Diamonds, but are already such diamonds, now competition in ice dancing has grown within the country, and the guys are simply forced to work now in the offseason until the next season, until september, and in order to remain a leader, and for those who are a little behind today, try to catch up with the leaders or overtake, if. And there is someone to expect interesting programs from, interesting skating, we expect a breakthrough from them, and this is not unreasonable, and of course, ours is all womens single skating, the girls skate really well, both juniors and adults, but now the general direction in our International Federation is called international skating. Union, and not only on the technical side of the programs, but the rules, amendments to the rules and the attitude of judges towards skating programs has changed a little, now it is very important that there is a balance between the elements ultras and steps, rotations, step tracks, this is all that for our viewers, this is all that is between the jumps. And this is given very great importance, for what reasons, this is the second question, probably, this will also be interesting to our viewers, its just that there are almost no girls in the world who can perform quadruple jumps, there are only two or three people who can jump triple axel , we have a sufficient number of such girls and older young people, and the International Federation. Slightly pushes down those who do elements of ultrasi and bring out a little to the top of those who just skate great, take steps, do spins, but at the same time do interesting programs that are important for the viewer, accordingly, thereby, the International Federation sort of evens out the chances, but today we live. By the rules International Federation, accordingly, we cannot help but Pay Attention to this, and we strongly recommend that our coaches, who work with both girls and boys and with dance couples, look very carefully at these new trends that exist in figure skating, honestly to say, one cannot think that what it generates is bad. The International Federation regarding the rules, what does it Pay Attention to, because there is nothing wrong with the fact that petrosyan, our national champion, will jump one, two, three quadruples and will also create a Brilliant Program with magnificent steps, rotations, well, whats wrong with that . There will be an invincible program, and i am trying to convey this to our coaches and athletes, we must pay great. Attention to this second part of the program these are steps, rotations, paths, in order to it was balanced, that is, not only ultrasi elements in your program, but everything else. Harness, then it is impossible to compete with you, but if we again talk about how our girls could look at the world championships, they can fight for any medals and, above all, gold ones, probably in this situation it also makes sense to say that this is not they will fight for gold medals, and the japanese, belgian. They will try to fight with our girls, the leaders, in order to take a place in the top three, it will be its absolutely objective to say so, but for those who have just joined us, let me remind you that our guest is olympic champion anton sikharulidze. At the same time, there is one more point, this is raising the age limit, that is, now from the age of 17 you can only take part in adult competitions. Our age limit is exactly the same if our athletes go to International Competitions, 17 years , so we must adapt to the rules that exist, i am sure that if our girls jumped into the quadruple jump at the age of 16 or several quadruple jumps, they, together with their coaches, will be able. Recently, this question was not raised, now it has been preserved, and we just have to learn how to make these multirotation jumps longer than before, but it seems to me that summer age, just once upon a time, this is a really feasible task, i dont see any kind of catastrophe in this, thats for sure, but also. You know, we have so many girls who jump several quadruple jumps that even if by the age of 17 or 18 one of them remains, that will be enough in order to win the olympic games. If we want to compete at International Competitions, then we must adapt to this system; it cannot be any other way. Do we want to compete at International Competitions . I think it is interesting to compete at International Competitions; first of all, it is important for us that our foreign athletes can compete with ours. Guys, so that they can see how they really skate, well, its very important for our guys, because its fascinating when there are many countries, many participants, they perform, its such a holiday sport, any Big International competition is a celebration of sports, it is always interesting to watch it, i am sure that the understanding that sport should not be in. A participant in all those political disagreements that exist, it will come, it is in in any case, it will come, its a pity that time is being wasted, because even in such difficult periods for the whole world, it would be great to watch how athletes fight on the ice, how they can then hug, how they can stand together on a pedestal, how friendship, sport really unite nations, i would really like. There are no deep relations with asu now, but there is still a dialogue, not so long ago the president of the International Federation himself and the director general of the federation approached us and wanted to talk, but we talked about how we see figure skating, they were very keenly interested in how we look at one or another problem in figure skating. How to attract more spectators to the judging system, that is, we discussed a lot of things, but our participation in the International Federation is so deeply integrated now there is not. But the truth is, again, this summer there will be a congress, a conference of the International Federation, and we were invited to participate in it, this is also a good sign, it is important for us that they hear us, that they hear us. Well, another burning topic on the figure skating forums is the change of sports citizenship by our athletes, but how do you personally feel about this and how many applications from our athletes for. It is not the president of the federation who makes the change of sports citizenship, this is a decision any other person, this decision is made by the executive committee of the federation, this is very important to understand, because they often turn to me and say you didnt sign citizenship for someone there. Really have a passport of another state, they really move to live, work, and so on in some country. In this case, it is probably reasonable to say that the figure Skating Federation or i personally am ready to support this athlete internally, and when changing sports citizenship, this is quite clear and objective, especially if this athlete does not was a member of the national team. In that very executive committee, i will vote against, i personally, and how the executive committee votes, well see, if we talk about the number of requests, there are some, but its not some colossal number, im very glad that our leaders are talking about this today no one thinks a day, they never talked to us, mostly these are requests, otherwise. Shifts mean you understand what is now on the list of prohibited drugs, well, whatever is not there, you can go to the pharmacy, buy just a pill for a headache pain and some the substance is inside, it will definitely be on the vada list, that is, you need to be very pragmatic in this regard and constantly be a doctor of the federation, he conducts explanatory work, they meet, he is 24x7. On the phone, if some doctor or anyone has offered you medicine, you have a cold there, he sits and waits for you to call and he will see if it is possible. Whether to take this medicine or not, that is, i dont know, i cant say what else can be done to protect everyone from any such cases, but have you talked to the guys from our olympic team, who were olympic champions and were deprived of this title, this medal, we didnt talk about this topic so deeply, we only talked about the fact that. We will try to defend these medals, we again filed an appeal to the court in order to prove that such a decision is unlawful, we will fight for it, thats all we can do its to fight for the truth, now i, as a presenter and commentator, also have a very big problem with this the problem is, should we name these guys . Officially olympic champions. Or just skip this title . Well, of course, the first thing in our hearts is that they will be olympic champions, this is undoubtedly, well, how to announce the official title, lets wait a little, now we will fight for the truth, we have submitted these documents , we hope that the truth will prevail. Then we wont have to return to this issue with you, we will continue our conversation about figure skating with the head of the russian figure Skating Federation, olympic champion anton sikharulidze. I cant help but talk about parents in figure skating, about their role, because our sport is young, not because it has recently appeared, but because we have very young athletes, and many parents are no longer only managers of their children, but also coaches, so would. Always or is this something new . Well, has it always been like this or not, you can ask yourself a question, for example, in my time this was not the case in pomin, but there were especially active mothers who, after training , did additional stretching and gave headbands their children and were dissatisfied with their skating, but to the same extent as now with the involvement of parents in the figure cat. I didnt have children of my own, in this regard, i would really like to appeal to the parents, and you know, especially in the first, early stages, when a child is involved in any sport, including figure skating, i would really like to advise that parents they were given more happiness, joy, simply pleasure from the fact that they were skating to music. Jumped , jump, single, fell, stood up, so that these guys from competitions from childrens, have only joyful memories and emotions, sometimes parents go a little overboard, and creating such a serious atmosphere there from 6 years old or from 5 years old or from 7 years old, everything is there, who he will become, who he will be , every competition is so important, it seems to me that we need to treat it a little more as a good, proper hobby in childhood, and then over time , life and opportunities will show whether this athlete can continue and whether he should be so active at all engage in some kind of sport in order to talk about the professional career of an athlete, whether its a figure skater or a skier, it doesnt matter, they wont be late, dont worry, if this child goes well, youll definitely see it, or the coach will see it, dont worry about it twisting rock in the ram trying to survive everything possible, it absolutely must be a professional athlete, this is a piece of childhood, a piece of joy, i would approach it this way and it seems to me that this is the way, this is the right path, and i i saw it too sometimes at childrens competitions, how jealously or. Even with sadness parents react when their baby there, for example, does not take the place that they would, for example, hope to take, how this all happens, well, dont do this, this joy, that is, i would treat this more as such an adventure, especially at a very early age, but these young athletes, they start earning money quite early, gain fame, and very. So wide, its still stress for a child or is it better to go through it at this age socalled fire, water and copper pipes . Probably the one you were just talking about. This is already such a very talented athlete, if he has some kind of contracts, fame and so on, then he is a talented athlete in some sport, for example in figure skating , but then, probably, he will be able to master this path, this fame, these earnings sufficient for a young man or girl, everything that comes with this. Connected, the main thing here is that it is not artificially cobbled together, and if so he climbed up there, i think he can handle anything those delights and hardships of this the life of a great athlete, figure skaters now earn quite good money, and not only do they do it on the ice, that is, there are some contracts, ice shows and so on, how do you feel about this commercialization of figure skating . I dont see anything wrong with this, because if these leaders of ours, their faces, the fact that they left a mark on figure skating pleases the public, pleases millions of people, and Companies Want these athletes to be the face of the company and are willing to pay for it , but i i dont see anything bad in this, it seems to me that this is normal, moreover, i. As a person who is now helping in the federation, i really want them all to be wellfed, clothed, so that everyone lives well, enjoys life, they trained and performed great, but had the life they deserve, so im very calm and thoughtful about the fact that our guys can become faces of different companies, earn money. Well, im just like all our viewers about most of some. Or i find out scandals from the press or from the media, so i dont know completely, but this is also part of the game. Another thing is that i would advise some of our athletic trainers to simply play this game a little more intelligently. And, probably, it would be more correct, it would even be more powerful on their part. And the fact that a lot of things are happening around figure skating, the audience is interested in it, someone writes something, theres a lot of backlash, probably this means that we are all together, athletes, coaches, federations, television, we were all doing the right thing together, which means people, our viewers, citizens of the country, with one powerful partner, channel one, with which we show all tournaments, both on television and on the internet, we hold tournaments in general named after channel one, such as the channel one cup, the jumping championship, the jumping championship, in essence, this is already such a part of figure skating, very large, significant, i hope, not integral, and we are doing one common thing, as. I see, we are looking in the same direction, yes, there are disputes, there are dialogues, but the task and love for this species, it unites us, we we are really passionate about this, we want it to look great, so that everything is always in the fight, competent, so that all the guys, as i said, are fed and watered, so that they train well. Everyone performed great, and i think we are succeeding, i hope that next year we will further develop this cooperation, well, to all the media. well, how can i give advice write more about figure skating, talk more about it, then more people will recognize this sport, really see that zest, that is in it, to recognize the guys, they are wonderful, athletes, magnificent, hard workers, cool guys, and i think in general this will play very positively on the whole world of figure skating, it was just the most meaningful conversation, such a cool quote and the point of our interview, thank you very much for coming, very clear and accessible, as it seems to me, you explained everything, i would like to wish health and a good offseason to all our athletes, now ill probably see you at the test skates, thanks again for finding the time in your paid schedule and came to our studio, thank you very much, it was very pleasant to talk, it was a free program podcast, our guest was the olympic. Einstein, there is an element named after mendeleev, already much after his death, what is it . Is that they do not exist in nature, and einsteins element was obtained as a result of thermonuclear explosions as a side reaction. In general, why does medeleevs table get somewhere and then stop . Well, first of all, we probably need to say what it means in nature, yes, because nature, we usually say when uranus, element number 92, is the heaviest in nature, we mean, first of all, the earth, maybe the solar system. Well, everything that comes to us on earth comes from somewhere from outer space, in this sense , indeed, uranium is generally considered to be the heaviest element that is found in such gigantic macroscopic quantities, and heavier elements, some of them are found on earth, but many here in the universe, where these elements are synthesized, continuously, yes, they are there in in principle, there may be the same einstein and the farm, of course, they are. In the broad sense of understanding nature in the universe, they exist, but we dont find them on earth, we dont find them, because on earth we can find those elements or those isotopes of these elements that are either stable or those that live do not decay long enough to survive on the earth, let me remind you that the earth and the solar system in general are about 4. 5 billion years old, and those elements that live for billions of years more, they are on earth. Yes, thats just uranus this is the last element, uranium 238, its halflife is also coincidentally 4. 5 billion years, that is, on earth we still have half of the original amount of uranium, well, as i understand it, getting it in nature is no longer a trivial task, i ll remind you just in case , where the elements come from, initially after the big explosion we had a whirlpool and a little bit of gel, there wasnt much else, well, one in three, yes, but for anything to appear. Helium, the stars need to be lit, and then stars can create new elements to a certain limit, in my opinion to iron, if im not mistaken, well, there are two types of reactions that, in principle, people use to obtain artificial elements, artificial isotopes, but in order to obtain a new element, you need to change the nucleus, that is, change the number of protons , we can do this, in fact, nature does it in two ways, either with. The nuclei of lighter elements, they, like two droplets of liquid , approach each other, merge, the nucleus of a heavier element is obtained, and then an atom is formed, that is like a structure. Where there is a nucleus and electrons, this is method number one, this is exactly the way nature produces elements, as you correctly said before iron, nickel, exactly like that, but heavier than iron, nature cannot do this, because in order for stars to burn, fusion reactions must go with the release of energy, so they go to iron this way and so, the heavier the iron, they, on the contrary , begin to go with the absorption of energy, so the star cannot move further. It simply goes out and the only way that remains is with the help of neutrons, such there is a type of decay, beta minus decay, this is when an extra neutron appears in the nucleus, so to speak, which benefits from becoming a proton, then it can do this due to this weak interaction, due to beta minus decay, it can do this, it flies out again electrin and electron and antineutrino, but they leave the nucleus in the nucleus, in fact, there was a neutron, it became a proton. There was iron there, iron with number 26, an extra neutron decayed, which got into the nucleus, became element number 27, another neutron hit it, it decays, we get element number 28 nickel, and so on, along this ladder we can move up up up up, these two processes, they are responsible for the fact that we have the periodic table from iron to uranium, well, to put it more simply, everything from. Stages of stellar evolution . Yes, and i read that such heavy ones as, for example, gold, here is my ring, and it did not even come from a supernova explosion, but from an even more monstrous event of the collision of neutron stars. Friends, its hard to imagine, here i have a ring, there are gold atoms in it, nuclei in them, which appeared due to the fact that somewhere in space huge bodies collided with frantic energy and compressed other nuclei, so a little fantastic. History, but as i understand it, you lower this fantastic story to the ground and do it in your laboratory, almost, that is, if you understand what they do in laboratories, then this method with neutrons, which you talked about when you talked about ring, but about supernova explosions, collisions, mergers of neutron stars, everything is true, but in this way a person can produce artificial elements from uranium to fermium. Einstein and fermius, that is, from the ninety second, starting from the ninetythird to the hundredth, these eight elements can be produced in this same way by irradiating with neutrons, from the hundredth, that is, starting from the 101st element, from mendelevius, the only way that a person can to use are fusion reactions, synthesis reactions, that is , in the way in which nature, on the contrary , produces the lightest elements, man can only produce elements in this way. World by the number of new elements created in the periodic table, and if you now open the modern version of the periodic table, you will see names such as, for example, who have. From me, the residents of the capital are not in honor of moscow, in honor of the Moscow Region, because dubna is located in the Moscow Region, i will correct it a little, and there the official decision is written in honor of the Moscow Region and the ancient russian land of muscovy, the location of the joint institute for nuclear research, so in general, in principle, it is in honor the ancient russian state of muscovy, and in this sense, of course, moscow, well, well, its nicer and 118 element, in honor of aganison. Yuri gonesyan, scientific director of the laboratory where alexander works, and this is the second case in history when an element was named after an active scientist, and not posthumously. Like the situation with mendeleev, xray, curie and many, many others, as i understand it, yuri tsalakovich is quite alive and well, yes, well, look, you said that out of eighteen new elements, 10 have been synthesized in dubna, and many of them were synthesized in the most unpleasant years for science, these are the nineties, how did it happen, the nineties, no, the nineties these elements were not synthesized, but what was done in the nineties is. Sensitivity , so that the experiments that were able to concentrate efforts in order to bring the technology to such a level did not succeed for about 1520 years anywhere in the world. It became possible to do them, indeed the technology was improved hundreds of times, lets discuss this question a how is it generally done in in quotation marks, a new element, as i understand it, now a whole factory of superheavy elements has been built in dubna, thats the official name, yeah, as i understand it, a photo of the accelerator from there, but how do you even make a new element, well, look, as we said, in order to make a new element , you need to merge two cores. The nuclei are charged, positively charged, as we remember from the School Physics course, charges of the same name repel, therefore positively charged nuclei, they repel each other in order for them to touch, then, with a negligible, but still not zero probability, they were able to merge, they need to be brought to each other, overcoming these repulsive forces, for this they need to be accelerated, accelerated, and to speeds that. Well, about 10 of the speed light, that is, it is approximately 30,000 km second, that is, through these channels, pipes, i dont know how an accelerator is needed for this, elements fly at a speed of 30,000 km s, and as i understand it, it hits some kind of target, absolutely right, how they are dispersed and how to determine what happened, and that no, well, the accelerator that is used is called a cyclotron, and in fact its entire principle. The work is based on the fact that a Magnetic Field allows you to rotate a charged particle, in general it should, according to a School Physics course, a charged particle in a constant Magnetic Field moves along circle a accelerates the electric field, that is , plus or minus a charged particle, a preprepared ion flies between plus and minus, accelerates, then we must change the polarity so that. In the next time it accelerated again, did not slow down, and the Magnetic Field, the resulting trajectory, turns into a spiral, that is, as the speed increases, the radius of the orbit grows, and we get spirals, the beam moves along this spiral, and gradually accelerated by the electric field, in the end it is removed , these are the channels that we see on the screen, these channels go to the experimental halls, where there is. A separator, a target, after it a separator, after it a detector system that what happens next, here particles fly, particles of what you use as a dart that you send, if we talk about the heaviest elements, lets say flerovis or aganison, yes 1114, 118, then for the synthesis of this last one five, six elements was used calcium was used as the bombarding particle. And its very rare isotope calcium is 48, and the targets are isotopes of transuranic, that is, artificial elements, because calcium is element number 20 and in order for us to get 114 element, we are missing 94 protons, that is , we need to make a target from the element with number 94, this is plutonium, that is, we take plutonium with number 94, make a target out of it in the form of foil, yes thin foil, irradiate it with a beam calcium 48 with c, as i said, with a very small probability, and we will hit the nucleus with a nucleus, and with a small probability these two nuclei will merge we will get the nucleus of a new element, which must cool down, because it is in a hot state, and then fly out of the target, it will fly through the separator here, which we see on the screen and will hit, here is a red thing, yes this is a red thing, that is, in front of it this is just the box where the target is located, the beam flies out from behind the wall, hits the target, which is located here in the plastic box in front of the first red element, and then. There are separator elements that allow all background events or debris, so to speak, to be separated to the detector, delivering only what we are looking for, atoms of superheavy elements, and so on element 118 was obtained, which received the name of gonisyan, this is how element 118 was obtained, but then we had to take the target from california, that is, in order to 118, then, in order to supplement the twentieth calcium, we had to take california, element number 98. Having merged, they gave element number 118, which today is the heaviest known and closes the seventh period of the periodic table, well, it is clear that in a simplified form it seems that, oh my god, i took a piece of the element, threw it at others and happiness and glory came, but it is clear that this is a complex process, and it is also complex because the heavier the element, the less it, in theory. Lives, here is element 118, how long it lives in nature, the isotope that we know, it lives a little less than a millisecond, that is a millisecond is 1 thousandth of a second, the wellknown flood of element 118 lives for a little less than 1. Second, but i understand correctly that there is a hypothesis of the existence of islands of stability, the socalled, which suggests that it is far away. In the region of super super super heavy elements you can get there and there may be something more stable, decaying there not in millionths of a second, but managing to live for a while, you know, the picture seems very romantic, sea boats, a monster, your wife drew it, yes, absolutely right, beautiful, from the point of view of physics, what is this about . Well, the picture, yes this one, its called such a map of nuclei, but only an artistic interpretation of it in general. In science, such pictures are used in the sense that the nucleus consists of neutrons and protons, yes, such maps of nuclei or maps of isotopes are depicted, where the the number of neutrons, vertically the number of protons, so in the lower left corner we will have the lightest nuclei, a proton, for example, and there are helium isotopes and so on, in the upper right corner we will have the heaviest nuclei, and then on. The stability of the nuclei, it resembles some kind of marine theme, because there is something similar to a continent that ends with the eighty second element lead and bismuth, which are the heaviest, most stable elements, that is, elements that have stable isotope, there is a certain peninsula where thori and uranium are located, this is how uranium is depicted as such a beacon, the last element in the natural periodic table and beyond. We see how the stability of the elements decreases, decreases, falls and we actually reach to the end of the world of nuclei to the end of the world, yes, that same one, and indeed it was predicted in the sixties, it was predicted that if we go to very heavy elements, in the region of element 114, which is already known today, albeit with a gigantic number of neutrons 184, here if we can synthesize such a nucleus, then it will really. Live for a long time, how long, there are different predictions there from thousands of years to millions and billions of years, this area was called the island of stability of superheavy elements, in fact, starting from this prediction, the sixth year the story itself begins

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