Equipment, we are happy, the school is new , wonderful, opportunities have appeared , we did not hope that it would be built so quickly , it is impossible not to love crimea, on the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia, the premiere of the documentary series, tomorrow on the first, the illusion of deception is a test, one a person writes both letters and numbers at the same time, letters, numbers. Letternumbers, the second person writes the letters at the beginning, and then the numbers. All this is called multitasking of the brain. I won. Its great to live about this and much more in the program. Tomorrow on the first. Ukraine has every right use the services of any force. Viktor shandarovich, agent. After the start of the svo, he promised the russian people terrible punishments of disaster. Hes sorry. About the fact that he ended up on the peacemaker website, there were already attacks on me in vilnius, they poured ketchup there, if you can divide the money in half between supporting the armed forces of ukraine and refugees in the humanitarian component, that is, he has now confirmed that its sunny that he helped regarding dugin and so on, not everyone agrees with what we are doing regarding crimea and belgorod, this is very tough, but we dont have any disagreements here, we can say with you that he is the devil, i personally think that he is the devil, when you arrive, there will be questions about the band. i have to love bandera, this is the condition for my appearance on the territory of ukraine, they just want to be gouleiters , the premiere, the vavan and lexus show, tomorrow on the first, Virtual Reality is the place where everything impossible is possible, i see you, you are now in my room, yes, hello, in virtual space there may be several people at once, that is, for example , the plant is located in talyat, the customer is in st. Petersburg. Together they can meet and discuss, for example, a car, a model, as if it actually already physically exists. Our company is engaged in the development, production diagnostic tests to determine allergic reactions using our reagents, the laboratory has the widest range of allergens that can be detected. Our collections are mainly sheepskin coats, and we also we produce leather items, suits, coats, trousers, skirts. Our style. Dont be afraid, we ate on purpose , so as not to have the colossal pleasure and happiness of biting, not to eat small children, what you madly love, what the audience loves, probably there is Nothing Better and there is Nothing Better, for the seventyfifth anniversary of the birth of boris grachevsky. On saturday on the first. Kvn. Major league. New season. On saturday on the first. The information channel on the first continues. We work live. Time will tell the program. Well, lets start with the news that literally blew up the information space. Yesterday, postpress of the United States at the un. Recently, vladimir putin, during a meeting with defense minister sergei shaigu, already assessed the hypocritical position of the United States, this is what he said. As for negotiations, we have never been against negotiations, we have always been for negotiations. This also applies to ukraine, the ukrainian direction. I have already said 100 times that we did not interrupt the dialogue, it was the ukrainian side that interrupted the dialogue, and on a direct command from london and. And wants to negotiate with us on passionate stability, believing that one issue is in no way connected with another, but this cannot be done, if they seek to inflict strategic defeat on us, then we must think about what, what is strategic stability for our country, therefore, therefore we do nothing we do not reject, we do not refuse anything, but we need to figure it out, discuss only in a single complex with an emphasis on those aspects that directly affect the security interests of our country, in the meantime we are offered to conduct a dialogue exclusively on us terms only on issues that interest washington. Well, the problem is that the americans want to negotiate only with themselves, with others they somehow have difficulties, they seem to be saying to the whole world take our position, we will certainly agree with you. The american statement is doubly strange. Met with assistant to the president of the United States for National Security jake sullivan. He began to develop a plan that would hopefully be a response to the threat to us National Security from russia. John varoli, american political scientist , journalist is in direct contact with us, john, direct connection, im already used to talking at this time in direct connection, because you go out at night, dont sleep, in order to somehow communicate with us, now in our studio , glad to see you, john, well. You see, the question is this a country that, therefore, in its strategy had the task of destroying the Russian Federation, now somehow wants to negotiate something with us, how is this all correlated, compatible with each other . Well first, as you know, president bidens popularity rating is about 35 . This says that the majority of americans do not trust our government, do not trust our president , which already says a lot, then the second point yes, as you said, the United States and its allies in nato are, well, actually conducting active military operations against your country, with the goal of destroying russia, bringing russia to its knees, they spoke openly. As we know, they send a huge amount of weapons and money to the totalitarian regime in kiev, how can you negotiate with my government from our country, but im saying this, it hurts me very much, its insulting to say this, but these are all facts, well, yes, your government has an idea of how they are going to talk to us, that is, we must take their position , as i already said, will they then agree with us or what . Well, it turns out that they are offering us onesided negotiations, this is most likely a pr stunt, as you know. This is the city of the president ial election, and the white house should show the world, especially the global south, yeah to show as if oh, we are peaceful, we want to come to an agreement, we want to come to an agreement with russia, with china, and this is just another such feast to win the mind and heart of the global south, which we have lost, we have already lost and the white house is very im worried about this fact, how can i negotiate with you, well, how can i negotiate with the americans, are you from so many security treaties . Now they will spread rot, how they will put pressure on you , but explain to us the people who look at the americans, understand a little more, probably, than the americans, just because we have more sources of information, how can we negotiate with you , theres no way, i think its impossible, you must understand who we are as americans, we were raised from childhood that we are an excellent nation, everyone else should be subordinate to us, yes and but dont forget in 1945. Germany and we can conquer russia, this was in the 7080s, this was in my childhood, i remember well, at home there were such conversations at the table and i understand. 700 1550 and 800, 700 icbms, 1550 warheads and 800 deployed launchers. Installations, in their own way, of course, this is an abstraction, simply due to the fact that i can supply you with 10 warheads for one intercontinental ballistic missile, lets say the sarmat missile has a multiple warhead into 10 blocks, and each of them can be a vanguard block, which the americans simply not able to intercept, so about the speed of the vanguard, i remind you of mach 2325, the speed of the interception system is mach 34 maximum, i m not even talking about the barbers, which can simply fly endlessly like a ball, so on today, americans are really more. Trump, i remember that the 2017 us defense concept already appointed russia as the main one. Enemy of the United States, trump was in power. In 2017, trump froze all agreements on the environment, we understand why, this is not just about the environment, it is also about the arctic. And it is clear to us what exactly, what exactly trump was trying to achieve. At the same time, the inf treaty was annulled by the americans, the treaty on medium and shortrange missiles, shorter range, and they immediately began testing. For today americans are exchanging agai submarines for the virginia class and an even more serious class. Submarines, but they dont have time, because our bori a class submarines converge regularly, up to two submarines a year, because we also have a diesel electric of the latest class, lada, which, by the way, is done by my very good friend, senior comrade cormelison, the sixteenth type of submarine that he makes in his life, more than 300 submarines launched by a 92yearold man, general designer, and based on all this, the americans have a position weaknesses, by the way, according to the overall classification of warheads, we now have them. Attempts at negotiations should go through the official route through the ministry of foreign affairs, what kind of statement is this in the senate, especially when there are two american senators, but at least one of them is in kiev and declares that it is necessary to fight, even if there are no supplies of american weapons to the last ukrainian, they want to organize genocide of the ukrainian nation, we will talk about this more and today we will talk about this visit, konstantin vasilyevich, well, you see, they again let me emphasize, they will insist on these negotiations, but they know how these negotiations are conducted, that. They are cynical about their international obligations, i would simply expand this palette, because this concerns not only security issues, the United States, where they not profitable, they do not ratify international conventions, well, lets say, a striking example, the Un Convention on the law of the sea in 1982, which we often appeal because many questions arise there regarding the baltic straits, now the United States has not ratified it consider themselves free from these obligations. The paris agreement, the paris climate agreement, even more so on the climate. Anecdotally, because under obama it was ratified , trump came to power, he was one of the first decisions to leave this agreement, under biden they entered again, now trump will win again, if he wins he will leave again, that is, of course, a situation arises when the new president also says that the previous president did everything wrong, its all nonsense, all these decisions need to be made accordingly cancel, by the way, i think that naturally, we also mean this, because now until november there is nothing at all to talk about with the current administration. Because they have one task winning the elections, everything they do is not subordinated to some longterm strategies, purely banal interest, how to still win in november, and i think that these statements, they are with this and are connected why, because trump will probably say that there is a complete collapse in foreign policy, which the Biden Administration has brought country to the prospects of a nuclear war with russia, that they did everything wrong crookedly, and accordingly, now the Biden Administration will try its own. I think that no serious conversations, but any largescale agreements are simply impossible now, so i think some kind of testing of each others positions will begin, but i repeat once again, before november there will certainly be no strategic conversations with the current administration, which will most likely leave its posts in the very near future, it is simply pointless with all points of view, it is worth noting that the Previous Administration also unilaterally withdrew from all these agreements; it is impossible that such a change in rhetoric in america is due to the fact that they are somehow afraid of the development of the ukrainian conflict in the United States, because more and more journalists in lately they have been talking about a critical. By troops, now the ukrainian line of defense is shifting from there to the west, it goes along rivers and reservoirs, this means that they will try to build a new defense here, for ukraine this is all extremely critical, since it actually does not have a second line of defense in the west, and in order to somehow save the situation at the front, the ssu began to build defensive structures in the odessa region, they are actively digging antitank ditches, installing dragon teeth, and other barriers , the local administration stated that such measures have been taken. Due to increased pressure from russia and we have connections, war correspondent sergei vorobyov, he comes to us from the kherson direction, sergei, hello, good afternoon, can i first ask about these defensive structures in the odessa region, i think they arouse interest among many of us, many of our viewers, how extensive are these fortifications, reliable and fundamental, and are they really afraid of our movement in this direction now . Yes, unfortunately, they dont really build serious enough, longterm fortifications, they bury themselves deep into the ground, its too early to talk about the final length, its still at the production stage, but its quite obvious that they they are preparing there almost for the last battle, because they understand perfectly well that the loss of odessa means reunification with transnistria, and this will completely deprive ukraine of access to the black sea, which is categorically unacceptable for their western curators. That is, the information is indeed confirmed that they are building powerful defense lines in this direction, and as for the dnieper , because now they are crazy, on the one hand they are expecting our offensive in the odessanikolaev direction, but on the other hand information appears in their media, what they are preparing an attack on our positions across the dnieper , what is known about this, yes, indeed they. At the same time they are quite creating a certain infrastructure for another attempt to land on our shore, in particular there were videos of objective control that on their on the right bank there is a large number of barrels, such large twohundredliter barrels, connected by wires, when either a discharge or a bullet hits the barrel, it produces a huge amount of smoke that stretches for a kilometer. That is, it is 1015 km, that is, with all these barrels they are connected wires, you can see the video there , unfortunately show it, now the information is classified, this is a control lens, but the information itself that they are preparing such a smoke screen, yes it already exists, this is not a chemical weapon, sorry, this is exactly a smoke screen, because you can use such barrels in different ways, this is exactly a smoke screen, our guys. Shot one of the barrels and such thick gray smoke came out of it, that is, this is done, according to intelligence, with the aim of concealing the movement of troops, this could be used as in defense, so in the offensive at the same time, and indeed, here is our intelligence information about lets say, actions characteristic of preparing an attack on our territory, but again, this is all the market area and this is just some kind of suicide, that too. Yesterday, unexpectedly , the minister of defense of south korea doubted the ukrainian version of events in bucha. As for the massacre in bucha, it is obvious. That since this has not yet been definitively established as a clear fact, it is inappropriate for me to give my assessments; in general, doubt can destroy any legend, and even a drop of doubt has reasons in the sea, and what reasons can alexander germanovich have, what is this all about . The reasons here are very simple the west has become convinced of its toothlessness regarding the possibilities of a quick blitz of the krieg howling us. Time to count, as they say, the results and results. And find out who is more to blame in this case, who can talk to us, who cannot. The same shin won sik, well, judging at least, because i had to communicate with his colleagues, two visit south korea once, and so, he has a completely understandable interest, because our president acted as a guarantor of the economic unification of north and south korea, despite the fact that south korea received the opportunity to reequip ports in north korea and connect its railways through our baikal highway with. Chen visited russia, he knows the capabilities of north korea, including its defense potential, and sees that we, just like with iran, have, i would say, a completely sincere cordial friendship, and this means multiplying our capabilities with the capabilities of our allies, by the way, in the field of artillery, north korea also uses the developments of the chinese, chinese artillery systems, let me remind you that the chinese ws2d mlrs fires at a combat range of 400 km, in this regard. Yesterday, kimchin personally participated in an exercise where they tested new largeradius missile launchers, 600 mm, if im not mistaken. And in this regard, it is clear that no american system that hits 5070 km, or a german system or a french one, cannot kill the chinese, the range is simply incomparable and, accordingly, the dprk also has many of these capabilities, even if they are the latest modifications and then, it s not just south korea, at the moment even the minister of defense. The new minister of defense replaced the warlike speech led by his predecessor blaszczak with a more peaceful one. Now they dont know whether russia should be blamed for the fall of tuplev, it was always obvious to us that we had nothing to do with it, we provided every opportunity for analysis on the tu154 on board, which tragically died with their leadership, now they have removed this issue and began to denounce the previous minister of defense, now they denounce the incorrect supply of a grotto machine gun to the ukrainian front line, saying terrible thefts. There was some kind of vein, he could choose from the crowd, there are a lot of now famous people, he thanked geralasha, he was just such a kinop, he was, for me, its not me, its she herself. I dont have an acting education, yarovazh became the first step in cinema, tell me, well, who am i, i passed it, by the way, without auditioning, he just showed me, sanya, your emotions are needed here, thats all , dont be afraid, we ate on purpose so as not to bite, not to eat small children, its a tremendous pleasure and happiness to do what you madly love, what the audience loves and, probably, Nothing Better and this is not, on the seventyfifth anniversary of the birth of boris. I dont know about you, but i just love cleaning, they bought him a ball for his birthday, it took him a long time to choose it and he destroyed it in 5 minutes, we didnt even have time to go outside, its always new years, its always housewarming, if we take it with us, weve seen video, watch with us, the premiere is on sunday on the first, alena, lets be more attentive to our work, thats all for today, okay . Today the grand opening of the twelfth Film Festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, yes, i saw the light, come here, and you will catch me, i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me, what are you lying about, why are you lying all the time in one heap, but we will get used to living separately, we will separate anyway, well, understand, well, we dont decide, but then come up with something, so, gentlemen, from the nonchaev spouses known to you have received a statement after death they want to be together, i officially declare that i, nichaev yuri nikolaevich, want to live in the next world together with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna, well, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, i ill tell lenka right now that im leaving, in the end, she wont be the first to cry and calm down, wheres the champagne, i soaked him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, and i think that he only loves his wife and doesnt want to part with her, hello , lean, serious conversation, whether they themselves are sure that they truly love each other, what are you ready for, anything, life after life, the premiere of a serial film, soon on the first one, well, one gets the feeling that. Not a day in ukraine without bloodthirsty guests , an american senator, such an ardent russophobe, Linsey Graham arrived in kiev the day before, the same one who called for killing as Many Russians as possible, he recently voted against providing money to ukraine, said that yes, we will definitely allocate finances to kiev, but only in in the form of loans, well, they became known details of his visit, graham called on ukraine to send youth to the front. Under 25 years old, i hope those who are eligible to serve in the Ukrainian Army join, i cant believe its those who are 27 years old, you are fighting for your life, so you should not serve at 25 or 27 years old, we need more people, no matter what we do, you have to fight, no matter what we do, you fight for yourself. Well, graham in general always inspires ukrainians in the american way, while experiencing bloody passion. Lets do something. Now we free, yes, and we will be free, and the russians are dying, we have never spent money so well. John, do you understand . What kind of tasks does linzi graham face . First he says how good it is that so Many Russians are dying, meaning ukrainians as well, then he says that we will not allocate money to ukraine just like that, give it back with high interest, perhaps in kind, but at the same time comes immediately to kiev and says go ahead, guys, die, well, again, if hes talking about my childhood, i remember since childhood, that the slavs, all s. Orthodox people, they want to destroy both ukrainians and russians, once again the main Strategic Task is to bring russia to its knees, split russia into some 10 republics, then establish control over the eurasian space and also destroy the ukrainian the socalled ukrainian people to exterminate more men so that there is no resistance left, so that later we and america can completely take control of this. The river, here it is, and, by the way, with a fatal outcome, he died in the end, he could not swim across, by the way, today in ukraine , they are trying with all their might to pass that same longsuffering bill on tightening mobilization, the Defense Committee of the Verkhovna Rada decided to speed up this process, local deputies write that at todays meeting they want to consider almost 1,300 amendments in one day, immediately after lince gremas visit. Russia ukraine, it is absolutely obvious that despite all western help, it is simply impossible to defeat a country with such a nuclear potential, in any way theory, ukrainians are beginning to realize this, while ukraine is a country with a rather complicated political culture. On may 20, i remind you, zelenskys powers as president expire this year, ukrainian politicians are beginning to remember this. The Constitutional Court of ukraine did not give any explanations, because they did not turn to it; for some reason they turned to voters. Commission, that is, in fact , there will be questions regarding the legitimacy of zelensky, and by the way, the powerful discussion that is being conducted around amendments to this the law shows that ukrainian politicians are really concerned about the reaction of voters, it is not so clear, and there was some kind of illusion to try to explain to the ukrainian people that you are not worried , now the europeans will stand up for us, macron promised to send troops, these european troops will come to us , we will not need to send our youth, because. The idea that it is possible to lower the conscription bar, it has long been expressed at the level of , again, such a cynical approach that ukraine there is still an opportunity to lower the age limit and call on more and more categories of youth, so now the last ukrainian is coming. They said, which we have repeatedly tried to explain to Ukrainian Society, so in general, fight guys until now an american politician is coming it all tells in plain sight, it s just Ukrainian Society, how it will react to dying out, as i already said, maybe we shouldnt exaggerate the changes in the consciousness of ukrainians, but. Once again, the situation in 2024 is sharply different from situation, say, in the summer of twentytwo , in this regard, Ukrainian Society is less and less consolidated, there are more and more questions for zelensky, more and more questions, by the way, from ukrainian politicians for zelensky, and the fact that discussions are being held in parliament, imagine it there, say, in mayjune of 2022 it was simply impossible, now it is, european troops apparently wont give it yet, european missiles and shells will definitely be forced to be released, the head of the pentagon has flown to germany. Loy dostin, he seems to have left after such due to his long illness, he is ready to join the fight again, to help zelensky, today he is gathering a Contact Group in the ramstein format, this is what he wrote on social networks. I am returning to Ramstein Air Base in germany to host the twentieth meeting of the Ukraine DefenseContact Group. Our 50 Nation Coalition will continue to come together to support ukraine on the battlefield. Soldiers from germany will be ready to respond quickly, it will be a Rapid Deployment force that meets the strategic compass, the plan adopted by the European Union after the outbreak of the conflict in ukraine. On march 26, we, as leaders, poland and germany, will activate a coalition of armored capabilities in support of ukraine. This. One of the most important coalitions created, we are the leaders of this project , our other partners have already volunteered to join, such as great britain, sweden, italy, who declare a desire to participate in this coalition, but those who create it are germany and poland. Well, the most ardent supporters of americans on almost any issue are for some reason, the small states of eastern europe, here the Czech Republic is showing itself again, and today peter pavel, the president of the Czech Republic, announced this. That no compromises are possible in ukraine. It is impossible to imagine that ukraine and russia will agree to end the conflict. The conflict in ukraine will end either in the defeat of one side or in exhaustion and the realization that no one will be able to fully achieve their goals. There are european leaders in the west who want to do everything not to create a cult of peace. But kaya went even further kalac, Prime Minister of estonia, a dwarf state, she stated that even less than 1015 thousand on this matter when they are trying to bank at someone elses expense, pushing the states into actual conflict, and naturally, they dont think about anything. There was the daughter of a Party Functionary kaya kallas, who was eager to become general secretary and change Jens Stoltenberg in his post, and of course these people are deeply irresponsible when it comes to the poles, but because now they were shown, so to speak, here news from there, then their idea is clear to me, they are already selling the t72 tvardi tank today, this is a polish modification of the tank to ukraine, and we captured it, the tank is well known to us, because poland is now. Receiving more than 900 tanks from south korea, the black panther class is considered natos best main combat vehicle. In this regard, it is clear that these countries live on military supplies. I would answer the same kalos that i completely agree with her, completely agree with john kirby, who said that he does not see a danger, a Nuclear Danger from russia at the moment does not intend to bring its Us Armed Forces into readiness for a strategic shield. Because. We have enough conventional types of weapons to cope with this problem, which our president Supreme Commander has said more than once, we havent even used them all yet, and i know what im talking about, but so that we dont have enough of these forces, once again the question of russias Nuclear Threat to the entire collective west is raised, here ukraine offers itself to host a nato nuclear weapons, general krivonos once again stated this. Western partners took the Nuclear Threat from russia seriously, which is why macron became more active against the background that france does not have many nuclear carriers, they have three Nuclear Submarines and about 100 aircraft that can carry nuclear weapons, and this is only in france, and there is also great britain, so our politicians could reach the level of communication with our american or british colleagues and say lets give permission for the deployment of Media Nuclear weapons and nuclear. These are the words of krivonos, is this a utopia or such a sprout of hope . Well, you know, i would not take such statements lightly, again, you remembered the words of orakhami, and you can also recall zelenskys famous speech at the conference in munich at the end of the twentyfirst year, which i also think in a certain way played a role in the decisionmaking by the russian side, because ukraine openly outlined such prospects. Together with such statements, we again see the words of european small countries that you drew attention to, again, i am quite alarmed about this, why is it because there is such an adaptation in general to the prospects of a Nuclear Conflict, they explain to europeans that not everything is so scary, you can try, like macron, in fact , he is doing this, he says let us introduce european troops into the territory of ukraine, further than macron, after him. Maybe not even after him, but before him, baltic politicians say there should be no red lines in relation to russia, we should not be afraid of it, they are blackmailing us , we must go forward, then they say, first, putin will not use nuclear weapons, so lets not be afraid of anything, we can do whatever we want, then when the prospect of use arises and putin says , i warned you that if you create a threat to our security, we can agree to it, they will say, well , its okay, we have bunkers, so i was. The finnish bunkers made a great impression, if you remember, my, in the twentysecond year finland presented new bunkers with fountains, underground parking, restaurants , imagine, that is, they explain to voters, dont worry , nuclear war, well, its like snow, there we go to the bunker, we eat there, we park the car, and this will be explained to the europeans, you know, that is absolutely madness is happening, there is a decrease in the threshold of sensitivity to Nuclear Conflicts, and then from such statements some practically. Tomorrow these weapons will be transferred to ukraine, but i repeat, starting with these uranium actions, of course, we are not talking about that british tips, this topic is on the table, every month we see an increase, an increase in the degree of this very conflict, and this is a very alarming moment, very interesting, in japan yesterday it means, well, there was a statement that jeroshima nagasaki should never happen again, in in general , they demonstrated all the seriousness and responsibility to the issue of this potentially Nuclear Conflict in general, to the fact that we are talking about the entry of french troops into the territory of moldova, which immediately solves a number of strategic problems, in fact, complete control over the theater of military operations in odessa, transnistria comes under control , sausage, where 32. 00 tons of 152 mm ammunition, is under threat, this whole pocket that we are seeing is to the right, if from me, this is the border of romania, french troops, respectively are, will be, in moldova, well, in fact, this territory is becoming nato territory. Macron no longer knows where to enter, the main thing is not to get into trouble, but this is still only a statement; in practice, western journalists have now openly begun to notice that ukraine is becoming a real cemetery for western technology, the correspondent of the german publication welt, stefan schwarzkup, in his report showed the enormous losses of ukraine, which he saw during a trip to the front line. The defense of the lines is becoming more and more difficult, all due to the continuous shelling of the russian army by the ascending Ukrainian Armed forces, it is unclear for how long. Ukraine will still be able to hold out. Now she has to give way meter by meter, there are burnt and destroyed cars everywhere, many of them germanamerican made. Here the remains of a bradley armored personnel carrier. Drone, it was drones. We were subjected to massive attacks, including from combat helicopters. We were an easy target, four cars were destroyed in an instant. Smoke from the impact can be seen in the distance. Russia uses at least five times more shells per day than ukraine. Theory doesnt help much when there are no shells, this brigade now has only four missiles, the ammunition runs out too quickly, this is what the commander of the armed forces of ukraine says in plain text the russians have much more artillery, first comes massive shelling, and then they advance with infantry, we have to decide in which areas we can retreat and surrender in order to be able to somehow hold positions in other areas. Without largescale and Rapid Support from the west, the front will soon collapse. Can turn into a completely lost person, every soldier knows this. There is another serious vulnerability. Western journalists write that russia can launch missile attacks on ukraine using american satellite images, this is what the publication writes atlantic. Russia launches long range Cruise Missile strikes using satellite imagery provided by us companies. A satellite takes pictures of a place, and a few days or weeks later a rocket arrives there. Exactly, as i understand it, the patriots there will be involved in this, they will remove something, perhaps from the southern donetsk direction and redirect, perhaps from other directions, what is it, because just recently the americans criticized syrsky, if im not mistaken , because they do they lose patriot systems when they are moved to other places without their consent, and is this even possible . Theoretically, this is possible, because the junta, in any case , has some freedom of movement, having received that. In their greedy paws, even though american specialists are operating there, they can move something somewhere, its another matter that the americans simply abdicate responsibility in advance, like there are no our specialists on these patriotic crew members, and the movement was carried out without of our will, in fact, there are a sufficient number of Staff Officers and intelligence of all the others, this is agreed upon, and the movements are connected precisely with the fact that. That our aircraft are beginning to actively operate on the front line, using umpc, controlled by a planning correction module, naturally to cover the forward lines. Some kind of air Defense Systems are needed, which are chronically in short supply, the logic is clear, we need to cover our troops, but if it arrives at some infrastructure facility in the depths, this is still not the case scary, like the loss of some section of the front, but this means that there are not enough air Defense Systems, since you have them, they certainly do not have enough, and this shortage will not be felt, hundreds of them are needed , dozens of them, as the situation at the front is information that we have begun active promotion in the zaporozhye direction. He succeeds, but at the same time he bears a colossal burden. Thank you very much, mikhail anufrienko was in direct contact with us. In the west, apparently they want to reach a completely new level of combat. Citing his sources in german Intelligence Services, german journalists write that they know the exact date of the war with russia. German Intelligence Services have prepared for the government an analysis of the military threat from russia, which predicts that from 2026 the Russian Federation may attack the territory of nato countries. According to this analysis , russia is preparing for a major conflict with the west, as indicated by the reorganization of the russian army, the movement of troops and missile deployment in the west of the country, and the increase in russian arms production. It can no longer be ruled out that russia will attack at least part of nato territory from 2026. Europe is raising the stakes, preparing for a big war with russia. The largest nato military base in europe is being built in romania. All this coincided with the largest nato exercises in recent decades. And this is what western tv channels say about this new base. The military base is natos most important military structure, located in close proximity to the conflict in ukraine. The base occupies about 2800 with a total perimeter of 30 km and will be able to accommodate all types of combat weapons. There are currently about 500 soldiers stationed here at the Mihail Kogalniceanu base, most of them american soldiers. Stad fast defender 24, which translates as staunch defender, is not just an exercise, it is a series of different maneuvers at once, they take place over a whole 4 months at once. In the five countries of norway, poland, lithuania, romania and hungary, 90,00 people are involved in them, including 12,000 soldiers from germany. The training takes place on land, on water and in the air. They involve representatives of all 32 countries participating in the defense alliance, including newcomers from finland and sweden. According to tradition, the enemy is not directly named in any official documents, but few have any doubt about what kind of threat is being discussed now. The strategic importance of norway is obvious, right here. Close to russia, so it is vitally important for us to train here, the fact that we are here gives a real feeling of closeness to russia and realism. Many european Media Journalists also directly these exercises are called rehearsals for repelling a russian invasion. For example, the german publications bilt and spiegel write about this. Politicians and military personnel in a number of European Countries have been increasingly talking in recent months about the possibility of a direct clash between russia and nato. Experts estimate the timing of a possible attack differently. From 2 to 10 years, in general , warmongers dont skimp on matches and bases, john, well, im sure that in america, that means, your compatriots explain the need to build a nato base by the fact that russia has become so impudent that it has placed their territories near nato countries, but why this is being done in the first place, why the North Atlantic Alliance is now clenching its fist right next to our territories is very important. So that then, well, to keep everyone strictly under our control, as if there is such a threat, the russian threat, the russian bears are coming, but we are america, we will protect you, so we will build even more military bases, and in this way we are establishing our control, tighter control, total control over europe. I want too to say that i dont understand what our armed forces will do there, because if there is a real battle between the american, americans, nato countries and russia, well, how could we not even defeat afghanistan, we could not defeat iraq, yes how many years of wars, 20 years of wars in the middle east, our armed forces will always end in defeat, how will our armed forces fight against yours, your army . Which, as we see, is the most powerful in the world, realistically today, we can, we understand that the Russian Armed forces the most powerful light, and therefore there is panic, petagonia is really panic, hysteria, hysteria, they understand that we cannot, we cannot go into direct conflict with russia, thats why such beautiful artistic videos are shot, as if in style goivud, here are powerful american wars, our marines are marching, but this is all theater, this is theater, our fighting spirit of our soldiers is very low, very low, combat effectiveness is very low, physical fitness is very low, and there is a lot of money, yes, there is a lot of money a lot of, unfortunately, our elite has a swift desire to defeat your country, as they say , in any way, but once again, if there is any real conflict, i think that everything will end quickly, victory is in your favor, but nevertheless the biggest one, as they announce, the base is now being built in romania. The stormtroopers managed to get hold of there , there are some surviving buildings, a school, a cultural center, thats where most of the fighting is going on now, our guys are heroically fighting there, and the ukronazis have retreated to the northern part in the area of the rabotinsky cemetery, and the fighting is going on in the most populated area point, to the west from the side of kopanei our guys are also pressing on our heroic guards fiftyeighth army, and to the right from the verbovoy side the paratroopers are also attacking. They also attacked, took several positions, took a fortification, strengthened more ukranazis, so there is no pressure on this section of the front is weakening, on the contrary , ours are pumping up and moving forward meter by meter. Have you seen the abrams there yet . No, i talked to the tankers, they say they havent seen the abrams, but most likely they are all under cover of the fortyseventh brigade, which. In spite of everything that is happening , the first peace conference is scheduled to take place in switzerland, organized at the request of vladimir zelensky, the leader of the peoples republic of china , sidinpin, decided to go to france to convince europe to invite russia to this summit, thats what politico writes about it. Shizen pin will meet his french counterpart Emmanuel Macron in paris in early may. Officials say china is trying to convince europe to allow russia to come to the table for future peace talks, possibly in switzerland. Otherwise beijing will boycott such meetings. Behind the trip will be closely watched in washington and european capitals. German chancellor olaf scholz is also heading to china for a visit in april. Alexander germanovich, well, is china included . China has its own reconciliation plan in any case, but it coordinates its plans with russia. I will remind you of sizin putins historic handshake during negotiations in moscow, that they are together, as he said. Now they will make history, an absolutely fateful statement, because no chinese leader has ever done anything like this before declared that china has every word of gold. On this occasion, i will remind you that the position of our president is unshakable, without denocification and demilitarization of ukraine, there is no point in holding any negotiations at all, so i think that even if we sit down for negotiations, by the way, vladimirovich never refused this, we this has now been shown again, then in any case he will again voice the same position that we stopped at in istanbul. Theres nowhere without this, so china here is in no way a comrade or support for the west, but it was a bright position, they they said, we will not sit down at the negotiating table regarding ukraine if russia is not there, this is in fact, but the ultimatum is exactly what i just said, one to one stanislavich, china will not negotiate about anything without coordination with russia , and naturally, without the presence of russia, because chinas position is for the parties to agree, but when they agree, naturally china will. That without russia they will not sit down at the negotiating table, on the other side with whom to talk are the americans ready to lead for ukraine today negotiations on peace, or how with afghanistan they will pack their bags and fly away, no, i already said this, a year ago, the american elites, they have already crossed the socalled rubicon, yes rubekon, they have already come too far, they have made their decision to go against russia, as they see it to the end, as they see it. This is a victory for russia, once again bring russia to its knees, fragment your country and therefore establish complete control over the eurasian, eurasian space, then further go to china, and china, the chinese the leadership understands perfectly well that if america defeats your country, they are next , and this may even be soon, but as we know the conflict around taiwan, this may begin soon, by the way, who knows, maybe america wants to fight on two fronts, but we we love it so much, but will america be able to handle it . And in general, because we have a problem with the delivery of important metals, which are needed in the production of war materials, war weapons, so i think that our elites may want to fight on two fronts, but we can have military power not enough, well, it seems to me that you are relaxing us a little, that we never underestimate the enemy, we always assume that the americans have a powerful army, a powerful militaryindustrial complex, a lot of money is allocated there , based on this strategy. We calculate our International Political first of all, attitude , america has only one way to bring russia to its knees, when america lies dying, we will kneel down to help you get up, because we always extend a helping hand, yeah, well, against you how many 50 countries, yes, america has gathered coalitions, 50 countries, you are alone against 50 countries, this is epic, not for the first time, you know, like yes, quite subtly, it means that someone noticed that america, you know, she was thinking more in the early nineties, that. She brought russia to its knees, but it turned out that no, russia had been lacing up bertsy for a long time. News on channel one. Hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. And at the beginning of the message from our ministry of defense, a russian tank