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Fully back to go youre watching aljazeera live from our headquarters in doha also ahead after backing opposing sides in the syrian war the leaders of russia and turkey agree to work more closely to help and a conflict plus. Students joined growing support for catalonia is independence referendum and puerto rican status aided by Hurricane Maria say aid from the u. S. Is moving far too slowly. The u. N. Secretary general Antonio Terry says the crisis in Myanmars Rakhine state is the worlds fastest developing refugee emergency more than half a million or hanjour have fled to bangladesh since august but others havent survive the journey our diplomatic editor james bays reports from the un. They died at sea men women and children fleeing bloodshed in tallahassee and the torching of homes in myanmar they made it onto a boat taking them across the water to bangladesh only for the vessel to sync up this tragedy the Un Security Council was told a result of a massive flow of people over half a million in about a month the situation is spittles into the worlds fastest developing refugee emergency and the humanitarian and human rights nightmare the trumpet ministrations policy towards me and maher change sharply jury in this meeting with u. S. Ambassador nikki haley demanding the prosecution of members of the meon mom military and the suspension of all arms sales to the country we cannot be afraid to call the actions of the burmese authorities what they appear to be a brutal sustained campaign to cleanse the country of an ethnic minority having heard those scathing comments as National Security adviser gave his response there is no ethnic cleansing and no genocide in. And nick cleansing and genocide are serious charges and they should not be used laidley human Rights Groups have been critical of the Security Council they say slow response has failed dismally to keep up with the scale and speed of this crisis both in terms of the ongoing human rights abuses and the resulting humanitarian emergency this meeting and in particular ambassador haleys comments increase the pressure on me and ma but the council remains divided with some notably china suggesting quiet diplomacy may be the best way forward james pays out zero of the United Nations. And many of those. Being forced to travel in darkness at much greater risk from on this set speak to correspondent in cox has been sagna bangladeshs border with me and my hundreds of people continue to cross into bangladesh every day why they only moving at night. Well first of all let me give you any contacts you can see the boat that was wrecked you know last night around five pm actually in the evening on my right side theres still rescue operation going on we know for sure at least twenty bodies were recovered most of them are women and children now we spoke to some of the survivor of this boat wreckage we asked them to get these going on on the other side we also obtained their mobile footage through our sources and me on my side showing stranded wreckage is stuck in an island trying to cross into bangladesh another man my refugees that we were interviewing told us that a lot of the people are stranded and trying to come across bangladesh but they didnt say that Border Guards are preventing them we heard this from u. S. Human rights watch and i. O. M. Theyre saying that Border Guards and coast guards by preventing the refuges during daytime to come into bangladesh now one reason could be is a clear danger of you know a boat carrying this passenger going into intercoastal waterway in the bay of bengal which is very stormy during yesterday was very stormy the so the clear danger to people friending by boat into the intercoastal waterway and this danger of boat. Sinking in these waterways that could be one particular reason but what theyre writing to refugees are telling us there were in the Central Region and people from the north this corroborates what im tony harris said on the u. N. Last night that people from the north that telling in the Central Region that get away from there the army is going to crack down try to stone even that but this friendly villagers told them that youre going to. The army is going to crack down there and this is the big rush again of refugees from central zone coming into bangladesh a huge influx turned there of refugees over the last months its been over a month now since this latest round of violence more than four hundred thirty thousand people have arrived in bangladesh what are they finding when they arrived they have the conditions on the ground in bangladesh improved at all in this last month. Well first of all when the come in the border area some of them a big big lending pointed shop or theyve its a small island like area and theyre now free ride between bangladesh and man market a lot of these people are aided by the local volunteers some time army and policemen now and then theyre afraid to cross by basically by bus or you know local transport into the good appollo an area where the mass concentration of the refugees are there are other question that what are they finding in the shelters that well things have improved slightly i wouldnt say a hell of a lot i mean theres close to the last un report said that five hundred thousand people already in here a little over actually so when you actually visit this camp the number of sanitation facilities and fresh water do. I really limited in number in proportionate to the number of People Living in this. Rather the shanty shelters and theyre very poorly covered with properly in our plastic shed no protection for the weather and the children and the in front are exposed to cholera dysentery and other Infectious Disease a lot of the children already got pneumonia we have visited in the camps so there is a clear danger of disease spreading and in adequate relief i its at this point terrible condition us terrible conditions for those refugees and thank you very much for that time their time their child and our correspondent in bangladesh has coxs for us our meanwhile a Small Community of bengali hindus has been caught up in the violence in myanmar kind sait thousands if they dont all with. Hundreds of thousands of muslims that raise concern among the Hindu Community and. This week been gali hindus are celebrating their annual durga puja festival in young gone worshipping their goddess durga and marking the victory of good over evil. Born in yangon eighty six year old peace was has been coming to this bengali hindu temple since he was a child and remembers more difficult times for his people back in the early one nine hundred sixty s. It was difficult for us to lift him back then we only had foreign registration cards so it was very difficult to travel but now it is much better hindus with ten gali roots and muslims with bengali roots or entered the area of rakhine in the early one nine hundred century. But after the first burmas british war record was controlled by the british there colony spawn across india so people would bengali roots came to rock calling. But the government here does not recognise there were him as an ethnic group. Some bengali hindus were also caught up in the recent violence in rakhine the government says dozens were killed by revenge of fighters their bodies found in mass graves the fighters deny this several hundred hindus escaped to bangladesh along with hundreds of thousands of the hinge of hindus make up only half of one percent of myanmars population bengali hindus even a smaller slice one of their leaders here in yangon is greatly concerned about the bengali hindus in Rakhine State and considers them to be part of their community. And hes not happy that myanmars government uses the term bengali extremist when it talks about the were hinge of fighters. We are hindu bengali and some of our people were killed in rakhine we are people of the same race i am worried for their future living in the caribbean as their words between like are coming and muslim communities. As they mark the first of all of good triumph over evil is gone the government is urging the hindus who have left to return to rakhine capital. But theres no word on the return of the hundreds of thousands over hinges its got harder aljazeera younger in other world news at least fifteen people have been killed in thirty more injured after a stampede at a Railway Station in india it happened on a foot bridge in mumbais ethylene stone station which connects two of the citys major local lines local media says it was triggered by overcrowding after heavy rains. In somalia the Armed Group Alshabaab says it has killed seventeen Government Troops in an attack on a military base a spokesman for the group says it now controls the town of bury way which surrounds the barracks two suicide car bombs were used to launch the attack. The British Charity oxfam expects a million cases of cholera in yemen by november in the worst outbreak ever recorded oxfam says the countrys civil war now in its third year makes it hard to respond to the disaster more than half of yemens hospital and Health Centers have been shut down or destroyed over two thousand people have died this year from cholera now russia and turkey have agreed to work more closely to end the war in syria despite backing opposing sides in the conflicts present data may putin has been in ankara for talks with the turkish leadership type radio on now the two leaders have agreed to push for deescalation zones in syria said lee province. What were interested in is making sure that the terrorists are finally laid to rest and that we have a stable regime in syria these are principle and fundamental issues for russia and the region and indeed for the entire world what is absolutely fundamental is finding a long term political solution under the aegis of the United Nations that with aljazeera is Andrew Symonds has more from the turkish capital ankara. It wasnt a long briefing but judging from what the two president s had to say there were no major fallouts but no major breakthroughs either they discussed syria they discussed earlier start a process for deescalation zones primarily because this involves turkey more than any other country to try to get access to the opposition groups and corporation there will be military observers put on the ground there but no real date was given of any progress on this lot of mir putin said what a difficult situation it was but he believed in the deescalation zones and said that that was the political process that was essential now under the auspices of the United Nations but no indication of progress but as far as the syria Peace Process no breakthrough no major disagreement it would seem that during the joint News Conference turkeys president again condemned the referendum in the kurdish region of Northern Iraq which has voted for secession. If. Theres a serve that will serve as the region is becoming more and more fragile the referendum has no legitimacy in terms of International Law unfortunately the Regional Government despite all the friendly warnings has made a huge mistake by holding this referendum as we have always mentioned they have no right to increase tensions in the region for their personal and regional interests algiers char stratfor has more from any rocks kurdish region president or the one after talks with his russian counterpart said that the k r g kurdish region of Northern Iraq should be prevented from making what he describes as big a mistake stance with respect to the referendum that the turks the iranians and of course the baghdad government are so staunchly against the baghdad government saying it was illegal and unconstitutional. In other news the k r g held meetings with respect to pressure being put on the Prime Minister or body by his parliament to increase measures against the k r g measures such as deploying troops in the disputed areas and taking back control of oil fields in those areas and asking the sizeable Diplomatic Community here to leave the k r g now the calgary government say these measures are unconstitutional or illegal and it is valid to use all legal means to fight them these kind of measures and more statements today not only by the Big International players regional players in this area but also by the baghdad government just more evidence more pressure being put on president barzani and leaving him even more isolated. Still ahead on the pressure on north korea china orders. A crackdown on. Hello there are still thunderstorms floating around the waters around the the here live italy and. In this one of garia theyre not as big as they were but forty seven millimeters in three hours shows that there is certainly some substance to them that theyve been around for a couple of days at the same time has taken that long for the streets of cloud to break through whats been very of High Pressure keeping the rest of europe settles and broken down as rain in northern france germany the low countries is heading towards denmark but the still the high sitting over moscow thats been bringing cold air dying towards the gym one reason for the focus of these thunderstorms is dropping temperatures now. In beautiful sunshine forty moscow is the only place down below double figures and really left paris as the cold front comes through with back up to twenty four and that is come friday saturday down again really the atlantic where the does break through even reaching Northern Spain that streak of green is all rain and yes by that time there are still thunderstorms that in fact they shown themselves as being worse while around the gulf the city. And giving some rain to northern libya. When the news breaks more than a Million People have already lost and not number will grow as conditions worsen and the story builds past periods and sometimes fatal. Jockeys are risking their lives when people need to be hurt i dream about gambling in numbers i dont feel comfortable with. Aljazeera has teams on the ground to bring you more Award Winning documentaries and live news on and on line. Welcome back youre watching aljazeera a reminder of our top stories the un has declared the will hinge a crisis the worlds fastest developing refugee majesty more than half a Million People have fled to bangladesh since fighting began in myanmar state last month. In india at least twenty two people have been killed in a stampede at a Railway Station thirty more injured on a foot bridge at the station in mumbai. The head of the worlds Nuclear Watchdog has expressed alarm over the pace of north Koreas Nuclear Weapons Program earlier this month pyongyang said it had tested a Hydrogen Bomb as followed a series of Ballistic Missile launches were covering this story for you from two angles this hour agent brown is in beijing where the Chinese Government is toughening its stance against north korea but first lets go to kathy novak in seoul kathy tell us more for us about what the International Atomic Energy Agency has been saying about their concerns. Yes the head of the eye is here on a three day visit to seoul he has been meeting with south koreas foreign minister and talking about the north korean issue theyve both expressed grave concern about the most recent six and most powerful nuclear test which as you mentioned north korea claimed was a Hydrogen Bomb of course the i. A. E. A. Hasnt had direct access to north Koreas Nuclear facilities since its inspectors were kicked out of the country back in two thousand and nine but you know says the most recent test shows that north korea is making a progress when it comes to its Nuclear Program we do not have the capacity to determine if it is on. But it is over to my old is much bigger than the previous one it means that. North korea made a very rapid progress. Combined with other elements this is the new threat and this is the global. Now north koreas foreign minister recently raised concerns about the possibility of the country conducting an atmosphere of nuclear test when he suggested that it may be considering designating a Hydrogen Bomb in the pacific and south koreas government remains on high alert for another Missile Launch or nuclear test as early as next month perhaps to coincide with key dates october the tenth north korea Marks Foundation day and october the eighteenth is when china will open its communist Party Congress and in the past north korea has upstaged major events in china with provocative acts kathy novak in seoul thank you for that meanwhile beijing says any north Korean Companies operating in china will have to shut down by january the u. S. Has been pressuring china to force him to give up its Nuclear Ambitions the chinese vice for me and you young dong is currently visiting the United States has been meeting secretary of state Rex Tillerson in washington and will also meet President Trump at speak to agent brown in beijing now agent so the chinese we know have been under a lot of pressure from the americans to do more so what are we to make of these economic measures of announce how much is this going to hurt north korea. Well firstly i think china has reached the limit of its sort of tolerance threshold with north korea they are frustrated by north koreas continued defiance of United Nations Security Council resolutions so they feel this is a proportional response even though in many ways this is a symbolic gesture what it means as you pointed out in your introduction is that north Korean Companies will no longer be able to operate on chinese soil after early january and also that goes for chinese north korean joint Venture Companies that is going to hurt north korea a little bit but not too much but we have to see it in the context of this china has in the last few weeks announced that its limiting or exports to north korea its no longer importing coal and iron ore from north korea its also told its banks to shut the door on north korea and of course on saturday the u. S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson will be here in beijing north korea will be top of the agenda and this gives china the chance to say look we are doing all we can to rein in north korea we are enforcing sanctions were not backsliding in any way as some people suggest we are doing what you and the United Nations have asked us to do we are complying with United Nations Security Council resolutions and doing our best to try to make north korea see reason but of course the issue now is how will north korea respond to what china has done given that the two countries are supposed to be friends and allies as kathy pointed out just a few moments ago there are a number of big anniversaries coming up here and of course in november the president of the United States could be here in china and for the first time hell be within missile range and we will have him here side by side with president xi jinping so yes its fair to assume the north will almost certainly carry out another test of some sort to demonstrate its annoyance with what china has done adrian brown reporting live there from beijing thank you a. J. To spain now and pro and anti separatist campaigners are holding their last rallies in the run up to sundays independence vote in the spanish in the region of catalonia as long as Regional Government insists their vote will go ahead despite the Spanish Government and course declaring it illegal john hendren reports from barcelona. Each day a peaceful show of force growth. Led by young in fiercely proud catalans in the street. Police say sixteen thousand of them organizers say tens of thousands more. Schools because. Not. By comparison this session rally mustered perhaps three dozen people. At a secret location days after the spanish army arrested catalan leaders and confiscated ten million ballot papers this video tweeted by catalan president carlos a month shows the resistance printing new bell he got better miska. But no matter how much they intimidate us no matter how many times they say that they will not give us the keys or the. Schools will be open and there is a generation that has been growing in our country and they add to the majority that we have in catalonia that they want just about. At schools doubling as polling stations a showdown police have orders to close them students plan an occupation to keep them open stay there and. Just to wait. For the moment the crowds are chanting these streets will always belong to us and while there are thousands of police all around barcelona right now they do. At barcelonas port firemen occupy catalonia is History Museum unfurling a Pro Independence banner where the fire fight this have to go vote us every citizen can do it as catalans plan their defiant vote the Spanish Governments marshaling its in forces National Police and Civil Defense troops in riot gear ordered to stop the referendum. Would be blocked off by. The local moscows police who until now have resisted reining in the protests now role alongside National Police in armored cars a cattle and horse under spanish control. With catalans determined to vote in the Spanish Government in madrid intent on stopping them the long tense standoff goes on broken john hendren aljazeera barcelona. U. S. President donald trump has weighed shipping restrictions to puerto rico to allow more aid to be sent to the island food and Water Supplies are running no more than a week after Hurricane Maria devastated the u. S. Territory three Million People are without power terry sibal has a record. This Emergency Center in queen goes about forty kilometers away from the capital is about to run out of fuel its been without electricity since hurricane marty hate. And right now peoples lives here depend on a generator. Brought her grandmother here a few days ago. The hospital is helping us but they are worried because they have no water and they are running out of these all they have told us that we may have to go many of the hospitals in the area had to shut down and people were brought to this is have cause as a hospital in home goes my detail says that so far they have not received any help the less than the c. B. I. Has made our but the generator hears all c. P. R. We are trying to keep it alive to keep their emergency area going if i dont have diesel people i have to shut down and i dont know where these people will go there is no water no food you know air conditioning no oxygen. What Authority God is struggling to recover from a category four hurricane but for many help is not coming fast enough fuel is cars and so is Drinking Water the hurricane destroyed the islands electrical grid people here are desperate for Drinking Water theyre using this stream to clean themselves all together some water to take back home to wash their clothes but they cannot drink it because theyve been told it can time in. Rafael torres served in the u. S. Military for over twenty years he says Puerto Ricans are not being treated as u. S. Citizens. Have served the army and for what to be forced to drink water that has excrement the stream has human waste among other things im not a second class citizen im a third class citizen. Rico is part of the u. S. Territory but is not a state and many feel theyre being discriminated the government says it has sent ships with aid and fuel u. S. President donald trump lifted what is known as the jones act that prevents falling vessels from bringing goods to the island understand the coverage in some cases is giving the appearance that were not moving fast enough but what i will tell you is that we are mobilizing and marshalling the resources of the United States. In a way that is absolutely. Professional. And adequate but there are those who cannot wait much longer fuel and water are crucial to save their lives. And just see who cost what about. Teachers in the threatening to strike in support of thousands of colleagues who were being incompetent government inspectors found many teachers in Public Schools use fake certificates to get their jobs. Reports. Teachers in the capital niamey need to plan their next move to support their colleagues who are sacked for being incompetent tension in classrooms increased when government inspectors evaluated the competency of more than sixty thousand teachers across the country the inspectors found sixty percent of primary and secondary School Teachers in Public Schools use fake certificates to get jobs the Teachers Union is warning Public Schools will close unless the government three employees the sacked teachers. Regarding the evaluation lies in not giving up our demands there will be no opening for schools before the new government changes its stance on this evaluation the governments minister for primary and secondary education says the teachers are incompetent because they scored three out of twenty in their evaluation tests. We did not sack them they were not even better than their students do you accept the level of teachers to be less than the level of your children the union wants us to appoint all of them its impossible because there are fifty six thousand freelance teachers but the government has a specific program for full time teachers only. Parents concerned about the quality of their childrens education are switching to privates including qatari and turkish schools and neon me but many enough because first country cannot afford it especially when recent floods have forced thousands from their homes seen him close all of aljazeera. Below again im fully back to go with the headlines on aljazeera the un has declared the will hinge a crisis the worlds fastest developing refugee emergency more than half a Million People have fled to bangladesh since fighting began in Myanmars Rakhine state last month. At least twenty two people have been killed and thirty more injured after a stampede at a Railway Station in india it happened on a foot bridge in mumbais elphinstone station which connects two of the citys major local lines local media says it was triggered by overcrowding after heavy rains in somalia the Armed Group Alshabaab says its killed seventeen Government Troops in an attack on a military base a spokesman for the group says it now controls the town of barrier which surrounds the barracks two suicide car bombs were used to launch the attack. The British Charity oxfam expects a million cases of cholera in yemen by november and the worst outbreak ever recorded oxfam says a civil war and now in his third year makes it hard to respond to the disaster more than half of the yemens hospitals and Health Centers have been shut down or destroyed over two thousand people have died this year from cholera. Russia and turkey have agreed to work more closely to end the war in syria despite backing opposing sides in the conflict doesnt write him a putin has been in a hurry for talks with the turkish leadership typewriter one they have blocked opposing sides in the syrian conflicts are the two leaders have agreed to push for deescalation zones in syria as in the province. What were interested in is making sure that the terrorists are finally laid to rest and that we have a stable regime in syria these are principles and fundamental issues for russia and the region and indeed for the entire world what is absolutely fundamental is finding a long term political solution under the aegis of the United Nations was that was good and beijing says any north Korean Companies operating in china will have to shut down by january the u. S. Has been pressuring china to force beyond young to give up its Nuclear Ambitions the chinese vice premier new young dong is currently visiting the u. S. Shes been meeting secretary of state Rex Tillerson in washington and will also meet with President Donald Trump youre up to date with the headlines on aljazeera coming up next year its witnessed do stay with us. On october the first catalonia plans to hold an independence referendum yet the Central Government insists its unconstitutional and the courts have judged it illegal as the state clamps down and cattle hands take to the streets where will this crisis and watch aljazeera for the latest

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