Protest against spains to take control of the regional government. Hello again im peter dhabi youre watching aljazeera live from our headquarters here in doha also coming up at the polls are open in japan where the Prime Minister shinzo up a six to become the countrys longest serving leader since world war two. The u. S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson is in saudi arabia for another bid to end the blockade of cattle. The last standing tall. Man a are. Also this half hour five former u. S. President s on stage together at a Hurricane Relief concert into. Catalonians president has accused the Spanish Government of attacking its democracy. It was the worst passed since the days of franco hundreds of thousands of people rallied in barcelona in support of cattle and secession under simmons as their. Street protest again in barcelona and i may just scale shock instead of indignation now but defiance in the air. If you expected such severe moves from madrid aimed at removing the Political Leadership of this region and within the actions inside six months. Anger was directed up above that Spanish Police helicopters repeatedly over flying the demonstration. Occupation forces go out those shelters. Are no real hoeing made history with a Cabinet Meeting of grim faces and the triggering of article one five five its destined to take power away from catalonia in less than a week it will be. The government has had to trigger article one five five of the constitution that was not our wish or intention it never was i think that most of Spain Society knows this article one five five is part of our constitution and it is only invoked in extremely extraordinary circumstances back in barcelona president collars pushed him all sacked by rome joined protesters and then moved on to make a television address. The people cannot accept this attack all these measures the Spanish Government is trying to overwhelm life in catalonia and this is outside. The catalan palm. President was even more damning about the action ability then. Prime minister rouhani has shown political recklessness and exceeded all limits he has announced a coup detat but i aim is to put him into catalan institutions and to our name this is an attack on democracy in the twenty First Century whats happening here by no means represents everyone in the loonier but the numbers here and the sentiments being expressed could indicate there will be problems ahead for Mariano Rajoy in getting what he wants but at the midst of it were here because the Spanish Government made a coup without weapons against the catalonian people and their government and seven pm here in the twenty First Century we have other problems we cant hold on to a constitution which is forty years old and thats what they did today we want to speak if we have to change it lets do it the brinkmanship in this crisis has reached an ultimate phase the stakes couldnt be much higher for either side the referendum asking residents of the region if they wanted to break away from spain took place on october the first but whether catalonia will declare independence is still unclear. It will take less than a week before article one five five reaches the senate once that happens its certain to be approved parliament here will be meeting soon a few people still think there could be a solution for their getting thinner on the ground and to simmons aljazeera bosler. Paul brennan is in barcelona for us pull the two sides still very much on a collision course here. I think yes and. The spanish Prime Minister has made it clear that hes not giving any quarter as far as the aspirations for independence of the catalans certainly the catalan Political Leadership anyway it is questionable of course given the state of the percentages in that referendum on october the first whether a majority of catalan people themselves actually want independence some polls that ive seen one in el periodical here suggest that sixty eight percent want to see a new election but whether they would actually then go on to vote for independence is quite another matter indeed nevertheless the people who are leading them are pressing again and again for an independence an independent state of catalonia and they are using the kind of language which doesnt appear to indicate a kind of compromise on the cards harking back continually harking back to franco dictatorship in the one nine hundred seventy s. Thats a phraseology which particularly angers the rest of spain there are plenty of left wing socialist mazz and and local councils across the whole of spain so to describe norm catalans as franco land really does irritate the rest of spain and the the demographic here in catalonia itself is divided you know im hearing anecdotal evidence of a familys being divided by politics and really getting very angry and animosity within the families as well so compromise does not appear on the cards paul thanks very much. Voting is underway in japan snap general election the Prime Minister shinzo abi called for the vote a year earlier than expected hes asking people to stick with him in the face of what he calls jewel National Crises an aging population and tensions with north korea one thousand one hundred and eighty candidates are running for japans lower house of Parliament Mr obvious governing coalition is on track to win three hundred of the four hundred sixty five seats this would allow him to change japans pacifist constitution and formally acknowledge the role of its selfdefense forces one of our Biggest Challenges is the tokyo governor. She launched the reformist conservative party last month to try to steer voters away from the l. D. P. But the former member of l. D. P. Is not running as a candidate sarah clarke has more now from tokyo. After less than two weeks of campaigning today japan goes to the polls to vote in a snap election called twelve months ahead of schedule at this stage the polls indicate that shinzo are by and his Ruling Liberal Democratic Party will be returned to power some suggest a landslide victory securing a two thirds majority now two new Political Parties enter the arena to challenge the ruling Democratic Party but despite some of the initial popularity they filed to get the support needed to challenge of a majority now if it is returned to power then hes gambled to call an early election will have paid off but even so the polls still indicate that hes not the most popular later but in the face of a disorganized and untested opposition voters look like theyve decided on the side option typing line is delivering which conditions in the public have been encouraged to vote early and they have early count suggests fifteen percent have been to the polls before todays official election day moves to expectations that this election may see a higher voter turnout. Stephen naggy is an expert on japan and stephen for the electric torch of the biggest he is here. Big issues this time around of course the security especially in light of the Nuclear Missile the missile tests coming over japan by north korea second is economics japanese citizens are very concerned about the direction of japans economy and this is related in part to its demographic issues how can the economy more be more attractive be more vibrant more productive and allow ordinary japanese people to have larger families and those larger families will help deal with some of those demographic concerns that ordinary japanese citizens have dismissed promising more of the same or anything new. Well i think over the past six quarters hes had some six quarter six quarters of Economic Growth three million jobs have been produced theres more women in the workforce part time wages are up for part time workers but this is all in the urban centers of talk on the big cities that the rich rule areas are really struggling are struggling from an exodus of young people from Elderly Population from a Business Community which really from the one nine hundred seventy s. Rather than the two thousand and ten so we have this dual track economy that is creating huge problems terms of the direction of the japanese economy what i assume Prime Minister obvious going to do is double down on his i mean our mix and i think hes received some support in july there was an i. M. F. Report from japan saying hes doing the right things but he has to be more committed and i think after receives a strong mandate hes going to push more for structural reform and push more on his ive been on next to get that Economic Growth thats happening in cities pushed to the rural countryside how much of a real threat is represented by mrs corey k. Or not so much by her as an individual but by what she stands for. I think. Governor quickly its its not a threat to the l. D. P. Or a Prime Minister. Liberal Democratic Party where the political threat comes from and i think its going to come from the liberal that the constitutional Democratic Party of japan rather run by its leader it down on hes a principled leader he is stressing. In forcing and abiding by the constitution and turning law to the constitution i think this is a real attraction for japanese people the challenge for him is to create a realistic Security Policy that can fit alongside that principle constitutional. Principle constitutionalism that he says thousand and this is a real struggle the only the l. D. P. Really has a practical and a track record of Strong Security that can help japan deal with some of its Regional Security issues such as north korea but also in the mid to long term china hardest to can deal with a strong and economically vibrant china ok when it comes to being economic when it comes to being vibrant i mean mr rbs nomics its a given here he hasnt turned the economy around but hes certainly taken in the right direction but its not so very long ago ten fifteen years ago when those big Global Brands and his son toyota they were in trouble did they come back from the brink because of him or did they come back from the brink because of what was happening globally because a lot of outside businesses outside of that area looked in on what japan was doing and said well how can you do this because say the working practices you have there our benchmark for us doing our jobs properly. But i think this is a really interesting point from the the standpoint of japanese blue chip so those first of these like toyota honda theyre doing spectacularly well they still are the blueprint for success i think of transnational businesses and they are very very competitive but we also have businesses that have lost a competitively or theyve shifted into sectors that are less on the front line of consumers for example sony sony is not producing walkmans our computers anymore theyre producing the stuff thats inside so we dont get that they dont have such a prominent place in the economy. What i think business is a preceded by a Prime Minister of it again i think its his fiscal policies that devaluation of the yen has allowed japanese products and manufacturers to be much more competitive in the global marketplace some of the deregulation thats gone on as well has allowed for japanese businesses to have some more flexibility to increase their productivity of course they still need to go a long ways productivity needs to be boosted immensely we need to find new arrangements for work hours for employees and this is an extreme struggle in an economy thats dented its competitive tokyo theres a lot more to go and i think that Prime Minister is thinking about how he can make japanese businesses both domestic once international once more flexible more competitive and again back to being the those businesses that other businesses wanted to be like stephen thank you. Thank you very much. The u. S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson is in saudi arabia as part of a new push to end the gulf diplomatic crisis however mr tillotson is not making any optimistic noises saying he doesnt anticipate a breakthrough it is now four months in saudi arabia the United Arab Emirates egypt and bahrain suspended ties with cattle Patty Culhane reports. Hes back u. S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson has landed in saudi arabia he was here in july then hope signing a memorandum of understanding with carter would be enough to end the blockade it didnt despite his shuttle diplomacy so now hes coming back trying a new tactic for the four blockading countries saudi arabia u. A. E. Egypt and bahrain assigning blame and then in an interview saying qatar is willing to negotiate and the Saudi Led Coalition is simply refusing to talk because he tried before he tried to try to be nice with everyone but this took him nowhere and. So i think thats probably. The time has come. Analysts say there is a renewed hope they might be more willing to engage now has the president for example try to put pressure on the saudis in the u. A. E. To be willing to to to me to the resolve some of the sanctions and stop that they put on. The fact that the president house call mout now and basically decertified the iran deal is that going to make the saudis more willing to work with us they deal with the situation with god or us president initially put all the blame for the crisis on cutter but after being pushed by his secretaries of state and defense he now says its time for all sides to talk if i can help mediate between cutter and in particular the u. A. E. And saudi arabia i would be willing to do so. And i think you have a deal worked out very quickly his own secretary of state is publicly disagreeing taking the trip while downplaying expectations the g. C. C. Crisis will end soon what he does during this trip could very well determine if that is true. Aljazeera. Now Central Command is the arm of the u. S. Military that handles all operations in the middle east its h. Q. Is just outside doha a senior official there has told this channel the gulf diplomatic crisis is not affecting Coalition Operations against eisel as mahmoud. This is an order to do her base in qatar some military personnel considered the most important u. S. Air base in the world. Its revise u. S. Central command with the facilities and equipment required for operations. The base is home to several different types of aircraft used in missions across the region these tasks range from Strategic Bombing flights to just stick support such as the ones provided by refuting turncoat planes you date is truly the nerve center of all the operations that we execute across the Central Command area of responsibility from the planning execution and assessment of the every day operations that we operate throughout the region is done right here without this base without the capabilities that we bring every day we would not be able to orchestrate the fight that were executing today against isis and also in afghanistan which is another important area that we provide support to there are no diplomatic issues that are impacting our ability to operate every day from here on our counter isis mission this is the sensitive operation room called the combined Operations Center aljazeera is one of the few Media Networks allowed into this place some screens were blurred to protect Sensitive Information many countries have joined the coalition to coordinate the complex operations in iraq syria and of guns drawn. When the screens we can see the busy trucks a Coalition Aircraft along with military and civilian planes for both the coalition and our field Level Operators they work back through the command control system to provide us information we have near real time information where the aircraft are in operating and we can talk to a control agency who is able to talk directly to those aircraft and in many cases we can talk directly to the aircraft. One hundred twenty countries were here which is the commander. Air base. Still to come here on aljazeera a lost generation syrian children forced to give up school to help their families make a living. And well tell you why the mysterious death of a young activist is raising uncomfortable questions for politicians. Hello there its been very stormy across parts of europe recently particularly in the northwest and its thanks to all storm bryan just incredibly strong winds across ireland its working its way across britain and gradually as we head through sunday it will be making its way across the north sea ahead of that system were also seeing some heavy rain you see this area of cloud of rain that extends all the way down through the alps bringing a snow here and then also stretches further south across italy as well that will pep off as we head through monday working its way slowly into the southeast corner of europe were expecting heavy rains here ahead of it dry for now but certainly not warm so moscow only getting to one and for kiev maximum will just be seven now few of those showers across europe will also be extending a bit further towards the south as well weve already seen a lot of thunder and lightning for some of us in a pause of that clearing away only to make way for this next system to do expect a few more clouds around if you will showers as well on sunday and that gradually will push its way over parts of libya there as we head through monday so sharp showers are expected here as well meanwhile further towards the south in the northern half of its largely fine and drawing now is further south of the showers but even here theyre fairly subdued the sunshine in between the. Morning. Welcome back here with aljazeera live from doha recapping your top stories catalonia as leader has denounced moves by the Spanish Government to take control of the autonomous region colors preacher man says it goes against democracy and the rule of law. Voting is under way and mean japanese general election the Prime Minister shinzo up a call for the voter year earlier than was expected hes asking people to stick with him through what hes calling the jewel of National Crises and the u. S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson is in saudi arabia as part of the renewed effort to end the g. C. C. Crisis hes also going to discuss iraq and tensions with iran. As the war in syria continues a growing number of children are being forced to find work to support their families now tens of thousands of children are missing out on an education alba reports now from a tie in southern turkey. Ham show is from a town in Northern Homes the area has been besieged for almost four years by Government Forces. But collects Plastic Waste not to resell for recycling but to burn during cold days so that his family can survive harsh winter conditions. I want to go to school and become a teacher or maybe a doctor i just want to be with my friends. Mohammed is a Street Vendor his the familys breadwinner mohammed and many thousands of children across syria dropped out of school so they can help their families in a country ravaged by war. War planes destroyed buildings i cant go to school i sell clothes so that i can help my parents and my brothers and sisters. Has shattered lives in syria and destroyed entire neighborhoods but its the children who are the most affected vulnerable and traumatized they all work long hours. Here people feel betrayed by the world activists and teachers are launching a campaign to send Street Children back to school. Many of my students are always scared war has changed their lives this season posed by Government Forces and poverty explain why children stop their studies five hundred children have dropped out of local schools because they need to work to help their families for now many children find themselves forced to work they face abuse and exploitation and risk their lives on the streets to help their families they are victims of one of the longest and deadliest conflicts in the region child labor has also extended today in countries where millions of syrians. Impoverished many send their kids to the streets raising concerns about the future of the last generation of children in a country where war shows no signs of and in. Southern turkey. Fifteen soldiers have died in a suicide bomb attack in the Afghan Capital kabul the taliban said it targeted a minivan carrying military academy could s. In western kabul has been a deadly week across afghanistan with more than two hundred People Killed in a wave of attacks at least eighty nine of those died in two separate bombings at mosques on friday. The head of the World Health Organization is rethinking his appointment of the zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe as a goodwill ambassador the u. K. And the u. S. Both criticized that decision along with human rights activists and Health Groups they point to alleged human rights abuses in zimbabwe the chief had earlier said mr mugabe deserve the honor because of his Public Health policies. People in argentina will vote to replace members of congress on the senate on sunday however the election is now overshadowed by the discovery of the body of an activist have been missing since august. Reports from buenos aires. These people were expecting to be at rallies to mark the close of campaigning the sunday of legislative elections with all parties canceled dont you know yet this week a body was found to be that of missing activist Santiago Maldonado and that is i guess i believe its all got to change because people cant go on disappearing like this theres a complicity between the repressive state forces which is repugnant. The police did what happened in the Justice System back them up there was a government cover up its all organized so they can do what they want maldonado disappeared an organist for protesting for indigenous rights in the south of argentina his whereabouts dividing in nation where wounds are still war over the kidnapping killing of an estimated thirty thousand people under military rule in the one nine hundred seventy s. And eightys tension with the author it is still trying to establish the identity of the body a running high dominating debate in the days leading up to the election was he killed by police or do. He drown opinion largely determined by which side of the political divide voters are on how much faith they have in state institutions other election issues or whether president mackies government is a good thing our country has troubled economy back on track holding inflation and tackling rising crime like our midterm elections this is a test of the government in office argentines will decide the makeup of congress which is important to the government if its a push through important legislation and will test the comeback aspirations of former president Cristina Fernandez the kitchen still popular but she and many of her former allies fighting allegations of corruption and. Whats in play for the opposition is how they regroup and present themselves for the twenty one thousand president ial elections who will lead the national proneness moment where all of argentinas parties are trying to present a Bright Future many voters are still coming to terms with their countrys troubled past. One of cyrus five former u. S. President s appeared together at a Charity Concert to support sorry can release one american appeal concert in texas is raising money for people affected by Hurricane Harvey. And maria the president s have already raised thirty one Million Dollars for hurricane victims but these carried on to urge americans to give more. These were grievous storms back to back there is still work to be an honored thirty one in florida. And our friends in puerto rico and the american Virgin Islands have only begun to dig their way out of what could be still a calamity this disaster but it can be a new beginning it was over so many states here tonight could not be prouder. Of the response from americans. When they see their neighbors and they see their friends they see strangers in me american step up. The President Trump wasnt there but he did send a video message president S Jimmy Carter george h. W. Bush bill Clinton George w. Bush and barack obama and a lot and i want to express our deep gratitude for your tremendous assistance welding a shah is a republican strategist and commentator she says mr trumps absence of the event is now raising questions. His base is going to bring up one point and this is one thing ive heard from them throughout the day is that its terrible that they didnt invite the commander in chief these are five past president s and theyre dividing this country even more by night and biting donald trump whos the sitting president and i said look this is its a campaign of misinformation out there on the social media universe fortunately social media exists so that we can amplify the message and raise more plans for great causes like this america number one most the land dropping nation in the world and we take great pride rethink plans for both when they are hitting hard times like this this Hurricane Season brought out just the worst that nature could have done for our country and for americans in everywhere and i think tonights concert is going to do the best but i dont think President Trump supporters are going to be any happier if president or i dont think it will make any effect for them to be honest and that the president said in the passage i think theyll continue to say that his predecessors didnt do a good job and he and only he alone can fix things unfortunately he has a fix much at the one week mark which was last wednesday puerto rican eighty one percent of their island did not have power the Administration Last and i think that is why these president s have stood up and said and made this urgent appeal. But revisit your top stories so far this hour catalonia has been announced moves by the Spanish Government to take control of your tone in this region called the speech a moment said it goes against democracy and the rule of law spain plans to dissolve the Regional Parliament and call elections all to come to lumia held a succession rather and. If you repent. Are a restraint of how long. They will also be in europe. It practically deciding the future of a nation is not a crime. These goes against foundations that you need europeans he sent through day. Voting is underway in japan snap general election the Prime Minister shinzo of a call for the votes a year earlier than expected he is asking people to stick with him through what he calls jule National Crises the u. S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson is in saudi arabia as part of renewed efforts to end the gulf diplomatic crisis between cattle and its neighbors its now been four months in saudi arabia the u. A. E. Egypt and bahrain suspended ties with joe hes also going to be discussing iraq and tensions with iran. Fifteen soldiers have died in a suicide bomb attack in the Afghan Capital kabul the taliban said it targeted a minivan carrying military Academy Cadets in western kabul its been a deadly week across afghanistan with more than two hundred People Killed in a wave of attacks at least eighty nine of those died in two separate bombings at mosques on friday. That of the World Health Organization is rethinking his appointment of the zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe as a goodwill ambassador u. K. And the u. S. Criticize the decision along with human rights activists and Health Groups they point to alleged human rights abuses inside zimbabwe the w. H. O. As chief had earlier said mr mugabe deserve the honor because of his Public Health policies five former american president s have appeared together at a Charity Concert to support Hurricane Relief the one america repealed concert in texas is raising money for people affected by Hurricane Harvey and Marina Donald trump wasnt there but he did send a message on video thanking his predecessors. Those are your headlines so far today the news continues on aljazeera after inside story i will see you in thirty minutes. Provoking debate challenging your stablished line every single one of the three and a half thousand people who is killed with a drug dealer join many have sun for up front at this time on al jazeera. Dozens of Egyptian Police are killed in a gun battle in the desert as a state of emergency remains in force how is the government dealing with recurrent attacks and is the security crackdown in egypt working as

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