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I know im right about this and this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next sixty minutes. After a landslide yes vote in a session referendum the government in iraqs kurdish region rejects baghdads demand to hand over control of airports. The u. S. President plans to cut the number of refugees entering the country to the lowest in nearly four decades plus. Im in the United States with a family of cambodian american felons fighting against a deportation. And our ride down Money Laundering lane a london bus tour of alleged marquee property deals by high profile nigerians. Hours after winning a landslide in the secession referendum the government of iraqs kurdish region says it wont hand over control of airports to baghdad the result has been announced despite a last minute appeal to council it by the iraqi Prime Minister Charles Trafford reports from their bill. So liberations on the streets of the bill up to ninety two percent of voters said yes to secession from the kurdish region of northern iraq. The referendum is very important it will for my future and i hope at least that baghdad will eventually to be independent. With the federal government in baghdad is called a referendum on constitutional and is refusing to even recognize the result that alone start negotiations with the Kurdish Regional government ok allergy of the future independence for iraq. Events of the last few days here can only be described as some of the most momentous in the regions history but the political ramifications of. The threats continue from the fact that governments and neighboring countries and theres a sense of great uncertainty as to what could happen next. The federal government has threatened to close the Regions International airspace it could heal thora g. s dont hand over control of the two main airports by a friday deadline. Turkey is threatening to cancel the kayleigh g. s oil pipeline and close the land border turkey is the biggest supplier of goods and food to the k r g we cant. Beat ourselves. We dont have that much power. That a party is making of the same as the damn regime and the kurds dont have a life if we stay with baghdad. Maybe determination among the people who have wanted a country of their own for generations but the celebrations here may not last long. But aljazeera has built five solicitor body is director of the center for the study of the middle east at Indiana University he says argent measures need to be taken to deescalate the standoff. The reaction and but it was entirely predictable that there would be. An Immediate Reaction as for turkey and iran also they warn of what what if the referendum occurred and yet the referendum went forward all of the region regional states including the arab states. By consensus the United States the United Kingdom again the European Union and the United Nations recommended against holding this referendum referendum proceeded so what i would say is that the escalation has been mutual the question we should be asking now is how to deescalate and how to get the parties sitting around the table going to start Iraqi Kurdistan as landlocked. And it is surrounded by neighbors who are not friendly to the independence project therefore. Some intermediate solution at least for the time being for the foreseeable future needs to be entered into the top u. S. Democrats has come out in support of an independent kurdish state Chuck Schumer leads the democrats in the senate hes calling on the u. S. Government to recognize what he called mondays historic vote he says it should back the creation of an independent kurdish state catalonia says it will go ahead with an independence referendum on sunday despite spain declaring it illegal the government in madrid is planning to Deploy Police at polling stations to prevent people from voting koppen hall reports from barcelona. Last thing at night activists stay up late campaigning for catalonia to break away. The first thing in the morning their adverse trees get up early calling for spain to stay. In. The Spanish Government has declared the secession ballot illegal but catalan interior minister forn explained why regional authorities were pressing ahead. I mean the. Government is not just trying to stop a referendum to stop. The citing its political future things have gone beyond the simple call for selfdetermination and what were also debating here is the defense of democracy and of the most fundamental freedoms. The dritte is stepping up efforts to stop the referendum many schools are going to be potential. Centers and. Into the area. Madrid has also said it will take command of the Capital Police force that is the boss of this. Cattle an authority is a resisting that order. From the most also the Security Force of catalonia and theyre responsible for law and order their role should be to permit people to vote in peace we dont want a confrontation but we will defend our rights and responsibilities as. The referendum is planned for this sunday. See. Thing would have been like in the Scottish Referendum to debate the alternatives thats been impossible in spain. On the streets of boston alone not this group is small loud and not in the mood to haul measures they would like to see spain remain united and for the cattle and government to be completely shut down. Pennoyer aljazeera boston logan spending. The u. S. Congress has been briefed on the president s plans to cut to refugee numbers donald trump wants to cap the number next year at an all time low of forty five thousand White House Correspondent Kimberly Hall could reports donald trump first announced he would seek to permanently reduce the number of refugees entering the United States as he addressed the United Nations we offer Financial Assistance to hosting countries that will seek to host refugees as close to their home countries as possible. This is the safe responsible and humanitarian approach now trumps secretary of state is meeting with lawmakers to formalize the goal of capping the number of refugees entering the u. S. To around forty five thousand this is an historic reduction in two thousand and seven more than forty eight thousand word mid under president bush under barack obama almost seventy thousand refugees settled in the United States but this year under donald trump the refugee cap is set to fall to around fifty four thousand and by twenty eight thousand the president hopes to reduce that number even further its fury ating activists the trumpet ministration says the lower cap on refugees is for National Security and safety its just based on fear and not facts and because of that were turning away people that could die if we dont let them in and the white house claims that even with the lower number of refugees being admitted to the United States it says it still takes in more refugees than any other nation kimberley hellcat aljazeera washington or the changes to immigration rules under President Donald Trump are threatening to separate families almost eight hundred thousand young combo de ins face on certain futures because a program to protect undocumented children is being reconsidered that have also been cases of people being deported for old criminal convictions a scottish were various were explains. Allison chang never imagined that should be a single mom. Last year she married cambodian refugees soon percy chang but just h. Months later he was deported from america. Were going to have a baby and ill buy a house like. Why would they do this to us. Back in one nine hundred ninety five when percy was just fourteen he was convicted of Second Degree murder in a robbery gone wrong despite completing his sentence sees ago that conviction made him a target for deportation because he was a permanent resident in the us and not a citizen. Some people change im not going to say all but the ones that do change and can make a living and give him back her sorry. They did a mistake. Posi has never met his son he was sent to cambodia five months ago a country he has never been to before because he was born in a time refugee camp since two thousand and two the us has deported more than eight hundred ethnic cambodians to this country these men and women can never go back to america not even as tourists. The us has been paying the government here nine hundred fifty dollars for every deportivo cambodia has recently refused to accept any more convicted criminals until they paid more we need more more and more. Money in there to make those people that live. Like the other people in the country. The Us Government refused our request for an interview but as the deportations hang in limbo so does the face of hundreds of families like allison and post sees corish aljazeera from penn and her correction is a charisma versus full program cambodia deport ations watch one or one east on thursday at twenty two thirty g. M. T. Here on aljazeera. Plenty more ahead on the news. Out of many marking fifty years of israels occupation of the west bank and Golan Heights. The growing support for ukraines Opposition Leader that makes him feel his party is close to power. When a Champions League showdown against munich with the help of one of europes hottest strikers. The un has met to discuss the humanitarian crisis in syria its alleged that russian led airstrikes have destroyed hospitals and killed dozens of civilians both hama provinces have come under heavy bombardment this week but russia says it only struck. A diplomatic editor james bates has more. After more than six years of bloodshed the Un Security Council has heard about so many atrocities in syria the latest attacks bombardment of civilians including the targeting of hospitals acts of escalation by the Syrian Government and its russian allies in whats supposed to be a deescalation zone british and french diplomats have described it as an acceptable and the palling yet the words of the uns own special envoy were markedly less harsh critic first time things april some areas today some allegedly hitting three million and theory than infrastructure including Health Facilities human Rights Groups say theres nothing allegedly about it i think there should always be talk about what happens after the conflict ends but its not ending right now what we saw last week as i said was direct hits on hospitals as the start of intensive but apartments are civilian areas so what that tells us is that this looks like a strategy to punish the civilian population and take out the hospitals first so that health care is impossible the un is trying to reconvene talks in geneva the man who many believe torpedoed previous rounds of negotiation by refusing to discuss political transition was in the Council Chamber Syrian Ambassador bashar al jeffrey is his countrys chief negotiator mr de mistura put pressure on him but his toughest words were reserved for the opposition no one is asking the opposition to thunderous dubbing the. But we are urging their belligerent to realize that it is most credible and effective when its down together and show the radian is to negotiate which with give and take the High Negotiations Committee position is that they are the only legitimate representative of the opposition and its definitely true that some of the other groups that call themselves opposition. Have in the past had close contacts with the assad regime in a famous quotation Winston Churchill once said history is written by the victors and it may just be thats whats now happening in syria the Russian Military help the Syrian Regime turn things around militarily and it seems there are some who now want to give them the are perhaps in the diplomacy to end the war james his era of the United Nations israel has hosted a lavish ceremony marking fifty years of jewish settlements in the occupied west bank and Golan Heights Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed that the settlements will never be reversed their illegal hunder International Law although thats disputed by israel sorry for such reports. It was branded a state a vent produced as a t. V. Special a celebration of fifty years since israel in his governments language liberated the west bank in the Golan Heights territories it is occupied ever since and a celebration of settlement construction in that land staged inside the illegal settlement block of goo shits yun its a project that israels Prime Minister for the second time in a month vowed would never be reversed last year your work you go to the issue of. Im saying this very clearly we will never operates settlements in the land of israel its not only a matter of connection to the homeland its not the way to make peace. For the palestinians its a vital part of any future deal and a fading hope for farmers like even him. He turns his crops in the fields around. But his familys land has steadily shrunk he says he lost more than a this year alone and struggles to access land now behind settlement walls. When we are prevented from entering our lands or to fix the harvest i prepared to lend it cost me around ten thousand dollars but they didnt allow me to plant the saplings. Ibrahims town of our harder is part of a wider picture nearly six hundred thousand Israeli Settlers live in the occupied west Bank Including East Jerusalem in a meeting with a Representative Council earlier on wednesday the Prime Minister reportedly promised another three thousand three hundred new units would be approved next month which would make more than seven thousand this year the residents of all how to talk not just of having lost their land but of continuing to lose it the israeli Prime Minister recently promised that not a single israeli settlement will ever be uprooted any time in the future the reality is they continue to expand. This and thats what makes this is densely historical commemoration a charged and divisive one Israel Supreme Court declined to send a representative to what its president called a political event israels pro settler right remains at the center of power its Prime Minister doubling down on his commitment to the settlement project sorry force it aljazeera in the occupied west bank south koreas marking its sixty ninth armed forces to show of military might some of its strategic weapons are being put on display including Ballistic Missiles these are live pictures of some of those displays tensions have been high on the Korean Peninsula for months as north korea ramps up tests of missiles and Nuclear Weapons Catherine Novak is joining us from seoul kathy understand the president has been speaking whats he had to say. Well of course this Armed Forces Day falls at a time of incredibly high tensions as you mentioned robin he says that the security crisis on the peninsula is more tense than ever but that requires South Koreans to be ever more patient of course in the lead up to this we heard the speeches at the United Nations from the president of the United States donald trump indeed and also the foreign minister of north korea so when you have the United States talking about fire and fury when you have north korea talking about the u. S. Allegedly declaring war on north korea president moon seems to strike a figure in the middle of all that trying to be a bit more of a balancing tone if you like saying that there must be this continued push for peace here on the Korean Peninsula weve often heard from him before that there will not be another war on the Korean Peninsula and his message today seemed to be that there must be a deterrence of north korea that north korea must be required to stop its provocations must be required to ultimately give up its Nuclear Weapons and that the ultimate goal is peace but that that is played today shows that south korea does indeed have the capability to Deter North Korea together with the alliance it has with the United States and what he says is that south korea has the power to overwhelm that of north korea. Given the context what is the significance of all forces do for sort of korea and the military hardware thats being displayed. Well this is a commemoration all of south korean troops it happens every year it marks the day that South Koreans broke through the border with north korea in one nine hundred fifty during the korean war but of course the timing this year is significant and its an opportunity for the south Korean Military to send messages to the north its taking place for the first time in a very important strategic naval base that is responsible for patrolling the western waters where there have been in the past conflicts with north korea along the sea border and it also as you mentioned earlier is an opportunity to display to the public for the first time some Strategic Missiles that south korea has at its disposal weve seen shows of force using those missiles in a recent days and weeks when north korea for example launched a missile over japan and south korea responded by launching a missile of its own into waters off the country but in that case the distance that it traveled was significant because it displayed to north korea that it could target the launch site from which north korea launched its missile so this is all as we talk about often messaging shows of force messages to the north that as i mentioned south korea says it has the power to overwhelm north korea it doesnt want to have to use that but its this message of deterrence that south korea together with the United States has the military might to take on north korea if necessary thanks very much indeed there have been brought in ugandas parliament for a second day. Its happened during a debate over changes to laws about the upper age limit for president s at the moment its set at seventy five years old the current leader youre one of the most of the its seventy three hes seeking an amendment to the law so he can run for six term in office. Tens of thousands of people in south africa have held street protests against president jacob zuma they say corruption has become endemic under his leadership the marches were organized by the Largest Workers Union the Unions Alliance with the Ruling African National congress is looking increasingly strained tanya page has more from johannesburg. Miners teachers and laborers are among the thousands of workers taking part in a nationwide strike against corruption. And the man they say is to blame for it is president jacob zuma they say hes been compromised by private Business Leaders have captured control of the state the president has indicated that hes not willing to go and we know the reason is because he has been the print if you shout it from. The president. Says ninety members of the scene they have to stand on. The demonstrators switch through the city delivering their demands to government the banks and big employers like the mining industry. Because ill just brace on the president has apparently and then. Alliance with the Afghan National police and the south African Communist Party its not what it used to be but not only. That its deeply divided. The a. N. C. Says its partners a free to protest but it cant be happy at the level of corruption being uncovered by the Opposition Democratic Alliance which won control of johannesburg at the last election. Not far from the march god dogs protect an almost empty construction site the is supposed to be a new power station here where we. Are just one example where almost five. Million u. S. Dollars was paid to a contractor without doing any job i mean if you look around you can see that nothing has been done keenan lost his job at the site and now his Community South has frequent power cuts because the upgrades have stopped. Something. Keenan is the victim of corruption that cost south africa about two billion dollars a year but its far from certain that it will cost the president his job no matter how loud the call is from one of the n. C. S. Oldest partners for him to go tony a page out just. Britains Opposition Leader says his labor party is the government in waiting in a wide ranging speech at the partys annual conference Jeremy Corbyn has accused Prime Minister theresa may of bungling brags that negotiations is also criticized saudi arabia for what hes described as its cruel war in yemen part of the philips has more from brighton. Even in this age of the political unexpected its an extraordinary story the apparently an ambitious backbench m. P. Who became Labor Party Leader now adored by the members he promised more spending on Health Education bringing industries back under state control higher taxes for the rich and big corporations the crowd loved it is the country ready for it. Todays Center Ground is certainly not where it was twenty or thirty years ago a new consensus is emerging from the great economic crash and the years of the sterett say. When people started to find a political voice for their hopes for Something Different and something better. Theres no doubt. This conference but of course Jeremy Corbyn is preaching to the converted somehow he has to convince the majority was elected that he is the right man to lead this country. They call it corbin mania a celebration of the man even his pet cat so is the labor party in danger of falling for a cult of personality this man is no ego whatsoever on like many older people are no. Use somewhat embarrassed sometimes but the truth is being a leader one of the definitions of leadership is to inspire i mean inspires millions of young only from all over our nation this is as close to dissent to speak out at this conference pro e. U. Demonstrators want to be called in to take a stronger line against bracks it on that labor like the Government Conservative party is badly divided trying to keep options open in other areas germy corbin says hed put the pursuit of peace and human rights at the center of his Foreign Policy so we cannot be silence the cruel saudi yemen. Well continue thank you so youre right thank you know so this is. A champion of democracy and human rights please do all you can to end the violence now against the ruling the reigning have suffered for too long. But first he needs to win a general election an election that the conservative government will do its best to avoid germy corbin says labor is a government in waiting the Prime Minister to resign made plans to keep him waiting to be philips aljazeera upright the Us Government has sent navy ships to puerto rico to help with the growing humanitarian crisis there caused by Hurricane Maria six days on the u. S. Territory is still without power for Water Supplies are running low reports from one. Is still trying to recover her belongings from the damages caused by hurricane. She lives in san juan puerto ricos capital because. I didnt want to leave my house when the hurricane came i stayed inside with my two sons and tried to protect. Just like in the rest of the capital in this neighborhood there is still no water or electricity in. One of the poorest neighborhoods many of the houses here have been completely destroyed mostly because they were built with a mattress and wood those who are living here had to seek refuge in a shelter and thats where they remain in days after the category four hurricane hit this u. S. Territory in the caribbean the United States government says aid is on the way to address the growing humanitarian crisis in some parts of the island. The federal Emergency Management agency has said badly damage to airports and seaports are making it difficult to get aid in personnel so puerto rico has tremendous problems with floods and with the damage and collapse were still looking for people who are still looking for people but im going to be going there are tuesday and i may also stop at the Virgin Islands the governor there is done it to reflect on the streets of san juan people are lining up for hours to get fuel and cell phone towers have not been fully restored. People like my t. S. A. Aide is going to slow down with everybody when i when i look i still havent received any help do you see much going on around the city its like nobody kid is many here feel the same way as they struggle to get by every day i will i just see some one puerto rico still ahead on aljazeera. I understand human in the japanese indigenous reserve where there is increasing concern about the survival of un contacted tribes living in this remote part of the amazon rain forest. And find out why this American National anthem singer has quote. Witnessed documentaries that open your eyes at this time on aljazeera and when the news breaks more than a Million People have already lost power here and not number will grow its condition is the worst and the story builds fast furious and sometimes fatal mongolias child jockeys are risking their young lives when people need to be heard in my dream about gambling in numbers i dont feel comfortable without them ill gamble until i die aljazeera has teams on the ground to bring you more Award Winning documentaries and live news on and and online. Youre watching all jazeera reminder about top stories this hour hours after winning a secession referendum the government of iraqs kurdish region says it wont hand over control of airports to baghdad several airlines have announced the suspend flights to. The u. S. Congress has been briefed on President Donald Trumps plans to cut refugee numbers wants to cap the numbers in twenty eighteen i dont all time low of forty five thousand that number is far lower than the nut limit of one hundred ten thousand which president obama had set last year. South africas Largest Workers Union has organized marches to protest against president jacob zuma they claim corruption has become endemic on to his leadership tens of thousands of people took to the streets. I love it is military court is due to deliver its verdict in the trial of a controversial sunni cleric linked to a shootout with Government Troops in two thousand and thirteen that i thought was part of the spillover of the syrian war fighting between supporters. And lebanese soldiers led to dozens of deaths has been held in solitary confinement for the past two years hes likely to get the Death Penalty and reports from beirut. It was one of the earliest bloodiest spillovers into lebanon from the civil war in syria named after the town in southern lebanon where it happened the battle of signed on between the Lebanese Army and supporters of a seer lasted for two days described by the government as a sunni militant cleric a list here led the confrontations in which forty fighters loyal to him eighteen soldiers and two civilians were killed. It was relatively unknown before the syrian war started six years ago he rose to prominence quickly for his fiery speeches on t. V. Criticizing hezbollah ports support of syrian president Bashar Al Assad and praising the opposition including what was then the group known as judgment on this or a link to al qaida i think. Connection to the syrian its an extremist. Or militant groups its kind of is is a kind of banking on this on this side or the two and investing on that in order to create his own his own supporting or support base in and he was successful to a certain extent in doing about after going into hiding here was arrested two years later at beirut airport while trying to board a flight to cairo then there was little doubt he faced serious charges but his trial in a military court along with thirty others has been. Repeated be delayed and human Rights Groups have questioned how some of the evidence was obtained despite the doubts others here is expected to be sentenced to death for his role in the battle but whether hes hanged is unclear under lebanese law any execution order must be approved by the president but Capital Punishment hasnt been used here since two thousand and four and although a year has very little obvious support across lebanon president michel lone likely doesnt have the sort of political backing he needs in order to carry out such a punishment. Aljazeera. U. S. Air strike in the Afghan Capital kabul has caused a number of civilian casualties according to nato the strike came hours after an attack on kabul airport and during a visit by u. S. Defense secretary james mattis the taliban says mattis was the target of the failed rocket attack which occurred after he and nato chief Jens Stoltenberg left the airport there trip follows u. S. President Donald Trumps pledge to send more american troops to Afghanistan Afghan Security Forces are struggling to defeat the taliban brazil is investigating the reported massacre of up to ten members of an isolated unassuming in tribe and its believed that the Indigenous People were killed by gold miners who later bragged about the attack aljazeera is team is the first to be given access to the area since it happened latin america editor alysia newman has part one of our exclusive two part special series from the valley. The jeopardy valley indigenous reserves. Eight million years of brazilian amazon the size of australia its home to the largest number of non contacted tribes in the world photographed only rarely from the air and its here that ten Indigenous People were reportedly massacred last month by illegal gold miners who these rivers. We flew four thousand kilometers from sao paulo to menow so to. And there by boat to. There we met leaders of the reserves indigenous tribes who agreed to take us there. This is the reserve along the giovanni river that borders per contacted in noncontact the tribes have lived here for centuries. On our seven hour journey up the river we learned that the reserve is being increasingly invaded by outsiders cattle farmers loggers hunters fisherman and miners the latest reported massacre on this reserve is said to have taken place when members of a noncontact and tribe men women and children were looking for turtle eggs by the river the alleged killers are said to have boasted that they cut up their bodies and threw them in the river making it difficult of not impossible for prosecutors to find the evidence oh we go to meet the chief of the mio luna tribe which was contacted about fifty years ago around fifty five hundred people belong to the reserves six contacted tribes but it within a minute before speaking any further chief tommy insists on putting on his ceremonial paint he says his father used to kill the white invaders but was persuaded by four ny state Indigenous Authority to move the tribe into the reserve for protection maybe. It is better but not good we have people dying from diseases we didnt have before i wish we could move back inside the forest where our ancestors lived the outsiders are sure killing people. He shows us how he is prepared to fight the outsiders he believes are again trying to take their land and resources incursions by poachers and man grabbers have soared since brazils president more than half of the budget of the authority in charge of protecting and policing the reserve. The reported massacre of the east or isolated ones as theyre called here are just one result says paloma rule we study. This they keep saying that what happened recently is not true but how can they say that they havent sent anyone to where the massacre happened they just overflew the area in a helicopter weeks later keep in mind oust the prosecutor for amazon a state concedes the government is leaving indigenous tribes especially the un contacted almost defenseless. If you dont place a barrier and effective policing of the area which is not happening now the danger of these tribes becoming extinct is huge. And investigation into the massacre is underway but theres no guarantee there wont be more as the pressure increases from outsiders who believe they too have a right to the land and resources until now reserved for these amazonian tribes you see in human on the job that he was brazil. On contacted tribes or communities of people who have not had any significant interaction with global civilization that are more than one hundred such groups around the world theyve developed ways of life that are entirely selfsufficient people from the our tribe in the brazilian amazon are able to build a house in just a few hours from the audience and leaves and tree trunks are considered highly endangered because of conflicts with the logging industry the sentinel es tribe and indias undermine islands continue to actively and violently reject contact their language is markedly different even from other languages on the undermines the tribes considered to be the most isolated people in the world well lets talk to Kristen Smith shes an m m three politest and an assistant professor at the university of texas in austin shes joining us on skype what motivates people to attack these tribes. I think that many times people want access to the land they want. The resources. And so for example in this case youre talking about coal miners miners who are trying to get access to the there is on the land there but sometimes you have the same problem. With loggers people access to the land and they want to be able to take that land for monetary gain why does there seem to be so little Government Protection for these tribes. I think that these times are very difficult and the fact of the matter is weve seen a number of moves in the country in order to try to strict indigenous rights and so for example an april of two thousand and seventy four thousand Indigenous People marched in brasilia brazils capital because they were protesting the governments scaled back of protection of the get Indigenous Lands the south anything of rules to be able to mowing and to and to farm with indigenous land and so it seems to me like everything is saying that this government is actually trying to push to to restrict indigenous land and to hold back on indigenous rights and thats quite unfortunate how difficult is it to police and protect a tribe which in some cases as weve heard simply doesnt want to have any contact with anybody else in the world. I think its extremely difficult but i think that things have been better in brazil and so for example at the beginning of this year because of the extreme budget cuts that the National Indian foundation had to suffer because of the governmental callbacks they had to set down five protection bases that were tasked with actually protecting isolated groups and so weve seen aid theyve also had that theyve also lost eighty seven employees that were tasked with protecting protecting isolated groups and so what were seeing right now with this increase in violence is is directly related to this reduction in state in state is they assistance and the reduction of the budget and so i think its difficult but i think that there are many things that can be put in place on the state side in order to be able to to remedy that and the fact the matter is that the current government in brazil is not doing that and is actually doing everything to go against that other than the indigenous tribes themselves who is that could put pressure on the governments to put those safeguards in place that youre talking about. Well i think that many many people in the government particularly ironically even the people who are associated with the national and National Indians our nation theyve been investing in this and making sure that these tribes get protected and so i think there are a number of people that have been impacted by these cutbacks that are actually fighting for the rights of these tribes but i also think that the four thousand people who marched in but as you are representative of all of these people that are crossed that are actually very much connected with the government or connected with what would that make them a government that is very much connected with society and have a social movement and have had a lot of different initiatives in order to protect indigenous rights and i think that those people are very much at the forefront of this of this fight for the attacks the protection of these particular groups and i also just think that those social justice advocates across brazil and theres so many i think that you know brazil is one of the capitals of Environmental Justice and of protection of ethnic minorities and so i think that there are a lot of people in the country who really want this to happen but presently there are so many people who are forgive me for interrupting you and i apologize because unfortunately the time is against us but thank you very much indeed really good to get your views on this thank you and in our second installment we take a closer look at how funding cuts by president michel timers administration have left dozens of uncontacted tribes defenseless against invaders gold miners ranchers and loggers anticorruption campaigners in the british capital have organized a tour designed to expose alleged Money Laundering by foreigners nieve barker has been on the latest trip focusing on nigerian money in london. All aboard the kleptocracy toll our guide russian Anti Corruption activists roman bodies have it previous tours of focused on russia and the middle east now nigeria is in the spotlight although he has to stop we have a thirty mile at this boring. Real estate. To the central. Organizers of this store claim that london is at the heart of international Money Laundering a place to easily hide and spend astronomical sums of cash where theres a lot of that money goes into londons lucrative property market. We passed a three Million Dollar property recently seized from nigerias for oil minister design. Its one of several apartments owned by men in london gives allegedly from nigerian businessmen seeking Oil Production contracts shes under investigation in both nigeria and the u. S. And this property near hyde park owned by a family of abdel salami baka interim military leader of nigeria in the late one nine hundred ninety s. Hes accused of dodging taxes and siphoning state assets are many of the properties we pass are owned by high profile political and business figures who struggle to explain their wealth. Most allegedly bought by a Shell Companies based in offshore british tax havens the more lead the financial set up the heart of it is to trace exactly where the money comes from there are forty thousand titles in london by Companies Based in sixty jurisdictions so that means when they bought those titles they didnt even have. The language doesnt know the police doesnt. It really easy the corrupt individuals to steal money if im talking. On a visit to london nigerias information minister told us that he believes fifty five people are responsible for stealing six point two billion dollars from the nigerian treasury between two thousand and six and two thousand and thirteen if insert of that money was returned three treasury its built six under collimator soft roads. Hospitals twenty thousand Housing Units and it would have been able to train four thousand children from Primary School to University Level its a side of london few will ever see a top and i says hope will dissuade others from choosing the u. K. To stash nick cash back aljazeera london. Still ahead on aljazeera. I robot brined in tokyo at the opening of a museum to one of japans most important living on tastes eighty eight years old and still as prolific as ever. Its time for the sports heres father. Thanks very much paris and sure man has come out the winners and a Champions League showdown against byron munich danielles open the scoring for the host just eighty four seconds into the match at st vanny doubled their lead before neymar made it three nil against the five time champions p. S. G. Who have never won the Champions League before go three points clear at the top of group b. And a huge result for Manchester United the c. S. K. Moscow for one away Romelu Lukaku lead for united with two goals the English Premier League side maintain their one hundred percent record to stay top of group. Elsewhere barcelona only managed one goal against portuguese side sporting it was an off for the win though and chelsea were two one winners against atletico madrid. And there at the semifinal stage in the asian Champions League chinas shanghai ass and red diamonds of japan drew their first leg match the johnnies side are into the last four for the first time thanks to their manager andre vs boas send they soon took the lead of the shanghai stadium with this stunning strike just fifteen minutes into the match but two thousand and seven winners fought back to square things up in the twenty seventh minute to finish the one one. New cricket rules will come into effect on thursday it will be the biggest changes to the game in seventeen years but main difference is disciplinary measures players can now be sent off from the field for bad behavior but has behavior really got worse lee wellings reports. The rules of world cricket have been made at the famous unloads Cricket Ground for one hundred seventy three years the model of own cricket club m. C. C. Accustomed use of a game that was always meant to be played in a so called gentlemanly manner but a perceived deterioration of behavior means its time for a change there has been a spotlight on confrontation in international goings currently dealt with via disciplinary points and suspensions now if a cricketer takes their aggression too far i will be sent from the field there is a growing trend in the behavior protective lower levels of the game less so the International Level but in the recreational game is declining to the extent that many empires are leaving the game or choosing not to go into empire but now there are four levels of discipline level one is for such misdemeanors is excessive appealing level two includes deliberate contact a mains conceding five runs level three including intimidation would mean timeout like being simbi did other sports for the most serious offenses including actual violence a player will be sent off signal is a sort of waving of like that and then followed by a sort of the signal tiles about the legendary english cricket to w. G. Grace suggest a sense not new to cricket in one incident he was clearly out but said to the umpire people have come here to see me but not to say you one pile i refused to leave the crease the kind that behavior has worsened in modern cricket is debatable remember confrontations like. Encounter in perth in ninety one or gutting versus umpire shocker vanna in far as about six years later. Mike sutcliffe was played the game as man and boy from Village Greens to captaining his mc say to loads he agrees behavior in amateur cricket is slightly worsened but overall cricket retains a spirit of fair play. As a player how does that a lot of reasons why is it. Better. Because you know has a reputation still doesnt preclude as being you know serene yeah and the spirit of cricket is fundamentally important to our great great school im now after thirty five years and its playing into new senior levels and im going to change that and its really important which is were encouraging pontian you people to get involved in the game cricket is different because of the spirit of the game because world governing body the i. C. C. Want this to work as a deterrent not to see players regulate banished to the pavilion but the boundaries of acceptable behavior have been made for good the wellings aljazeera but now its Cricket Ground and. Tennis now and world number four carolina is through to the quarter finals of the one hand open and china jack chris passed chang wang to get there she won in straight sets six two six one wedding in less than an hour looking for a fourth title this year french open champion elaine awesome panko is also through to the quarter finals but she needed three sets to beat eight seed monaco quake puerto rico off the panko will face top seed garbin more grist for in the next round and the official National Anthem singer of the n. F. L. s Baltimore Ravens has resigned. Oh joey odoms has been the teams official singer for three years after winning a singing contest odoms is stepping down because he believes fans who attack players who protest during the National Anthem dont take the time to understand why the ravens join the n. F. L. Wide protest before sundays game in london. And thats all your support for now more later. A museum celebrating the works of the japanese artist known as the queen of polka dots has opened in tokyo the career of yog has spanned more than seven decades her work commands are some of the highest prices by any living female artist rob a bride has won. The opening confirms your you kusama status as one of the worlds most important Living Artists and for japan and National Treasure good any others know this is been a lifelong wish for you to see my work this is the most moving moment of my life on five floors of this space the works mostly paintings but also installations and sculptures celebrating a life dedicated to art the museum is also a monument to artistic perseverance although kasama has moved between different means here over the decades she has always remained obsessive need true to an abstract style thats all her own repetitively intricate patterns of dots and lines a theme she has been following from childhood an extremely unhappy time she recalls and when she says she first had hallucinations dominated by dogs its a style she developed in new york city at the heart of the one nine hundred sixty s. Add on guard movement. Come the seventys she returned to japan largely forgotten but she hadnt forgotten her artistic mission. Working every day ever since she gradually won worldwide recognition work has never been in more demand for girls who go to museums all over the world a calling me wanting to exhibit my work the number is growing so fast but its only me painting im so busy the museum is also meant to inspire suffering much of her life from Mental Health problems has found in her work a place of solace overcoming she says depression and hopelessness. Please love this museum all your life just the way i love it. With this permanent home she wants her work to give visitors the kind of peace she has found in creating it from a bride aljazeera tokyo. You can get a lot more information on all these stories of course on the website thats all just zero dot com aljazeera dot com john jordan is going to be here and a couple of minutes with more on all these stories im rob matheson. I just want to make sure all of our audience is on the same page where they are on line and what produced the u. S. Citizens here and what puts people of iraq by one in the same or if you join us on saturday i was never put a file been looked at differently because im dr that all the people that im a watch this is a dialogue tweet us with hash tag into a stream and one of your pitches might make the next show join the global conversation at this time on aljazeera. With bureaus spanning Six Continents across the globe. Aljazeera has correspondents live in green the stories they tell. Us about it. Aljazeera fluent in world news russian filmmaker andre not christoph explores how putins russia impacts the very values of the nation the russians are famous for their cultural legacy but can traditional and conservative be the source of stagnation and authoritarian rule why was always the assume aided by the police to misuse ukraine six homosexuality the significance of the book into the russian elite is that he was like a fake you who controls the cobra in such a putins russia at this time on aljazeera. In the aftermath of civil war peace and reconciliation i remember seeing in the absence of justice. People in power on earth chilling testimonies of atrocities suggesting of thora to have failed to conduct full and proper investigations that could help heal resentment inflicted by conflict. Cote divoire partial justice at this time on aljazeera. Yes votes and referendum the government in iraq kurdish region refuses to step back

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