear our movements are regulated we cannot walk in the night because even those that have been asked to patrol the villages are beating anyone they meet belief in witchcraft is widespread a vampire driven violence also erupted in two thousand and. Allegations to but after. Should not be disputed should be taken as. This will live with found. On the ground with the right president. Has seemed to in the Malawi Defense force to reassure villages and has asked vampire hunters in places like j. To take suspects to the police instead of killing them ballasts. One of the last surviving letters written by a passenger on the titanic has sold for more than one hundred sixty thousand dollars the letter by an american salesman to his mother was written the day before the ill fated vessel struck an iceberg in one nine hundred twelve alexander was among the fifteen hundred people who died in the disaster now to many hes a National Hero to others hes a tyrant Napoleon Bonaparte still divides opinion more than two hundred years after he ruled a france and much of europe but a new exhibition with rare works of art is shining a positive light on the emperor reports from paris. With his determined steely gaze and distinctive hat Napoleon Bonaparte is one of french historys most recognizable figures a brilliant general he forged his destiny in the french revolution crowned emperor thirty five he went on to dominate europe but while many french people regard napoleon as a hero others say hes a source of shame a tyrant and a cruel war monger curators hope a new exhibition in northern france will help restore his reputation as a military and political visionary if. A pretty rebuilt france after the revolution of course there are parts of history that are hard to accept for the polands author of terror inside and his desire to conquer europe and if people have fallen out of love with the polian its because these days we value peace and were not accustomed to wars like people were in his time. Napoleon transformed france he created many of its institutions and his napoleonic code still defined civil law across much of europe for visitors here his legacy is clear on the. Whole he was a great figure of french history we owe him a lot our institutions and our schools. In troubled times he built an empire and restored order napoleons tomb is under the sumptuous dome of lead in paris its one of the capitals most visited sites a testimony to his enduring appeal napoleons youth and ambition his love of symbols and his focus on europe have led many people in france to parallels with president s. Like napoleon presents himself as a man of the moment one who can restore french glory. Frances youngest president also promises to transform france and restore its prestige historians say macros regal leadership style can be traced back to napoleon. An ember did what any story and once called the myth of the savior in the World War Two shallow was seen as a savior lets see if wed be one but there is no doubt french president ial elections focus on one person we can fix everything and that is part of the legacy the exhibition in ass is called images of a legend whether those visiting will see napoleon as a genius and a reformer or an ambitious autocrat will depend on their perspective but its clear that more than two centuries after his death Napoleon Bonaparte continues to fascinate natasha aljazeera paris. Of the top stories here on aljazeera the u. S. Secretary of state says the saudi group of countries blockade in qatar is not what it a negotiator Rex Tillerson is in the region and the latest attempt to end the diplomatic crisis hes had top level talks and cattle in saudi arabia. I did in my meetings with the crown Prince Mohammed bin solomonic i asked him to please and gauge the police and gauge in dialogue. There is not a strong indication that parties are ready to talk yet. And so we cannot force talks on people who are not ready to talk so there has been no invitation to the white house because its not clear that parties are ready to engage but were going to continue to work towards that dialogue and towards that engagement japans Prime Minister shinzo lobby has swept to victory in a snap election his Ruling Coalition has won two thirds of the seats in parliament its promise to discuss north Koreas Nuclear threats with u. S. President donald trump when he visits japan next month. Possible results in argentinas midterm elections suggest gains from president coalition hes looking to extend control of a congress on once a mandate to overhaul economy wins in key districts could give his coalition its first legislative majority since he took office twenty fifteen thirteen people have been killed in a suicide bombing in northeast nigeria five others were injured in my ducati the target was a Company People who fled the conflict with the Group Boko Haram zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe has been removed as a goodwill ambassador for the World Health Organization just two days after he was appointed it follows a backlash from International Leaders activists and Health Groups who say zimbabwes own Health Service is collapsing. Hundreds of people have been protesting in spains capital to show their support for catalonia governments moving to take control of the autonomous region following a succession referendum this month. And the leaders of italys two wealthiest regions say theyve won a vote for more autonomy from the Central Government body and generate thirty percent of italys g. D. P. But many taxpayers in the north resent subsidizing the relatively poor self well those with headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after one station thats what. A journey both. Of you know theres a very for everybody theres a lot of corruption and a Beautiful Lake a beautiful lady you have to be very patient and. Has ascended i was introduced to it though when my father and my mother when working for the king for her. Story to discover the source of one of the most expensive commodities sent from heaven this time on aljazeera

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