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North korean venezuela which are also subject to restriction those are the headlines the stream is up next stay with us ahead of the september twenty Fourth National Election Survey showed a satisfied with the state of the economy this is easily news biggest tech Success Story the company was bought by microsoft in two thousand and eleven we bring you the stories the economic world we live in counting the cost at this time. Im femi oke i kind of does not hew inquiry into missing. Girls is hearing from victims Family Members this week and theyre demanding justice for their loved ones but first the canadian government has settled with some indigenous survivors of a controversial policy known as the sixtys group. Thats today on the stream live on you tube. The sixtys was a canadian government assimilation policy from the nine hundred fifty nine hundred ninety s. When a few children were taken from their homes and resettled with white families these children were often not allowed to speak that language did not have access to their families and were stripped of their culture how many to one survivor it was directed to to try. While i was raised in a family that. Supported me to be indian. A lot of things. Were. Taken away from me such as Language Culture. Not fitting in the ridicule. Substance abuse. Theres a number of things so. In a way i kind of feel that. The sixtys scoop has kind of one. Because im still struggling with a lot of those issues that i had that i just talked about and. Taking steps and trying to. Come back to who i am and where i belong and that whole idea of a coming full circle again coming back to you know. What im supposed to be where im supposed to be and. Even though im a grown man i feel like im just a youth a boy. I still struggle with that i still feel like a boy whos just kind of. You know sometimes just walking along Prime Minister just ensured i said that mending the relationship with indigenous communities is a priority the six hundred Million Dollars settlement is part of a larger process of truth and reconciliation that began back in two thousand and eight. Element to begin to right the wrongs of this dark chapter of the sixtys. We reached out to the office of the minister of Indigenous Affairs about they declined to join the program joining us for more pamela polenta is associate professor and chair in indigenous governance at Ryerson University in toronto in toronto comrade prince is a sixty scoop survivor and director of indigenous im a chief programs with save the children canada. Comrade good to have you here come usually when we share family pages they know they are lovely but when i am sharing your pages they mean so much more i have for here talk us through whats happening and who were seeing white simple as it. Without you there is my first embrace of my my mom. And that was i heard about a decade long search or. In trying to find my my adopted home so that that actually if youre shes whispering in my ear. Everything is going to be ok now now im with the last time your mom saw you before this picture. Just right before my first birthday i was i was taken from her and dump it out you have no numbers no. Family and then given back to c. S. Child welfare and then we adopted back out. Thank god i guess that the first family kept their they were a secret me so they returned me and then i was actually shipped to germany i was adopted into a military family who was im just trying to think physically what was going on with your but your stomach. You know my mind and you havent seen your mother since you were one and youve been looking for. It was a combination of years and years and years of dreaming about her i used to be able to dream i could feel her i could smell her everything when i was a kid and you know it just its i cant i never had any other ceiling not even when i when i saw them walking in my sons into the world the same type of feeling of embracing my mom thinks fundamentally you know we all as human beings want to find out you know. We where we come from and you know embracing my mom. Was was its hard to describe i was just about into crying now let me see if i can cheer them up well its knowledge with this picture has been this pick. Thats my thats actually my cousin and shes my shes my spiritual ground or she actually helped me repatch create my family back to my community she speaks well git way. I promised i will i will i will one day learn but its hard because you kind of have to balance between like the life that you were leading and then trying to recapture and recover everything that was taken from you but shes my and shes my spiritual guide now shes she how me when im with the challenge of what my mother passed away and i was given the responsibility of taking all my uncles and my mom back to sogginess manitoba. And to do it in a way that is consistent with our our way of being and knowing and there are some particular cultural protocols and she definitely helped me with. Well you know as you were talking there conrad i was i couldnt help but think lou dobbs is time to chime in on twitter here theres so many different people who are trying to highlight different aspects of this sadness and i want to bring people back into president as we did at the beginning but its you know a serious topic saying people still believe that taking our kids is deserved that we are bad parents that somehow we dont love our children i was wondering if theres anything you can comment about in terms of perception can you relate to that. Yeah i mean the state the federal government created the conditions. That made what they believe made right to take us away came from on the heels of the Residential School system so that system decimated our families through abusing. Children in the Residential School system and when they came to be adults. They were challenge with all their experiences so to with them offloading the federal government offloading the responsibility of indigenous children to the provinces it actually created the financial incentive and the financial incentive actually that were still dealing with today as a perverse incentive to take kids away so i think that there is a huge misconception out there in relation to this sixty soup and the six about actually come you know that is this incentive along with decimation of our communities and families and they literally c. S. Workers came in and. With the help of some are our sandy at times taking kids from the embrace of our parents and in hospitals just waiting you know. As kids were born so theres a lot of misconceptions im encouraged that you know this issue is being raised. In so i can and to bring awareness to that and and im appreciative that actually its going to get International Coverage because there is a theres a huge context hero and ill leave that to pam just to speak with so far as you know canadas. Internationally known as a human rights advocate yet not very many people there internationally realise that its actually a human rights abuse or and you know bomb bomb a came to canada in this last year and stated that the world needs more can from the indigenous perspective i would argue you know dramatically against that saying the world actually need less. You know that world and im just being. Me show our audience here this the government of canada site a sixty scoop agreement in principle and a government of canada says its the first step in resolving the sixty scoop litigation so we had one story one story out of so many of youngsters who were taken away from their families and the government are going to do what now. Well theyre going to try to resolve the. Pieces of litigation that were started in different provinces by literally thousands of survivors those who actually survived the experience because theres countless thousands who didnt survive the sixtys scoop and so theyre theyre trying to resolve that very quickly at a very low price but theyve also in so doing are trying to exclude thousands of others from being able to partake in this settlement so theyre not really engaged in a good faith settlement process here and and keep in mind that the whole concept of the sixtys scoop is really a misnomer there are more kids today in in fausto care then there were during Residential Schools and even during the one nine hundred sixty s. And seventys in the last ten years alone its increased by any folly percent in some provinces so this hasnt stopped settling this litigation doesnt address the stopping of stealing our children most definitely and problem go im glad you brought that point up we have a tweet hero but i just lost it well. There is a tweet that was talking about how this is still going on you know the sixtys scope is still going on and we have another video comment kind of running with that same narrative from blake who kind of shares another personal story to kind of highlight the chronic abuse that continues and what he calls the absence of justice take a listen. The absence of justice for the matey survivors of the sixties scoop is another atrocity to this excuse itself the cuban government has Just Announced a settlement for First Nations if you went well actively excluding the media populations i mean intergenerational survivor of the sixtys scoop from the fishing week miti settlement one of eight Media Communities or north you can sense that whats happened is i was able to live the rest of my and my entire life in the fishing like me to Community Something that was not afforded to my biological mother brenda who is not a survivor of the sixtys im in a position that is unique because i know what its like to be raised in community and how healthy that is for young indigenous minded young Indigenous Peoples such as myself so what im calling for is asking for nothing more than whats already ours and thats justice pamela your thoughts theres the tweet by the way i was referring to the script still happening just called the different name Children Services what do you make of that comment we heard from blech. Well its true so the settlement at least what theyre reporting is that theyre excluding anyone whos made t. And literally thousands of Indigenous Peoples who are not registered under the indian act so that means theres going to be thousands of non status indians who dont get to partake in this now keep in mind what this is doing is using literally decades of racism and discrimination thats caught up in the indian act against the very survivors who are victims of both indian actors criminal nation and now this sixty scoop which like i said is really a misnomer its an ongoing screw and and heres what the implications are this isnt just about the loss of Language Culture and identity it is the root cause of depression and suicide in our communities suicide is the number one cause of death in youth and its literally a pipeline to being. A Human Trafficking exploited prison and murder to missing Indigenous Women which will be talking about a little later so right there failure to stop is literally killing our people im going to say thank you to come out of print thank you so much for sharing your familys story and great of you and whats happening with the settlement process in canada right now and i mean theres so much going on around base truth and reconciliation process in canada especially online what are you saying you have a very complex very emotional problem that people are trying to address canadians have been using the hash tag sixty scoop online to share these stories about survivors here is one for example a picture of zachary taken from his family at age eight in manitoba he asks did you ever stop and wonder where did all these children go heres an old advertisement for adopting an indigenous baby alan or little miss eskimo typical really of advertisements of the time for indigenous babies somewhere. So wondering if after the socalled sixties scoop settlement similar suits would follow in the us hash tag i w j g missing and murdered Indigenous Women and girls is being used to talk about the hearings that have just started in winnipeg and survivors will be sharing their personal stories about loved ones that are missing or were killed with commissioners from the National Inquiry thats visiting this is the third such hearing in canada since the commission was formed to look into the approximately twelve hundred missing women and girls now despite the hearing a growing number of people online and families affected are signing a petition asking Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to reset the inquiry and start over so joining us for more. Indigenous women and girls we have michael she is a special advisor to the Ontario Ministry of the attorney general but shes speaking today in a personal capacity as a surviving Family Member of sonia silent who was murdered in one thousand nine hundred ninety four you must hear so many family stories about what happened to their loved ones im going to play you another one and ask you just is fit in what is the big issue the all going issue in canada they ceased test said the king this is so she shared with us. Because it was three years ago three years and two weeks ago to this day. And i would consider a few of the survivors of the missing murdered. And i just wanted to share that. I survivors its been you know pretty living afterwards its been pretty traumatic and really actually had a chance to to know who the killer was so we have that type of closure but when it was time to sentence the killer of my cousin i felt like canada didnt care you know and when we were sentencing him the crown was to sentence him and the crown didnt have time to to listen to our testimony or to hear her cousin or as you know i was seeking like the maximum punishment for him and unfortunately i feel that canada has just way too many. And i deputy cases that they dont have time to truly consider how you know native people are affected by by this issue as is not a long battle so many families feel exactly the same way what is it about this relationship between different communities in canada and authorities the Government Police its i mean its so long still i mean it did things back centuries so i dont know honestly what the real facts is bob i know that what this young lady tests im saying is certainly not make because it is a Common Thread that runs through all of this there is this whack of again all it went with our story and who our mom horns have been and what their life was what they meant was i think that that is not something that is really. Known throughout the indigenous communities as well as are a lot around canada. So is this National Enquirer what she did. Any members of the national qype can you come on the show and we reach out to them they didnt respond to us how is this inquiry going. Well you get the same response that the vast majority of us get i mean you are speak well in the Canadian Media in First Nations and in a Civil Society groups womens organizations and families have the same problem there has been ongoing lack of action lack of communication to such an extent that the United Nations even issued a report to canada saying they have grave concerns about the lack of accountability and communication thats going on in this inquiry and all its now gone to such a such a mess such a terrible extent that it is its acted in an adversarial nature in trying to defend itself and divided families so you now have found these who really want to participate in this inquiry and give their testimony and others who are saying that the choir is not doing them justice there its excluding lots of families its not paying for them to be part of this its not supporting the womens organizations and other government are going to are nongovernment organizations to participate and you have mass resignations the resignation of a commissioner its its the biggest mess weve ever seen in any kind of Commission Inquiry or choir in canada yet the government continues not to step in and clean up this mess because the laws of Indigenous Women and girls are continue to be a threat on a daily basis not only do they not take action on the ground right but there are a lot going this inquiry to literally implode before our eyes. Id like to break in here pam i think that last week you did take something that says silence is violence and when when that came out i really what resonated with me was the fact that there are so many families so many survivors of violence who just dont have enough. Energy they dont have enough they know whats causing them so much harm that theyre just on fence they dont want to participate or or even. Close to the inquiry and its really a tragedy in itself and you know when you talk about people participating i would be remiss not to bring up these tweets sarah scouts saying talking about canadians not just the government i think canadians tend to claim they know and love everything about their country but they speak from a place of subtler privilege now thats one comment we have another one here saying its not too hard much in schools theres still lots of hate towards indigenous here lots think this is a handout and you know i want to ask you when we talk about that in korea when we talk about whats happening what the government is doing i want to kind of play another comment from tulsa that really highlights maybe what the government could be doing to really be giving equal opportunity for this community to have a voice take a listen and. I have with the increase when they were hiring when they launched their hiring they could have standards such as being able to speak english and french. Women each. Participating in the increase so this increase in i needed to lead and the voice of needed on the increase team is not heard. So i just think that canada you could still try harder you know to to make sure that you capture native film and voices native perspective need a family perspective. Seems like a fair notice isnt there if they want to have their voices i mean maybe take away that hurdle yeah exactly theres no reason on earth why the innuit didnt have an annual commissioner on there theres theres no reason why families didnt have much greater in put on to who they wanted to be on that inquiry and and if you look at the commissioners that are there they have no background in advocacy for murdered missing Indigenous Women or or working on all of the issues that are interrelated because this is part of the problem and so despite promises by canada that we would be able to jointly draft the terms of reference and jointly pick those commissioners so we have a terms of reference that literally protects the police for any kind of Serious Investigation which means we wont be actually dealing with the problem pam i mean just bring this personal down to a personal level maggie the reason why youre here the reason why you do the work you do is because of your sister your sister your sister. On this a beautiful website here shades of asbestos dot com you will see sonja story how how does what happened to her help you do the work that you did well you know and really. Is this very important that i think. I myself understand that my own healing depends on myself i dont i cant say this enough that this inquiry will not bring me any healing and when families begin to grasp that concept and be able to take the steps necessary for their own healing process i think that it will come quicker and itll be much more foundational for families to find to find that for themselves. Part of part of the issue is that. My sister was murdered in one thousand nine hundred four so that was twenty three years ago and ive done a lot of work you know it takes a lot of hard work to be able to find a place where you find your your balance and i dont think the tools have been available for families to actually have that and so we need to make this indigenous Led Community driven about you about community about families its going i keep hearing the word government government all over this conversation today and i want to hear Less Government and more about families its almost like id read this headline from the scene supposed to be our inquiry Family Members sheds m. And g. Commission julian test me literally coming in the last couple of hours you know when you talk about it one of our people you talk about healing exactly i mean theres this quote from him is smoke and of saying at least there is hope it gives me hope that people are paying attention want to help actively participate awareness for the missing and murdered Indigenous Women and girls and that that is whats so crucial in reconciliation. Pamela and conrad from early on in our program thank you so much for sharing your story. And you experiences as well as a way that conversation continues on life hes a hash tag a straight answer watching. 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