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Hello adds a whole robert this is the aljazeera to use our life for headquarters here in doha coming up in the next sixty minutes u. S. Backed forces in syria say theyre in full control of raka. Self declared capital. But while Kurdish Forces in syria baby celebrated retreat of a major territorial losses over the border in iraq. Also latest United Nations figures say almost six hundred thousand bridges refugees have crossed into bud laddish persecution it be a. Im joined again by sports news including n. F. L. Players and officials prepared to meet in new york but will they take a stand. As i have more on that in the program. Welcome to the news i could tell you come today we start in the middle east where u. S. Backed forces have driven still for itself declared capital of rocker is syria in the past few hours the forces have raised kurdish flags inside the city stadium the battle to take the city from i saw to get it jude but civilians have been fleeing for weeks as the fighting intensified at the height of it straight deisel declared racket its capital it also swept across iraq seize and control of a large swathe of the country a couple of years old its totally has been reduced to this its has just lost rack in syria and is also being targeted by Iraqi Government forces across the border. They are groups also a do attack by the Syrian Government to. The last pocket it holds dear a city well. The turkey syria border joins me there joins us there from that location here Significant Development today a huge boost to the coalition of forces that were fighting eisel. It is indeed the captain. Decided to move to words by how to save this is something that came at a huge price thousands of civilians fled the fighting and would back away to were caught in the fighting for almost five months thousands of civilians were killed in that and also in the fighting now the s. D. F. Says that he has managed today earlier today to launch a major offensive against poor areas under the control of fighters and that by mid day they managed to control all those areas killing dozens of myself fighters however i have to say that the couple was mainly due to first of all the military campaign and the u. S. Led. Coalition that has been providing significant significant assistance of the as their but at the same time it was due to the a deal that was signed by between tribesman and i see the fighters wish granted many fighters safe passage out of iraq and many local fighters mainly syrians handed over themselves to the local authorities they would be interrogated by what we dont know what happened to them now where did the maiming. Go says that most who work there were mostly killed in the fighting but there are also reports suggesting that dozens of them managed to leave after worse. Of course thats going to be abated goods for those Coalition Groups that are trying to secure all the area. Who is actually going to be in charge of the area that there is a void left by eyesore. Now the u. S. The has handed over today iraq control to the Security Forces the soldiers were given the order to. Go today or in fact many convoys have left about two hours ago towards there was. Something very interesting which is happening both the u. S. And the Free Syrian Army are competing to make territorial gains in the area of the syrian army is coming from the south is coming from the north and they all want to claim most of their lives or however the syrian army has been insisting wants to recapture. Territory it lost to the to the order of the rebel which puts the army on a collision course with and this is something which is really raising concerns among the u. S. Led coalition for the time being the push continues and i said is losing ground. To words a vast desert area on the border with iraq by losing out of iraq this is going to deal severe blow to the to the group in general because we were hoping to use iraq as a platform to expand. Declared Islamic State and move forward to include many countries in the arab and muslim world that narrative now is reversed indeed for the tussle believe it that of course come back to you as a situation develops like you. He takes a look back at. The capture of rockabye i saw in two thousand and fourteen was held by the armed group as a major achievement back then i said it demonstrated its strength as it continued to expand across syria and iraq it declared its capital in syria setting up courts prisons and other institutions but all of this was against the will of the people. I saw emergence in the cartels a huge blow to the Syrian Opposition and the Free Syrian Army who had previously controlled the area their fighters were forced to retreat and president bashar assad was able to validate his claim that his troops were fighting what he called terrorists and not legitimate opposition in turn an International Coalition was formed to fight the group led by the United States and in coordination with russia whose forces have been sent into syria to help prop up the flailing regime. The coalition and russia launched hundreds of air strikes in a bid to defeat eisel but many civilians were killed in the process on the ground the offensive to expel i so from iraq i was being led by the y. P. G a kurdish faction supported and armed by washington while they managed to make large advances that true was at the expense of the Syrian Opposition who accuse the group of expelling the indigenous arab residents in order to pave the way for future kurdish states why p. G. Has links with the Kurdistan Workers Party or p k k an armed group in truckee which i care considers to be a terrorist organization some military analysts believe that despite the y. P. G. s success in expelling eisel from rocka the group will not be able to achieve its goal of autonomy we can see that the kurds and the y. P. Ji definitely are overstretched they could buy an area that they constitute a minority twenty five to thirty percent compared to seventy percent now that i saw has been pushed out from the many will declare the end of the armed groups but others disagree we are witnessing the fall of the. But that doesnt mean. Will be destroyed isis will remain purcells in syria and lebanon i saw is not an ordinary group its methods are both horrifying and unconventional it doesnt have a membership process for example anybody who wants to kill or maim can do so and then attribute those attacks to the group and thats what makes defeating i saw seem so impossible now whilst expanding its members from iraq is significant the reason need to deal with the root cause is the push young men to join such a group. I dont know rocco was the episode of all that i still stood for and sought to project to the world a place where the group could carry out its worst atrocities are challenged. Theyve licked its abuses out of the entire city well it was the first city to fall to ice on the twenty four teed the group violently installed its government take control all aspects of life new strict dress codes were imposed on better will be the deisel published anyone who did could fall dead to the public execution subject record for anyone who resisted eyesores rule ideology was rounded up and killed in city squares weve been accused of sex outside marriage were dragged into the streets of publicly stowed to death videos were posted by the group old lige showing bed who were accused of being gay throwed from the top of buildings where the viciousness did and there i saw fighters hug the bodies of blood posts fences at odd roundabout sides for days of message to anyone whod dead challenged them many were bid for by doherty groups under broadway taken to the city to become eisel bride sex slaves for the fighters of children who are brainwashed to the school they were forced to obey your gauge to become the next generation of ice all fighters are headed for there is a syrian activist and cofounder of saudi and picture but there is a ship that documents violations in Eastern Syria and western iraq he says the situation in writer was dire. Its a very bad situation in the city there are strikes and thats what michelles targets and all the neighborhoods that this function in the city its more demanding of persons just because of the air strikes and the landmines of isis because of the aftershocks this immediately in the city cannot go outside because i was preventing them of going outside and as they did and probably getting called in to offer them a safe rope to growing outside their city and the civilians who want to go outside of the city and its just like a. Trade for them to going outside there is mines all over the city there is not there are snipers for isis and for as they so if anyone wants to go outside and you know that its a night of persons he will be. By and by many ways just going out of sight this is this is this situation this is. Well to help dissect this further im joined by one couple and hes director of policy analysis at the Doha Institute i dont think we could have deployed how significant the moves of whats happened today rocca the much bigger game of the fight in syria i think its is significant although it was widely expected because the fighting on the car has been going on for the past four months american. Cover actually has helped a lot could these forces begin i mean the city. Now are still is mainly isolated in the east of syria. The area around the resort and in that part of daraa of the country actually a major competition is taking place between the Syrian Regime on the one hand and the Syrian Democratic forces the Kurdish Forces mainly the backbone of this city and they want their forces is competing for who actually can inherit more land from from eyes while this this is going on. We could see the battle develop but americans continue to support those kurdish fighters from the other battles that have still yet to be fought they did in the past actually we have seen it in iraq and also in the last month when the americans actually did in fact. Strike at the forces of the Syrian Regime but that is in the context of fighting i said if if we take out of the equation now its very difficult. To guess what the policy of the americans would be concerning in the cold with the continued to support the Coalition Forces against the Syrian Regime that is that is something that is not clear for me on two. Other analysts like now at this stage. Going into a chart of territory if the question that is who actually benefits from by sauls removal for rucka. Are we looking at the post. Damascus. So damascus and Bashar Al Assads forces taking more vantage of the situation because they have forces on the ground is very true right now if we are talking about the local forces in syria. Both the kurds actually and the regime are in fact the biggest when i was of this the kurds actually they have. Presented themselves as a liable local force for the americans this is why we continue to ask whether the americans will keep supporting them in the. Conflict which we all see it right now because we expect that the conflict in syria the next stage of the conflict we see it will be between the Syrian Regime forces and their Syrian Democratic forces the kurds in particular and who are going to see something similar to whats happening right now in iraq the conflict between the Iraqi Government and the kurdish peshmerga. The Syrian Regime we believe is going to use this a board that is the having right now receiving right now from both iran and russia in order to regain most of the syrian territories which have been lost to the Syrian Democratic forces just like they managed to get to the game most of the territories lost actually to the Syrian Opposition over the past four five years just very briefly weve got a developing story across the border in iraq with between baghdad. And the kurds do you see the kurds in syria possibly being split in two in terms of whether allegiances lie and may come back to defend or support the kurds in iraq if there is an issue between baghdad and. Its very difficult. To see that the development has been a while because i think the kurds in iraq will be very much busy with fighting actually the Iraqi Government over over coke and other disputed areas and all. So the kurds in syria will be very much busy fighting and confronting in fact the Syrian Regime forces in the coming months and couple of years and its kind of the so its very difficult to see if they can actually help each other in this but what we can see actually is a sort of orchestration iran is orchestrating some sort of. Coalition alliance between the Syrian Government and the Iraqi Government in the fight and also the turkish government in the fight against the kurds they are very much intent on that event in the chords from establishing a state in either the north of iraq or the northern bottle city of them but well leave it there thank you for well Kurdish Forces in syria may be celebrating as weve told you but over the border in iraq they suffered major territorial losses the other peshmerga have pulled out of several towns of the phase of advance by iraqi troops the territory glue should mark war where the tiles were seized by Kurdish Forces in recent years after defeating eisel that are under the control of iraqi shia militias and Government Troops who have also taken over the oil fields near kirkuk iraqi forces moved into the contested city old but day its part of an operation ordered by the iraqi Prime Minister to take back kurdish held areas outside the autonomous region lets join Charles Stratford hes a door that iraq and we believe that the oil minister has speed speaking charles it baghdad whats he saying. Thats right and it just highlights how important the oil of kirkuk is to this country according to the old ministry they have plans of boosting daily output of oil from the killer cook fields all of which the Iraqi Government during control of now to one Million Barrels a day we know estimates that when the kurds were controlling kirkuk they were producing around six hundred thousand barrels a day we also know that it was in their wake they made a way call for the controversial referendum on eventual secession for the kurds that the Iraqi Government said it had plans to reopen an oil pipeline that was damaged by eisel and that would circumvent or avoid having to go across the k r j out to turkey the old ministry saying today that if the kurds were found in any way to be obstructing oil output then that would be a serious legal issue and theyre also saying that the Iraqi Oil Ministry is saying that they plan on bringing Foreign Oil Companies in to boost that output so as i say you know the Iraqi Government not wasting any time a tool in making statements and planning what theyre going to do with those great oil reserves around kirkuk and while the iraqis seem to have a plan in action you might see both of the bolder the kurds seem to have started a little bit of political infighting. Thats right i mean in the wake of this incredible swift withdrawal of Peshmerga Forces not only from disputed area of kirkuk but all the main towns in the other disputed areas president barzani is arguably facing his biggest political crisis of his entire career. Command center have described it as historical treason pointing the fingers of blame at p u k Party Leaders that they say colluded with the Iraqi Government and the iranians and thats why we saw such a swift withdrawal such an easy victory for the iraqi forces in these areas another important figure the former senior aide to the p u k party a guy called bob a part of homs. Has called for a Transitional Government he said that there needs to be a new constructive dialogue with the Iraqi Government following this crisis the u. K. Have denied any responsibility for the kind of accusations that are being made against it by the patient but were expecting a statement to be released by president barzani he hasnt spoken since going to cook was taken by the Iraqi Military yes they were expecting a statement from him any time now in which according to kurdish media he is going to call for unity amongst the various kurdish factions in the kurdish region of Northern Iraq well for the moment charles well leave it there thank you now the taliban says its responsible for a suicide bomb attack that killed at least thirty two people at a Police Training said today in afghanistans part tika province the car packed with explosives was detonated outside the compound it was followed by a gun battle between the attackers and Security Forces at least one hundred more were injured in the assault. Plenty more ahead of the user including. The philippine president reagan to turkey says the city of berar we have been liberated from advice on the Group Despite fighting continuing. Its national aid arrives in somalia as rescuers hunt for survivors of the deadliest bomb attack in the countrys history. Two to perish thank. God. She was a rookie steps up just for the new york yankees lead to his job as all the sports i should. Israel has approved eight hundred forty two to settle the units of the occupied west bank with plans to build around one thousand five hundred ball forty percent able to be built east of the separation wall in the occupied west bank lets go straight over to harry fawcett. Of course news of all settlement construction harry is not going to sit well with the palestinians door with much of the international community. No i mean the u. N. The palestinians many countries around the world see the settlement issue as the key one in any but progress towards the an eventual two state solution progress which is of course been stalled for many years and many here are in pretty deep despair about the prospects of it in any case but but yes this does represent both in terms of the numbers on the locations and acceleration in approvals of plans at least for Housing Units for Israeli Settlers in illegal settlements in the occupied west bank like this one of a deal behind me here were expecting tenders to be approved for nearly three hundred new units as you say so far from the two days we understand that the meeting of the committee the Relevant Committee that does the approving of these units constructions weve had a figure of eight hundred forty two were expecting at least two thousand four hundred possibly up to three thousand four hundred approvals over the next couple of days of the ones which we have heard about so far more than half of them are away from the one hundred sixty seven borders pretty deep inside palestinian occupied territory in the west bank and that means even more difficult in terms of vacuum weighting those centers in the course of any future peace negotiations around a two state solution that theres a related story as well as we go over the last few days israeli reaction to that you thought i heard the steel that sort of seems to lead to unity above the palestinians but of course is of course a good surfer tell of the. Well yes its early days of course in that to reconciliation process last thursday was the signing ceremony in cairo there were already been some objections from hamas to this the speed of lifting restrictions imposed by the p. A. On garza so theres that issue but also as you say we have the issue of how the israelis would react Benjamin Netanyahu has been relatively in comparison with previous attempts at reconciliation during the ten years split relatively muted in his criticism and there was an Israeli Security Cabinet Meeting which took place on monday part two of that meeting we understand underway today certainly no operational decision as its known coming from that meeting what we do have though are reports an exclusive report coming from the haaretz newspaper the left wing newspaper which says its spoken to three of the people with knowledge of what took place in that meeting in that Benjamin Netanyahu apparently told his ministers that israel would not accept or recognize this deal but neither would it oppose it from his opinion its a case of allowing if the p. A. Does get back into gaza an improvement in the humanitarian situation within gaza and that could be good for Israeli National security and israeli interests and so it does seem that along with the americans and of course with the egyptian sponsorship very heavy pressure in favor of this deal people are stepping back and seeing if this reconciliation process between these two bitterly divided palestinian factions may work well well leave it there for the moment tony fawcett thank you. Know its off to a little deal for the palestinians crossing the border between israel and gaza but they are hoping that this may soon change after a reconciliation reconciliation deal between hamas and fatah thats how we should the deal has sought to resist draw the Palestinian Authoritys presence of the gaza strip has this exclusive report from gaza. The sensation of being fenced in begins as soon as you step into gaza from israel so the first check when youve cleared israel and arrive in gaza is here this is the sort of passport control for the Palestinian Authority and this is well under my passport and press card to get it checked by the palestinians my father. Here the Palestinian Authority coordinates with the israelis who control who is allowed in and out. So thats me clear with the Palestinian Authority but that was really more of a formality now we go to where still the real power is where the main checkpoint is and that is with hamas a short few minutes taxi ride down the road. Seventeen years ago almost thirty thousand palestinians crossed here every day to work in israel now israel only lets through the most desperate humanitarian cases. I have been waiting at areas for five hours my daughter is a cancer patient there are always problems every time we need to go to the hospital because of israels security checks could not do it theyre not going to ride his six hours ago im still waiting my son needs open heart surgery so this is the. Hamas fatah. This is the hamas customs checkpoint this is where they still x. Rayed the bags this is where again my passport has to be checked so take it to these guys to check in and this is why i have to have a visa or permission to enter the gaza strip. Once my details have been entered into hamas his Computer System im allowed in. So there we have to separate customs checks for one territory gaza strip part of the palestinian territories what is supposed to happen when the reconciliation fully takes place is that all with customs checks should be done in one place but it begs the question re some forty to fifty thousand people hired and working for how myself or including the people who work here at the Customs House for example what is going to happen to that jurors. Theres forty percent unemployment here so the future for all those hamas employees will be one of the most significant factors in deciding if this palestinian reconciliation can work Bernard Smith aljazeera garza the philippine president says his military has liberated the Southern City of basra a year after a five but battle against beisel linked fighters present roderigo to ten says the city has been freed from what he called terrorists but his military says fighting is still continuing more than one thousand people have been killed in the conflict which has displaced at least four hundred thousand people. Did. You. Begin. To be good has more from the royal we. It was a hastily organized event we knew that the liberation ceremonies of what i was going to happen this week and today we were told that we are going to be able to go to ground zero and witness a flag raising ceremony led by president roh the good at this a gathering with forces from the Philippine Military but of course the significance of this event is not lost specially for those who suffered and those who have lost their properties and their lives since the siege began more than four months ago this is when one of the most difficult battles that the Philippine Military has ever fought against since the crisis began more than four months ago much of what are we is now in ruins over a hundred soldiers have been killed and hundreds of thousands more have been displaced now president of the diego desert to admit that there have been government lapses specially when it comes to intelligence and information sharing he warns local politicians that he will go after them specifically those who continue to support them out a group now the two leaders of the mousie group have been killed this week now they are seen to be leaderless at the moment but history in mindanao tells us that groups like this one do not remain leader left for far too long so the government promised rehabilitation the gram of government promised to address the root cause of rebellion here and radicalism which is basically inequality and discrimination. Qatars so there is does it exist the poorest part of a three country tour of east asia sheikh to be a bit about thirty years meeting singapores president the Prime Minister to discuss trade with bilateral relations. A u. S. Military plane has loaded in somalia as capital mogadishu carrying medical and humanitarian aid is the latest International Response to saturdays the worst in the code dreams history more than three hundred people were killed and hundreds more injured when a truck bomb ripped through the heart of the city thirty five seriously injured victims have been flowed to turkey for specialist treatment of a dow has the latest from the capital mogadishu. What happened on saturday only one of the busiest streets of mogadishu is never been seen in these country and all blame is pointing out that they are the only group of students being cutting out talks like this one loading trucks with explosives and targeting government as well as citizens as their targets so many people here have absolutely no doubt about themselves who cut it out this time this is a nation still in mourning this is the third and final day of a period of mourning declared five person coming up to life for modulus soon. Caught many people in the show them a cub mission looking for any survivors as well as the bullies of the people who steal. The rubble of buildings the collapsed buildings within some buildings within to me to two kilometers radius. And it is a huge task rescue workers us looking for the bodies as well as survivors they were really encouraged yesterday late in the evening when they found a survivor bill seriously injured under the rubble of the one of the building stockwell laughs so. The people are still in shock but immediately the mourning period is over many questions some of them very difficult for us and one of the government would be facing would be the question why is it unable to stop such kind of a tux. The catalog representatives have warned that the Central Government to do it should not expect a different response today about this for clarity of answer session bloods the date has altered the regions leaders to declare whether they did to declare independence following a called virtual secession vote earlier this month the council of president charles bootable failed to clarify his position by him but they dont lie its ted calling for further talks with the trade hes been give it until thursday to respond again. And staying in the region wildfires are killed at least thirty six people in portugal and three its spayed firefighters that portugal are struggling to put out about fifty blazes the government has declared a state of emergency of the north of part of the country had asked for it to the ash will help spanish Prime Minister buddy of the holy has played the fires on his country to arsonists the fires followed usually hopes of a bit worse by strong winds from hurricane or feeley or. Well is it for sale of course the weather seems pretty poor and some there is a pretty good others yes its actually probably helping now as you just said the heat of the summer and the fact that the winds from ophelia which very thing that made these fires rage or now its covered in cloud things are rather better as a consequence of these fires can have a look over here that the fires are now underneath the cloud but the good they put so much smoke into the atmosphere added to some of the sahara dust scar hes in some parts of north and West New York this is run in northwest france were orange yesterday no this isnt portentious they were been thought about it five hundred years ago but now we know what now i know what caused it and those guys stayed orange as far north as indians a shot from Southern India and they were also orange this morning at dawn in belgium the sun looked like that now the winds are in much the same direction with a much much lighter now in the picture of a most of europe now is still settled and quite the suns out but there is rain in portugal. And the winds are much lighter than the rain will tend to dig into that part of europe and further west as well but we mentioned just briefly ophelia that was once a hurricane category three when it hit all and about twenty four hours ago it wasnt a hurricane is next hurrican but the winds strings were tremendous and the damage done by the sting jet which is the winds hitting the ground one hundred fifty hundred sixty could use raw this focused cork elsewhere in Southern Illinois thankfully the thing has moved on now but ahead of it the waves are still pounding in england and wales so. Thanks very much will still to come here all that. We struggle. To piece the life without my father. Richard lewis to prison to the ship for three hundred days plus. Im john hendren hundreds of miles north of the Mexican Border where a surprising animal has just started to make its home ill tell you where coming up. The road to russia joe will tell you which european teams the be brought against each other in the playoffs thats coming up its sport here although every world. Owes it when theyre on line we were in hurricane the winds for almost like thirty six hours these are the things that has to address or if you join a sunset a member of the ku klux klan but with a relationship this is a dialogue tweet us with hostile stream and one of your pitches might make the next show join the global conversation at this time on aljazeera. Welcome back you want to be there and use our absolve robin biter of our top stories this hour the u. S. Backed forces have driven out herself of the self declared capital of brocker it syria in the past few hours the syria Democratic Forces have raised their flaccid side the city stadium the battle to take the city from beisel to get a jew the. Kurdish forces are suffering huge total real losses in iraq a day after dusk but troops seized the Northern City of kirkuk they were withdrawn from the terms of said jarba. As well as giving up control of several oil fields. Also israel has approved eight hundred forty two to settle the beauty its in the occupied west bank with plans to build what else did five hundred bull forty percent about to be built east of the separation wall in the occupied west bank. Lets get more our top story isis defeated itself couple of rocker bob bashara is al jazeera cd a political analyst joins me from blood good to have you with us what can we start with calls a big victory but the who because ever so many players out there in this very tense political day. Thats the right question for whom and for how long until when and where all these questions happen in a very and a situation thats quite in flux you know wars and this civil war in syria whether they are just or unjust and civil wars are always unjust. They lead to intended and unintended consequences and i think thats what were seeing now while syria might get rid of i so at least physically in can put all of our large geographical areas new challenges are coming on the horizon probably this time by the two parties who are declaring victory in iraq the regime in damascus and the democratic Kurdish Forces in the north there might be one against guys but it seems that they are up to a conflict amongst themselves moving forward as to who will control what territory and whether syria will remain united or whether the kurds will insist on an expanded autonomy slash independence or secession in the north and of course a huge chilled the subject of the sort of calls developed just across the border that iraq. Changed very quickly in the last twenty four hours so while the kurds have subsidies sensitive syria theyre also looking as you say books themselves as to which way to do forward and how to deal with baghdad at a time where they do really all to degree but themselves. Thats right and the criticism is mounting in various parts of course not Northern Iraq unfortunately. In terms of their response to whats happening who are there seems to be quite deep divisions now and its already called that the while the courts are united against the government in baghdad that they themselves have gone through their own little civil wars if you will in the past i think whats happened in Northern Iraq as well as another in syria will depend not only on the response from baghdad and damascus which for the time being is hostile against any secession against any expanded autonomys. In Northern Syria and iraq i think the regional factor is going to come to play as we know turkey which is kind of the more dominant power in Northern Syria and to some a bit now in parts of iraq is completely against but clearly also iran and the government in iraq against any such expansion of the kurds in Northern Iraq if you acted that that the russians and the americans are not taking any active position on this and that if anything the russians the iranians want to work with the turks in Northern Syria and Northern Iraq i think at the end of the day were going to see that the kurds are squeezed more and more unfortunately even though they have faults bravely if you will in Northern Syria and in Northern Iraq against i saw. That there is a part of the case that the. Overstep by. The repercussions about five recalled the. Well certainly they like others for example in catalonia and so on whenever they embark on any such step with all the justification that comes with it they know that perhaps they went overboard especially you know putting aside whether they have a right or not for independence when all the national the regional and the International Circumstances are not in favor of any such secession of any such independence when everyone advises him that this will lead to escalation and war and that it does have complications and that they cannot act independently from the majority of the population in their own countries the iraqis in the case of iraq or the syrians in the case of syria and that these things need to happen consensually meaning not only the minorities have to be on board but also the majorities and that in the case of iraq and syria in the case of context of war and the process and the evolution of the war or devolution of the war if you will that any such steps would only escalate tensions and violence in those and those regions well for the bhutto well leave it there thanks very much. Says the refugees who fled violence to be above has risen to find the two thousand its really strange video to highlight the scale of the exodus of. Their escape to get military crackdown state the un has described the situation as ethnic cleansing. The latest group called this is bizarre. The united c. R. Aerial footage shows a large number of refugees on the other side of bother trying to cross into bangladesh now this is corroborated by our soldiers on the other side as well as Bangladesh Border god on monday at least fifteen ten to fifteen thousand refugees crossed over into bangladesh and shop where they bury and along all their Land Boundary area influx is continuous maybe not in Staggering Numbers sometimes but an average of two to four thousand people crosses into bangladesh the fifth ration on the other side in myanmar is still very active and volatile what we hear from the refugees talking to them families and other members is that they are very scared to get out of the house that is no food all the food shops are closed theres no aid agency distributing any kind of food specially in western russia there are all kinds state rather and theyre trying to cross into buying that there is this take shelter in quite a steady hour filtered island in the not very bright and wait for the optimum moment to cross into bangladesh on the other side the bank of this government is not planning to set up a huge refugee camp which is supposed to accommodate up to eight hundred thousand people that is a Staggering Number of people in one refugee camp how theyre going to manage this is a question yet to be seen this is a larger than the population of washington d. C. City one reason the government is trying to do that is that on one the royal refugees to scattered across bangor that they want to confine them in one area so they can have a better planning of distribution of relate aid and other emergency aid into one particular camp but most of this camp around the rule of shanty town to accommodate that many people in one concentrated area is a clear danger of spreading of Infectious Disease and also a very uncomfortable and ive been in a small concentrated area in one particular place this situation remains volatile and active in both side of the border as up now. The delusional for the al jazeera journalist of president egypt has pleaded for him to be freed probably to save his lobby the presence of three hundred days he would write between organizations of two children it deducts a his detention the to should get the. In the three hundred days Mahmoud Hussein has been imprisoned his family says hes grown depressed hes accusing the egyptian authorities of denying him legal rights and medical treatment and providing inadequate food and clothing he is father to nine children my sisters and brother face social stigma every day in their schools everyone calls them that they are sons and daughters of petitioners. And they are not tool or flipping during egypt they are not safe each one of us is not safe no man. Hussein is an egyptian journalist who was based in qatar working for aljazeera he was looking forward to going home for a vacation last december instead he was arrested in cairo egypt and authorities have charged him with what they call disseminating false news and receiving funds from foreign authorities to defame the state el jazeera has denied all allegations while human rights and other media organizations have denounced the accusations and are demanding his release we struggle to face the life without my father. Its a story of a man who was kidnapped by the government before being officially imprisoned. He was unjustly enabled as a terrorist by egyptian media. Hussein is the latest aljazeera journalist to be imprisoned in egypt last year a former editor of aljazeera arabic website was sentenced to death in absentia in two thousand and thirteen an International Campaign was launched after the arrest of peter greste Mohamed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed the three spent more than a year in prison in all cases aljazeera says their only crime was being a journalist natasha going to aljazeera. I know its one of the strangest sides of Climate Change the buy gratian of the died but i did all the demo data to latin america more recently texas started to say wobble with this have the bubbles northwood sprinkled with the parasites of diseases childhood reports from carbondale illinois they come by night recognizing no border cloaked in darkness in armor in the past few years the armadillo that nocturnal armor back mammal from latin america has marched ever northward there is actually armadillo in. Were just seemed crazy it does seem crazy this is not their territory they are just following the natural source of climate and if theyve got a habitat theyre going to move on as the population gets warrender they are in the cleaning process but augustan jimin is grew up with armadillos in his native mexico hes now as you all ages to Southern Illinois university he had planned to travel to study the mammals farther south in texas and florida i never expected to be in this position of starting out of the u. S. In illinois now one time the nine banded armadillo his arrived at his doorstep at least in part he says due to Global Warming they. Winter is that where experiencing them or more likely it is for them to survive. And that one is consistent with up out down of change of what weather bottoms. Chances for them surviving. Shrooms. Some scientists believe it isnt just the climate thats changed enough to lure the creatures but also the mammals themselves Global Warming almost certainly has an element to it but it may involve both an interaction of warmer climates and. Adaptations by the animals themselves that allow these rain shifts to take place the first armadillos appeared in the United States in the eight hundred fifty s. In texas and had been spreading ever since it took one hundred fifty years for the armadillo to reach this far north of mexico but now its one immigrant that seems to be expanding throughout north america one reason may be that unlike further south where its preyed upon by bob cats and humans for food here it has only one major predator the car. We found this one on the side of the highway too late for it but not for a species that is thriving in its new home john hendren aljazeera carbondale illinois. Very cute. With the sports car is called. Trying to concentrate on the n. F. L. Team players and League Officials in new york over the next two days to try to fix some major issues plaguing american americas most popular sport a top item on the agenda is what to do about players protesting during the National Anthem all christens salumi joins us now live from new york chris and plenty of problems facing the n. F. L. The price is exposed. Absolutely this is an issue that has been dividing not only the league itself but football fans and in fact the entire country whether or not players should neil or stand during the National Anthem and before what is a regularly scheduled owners meeting taking place at the hotel behind me today those players and their representatives are expected to meet with the owners and representatives to discuss this issue and a possible way forward the leagues commissioner Roger Goodell last week expressed his view that players should stand during the National Anthem this kneeling during the anthem started as a form of protest last year for players who felt that they wanted to make a stand about Police Brutality and other forms of discrimination against minorities in this country it became a thing for certain players but its gotten to the point now that its really dividing the league and it seems to be according to the n. F. L. Hurting their viewership theyve had a lot of angry emails and a lot of people returning merchandise to the teams because they feel that this is a sign of disrespect for the flag and for the National Anthem so the league has expressed interest in finding a way forward to get players to stand goodell says that he thinks players should stand for the National Anthem but he also says that you know theyre concerned about the same issues that their players are concerned and they want to help the play. Theres make a difference on these social issues so an attempt at compromise seems to be in the works here our players have been meeting looking for ways to move the discussion forward to get dell said that now the debate is preventing any Real Progress from being made because theres so much controversy theyre going to try to find a way around that but really hard issues that have to be discussed here will they actually make it a rule that players have to stand during the National Anthem right now its not a written rule will that change what if a player raises a fist instead of kneeling will that be an issue so these are some of the thorny things that the league has to work out here and its really become a political one hasnt that issue about the National Anthem want to do because president has been vocal opposing the naming fans but in the last twenty four hours his stance has softened some wants. Yes somewhat initially at the beginning of the season less than a month ago the president during some public remarks said the league should be firing players who take a need during the National Anthem we talked about cutting off the leagues tax rates well it turns out theyre not really getting tax rates but so hes very outspoken and really riled up the issue in fact after he made those comments more League Players now others joined arms during the National Anthem in a sign of solidarity. But fans got riled up as well and thats what prompted Roger Goodell to make that first Public Comments about where he was leaning on the issue so the president on monday did soften his tone but only just a little bit have a listen. When you go down and take a needy or any other way youre sitting the sensually for great National Anthem youre disrespecting our flag and youre disrespecting our country and the n. F. L. Should have suspended some of these players for one game. Not fire suspended him for one game and then if they did it again it could have been two games in three games and then for the season you wouldnt have people disrespecting our country right now. That was trumped by the man who started the need in protests calling cap and dont just a grievance against the teams on mondays how will that play into the meeting thats going on there behind you. Well its interesting collin hasnt been invited to take part in the meeting thats taking place here today he left his post with the San Francisco forty nine ers before the end of the season last year and became a free agent his grievance is that he hasnt been hired its well into the season and he has not been picked up by any team sports analysis Sports Writers say thats unusual hes a very qualified quarterback that should have a place in the league but it appears that hes toxic now or none of the teams want to hire him and thats the case that he is making because the controversy that he league is colluding against him to keep him out of football all right thats kristen salumi there for us live in new york thanks very much to smash the new york yankees back in baseballs American League championship series top frazier fired a three run home run in the second inning to give the home side the advantage against the stories but then stepped up a rookie to seal it allen judge with another three run home run as the yankees won eight one he soon lead the series two one. The european playoff draw for next years world cup has taken place with a team still in the running for four remaining spots russia twenty eighteen four time champion will continue to try to qualify for nineteenth place we didnt travel to sweden for the first leg that will take place between the ninth and eleventh and november with the return scheduled for the following week well in the other ties switzerland who lost out on automatic qualification to portugal on goal difference have been drawn against northern line and theyre looking to reach their first world cup since ninety six croatia aim to reach a fifth world cup as they take on greece and denmark by the republic of ireland who sealed their playoff spot in their last match against wales are reportedly wellings takes a look at the trial. Well we cant be surprised that italy ended up in the playoffs because their ranking slipped and i ended up in the same group as a spanish team this regain its form and thats why its only found themselves into the playoffs and having to play sweden which is never easy i sighed up when i saw them play the netherlands in amsterdam the way the guns they were unusually poor in the first half but by the second half they were going their composure and they wanted to make it so difficult so italy even sweden could be tight you would expect italy to find a way through all of these kinds of tight all the island versus switzerland the thing about the over the island is that chile were ranked higher than twenty three which sounds good doesnt it but if theyre being ranked where they were a couple of games ago they could have avoided switzerland and you think well actually in the not the worst time to play theyre constantly under rated they were in the top eight seeds at the last four knows they have a brilliant record over the past few years and i will be favorites debate Northern Ireland denmark versus the republic of ireland its a difficult one to call the last game between croatia and great side up i think croatia could do really well if they reach the finals but you never want off greece look what happened when people did that in two thousand and four and they won the European Championship its not easy to qualify for the world cup from europe much easier to qualify for the European Championships and these players will demonstrate that six months after surgery on his back tiger woods has been given the green light to return to golf with no restrictions by a start woods posted this video on monday dropping his biggest hit yet these rates step back up to the tape calling to his agent a fourteen time major champion so his doctor at the end of last week to get the good news no formal announcement yet on when hell make his professional comeback that woods hasnt played since withdrawing from a tournament into buy in february. All right sale that is in his four for now with pizza later thanks very much jake. What are the odds they would use our back with bodies on the other side of the break its a little joke at all of thats your type of. In the final part of a six part series filmed of the five years. The people of new cars still fight for that line and. The village chief is in prison. And forced underground the filmmakers become part of the saga. Crackdown the concluding part of one kind chinas democracy experiment at this time on aljazeera a journey both dark. Theres a very forever theres a lot of corruption and beautiful like the beautiful lady you have to be very patient and the city has ascended to i was introduced to in the one my father and my most aware of change for king for how the personal story to discover the source of one of the most expensive commodities sent from heaven and this time on aljazeera. Across the paddy fields appears the stream of people they did with heavy bags and carrying small children they say theyre escaping from the smoke in the distance the follow the path to the border and come across a group of. Bare feet caked in mud they tell us they arrived in bangladesh the day before need to return to find the rest of their families who couldnt make the journey that is the last Bangladeshi Border security post and beyond that where you see the smoke billowing as me and mark now the journey between the two countries is just a boat ride across the river that takes twenty minutes which is why weve seen dozens of made it to the safety of bangladesh trying to go back to say family members that left behind for normal hamad and his extended family this path leads to safety. We struggled so much now we want to stay here live here and die here in bangladesh. Us doug forces in syria say theyre in full control of rocket beisel full blown self declared capital

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