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Hello, live on the first channel, time will tell the program, im artyom shenin, today, like the previous 2 days, im starting program with messages that are generally predictable about the activity of the terrorist kiev regime, which is predictable for. All of us these days has become quite active, this is officially reported by the ministry of defense that tonight 48 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 58 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles were intercepted over territories of the belgorod, bryansk, voronezh, kursk, leningrad, ryazan regions, the same was reported about. Not a single one, not a single one of the goals that they set for themselves last year, they achieved, and moreover, now the initiative has completely passed to our armed forces, everyone knows this, everyone recognizes it, here i think i wont say anything new, but against the backdrop of those failures they need to show at least something, and mainly attention. And a vile enemy, accordingly, and you need to behave more calmly and focusedly, in fact, this is a great interview that Vladimir Putin gave today to Dmitry Kiselyov, it is about a lot of things that precisely relate to the context of that confrontation and where it is moving, and how is it determined . Once again there are a lot of signals, both for us and for us, and it seems to me that this interview is a very important framework for discussing what is happening in general and where everything is heading, now we will discuss a short advertisement later. March 17, special edition of the time program russian president ial elections. Of all the civilizations living on the planet today, the most ancient is chinese. China has almost always been the most populous country and the first economy in the world. We can recall the famous travel book of marco pola, an italian merchant, with a huge he described with amazement the power and level of Economic Development that he observed in chinese cities at the end of the 13th century, the miniature monochronic painting, chinese poetry, sophisticated literature, china, of course, was ahead in sophistication, well, almost all countries. After the end of the second world war. The soviet union immediately took patronage over china. More than 10 thousand specialists from the soviet union worked in china and created almost the entire modern chinese economy. One of the first decisions of denzio pina, after he became the leader of china was the creation of an institute for the study of bukharins ideas, so that the chinese model of nepa operates in china. Premiere of civilization. Film seven, china. Today is the first one. I didnt think it would end like this. According to our legend, Petro Poroshenko is recruiting fighters for his personal private military company. What is the average price for training one soldier . Euro per person, includes accommodation and three meals a day. This is the average price per week for a ukrainian serviceman, that is, this is how much he spent. Money, but im not going to participate assault operations, its too dangerous, i want to help the country, but at the same time i really want to live, all the places where foreign mercenaries gather are high targets for our missilemen, the van and lexus show is on the first day. 10 years ago, the dream of millions of crimeans came true, the peninsula was reunited with russia, since the sixtieth year. I live in crimea, when we switched to russia, our poverty ended. Our people really came, for 10 years now, i have been living in a state of euphoria. The heart of crimea is open to everyone, on people from all regions of russia began to come to the peninsula, the crimean bridge was completed and opened, an airport was built, roads, hospitals, kindergartens appeared in crimea, delight. I stopped seeing fields that were abandoned, that is, everything was used. Hello, my vines, they are alive, an absolutely incomprehensible phrase, what is our crimea, and what else, for the tenth anniversary of reunification. Crimea with russia, the premiere of the documentary series on saturday on the first. It is not for nothing that crimea is considered the cradle of russian orthodoxy; here, 2. 0 years ago, he began his journey through the future russian lands, Apostle Andrew, patron saint of our country. We know that he was a fisherman, we know that he was one of the closest and beloved disciples of christ. He was not a big man, but he was tall. Brovaz, nasad, with a little gray hair. Luscious hair, there can be no last judgment until all nations know about christ, so someone must reach the ends of the universe and preach christ, including the scythians, this is actually the thread that has connected us since the 2nd century, because the scythians lived on our territory, peter dedicates the order to andrey, Apostle Andrew is our patron, the apostle stood on a high stone, prayed for the dedication of the people of khersanes, and the stone became like wax, and his feet were imprinted on the stones, why is the st. Andrews cross a symbolic name. Because it resembles the letter x. Christ. He was crucified on just such a cross. This letter x, such a sign, across the whole country, which christ accuses and which the faith of the Apostle Andrew the firstcalled is accused of. Andrew the firstcalled, premiere. On saturday, on the first. Time will tell the program, we continue to work live. And i always start the program with the words that we are discussing the most important and most relevant, and you know, today, in fact, naturally, one of the main places on the agenda is occupied by an interview with Vladimir Putin, and not only, although therefore, of course, too, that he is the president of the Russian Federation , our Supreme Commanderinchief, but also because , in fact, this large and very detailed interview really touches on the most important points that form the agenda today, both international and domestic, in fact, also. And as for the international agenda, it seems to me that they are touched upon there, and in a very interesting and indicative way in terms of what is happening, so i said, the context of what is happening, which determines, well, our idea of ​​where this is all moving or can move, and there were many very important points in this interview that are very important for discussion and for understanding the current situation, in general i want to say in this. Right here at the beginning of this conversation to say that you know , here the interview that Dmitry Kiselyov had with Vladimir Putin, with all due respect to anglosaxon journalism to the greatness of tucker carlson, in my opinion, and not because im in russia, but Dmitry Kiselyov heads the russian news agency, because, well, thats really the case, in my opinion, it is head and shoulders above and. Precisely because it was a conversation with a proposal to reflect with reflection, that is why so many things turned out, in my opinion, i could be wrong, much more somehow so deep and interesting, in general, respect to dmitry kiselev, tucker, dont be offended, youre still young, you still have everything ahead of you, youll have other bright interviews, well, were discussing the interview about which. I said, very revealing the moment where the conversation started, its not even about Nuclear Weapons from the point of view of use in a conflict, what is important, from the point of view of testing, conducting, not conducting, and so on, it is very important to listen to this, this fragment from this very place, i will explain later , why please, we know that in the United States is considering the possibility of conducting such tests , is this connected with. Not necessarily, we need it, we dont need it, we still need to think about it, but i dont rule out that we can do the same thing, well, we are technically ready for this, yes we are always ready, i want it to be clear, this is not, these are not ordinary types of weapons, this is the type of military service that is in constant combat readiness, but weapons exist in order to be used. We have our own principles, what they say is that we are ready use weapons, including any weapons, including those about which. No one understands them and does not want to understand them and does not want to hear about them, the most important thing and look, you bring a fairly weighty publication, this is weighty, this is not garbage in any case, these are people about whom we can at least assume that there , well, its like 2 2 4, there the volga flows into the caspian sea, its not a fact that they know this, but its not like that, here you are telling the truism, the volga flows into the caspian sea, and. Which caspian sea does it exactly fall into, and to whom does it belong to what part of the equator does it belong to . American journalists, british journalists, the anglosaxon world in general , they live by slightly different rules, they have now understood one simple thing, they have lost the information vector, they dont have the vector with which to set this agenda, it has already become so old, the problem is only one , we talked to you, if a rainbow lasts too long, people stop paying attention to it, at some point too. Much has been said about Nuclear Weapons, and this is a topic to which ordinary citizens have now stopped reacting, so they conducted surveys in the United States of america, great britain, and asked how often do you Pay Attention to headlines that contain the Words Nuclear war and nuclear threat, mainly older people up to 35 years old, this is generally not interesting, at the age of 35 to 45 years old they periodically read and say, perhaps this is a threat, in people aged from 45 to. 55 years old, they treat this as a fact of a personal threat, then it why . And its done first of all, for this sample , for the sample of the population that needs to be regularly intimidated by the terrible russians, the fact is that it is not just destruction, but the total destruction of the entire world, that is , by and large now, when Vladimir Vladimirovich putin said that we have a question of our survival, only in the conditions of our survival can we use Nuclear Weapons. And no one wants to read the Nuclear Doctrine of the United States of america, under what conditions they can use Nuclear Weapons, a cyber attack on our hospital, we use Nuclear Weapons , look at the powers of the president of the United States of america to use Nuclear Weapons, and , by and large, any falsified document, when the head of the cia comes to you and says i have comprehensive data that a cyber attack was carried out by this or that country, we will launch a Nuclear Strike on them , thats it, no judges , no one is needed, our Nuclear Doctrine is completely different, they know this Nuclear Doctrine, no one wrote about this Nuclear Doctrine, but now they understand that there is no coalition, the western world has fallen the full program, we may believe it , we may not believe it, but there are fewer and fewer people being thrown into the basket for ukraine, we need to create new precedents, what else can we do to intimidate you, yeah, but you know, the opposite effect, they didnt hear, they didnt hear, the press came out, there was a lot of noise, but after that even one person said, im ready to give a lot of money to ukraine, i m ready to introduce now. Some special conditions, no, they listen and dont do it, uhhuh, uhhuh, i understand, thats it after all, the press is the press, i do not underestimate, although i do not exaggerate its importance on the course of events there, but it is understandable. What well, it forms a certain context in which western politicians can make certain decisions there, not make them, promote the same money, the same allocation of funds, i understand perfectly well that demonizing russia is a way to influence congress to allocate money, i understand everything, but when it comes to such sensitive things as Nuclear Weapons, it would seem, it would seem, well , im a naive russian boy who grew up in the nineties, i still have this kind of trauma that. The usa can more nuclear ones will be needed weapons. Quote. I would say at this stage the administration has not made a decision as to whether we need more, but we are looking at it very, very carefully. Accordingly, the question is what did the press hear and why did it build what it built . We more or less understand that, in your opinion, they heard from a purely militarytechnical point of view on the truly important issue under discussion. A few words about the press to make the transition clear. There is such a thesis, which was invented by the american philosopher haning, called the nebula index text, it means difficulty in perceiving an article in a newspaper, conventionally, index 10 is 10 classes of education, 15 is already a Higher Education required, 20 is already a scientific article, and so we have recently seen a very strong decrease in this article index this is so chewed up, very primitively written, when you read the western press, you think, why is it so simply stated. Somehow completely, that is, they understated it as much as possible in order to influence the masses of people who do not have, let alone a Higher Education, sometimes unfinished average, lets call it that, but the establishment politicians, of course, dont read, they dont sing karuza, they listen to it in the first sources, so of course they listen first of all to what our president said, from the place from which it began, began, that they they heard about it, they know, first, russia is ahead of the collective. The west in terms of technology , including from the point of view of strategic weapons, i remind you that the anglosaxons, the british, the americans, have unified systems, seemingly different countries, but the american ones, which means intercontinental missiles are on british submarines, and these missiles have not been updated for 50 years, well, we remember, a few weeks ago there was a test, this missile did not take off, it took off, but fell next to the submarine, that is, they have a problem with carriers that are long overdue change. And the problem with the charges, which they also didnt have new technologies, its all happening in a complex. Russia is ahead both in new carriers, these are hypersonic systems, these are intercontinental cruise missiles, burevestnik, and in new technologies and the president said about this today that they spent trillions of dollars on Missile Defense, including bringing it closer to our borders, billions of dollars are spent on it and the lions share of their military budget, our hypersonic complex. Remembering this, what does he want to tell them, it doesnt look like he wanted to scare them, he doesnt look like he wanted to create some kind of threat, he wants to convey something to everyone with this, thats the question, whats my understanding , we have already discussed here, but if you go into a ward with mentally ill people, they are running, its very difficult to convince them with some words, but the sound of a shot will cheer them up, they will stop and look with a rather frightened look. In my understanding, on that side, people have been a little irradiated by their own propaganda, it seems to them that russians are weak, russians are indecisive and in general they have no Nuclear Weapons, here we have Aerospace Forces that are almost flying, that putin is trying to be very calm with these explanations they still need to be brought to their senses, but he didnt use the word Nuclear Weapons, nuclear bomb, because the elite dont such direct threats are required , like this. Then they wrote in the newspapers, he very tactfully told them, gentlemen, we have Rapid Reaction troops, they are ready for use, right away, we have the highest level of new technologies, like we have in country, as well as in the world, and the most important thing, no matter how you try to create a Missile Defense system, pull it up to our border and so on, we will overcome all this, we will get you there at home, this was a very serious hint to them that gentlemen, if you want to play your concept about relatively speaking, when hitler stationed troops near our border in 1941, he told us guys, this is not about you, dont worry, we are conducting training away from the british, we are fighting with them so that they dont see , and then at one moment there was a border crossing, so now, when the americans can give this command to cross the border, they are warned that guys, there will be a very serious mess, think about what you are planning to do in europe, i understand, we well develop this topic further, because its also for me seems very interesting. In a sense , Vladimir Putin touched on the word in an unexpected way for me, but now , based on what we discussed about the western reaction to words about tests and nontests, such a standard statement for the thousand and first time, that our Nuclear Triad is always ready for, but its the same as saying that the sun rises in the east, sets in the west, people dont understand, they are hysterical, the elite also dont understand, they understand and dont understand, to me in this sense. What i wonder why i keep asking this question the question is, for what purpose does the president and Supreme Commander go there, what can one expect from the other side . Look, we conclude that neither the press nor, in general, apparently, politicians, who, as they say, have been irradiated by their own propaganda, are not yet ready to return to reality, and against this background we continue, in this case, through the mouth of our president and Supreme Commander in chief. Nevertheless, to talk about readiness for negotiations, well, here is a fragment from an interview on this topic, please, we are ready are we ready for negotiations . Yes, ready, but only . We are ready for negotiations that are not based on some kind of wishes, after the use of psychotopic drugs, but are based on the realities that have developed, as they say in such cases, on earth. On earth , well, its very interesting to me that if we understand that people in a conversation about Nuclear Weapons and so on, well, are not able to somehow reason sensibly, either because of unpreparedness, or because of reluctance there , then this conversation about readiness about negotiations, but conditionally on fair grounds , in general, in your opinion, how fruitful it is today, and if it continues, then in anticipation of. What, you know, then lets ask another question, and what then should do our president , im not saying that he is doing something wrong, look, when our president once again, by the way, he really had a message, he talked about the possibility of our response, now he directly spoke about technical readiness, you think this is an obvious thing, what next . Our president must do, for example, i agree that he is talking about the fact that we can use Nuclear Weapons, because. We know, we have already advised him and prompted him , among other things, but lets move on from talking, we are still there they dont hear, the same conversation, the same argument , thats what you say, they dont hear us there, and they really dont hear us, but putin on the one hand says, technically, we are ready to defend our country by accepting Nuclear Weapons, everyone hears this, immediately he says we are ready for negotiations, no one hears this, there is not a single headline, putin is ready for negotiations, its good that you paid attention to this, they see what they want. In the end, the United States still believed that the catastrophe was absolutely real, although then, unlike now, they had a serious superiority in nuclear potential, lets be honest, now the situation is different, and putin talks about it, that we have nuclear potential and colleagues said about this that russias nuclear potential is very serious, and also since im returning to this test, so we need to move on, as they say, to the use of Nuclear Weapons, which ones . And Vladimir Putin said in this interview that whoever erases his red lines in relation to us, in relation to them, ours will be erased, no, remember the message, he said directly, if your troops end up there, but you realize that you become actually legitimate targets for us, that is, he said all this, so when you ask the president , so whats next, they dont hear what youll do next, thats it a very dramatic moment, because then. For me it was a very interesting story when i listened to the interview, and it became even more interesting when we literally went on air, a message came that the official representative of the mit russia, maria zakharova, on the issue of negotiations, said that russia did not intends to take part in such a conference, speaking about a conference in switzerland on ukraine, russia does not intend to take part in such a conference, even if it is officially invited, and when explaining the reasons, i will emphasize. This forum will be dedicated to promoting zelenskys ultimatum formula, although its swiss organizers pretend that they are looking for a common denominator of peace initiatives of different countries, that is, as if everything is even more complicated than we just discussed, many times more complicated, so we are asking the question, and against to whom were these threats directed, no, not threats, never threats, the fact is that american politicians at different levels, they believe first of all the reports that come to them, but these reports are shortcuts, they are not made every day. Format, now this is a definite reason for rant, for the rukin institute, for the cia Research Institute to begin conducting a serious analysis very quickly, an analysis of what konstantin vasilyevich and i talked about, which, roughly speaking, where the key question is a strategic and tactical strike, this is what they have summed up many times, because the same brookings institute, when they were preparing certain studies, says russia. Is only capable of scaring us with tactical Nuclear Weapons, while others they say listen, stop, russia will not play this, if it hits, it will hit for real, well, you must admit, we just saw in our conversation about the same thing, someone says lets sting, they will crawl away, someone says what if they dont crawl away . Here it is very important, who will be this verifier . These verifiers are those structures that are trusted, so. Im speaking directly on their behalf, how scared they are of this, they can destroy, yes they can, these words, they are spoken primarily for those who in the future will make decisions, but not for now, negotiations, oh, these negotiations, they are now preparing a negotiating position, guys, we are not interested in your proposals, we are not interested in your ultimatums, we explained to you, we know our worth, we know that we stand in the world, we know who is coming for us, we know that we alone are ready to fight and. Stand, and you . This is where we return to what you started talking about, in this context, this conversation about the possibility of introducing some nato contingents there, although now they are already they began to stipulate that these might not be nato contingents, that these would be contingents, very interesting, seyarta, in my opinion, said yesterday, yes, in my opinion, siyarta, that in general such a story is being discussed now, that these will be military contingents of certain countries eu, as if eu countries, uh, in some other places, uh, in order to free up Ukrainian Military contingents to participate in hostilities on the contact line, then i think that polish troops will never leave there, well , it seems to me so, in in this case then because they will want to return, they dream and see, they want to return. Uh those lands that are considered historically theirs and which were taken from them by the father of nations joseph vasirovich stalin. And transferred to ukraine, they, of course , want to return them, and if official polish units enter there, they are unlikely to leave, but then their example may be followed by other countries that lost part of their territory as a result of the second world war, and i think what geopolitical consequences will follow for ukraine, even from the point of view of preserving it statehood in its modern form. I personally found it very interesting and in all its fulllength beauty. Thats whats quite unusual in these words of Vladimir Putin, what i heard in this, that Pay Attention, when talking about the polish contingent, Vladimir Vladimirovich calls it there a nato contingent, there are some other contingents there, he reminds that they can enter on the territories that were taken from. More by joseph stalin, that is, it reminds everyone that ukraine outside the soviet union is absolutely artificial the state, consisting of scraps that were pulled as a result of the wars waged by the soviet union, reminds of this, and further, completing this fragment, he does not even say any kind of reaction, that is, he says, well , the poles will enter, they will not leave, because, in principle, these are their territories, which stalin seemed to have returned to them, and there are others there, too, for me. We need those territories that were cut off from europeans, and we understand that the people there are ethnically hungarians, romanians, poles, and at that time there was even a theoretical conversation about the introduction of some troops from other countries was, was, the autumn of twentythree, in my opinion , if my memory serves me correctly, our head of the Foreign Intelligence Service said, mr. Naryzhkin, that the poles would benefit greatly from the losses of ukraine on the eastern front. They said, guys, well, if you support this lawsuit, we will then raise the issue of the territorial integrity of poland and yes, our ethnic lands, but why, as soon as a precedent is created, a return to the prewar borders, the germans will immediately say, well, thats not the question , you moved here, then we are here we are moving, so gentlemen, the poles also give us the ports that we have, german, gdansk and so on, yes, there are many there, well , kaliningrad is russia, it is unlikely that they will want to have this conversation with us, so. They have poles there have been a lot of questions there for a long time, but honestly i saw two meanings for myself, not besides , when i say, i mean by the phrase, they will remain there too , that they will return, in that they can still be buried in the ground in the same way, because its good, just imagine that they have entered, but then the question arises will this the territory will be used to launch strikes on russia, but will f16s take off from there . There will be a few that will be transferred, but from airports somewhere there. Here we have a zone , we dont shoot at you, you shoot at us, thats it, so we disagree, if such an option exists, then probably this is like a clear position, so, but we dont understand how it will happen further, we we see the rhetoric and how we are being made into an enemy for the european people, we see what macron says and how it is all taught, we see what macron says and we see how his team. At least they are publicly reprimanded for it, well, you can say it in different ways, but we understand that, in principle, this is a discussion going on there, and we see that a coalition will be created. And we understand that the americans are leading to this now, and it is possible that troops will appear not only in western ukraine, in the east, this could break this whole structure very much, this thesis that was made today, as i understand it, guys, dont move your troops beyond these borders, oh, and moreover, later in the interview, and for me these two things , which, well, what do they say they are about one thing, although they were said in different connections, about the poles, well, of course, one can assume that this is being said, they will go there, they will remain there, but thats all for me it seems that they were talking about the fact that they , considering these lands to be theirs, will enter, will not withdraw troops, and so on, and somehow then Vladimir Vladimirovich says that, well, this, in general , for ukrainian statehood can have such consequences as even, well, hinting that like ukraine wont happen, like you yourself they wanted this, then, answering another question, Vladimir Vladimirovich talks about what will happen if these are american troops, hypothetically, here the approach is completely declared. In my opinion, its different, in my opinion, this is very significant, listen, the United States announced that they are not going to send in troops, which means we know what american troops are on russian territory, these are interventionists, thats how we approach it and we will treat them even if they appear on the territory of ukraine, they understand this, there, as i said, that biden is a person, which means he is a representative of the traditional political school, so. Indeed, from the point of view of the potential presence of american troops, it was not said absolutely unambiguously, very clearly, i want to destroy it, well, in fact , the word occupiers was actually spoken, that is, if american troops turn out to be , interventionists, occupiers, by and large, in some ways they can be considered synonymous, but really, lets be fair and adhere to the verbatim, verbatim interpretation of what putin said, well they are coming to occupy the interventionist, and accordingly that is, here, again, returning to our Nuclear Doctrine, we are talking about the fact that if there arises, and putin reminded about this, if a threat arises to russia as a state, according to the doctrine, we can use Nuclear Weapons, that is, if an American Military man appears, putin clearly says that we interpret this as a threat, he emphasizes this, yes, maybe he did not say further than this phrase, which means, according to our doctrine. They will hear it there or not , well because well more, what else needs to be said, what else needs to be said, that is, if you do this, but we have no other choice, then the next question is your rationality. But you still consider the consequences or rational thinking completely refuses you and you proceed from some feeling that you are some kind of omnipotent people, this will not affect you, i agree, thats what concerns your scenario regarding the fact that a line is drawn here , conditionally between the americans, there conditionally poles or europeans, with whom you can negotiate regarding the fate of ukraine, well, the scenario is quite interesting, and i would also. Add to you as an argument that very soon zelensky will also cease to be the president of ukraine. The question of why putin is really tough enough for the first time. Especially especially yes, if bad news for ukraine comes from the front, this is such a serious , in fact, this is a very important addition to this structure, that zelenskys legitimacy is melting, and we are talking about the fact that, well, no matter what the swiss say, in general discuss anything involving zelensky in general is already pointless, as it seems to me, you can disagree with this, this is my personal point of view, we are talking about the fact that, well, ukraine is so artificial. Education, of course, parts of some , some of its parts were stuck there taken from the territory of other countries, and if these countries go there, then it will be very bad for ukraine, but it is its own fault, those who have nothing to do there, it will be an intervention, well further what you said, well, in general there is something to think about, and the main thing is when to think, advertisement, its really short, very interesting, and after it well come back and continue. I didnt think it would all end like this. Stearsman bourbon is a product of the stellor group. Mancacher whiskey, a product of the steller group. According to our legend, Petro Poroshenko is recruiting fighters for his personal private military company. The average price per week of a ukrainian serviceman, that is, how much ukraine spent during these years, well, this is at a discount, even at a discount, poland is largely involved in the training of the ukrainian army, this is a gray zone under the army, they removed one chevron, put on another chevron, this is such a career growth, but again there are many mercenaries there who first went to ukraine, they went to safari. So it was advertised there that i think about bandera, yes, thats right, i have no problems with it, it turns out that the poles are preparing those who fight under banderas ideals, they can go on the attack with them, money, but im not going to participate in assault operations, its too dangerous, i want to help the country, but at the same time i really want to live, all places where foreign mercenaries gather are bold targets for our rocket men, vavan show or . Today on the first. Premiere. I love my country. On saturday. On the first. In our studio we hear songs and poems dedicated to the defenders of our fatherland. You are a person who has renounced everything worldly. Being in the military, we decided to return to the front line. For a monk. Unusual, of course, the kind of life i live now , birds start flying or shelling starts, im driving and thinking, well, if they kill us, then its just me and my mother, well, somehow its not scary, but who did you leave it to . , my wife stronger than many women, she is a military wife, and fate has not promised her an ordinary world with its usual course of affairs and days. Give him the strength to win, i wanted to thank all the volunteer doctors, surgeons, excuse me, im in tears, because i. We know that he was a fisherman, we know that he was one of the closest and loved ones disciples of christ, he was not small, but tall, a bravast garden, with gray, slightly unkempt hair, there cannot be a last judgment until all nations learn about christ, so someone must reach the limit of the universe and preach christ in including the scythians, this is actually the thread that has connected us since the 2nd century, because the scythians lived on our territory, peter dedicates the order to andrei, the apostle andrei is our patron, the apostle. Stood on a high stone, prayed for the dedication of the people of khersanez, and the stone became like wax, and his feet were imprinted on the stone, the darkness of the st. Andrews cross, a symbolic name, because it resembles the letter ha christ, he was crucified on such a cross, this is such a letter a sign, such as through the whole country, which christ accuses and which accuses the faith of the Apostle Andrew the firstcalled, andrew the firstcalled, premiered on saturday on the first. Kari says, welcome, city of kirov, vyatka, kirov, vyatka, of course, kirov , lets go, lets go, its milking time, its true that brown cows give chocolate milk, no, its not true, lets try to make a bird, the simplest figurine in demkovskaya toy , some kind of penguin turns out, karynych it was a harsh dangerous predator, power from the kotelnicheskoe location, your personal record, 9 seconds, 15 m, faster. There is no coup of power in the country, such a good situation was created in which it was possible to make decisions in accordance with the will of the people. Aksyonov stood here and said, guys, we need to block off all strategically important objects. We sent a letter to the leadership of the Russian Federation; we understood that we ourselves would not be able to control the situation. We need our troops to arrive faster. Russian transfer of crimea to ukraine is a historical oversight that was corrected by a referendum, more than 96 were in favor of reunification with russia, we are russia, guys, on the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia, crimea, as it was, premiere, march 17, on the first. Time will tell the program, we continue to work live, and continue to discuss very interesting and important nuances that Vladimir Putin broadcast to the country and to the external circuit in his big interview today, well, look how interesting we discussed about the poles there who can enter in ukraine, someone understood the words that they will go there and stay there as meaning that they will be buried there. Someone understood it this way what does it mean, they will come in and not come out and cut off this story, well, as it is said, what is said is said, then, whoever understood, understood, there are many such moments in this interview, another one, it seems to me, is very bright, in which you can put in general a huge number of meanings to everything that generally relates to the structure of our entire modern world, i really liked it, let me remind you, the socalled. The countries of asia were exploited and of course no one forgot about it, i have a feeling that even. For their independence and true sovereignty, they associate with their aspirations for their own independent development, but this is aggravated by the fact that in the western elites, in the western elites there is a very strong desire to freeze the existing situation, unjust, from the state of affairs in international affairs, they have been accustomed for centuries to fill the belly of human flesh, and pockets with money, but they must understand that the vampire ball is ending, this phrase, they must understand that this vampire bar, the vampire ball is ending, well, this is. In some sense of the word, the whole world of violence we will destroy to the ground, and then a very interesting question arises in your opinion, how did the vampires hear this, and that at that moment they grinned from the series, well, like, try it, and did they even understand what this conversation was about . And that this is addressed to them, although not only to them . They understand everything perfectly, they know perfectly well, the fact is that enslaved nations have always been and are, there are too many of them, have the indians really forgotten what they did. I will remind you that during all the years of occupation of india the british pulled out valuables from india about 70 trillion, a good amount , no one ever wants to return at least part of it, repent, no, its normal , thats how a corporation works, the fact is that this is corporatism that exists today, when everyone covers for each other in this golden billion, they are chosen, they are the best, they are superior, but there is another problem, and who has a gun with silver bullets, yeah, every vampire. According to a silver bullet, according to an autumn peg, russia has uniquely developed so that it has a pistol with silver bullets, there are enough aspens for us to hang from. The fact is that russia never threatens anyone, we have potential, that potential that many do not have, and this potential makes us listen differently. They can smile, they can laugh. Ill even remind you of a simple thing in the last segment we literally talked about who zelensky is and what will happen to him now. When you come to any law faculty in america, they tell you about roman law, they clearly tell you what happens to the consul, when his powers expire, he becomes a dictator, and the regime under which the dictator rules is called autocracy, only in exactly a matter of weeks the United States of america will support the dictator and autocracy, well, it happens, in these conditions, well, they have already appointed us to autocracy and what, to appoint is one thing, on the other hand, we understand with whom . We are dealing with, and our conditions are completely different, to name it one thing, on the other hand, it is your right, you teach it in all institutes, but cancel it this, no, what are you talking about, this is serious now , they teach this in all the institutes, like they themselves believe in all this, you should just believe in this what i teach, but look, this point of satan, by and large, they they understand perfectly well that they need to retreat, these words were spoken for them, fix your losses right now, this is the message that was said to these vampires. Youve already eaten your fill of this human flesh, Start Recording your losses, dont go forward, dont go further, dont go beyond the limits of what is permissible, the boundaries of what is permissible for you have ended , your score, your stomach is limited, i understand, well, this is about the question that you can hear a lot of things in this kind of image, actually developing it, here the question arises, in this case , Vladimir Vladimirovich is not addressing to vampires, when he says that their point is running out, he turns to someone else, and then the question arises, the point is over, and what after the point . So, what is offered after the end of the vampire score . In fact, the americans have already said that they the world is perceived by those who sit at the table with them and those who, relatively speaking, are on the menu, this is a continuation of this story, and the president , addressing himself here, he sends a message, as it is now fashionable to say, to two groups the first is the westerners, who considers the socalled neocolonial rent to be vampires, because what is happening . They continue to make money from the exploitation of, relatively speaking, enslaved peoples who supposedly have no idea about it. Well, a simple example, the prosperity of switzerland is not based on the clock or on cheese and milk and swiss chocolate, it stems from the fact that they buy gold all over the world for almost nothing and sell it under their own brand, thats. What their wellbeing is based on, the germans on coffee, the british on a bunch of all sorts of exchanges, insurance, and so on , and the americans believe that they constantly export not the dollar, but inflation. Around the world, that is, this is the uncontrolled printing of money, sending it out into the world, thereby raising prices all over the world, now that an alternative reality is being created in the form of the sco brix, together with russia and china, where is built on different principles, a different ecosystem, where there is no leader, like theirs , where countries have equal rights, and here countries are being interfered with, dont be food for vampires, come to our camp here, apply, apply to the shos brix, there will be a completely friend here. They will have nothing to eat, the food supply will run out, they cannot eat each other, of course, after some time they will begin to eat each other, and we see that the food supply of europe, or rather america, has become europe, this new africa, from where they export resources, the austrians have already announced here that they are going to america, these are German Enterprises that survived two world wars, are now closing, and so the americans are eating up the european economy with a crunch, that is, we see that they are starting to eat each other, as it seemed to them, sitting at the table, although maybe. We thought that the europeans were at the table , and they have actually been on the menu for a long time, and this is not a garden, this is a bed from which those who are suspected are now tearing out, which means root vegetables, but they will have to move over, and those who will be in our family, and he i always said that the state and relations are built on different principles, there will be equality and there wont be this eating of each other, there will be real true interests, as an example, and not. Who sold uranium Raw Materials to the french 200 times cheaper than the market, now they are selling us at a market price, it is profitable for us, this has never happened before, not a single european western country will offer africa equal conditions, by the way, the president spoke about this today asking why macron is offended by us, why is he going to lead an army, because he was pushed forward with africa, and he talked about these principles, that they themselves chose us, because we approach them differently, but at the same time, to the question that. Its not a threat, well, its not that that its not a threat, not a conversation about how we will destroy vampires, but about the fact that everyone will have a choice whether to be food for vampires or not, because Vladimir Putin also said about africa that some countries continue to cooperate with us , and some people like it with the french. In this sense, when i ask about, well , in general, do vampires understand what we are talking about, well, for example, those same swiss whom andrey mentioned, they can, of course, hear all these images, but for now, as financial writes. The swiss Prosecutor Generals Office has launched a criminal investigation into violation of sanctions, that is, bypassing them. The Financial Times writes below that perhaps this is a turning point, that is, the creation of a precedent, that is, they are so far, judging by these processes, according to what the financial writes times, they have no idea that anyone is able to interrupt this vampire ball at all, no, well, of course, they are just proceed from the fact that this world needs to be preserved, that is, in this regard, until we see some kind. Fear in their camp that they are now going to cry and refuse to continue to receive bonuses from the world that they actually constructed in the year ninetyone, well, i mean, when they really, in fact, said that history was over, and now you can get access to their world, but you need to pay extra for it, at first everyone paid, then they really realized that the payments are. An enemy who is so easy from this is not going to refuse a piece of the pie, and many people really think, what is more profitable, i mean the countries that we call the global south, after all, continue to pay , or really start a painful war for their own dignity, respect, in the prospect of a more profitable world, this is the question that i think many people ask, but the answer to it is far from obvious. The dawn that kills vampires by and large, and it starts with those who play fair, we offer security because we offer more, we we offer other resources, we offer partnership, we offer much more than those who live by the principle can now offer heres a spoon, heres food for you, but what. We offer is fair, but its also fair that it will be necessary to fight with vampires, and everyone knows this is not easy, but by the way, to talk about where we started, about all this nuclear stuff, insofar as there is this pie, i think that talk about Nuclear Weapons needs to be listened to in its context, all these people are still we havent finished eating yet, theres an advertisement on channel one, of all the civilizations living today. The planet of civilization is the most ancient chinese, almost always china has been the most populated country and the first economy in the world. We can recall the famous travel book of marco pola, an italian merchant, who described with great amazement the power and level of Economic Development that he observed in chinese cities at the end of the 12th century. Wrapped monochronic painting, chinese poetry, refined literature, china, of course, was ahead in sophistication, well, almost everything countries. After the end of world war ii , the soviet union immediately took patronage over china. More than 10 thousand specialists from the soviet union worked in china and created almost the entire modern chinese economy. One of pins first decisions after he became the leader of china was to create an institute for the study of bukharins ideas, so that the sinicized model of nepa operates in china. Premiere, civilization. The seventh film. China. Today is the first one. Gin сnop product of stellar group, cognac monte chococa, product of stellar group, rum, castro, a product of the stellar group, transfer me through my data here. 10 thousand , no less, i want to know that now and in 100 years no more will come to my house, dont disguise , dont lie down, dont live, dont be chinese, as soon as they are no longer needed, we will close them all, flirt with the nazis started, they will bury you, with my love, with pain. Yes, thats right, i have no problems with this , it turns out that the poles are training those who fight under banderas ideals, they can go on the attack with them, money, but im not going to participate in assault operations, this its too dangerous, i want to help the country, but at the same time i really want to live, all the places where foreign mercenaries gather are big targets for our rocket scientists, the vavan and lexus show is on the first day. The audience loves lyubas ensemble, they love, love these songs, they know them, they sing together, i am very grateful to the audience for the fact that they have been with us for these 30odd years, god willing, everything will be fine with us in the future, i i drew a cat for you there, knowing that you love them, who doesnt love them . Lyuba, lyuba, on friday on the first. Songs and poems are heard in our studio, dedicated to the defenders of our fatherland. Im young again. You are a person who renounced, yes, everything worldly, being a military man, you decided to return to the front line. Demons are , of course, not typical of the life i live now. This is all my family. I wanted to thank all the doctors, volunteers, surgeons, excuse me, im already in tears, because i live, and these brothers are there with me, its worth it, when you drew, what were you thinking . I was thinking about victory, on saturday at the first, its not for nothing that crimea is considered the cradle of russian orthodoxy, here. For thousands of years ago , Apostle Andrew, the patron saint of our country, began his journey through the future russian lands. We know that he was a fisherman. We know that he was one of the closest and beloved disciples of christ. He was not a big man, but he was tall. Brovaz, nasad, with gray, slightly unkempt hair. There can be no last judgment until all nations know about christ. Therefore, someone must reach the limits of the universe and preach christ, including with keef. This is actually the thread that has connected us since the 2nd century. Just scythians lived on our territory, to andrew, peter dedicates the order, the Apostle Andrew is our patron, the apostle stood on a high stone, prayed for the dedication of the people of khersanes, and the stone became like wax, and his feet were imprinted on the stone. Why st. Andrews cross, a symbolic name, because it resembles the letter ha christ. He was crucified on just such a cross, this is the letter x, such a sign, across the whole country, which christ accuses and which the faith of the Apostle Andrew the firstcalled accuses. Andrew the firstcalled, premieres on saturday on the first, and as i already said at the beginning of the program , of course, in this interview, in todays big Vladimir Putin, a lot of important things were said about our internal socioeconomic history, and i believe that there is one of the well. If you like, sensational for our internal consumption of things, what was said about the flat rock scale of taxation, or more precisely what was said about the fact that, apparently, the issue of a progressive scale of taxation has been resolved, yes, of course, Vladimir Putin made a reservation that this still needs to be looked at and count, and he would not like to go into details now, but the words that those who all these years were sharply against now. Well , like supporting stones, if you like, im not afraid of this word, the social contract of the past, which suggests that now its changes indicate that some new social contract will be proposed, in which the word justice will play a big role instead, thats what well look at instead, because the president himself said that there are some things that are incorrect discuss until march 17, until the time when they will votes have been counted. Theres not much time left, then well discuss it, now the civilization project is on channel one, today theres an episode about china, i went to watch it. Chinese civilization is one of the oldest on the planet. Over its centurieslong journey, it has gone through many trials, tragedies, ups and downs. In our film we will tell how the celestial empire survived the clash with the west, entered a new stage of development, and how china and russia became closer

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