Ludhiana: The Economic Offences Wing of Ludhiana Vigilance Bureau arrested a grading supervisor and a supervisor of Punjab Mandi Board while they were accepting a bribe in the city on Wednesday. The officials posted at New Vegetable Market, Salem Tabri, were demanding Rs 80,000 from a man, who had applied for a new licence of commission agent.
The arrested have been identified as grading supervisor Sarabjit Singh and supervisor Kamaldeep Singh. Vijay Kumar of Jassal Colony, Dugri Road, had lodged a complaint against the duo.
Amarjit Singh Bajwa, senior superintendent of police, EO wing, Vigilance Bureau, said, “Vijay had applied online for a new licence of commission agent. The accused were demanding Rs 80,000 for clearing objections for it. The deal was struck at Rs 50,000. Thereafter, Vijay lodged a complaint with the department.”