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With this our episode is completed, the broadcast will continue with the program, time will tell, informational the channel on the first continues its work , we are working live, with you Anatoly Kuzichev is on the air, its time to remember our project, remember yesterday, even i will start like this, today we have the following program on one side, as well as germany and austriahungary on the other. However, in 1917 a revolution occurred in russia. And yesterdays allies, england and france, refused recognition to the new government and signed a francobritish agreement on dividing russia into spheres of influence. According to him, the territory of modern ukraine fell into the zone french responsibility. In paris , they did not waste time, and the french consul in kiev immediately came into contact with the leaders of local nationalists, mikhail. Grushevsky and simon petliura. Under his influence, they declared the independence of the ukrainian peoples republic and recognized the french protectorate. But support for new ukraine had another meaning for paris they were dissatisfied with the power of the bolsheviks and saw their goal as the need to fight the soviet government. And in october 1918, paris sent a telegram to the general about the need introduction of french troops into the territory of ukraine. True, despere is particularly enthusiastic about the fight against russia. I havent experienced it. As a last resort, i could occupy odessas neighboring ports, but i must say that my soldiers, who did not object to being in the east and willingly advanced on hungary in anticipation of a triumphant invasion of germany, are unlikely to agree to participate in military operations aimed at occupying russia and ukraine. Intervention in russia could result in a number of the most serious and unfavorable incidents for france. But paris has already made its decision. Leadership was entrusted to general barthelot. At the end of november 1918, france sent a radiogram to all governments of the allied countries, in which it was proposed to immediately send troops to odessa to begin the occupation of the areas of kiev and kharkov. A few days later , the anglofrenchgreek squadron entered the port of odessa, which became the main base of the allied fleet. According to legend, the interventionists arrived to maintain stability and order, but the main thing, of course, was to resolve their own commercial and political issues. Tasks, so the main goals of the interventionists are for france to overthrow the bolsheviks and return russias debts, so the plan of the invaders was to transfer the territories they occupied during the intervention in exchange for an agreement on the return of russian debt. According to general berthelot, only the white government could return the debts to france, and having settled in odessa, he relied on the white guards, but it soon became clear that the ukrainian side could not be ignored. The population of troops is already occupied. Stage of silent study of ukrainians, in particular me, side of the odessa command. According to various random data, i soon became convinced that my persistent conciliatory policy did not remain without results and that, in any case , there was absolutely no reason to expect active action against the ukrainian troops on the part of the french. But the french offered the ukrainians, to prove their loyalty, to take all their units from the odessa region 150 km along the entire southern front, thereby giving them away. Antantya, at least teraspol and kherson. The kiev directory accepted the conditions of france, but with them ukrainian nationalists categorically disagreed, which later became a serious problem for the interventionists. During my stay in odessa, i became convinced that there could be no talk of any military agreement. The chaos in the country among the troops increased every day. In addition to the bolsheviks, agitation among the entente military personnel was carried out by both other revolutionary parties and the criminal world. Its head is moses wine. Constantly disturbed by shots, then at night the attacked city was operating, the silence of which was criminals with whom the authorities could not cope, then political strife raged. At the beginning of march, the french command reported to paris that sailors were fighting with. Soldiers, selling uniforms at blash markets, and in the evenings in taverns they sang the marseillaise and the internationale in unison. The catastrophic situation in odessa radically changed the mood in paris, and on april 2 general danselme issued an order for the so called unloading of odessa. They decided to cover up the shameful evacuation of troops with the pretext of the need to reduce the number of eaters in the city. Having failed to achieve the goals goals, the french command hastily withdrew its entire fleet from the black one. The details are certainly delicious, yes, imagine, in the evenings in taverns they sing the marseilles and the international in unison, they fight with the greeks and sell uniforms at bloc markets, in general, listen, 105 years have passed, much, so to speak, has not changed, but this is what interests us , 105 years have passed there, and france turns out to be ready to play and fight again, well , at least judging by macrons statements. With russia, Vladimir Putin, returning to yesterday interview, answering a question about the message that macron has now directly said that western countries have no red lines in relation to russia, he noted that then russia will no longer have red lines in relation to these countries, its interesting that macron is aware of the prospects and what is the danger of Something Like this, so to speak, like his , i dont know, enthusiasm, you know, history doesnt teach anyone anything, yes, history punishes, punishes, in that what we just looked at is really simple. The french walked and did nothing there, they drank themselves there, had a party and everything else, so in november of 41 the germans took with them only the only foreigners to storm moscow, they were the french, we have wonderful photographs with these french chevrons of all the others, you know, but in general it means we had three the entry of the french with arms in their hands into the territory of russia, this is the year 812, which means, accordingly, the eighteenth year, i just want to remind you of one simple thing, these. All the conversations about the fact that someone decided something there, decided after november 11 in 1918, germany capitulated. Odessa, the rest of the territory, was taken by german and austrohungarian troops and strangled the ukrainian peoples republic there, but they didnt really succeed in strangling it, because there were a lot of people left there, there is a completely different story, which, unfortunately, at school , its so confusing , but the most surprising thing is that there are more of us, excuse me for interrupting, we are more interested, we want to carry it out. We are trying to understand how correct this is, to draw lines, so to speak, between those events and the Current Situation, its not that we are directly interested in history, we are interested in modernity through a historical prism, the historical prism concerns the fortyfirst year, and not at all this time, you understand, but the year 812 can be exactly 210 years ago troops, Russian Troops entered paris, and the parade was hosted by alexander i, you know, you can remember this there and not only the year 812, but the french. Who took part in the war against the ussr and against russia, this is the Second World War. The largest number of french were in wehrmacht in the ss. The largest number of french pilots fought in lutwaf. You see, these are things that we, well, we didnt touch on, theres no need for these aggravations and everything else. I think its possible now. No, i dont, you know, in fact, 3 years ago you and i couldnt talk about this topic. We can now go a lot further than what was thought, well, why are we going to talk about it . Its impossible to explain macrons current position, well , first of all, by the way, yes, sorry, we need to agree on a term, is it the french or macron personally, he has some kind of emotional, given the influence of the media and antirussian hysteria, which is now being fanned, including by macron and his party. Here is the first moment , the second moment, domestic political, because macron on the eve of the european elections, maybe he is these elections, so to speak, secondary, these are not parliamentary, there are not president ial elections, nevertheless they are very important, why, because in the Current Situation that has developed, macron considers himself the main leader of europe, militarypolitical, the German Economy has sank, so france has everything trumps, finally lead europe. You support macron , if you dont support him, youre already a putinist, youre for russia , you know, thats why its so multifaceted, multifaceted, yes, naturally, but it seems to me, well, that is, everyone felt it, not only our president and all of us , well, what is there in all this, except for a clear calculation, yes , the leader of europe, and if you try on yourself like this, i dont know that they have a cocked hat or a toga, the leaders of europe, then of course you have to perform. You see, thats what caused the big the dissatisfaction of the balts, poland, in general, which, so to speak, is necessary, thats why its important here how to convince the balts, but its clear, realizing that he is by no means, so to speak, not a putinist, he doesnt feel any sympathy, on the contrary, this its a wellknown story, its a wellknown story, you know, there are no more, so to speak, aggressive, so to speak, generally excuse the word, stubborn ones. Antisoviet people, so to speak, than former party members, naturally, well, that would be the case, well, in order to prove ones own, well, that is, one must prove your loyalty, so to speak, be, be three times there, so to speak, more aggressive. So to speak, with excitement and you think that russia wont stop there, it will go to the czechs in prague, and even in france, yes, as we are not now, come on, youre already czech by passport, im czech by passport, but i have some doubts, because im such a czech, so i trust the North Atlantic Alliance that. Will cover us if russia comes to us, yes, so why should i be afraid, well, firstly, this also applies 24 february twentytwo, yes, because many too, no, i, im talking about fears in europe, yes, because many, well, they thought, well , russia will not enter ukraine, yes, all this discussion, all this teaching, russia warned about a thousand times, but simply exaggerated it a thousand times. Raymond poancare in 1914 did not believe that a world war could break out in sarajevo due to the death of the heir to the austrohungarian throne; as a result , french losses amounted to at least 1,400,000 people. In the situation with the conflict in ukraine, the president Emmanuel Macron and the head of the mitrepublic apparently believe that the French Military will act solely as a deterrent for russia. However, experts in france consider such thoughts and ideas. Now, maybe because of these irresponsible statements, they apparently mean that Something Like this will also start, and we again, that is, in france, even everything is still a well known, so to speak, influential publication, but still, there are also some something. Then they write. That macron persists in two options either indeed, in order, so to speak , to become considered the leader of europe, he needs to do, and not just say, something tough and aggressive, or this is a bluff that doesnt matter, well, like in that joke about the doctor and you say, here he is says, well, lets be honest, we need to look at the events that are happening through the eyes of the french and the eyes of the russians, the views will be completely different and i would share in. There will be an interview with two, that means, French Television channels, so, but in my opinion, you know, they they say it all the time you really mean, the deployment of troops and so on and so forth, but there is ambiguity here, macron said this, immediately, as you remember, all eu allies immediately denied or the possibility of participation, and even the americans said, this is not part of their plans, you know , and macron was left alone, it was unclear what to do, they immediately revoked him. What the french did, but the poles, they didnt even enter there, thats right, the poles didnt let the soviets through, they tore off the largest region of cieslakia, remember, yes, what i mean is that these are wonderful people who believe their words you can just 100 , after this we have all these problems, the key words now were, tear off a piece, you know, i have a feeling, in the Second World War it was like this, the first world war, the participation of the french contingent, why were they in odessa , in general , the french have. Such a national trait try to be in time for the division of the pie, well , what do they have to do with the capitulation of germany, nothing, but they managed to divide the pie, heres a little hint, you know, if poland takes lviv, hungary will take under protection hungarians suzam about ukraine, well, that is, a complete feeling that they have, well, no problems at all, that now we need to address the nation about ukraine, lets remember, in fact, remember, in february they signed with zelensky, he was alone of those who signed some kind of agreement with zelensky, there it was pathetically called, as it was called, a Security Agreement with ukraine, they promised to call each other, if anything happens, well, lets see what exactly macron says about commitment, so to speak. Our commitment to supporting ukraine will not weaken, which is the very essence of the agreement we have entered into for a period of 10 years and which will remain valid until ukraine joins nato. As part of this agreement, france pledged to provide an additional 3 billion euros in military assistance in 2024. France will provide multifaceted support, including the supply of military equipment and cooperation in the field of defense industry. Calls at the same time, that is, he always speaks at the same time, once at the same time, at the same time at the same time he calls it that at the same time , that is, it is possible, for example, to extend , to extend, that is, to delay the retirement age, for example, yes, but at the same time, it is possible for people to retire early, that is, this is absolutely mister at the same time it is clear. That is, judging by your mood, nothing serious, you dont expect an epochmaking address from this address, no, no, no, he wont say that, then you have to keep in mind that there will actually be european elections in france tomorrow, therefore, most likely he will insist on well, in order to pay off his voters, in order to get more votes, there is also an interesting point that on tuesday, when the issue of a military treaty between france and ukraine was discussed, a very big emphasis was placed on prorussian deputies, that is, they really want to oust them, all those who express, well, with doubts about more weapons and more support for ukraine, they are immediately accused of being agents. The kremlin, and the putinists, why have we already heard this, any doubt, any, so to speak, half step step aside, in general, you know that rafael, ill tell you, i adore democracy, thank you very much, rafael klyap was in direct contact with us from paris, listen, well, thats the truth, well, its like jokes are friends were telling a friend about europe , yes, he says, its believed that if one of the deputies shows even the slightest doubt, hes a putinist, its normal in general, its impossible to show doubt like that, its illegal, weve survived, sorry, because its not easy for macron, like for the president , hes not an absolute fool, this no fool clearly knows that from the point of view of the russian triad, france has no chance, like the whole of europe, there are no air Defense Systems that can protect france. There is, of course, a certain vomit in this. As for audacity, macron is certainly very boldly now trying to probe, but where is the red line . He intercepted this initiative, of course, from lithuania and poland, of course, this is macrons insolence. What does he want to ride on in an internal matter, when his farmers fill him with dung, when, i mean manure, when the yellow vests can break loose again tomorrow, well said, and ill remind you of the words of the russian classic, once again, yes, listen, well, this is a cool story, without any fight, hit the big bullies, wide exciting political prospects open up , advertising. In the eighth grade i wrote an essay about how i want to decorate this world. My biggest dream is, of course, to see our entire country. I personally recommend trying jellyfish in its own juice, its a really tasty thing. We have a dream to definitely visit the sea, and we were trying to. Go, but we cant do it. Oh sea, sea, to the faithful rocks, you will give the surf for a while. We need to preserve family values, because this is the foundation on which we must build our happy future together. And we promise that we will move mountains, that we, as one big family , will move towards the Bright Future of our city, the Moscow Region of all russia. go deep, my friends, swearing that you will not quarrel with them, i, to your great regret, am not going to fight with you, against your lies, against your statements, against yourself, i just dont care. This is of course a form of such informational and psychological aggression, if they think that they can intimidate me, they are very much mistaken in this, i will continue to do my work, famous artist, born in russia, lived in russia , but for ukraine, he is still supposedly ukrainian, they have double standards, he was brought up in the russian cultural code, he is still ukrainian, the exhibition train will pass through all of russia with various exhibitions that tell about the courage and heroism of the Russian Military. Antifake, premiere, tomorrow on the first. In my hand there is an absolutely unusual syringe, in this syringe there is a vaccine against cancer, it is administered to patients in the fourth terminal stage, and these people live. These are such amazing miracles and many other important and interesting things, its great to live in the program, tomorrow is the first. Songs, they know them, they sing together , the audience loves lyubas ensemble, they love, love these , i am very grateful to the audience for the fact that for these 30odd years they have been with us, god willing, everything will be fine with us in the future, i drew a cat for you there, knowing that you love them, who doesnt love them . Lyuba lyuba is on the first day tomorrow. It is not without reason that crimea is considered the cradle of russian orthodoxy. Here, 2 thousand years ago , Apostle Andrew, the patron saint of our country, began his journey through the future russian lands. We know that he was a fisherman, we know that he was one of the closest and beloved disciples of christ. He was quite large, but tall, bravast, nosed, with gray, slightly unkempt hair. There can be no last judgment. Until all nations learn about christ, so someone must reach the ends of the universe and preach christ, including the scythians. Here in fact, a thread that has connected us since the 2nd century, because the scythians lived on our territory. Andrew, peter dedicates the order, Apostle Andrew is our patron, the apostle stood on a high stone, prayed for the dedication of the people of khersanes, and the stone became like wax, and his feet were imprinted on the stones. Why st. Andrews cross is a symbolic name, because it resembles god. Ha, christ, he was crucified on just such a cross, this is the letter ha, such a sign across the whole country, which accuses christ, who exchanges faith of the Apostle Andrew the firstcalled. Andrew the firstcalled premiered on saturday at the first hall now to ask when the famous fable by andreevich krylov was written , it turned out in 1808, i thought, lord, not only does history teach nothing, but even fables. News on channel one. Hello, there is a news broadcast on channel one, in the studio of maxim sharafuddinov. So, there are less than a day left before the president ial elections in russia, the most important events for voters, and this is over 112 million. Not only have to vote for one candidate or another, but also declare your will and aspirations for personal involvement in the further development of our country. These are the words of Vladimir Putin; today he addressed citizens and urged them to take part in the vote. Dear citizens of russia. Dear friends, tomorrow , march 15 , polling stations will open throughout our vast country, and threeday voting for the elections will begin. Russia, they are being held in russia for the eighth time, which shows the inviolability of one of the basic principles of a democratic state, the regularity of elections. Their results will directly affect the Development Countries in the coming years. This is an important, extremely responsible event. Therefore, as the current head of state, i consider it necessary to address you today. Let me emphasize that the only source of power in our country is the people. This is a key legal provision enshrined in the constitution. Its main meaning is that only you, citizens of russia, determine the fate of the fatherland, i am convinced that you understand what a difficult period our country is going through now, what difficult challenges we face in almost all areas, and so that to continue to respond to them with dignity, to successfully overcome difficulties, we need to continue to be united and selfconfident. We have already proven that we know how to stand together in defense of freedom. Russia, defending our values , traditions, history and culture, acting in conscience and truth, in justice, we have our own view on how and what kind of country we should build, what plans we should implement, and today it is critically important not to deviate from this path, achieve what is planned, achieve the set largescale goals, so very. A lot in the coming days depends on for each of you, ill tell you straight, participation in the elections today is a manifestation of patriotic feelings, this is well understood by the residents of donbass and novorussia, who in the most difficult conditions voted in referendums for unity with russia, these days will also make their choice, ours will vote fighters at the front, they show courage and heroism for. Therefore, i ask you to come to the polls and express your civic and patriotic position, vote for your candidate of choice, for the successful future of our beloved russia. Thank you. Polling stations, more than 9,400 of them, will open tomorrow at 8 a. M. Local time. Now the final preparations are underway everywhere, we will remind you of the voting. Lasts 3 days, this practice has already proven itself well, but in the president ial elections this format is used for the first time on sunday, march 17, the main day. In addition, in almost three dozen regions it will be possible to cast your vote online; about 5 Million People plan to do so, the center told the electoral commission. To guarantee the safety and objectivity of the assessment results, the system provides special encryption keys, today they were divided and collected only after voting, this is the only way to read the results. Well, even today. The campaigning period for candidates and their proxies is ending, this is an opportunity to once again appeal to voters, those who have not yet decided have time to think. And early voting ends today. Since february 25, representatives of election commissions have visited all remote , hardtoreach places to take into account every opinion. The final readiness is in the public observation centers, where they will monitor order so that the elections are open and transparent, work is already in full swing at the cec Information Center in moscow. Thats essentially it. The headquarters of the commission, where all data about the situation at the polling stations flows. Now lets talk about how special operations are carried out, our military destroyed the fortified area of ​​​​the militants district near ugledar, and worked out the crews of selfpropelled geocind guns. This installation is capable of firing 56 rounds per minute and hitting objects at a distance of up to 30 km. The gunners successfully they also operated in the avdeevsky direction, there they thwarted another enemy attempt to carry out a rotation, having received the coordinates of the crew of the city. Moved to an unprepared firing position with the help of Drone Operators who adjusted the trajectory, hit the target, well, this is the zaporozhye sector, reconnaissance officers from the dnepr group destroyed the militants stronghold, got close to the enemy and struck from the mitis antitank missile system. Now urgent news, a unit of the Russian Guard and our armed forces, together with employees fsb Border Department repels the attack. In the kursk region, as reported by the Russian National guard , a battle is underway, details will follow. Meanwhile, in europe they are planning. To continue pumping ukraine up with weapons, pouring astronomical sums into it, a decision has been made, so far at the level of ambassadors of eu countries, to allocate an additional 5 billion euros for this this year, the money will be on the Balance Sheet of the peace fund for organizing military assistance to kiev, it is he who is responsible, with a proposal to replenish it, the head of european diplomacy, jose borel, previously spoke, achieved he met the agreement with undisguised joy, now the initiatives must be approved by the minister of Foreign Affairs of the eu countries, they will meet on monday. Ukrainian conflict. Western rhetoric that risks provoking a new world war, the topic of the meeting between the head of the Duma Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutsky and public figure, grandson of the first president of the fifth republic pierre degaulle. He arrived in moscow. Previously, degol had repeatedly emphasized the importance of dialogue between russia and france and criticized elysee palace for a reverse course in foreign policy. Emmanuel macrons line, according to degaulle, does not reflect the opinions of all his compatriots. Our country is always ready for constructive cooperation. We will continue our interaction with mr. Pierre degaulle and many, many other european politicians, who today, in fact, are the center of gravity on the european continent in the Movement Towards common sense, from the antirussian lobby to constructive interaction with moscow. Now in france , president macron is trying to attract conflict in ukraine in order to justify the illegality of his tenure, to justify the fact that he does not have a program, both for france and for the whole of europe, and in this way they are trying to justify the war, which is very dangerous because they do not have visions of the future, they have no knowledge of history, they do not know the russian soul, moreover, they are accustomed to lying both to the french population and to the population of all of europe. President macron was attacked after his recent statement about the possible dispatch of nato troops to ukraine. According to the french leader, this a discussion is underway in europe, then the initiative was picked up in poland, here is estonias position on the parliaments request to guarantee that the estonian military will not interfere in the conflict in ukraine. Prime minister kaja kallas said she does not make such promises. Russia will not leave the next unfriendly step of the austrian authorities unanswered, this is how our Foreign Ministry commented on viennas decision. Two diplomats of the Russian Embassy were groundlessly declared personless and given until tuesday, march 19, to leave the country, as in the cases of the expulsions of our the austrian side had not given any specifics to their compatriots before this , our Diplomatic Mission reported this, they called the attack a political decision, moscow categorically does not accept such actions, responsibility for the further degradation of relations between the two countries lies entirely with vienna, diplomats emphasize. In moscow they said goodbye to svetlana margunovy. Announcer of central television. The ceremony took place in the church at the sklepasovsky institute of emergency medicine. Relatives, friends, and colleagues arrived. Everyone has about svetlana mikhailovna has only the warmest memories, the personification of an entire era, always smiling, bright with impeccable style, velvety voice and inimitable presentation. The audience loved her very much, they were waiting for her appearance in the time program in the blue light, in the morning mail, svetlana margunova passed away on sunday. She was 84 years old. The funeral will take place. At the treykurovsky cemetery. Kamchatka is in the grip of a powerful cyclone in the south of the peninsula, there is a strong snowstorm, wind gusts reach hurricane levels, knocking people off their feet, knocking down trees and traffic lights. On roads have zero visibility and massive accidents. A section of the federal highway has been blocked and air traffic has been disrupted. Flights are directed to alternate airfields. Schools have canceled classes. According to forecasters, the bad weather will last all day and tomorrow will spread to the northern regions of the peninsula. Foreign participants of the world Youth Festival continue to study russia, they travel to different parts of our vast homeland to see the life of the country in all its manifestations, each region strives to show what it is especially proud of, places of military glory, a museum, natural wonders, andrei goldarev talked with the guests and made sure that no one remained indifferent. From the far north to the caucasus mountains, the Regional Program of the world Youth Festival is a unique opportunity, even better. Get to know russia. 2. 0 participants went to thirty cities of our country along different thematic routes to the far east, siberia, the urals, for example, here in chelyabinsk the children were shown the media center of the south Ural State University and even given the opportunity to feel themselves in news anchor roles. Good evening, dear tv watchers, in english, this is simply amazing. And if its in russian, and if its in russian, i admire it. Of course, the young people went. The capital of the urals an extensive program, visits to museums, excursions on a retro train, almost 60 people flew in, and some of them were specially preparing to come to russia. I study a little, speak a little russian. The greatest moment of my life, thank you very much for this opportunity. For those who came to st. Petersburg, this moment will be doubly remembered. In the northern capital, festival participants learned more about the history of besieged leningrad. We are located in the most mournful and iconic place in the world, in the kiskoro memorial cemetery. This is the Worlds Largest mass grave site for victims of the siege war. Mass grave. The guests laid flowers and visited the alley where signs were erected in memory of those who defended and. Find out a different point of view, and being on the other side of the world, the honor of foreigners went to the far east, in vladivostok the festival participants saw how they train sea captains, this is the most memorable thing so far, we have been on the shores of the sea of ​​japan. Ive never seen ice. Of course, i have seen the sea, but never frozen. The festival was wonderful, communicating with different people from different parts of the world, with representatives of different cultures, i gained new experiences. It was a great trip. And in krasnoyarsk , maslenitsa festivities, round dances, a tugofwar were organized for the festival participants; by the way, the world team won. People really surprise me. In this cold weather i see everything everyone is having fun, everyone is very happy and i, of course, am excited about what will happen next. And then there are a few more days of excursions and meetings. With this stress and give positive emotions, even where they may be difficult to find. Thats all for now, right now the program is on air , time will tell. The information channel on the first continues, this program, time will tell, the initiative at the front has completely passed to our military, and as our president said, now ukraine is trying to attack more and more. Our border regions, today the Belgorod Region was again under attack, and in the favorite terrorist manner, kiev hit residential buildings, six people were injured, one of them died right on the road while driving in his car, at that moment one of the shells hit the car, also damaged buildings, healthcare facilities, a hotel, a fitness room, 53 cars, as well as five residential buildings, all the victims are now receiving. The necessary assistance, also this morning ukrainian militants again fired at the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear power plant the blasting device was dropped directly 5 m from the fuel Storage Facility and plant director yuriy chernyachuk stated that the employees of the zaporozhye Nuclear Power plant were not injured and there was no damage to the equipment; now the press secretary of the zaporozhye Nuclear Power plant , evgenia yashina, is in direct contact with us. Evgenia, hello, hello, what an impact. Shelling on the operation of a Nuclear Power plant, how is the situation in general now . Well, thank god, the shelling had no effect, it still didnt hit the tanks, literally not far from them, if. Came across tanks with fuel, with diesel, then here, of course, there would be difficulties, since diesel fuel is needed for, well , maintaining Emergency Preparedness and ensuring power supply to stations in case of emergency, but they have been aiming for a long time at the zaporozhye Nuclear Power plant, now i dont know what year it is there they are at gunpoint, but somehow its either active or less, it means theyre purposefully striking there. Now, what can we say about their activity specifically in relation to the zaporozhye Nuclear Power plant . Well, both in relation to the zaporozhye station and in relation to the city nargodar , which is located next to the station, it can be recorded that shelling has become more frequent lately, but thank god it has not yet arrived at the station itself, that is, the last arrival was to critical infrastructure, it was not to the work site station, what mode is the Nuclear Power plant in now . Works as before, on september 11, 2022 , we stopped all six units, and they are still all stopped, one of them is operating in a socalled hot shutdown state, when it produces steam for its own needs and for heating the city, i have another important question, please tell me, are there any magate employees present at the station, because we remember when rafael grosin paid a visit, after all, there are some members there magat they remained. To this power station evgenia yashin was in direct contact with us, well, in the mtr only now it remains that they carry out terrorist attacks, because our fighters continue to smash them at the front, including in the zaporozhye direction a video of a powerful assault appeared , working as guardsmen of the seventieth regiment, soldiers in infantry fighting vehicles travel across open fields, which are all covered in mines, trenches and craters, in order to land troops to storm the necessary positions. At this time they are directed by the military according to the picture, which is transmitted from the drone , come on, dear, come on, come on, dear , come on, come on, speed up , dear, speed up, come on, come on, come on, come on, guys, come on, men , let s, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, thats it, dear, right , right, come on, dear, lets lead, greek, lead, thats it, well done, well done, yes, yes, okay, okay, no, no, yet, there they are still lying there, there are bags of mines lying there, come on, come on dear, smart girl, smart girl, men, lets go, landing, lets go, jump out, thats it, thats it, men, the best, guys, well, in britain , meanwhile. Looking at such footage, we decided to calculate how much manpower the kiev regime could field, a counterbalance to us at the front, according to the calculations of the british newspaper financial times, there are only 11 million men left alive, so 3,700,000 people are available for conscription, and 1,300,000 of them went abroad, almost 3 million live here, as they put it in the occupied territories, well. We have already said that then in the west we must go to the last, if macron is making such statements there, then we must count to the last french, to the last pole, baltic, british, even they will consider themselves, maybe some kind of cutting off will probably come, although it is probably premature to talk about this. In the west at this time they are thinking about how to save kiev from complete collapse; french president Emmanuel Macron decided to go to berlin, where on friday meeting with german chancellor scholz and the Prime Minister. The European Council , which will take place next week, as well as the issue of support for ukraine, where there were various nuances in one technical issue, but this weimer triangle of theirs is exactly the composition in which they gather, as if in bermuda, but has not turned into their dreams, fantasies, in any case, they are moving towards this by doing. I dont consider it possible to allow it to be used without german soldiers, it will be necessary to decide where to aim, where to shoot and strike, german soldiers should not to do this, i have a responsibility, germany cannot be allowed to participate in this war, this is a line that i , as chancellor of the federal republic of germany, do not want to cross, so i made a decision and explained my position, its interesting, but before that the responsibility did not lie with schultz, when did he send his tanks and other types of weapons to ukraine . There are one or two things that cannot be discussed in public that rightly make him hesitate. Nikit, what are the secret reasons that make scholz hesitate, and are there any . I think the germans despite the pressure they are experiencing and. They understand perfectly well that the use of taurus, and after the leak of lufwaf representatives, the use of german missiles in relation to our infrastructure, in relation to the crimean bridge, in relation to our factories, our, well, actually, bases in the depths, in the depths of the territory, this is not just a red line, this is an immediate automatic answer, in principle , yesterdays interview with the president dotted the is scholz understands perfectly well that, excuse me, ill say it in popular terms, no one will fit in for him in these conditions. So, the unpopular politician who drove the economy of germany, once a powerful industrial power, into a dead end, will not, without guarantees from the United States of america or anyone, really, provide these missiles. He is seriously afraid that if they provide an aura with ukraine, we will hit them with nuclear weapons, but thats just the way they are. I think that the point is not in nuclear weapons, but in the socalled concept of conflict controllability, we hear every time why the west is calculating a lot before transferring yet another weapon, another type of ammunition, to zelenskys nazi regime, because they are afraid that this level of conflict, which. They are increasing, will lead to the fact that russia, in this case, for its part, will respond much more , our president spoke about this, we have nonnuclear weapons, which from the point of view of their potential, from the point of view, well, in fact , of their strength, can cause no less harm, or even more, in fact , the president said that here is a story about an attempt to intimidate the whole world with nuclear weapons, it is clear that this is, in general, another provocation, they are trying to discredit our. Country, but at the same time, no one will allow us to be treated as you know, simmer a frog, no, if the taurus will be used, if they are delivered, our infrastructure will be hit, then of course the answers will not be nuclear answers, but no less terrible and no less, lets say, the consequences, what kind, well, everyone is alive, what kind of attacks on german territory, maybe there are assumptions, what are they they are afraid, everyone understands that something is wrong. Afraid, we of course understand, they are afraid of our answer, responsibility, he is afraid, responsibility is always the answer for making decisions, and what kind of answer could it be that they are so afraid of, well, the answer , of course, could lead to a hypersonic strike on the plant, which produces or by all means we can absolutely get to this point, but the escalation is going on , it will go on, and the fact that scholz has now disowned it means absolutely nothing, he will be different from everything he has presented, and also all the european ones, lets remember. Well, they cant really send any soldiers, because now the state of the bundesweier is simply amazingly low, i remember the bundfer, when we conducted training with them, well, the last time i was with them. I was right at the infantry base, this is when you were still serving in the american army, yes, yes, i spent a month at the German Infantry School in 2001, well, there was an exchange, guys, the contract army was of very high quality, of a very high level, now of course they are at an amazingly low level, well, despite all this they inject 100 billion dollars and euros this year into the military budget in order to build them back, so they are still going in this direction, but the fact is. That the rest are putting pressure, well, the first thing is that in order to do all this forward, you dont need the whole of nato. France , the czech republic, you mean, which they have been talking about for a long time, the czech republic, france, poland, the Baltic States are enough to start this whole process, if they get involved, behind them and its like it wont be nato anymore, it wont be nato anymore, but will pull everyone else, if it was only one poland, that would be one thing, but here already five other countries are standing, oh well, the baltics are a small matter, but still. Czech republic, france, so the fact that now they are denying something, it means absolutely nothing, the fact that tomorrow they will not agree to it. The question is very interesting about this meeting in the weimer triangle format, it has existed there since the early nineties, these are france, germany and poland. And so, it means, against the backdrop of this refusal by scholz to supply taurus missiles to ukraine, macron is going to go to berlin, and not alone, together, that means, with a representative of poland, with the poles. Here the question arises, are they going to put pressure on scholz, or are they going to discuss something, i dont know, something else, or are they bringing him something, especially after the poles visit to the usa, its not for nothing that hes there now, they are coming to add pressure, lets not forget everything that dudo said in america this week, all countries must send troops to ukraine, and that is, maybe they will set conditions for scholz. A problem for the germans, they were already put in their corner when the nordstream was blown up, whatever you want gas, gas comes from america, now the main thing , the main thing is this liquefied gas, and without this germany completely abolished geography and supplied gas from america, but there scholl let slip, he says that i dont want it, when answering a question from a bundestag deputy, he he says, i dont want to supply taurus missiles, which i will not control, along with the taurus missiles we need to supply the german military. But this does not mean that germany is not a participant in this, you know, process, this does not exclude, actually regarding the real answers that you remember, the story about the f16 was famous, it was also discussed for several months in a row, the f16 can turn the tide at the front, now again all western analysts are saying, airplanes cant change anything, nothing can change it , but nevertheless, our president clearly said, even if due to some misunderstanding, but some f16 with some trained pilot. Will end up on the territory of a nato country, but at the same time will carry out some, god forbid, combat missions against our army, infrastructure, he will be the target , why in fact scholz is still not so bowed down, because this brigade, consisting of tusk, consisting of macron, these are not the ones who make the decision, if only the americans had crushed germany , im sure that they would simply stand on their hind legs and say look, america itself has big problems here, and scholz, apparently understanding where everything is going, is preparing for a new america, we know that relations, for example, with biden they really have a format, which means that the boss is a subordinate, but, for example, with trump with the republicans, the relationship there is more, you know, it seems, excuse me, like some kind of roleplaying game. Because trump is much tougher, he can directly whip germany very harshly , say that this security dome that American Military bases are creating on german territory, American Nuclear weapons can end very quickly, and scholz, understanding where everything is going, well, he just doesnt want to find himself in a situation where the transfer of taurus to ukraine could hypothetically result in america ceasing to provide this zone security, therefore, taking into account that ukraine will not. Win, you understand, you said that a year ago they gave these tanks, they gave correctly, but the fund was different, they gave an offensive under the contour, they gave for specific results, we will defeat the russians on the field battle. Now everyone is saying that this is impossible, ukraine is losing and will lose, and let taursy increase the level of escalation, but this needs to be, well, completely stupid, although what scholz is doing with his economy suggests that, in principle, he this criterion corresponds, well, before going to berlin, Emmanuel Macron is going to make his address to the nation regarding the conflict in ukraine, his address is expected this evening, thats how short it is. The announcement is given by a french tv channel, which will broadcast macrons address. The president of the republic must speak out about his recent statements, which have further increased tensions between france and russia. In recent weeks , he said that sending Ground Troops to ukraine is not excluded, he called on kievs allies not to be cowards, and then assured that france should not leave itself any restrictions in its support for ukraine. The head of state will also be able to clarify things. Around his trip to ukraine, originally scheduled for february to sign a security guarantee agreement with Volodymyr Zelensky and then postponed until around midmarch, the trip is still not on the president s agenda. Stanislav mikhailovich, well, its a serious story when the president of a european country addresses to the nation of his country regarding the issue of ukraine, which does not even have common borders with the territory of france. If im not mistaken, completely unprecedented. I think so in france, well, at first macron suffered a decent defeat from russia in africa, they lost very large economic investments of theirs, in the end they bought uranium ore there for 50 dollars per ton, and the market value was 300, now they buy for this price, this is a blow, this is a decent blow to the economy and many other things, gold, which is not in france, but huge reserves, they pumped everything out of maley. Again, they also lost this too, because the defeat is strong and macron himself feels it, secondly, well, as far as macron says from one side of his mouth that we need to somehow come to an agreement with russia or somehow we need to create a european separate army, with the other side, it only supports the entire escalation in ukraine, france is one of the most aggressive countries in everything has become active lately, counting how many, it s kind of like. When a woman is in a relationship with a man, where the man mocks her, she doesnt want to leave, he will forgive, he will forgive, he s like that in his relationship with the anglosaxons, they beat him, beat him, beat him, but this time everything will be fine, and he defends their interests even more, they think that they have lost the deal , they will break it, they will set it off, they love, you know, this is what the old one is beating, then they love him, they love him very much, because they are beating france very hard, and he defends it even more. These are their interests, but at the same time, to say that macron is the only politician who wants escalation, a possible war , this is also not true, there are quite a lot of other hawks behind him, the former Prime Minister of france, peter, i cant give his last name, he also spoke in the media about what needs to be sent, everything needs to be sent, the problem is with proxy war, they lost the proxy war, the war will go on for another year, maybe until the armed forces of ukraine will completely. Destroy, but they lost the war, they already understand this, the problem with passing is one of two elections, retreat away from this and admit defeat, they dont maybe, then you need to answer the people , what did you all sacrifice for, you sacrificed the economy and the standard of living, you sacrificed your status, perhaps you sacrificed your military, its not possible, but you really sacrificed for what you sacrificed, or like a gambling machine in las vegas, we need the last big bet to put everything to win. Is the response a preemptive strike before they strike us or not . Before they enter our territory, we are forming a powerful missile and Artillery Group and forming a powerful armored group. We must not forget what we need, they will then talk about us, in the sense of who started this war, then in the history books it will be that poland attacked first, so that our citizens are safe, so that we do not lose none of our compatriots, such opinions are already being openly thrown into the polish information space, while polish president andrzej duda believes that they are not yet ready for such radical measures, and there are other options for action, lets do it. if russia wins the war in ukraine, if putin wins the war in ukraine, he will attack again, he will attack other states, because this is a revived russian imperialism. Putin can be stopped at a very low price. Ukraine should be sent weapons and money, only money. Today we should not put peoples lives at risk, this is fundamentally important, because human lives have no price. This is such a clever trick. It doesnt matter whether this is a direct entry into poland, or whether it is some kind of protectorate, where the poles are already, by the way, according to the already ukrainian laws, they can easily hold highranking government positions , the story about poland is actually a classic, why they are really the most important beneficiaries, because just from a geographical point of view with their internal scent, its very anti, not just antirussian and russophic, this really seems like a territory from the point of view of potential, well, one that. Could start this military conflict, but lets remember the famous story about the tractor and about the s300 Ukrainian Air defense, how everyone grabbed it by the neck they said no, no, no , we wont allow any direct conflict with russia, so this is nothing more than rhetoric, there cant be any other rhetoric in poland, and the history of poland cannot consist of three sections, after all, a short advertisement and well come back. March 17, special edition of the program time. President ial elections in russia, take me across the maidan, there are about 10 thousand of them here, no less, i want to know that now and in 100 years no more will come to my house, dont be a muscovite, dont be, dont live in china, dont worry and transfer, dont i thought that was it this is how it will end, i have been living in russia since 2012, the sbu has opened a hunt for miss donbass 2011, this is of course a form of such informational and psychological aggression, if they think that they can intimidate me. They are very much mistaken in this, i will continue to do my work, a famous artist, was born in russia, lived in russia, but for ukraine he is still supposedly ukrainian, and they have double standards, he was brought up in the russian cultural code, it doesnt matter ukrainian, and the exhibition train will travel across russia with various exhibitions, which talk about the courage and heroism of the Russian Military, antifake, premiere, tomorrow on the first, 10 years ago a dream came true. Million crimeans, the peninsula was reunited with russia, i have been living in crimea since 1960 , when we went over to russia, our poverty ended, our people really came, for 10 years now i have been living in this state of euphoria, the heart of crimea is open to everyone, to the peninsula people began to come from all regions of russia, the crimean bridge was completed and opened, an airport was built, people appeared in crimea roads, hospitals, kindergartens, delight, i stopped seeing fields that are ownerless, that is, everything is involved, hello, my vines, they are alive, an absolutely incomprehensible phrase, what is it . Christ, he was crucified on such a cross, this letter ha is such a sign, such a sign across the whole country, which christ accuses and which accuses the faith of the Apostle Andrew the firstcalled. It was clear that there was a coup in the state, there was no power in the country, such a good situation had been created in which it was possible to make decisions in accordance with the expression of the will people. Aksyonov stood here and said guys, we need to close off all strategically important facilities, we sent a letter to the leadership of the russian federation, we understood that we ourselves will not be able to control the situation. We need our already Russian Troops to arrive faster. The transfer of crimea to ukraine is a historical oversight that was corrected by a referendum. More than 96 were in favor of reunification. They had to go through a lot, but now they are returning to a normal peaceful life, so to speak, in their native land. Here the store is open, hello maryana , hello, we found out, of course, how you are doing, its very nice, everything is fine, what are you doing here, well, i decided to find out how valeryanovka lives, how in principle everything is normal, the only problem, almost 3 its been a month now, no one has contacted anyone, no one really explains anything, that is, a vicious circle, really to the head of the administration. Pushilin and here to the administration, well, no, there is no color, refrigerators, you know, food is disappearing, but there is some kind of work, than here people to do, well, the people who work here are mainly rural enterprises, im in a different place, of course, im not a military man, the uniform is not the same, well, forestry, and thats all, well, somehow it feels like life is generally Getting Better here, Getting Better, i think that. Everything is going well, if they pushed it back a little more, it would be great, well, we hope , were waiting for what else we have left to do, well, thats how we live, oh, and theres water, and food, hello, im very glad that you have a store in valeryanovka, were trying our best in general, you have trade , well, trade is not bad, but we dont have bread. Well, there is a way out for children, we need to feed them, we are humanly tired, because every day you are afraid, you leave somewhere with fear, you are afraid that where something will happen on the road, because there are all sorts of cases like this, and since we are kind of happy that we are alive, we really want the children to go to school, so that. How does valeryanovka live now . Its scary that its noisy, we still live more or less, there are villages in which the condition is much worse, gracious, vladimirovka, nikolskaya, pavlovka, yegorovka, everything is generally deplorable there, so were still there. This is our cultural center, this is just this place above the reading room, i can see the roof right there , yes, there was a direct hit, the windows were damaged, the roof was damaged, the books were taken out, the books were saved, the Library Collection is replenished with new books, they are bringing new furniture, but it is very scary to put it there yet, because it is damp. Were waiting for warmer weather, maybe theyll come and repair us, at least the roof, its cold, dark and damp, oh, well, of course you ve had a lot of trouble here, also because now everything is leaking, everything is deteriorating, of course , i would like the roof to be covered, what. Then it will be the hardest thing to stop, but the building is good, strong, it was all occupied by books, there were shelves here, they stood separately everywhere books , there arent enough hands for everything, it keeps crumbling, crumbling, crumbling , warmth will come, spring will come, we ll rake it all out again, people generally come and take it, naturally, people come regularly, take literature, read, even children come. And i see your windows are covered with film the windows were knocked out, maybe 10 windows, and you already replaced these ones, and all of them were knocked out throughout the house, and two eight in the house and two in the kitchen, well, just like that. The roof, we patched it up with old pieces there they covered it, well, thats the story , this is what to wash it with, what i collect water with, im glad when it started to rain or snow, we heat it up, heat it up, when it was very hot here, i ran 13 km to my daughters, vladimirovka, it was better there at that moment, now we are better, i persuaded my soninlaw and daughter to come live with me, its hard for them there. And im the only one scared here, the shooting doesnt stop yet, well, what can i do , someday everything ends, and this will also end, well, in the meantime, together, my soninlaw is a highclass welder, he works on a farm, in kizaks , but what to do, theres nowhere else, im an optimist, well get by, but id just like to live a little better in my old age. In the village of valerianovka, the front has moved a little further, but the situation still remains tense, despite this, people are returning here and establishing a peaceful life. The most important thing is that in there is work in the village, the farm is working, in difficult times all the forces of the village were aimed at preserving this farm. What did they see here when the very, very beginning was here, oh yes, everything was broken here, there were no holes in the roofs, the gates were torn out, well, in general, there are a lot of cows , well, i started a family, i stayed here, i have a small child, i will have to study, she needs to be raised, i also take care of housework at home, i have housekeeping at home, although im from the city, theres something here that i like better, yes andrei viktorovich, hello, good afternoon, im glad. Being on a farm, i immediately have a question when i look at what is happening here in the village in valeryanovka, how you preserved it, due to the courage and dedication of those people who work here, without them nothing would have happened, on in all the buildings , the equipment was absolutely broken and the supply and water supply came to be restored, that is , it was very important to preserve the food supply and plant corn there, so that for the future. These cows would not die of hunger anyway, so it was difficult, given that in the fields were still lying mines, its not clear what was in the fields, and these same people, machine operators, at their own risk, they stopped by and simply hatched, lets go and show you the milking herd, and you can say, 700 liters daily, pretty good. Indicators, not everything is as good as we would like, but we are striving to ensure that now we return productivity from cows, now we will be engaged in, say, development, restoration and development, i was told that there was a hit here somewhere, yes , there was a hit here, there was no roof at all, a halfshed, there was no roof, a wall. What was there . Yes, the cows here were finished eating, but due to the fact that there were several hits here, they collapsed, so first of all they restored the premises, which are easier to restore, and this is already in the plans for the premises for 2024. We place the main emphasis on cows, of course , our main one is the milking group, so that the boxes are milked, warm, well, put away, its hard, of course, well, before that i was a miner, a slightly different profile, but still a miners character, yes south don, well, to hard work, as they say, i getting used to it, well, the specifics are a little different here, well, thats okay, as they say, the first days were hard. How people have changed during this time, when they returned to you after active hostilities, you gave them work, understanding, more mutual understanding, but again they became demanding somewhere. Well, thats good, they want to make their production better, here they are, lets do this, lets do that, even at some point they push me, somewhere i say myself, lets do it here we will restore here, and somewhere they say, let s do it there too, that is, they are like that, they have become different, there are several such catchphrases, when there is no school in the village, there is no village, then probably here. You need to apply the proverb if if there werent a farm here, maybe there wasnt even a village, well, people would just leave, probably this farm from the ambassador is still saving valerianovka. They talk about what they had to go through with a smile on their lips, because they have hopes, because there is a very powerful motivator, they have to work to live, we need to restore, so that there is a future, we need to do all this. For the sake of not only yourself, but for the sake of your children, and of course, there must be victory, then, then you can breathe freely. News on channel one. Hello, time for news, first, well tell you about the most important events right now. Less than a day remains until. The main political event the russian president ial elections start tomorrow and will last 3 days. Active preparations are underway throughout the country; polling stations will be opened in every locality. To the citizens today Vladimir Putin addressed the head of state and called on russians to take part in the vote. This, according to him, is extremely important; how russia will develop depends on the results of the upcoming elections. Dear citizens of russia, dear friends. Tomorrow , march 15 , polling stations will open throughout our vast country, and threeday voting will begin for the election of the president of russia. They are being held in russia for the eighth time, which shows the inviolability of one of the basic principles of a democratic state, the regularity of elections. Their results will directly influence for the development of the country in the coming years. This is important, extremely responsible. Selfconfident, we have already proven that we know how to be together, defending the freedom, sovereignty and security of russia, defending our values, traditions, history and culture, acting in conscience and truth, in fairness, we have our own view of how and what kind of country we have to build, what plans to implement, and today it is critical. It is important not to deviate from this path, to achieve what is planned, to achieve the set largescale goals, so a lot in the coming days depends on everyone of you, ill tell you straight, participation in the elections today is a manifestation of patriotic feelings, this is well understood by the residents of donbass and novorussia, who, under the most difficult conditions, voted in referendums for unity with russia, and. These days will also make their choice, our soldiers at the front will vote, they show courage and heroism, defend the fatherland by participating in elections. They set an example for all of us, it is necessary to confirm our unity, determination to move forward together, each of your votes is valuable and significant, so i urge you to in the next 3 days, we will exercise our right to vote, our country is big , everywhere in every city, town, village , polling stations will be open, dear friends, all of us, the multinational people of russia, are one big family, we worry, worry, care about our native country, we want so that it is prosperous, strong, free and prosperous, so that the level and quality of life increases, it will be so, we will do everything exactly the way we want, so i ask you to come to the polls to express your civic. And patriotic position, vote for your candidate of choice, for the successful future of our beloved russia. Thank you. The Central Election Commission today announced the launch of the Information Center. The head of the cec, ella pomfilova, emphasized that this is essentially the main headquarters, where voting data is collected and commented on, and its preliminary results are announced. They are accredited to work there. On other topics, the ministry of defense reported fresh data on the progress of the special operation in the kupinsky direction, units improved the situation along the front line, in the kharkov region region, an attempt to attack by a motorized Infantry Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed forces was stopped. In the avdievsky sector, our fighters repelled eight counterattacks of enemy assault groups, destroying an american bradley infantry fighting vehicle and a counterbattery radar station. Donetsk direction. Russian military personnel occupied more advantageous positions and hit the formation. Near the village of spodaryushino in belgorod , a howitzer, guns and artillery system made in the usa. In addition, another attempt by the Ukrainian Armed forces to break through to the border territory in the region was thwarted. As a result, about 200 were destroyed militants, over a dozen pieces of equipment. And in the kursk region, near the village of tyotkino, at these moments, members of the Russian Guard, together with military personnel from the fsb, are repelling an attack by ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups. Terrorists are trying to break through, there is a battle going on. In addition, the region has been declared at risk of attack by enemy drones. Let me remind you that 2 days ago enemy groups planned to enter not only kursk, but Belgorod Regions. Our military gave a tough rebuff, aviation, Missile Forces and artillery worked. And urgent messages now are coming from belgorod, where ukrainian militants shelled residential areas for the second time in a day. According to the latest information, a woman was killed and injured. Children, 10 air targets were shot down by air Defense Systems on approach to the city. Let me remind you that in the morning, as a result of an attack by the Ukrainian Armed forces, six people were injured; one man, who was driving a car at the time of the impact, died on the spot. Report by dalmira beryukova. At 8 20 in the morning, along the belgorodshebekina highway, many were rushing to work, when suddenly there was an explosion. Damn, damn, damn, eyewitness becomes a tractor driver. The shell landed a few meters away from him. In front of me. The car just exploded just karau, okay, i ran to help people, my god, one of the shells hit a moving car, as you can see, it was all burned out, the driver, unfortunately, died. The shelling came from the direction of volchansk, this is the highway to shibekina, now it is blocked, now everything here is strewn with such debris, presumably cluster munitions. Operational services immediately began working on the spot, the consequences are being eliminated, antiaircraft forces defense worked on several. In general, there is almost no roof anymore, utility workers are repairing the damage, there is also information that highvoltage wires are nailed down, there are no military installations here, olga says, she left for work early in the morning, it saved her, a shell fell next to her house, just there were explosions, we all ran out into the corridor at work and stood there, waiting, but i couldnt even imagine what had come to me, one of the Health Care Institutions in belgorod came under fire, drink in peace, a favorite tactic of ukrainian terrorists, this woman was wounded. Members of a cell from the terrorist organization Russian Volunteer corps, banned in our country. They, on the instructions of the Ukrainian Special services, were going to send parcels with poisoned products to the special operation zone. The gang was caught in an underground Chemical Laboratory set up in a garage. There, operatives found and seized 20 kg of a toxic substance that could have killed thousands of people. Deadly poison was added to flour, cereals, sugar, and coffee. Special equipment opened the package, added the powder, and then resealed it. Such parcels. Our soldiers and civilians in frontline villages were supposed to receive everything that was being prepared for shipment was confiscated during interrogation, the militants realized that in addition to this, they were also collecting intelligence information about important infrastructure facilities in the region in order to prepare seracts. Five regions, hundreds of rescuers, as well as various special equipment. Largescale exercises of the ministry of emergency situations took place on the federal highway m12 east, which currently connects moscow and kazan, and will extend next year to tyumen. The largescale project contributes to the development of automobile tourism, so safety comes first, especially in anticipation of the holiday season. What tasks did the rescuers perform in maria saushkinas report . New federal highway m12 , rescuers eliminate the consequences of a mock accident involving a passenger bus. The accident occurred at the 173rd kilometer of the vostok expressway. According to legend, the driver. Managed to control it, here it is a truck that rammed this metal fence, now disaster medicine provides Emergency Care to victims. According to legend, the truck driver collided with a passenger bus and two cars. Five people died and 27 were injured. At count 34, the task of the Emergency Services is to save the wounded and quickly eliminate them. Conditional victims in the Moscow Region, here in the Nizhny Novgorod region, employees of the ministry of emergency situations are dismantling a barrier fence to relieve the route from many kilometers of tests, and this is the republic of chuvashia during an exercise. Should connect moscow and tyumen in 2025. The m12 vostok highway has been partially launched; in december last year they opened a section to kazan, and this road will be extended to yekaterinburg. Throughout the entire stretch , 4,500 security personnel are involved. These events and about 900 units of equipment, we will continue this work in plans for training on the m4 don highway in the direction, as on the eve of the springsummer period, all holidaymakers will go on vacation to the sea. After the exercise, the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, handed over to the firefighters in the vladimir region, three modern tank trucks were added to the fleet of new special equipment. Grow, so increased attention is paid to security issues. Maria saushkin, the traffic intensity here will only be igor kozachenko, channel one. And that s all for now, right now the program big game is on channel one. Big game, and i, vyacheslav nikinov, live. Good afternoon. Today the president of russia is vladimir. Putin appealed to all citizens of our country, to all of us, to all of you, with a call to fulfill his its a civic duty to go to the polling stations and vote in the president ial elections of the russian federation, every vote is important, thats what the president said. We have already proven that we know how to be together, defending the freedom, sovereignty and security of russia, defending our values ​​and traditions. History and culture, acting in conscience and truth, in justice. We have our own views on how and what kind of country we should build, what plans we should implement. And today it is critically important not to deviate from this path, to achieve what is planned, to achieve the set largescale goals. Goals. Therefore, a lot in the coming days depends on each of you. Ill tell you straight, participation in elections today is a manifestation of patriotic feelings, this is well understood by the residents of donbass and novorussia, who in the most difficult conditions voted in referendums for unity with russia, these days will also make their choice, our soldiers at the front will vote, they show courage and heroism, they defend fiercely, and by participating in elections they serve everyone. We are an example, it is necessary to confirm our unity, determination to move forward together, each of your voices is valuable and it is significant that the elections are truly special, they are the First Special military operations, these are wartime elections, which should demonstrate, among other things , the unity of our society, its readiness to defend our National Interests with a single impulse, and this. Not far from the rear, they were destroyed by aircraft, smashing them, well, at least several battalions of infantry, that is, i dont know, as if in order to remove, kill so many people, to be honest, i dont know what their politicians are thinking about, but obviously not they think about the interests of their people and even their army, because you and i talked on the program that they are counterattacking there, trying to hold us off, well , they held us off for a week, but a breakthrough began below, yes, that is, krasnogorsk is there, we are starting to cover it from the south, from the north yesterday the day before yesterday they improved their positions. And accordingly , the enemy understands that this is also dangerous, he removed these reserves from berdychi, transferred them to krasnogoraka, however, this has not helped them on krasnoye yet, but in berdychi we are again moving forward, in orlovka, that is, everywhere they seem to have what we said a couple of weeks ago, that there is not enough reserve, where it breaks thinly, you can see that they are already becoming thin here and there and there, by the way, thats the briad that they put there lay now in the Belgorod Region , they dont have enough of it here either, imagine if there was a fresh brigade there, it would be. Harder for us, so to be honest, despite the fact that of course you wouldnt envy the residents of the Belgorod Kursk region, with the Military Point of view, well , they made a big mistake and forgave ours soldiers are moving forward, also very good news is coming again from mikhailovka, there is also moving forward there, and the enemy has admitted this, but i heard that good news is coming along the way, of course, in heavy labor, of course, at the chasovyar, i hope that in the coming days we will also be given some here success, thank you very much, accurate as always. And they will repair it and put it into battle again, well, as they say, something went wrong, and the tanks were lost, the Armored Vehicles were lost, but just for such actions, of course, this ammunition will be used, fire support is needed, really there is a price for this too, they destroyed sau caesar, when he talks about haymarc missiles, you need to understand that these are not the same missiles that we knew before, but these are these new missiles that they have already tested, these are. To promote ourselves, and this is exactly the ammunition that is needed, and there is a very interesting article spare parts for maintenance, auxiliary equipment, because the equipment will be carried away by the same bradley infantry fighting vehicle, and how to repair it, and disassemble it, as if from another impossible, need spare parts, therefore, they are forced to supply them, but this significant help at the front will not have any impact, because it is like a drop in the ocean, if they used it for serious purposes, it would only last for a couple of days. For the republican opposition, these data indicate that there is no need to vote for the allocation of money to ukraine, because , in principle, the military department is able to periodically scrape together something from its warehouses, yes, they are great specialists, scrape something up from dark corners that no one knows. With us now in direct contact is vladimir razin, a military correspondent for the popular front, he works for the watch in the vyara direction, where, as ivanovich podalyaka said, we have good prospects, but there is still a lot more to come. Works vladimir andreevich, good afternoon, what news do you have . Good afternoon, yes, indeed, the artyomovsk direction and the immediate suburb, chasyara remain one of. The hottest spots on the line of combat contact, in ivanovskoye, we are moving forward, most of the village is behind us, the enemy remains behind the western outskirts of this settlement, which is located at a height that causes some difficulties for our military in terms of advancement, from bogdanovka, also in bogdanovka our guys have gained a foothold quite confidently, the second part of the village it remains virtually in the gray zone, behind the chasyarov in direct fire, lets say, in the most populated area of ​​chasyar , a fairly large number of mercenaries are now accumulating, but again here you need to understand that they are accumulating there until the moment we enter the city, not urban battles began, because something tells us that as soon as urban battles begin , aviation will join in at about 10 00 a. M. , which, by the way, is now working quite seriously in a targeted manner. According to the accumulations of reserves that literally arrive there every day, the city itself will hold out for about the same amount of time as avdeevka did when the city battles began, so now the main task on our part is to completely liberate ivanovsko and reach such a main intersection that uh just south of the clock is located, and accordingly, the outskirts of the populated area begin there, from where you can enter the city, thank you very much, this is vladimir razin, a military correspondent for the popular front from the artemovsk direction. Why is the significance of this settlement of chasy so great . It would seem a small regional center, but it is located at the highest point of the geographical map, it dominates the entire district, and from it a direct road to the west of ukraine actually opens up, so this. But i i think our parts are so they are already intensively approaching the clock , that the clock when a serious offensive begins, they are already, and it also opens an approach to the south, to slavyansk, kramatorsk slavyansk, this is the very place from which we did not enter when we tried to liberate these cities before , and exactly at those positions from where they fired artillery at us , firing positions are closed, if we are now. The sbu has opened a hunt for miss donbass 2011, this is of course a form of such informationpsychological aggression, if they think that they can me intimidate them they are very much mistaken about this. I will continue to do my job. A famous artist, born in russia, lived in russia, but for ukraine he is still supposedly ukrainian. They have double standards. I was brought up in the russian cultural code, but im still ukrainian. And the exhibition train will travel across russia with various exhibitions. Which tells about the courage and heroism of the Russian Military antifake premiere tomorrow at the first best of all new season on sunday at the first cognac old barrel product of the Stellar Group in our studio they sound songs and poems dedicated to the defenders of our fatherland. The ordinary world is not promised by fate with its usual course of affairs and days, i wanted to thank him for the strength to win. All the doctors, volunteers, surgeons, excuse me, im already in tears, because i live, and these brothers are there with me, its worth it, when you drew, what were you thinking . I was thinking about victory, on saturday on the first, its not for nothing that crimea is considered the cradle of russian orthodoxy, here 2000 years ago on. We know that he was a fisherman, we know that he was one of the closest and beloved disciples of christ, he was considerable, but tall , bravast, bignosed, with gray, slightly disheveled hair, there cannot be a last judgment until all nations know about christ, so someone must reach the limits of the universe and preach christ, including including a scythian, this is actually the thread that has connected us since the third century, because the scythians lived on our. Christ, he was crucified on just such a cross, this is the letter x, such a banner across the whole country, which accuses christ and which accuses faith of the Apostle Andrew the firstcalled. Firstcalled premiere on saturday at the first. Welcome to the city of kirov. Vyatka, kirov. Vyatka, of course, kirov. Lets go, lets go. Its time for milking, but brown cows give chocolate milk. No it is not true. Lets try to make a bird. The simplest figurine in demkovskaya toys. It turns out to be some kind of penguin. Karynych was a stern , dangerous predator, powerful. It was clear that there was a coup in the state, there was no power in the country, such a good situation had been created in which it was possible to make decisions in accordance with the expression of the will people. Aksyonov stood here and said guys, we need to close off all strategically important objects. We sent a letter to the leadership of the russian federation, we understood that we ourselves would not be able to control the situation, we need to quickly have our already Russian Troops arrive, transfer crimea to ukraine this is a historical oversight that was corrected by a referendum, more than 96 were in favor of reunification with russia, we are in russia, guys, hurray for the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia, crimea, as it was, premiere, march 17th on the first, big game, live western countries really hoped that the russian economy would be torn to shreds, especially in the runup to the elections, but bloomberg dedicated his report to exactly what the forecast looks like. Russian economy. Lets listen. Two years after the invasion of ukraine, Many Russians have reason to believe that the wartime economy is performing well. Wages are showing doubledigit growth, the ruble has stabilized, poverty and unemployment are at record lows, on the eve of the president ial elections in russia , dissatisfaction among the population and the economy is largely absent. Mostly absent, but they did indeed publish a growth chart. Wages in our country, there was a drop, and we will notice it, it began even before the start of a special military operation, it was associated with covid, and after that wages grow quite seriously, and much more than in the west, this is what is happening in the west, these are the latest eurostat data on the fall in Industrial Production in the eurozone in january decreased by 6. 7 compared to the same period last year, this is. A very serious drop, and if we look at the countries, then germany, of course, is also among the leaders of this decline, well, in sweden citizens were asked stock up on canned food already. The consequences of joining nato and antirussian sanctions, as i understand it, swedish citizens should appreciate the sharp tilt of their state towards an aggressive policy, an aggressive bloc, they were portrayed as more neutral, but in general the industry the European Union has not yet reached its lowest points, that is, for a long time they can observe this wavelike downward movement, a reduction in the real sector, simply because it. Changes its policy regarding oil, and if World Oil Prices from the current level there, around 83 per barrel will go down, and opec plus will stop supporting the american expansion of production due to its reduction, will lower prices for a while, just let prices fall, this will be a new blow for the economy of the European Union, because there everything is still expensive to produce, resources are scarce, they are very expensive, and other countries will take advantage of this additional benefit of temporarily low prices. On hydrocarbons will accelerate production growth, the European Union will accelerate its downward movement , that is, they are in a situation where any major events in the world economy, or nearworld economy, such as, for example, the action of the yemeni houthis, lead to a worsening of the situation in the European Union, yes , and this european economy, not to mention as for industry, it is still at a level below 2007, they have not yet recovered from that crisis, they are still below 2007. He took the initiative to send european, nato troops to the territory of ukraine, the initiative was very sour, to put it mildly, it was met his allies, including the United States, germany and so on, from the latest news were supported by estonia, but not exactly supported by greece, and today his exclusive interview on issues of ukraine and the future of europe was announced, which, as i understand it, lepen commented on my view. The message is very very correct, and what he wants to say to the french people, marina lepin is now, by the way, the most popular politician in france, lets listen to her. Fortunately, macrons bellicose statement was unanimously rejected by the international community, from washington to berlin, from oslo to madrid. Taking this opportunity, i would like to remind those of our officials who confuse verbiage with firmness, which is the best. Strategic ambiguity silence that plunges the enemy into uncertainty. This wise model of behavior, unfortunately, has been forgotten. Having drawn denial from many capitals regarding the deployment of troops, Emmanuel Macron has unfortunately finally appeased Vladimir Putin. Well, an even more interesting statement on the eve of macrons speech, and anticipating what he would say there, was made by dominique devpin, the former Prime Minister of france. Lets. If we send troops to ukraine, we cannot be sure whether other countries will enter the conflict on russias side, not will we be confronted by african , asian, middle eastern fighters , will the countries of the global south, who also want to settle the score with the west, join them, if the western europeans and the french send their soldiers there, do you think there will be solidarity on the side of russia . , i suppose we need to ask this question, in any case, our diplomats did not do everything. Necessary in order to isolate russia in the international arena. If russia were isolated, we would see this. I think that we are actually more isolated than russia. And another worrying issue the likelihood that new conflicts will flare up. Ukraine is a dangerous situation, but what happens if another front opens . There are already battles in gas in the middle east, the situation on the akai peninsula and africa remains tense, then we will wage war on five continents. You must take this reality into account. It is very logical to understand that you believe that the third law of physics is somehow canceled, that is, you can try to break a wall with your forehead and the wall will not answer you, probably everything is different, we we understand very well how much macron has disgraced himself in africa, he was probably just lazy not to say that now those african states that treated france with reverence are now not only deprived of this reverence, but understand perfectly well that france is not without vulnerability against france you can speak out, france is not a force. Scholz stands to death for now, let s listen to him, i want to take bc by the horns and make it clear that we carefully weigh all decisions, prudence is not a weakness, but it is what citizens have the right to in this country, we are talking about longrange weapons , the range of which reaches 500 km, since when using it it is important not to lose control over it, it will not be possible to use it without the deployment of the german military, i do not consider it possible to allow its use without german soldiers, it will be necessary. Decide where to aim, where to shoot and strike, german soldiers should not do this, i have a responsibility, germany cannot be allowed to participate in this war, i reject this option. And now information has just arrived about the fact that another resolution was introduced in the bundestag on sending taurus to ukraine, it was rejected. Well, the weaker the hegemon, the more independent his suzerains become, yes, who are here. States of america, macron went all out , having lost all the battles in africa, he decided to think that he would find the glory of napoleon, which one i dont know anymore, and scholz he took more. After the usa he is the main sponsor, now he is simply the main sponsor the Ukrainian Military machine, but at the same time scholz arrives, just like macron, and hes coming here seriously, he got it here from anwar ibrahim, the Prime Minister of malaysia, who negotiated with him, and then they went to a press conference and started talking about israel. Lets listen, first to scholz, and then to the reaction of his malaysian colleague. Germany has a clear position israel has the right to selfdefense against hamas. We have always made this clear in recent days, weeks and months, and this remains unchanged. Israel can count on this. We have a clear position. Regarding what is needed now, she includes the release of hostages , the delivery of humanitarian aid, it includes the prospect of a twostate solution, i have already spoken about this before, but i want to mention it again, this is also important for us, we strongly supported the creation of the state of israel, politics in germany will continue to develop in this direction, i dont know who supported the creation of the state of israel, it was 1947, when in germany there was no subjectivity at all, it was an occupied territory, what are they there could they . Support, but the Prime Minister of malaysia was not outraged by this, he was outraged by something else, lets listen to him, decades of cruelty cannot be erased, it is impossible to find a solution using such a onesided approach and not paying attention to 60 years of cruelty, the solution is not only to release the hostages, i support their release, but this will not solve the problem, what about the settlements, what about the behavior of the settlers, who have not changed it to this day, what about the land grabs, what about dignity . Why is he so selective . Attitude towards a certain race, and towards each other . I cannot accept the fact that when discussing a problem, we address only a single incident to only one of the affected parties, forgetting about the many thousands since 1947. This is how they accused him of racism. A very accurate conclusion. Israel has indeed moved into position. Nazism openly, the soviet union at one time criticized the state of israel, supporting the arab struggle for independence, for free development, but if we talk about the Palestinian People, then the Palestinian People has the right to his territory, his country was stolen from him, this is not just some kind of state of israel, created by a decision of the un, which seized some part of the territory, there should have been some completely different state entity there, which is not had to. Eradicate, expel the indigenous population, because this indigenous population is the same Old Testament jews who are described in the bible, and the arrival there of immigrants from Different Countries who are ideological jews, the founders this israel, this is essentially, strictly speaking, a movement, the creation of israel, a movement against those people who have full historical right to this land on which they live, now they are exiled, they are being killed in gas, this is. A crime, well, the situation there is of course much more complicated than what you described; the soviet union itself at one time also proposed the creation of the state of israel, but there was a formula of the then three states of israel, palestine, an arab state and an independent state, which would include into jerusalem and bethlehem under the auspices of the united nations. Of course, this formula, it has been absolutely destroyed by israel in recent years and. After advertising, the minds of russia cannot understand, the common arshins cannot measure, it has a special meaning, one can only believe in russia, two feelings are wonderfully close to us, in them one finds food for the heart, love for ones native ashes, love for ones fathers tombs, dont sleep, dont sleep. Artist, do not indulge in sleep, you are a hostage of time in captivity for eternity. Hiss, be angry, my friends, wedge, you are not with them quarrel with me. To your great regret, i am not going to fight with you, about your lies, about your statement about yourself, i just dont give a damn. When in vain you resort to words, it will not help you again, and you will not wash away the poet of russia with all your black blood. Righteous blood. Civilization premiere, film eight. Russia, part two. Today is the first one. You carry me like a river. Well, he sang the most important song for me. When we first met, i personally didnt have any idea of ​​guessing him as a future national artist. Possibilities. These are guys from our yard, this style is closer to me, that is, this is the intimate conversation of the audience. I am very grateful to the viewer for the fact that these 30odd years have been with us, god willing, everything will be fine in our future, i drew a cat for you there, he knows that you love them, who doesnt love them . Lyuba, lyuba is on the first day tomorrow. One morning you wake up and feel that your heart is ready to open to something new. We want to create the effect of a metal sheet, but what happens there doesnt matter, we never know what will happen, because here there are no rules at all, hands, delight, we were here, i offer a quest, we still have one detail missing. Maybe strong, slender and aesthetic, my god, how i love it all, its incredibly beautiful , its truly an antique, but now to put everything in order, about comfort, the premiere on saturday at the first, 10 years ago the dream of millions of crimeans came true , the peninsula was reunited with russia, ive been living in crimea since 1960, when we went over to russia, our poverty ended, our people really came, now for 10 years i have been living in this state of euphoria, the heart of crimea is open to everyone, people from all regions of russia began to come to the peninsula, the crimean bridge was completed and opened, an airport was built , roads, hospitals, kindergartens appeared in crimea, delight. I began to see fields that were abandoned, that is, everything was involved, hello, my vines, they are alive, an absolutely incomprehensible phrase, what is our crimea, and what else, on the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia, the premiere of the documentary series is on saturday on the first. Songs and poems are heard in our studio, dedicated to the defenders of our fatherland. On saturday on the first, welcome, city of kirov, vyatka, kirov, vyatka, of course, kiev , lets go, lets go, its time for milking, its true that brown cows give chocolate milk, no, its not true, lets try to make a bird, the simplest figurine in demkovskaya toy. The big game live, the United States Election Campaign has entered a new phase with both parties candidates for the presidency in place as both President Biden and former President Trump have already received a sufficient number of delegate votes after the primaries took place on the second super tuesday. And cnn has already announced that trump has the required number of votes. Can officially declare that donald trump has crossed the threshold. Sat down with the then president roosevelt and was very revered among the south of america, and he was so active, like a skating rink, they just gave him applause, and he showed the results, he was a former governor of louisiana, he was a sitting senator, in 1935 there were 3 months left before the elections , its easy shot, it seemed that everything was fine with him, and he could go directly to the finish line, but we always talk about kennedy, we forget about this incident, and it seemed to me, i began to compare historical parallels, and it seemed to me that huey long. Very similar to the story that is now developing with trump, even if trump wins, even if a miracle happens, it will change something in america, it will lead to nonrecognition of these elections, why, of course, will there be a riot, and, of course, there will be a huge number of demonstrations were taken to the streets, and if trump will be condemned, they will simply turn away from him, and do not forget one simple thing, it is the congress, both the Democratic Party and the republican, that can take it and change it. It was a good movie, by the way. Uh, really, anything can happen, in america there are many, uh, candidates who didnt live to see election day. Serious situation. And in america , the Economic Situation means a lot to the outcome of the election. Eh, indeed, as a rule, if the president is incumbent and the economy is functioning well, he is reelected. If not, then no. Here in america. Biden says that everything is wonderful, although he confuses everything all the time, he already managed to give a speech after he received the required number of votes, where he stated that just this week it will be exactly 4 years since he joined for the presidency, well, it turned out that this is all not true, of course, a little more, because in fact he assumed the presidency not in march, in january, and not 4 years ago, three, but its like. And somewhere there were actually quite good such processes, active, active investment, job growth, they did this, for example, the american middle class is now going bankrupt, going bankrupt rapidly, but those who work at the lowest level of the labor market notice that there is such a biden increase in wages, these people cross the border, find themselves in the United States, they are still paid more than a year or two ago, such interesting features, Oil Production is growing, the stock market is growing, everyone understands that this is a bubble that at any moment. The class of the United States will never reach the level of 1980, they really , if you count real incomes, had a bad year, yes, but nevertheless, so far they cannot reach what they were 40 years ago in terms of living standards, a really serious thing, well and trump, having already won the Prime Ministers, announced what his main priorities would be on the first day of his presidency, so lets listen to mine. That is, the question here is open, what does it mean by ending the conflict and what does it mean ending financing of ukraine, because in words it all looks quite smooth, but it may be different, but for example, the same zelensky, when he said, i will end, as they say, this war, i will achieve peace, how is he there, he decided it achieve with the help of weapons, and we also see how this turned out for ukraine, so for now its just words, but we will judge by deeds. You need to understand that trump is the same player against russia as biden, but on a different scale, and he is my friend, no matter how some might hope, but the president of our country said that he Still Believes that biden is preferable for russia, i also think so, biden is a very promising politician and can ruin america even further at a much greater pace than he is doing now, tonight. In 1950, see the final a film from our civilization project, the last film will be dedicated to russia, russia as a cosmic civilization, as a cultural civilization, as a television civilization, because our television is unlike anything else in the world, civilization cinematic civilization of our holidays, our new. Our olivier salad and our First Channel, indeed, civilization is what now determines the fate of the planet, and the forces that oppose this vampire ball, but the day after tomorrow you can already vote for the president , the president ial elections are starting, everyone is off to the polls, lets do our civic duty, because our job is. On the right, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news and see you again at 17 00. Hello, on the First Channel news release, in the studio of maxim sherafuddinov. And at the beginning, new data from the ministry of defense, our military, with preemptive actions, thwarted another attempt by the Ukrainian Armed forces to break into the border territory. Russia in the area of ​​the village of spodoryushina. This is in the Belgorod Region. Air strikes hit the enemy

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