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Im coming for svidlana, you cant go there, the germans are already there, you have to leave the ass, i wont go without her, i was preparing in pain, how to contact them, lieutenant klemyanka, you might have seen him in the update, remember the address. Leave the big game is on air on saturday in the us house of representatives. Voted by a significant majority to approve the military aid package for ukraine. The transport was really big among the supporters of this bill. 311 members of congress are in favor, 112 are only against. Indeed, as the New York Times puts it, it looks like a landslide victory for the new bipartisan majority. Deception, corruption, violation of the rules of congress. According to the rules of congress, which have never been violated until now, the speaker did not submit a bill to a vote of congress that his own faction did not support. In this case, this is the republican faction. Who have a slight majority in the house, but still a majority, and the republicans, the house rules committee, this is the same committee that sends bills to a vote, refused to do this, the republicans blocked it, what did Speaker Mike Johnson do . Speaker mike johnson made a revolutionary change. Rules, he put the bill to a vote anyway and received majority support with help. Show that among republicans a significant majority, 61 , are categorically. By the way, Public Opinion polls are against further assistance to ukraine. This is such an interesting option. Why did mike johnson do this . I would like to remind you that he was elected speaker 6 months ago, and then. He identified himself as a member of the rightwing group in the chamber and, in general, spoke about his isolationism, did not use this term, but in general in practice it is close to this, he voted against all projects, all projects, as an ordinary member of the house, against all projects to give military aid to ukraine, why did he act so strangely now, well, one. Explanation is that he was young and inexperienced, and he did not realize how serious this issue of assistance to ukraine was, so lets listen to what the American Press says about this. Johnson came to power as a member of the conservative isolationist wing, without much influence within the party. He never participated in highlevel intelligence meetings, never met with the president. With Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer or minority leader mitch mcconnell. He had no significant ties to hakeem jeffries, the House Democratic leader. One republican member of the house of representatives recalls i will never forget johnson once said i used to just represent my district, but now the whole house of representatives, the whole country. The career breakthrough is very impressive. Well, this is of course one explanation. Militaryindustrial complex, which some leaders of the baltic states, representatives put pressure on him , explained to him how good it would be for republican congressmen for the money from this package to go to those districts where there are military enterprises, and thereby help these districts. The first trial where he faces criminal charges of fraud in new york, and in order for him to fight for his rights and for his political survival, and for his own. Freedom, he needs a United Republican Party behind him, to go against a large number of globalist republicans, this would mean. That even if he won on the ukraine issue, he would split the party, and this could cost him the election and freedom, thats why the pressure on mike johnson turned out to be so onesided, pressure from the globalists, without serious real support from the leader of his own wing, the pragmatic nationalists, and this leader is donald trump. Ok. This entire aid package, well, about 13. 8 in total, if we take purchases, replenishment of what has already been supplied, this will happen more than once, all this will be spread out over time, 2324 billion, stretched out to the end twenty fifth year, about 800 million a month, this is significant, i will not deny, but as always, you know, the devil is in the details, last week all the press there, well, politics, all the serious publications were filled with articles, ukraine loses, what will happen if ukraine loses, the conflict is pointless, Thomas Graham was born there an article about the meaninglessness of this conflict, this is who, this is the former, former director for russia in the National Security council during. The times of president bush, jr. , and who presents himself as such a pragmatic person, oriented towards dialogue with russia, towards dialogue with russia, yes, he appears, because i know him, i know him too, so it was always possible to talk to him so to speak, normally, in any case, why this was done, everything was clear on the eve of the vote, this is whipping up hysteria, now the tone has changed , today went. Low, how will they solve this matter, well , the americans have already started, articles have begun to appear that we still cant escape, we will have to, so to speak, send people, well , there are no combat units there yet, but they are already starting, so to speak, we will guard the ports, we will guard the airfields, we will guard critical facilities, engage in preparations, we will release 2030 thousand ukrainians there, for the front, this is dangerous, this is already such an escalation, taking into account the fact that we will continue to strike at these airfields, port and infrastructure facilities, naturally, not only ukrainians will fall under the distribution. The second problem is the shortage of ammunition, the americans will replenish the ammunition, but its true that this will also take time, time, because it is impossible to simply increase capacity. Now. The americans produce 28,000 per month, by the end of next year they seem to want to increase it to 300, but still this will not be enough. Moreover, uh, it turns out that all these things seem to be unified among nato allies, but, for example, the 155mm projectile which they make americans for their howitzer three sevens, the so called, it is not allowed. Uh, roughly speaking, stick the french caesar into the barrel. The same projectile from the french caesar, and this projectile cannot be loaded, an italian howitzer, that is, there are problems, they, of course, will solve them, but again this is the time, but the most important thing is air defense, these are air defense systems. Taking into account the fact that we began to strike, uh, and, uh, we significantly intensified this process on. Energy supply facilities, and we began to strike not just at Energy Supply facilities, but to strike at thermal power plants, thermal power plants are the basis. Any electric power system, because yes, 4050 of it is generated by Nuclear Power plants in ukraine, but they do not have the ability to maneuver power, it cannot be reduced, depending on consumption, hydroelectric power plants operate at peaks, they remove the peak load, and thermal power plants operate on the basis , in ukraine, in my opinion, there are a total of 13 large ones; in my opinion, there are only three or four that are operational, that is. Plus they started throwing punches on locomotive depots and bridges, while, of course, we are not talking about bridges across the dnieper, but about tunnels, but still, strikes began to be delivered against targets that i personally believe should have been struck a long time ago. What zelensky demands, he wonders why its not like in israel. Israel, due to its, so to speak, very small size. Its territory, it is the only country in the world that has managed to create an antiaircraft and antimissile system of the territory, not an objectbased one, which in all countries, namely the territory, and even then it it turned out to be not without its shortcomings, the fact that zelensky would like, where is my iron dome, he wont have an iron dome, because he asked for almost 200 batteries, as a result he agreed to seven for. Some other western leaders, lets do it all , everything that we have, take it off combat duty, to hell with it, with this unified Nato Air Defense system, everything is going to ukraine, i doubt the poles have already said, although they have it, but they said to transfer something to ukraine, we dont have any for ukraine, the germans are generous, like one battery agreed, lets see what happens, i think that. For our group, for i am not going to give advice to the commands, but logic dictates that given the fact that this increase in the flow of supplies is expected, we still need to cut off rear from the front, it is necessary to destroy the main communications, the same bridges, tunnels, locomotive depots, deprive them of traction and deprive them of a normal track in order to deliver weapons to the front. Thank you. Konstantin zatolin, you are the first deputy chairman of the Relevant Committee of the state duma, and you head an institute that deals with these issues in the commonwealth of independent states and more broadly. I understand that, as the general rightly noted, the devil is not as terrible as he is painted, that this package has a natural. Now, with the adoption of this bill, they may decide that ukraine is worth attacking, well, my more specific question is atacoms, which they say ukraine will receive in the near future, and lets see what russias sworn friend, the head of nato, mr. Stolterburg, says about this. Ukraine has the right to selfdefense, including attacking legitimate military targets outside. There was a doubt that the decision would still be made, i, for example, had no doubts about this, you know, i didnt either, but ill tell you honestly, i didnt expect that on such a scale. That completely, well, you absolutely rightly said at the beginning of the program that probably the main reason for this is that there was no, in fact, on the part of the likely president ial candidate, the possible winner of this years president ial election, donald trump did not have any warnings against voting on this issue, although we know he warned his colleagues on various other occasions. One could answer that if planes outside the country are a legitimate target, then russia can view in exactly the same way foreign planes that carry these weapons or foreign trains that carry them. Im not saying that we will do this and will strike at the territory of other countries, but we have the right, but, but based on this logic, this is how it turns out, since these bombs, these shells, these missiles. In the summer, destroy the crimean bridge with the help of combined attacks, by the way, the shooters in all these proposals are the british, they are the ones today, not for the first time in history, it would seem that the country is significantly weaker than the United States, but today they are trying to be the brains of this operation against russia, trying to be the ones who plan and implement, but these. Well, you dont take steps that push for this in militarypolitical terms, but they do. Ill just add here to to what you said that the ward. Did not stop at providing assistance to ukraine and israel, but voted for a significant package of military assistance to taiwan, so i am sure that in beijing they understand that objectively in this sense they are in the same boat with russia, just one second literally, you they asked a question about these ms attack missiles, with a range of 300 km, you know, firstly, i believe that they are already in ukraine, and. To say that they will be delivered is a big exaggeration. Secondly, in principle, we are already encountered these missiles, this is an analogue of the storm shadow, this is an analogue of the french missile, that is, not in range, not in accuracy, nor in any other parameters, they are not superior, moreover, we have learned to shoot them down, uh, and i say it again, that in my opinion, we couldnt shoot them down in ukraine yet, no, they dont exist, but we shoot down similar missiles, uh, and one more parameter, which i have repeatedly said on other occasions its not a matter of quality, its a matter of quantity, i i dont think that the americans will be able to supply a very large quantity, amounting to hundreds of these missiles, to ukraine. You you know, one more thing is probably worth saying, which i always think about, i asked this question a year ago at a meeting of our foreign defense policy council, who does it work for . Literally in a few minutes, then i will ask senator andrei klimov, why are they doing all this in the west . Former athlete and president of the International Olympic committee thomas bach, the position of not allowing russian and belarusian athletes to participate in International Games and competitions remains unchanged. Launched a doping topic gives the start of a campaign of hatred, you need to completely ignore everyone who has a russian passport, a mandatory element of any doll is the presence of compromising evidence, mr. Bach was engaged in giving bribes, we will give you money, you will give us a tv broadcast for this, you have soiled yourself in terms of gender, are an instrument of exclusively political influence, this person works for the bnd, this is germanys foreign intelligence service, he fell for the bait of our pranksters and. Didnt talk much, now they are trying to give macron all this to games of friendship will support, as well as all other countries of the european union, and he believes that he deserves to become part of the elite that you call puppeteers. Thomas bach and the closing ceremony of the olympic games. Dolls of the heir tutti, tomorrow on the first. Once upon a time these people determined the trends of rock and pop music, but now . Left russia and divided the performers into their own and others, former music producer, and now Foreign Agent mikhail kozyrov, there are artists who, as we call it, zeganuli, and there are artists who for them it is suicide to express their antiwar views, mish, well, you probably need to get better, every night i return to what could have been done differently, im doomed to live with this until the end of my days, broken, depressed, devastated, absolutely human. Ive never been like this i havent seen him, lebedinsky is obsessed with roulette and other gambling games, my income is scanty, im actually hoping for. Theres a big game on the air. Senator andrei klimov, you are the chairman of the Federation Council commission on interference, or rather not interference, you are probably wondering why they is this whole undeclared war being waged against russia . The official answer today is this, too, as Konstantin Zatulin said, these answers change over time. That their ambitions are limited to this, but what do you think . You know, tomorrow, together with mitt, we are holding such a big briefing for diplomats from almost all friendly countries accredited in moscow. The stated purpose is to discuss the appeal of the Federation Council, including to the united nations, our other institutions, and it says exactly that the following washington is a group of states, which is commonly called the collective west, and it really seeks to defeat russia. Moreover, to win in such a fatal sense, as it seems to them, for us, that is, to completely destroy and so on, and these are not just words there, in this case from senator klimov, but this is a text almost verbatim, which takes the form of a law on the United States of america , signed, by the way, by trump in august 2017, but trump, when he signed it, i said, its a very bad law, but there will be a veterinary law, and i dont care about it, im i will sign, that is, he signed this law, and a law with a very. Such a simple but vivid name on containing americas enemy russia, or more precisely on containing russia as americas enemy. Pl 1154. 2017, and it lists further tools, which is not there, by the way, including the confiscation of our assets, without amounts, however, without dates, but for which yesterday the house also voted yes, because this law , it is framework, it assumes that based on this approach, that russia is an adversary america, other steps will be taken, so if biden or someone. Says that russia is not americas adversaries, they are violating their own law, adopted by them in 2017, and the consensus of the american congress, both parties voted for it and both chambers, so we must, in our work and in an operationaltactical sense in a strategic sense, proceed from the fact that as long as this law exists, and it is binding on all american bodies, not just the government of the United States america, and this same law also presupposes participation in this. There have been no such statements, and either i know nothing about them, like these colleagues of mine. In any case, here is what is being said today by the United States of america, or more precisely by those people who now run the government and the media in washington and so on, it is, of course, oriented for them, including and maybe even for someone mainly , with an eye toward the president ial campaign. They look at ratings very carefully, and it is very important for them to understand what this or that part of american society. Is planning specific actions, that they have some intentions regarding russia, so they say that their intentions, in general, are at least in the short term. This is to help ukraine achieve a more worthy , just world, but they say within the boundaries of 1991 that it does not seem to us in moscow a worthy, just world, to put it mildly, not only to us, by the way, to erdogan, for example, who made his proposal in march, but in in general they dont say that their goal is to change the regime in russia, no matter how they say it, i mean in the context, in the context of the discussion of this bill. American, but in any case, of course, no matter how veiled it is, the current Political Class has a goal precisely in this, because we are a threat to them, thats what they called at first with such a neat word deterrence, it has always acquired new, new, new forms, and today it has come into the form of this global geopolitical confrontation, which is essentially a hybrid war, including including elements of a hot war on the territory of ukraine, this is not help. To think that this europe will be led by themselves, and not by the United States, yes, they show some signs of independence in some issues, but in these basic issues they follow the United States, because in a different way they they simply dont know how, cant and dont want to, so today the unnatural story with germany, which itself, one might say, is a sickle in one place, in response to scholzs desire to slow down something, he has there are enough people in my office who, it would seem, being green, yes, representatives of environmentalists, they are the most prominent. Yes, they did, they landed troops near kiev, the bases of a nonexistent fleet, then they captured the airfield in gostomel, created the prerequisites for the approach, so to speak, of reserves, that is, everything was done correctly, in fact, what happened was what we actually expected, ukraine initiated negotiations, conclusions ceasefire agreements to conclude a Peace Agreement there, and. Very much, i would say, in our favor, well, after all, they are now going to launch more strikes on russian territory, secretary general stoltenberg inspired, and of course the question arises, why, and one explanation is that this has great military value, that they hope that this will help them. Change the course of hostilities, but there is a second explanation, well, more, if you like, farreaching in something sinister, that they want to strike peaceful cities on russian territory, that they want to undermine morality of the russian population, to undermine the russian order, try to do what the germans did. This is a different story, because these illegal sanctions were invented for this purpose, and yes, indeed, we understood perfectly well, and we talked about this at our commission for the protection of state sovereignty even before october last year, that all these flights of drones that are combat , which are there, so to speak, they will be intensively used during the Election Campaign itself, in order to instill in our population some thoughts that, from their points of view can shake its cohesion. Thank god it didnt happen, we all worked actively together, i mean the russian government bodies, our civil society, the consolidation is very high, but now we need this. It is reflected in the priorities and methods of russia. Lets go to advertising. The simple boy benito musalini would never have achieved what he achieved if it were not for the ardent support of educated and thinking people. His colleague was the prominent italian philosopher giovanni gentile. He published. First software fascist text, manifesto of fascist intellectuals. Thanks to talented creative people, italians of all sizes decided that they were special, and therefore they had special rights to manage other peoples lives. Premiere, ordinary fascism 2, today on the first. This is a hiding place, which means its a robbery, i dont think they would have taken off the crystal chandeliers and the gilded watches, these werent germans, they werent germans, who were forest brothers, lithuanian partisans, thats why you came, you just came to say goodbye, and then to the front climb now, you wont tell me, Svetlana Petrovna will tell this. they wanted to either kill our wounded, or help their own, or both, in any case, the group worked, and if he is a traitor, i will shoot him, according to the laws of war, a story with a continuation, tomorrow, after the program time, from the command forest , ask for whatever you want. And you know what i want, i would like to send some news to vanya. For the centenary of danatos baniones, i hear we will have a guest, he caught the character right away. Its impossible to play. Some kind of largescale person, when you, as if the scale of your personality does not correspond to this. I didnt always do it the way the director wanted. Stunning hits in the image, those are the eyes. Documentary on april 28. On the first. No greatness, no pathos, although there is a big game on the air. So, another challenge, i repeat, this is a legend. Prime minister , there are new problems, new decisions that need to be made, what do you think, general bushinsky . I think that this is what they never tire of talking about in the west, i do not rule out, of course, that this is an element of some kind of information, disinformation campaign, but i think that in general they are not far from the truth, what i have. To clarify only by the fact that these are people who should provide some kind of rotation, i think this is unnecessary for rotation, that is, from my point of view there is an accumulation of reserves, if we are talking about, say, about 2000 people, that is, these are three fullfledged combined arms armies, this is enough to carry out a good offensive operation on the main one with one, maybe even two auxiliary ones. Therefore, and moreover, i see i will repeat once again, here is the preparation of how we we begin to strike, firstly, the intensity of these strikes. Secondly, the massive use of these fabs, highexplosive aerial bombs with a correction module, cabs, adjustable aerial bombs, adabs, volumetric detonating ones, that is, the entire range of these weapons, which we have not used before, which are very deadly and destructive, indicates that that preparations for some decisive actions are underway, i really hope that our command will make a decision and carry out an attack on. Thank you, returning to the beginning of the whole story, you rightly, in my opinion, they said that the special military operation was forced, because we felt a threat to our security, from not only ukraine, not so much ukraine, but from that western camp, which stood in all stories for ukraine, by the way on throughout existence. Support still plays against those who have already lined up, have a plan, have a goal , protect themselves, we protect ourselves, it was our enemy who made the actions that we had to take inevitable, therefore, these are the moods when i sometimes detect, among some part of, lets say, the neat Expert Community, that it will resolve on its own, nothing will resolve on its own, we need to proceed from what else. When it comes to what the ukrainians ask for or the west asks for negotiations, under no circumstances should we negotiate a ceasefire, about reaching some kind of agreement with the ukrainians, negotiations must be conducted in line with december twenty one, about our security, comprehensive negotiations, about our relations with the west, about our relations with nato. Ukraine is, well, its clear that its a proxy. To use a fashionable word, this is, so to speak, such a game is not with ukraine, not with ukraine, with the west, and the talk is not about drawing, so to speak, on the line of demarcation, but about our comprehensive security, thats what i wanted to say, thank you, in general, i am always very careful about giving recommendations on what the country should do in such a situation, and i approach this with caution, without fear. Everything to push russia out of these markets, now they are still beginning to confiscate russian Financial Assets that they misappropriated, but we know that there is a set of measures that are quite accessible to russia and that would deal very serious blows to Global Financial markets. Now, American Military bases are scattered all over the world, and not everyone likes them. I must say that i am not sure that the russian Expert Community pays enough attention to issues of this kind; it seems to me that many people

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