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Him for this is al jazeera live from doha also ahead after backing opposing sides in the syrian war the leaders of russia and turkey agreed to work more closely to help end the conflict plus. When spain joined growing support for catalonia independence referendum and the wells atomic watchdog voices on the fast pace of north Koreas Nuclear Weapons Program. Hundreds more refugees are amassing at myanmars border with bangladesh some have told aljazeera that they have been warned another military crackdown on Myanmars Rakhine state is imminent meanwhile the u. N. Secretary general tanya terry says the crisis is the worlds fastest developing refugee emergency added a magic editor james based reports. They died at sea men women and children fleeing bloodshed. And the torching of homes in myanmar they made it onto a boat taking them across the water to bangladesh only for the vessel to sync up this tragedy the Un Security Council was told a result of a massive flow of people over half a million in about a month the situation a spirit world into the worlds fastest developing refugee emergency and the humanitarian and human rights nightmare the trumpet ministrations policy towards me and maher change sharply jury in this meeting with u. S. Ambassador nikki haley demanding the prosecution of members of the meon mom military and the suspension of all arms sales to the country we cannot be afraid to call the actions of the burmese authorities what they appear to be a brutal sustained campaign to cleanse the country of an ethnic minority having heard those scathing comments as National Security adviser gave his response there is no ethnic cleansing and no genocide in. And nick cleansing and genocide are serious charges and they should not be used lately human Rights Groups have been critical of the Security Council they say slow response has failed dismally to keep up with the scale and speed of this crisis both in terms of the ongoing human rights abuses and the resulting humanitarian emergency this meeting and in particular ambassador haleys comments increase the pressure on me on mars but the council remains divided with some notably china suggesting quiet diplomacy may be the best way forward james plays out jazeera of the United Nations and here now is aljazeera is tanveer charge way where the more from bangladesh is cox is bizarre. First of all let me give you in context you can see the boat that was wrecked you know last night around five pm actually in the evening on my right side theres still rescue operation going on we know for sure at least twenty bodies were recovered most of them are women and children now we spoke to some of the survivor of this boat wreckage we asked them that what is going on on the other side we also obtained their mobile for dates through our sources and me on my side showing stranded refugees stuck in an island trying to cross into bangladesh and the me and my refugees that we were interviewing told us that a lot of the people are stranded and trying to come across bangladesh but that instead that Border Guards are preventing them we heard this from u. S. Human rights watch and i. O. M. That saying that Border Guards and coast guards by preventing the refugees during daytime to come into bangladesh now one reason could be is a clear danger of you know a boat carrying this passenger going into the intercoastal waterway in the bay of bengal that which is very stormy during yesterday was very stormy the so the clear danger to people friending by boat into the intercoastal waterway and the strange air of boat. Sinking in these waterways that could be one particular reason but what theyre writing to refugees are telling us they were in the Central Region and people from there not this corroborates what antonia good care to say on the u. N. Last night that people from the not that telling in the Central Region that get away from there the armys going to crack down very still and even that but this friendly villagers told them that youre going to the army is going to crack down there and this is the big rush again of range of refugees from central zone coming into bangladesh. Meanwhile a Small Community of bengali hindus has been caught up in the violence and. Thousands have fled along with hundreds of thousands of muslims their plight has raised concern among the hindu community. This week been gali hindus are celebrating their annual durga puja festival in young gone or spring their goddess durga and marking the victory of good over evil. Born in yangon eighty six year old who has been coming to this bengali hindu temple since he was a child and remembers more difficult times for his people back in the early one nine hundred sixty s. It was difficult for us to live here back then we only had foreign registration cards so it was very difficult to travel but now it is much better hindus with ten gali roots and muslims with bengali roots or entered the area of rakhine in the early one nine hundred century. But im after the first burmas british war record was controlled by the british there colony spawn across india so people with bengali roots came to iraq. But the government here does not recognise they were hidden as an ethnic group. Some bengali hindus were also caught up in the recent violence in rakhine the government says dozens were killed by revenge of fighters their bodies found in mass graves the fighters deny this several hundred hindus escaped to bangladesh along with hundreds of thousands of the hinge hindus make up only half of one percent of myanmars population bengali hindus even a smaller slice one of their leaders here in yangon is greatly concerned about the bengali hindus in Rakhine State and considers them to be part of their community. And hes not happy that myanmars government uses the term bengali extremist when it talks about the word hinge of fighters. We are hindu bengali and some of our people were killed in rakhine we are people of the same race i am worried for the future living in the caribbean because their words between like are coming and muslim communities. As they mark the first of all of goods triumph over evil is gone the government is urging the hindus who have left to return to rakhine capital. But theres no word on the return of the hundreds of thousands over hinges its got harder aljazeera. And other world news at least twenty two people have been killed and thirty more are injured after a stampede at a Railway Station in india it happened on a foot bridge in mumbais elphinstone station which connects two of the citys major local lines local media says it was triggered by overcrowding after heavy rains in somalia the Armed Group Alshabaab says its killed seventeen Government Troops in an attack on a military base a spokesman for the group says it now controls the town of barrier which surrounds the barracks two suicide car bombs were used to launch the attack. The british arity oxfam expects a million cases of cholera in yemen by november in what it says is the worst outbreak ever recorded oxfam says the countrys civil war now in its third year makes it hard to respond to the disaster more than half of yemens hospitals and Health Centers have been shut down or destroyed qana has killed more than two thousand people so far this year. Russia and turkey have agreed to work more closely to end of the syrian war despite backing opposing sides in the conflict president Vladimir Putin has been talks with the turkish leadership type bedouin now the two leaders have agreed to push for deescalation zones in syrias italy probably yes. What were interested in is making sure that the terrorists are finally laid to rest and that we have a stable regime in syria these are principles and the fundamental issues for russia and the region and indeed for the entire world what is absolutely fundamental is finding a long term political solution under the aegis of the United Nations because of weve got algeria Sandra Simmons has more now from takis capital ankara it wasnt a long briefing but judging from what the two president s had to say there were no major fallouts but no major breakthroughs either they discussed syria they discussed earlier start a process for deescalation zones primarily because this involves turkey more than any other country to try to get access to the opposition groups and corp there will be military observers put on the ground there but no real detail was given of any progress on this lot of mir putin said what a difficult situation it was but he believed in the deescalation zones and said that that was the political process that was essential now under the auspices of the United Nations but no indication of progress but as far as the syria Peace Process no breakthrough no major disagreement it would seem and during the joint News Conference turkeys president again condemned the referendum any kurdish region of Northern Iraq which has voted for secession. The region is becoming more and more fragile the referendum has no legitimacy in terms of International Law unfortunately the Regional Government despite. His might huge mistake this referendum. Have no right to increase tensions in the region and regional interests. As you heard there tensions in the region have been rising since the vote in the kurdish region of Northern Iraq. To and from the regional capital will be suspended from friday evening after an order by iraqs Central Government. To the referendum lets go live to. Erbil airport to tell us about the situation there right now ahead of. The suspension of flights that. Were scheduled for this operated except. They canceled the billboard. Operating seven hours away from the deadline of fifteen hundred g. M. T. Civil authority so people. Who had come. To visit. To visit their families. Who decided to. Leave. Because. Actually take a domestic flight. For example. We were speaking to some of them. By. Road. For example. A Strong Community of foreigners living here between you many tarion workers. To various Diplomatic Missions consulates of various countries all workers all of that as we understand have not left the region harder how is the kurdish Regional Government reacting to these retaliatory measures i mean theyre coming from the Central Government in baghdad but also coming from the countries in the region from cutting from turkey which has threatened several actions against the kurdish Regional Government what do they say. Well the kurdish Regional Government met yesterday for several hours its only later that they actually issued a statement they said that they were rejecting all the demands made by the Central Government in baghdad there was a twelve point list of demands among them for example to hand over the airport closed the Border Crossing for Foreign Missions a cut meaning consulates to shut down whether criticize or Regional Governments or that that really tantamount to collective punishment of the kurdistan people and went also say that it was actually uncool to do tional for the federal government to interfere into the affairs of the region from their point of view this region has a semi autonomous status and according to the constitution there certain affairs of the region Domestic Affairs of the region that baghdad has no right to interfere and theyre also taking seriously obviously this rates by neighboring countries mainly and iran turkey also calling on his National Still leave the kurdish region but at the moment as we understand it every been monitoring the Border Crossings things are operating as normal there thank you very much for that. For a say in erbil in Northern Iraq. Still ahead on al jazeera should get barnes get a sour reception in cambodia theyre accused of stealing land from unsuspecting commons and the pressure grows on pyongyang beijing on its north korean businesses in china shot by the end of the here. From the waves of the south. To the contours of the east. Hello and welcome to International Weather forecast now weve still got a battle going on across europe with this High Pressure across eastern areas not a cloud underneath and quite chilly conditions meanwhile across the west weve got low pressure sensors moving in and some deep lows expected to form in the coming days its all looking a bit unsettled across more western part of the United Kingdom but ahead of it were still getting a southwest the first of temperatures for this time of year pretty good paris there at twenty three moving on into the start of the weekend but high and that cold front will see temperatures dropping quite sharply meanwhile across more central areas weve got some dry weather down in the south in the mediterranean through the ionian sea weve still got the risk of some big storms here you know says as hes still struggling moscow a maximum of nine degrees on the other side the mediterranean so looking relatively quiet a few showers largely of the c. S. Person might be one or two thunderstorms just flirting with the coastal libya times thirty three the maxim in cairo in central parts of africa the shower activity moving a bit further towards snows and some large rainfall totals being reported in brussels bill in congo more rain likely here more heavy rain expected across parts of west africa too but in bamako in mali should be largely dry with highs here of thirty four degrees. The weather sponsored by cats on trees. I just want to make sure all of our audience is on the same page where theyre online and want to pollute the u. S. Citizens here even want pollutes people of iraq one and the same or if you join us on say i was never put a file been looked at differently because im dacogen all the people that im a lot this is a dialogue tweet us with hash tag a. J. Stream and one of your pitches might make a connection join the global conversation this time on aljazeera. A reminder of our top stories on aljazeera this hour the un has declared it will hinge a crisis the worlds fastest developing refugee emergency more than half a Million People have fled to bangladesh in fighting began in myanmar as a kind fate last month in india at least twenty two people have been killed and thirty injured after a stampede at a Railway Station it happened on a footbridge in mumbais elphinstone station which connects two of the citys major local lines local media says it was triggered by overcrowding after heavy rains. And russia and turkey once rivals in syria have agreed to work more closely to try to end the conflict their present fortune has been a nonprofit talks with the turkish leadership type out on turkey and russia backed opposing sides in the syrian conflict. To spray now and pro and anti separatist campaign as a holding their last rallies in the run up to sundays secession vote in the spanish region of cuts alone catalonia as Regional Government insists it will go ahead with a referendum despite the Spanish Government and courts. Declaring it illegal john hendren reports. Each day a peaceful show of force growth. Led by young and fiercely proud catalans in the street. Police say sixteen thousand of them organizers say tens of thousands more. Are going to shut the schools because you dont want to. Know. By comparison this twenty secession rally mustered perhaps three dozen people. At a secret location days after the spanish army arrested catalan leaders and confiscated ten million ballot papers this video tweeted by catalan president carlos preached a month shows the resistance printing new balance he got better miska. No matter how much they intimidate us no matter how many times they say that they will not give us the keys of the classrooms or the schools will be open and there is a generation that has been growing in our country and they add to this majority and know that we have in catalonia that they want to vote. At schools doubling as polling stations a showdown police have orders to close them students plan an occupation to keep them open. And. Just to wait. For the moment the crowds are chanting these streets will always belong to us and while there are thousands of police all around barcelona right now they do. At barcelonas port firemen occupy catalonia is History Museum unfurling a Pro Independence banner where the firefighters have to go vote every citizen can do it as catalans plan their defiant vote the Spanish Governments marshaling its in forces National Police and Civil Defense troops in riot gear ordered to stop the referendum. Being part of. The local police who until now is resisted reining in the protests now role alongside National Police in armored cars a cattle and horse under spanish control. With cattle lands determined to vote in the Spanish Government in madrid intent on stopping them the long tense standoff goes on broken john hendren aljazeera barcelona i cast an official has accused the European Union union of tactically backing what he called spains repressive actions to stop the referendum at the same time a un agency has won the Spanish Government against violating peoples right to hold the vote tony betty reports. Use. Police reinforcements heading to barcelona ahead of sundays catalan referendum. The Spanish Government has implemented a host of measures aimed at stopping the vote from going ahead including arrests confiscation of ballot papers and banning Pro Independence websites one un agency has criticized the action the office for high commissioner for human rights issued a Statement Today which said the measures we are witnessing a worrying because they appear to violate fundamental individual rights cutting off Public Information and the possibility of debate at a critical moment for spains democracy Spains Supreme Court has already ruled the referendum is unconstitutional the vote is being described as spains most defiances event since the civil war in the one nine hundred thirty s. And outside of catalonia there is growing anger and. I think it is a joke that should have been stopped long ago the banks are the ones that have the power and if they had taken a tougher stand earlier than the whole thing would have been stopped they havent its illegal they just take it into account a part of the spanish people not everyone were all supposed to obey the law dats what the laws are for. The vote is not just dividing the country its dividing family is how the handrails mother was catalan his father from madrid he feels both spanish and catalan but is against the referendum something his relatives in barcelona find difficult to accept. There were not enough i want to live and it is very hard because you are the one i used to be if you stay in the middle i cannot say to my family that i am not doing you for independence because no while will dissipate that that is something very spanish and very catalan either you are with me or youre against me around the country people have been declaring their loyalties by displaying the spanish flag and many feel that the Catalan Government has been misleading its supporters is not true that they catalonia is a colony even though do they. Go. Congo out of the spain and in europe. Lies they have been monday off sentiments feelings whatever happens with the vote this campaign is being divisive and damaging and in a country which is still trying to heal the wounds from the civil war eighty years ago those divisions could take some time to repair. The aljazeera madrid. The head of the worlds Nuclear Watchdog has raised the alarm over the fast pace of north Koreas Nuclear Weapons Program earlier this month pyongyang said it had tested a Hydrogen Bomb and this follows a series of Ballistic Missile launches as well from seoul kathy novak reports. The head of the eye has been in seoul for a three day visit meeting with south koreas foreign minister and discussing the north Korean Nuclear issue they have both expressed grave concern about the sixth and most powerful nuclear test which north korea claims was a Hydrogen Bomb now the i. A. E. A. Hasnt had direct access to north Koreas Nuclear facilities since its inspectors were kicked out of the country back in two thousand and nine but you know says that the most recent test shows that north korea is making significant progress with its Nuclear Program we do not have the capacity to determine if it is up. But it is odious to me that eld is much bigger than the previous one it means that. North korea made very rapid progress. Combined with a lot of other elements this is the new threat and this is the global threat north koreas foreign minister recently raised concerns about the possibility of the country conducting an Atmospheric Nuclear test when he hinted that it may be considering detonating a Hydrogen Bomb in the pacific and the south korean government remains on high alert for the possibility of another Missile Launch or nuclear test perhaps to coincide with key dates next month on october the tenth in north korea Marks Foundation day and on october the eighteenth china opens its communist Party Congress and in the past north korea has upstaged a major events in china with provocative acts meanwhile beijing says any north Korean Companies operating in china will have to shut down by january the u. S. Has been pressuring china to force young young to give up its Nuclear Ambitions the chinese vice premier li young dong is currently visiting the United States has been meeting secretary of state Rex Tillerson in washington and she will also meet president donald trump. U. S. Defense secretary james mattis has made an unannounced visit to qatar has held talks with qatars emir and defense minister at outdated air base where around ten thousand u. S. Troops are stationed qatar has been under diplomatic ok by saudi arabia the United Arab Emirates egypt and bahrain for most for months qatar rejects those countries accusation that it supports terrorists cool u. S. President donald trump has offered to mediate in the crisis the Iranian Foreign minister has told aljazeera why tehran is backing qatar in its standoff with the blockading nations mommy blames saudi arabia any u. A. E. For undermining stability in the region while we open our borders. To our brothers and cutter what we would have done exactly the same United Arab Emirates being threatened were not happy with that because we believe that if you need to resort to through peaceful means we dont know but to try to bully others really. Need to really go around the negotiating table not. To cambodia now where farmers say sugar barons are forcing them from their land that Government Group is examining accusations of exploitation rob mcbride has a story from Cole Kong Mia combo dias. The company and coast. This was the route saying lim would take to her fields every day life back then with three hectares to farm was good for her and her family then one day this happened but blocking her way she says her land had been grabbed by a powerful sugarcane fama. For years she and her family have survived on two dollars a day making charcoal. You can see how broken down my house. And i havent been able to send the children to school its ten years weve been like this its so so difficult. At least they kept their homes people told us a neighboring village was moved completely at gunpoint. Decades of civil war and the mass relocations around the countryside by the camero i mean there are numerous unresolved land issues the cambodian government started making large scale land concessions with the stated aim of helping development in rural areas but in a country afflicted by corruption its alleged theres been wide scale abuse by tycoons using their connections with the ruling party to get concessions or simply grabbing land by force according to local n. G. O. S this is a long overdue attempt by the government to right previous wrongs. And they are for it is understand about human rights they would study about the pact on the people in making their land concessions and they would leave villages land alone. Sudden government interest it seems could be political with an election next year the ruling party nearly lost the last election and its popularity in the countryside has been falling i think this is a very strong signal to the only party that they must looking for a way to deal with the. Reputation of the in my mind for the. Fears are growing about how fair that election will be but these people are hoping the governments need to win their votes will win them some longer waits it justice. Mcbride jazeera kokang province computer. No again im fully back to bo with the headlines on aljazeera the un has declared the crisis the worlds fastest developing refugee emergency more than half a Million People have fled to bangladesh since fighting began in Myanmars Rakhine state last month in india at least twenty two people have been killed and thirty injured after a stampede at a Railway Station it happened on a foot bridge in mumbais elphinstone station which connects two of the citys major local lines local media says it was triggered by overcrowding after heavy rains. In somalia the Armed Group Alshabaab says its killed seventeen Government Troops in an attack on an military base a spokesman for the group says it now controls the town of barrier which surrounds the barracks two suicide car bombs were used to launch the attack russia and turkey have agreed to work more closely to end the syrian war despite backing opposing sides in the conflicts present right here putin has been in ankara for talks with the turkish leadership type want they have backed opposing sides in the syrian conflict the two leaders have agreed to push for deescalation zones in syrias idiot province. What were interested in is making sure that the terrorists are finally laid to rest and that we have a stable regime in syria these are principles and fundamental issues for russia and the region and indeed for the entire world what is absolutely fundamental is finding a long term political solution under the aegis of the United Nations with good us defense secretary james mattis has made an unannounced visit to qatar has held talks with qatars emir and defense minister at base where around ten thousand u. S. Troops are stationed qatar has been under diplomatic okayed by saudi arabia the United Arab Emirates egypt and bahrain for almost four months it rejects those countries accusations that it supports terrorist groups. Beijing says any north Korean Companies operating in china will have to shut down by january the u. S. Has been pressuring china to force to give up its Nuclear Ambitions the chinese vice premier li you young dong is currently visiting the United States shes been meeting secretary of state Rex Tillerson in washington and will also meet with the u. S. President donald trump. You have to say with the headlines on aljazeera ill have more for you in under thirty minutes time coming up next though its a stream. On october the first catalonia plans to hold an independence referendum yet the Central Government insists its unconstitutional and the courts have judged it illegal as the state crimes down and catalans take to the streets where all this crisis and watch aljazeera for the latest. Is uganda going to have a president for life a proposed bill to amend the countrys constitution has sparked an intense debate online tension in the streets and brawls in the parliament and i media shot

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