, nothing will work out for us, the adult says, you say no, well, anyway, lets come up with something so that i remain serious, but at the same time its the same as with these girls who behave like this, i think that our heroine, who came to talk about how to compete with young people, in fact, she competes with herself, will find the right path and the right strategy in order to really use age as wealth, and her child let her go free then everything will work out for her. A hint from the psyche, sometimes i feel myself connected, between those who are alive and who were taken away by the war, and although the fiveyear plans are running in a hurry, this connection is becoming stronger, this connection is becoming closer and closer, i am connected, even though the roar of the battle has died down. My verse remained a report from the battle, from the cauldrons of encirclement, abysses, defeats, from great bridgeheads, victorious battles, i am a messenger, wandering in the partisan forest, carrying from the living to the dead, no, nothing is forgotten, no, no one is forgotten, not even the one who lies in an unknown grave. Hello, im larisa guzeeva, this is a podcast letter, my guest is agla ibatnikova, today we will remember. Who would have turned 100 years old on may 10, hello, hello, larisa, when i was at school, uh, the girls were rewriting poems then, youre nearby and everything is beautiful, and the rain and the cold wind, thank you, my dear, for being you there is light, thank you for these lips, thank you for these hands, thank you, my clear one, for being in the light, then nearby, but we might not have met each other at all, the only one my. Thank you for being in the world, but it wont be very soon, it will be, so to speak, such a monologue of an adult woman, but to begin with it was already dedicated to the privateer, yes, yes, little julia, she dreamed of being a writer, she dreamed of being a poetess, she read oeses blog, she was so exalted, quite a young lady, suddenly at the age of 16 the front, what do you think, why, why, well, i think its just her heroic nature, that is, she was amazon, she wanted to go to war, i think it was simply impossible to stop her, and no one neither her father nor anyone could have stopped her, but she wanted, she even added a year to herself to get to the front, i left my childhood, in a dirty heated vehicle, in an infantry echelon, in a medical platoon, in distant gaps, i listened and did not listen, to all. Fortyfirst year, i came from school to the damp dugouts, from a beautiful lady to my mother and change, because a name closer than russia could not find, she worked as a nurse, that is, she worked, yes, as a foreman of a medical orderly, well, up to the foreman she also had to rise to the rank and. Went to dig trenches near mozhaisk first even before she became a nurse, she was surrounded there, experienced some events, and then she returned to the front, by the way, when she was surrounded she got lost, she got lost and many were injured, someone died, her friend zina died, zina was, no, zina was many years after that. There was then, a fairhaired soldier, she called her friend, zina samsonova, with whom she served together, here is a poem dedicated to zina, quite large for drunina, it is quite famous. Zinka, we lay down by the broken fir tree, we are waiting for it to begin to get brighter, its warmer under our overcoats on the chilled, rotten earth. You know, yulka, i am against sadness, but today it doesnt count, my mother lives at home in the apple outback, my mother lives, you have friends, loved ones, i have deprivation. Alone, the house smells of sauerkraut and smoke, spring is bubbling beyond the threshold, it seems old, every bush is waiting for a restless daughter, you know, yulka, im against sadness, but today it doesnt count, we barely warmed up, suddenly theres an order to move forward, again nearby in a damp chenille, a blondehaired soldier is walking, every day it became more bitter, we marched without rallies or banners, our battered battalion was surrounded, the zinka led us into the attack, we made our way through the black rye, through craters. We were beetroot through mortal borders, we did not expect posthumous glory, we wanted to live with glory, why and in the bloody bows of the blonde soldier lies, i covered her body with my chenille, i clenched my teeth, the belarusian winds sang about the remote gardens of ryazan, you know, zinka, i am against sadness, but today it doesnt count, somewhere in the apple outback, mom, your mom lives, i have beloved friends, she had you alone, the house smells of sourdough and smoke, spring is just outside the threshold, and an old woman in a colorful dress has. Lit a candle, i dont know how to write to her so that she doesnt wait for you, for me they are heroes, even the fact that you experience this in at a young age, death, when they kill for your country, is before your eyes, and you become a witness, this already somehow reshapes you, yes, it already reshapes you somehow, you have a completely different view, a different concept, a different position in this life, she had specific injuries after the war. And here is nikolai starshinov, when he appeared, well, she came from the front, she had no clothes, she was in a chenille, a worn tunic with kerze boots, she had nothing else, only these military clothes, she entered the literary institute, and there she meets her husband , well, in general, lets say, right for the literary institute. There were troubles after that, because they had a daughter, so they got married to nikolai starshinov, but they didnt have a job, its the same as when you enter the literary institute, these connections, they play a role there, they work somewhere, no, well, look, look, you see, we are now talking after the passage of time, here she is a poetess, he is a poet, everything is so romantic, everything, in fact , they lived, there were two people who got married, a child was born, there is nothing to eat. Nikolai starshinov recalled that yulia drunina was not a business woman at all. She didnt know how to run a household like him, and he reproached her that she didnt know where the literary Editorial Office was, so they wanted to be poets, but she didnt know where the Editorial Office was located and didnt know who was in charge of the poetry department, although its very practical things, that is, she really wanted to be a poet, but not to do anything for this, well, conventionally, yes, that is, no no, of course, listen, well, all female poets suffered from this, they were all from the economic side, they had no idea they had how to survive, but its kind of part of the image, you know, just like with artists. Yes, i dont know how to do anything, everything falls out of my hands, i only know how to love and write, you know, create, thats because if , on top of everything else, you sew a little, then its somehow funny, it doesnt fit, like you bad poetess, but its like if an artist is so collected and so on, shes a priori mediocre, thats why you need to be, of course, you need to be a little crazy, absentminded, like that, so its the same with poets, in this sense , julia of course supported the image of a poet present. She went through a very difficult situation when she had to sit without money with her child, she even described that it was more difficult for her than at the front, of course, because at the front war is war, lunch is on a schedule, here suddenly you have to answer for everything, very soon alexey kapler appears with her, a kapler, of course, because the man from tv, with such a destiny, is still handsome, an unreal handsome man, an unreal handsome man, i didnt know where the department was, this is the poetry department, but this already says a lot that, well after all, there was some kind of discord, somehow they probably didnt get along, and kapler did charity to the girls, well , first of all, he is 20 years older than her, of course he will do charity from alexei kaplers letter, my twig, we are starting a completely new life, in which it will not be the same as before, happiness mixed with bad, there will be so much happiness, there will only be you, as the smartest, most beloved, most unforgettable. Woman, well, Everyone Wants to hear such words, but this is a dream, especially since he was married, he promises that more, after they met secretly for 6 years, they both deceived their spouses, you know, but this is just well he always writes a story into the runes my wife is sick, i dont sleep with her, theyve been sleeping for a long time, everything happens the same as in their previous life, or even better. 6 years is a long time, then she stole him and his wife, well. It also seems that he had some kind of reverence for her, he was a ladys man, but after his relationship with drunin they began to call him henpecked. Look, he was, of course, a lavilas, and one story, uh, so much courage is needed and what kind of masculine core to have for Svetlana Alliluyeva this is the pure death of the relationship with the daughter of the almighty stalin at that time. Little of. That the first time he was locked up, so to speak, yes, he served his time, came out and the first thing he did, he again gave a telegram to svetlana, as if he was not afraid, he was closed again, its about the fact that he was not just handsome, he was not just a fatal man, he was not just uh, well, a man and a man, and its clear why women fell in love with him, but the man turned 50 years old, this is todays 86 , yes . Oh, the author of the script, a human amphibian of a striped flight, doesnt know how to express, does nt know how to find words, of course, yes, despite the fact that the soul and heart are twisted, he described the comedy, yes, also from a letter, heres alexei, congratulations to you, a miracle, a random spark, there is a big real account that is given to us only rarely, rarely, and even then i dont fully understand, but it exists, in this regard, mine, our beautiful, bright, onepiece, i bow at your feet. Onepiece, what a word, fuck, so i say, he is a talented man, that is, the point is not only that he was a tv presenter, that he had connections, money, opportunities, and you also know, he was so conscientious, because that he had money, he considered some kind of unfair distribution of this money, for example, when movie stars came to see him at the cinema panorama westerners, well, ours, okay, listen, they wear clothes, take each others clothes, and so on, fee, wow, yes, no, man, hes inconvenient, ill keep him, its a shame, he gave his away, he should have paid well, otherwise he was somehow highclass, and this story with hallelujah speaks about this, because well , imagine, theres a girl there. Out of fear waiting, yes, they commit suicide, thats how many sentenced to death, they deprive themselves of life, so sometimes i think, maybe kapler was so brave, and out of fear that there was still no life, prospects ahead, so he entered into this romance with Svetlana Alliluyeva, no, it doesnt seem to you, it seems to me that this is the first time, okay, but i could fall in love with those crazy blue eyes with red hair, she was pretty by the way, it goes without saying with those transparent eyes. What to love . I have been writing poetry all my life, starting from childhood, a lot of relatives live with me, there is no creative zone, this is the living room, your bedroom, and it would also be desirable for it to be an office, here we need something so lyrical, romantic, light, some kind of accent wallpaper, we need a throne, a chair with flowers, it goes very nicely with gray and gold, have you ever seen a bed that has a crown, about comfort , premiered on saturday at the first, from this cycle the last poem, which is called love, again you lie in the night, your eyes open. And you have an old argument with yourself, you say, hes not that beautiful, but your heart answers, so what . Everything doesnt come to you, damn dream, thats it you think, where is the truth, where is the lie . So what . We are talking today about yulia drunina, here she is, well, as if she was deprived of income in childhood, then she comes across a husbandfather who gave her everything in the material sense, and he also took care of her physically, some pills and look, she after the war , she was deprived of sleep, and she began to have problems with sleep. And good sleeping pills could be bought in soviet times are impossible, oh, by the way, yes, yes, alexey kapler buys her this medicine, imagine, some kind of happiness suddenly falling asleep and waking up for many, many years, but she tamed it, here again, what, that is, what for a woman who can tame such a man, especially since everyone from the outside even said that he loved her madly, so he constantly sent her letters almost every day when she was not there, and in general they all. Nights, already i packed my things, i need to admit that i love you very much, my infinitely dear, again chapler, i miss it at all, im just terribly shocked that i cant call you in your room whenever you want, im unaccustomed to living separately, the vestibular apparatus is not designed, im losing my balance, again chapler, he sent her these notes on the train, good morning, chapler, its just that there is such and such a carriage, such and such a place, i made a forced march in your honor to mayakovskaya in the morning, i just cant stop admiring how good i am, my dear, what a shame that i cant say anything necessary, kiss you by the number of kilometers separating us, count, your husband, comrade kapler, well, this is of course a very lively relationship, they are interesting and here are two talented people, how does it happen, from a garbage fool, you made me just a fool who understood something in life, i love you incredibly, and so it always pierces me to the very depths when i look at you, and im so proud of you, as if you were my child, and i gave birth to you like this, your person, always and forever, well, this is amazing, of course, its just that all this lasted 19 years, thats a very long time, that is, relationships were alive until the very end, he was so mature that he understood that he would one day leave much earlier than she did, and he was very worried about this, and he did his best to give her the straw and. To write a script in her head , for example, striped flight, oh yes, striped flight is written only when everything around you is blue and green, and the amphibian man is so romantic and handsome. Script based on the novel by alexander belyaev, there was also inspiration for a second life, and romance, and it so happened that yulia dronina tamed this lavilas, this moscow star, everyone later laughed at kapler, but he was calm about the fact that they called him a henpecked man, that they laughed at him, that the yume men around him, starting from rastrapovich, like to call themselves henpecked, of course. Its not that they dont sit down, but they are proud, they say, because of the heel, you know, many in marriages, in new ones , degrade, because this trail, burden, feeling of guilt, they are lowered to the bottom, some , on the contrary, at the expense partners suddenly shoots out like this, grows, thats when something there is the present, there is no such thing as unhappy love, there is no such thing, do not be afraid to get into the epicenter of a superpowerful explosion, which is called hopeless passion, if a flame bursts into the soul, souls are cleansed in the fire, for this with dry lips, give thanks, hiss to spring, it evokes an Association Love with a cleansing flame, and you larisa, you argue that she is a mason, but she has a mythological consciousness, in which, uh, the worse, the better, that is, love is a cleansing flame, that is, what is it, and what is it better than the worse she had, let her be undivided passion, let it be good anyway, but she already wrote this, when she realized that the kapler was in her pocket, some people need to write to create when everything is bad for them, and for others, when everything is good and full for them, here i am it seems that yulia drunina, well , well continue to trace now, everything was fine with poetry, when she had everything in her heart, her soul was more or less quiet. Old crimea, happy in crimea, by the way, the amkhibian man was filmed in crimea, this whole love story was written on these crimean stones, and it was filmed there, in general indeed, behind this is the love story of kaplera and the other, in fact, they drew inspiration from there, and the love that grew stronger was precisely in these sweet nights, warm evenings, a beautiful fish. Wonderful wine, but kapler is dying, before his death he wrote a will that he would like to be buried in the crimea, here the adult life of yulia drunina begins, and the opportunity arises to know yourself, to say who you are, she began to drive the car, which is also for those reasons sometimes, yes, its a woman driving and independence, woman driving independence, buy a car. She was away, he read her collection of poems, wrote that i admired my dear one there, and so on, that is, he also admired her gift not only as a woman, but also her literary self, i would say, maybe there is no other way to poetesss heart, except to admire her poetry, perhaps . Well, with a spine like yulia druninas, it seems to me that it was possible to survive these times, she was not yet old, and was not seventy, thats what. What happened, i wonder if she she went to the white house, she stood in the front row, she didnt want new changes, she didnt want that new life, she wanted it, and i understand why, because my grandfather also belonged to the same generation, at the time of perestroika there, my grandfather got cancer there, he was also a military officer, and yuli dronin reacted like this. Which she carried in her heart and that generation all her life, she was going to protect them, she did not know that everything would be turned upside down, and so she was with great enthusiasm, but the first time she was let down gorbachev, yes, when he said that, he practically kicked her out, uh, from the meeting, and so the world began to collapse, because the main years, the most important years of her had been lived, ahead of her she did not understand what was shining, what was looming, uhhuh. Where could she go, what should she do, who should she sing, in general, what should she write about, who should she write for . Well, again, the relationship with the daughter was not strong, yes, that is, many people still go to care for the family at this age, about grandchildren and so on, its as if it was not important for her, thats when a woman a woman, she turns on the program, i must survive and my offspring must survive, and it doesnt matter the war this is perestroika, but i dont know, life is collapsing. Either she is being revived, the empire is being revived, or she must survive, she must protect her offspring somehow, but she was not interested in this, it was unnecessary for her, what she then did to herself, well, just like tsvetaeva , yes, the children remain, she has a poem dedicated to tsvetaeva, where it is about suicide, i would like to read it now, to marina tsvetaeva, in moscow, in an old alley, growing up, i dont know then that marina rose here. A star of the russian sky, and then in a thundering trench, when the earth was blazing, she didnt know that a tight noose was pulling her dark neck, she didnt know that she would rise again from the fog forever, a burntout eerie and strange star of the russian sky, this is marina tsvitaeva, yes, who committed suicide precisely during the period when drunina was at the front, that is, about this. Poem, so she analyzes that this situation with marina, then it turns out that she herself, according to the same the path is leaving, i think that the chair was knocked out from under her body when the kapler left, of course, in this she lost the meaning, i think that if kapler had been alive, then i had her, she didnt have it, she didnt have it there was a personal rear, the privateer represented this rear, although he himself would. A person, yes, why am i leaving, in my opinion , it is possible for such an imperfect creature like me to stay in this terrible, quarrelsome, created for businessmen with iron elbows in the world, only with a strong rear, she means here the captain and nothing more, very its a pity that yulia drunina left during this period of precisely this darkness of darkness, when it was unclear what prospects were, it was unclear what would happen to russia, what would happen to everyone who at that moment. Was engaged in culture, but well, she went to this moment, she didnt see some kind of, i dont know, return of a rush of blood, then to these frozen organs, well, yes, 100 years old, she turned 100 years old, i think today it wouldnt be so gloomy, look how , what a mockery, yes fate, she learned to drive a car, many, by the way, very famous people, great ones, worked parttime as a transporter, so that later for. Then she ended up in the garage in order to leave this life, and in order to survive, i know very many, just professor level, who went and worked , worked as a cab driver to feed themselves and their child, you know, someone there closed all these doors and suffocated with this, i would like at the end of the program with. To talk about her love for her homeland, she dedicated a lot of poems specifically to love to her homeland, for her it was something inspired, Something Real the most important thing in her life. And i would like to read and where does strength suddenly come from at an hour when its black in the soul, if i werent a daughter of russia, i would have given up long ago, i would have given up in 1941, remember, the defensive ditches, as if exposed nerves snaked around moscow , funerals, wounds, piping fire, memory, dont tear my soul apart with war, i just dont know the time. How sorry i am for the men, how sorry i am for the children, and how i still want to pay tribute to the strong ones who survived, but they left us the most important thing, faith in victory, faith in man, faith into the future, and our art, a poem that we can reread, and we get these emotions now through them, we can touch their picture of the world, thank you very much, thank you very much, larisa, for calling me, its a great honor for me, thank you for the time has come when our first satellite was launched, i naturally dont remember, as for gagarins flight, i still have a very strong impression of it. From childhood, of course it was complete delight, but then very few realized that in in general this is it space is a kind of side effect of the arms race and military rocket science, because if this did not exist, there would be no space. Here it must be said first of all that a new era began in august of 1945, the nuclear era, the usa had a monopoly on. The atomic bomb, and this of course made the world very unstable, and of course, no one in the usa expected that the soviet union could create a nuclear bomb in 1949 and go into space, and on october 4 , 1957, launching the first satellite, here how this race in space developed, we will talk today. Hello, this is a historical podcast russiawest on the swing of history. Pyotr romanov and Sergei Soloviev are with you today. We are talking about how the space confrontation between the United States and the soviet union developed. In 1947, the cold war had already flared up, but the first shadows between the allies in the antihitler coalition had, of course, fallen earlier. The usa and Great Britain feared the spread of leftist ideas, the influence of the soviet union, which was truly huge after the victory over germany, there was stalingrad, the battle of stalingrad, all this was known. The soviet union wanted to provide. Its security by creating such a belt of friendly states around it to prevent a repeat of the situation on june 22 , 1941, yes, when hostile germany was everywhere on the western borders of the ussr, either she or her allies. The start of the atomic project in the ussr was given by a decree of the state Defense Committee in the fortysecond year, but only in august of the fortyfifth year after heroshima and nagasaki began to really focus on this. Small funds, deputy chairman of the state Defense Committee, it is important to say that the state Defense Committee is the highest authority in the ussr during the war, that is, not the politburo, namely the state Defense Committee, the state Defense Committee, and so the deputy chairman of the state Defense Committee, the chairman was stalin, the deputy bilberia, Lavrentiy Pavlovich beria becomes the curator of the atomic project, scientifically its curator was, of course, kurchatov in the fortyninth year of the soviet Union Nuclear bomb, thanks to the efforts and intelligence. And thanks to the efforts, the amazing, superhuman efforts of soviet physicists, the nuclear bomb was tested and the monopoly of the United States on Nuclear Weapons ended. Another problem arose how to deliver nuclear charges to Enemy Territory using aircraft; the air Defense System can cope with them, either highaltitude fighters or groundbased air Defense Systems. Accordingly, other delivery methods are needed, especially to the soviet union, given that if at the borders of the soviet union. American planes could be based, but purely geographically our planes could not be based on the borders of the United States, we did not have nato, and there were no allies near the United States either. And here it must be said that. The most advanced country that developed Rocket Technology until 1945 was germany, well, yes, of course, the famous fao, fao, yes, the first Cruise Missile fao1, ​​the worlds first ballistic missile, fau2, a longrange ballistic missile, moreover, the germans also created a guided sorfal, which they developed, was brought to the level of mass production, but to expand this mass production. They just didnt have time, because soviet troops had already arrived in germany, already at the end of the Second World War , the United States and the soviet union were very interested in seizing these german developments, they knew about them, of course, in this history of the seizure of german developments, of course, the americans came out on top; they had a special program called paper clip the seizure of german scientists, german technologies, thousands of german scientists, engineers, technicians were transferred through this operation at once. They had much better starting conditions for the development of Rocket Technology, they only had one thing, they did not have Sergei Pavlovich korolev, yes, they didnt have korolev, but it is also possible that korolev would have been doing something other than rocket science, because he himself wrote about his meeting with tselkovsky in 1929, although it must be said that there is some kind of so. Like would be an intrigue, because some dispute that this meeting actually took place in the year twentynine, because in tsolkovskys house there was such a book where visits were recorded, and there is no mention of tsialkovskys meeting with the queens, nevertheless korolev himself repeatedly talked about it spoke, talked about this meeting, mentioned, the famous, perhaps our best journalist in the field of science, yaroslav golovanov, in his book, korolev facts and myths, gives a number of memories about this meeting, in one interview he says one of the brightest memories in my life is a meeting with Konstantin Eduardovich tsoolkovsky. I was then about 24. As a matter of fact, after the meeting with tsialkovsky that excited us, my friends and i began active actions and even some practical experiments in Rocket Technology, and in one of the official questionnaires of 1952, he also writes, that from the twentyninth year , after meeting tsyalkovsky, he began to study special equipment. The soviet Missile Program could theoretically be as good as the german one or not much behind it if there would be no repression. It was laid down back in the thirtythird year. In the early thirties, it was amazing, people forgot to eat

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