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And we shall carry this is our desire life and also coming up las vegas much for peace burmas working on two fronts to process the crime scene and also investigate the motive of the shooter please ask what led the sixty four year old former accountant to carry out the deadliest mass shooting in modern u. S. History. And the thousands of people are out on the streets in catalonia to protest against Police Violence during a vote to break away from spain plus. Im nor about im on the im in rwanda gallery in doha when looking at innovative jam and car design and technology in the one nine hundred fifty s. To the near future. We do began with the breaking news former iraqi. Residential all taliban has died he was the first non arab president of iraq and leader from two thousand and five to two thousand and fourteen he stepped down as president two thousand and fourteen after suffering a stroke couple of years before in two thousand and twelve as a kurdish leader taleban he carried out a decades long military struggle against former president Saddam Hussein we will have much more on his life and legacy in the program so to keep it here f. B. I. Agents are investigating the history of the sixty four year old former accountant who carried out the worst mass shooting in modern American History tactics are trying to find out why Stephen Paddick opened fire from a hotel room overlooking a concert in las vegas at least fifty nine people were killed more than five hundred Others Injured Police found him dead in his hotel room alongside more than twenty weapons and a similar amount of guns were found in his home along with thousands of rounds of ammunition and explosives. Making his way to hurricane ravaged puerto rico the u. S. President donald trump addressed the shooting in las vegas. Us thank. Us. Joins us live now from las vegas or rob what more are we learning about the person who carried out this shooting. Well we just heard President Trump say that the he must have been a very sick individual which of course on the face of it anyone who would commit an act like this you would think would be unbalanced but theres no evidence. From his neighbors or his relatives that patrick had any kind of serious psychological problems now my colleague on heidi show castro has been looking deeper into paddocks life and talking to his neighbors and his relatives and heres what she was able to report why would a retired american accountant with no known political or religious affiliations commit the deadliest mass shooting in modern u. S. History the question has so far stumped investigators monday Morning Police combed through the primary home of sixty four year old Steven Patrick in misc eat a Peaceful Community of retirees ninety minutes north of las vegas paddock own this house which police say he shared with his girlfriend who is currently traveling outside of the country neighbors say other than being a reckless he was rather ordinary knowing that its just a guy that. Look so normal and and you just walk down the street look and say hello to is capable of turning in and doing what he did last night is Unbelievable Police say patrick had no criminal record the f. B. I. Says kadek was not affiliated with any armed group as my brother was a member of the gunmans brother told reporters patrick was a wealthy Real Estate Investor and gambler who showed no signs of violence just nothing i mean its on the Public Record he did stuff we went to college he had a job. And you know we own some apartments we sold some apartment we i mean theres theres nothing there was no indication. Nothing thats what so. I mean. I mean i cant even make something up theres just. Theres nothing. Nothing so far to give police a lead in to why this massacre happened heidi joe castro aljazeera muskeg nevada. So rob what else publicly have investigators said about the things that theyre still looking into. So i raquel rich i think i lost your audio there i will tell you that investigators are hoping to talk to a paddock female companion Mary Lou Dunn late shes out of the country right now they hope that there might be some clues that she can provide them theyre also going through his. Computers hoping that there might find some clues on his hard drive and people here are also i should point out looking beyond just the killer and his deed but actually looking at the more heroic aspects of people who acted that night to save lives including a policeman including the medical personnel who worked tirelessly to save people who were brought in to hospitals nearby and to people like Jonathan Smith a thirty year old technician and copier repairman who is a credited with saving dozens of peoples lives only to be shot himself in the neck and doctors say he will probably carry that bullet with him for the rest of his life shell proper analysts one process in las vegas. A general strike has brought much of catalonia to a complete standstill following sundays controversial vote to break away from spain strikes recalled by catalan trade unions in response to the violence by Spains National police during the ballot only nine hundred people were injured as hundreds of riot police attempted to shut down polling stations or insley joins us live now from barcelona so lawrence what is it that that they say that they want and addition obviously to the end of that. Well i mean what weve seen really throughout the course of today is one of a quite by the way that i mean that in the break before some more demonstrations this evening primarily outright loathing and i should first of all of the Spanish Government to the Prime Minister old boy who was repeatedly portrayed as a fascist a direct descendants of the dictates of franco people calling him a terrorist as well that this sort of thing. I mean that that the popular vote of the ruling party in spain has has no foothold whatsoever in catalonia but of course as well as that as you say right loathing of the guardian civill the riot police who tried to shut down the referendum entirely on sunday one demonstration was in front of the National Police had had headquarters here and that was the reason why all these all these demonstrations were cool with the protest against Police Violence and so in that sense. Even if we dont have no idea where things are heading for the course of this week what you can say with some certainty is that if the Spanish Government thought that by sending the riot police in such full with such force on sunday that actually stop the referendum and stop the independence movements they were clearly wrong because certainly across today weve seen tens of thousands of people with no small measure of defiance so who else is supporting this this energy and this movement. Forgive me i cant quite hear what youre saying there that there is a lot of energy in the movement yet its absolutely true what i think theyre less clear about is quite where theyre supposed to go from here as of as of right now and choose day with heard nothing from the council on government nothing from the Spanish Government or nothing from other European Union or European Commission and apparently as soon as the Catalan Government says that the referendum result is official theres a forty eight hour clock that starts taking and then they declare themselves independence from spain and you know i mean given that that is a flat flat out crisis for spain and for the European Union only that theres some intense back channel work going on that no ones quite aware of all know its hard to grasp the nettle and actually accept how serious the situation is full for the whole of europe because if youre in the European Commission and you allow this to stand then presumably youre allowed to stand Scottish Independence breakaway groups in belgium i mean all kinds of other things could follow when the old idea of european unity falls apart at the seams but you know i think that they did their whole approach in the Spanish Government says its illegal you can do it go home and thats causing no i say whatsoever ok lawrence great live for us in barcelona lawrence thank you. All right hander refugees have arrived in bangladesh from me and mara while the two countries have a grade on a repatriation plan the deal to send back the right engine was made after a representative from manned mars later on travel to bangladesh for talks with its foreign minister the un has called the exodus of over half a million right hench of the worlds fastest developing refugee crisis myanmar. Has made proposals for taking back the role hinge of refugees both countries have agreed to form a joint working group in order to monitor and to repeat the process both of us have agreed on it now bangladesh will figure out what the details will be of the composition of the joint working group so will myanmar. The latest from me and mark. Well there was a similar agreement to return. Who had fled maine marta bangladesh in early around an earlier round of violence in the ninetys and it will be based on that particular agreement at that time about a quarter of a million refugees were repatriated to mean maher but it was facilitated by the United Nations crucially in this instance there will be no United Nations of involvement this will be something thats going to be worked out between bangladesh and main my main my has said that its going to set up two checkpoints. Along the border with bangladesh one on land and one on water to process the return isnt under what its calling a National Verification process now we dont have a lot of details about what that process will entail but if you look back at the nineteen in the at the agreement in the one nine hundred ninety s. Rangers were. Expected to provide evidence of citizenship or id cards or at least some sort of evidence of residency mean months is extremely difficult for a row hinges have been excluded from citizenship and even if they did have some sort of documents many people fled their homes too quickly to take anything like that with them so its unclear and unlikely that many of the half million or so refugees hinges who fled to me in my will actually be able to come back under this process still had on aljazeera. Palestinian Prime Minister holds a unity Cabinet Meeting and gaza as part of another push to end the rip among rival palestinian factions. The. Hello there heavy rain is falling across parts of china at the moment its mostly in the northern part of our map where were seeing the wettest of the weather and thats still going to be with us as we head through wednesday and into thursday the change of thursday really is that its slipping a little bit further towards the south so still some heavy outbreaks of rain and thats gradually nudgee its way toward shanghai to the south of that where you can see all the feeding in from the sea so bringing in a lot of humidity and that will give us a fair amount of cloud and quite a few showers around the coast as well over towards india and theres plenty of rain here all across this section in the central belt and it looks like some of the wettest of the weather is going to be in the east around kolkata that that will gradually begin to work its way westwards as we head through wednesday into thursday so more of us will begin to see some more shop downpours to the northwest of that though its fine and dry now just still very hot so new delhi up at thirty five and forcing karate will be up at around thirty two now here in doha the winds are fairly brisk as we head through wednesday that we working their way from the northwest so itll be a dry heat thirty nine degrees will be our maximum but things do change as we head into thursday the winds come in from the say that will drag down the temperatures a little here. When theyre online in a hurricane. Almost like. These are the things that has to address or if you join us on sat. But. This is a dialogue tweet us with a stream and one of your pitches might make. Join the global conversation at this time on aljazeera. Lets recap the top stories this hour former iraqi president Jalal Talabani has died he was the first non air president of iraq and from two thousand and five to two thousand and fourteen he stepped down in two thousand and fourteen after suffering a stroke couple years before in two thousand and twelve as a kurdish leader carried out a decades long military struggle against former president Saddam Hussein. And weapons ammunition and explosives in the home of the gunmen who carried out the worst mass shooting in modern American History Stephen Paddick opened fire from a hotel room overlooking a concert in las vegas killing fifty nine people and wounding more than five hundred others. Tens of thousands of people had joined a general strike in catalonia is capital barcelona you can see the crowds there this all follows sundays controversial vote to break away from spain. By cattle on trade unions in response to the violence by Spains National police during the power. Supply tanks along its border with. Iraqs sunni autonomy kurdish region process the deployment as part of a twenty military trail with Iraqi Armed Forces tensions in the region are high following last weeks kurdish secession referendum that it was held in defiance of the government in baghdad as well as neighboring iran and turkey trapping the ports from the border post and iraqs kurdistan region. Will certainly for the kurds that weve spoken to here at this Border Crossing the customs authorities here these maneuvers are very threatening to my right on the hill behind me there is an iranian tank with its guns are pointing in this direction into the kurdish area of Northern Iraq its a similar scenario to the left there are tanks over there weve been told there are tanks in borders on the hills even further back further along basically all the way along this area now the iranians say that these tanks are positioned there as part of these joint military exercises with the Iraqi Military the kurds here say that the iranians have told them that those exercises certainly in this area that weve seen happening in other areas are going to be starting around fifteen kilometers from here any day now whats interesting and whats so frightening for the kurds certainly according to the customs of sources here they say that it was on the twenty ninth of september that twelve members of the Iraqi Interior Ministry arrived here and handed them a letter basically an ultimatum saying we are going to be taking control of not only this Border Crossing but the two other main Border Crossings between iran and the k r g the wanted pair of his phone and then other wanted house and the kurds have rejected that ultimatum until now they tell us that negotiations are still going on to try and come to some sort of solution the Border Crossing today is actually open two days ago when we were here it was closed im certainly to oil traffic foodstuffs were allowed to go to and from. Iran but oil traffic today is still open and they say that theyre expecting up to forty trucks to policy either way at some stage today weve been here what three four hours now and its safe to say weve seen pretty much zero traffic to cut a long story short the fears of the man in the building here to my left the customs of storage is the chief there said that despite. The statements coming out from the iranians that these tanks are part of these joint military exercises and despite the statement from the iraqi Prime Minister hydrilla body that he didnt see any kind of military solution is being feasible right for this crisis the people in this building here are concerned that military action could be taken but as i say negotiations so we believe ongoing but the situation here is very tense. The palestinian Prime Minister has called for the lifting of the same after chairing a unity Cabinet Meeting there for the first time in a decade on the handle as in gaza as part of a National Reconciliation efforts between his mainstream pa top party and hamas he says he wants to turn the page on the division that has plagued the faction since a mosque to control of gaza in two thousand and seven. Last week that it was handing over administrate of control of the gaza strip to a unity government very fossick ask more now from gaza city. Well the first Cabinet Meeting of this new unity reconciliation government has taken place the palestinian Prime Minister i mean presiding and this is really the first getting under way of this project is difficult project which is failed so many times over the last ten years to restore Palestinian Authority government to the gaza strip now we have ministers going out to their ministries the expectation is of a smooth handover of power from the hamas officials who have been controlling those ministries up until now weve had a News Conference after the Cabinet Meeting in which the p. A. Government spokesman talked about the importance of the egyptian backing to all this we have posters of president sisi in this square talking about the fact that the egyptian minister of intelligence will be here later in the day offering support to this process talking about appealing to the International Community and the israelis themselves to ease the israeli blockade and as for the kind of humanitarian issues which. The nearly two Million People who live in the gaza strip so far were in a Holding Pattern over that theyre saying that they have received detailed reports about things such as salaries electricity water Border Crossings and that they will look into these things deeply however some of these issues are issues that have been exacerbated by restrictions imposed by the Palestinian Authority precisely to bring hamas on board. A unified government the squeeze on the electricity. Thirty percent to the salaries of the p. A. Employees have been sitting idle for the last decade these are things that the p. A. Could reverse if it wanted to immediately at the moment that talking about talks about talks next week beginning in cairo. A process to try and address and solve those issues French Parliament is about to vote on a new and controversial antiterrorism bill if approved the bill endorsed exceptional powers currently granted to the police as part of the state of emergency put in place after the paris attacks and two thousand and fifteen critics say the law will create a permanent state of emergency and harm civil freedom to talk about where is live for us and tell us more about the effect that this would have on the state of emergency as we said goes all the way back to two thousand and fifteen. The french government say is that this new is necessary because france is simply still a threat weve seen. More than two hundred people over the last two years have been killed in attacks across the country most recently on sunday when two women were killed by a man with a knife in a train station in the Southern City of and again just today the French Interior Ministry Said the police had thwarted a possible attack right here in the center of paris and all of this is the sort of context and climate which makes the government say they really need to push through a tough law and those a real dilemma facing the government how do you make the state of emergency in this kind of context put in place. Some measures that make people feel at least you are ensuring their security to try and prevent further attacks they say that this new counterterrorism law is the allows police to do things like place people under house arrest without authorization from a judge or even conduct raids and under arrest. Spanx without warrants it gives the police a lot more power all right it talks about lorelai for us in paris and to thank you. Turning to our top story the death of former rocky president ial while talabani. President of the middle east Research Institute in the author of nation building in the system of governance and kurdistan region he joins us from erbil thank you so much for your time lets talk about the legacy of president talabani a couple of different ways first of all specifically for the kurds and then a rock larger speaking his death of course coming just a little over a week after the the referendum for secession for independence how do you think that his passing will affect that movement. Well were talking about a political job and here whos had a major role in every event in all the major evolutions of politics both in kurdistan as well as in iraq especially in the new iraq so his departure from politics three years ago caused a lot of shake up in fact that cause a lot of changes in the in the political dynamics that led to further gaps and vacuum that could not be filled by anybody else and a lot of negative events happened after him and in kurdistan region he was one of two people who determine the ultimate kurdish Strategic Policies and and the day to day sort of running the country when he. Departed politics there after his organization the Patrick Union of kurdistan failed to replace him and fill that gap so in many ways the way things evolve made more and more people miss him and had he been in plays and active he would have shaped events in different ways because of his charisma is genius approach to advance his understanding his depth of experience but also his ways of convincing others he could be dealing with the enemies engaging them and befriending them and then dealing with them so this is a man who negotiated one day with so that but for ten for decades and then he at every turn of conflicts he was able to turn things around and then crack crack a joke at every hard situation to soften things so he was a master of breaking as master of the new verse in every single way he was a band who you have to tackle crisis and conflict so he was badly missed when he left politics now. As a big figure when he leaves life that would be an emotional event it may actually facilitate bringing the rivals together in iraq it may actually be an occasion where a lot of the deadlocks could be softened and open so depending on how iraqi leaders and kurdish leaders deal with this and how they respond to this even though he made bring a lot of good for his country and for his cause it sounds like youre describing somebody who was what the time called for that the right person at that time in history. He was larger than life one during when he was active and now its legacy is so much alive his memoir is. Words of wisdom as well as its absence and clout is still felt i mean three years later people still resort to his image and his words and now after him there are many many who worship him it was controversial and in many other ways that are those who blame him for what we have inherited there are those who would continue to praise him and appreciate him more because of the problems weve faced since his departure since he was not able to contribute in shaping the directions of kurdistan and iraq so his legacy his memoir is worse will still be life in politics and remember this guy stayed in politics for fifty years a longer maybe sixty years and during that time he brought up generations of leaders he brought up a lot of people make them help them think differently and think outside the box and think globally and while acting locally so there is theres a whole School Lesson he developed now again there are people there some who would criticize that in the way he did it but also he made the most of the opportunities that he found in politics he was engaged in wars he was engaged in peace he was engaged in Building Nations and state building so whatever you touch in life you colonel actually not refer to him and recently there was a memoir of him somebody actually published is not autobiography but a biography and thats where he put all the history that he has faced into context and this was a bestseller that made all people aware of this is why he behaves in certain ways and where he came from so i can tell you that started a barney would be in. It will be missed for a long long time to come and politics in kurdistan and in iraq will never be the be the same after hes passed away lets talk about the politics there now so the riot will vary between president barzani and taliban he has that affected the the independence aspirations of the kurds in any way i think. Competition rivalry going back to the sixtys we bought his army the great father. And continued. During the reign of most of our tiny. Rival reshape kurdistan it is now what we see now in kurdistan is the direct effect of their policies and their personal choices at the time of crisis. Now suppose the. Its all about me has been a lie or active in politics it would have had a very big say into what the current Political Leadership would choose how they do it how they go back to do it for example he had very many ways of convincing us one barzani to either certain things or not to do them he used to find ways of removing and even in iraq in baghdad with other political leaders he used to use all his Emotional Intelligence in body language as well thats his first novel approach to convince them to confront them to find funny way of making them change their mind if he had sense a difficulty or an opportunity or a threat or a danger he would have been the first to act on it and convinces counterparts to either go for it or not so nothing in kurdistan or in iraq could have happened without Going Forward without the have a say in it all right fall or a lot of dana thank you so much for talking to us about the passing and the legacy of july talabani well be calling on you again and covering this continuing in the hours to come on aljazeera thank you. These are the headlines right now on aljazeera and as weve been reporting former iraqi president Jalal Talabani has died he was the first president of iraq leader from two thousand and five to two thousand and fourteen he stepped down as president then in two thousand and fourteen after suffering a stroke in two thousand and twelve as a kurdish leader talabani carried out a decades long military struggle against former president Saddam Hussein will be having much more on his legacy ahead so keep it here. F. B. I. Agents have found weapons ammunition and explosives in the home of the gunman who carried out the worst mass shooting in modern American History Stephen Paddick opened fire from a hotel room overlooking a concert in las vegas killing fifty nine people and wounding more than five hundred others. Tens of thousands of people have joined a general strike in catalonia capital barcelona following sundays controversial vote to break away from spain the strikes were called by catalan trade unions in response to the violence by Spains National police during the ballot. More ahead here refugees have arrived in bangladesh from me and mar while the two countries have agreed to work on a repatriation plan the deal was made after representative for later on travel to bangladesh for talks with its foreign minister. Has made proposals for taking back the refugees both countries have agreed to form a joint working group in order to monitor and to repeat. Both of us have agreed on it now bangladesh will figure out what the details will be of the composition of the joint working group so it will be more. Palestinian Prime Minister as call for the lifting of the siege on gaza after chairing a unity Cabinet Meeting there for the first time in a decade. And gaza as part of a National Reconciliation effort between his main street party and hamas and hamas announced last week that it was handing over administrative control of the gaza strip to a unity government. And those are the headlines news continues right here on aljazeera the strange you better thanks for your time. With every. Family could be today muslim intellectual part of the law and joined the stream a prominent scholar shares his views on islam is place in the world and what he calls the silent revolution im standing

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