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Welcome to the news grid breaking news out of kenya the Opposition Leader while loading has Just Announced that hes withdrawing from the president ial Election Rerun he says officials have failed to make reforms through a broken system which he blames for augusts Election Results being an old that leaves his bitter rival president a hurrican as the sole candidate a make or break moment spain and they are European Union are waiting with bated breath to see if catalonia as a leader will declare independence mystery surrounds whether carlos put him on will honor the process and vote for a referendum that the National Government says was illegal flawed for life to barcelona and madrid as the clock ticks down and australia and syrias world cup dream in an extra truck time ruler in sydney the visitors though certainly far away until the end they want to hazard. Special sports segment with all the celebration heartbreak and reaction and its kind of lonely away to find out its fate will also look at how public broadcasters have been accused of fanning the flames of division i mean your questions and comments throughout the show using the hash tag. Youre the news get real live on air were streaming online as well through you tube Facebook Live and at aljazeera dot com so kenyas fragile political situation has been dealt a significant blow thats just in the past hour where the Opposition Leader raul loading up pulling out from a rerun of the president ial election well he lost the election in august to president kenyatta but the result was later scrapped by the Supreme Court which found irregularities now says officials have failed to make the reforms necessary for a fair race listen. In the president ial election. When the in the notification of the president ial election and if its going to seventeen and this subsequent because it bent by the commission all genders signed as president ial candidates and running mates for the pleasure election the. Footprint is. Twenty seventeen. We need you. For more catherine sorries joining us from nairobi just talk us through what exactly happened over the past hour and the huge significance of this development. A hugely significant daryn and you mentioned in the introduction that this comes at a very fragile time and kennedys are very unprecedented times as well we. In that press conference think some of the reasons why he and his Opposition Coalition have decided to withdraw from the election is the fact that the Electoral Commission has not been a huge thing and listening to some of the demands that theyve been making for example the opposition one fattened individuals within. Their Electoral Commission who they say oversaw the last elections removed the head of the twenty sixth paul they also wanted some camp unease that were involved in the transmission of results as well as printing ballot papers replace the head of the election by the Electoral Commission say that this is not possible because the time is too short to make all this replacement or allowed into saying really that they already planned to read this election the opposition has been calling had been calling for weekly demonstrations the supporters have been coming to the streets calling for electoral reforms. You know Nasa Coalition at a press conference saying that these demonstrations are going to continue even going ahead to say that if the twenty sixth elections happen then theres going to be a disruption of what level of disruption there talking about we dont know but this is causing a lot of anxiety and a lot of fear with many people who are looking at are is that the coast campaigning and he say that hes going to continue campaigning and hes going to continue with the election anyway the Electoral Commission yesterday said theyre going to carry on with the election but this brings a new dime a dimension than a lot of kenyans ive been talking to there in have still trying to wrap their heads around what is going on the question their asking is now what happens next is there even going to be election on the twenty sixth that is no election on the twenty sixth and within this city. The day. And whats going to happen after that the constitution really very big about what happened after the fifty day. Ok catherine we thank you for giving us that update from nairobi we also have with us here mohammed though hes been covering kenyan politics for years with us here in the studio and you also covered this election in kenya let me just tell you what were hearing from the latest lines coming in on the news wires the kenyan opposition lawmaker saying that they are going to Boycott Parliament over proposed election law amendments how big is all of this well this is huge weve already been im on something grounds in kenya of to the Supreme Court monday five that is old school for august eighth election. To a whole new level come the elections be held with only one candidate now the three no didnt get. Withdrawn from that race the constitution as cousin said does not concede a situation where the elections on will tell within sixty days from the consideration of the results so why. Can that might be added to some sort of constitutional crisis and what do we expect the reaction to be from kenyans themselves because even at the time of the election in august the country was very divided a very polarized indeed this is a debate divided nation and basically on tribal basis the feelings of exclusion within many can and communities where loading to himself leads one of these communities the people whove been looking for the presidency of kenya for a very long time is father before he wanted to become the president of kenya this is the fourth election he had contest of the august eighth one and now he is also surrounded himself with tribal kingpins people who have a lot of say within their communities is running mate kalonzo most yorkers one of them sunny im a devotee one of the principals of most is another one and many others so youre talking about almost a huff of the contrary. Siding with or you know do you know when it comes to these feelings of exclusivity and the Supreme Courts decision really saved much as when it comes to the political tensions that have been building up ever since that is also what declared and once that is also a big concern and fresh elections held people aside a sigh of relief now with this this takes it to a different level altogether and heres what one of our viewers is telling us on facebook jim are sending in a comment saying rhyolite demanded some changes within the reform of the Electoral Commission but they werent doing any changes why is that well in terms of the commission us which she wasnt keen on in the past few days in the last days. Very little time between the time the election was cancelled and the time the election was supposed to be held any changes to the mid within the commission itself however you know was very keen on the targets of the commission the people who were dealing with ease. Tendering the printing of the bottle peepers the ballot boxes people who are dealing with the companies the companies that were dealing with the Electronic System and particularly he wanted the chief executive officer of the Electoral Commission was part of the area to go now although it has been rejected because the believe which is present who does but he wanted people to state now hes a game and ease how can i have in a trust in elections being organized and presided over by the same people that have been castigated for causing all this massive fraud was found by the locals found by the Supreme Court and not the first time that weve had problems when it comes to elections in kenya so this must be for worrying for obviously youve spoken about kenyans but also for a lot of people from the outside looking in. You know as picky as a kenyan we really have been wondering the incompetence of successive can and governments in Holding Elections and free and fair ones two thousand and two was the last election thats not been contested in kenya the two thousand and seven elections so the postelection andras that led to the deaths of more than a thousand people two thousand and thirteen elections were disputed and ended up being decided by the Supreme Court the same pup and this is. This just shows you that the massive corruption in the country has also spilled over to the electoral process of the country and it would be a very difficult one to salt ok how much is all we leave it there we thank you for that analysis our social media producer anderson power has been looking at their reaction online and or to the developing story what are people saying well people in kenya immediately started reacting online throwing riot loading his name into the worldwide trends now this announcement isnt a complete surprise to some have. Been using a hash tag no reforms no elections this week and he told his supporters on monday that his rivals in the juice in jubilee stole the election in august and in free and fair contests julie would lose again now that the announcement is official and supporters are praising his decision to drop outs of what they call a rigged election process most kenyans seem to be asking what many of us are asking what will happen next now donald cory kip corey are here for one says that withdrawal puts kenya the withdrawal puts kenya into unchartered constitutional and legal waters well all over nothing gay who is a journalist says he thought that the demand for fresh nominations might be calculated to give nasa a new president ial candidate who is not right other people are asking about Campaign Money in particular and what might happen to the millions of kenyan shillings or hundreds of thousands of dollars that has been donated by odinga supporters so well keep monitoring the reaction to the announcement online and we also hear from you we always have viewers on Facebook Live from kenya so share your thoughts and on twitter you can share thoughts me directly im at enter chapelle or just use the has tag it in is good andrew thank you will spains worst political crisis in a generation is about to come to a head thats as the nation waits to see if the catalonia leader this man right there thats carla sputum all will declare independence spain and indeed the rest of the European Union have a little over forty five minutes to wait until puja is supposed to address catalonia as a Regional Parliament ninety percent of catalans who cast ballots in a referendum on october the first voted in favor of secession thats despite a court ban that ruled the whole thing unconstitutional the poll also had low turnout as police blocked access to many voting places and many catalans who oppose the session simply stayed at home madrid as warning not to do anything quote irreversible so at stake in. The future of a region thats home to seven and a half Million People and generates twenty percent of spains economic output word a country the size of catalonia economy would rank somewhere between denmark and finland so were covering this from both sides of this highly divisive debate we have lawrence lee there he is hes standing by in madrid thats the home of the National Government as you know but well begin with jonah hall in barcelona thats catalonia as a regional capital output to your comments coming into us here at the news grid jonah saying that he would be referring to he would be insane uncut unconstitutional and irrational that if he declares independence he needs to open dialogue with the madrid government the truth is do we know what hes going to say in about forty five minutes time. We really dont the Regional Government has been given any into a clue as to what might be in the address that was depleted is due to give that line of thinking though is part of a huge amount of pressure that is built up on him to step back from the brink you may remember that last week it was very clear which seemed very clear that he was going to declare independence he planned to do it on monday at a parliamentary session that was promptly banned by the Constitutional Court in madrid so this session on tuesday was called merely for him to give a report back on the referendum but of course he may take the opportunity to go much further than that and declare independence there is a referendum law passed by this parliament in september at the behest of mr prejudgment and his coalition that says in the event of a positive result in the referendum a declaration of independence must follow and certainly the two million plus people who voted for it will want him to do that will be very disappointed if he doesnt but as i say a lot of pressure has built up in the past week in the past few days the flight of companies from catalonia threats from madrid. The huge protests that took place here on sunday or people to be who came out and said dont do it lets remain united with spain will he bowed to that pressure or not but as you rightly said there were about forty or so minutes away from finding out ok joe now well leave it there for now we thank you over to lawrence joining us from madrid madrid obviously looking at this with concern whether there are options if he does announce independence. Well there are a lot but none of them are any good a lot of worried faces in this in the Spanish Parliament here lets go straight to tony roll than from the unionists opposition and youre in touch with the Government Party here first of all whats your best bet is going to say in forty five minutes from now do you think is going to go or not. I believe there is a bit of a misunderstanding of what actually happening here in spain that there is an ongoing that is happening now in catalonia by a nationalist not give east that without. A legal basis or any. Board that they are imposing on the rest of see the break up of a country within europe within the ribena in the twenty First Century right so you think hes going to announce independence does it show yeah i mean thats what its actually written in the last that they have approved and thats what he said yesterday show i think hes going to ahead with independence but just to be clear im just trying to you know. Forty five minutes away you dont know the government doesnt know spain doesnt know the catalans dont know the European Union doesnt know the outside world doesnt know what hes going to say and you think that means hes suitable to be the leader of an independent country theyve been extremely responsible we had an election they didnt get the majority of the vote at the end of twenty fifteen and they can decided to continue with their stride as you to break up the country to bring this. Outside of the European Union and now they just need to continue with this game. And that of these weve heard in other places in the universe throughout the crises before the crises report from the bench was below fifteen percent now it seems that all the problems are going to be solved if we break up the country and quite the opposite is happening what are moderates options something that can send the tanks in it its inconceivable if they arrest him he becomes a martyr doesnt he they try to take back control what do you think is the best thing they can do i think things are going to get worse before they get better and the options are not are not are not really good we are all very worried. She didnt make the. Fracturing extremely vicious id people are in the streets there has been violence what the government is doing that could be more violence if there is legal is more violence they are pushing they are pushing it they know what the options of the government are not many they just need my opinion is that they need to get out this government is not valid these are not a valid interlocutor to solve these negotiation and we need to talk to somebody else and call an election where everybody Regional Election where everybody can actually vote with a democratic government these with an electrode board where all the views can be actually heard not only the views of the nationalists. And thats the only way forward the people of it are not giving another option thank you very much for the time weve been talking we didnt have time to get so before this this is supposed to be a good year for the European Union the populists lost in the netherlands and france and michaela merkels and back in power in germany in this with the Political Center has been holding on to the last thing the European Union want right at the end of this year is is is a complete crisis in spain but its looking like people think is going to announce secession and that is what well wait to hear about forty five minutes time for the time being lawrence lee we thank you for that back to andrew youve been looking at some of the language being used online and in the media when it comes to the spanish story what have you found well there is a couple of words catalonia as you would expect the two other words of dominated much of the discussion on twitter in spain for weeks now and they are fascist and dictatorship now as you can imagine many people online are still talking about and sharing videos like the violent clashes between police and protesters lots of commentators who share these sorts of videos accuse the spanish authorities of acting like a dictatorship now these images are from a demonstration in the last week the government you may remember put out a statement condemning that violence. Is the leader of the left party pull demos who wrote that although some media. Parties protect them the aggressors from berlin only have one name fascists now is adding to this theyre a satirical magazine and they reached a image from an april cover which reads that the far right arrives on spanish catwalks and also asks the question was it always there in the press has always been at the center of this debate regarding the conflict between catalonia and madrid with many people criticizing its role as a mouthpiece for either side in the debate a subject that was tackled by our colleagues at the listening post. When assessing journalism its not just what you see its what you dont see open and shut case in point Catalonian Television and International News outlets all lead with images of police battling and in some cases bloody people trying to vote in barcelona madrid state owned t. V. He started with this. Kid i want to publish a pretty major but i feel there will be i dont know that i feel healed case a study in the gut and yet we can see the channel showed what looked like a stand on skirmishes nothing more police breaking a door down many and carting away ballot boxes not swinging their baton at people and the first voice spaniards heard apart from the anchor duo and t. V. Was an official one from madrid navi no benefit in. Me and money and here they go and in protest of in we have they have the latter t. V. E. Began with the political side of the story comments from the deputy Prime Minister instead of starting with the events in catalonia they altered the natural order of this new story this sign great importance to the government in madrid even though the story was about to the loney and its a constant subversion is this lesson that was actually journalists who were the first to point out bias at the National Broadcaster some in fact staged a protest in their news room Holding Cards with the hash tag that are going or shame in english this journalist christina writes that as journalists we are embarrassed of the treatment given to the referendum at the Government Service not the citizens now todays journalist board actually demanded the resignation of the channels director saying that it was breaching its obligations under law to provide a Public Service in its coverage about at a lonia the directors didnt reply and say they had no additional comment about the zero when asked about this demand now on the catalonian side its pretty much the same story the coverage on the publicly funded t. V. Three has been similarly biased you can check out that episode of listening post on our website aljazeera dot com for more on that the Media Coverage and also get in touch with us you can share your views tweet me directly im at enter chapelle or disease that has tech eighteen is great. Well moving on to liberia and liberians have been gathering in their masses to vote for a replacement for their president Ellen Johnson sirleaf so if all goes well it will be the first time in seventeen years seven decades that is that one democratically elected government has handed power to another there are twenty candidates almost two point two million registered voters are looking for someone to tackle corruption and poverty in the west african state one of the worlds poorest countries president sirleaf led liberias transition from a fourteen year civil war that ended in two thousand and three after killing more than two hundred fifty thousand people by the day is joining us from the capital monrovia and with so many candidates running in this election is the expectation that there is going to be a runoff a second votes. One with three or four top contenders running almost neck and neck in some counties and the general feeling among political observers and i know this year is that this may likely go into a second round. I kind of a different in the house when fifty percent of the vote and more before they secure outright victory in the election but for the house of representative seats its a simple majority seventy three seats up for grabs in this election so what we probably will see in the next one or two weeks is that the formation of results from several counties across nigeria then finally the constitution allows that the Election Commission shouldnt announce this result. Twenty fifth of. The case of what i know. Is the day before i dont know in case no candidate was able to win an outright victory and i just set the scene for us for a moment tell us whats going on behind you and also im sure youve been speaking to many liberians for. Adding in the selection whats important to them. What basically the day is not all inclusive isnt an angle what you see right behind me. What is queuing up most of the people who couldnt vote on the end of days there was a lot of confusion and maybe Voting Centers here there are a lot of fun of doctors and people with you up some have been out of the room since six oclock in the morning and they queued up this was in the queue and when you get to the front of folks there one documents have been inspected and the one thing that you came to them they came to the room polling station been told they have to move a little angry and the Election Commission stepped in quickly in some areas now it will be lingering issues of. People not seeing their names only read your stuff i spoke to the director of communications will be a National Commission to go and it was explained to me that it was a full. Never to be opportunity to crossexamine to cross to where they want incentives up what people enthusiastic really wanted and i question a to go trying to do is of that but of course because of the truck obviously so in the early part of the day when voting started people was angry because of what was not done right ok reporting from monrovia thank you and one of our journalists or other journalists that is home some humbugs has written this online article explaining everything you need to know about the issues liberians most care about just as our reporter was telling us a moment ago you can read it on al jazeera dot com and search for liberia and you can also send him any comments or questions you may have on twitter hes a. Underscore africa. And we have viewers watching from zambia from kenya big story for us this evening as well as australia sending in their comments and questions you can do so as well we can a you can tweet us where on twitter. Were also on facebook at facebook dot com slash a. J. News grid and you can send us a whatsapp on plus nine seven four five zero triple one one four nine just a reminder to always use the has tag a news grid when you send in your comments or your questions well for a decades attempts to patch up a deep rift between palestinian rivals fatah and hamas have failed now the factions leaders want to change that and theyre meeting in egypts capital for unity talks so the division between fatah and hamas came after hamas has election victory back in two thousand and six and two thousand and seven how mass defeated fattah in street battles taking full control of the gaza strip well since then attempts to reconcile have broken down within weeks or months and these talks are designed to implement steps agreed in a deal signed six years ago also in cairo but divisive issues remain to be solved from finding employment for both groups personnel to the future of hamas is powerful military arm well weve been sounding out people in gaza and the occupied west bank asking their thoughts on the cairo meeting heres what some of them had to say. About it honestly i do not trust them i am sixty five years of age and i have never seen more worthy people but those two groups hamas and fatah. They made promises under oath and before the holy mosque in mecca to mend fences among them eleven years of past and the Palestinian People have been suffering but they did not take any action show me any positive sign gaza strip has become a dead body ignorance has prevailed unemployment look around you young men are not able to marry i want to know. First of all they will empower the most Job Opportunities will be made available the number of Palestinian Authority employees who are just sitting at home and represent a huge social pressure we expect the Economic Conditions to move forward especially now that weve been in frightening economic recession needless to mention the siege our lives depend just on opening the Border Crossing we have the right to move freely and lead a dignified life weve been denied of many rights to these circumstances. Hopefully there will be reconciliation it would result in achievements for all palestinians but one because. Its better if theres reconciliation for fatah and hamas and all of us it would reflect on us and on the people in gaza economically and mentally lets not speak to a senior political analyst joining us from london so marwan as im saying the meetings in cairo that are being held right now are centered around implementing the twenty eleven cairo agreement but has enough changed from twenty eleven until now to give you a sense of optimism that reconciliation is going to stick and implementation is possible. Well not so much optimism as realism in the last five years the situation has. Flowed as it were but now its certainly quite into the works the bottom if you will of the history between the two groups and in the occupied territories never did it look as bad as it does today for the palestinians in terms of their struggle in terms of its priorities in the arab world and on the International Community just judging from president abbas a speech at the United Nations you know the degree of desperation and judging from how hamas gave up its administrative control of gaza you can also tell how much they are in a freefall in terms of their resources in terms of their capacity to continue to administer that. Impoverished strip of land if you will that includes one point five or more million palestinians so all in all they are both desperate to get something done to get something going to even give the appearance of an achievement for the Palestinian People unfortunately that will not be the end of the road that would be only the beginning of it if they do would reach an agreement when you refer to not being the end of the road i suppose youre referring to some of the specific challenges that might come up when it comes to for example whos going to control security in gaza thats been a major Sticking Point up until very recently hamas saying that giving up weapons is not up for discussion are saying that needs to happen so how do they get over that. Well certainly thats going to be a huge issue for them they need to agree on question of strategy i mean how much of it is about negotiations and giving up all other ways of resistance whether it is military or nonmilitary how much of it is that they give up after twenty five years of Peace Process in order to pursue alternative methods they need to agree on a vision and a strategy and and apparently theyre only concerned over how to have a division of labor of how to share the taxis bit paid by the palestinians and how to administer the prison if you will because in the end of the day the reason for our viewers around the world gaza remains blockaded and the west bank and East Jerusalem remain occupied by israel so really while we heard a lot of people from gaza on the west bank blaming the p. A. And they pay should be blamed for a lot of things and fatah and hamas do bit a lot of responsibility by the end of the day they live under occupation and if they will administer anything they will be administered in this vast prison where the palestinian live called the palestinian occupied territories right so really in the end of the day even if they do come to a joint shortage of theyre going to face israel does not like any of this does not accept the mouse unless hamas recognizes israel as a jewish state severs all relationships with iran and basically gives up everything in terms of resistance and thats not going to happen anytime soon but for egypt which has clearly invested a lot in this this is a type have a plan b. If this were to fail. You know what egypts just a Crisis Management for the time being is more than enough because as you know egypt also faces a certain high degree of instability both in sinai and within egypt itself and it does want to show the c. C. Regime wants to show some leverage somewhere in the region its wants to show that it can be you know quote unquote constructive if you will that it could help israel and the United States achieving something and that that this is within its area of influence meeting the gaza strip since hamas give up its relationship with organizations of the Muslim Brotherhood throughout the region and the arab and muslim world egypt accepts it now as a palestinian faction and since egypt accepts it i think it was going to try to put some pressure on hamas in order to mend fences with fact that unfortunately i think how much will probably have to make certain compromises in order for it to be accepted by egypt so i think egypt is going to try to gain some influence tried to gain some leverage and do all the on order to leverage this whole thing to the United States and others as a constructive Regional Power whether it will succeed in the end in achieving anything resembling israeli withdrawal from occupied territories or an independent palestinian state unfortunately we are very far from that ok decided we thank you and you can send in any comments or questions you have to marwan hes at twitter at. Earlier this week our Program Inside story debated this very issue you can watch it on aljazeera dot com by clicking on the sos tab then inside story. Well if youre watching us on facebook or youll see in just a moment on Facebook Live the palestinian and israeli women together for peace take a look in a moment coming up right after the break. Escape from searing more violence and starvation were tackling that story in a moment stay with us. Welcome back as we look at the levant and western parts of asia you see behind me that area of cloud moving through the caucuses so the risk of showers for georgia and armenia during the course of wednesday following conditions around the eastern side of the mediterranean and so it is cooling off now across iraq and down into kuwait and southern parts of iran heading into thursday we got one of two showers around the Southern Side of the caspian sea but tehran should be draw and find baghdad thirty two degrees as a mice on here in the Arabian Peninsula theres a breeze just starting to blow down through the gulf and thats going to help the humidity which remains high in the sun months but usually drops off in the first or second week of october and thats what were seeing that air temperature itself still pretty high at thirty nine degrees pretty hot on the other side with an inch or two make of that after forty dropping marginally to head into thursday and a fair bit of cloud for coastal parts yemen and into about lets head into southern parts of africa where it has been pretty lively of the last twenty four hours this massive cloud which has gone through associated with a circulation of low pressure has given some large rainfall totals in many areas and so if it johannesburg as it went through produce some very Stormy Weather indeed that system is now pushing out into the indian ocean so quite a conditions expected and were looking at highs of twenty two in joburg. Ft in the heart of the amazon the bolivian family has put their lives in peril to harvest brazil nuts. Its getting the congo to the capital is an even more dangerous challenge. Risking it all the libya. At this time on aljazeera. Aljazeera. With every. Most read story right now on our website the kenyan Opposition Leader warren from the before we run weve been telling you about that here on the newsgroup so you can read more about that on our website. Dot com and let me just draw your attention to the search story critical moment for cattle on. In just under thirty minutes time or so we expect the regional leader carlos huge amount to be making a statement to parliament not sure yet what hes about to say there was speculation that he could be declaring independence were keeping an eye out on that so tune into aljazeera well bring you that speech live and also read more about that story on our website. Dot com. Were doing things a little bit differently here on the newsgroup because its been a big sports stories day today hasnt been so joe is here to tell us about the absolutely yes has terrain its been a massive day right across the globe for teens trying to book their place at next years world cup and despite six years of civil war syria had a real chance of qualifying for the fee for well cup for the first time but that dream was ended by australia in sydney the syrians had in fact open the scoring off to just seven minutes of the game to lead to one in a two legged tie but tim cahill schooled twice for the team known as the socceroos the winner coming in extra time to. Sure that they progress to a playoff with even the usa panama and jirus Andrew Thomas was at the game in sydney. Going into this game not many syrians a chance against australia a team much higher ranked on home ground syria remember a country in the midst of a civil war and yet they fought and they fought and they fought and he won in the last three minutes when it looked as though they want because that would have taken them to russia rather than australia of course syrians coming out of the ground disappointed but they have pride and thats one thing i talked to some fans. It was a hell of a game it was a hell of a game they played. And this is the furthest ive come to. Hope to go out next time they can go all the way back she played very well to be quite disappointing the fact that the good we like and want to. Have known i was left but. Perhaps study cant wait for the next guy australia on its going to rough it yet they still have another fly off to get through but i think leap forward on that road i could pretty good on their watch that will happen around. When i want to show you the two online hash tags being used in various parts of the world this was the english language hash tag. Now it generated around thirty five thousand tweets over the past eight hours as you can see here largely concentrated in australia with some spots across europe u. K. Japan and the even the east coast of the United States now compare that to the arabic hash tag which translates to australia underscore syria in the same time period its tried to three hundred forty thousand ten times more than the english hashtag and obviously used right across the middle east that now has some of those who have been using those hash hash tags the first lady of syria. Wrote. In on her Instagram Post moments after the final whistle the joy that you created will be sufficient for us we are proud of you you will remain the heroes of syria now heres another popular tweet from use called hammo with a picture of syrian player omar al so most saying those tears will be written in history now australians of laying preys on their greatest ever goal scorer tim cahill but x. Manchester united and everton player phil neville is also a big fan of his former teammates a fan banner saying superman whereas tim cahill prejudge armors caught his eye and this tweet from the teams official twitter account made us all laugh out loud to the minions really capturing the mood of australian fans after that last tim cahill goal well iceland fans have also been celebrating the best way they know how after becoming the smallest country to ever reach a world cup we can all look forward to more of the viking clapp made famous at the european championships last year. That is so cool well the news great team also gave the viking class a go you know morning meeting it wasnt perfect but i sort of ministry of Foreign Affairs liked it reached we did it and then helped us get it right for the viking session until then if you follow the m o g c it should be caught up. Repeat should do better next time without a tablet in my hand but you can chat to me anytime on twitter. Great to get in touch t. People have more support at eight hundred g. M. T. Biffen now its back to during thanks very much for that let me show you whats going on in front of the parliament in catalonia i believe this is the scene right there in fact thats inside the parliament pardon me so what were waiting for in just about twenty minutes or so is for the regional leader carlos of huge amounts to be giving a statement to the parliament there is some speculation that he may perhaps announce independence from spain were monitoring well bring you that speech as and when it happens for the time being its over to Lauren Taylor joining us from london with more of the International News hi laura. Thanks very much a Syrian Kurdish fighters are preparing for a final push to retake neighborhoods eisel still holds in itself to care capital record but also the city would be a major blow for the armed group which has suffered many defeats across the region officials from the kurdish Led Syrian Democratic forces say they believe the last phase will take up to ten days the kurdish led forces launched the offensive against iceland wrecker in early june under the cover of air strikes by the u. S. Led coalition and both Syrian Government forces and best year fighters are continuing to battle iceland errors or province is the last major eyesore stronghold in Eastern Syria russian backed syrian troops have been pushing along the western bank of the Euphrates River with s. T. s fighters on the eastern bank turkeys president says agents have infiltrated United States embassies overseas as a diplomatic crisis between the two countries deepens richard names a dispute on the Us Ambassador to turkey saying john bass acted unilaterally in suspending Visa Services after the arrest of an american consulate worker at a one was speaking in belgrade and he was holding talks with the serbian president on the economy and infrastructure projects. So not. Much so we didnt start this the United States is responsible for the fact that the high level administrator is didnt have any discussions with our foreign minister is a topic that i find strange whats made it complicated is that a member in ankara made that kind of decision and said i made it in the name of my country. The United States should ask him how dare you harm turkish u. S. Relations if my ambassador did such a thing we wouldnt keep him in the post not for one minute more. Wildfires in the u. S. State of california have left ten people dead and more than one hundred injured. Well than a thousand homes and businesses have been destroyed in the northern one producing region in southern parts five thousand homes have been evacuated as fire crews struggled to control the blaze and entire neighborhood was just destroyed in the city of santa rosa in the northwest of the state for Highway Patrol posted an aftershock of the burnt out street during the devastation the wildfires of course the governor of california has declared a state of emergency in seven counties in twelve days time japan goes to the polls to vote for a new government Prime Minister shinzo of a call the early election over to take advantage of good poll ratings and an opposition in disarray as florence new reports from tokyo the emergence of two new Political Parties could upset his plans. Thank you campaigning as underway for japans snap elections Prime Minister shinzo all whose liberal Democratic Party holds a two thirds majority with a Coalition Partner has kickstarted his bid to stay in office and. I would like to create a society where everybody has a chance when abi announced an early election weeks ago he said it was to give his government a strong mandate to handle any National Crisis the country might face. His words now seem prescient given the latest corporate scandal to hit japan just as hes trying to revive the countrys flag economy kobe steel the countrys third biggest steelmaker admitted on sunday to fabricating data to show its products meant to customer specifications the company is that mission follows similar scandals by big japanese brand names including toshiba which have reported inflated profits abbay is also expected to face a strong challenge from the newly formed party of hope founded by tokyo governor. Shes not running for parliament but is leading the campaign to draw voters away from the ruling party which has been plagued by domestic scandals. Lets put an end to politics dominated by upping your vote although the party of hope is seen as the biggest challenger to the ruling party an early election could work against it and in our base favor. If. One can wreak a was running for tokyo governor i had Great Expectations and voted for her but now i dont feel the same when it comes to who to vote for i might still want to vote for kerry kerry but our being acts like a safe option to you im still struggling to decide. The Upcoming Elections also take place just as the country faces an escalating Security Threat from north korea the ruling party in the hope party both to seek to revise japans pacifist constitution to allow the countrys military to take a more active role a small minority however including the new left leaning constitutional Democratic Party of japan oppose a constitutional revision but could still take votes away the margins of two new Political Parties has made this election a lot less predictable and if the ruling party fails to win even a simple majority analysts say that will put pressure on abbate to resign its a gamble the Prime Minister has judged is worth taking florence to tokyo. Now back to daryn in doha laurent thank you well after something if were getting reports that there has been another big jump in the number of muslim refugees fleeing from me and more to bangladesh about ten thousand men women and children are set to have crossed the border on monday alone theyve joined more than half a million whove escaped a six week offensive by me in mars army and rakhine states. Are cramming into camps near the bangladeshi city of coxs bazaar mohammad june is their. A dramatic increase in the number of our hindu refugees crossing from me and more into bangladesh the u. N. H. C. R. Is said they are investigating reports that at least ten thousand more refugees have crossed from me and more into bangladesh in the past few days it is hard to confirm these numbers exactly but in local media reports since yesterday many local government officials have said that in different areas the thousands of refugees have come in and that there has definitely been a surge since last week when the numbers of ranger refugees that were crossing per day from me and arent up on the dash had waned now in the camps that we have been visiting conditions are extremely dire today in this makeshift camp its the start of a Cholera Immunization Campaign the reason for that groups like the w. H. O. And unicef in coordination with the Bangladeshi Health ministry theyre trying to take these measures preventive didley to vaccinate the many refugees against cholera now in this first phase which begins today were told that it is expected that at least six hundred and fifty thousand refugees will be vaccinated after that phase ins next week then another phase will begin a bit later more will be vaccinated you know conditions in these camps are absolutely atrocious they are extremely unhygenic and thats one of the reasons aid workers and Health Workers have been concerned that there could be a full on Health Crisis and there could be epidemic spreading and the disease is spreading if they dont get this under control while meanwhile in me in mars largest city yangon tens of thousands have filed a football field rather a football stadium for an interfaith event and have reports. This was meant to be an interfaith prayer rally but it quickly became clear it was a show of support for a government facing International Condemnation over its handling of the revenger crisis about thirty thousand people attended this gathering in yangon organized by and sons who cheese National League for democracy but in iraq and state in the countrys north a military Campaign Continues its already forced more than half a million rohingya to flee to bangladesh in the last six weeks un has described it as ethnic cleansing its an all say theyre leaving not just due to violence but hunger aljazeera attained this video from a hinge a Community Leaders in young gone they say this was filmed on sunday in monk in Rockland State here a man says they are moving and they have no food left to eat he asked the children not to cry who say theyre sad about leaving their villages. We meet a real hinge a Community Leader who says he was sent other videos from Rocket Science but he dung township which the u. K. Based Aid Organization Burma Human Rights Network says is facing severe Food Shortages here a woman says they arent allowed to go to the market and have a shortage of food and medicine she pleads for help. Over the last ten days what were hearing from people is that the reason they are flowing is that they have run out of food there are only two raisins in security and food a lack of food is exacerbating the situation for the mostly poor communities in Northern Rock and reliant on aid that they say is just not reaching them observers say that up to eleven thousand rohingya fled me martin bangladesh on monday alone and that many more refugees are on the way the United Nations has been urging all for a cheese to allow humanity. Access to the conflict zone people are running out of food this is the lean season at the moment and people dont have access to their fields or have ss the fishing dont have access to markets and theyre simply running out of food and were getting reports now people are fleeing not from violence but from extremely difficult circumstances in extreme isolation in their villages and theyre taking a very desperate decision to leave the international overnight and migration estimated that up to one hundred thousand right him just may be heading to the border to cross into bangladesh and its clear that hope doesnt arrive for him to communities who remain in theyll have no choice but to leave to. Aljazeera and god well head on the newsgroup in just a moment its great for our health but are we loving this plant to death a report about the growing problem of poaching thats coming up. Well animals around the world continue to be pushed into extinction by poachers but its not just creatures that are threatens to take the american a herb known for its Strong Health benefits daniel lak reports in canadas capital on the battle to save this valuable plant so its a very nice. We can see butternuts on patrol not far from canadas capital city John Francois du bois is looking for wild american gin saying its an endangered species and record prices for the plant in east asia are attracting poachers if mr dubois finds any jinn saying he knows where to focus his surveillance were using a lot of technologies and thats what the poachers theres no they may be walking in the forest and it may be some cameras live cameras that will receive the live pictures on our cell phones Conservation Officers across canada seas many kilos of illegal wild gin sing every year poachers can spend five years in jail but with a Global Market worth more than two billion dollars a year illegal harvesting is getting more organized and difficult to police just like the trade in the worlds other endangered species interpol estimates that Wildlife Crime is the fourth most lucrative crime out there after Illegal Drugs after Human Trafficking after counterfeiting the fourth most valuable is wildlife this is big time crime canada as well ginseng population is under threat even though farmers in ontario are legally growing what is essentially the same plant in east asia in Traditional Medicine well ginseng is more desirable and its domestically grown cousin thats not what scientists in toronto have found though in Clinical Trials researchers at st Michaels Hospital have discovered farm gin saying has positive Health Impacts that the wild plant does not have we have very enthusiastic we continue were talking to growers who want to make but think of the formula for diabetes may be full of blood but i should and be a very optimistic John Francoise dubois even spends many of his weekends combing the woods for a plant that poachers have helped push to the brink of extinction he has his eye firmly on the future especially i would like to someday come here with my son is now two and a half years old and maybe come back and say you know you can see here the tears while dancing there well while americans in saying and its here because we did something for it. Canadas ginseng protector remains vigilant and committed to what is essentially a passion not just his job than your lack aljazeera your ottawa thanks for watching well see you back here in fourteen at fifteen hundred hours g. M. T. On wednesday. The sky what they should be no borders up here. Only horizons. As an airline we dont believe in boundaries we believe in bringing people together the worlds better that way. It is a right for all of us to go where we need to go to feel the things we want to fail. To see the people we want to see. Thats why well continue to fly the skies providing you with everything we can and treating everyone how they deserve to be treated we do this because we know that travel goes beyond borders and prejudice. The travel teaches compassion the travel is a necessity. The travel is a right. Remember that this world is a ball of ours to explore. And its a strange thing for us to be a part. Cats are always going places together. Like. That. Countdown to catalonia is big announcement the regional leader arrives ahead of his speech to the Catalan Parliament on the future of the region

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