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I will add that she is omnipotent, at least for a short period, well, absolutely right, yes , because the laws of nature, then depression happens, yes , it is impossible to turn the laws of nature into sleep, uh, this is all, you know, as they say, curlicues, as for the essence of the matter, he really stated very sharply , we, and then i, i will never bow down, in my opinion, thats what was said, that is, i wont bow down, well, thats okay. The fact that he will not bend down, but here is his comparison, all this historical surroundings, this is still blasphemy, after all, we residents of russia have inside, well, some kind of core, which, frankly speaking, makes such things absolutely intolerant, maybe this was the intention, but you know, there is such a latin saying it will give an answer to all these blasphemous statements, you know, since i have never been either an ambassador or a general, or even an academician, like an academician of science, everything is ahead of you, for sure, well, for me, uh, due to my professional experience, words matter, of course, it has consequences when they make hitlers germany out of russia, when they put this at the head very much like that Important Message to congress, i cant say that this is just electoral rhetoric, and lets attribute this to american domestic politics, i certainly dont suggest panicking about this, and i certainly dont suggest about this. To conquer, lets say , poland to conquer part of the soviet union, and what is opposed by the most terrible destructive bolshevik aggression, therefore the entire german people and, in general, the entire civilized world, must support it. These are the analogies i had, and biden has quite a few possibilities. I hope that, unlike hitler, he is not crazy, i hope that , unlike hitler, he knows where to stop, and as you rightly said, senator. I hope that, unlike hitler, he has there are real restraining mechanisms, including in congress, he has a serious competitor in the elections, donald trump, who has a completely different foreign political philosophy, but nevertheless it seems to me that russia has been faced with a very serious challenge, and especially if you look at to what extent are words combined with deeds . The american weapons program, with ukraine pumping american weapons with weapons from other nato countries, as here i believe that we must take this seriously. General kortopolov, chairman of the committee on defense and security of the russian state duma, former deputy minister of defense. Dmitry, we definitely need to take this seriously. We already take seriously everything that our former partners do; to me, mr. Bidens speech seemed like such a huge slap in the soul of the American People, in the memory of of the American People and the memory of those dead americans who laid down their lives in europe in. The battles of hitlers germany, with this statement of his, with this comparison, he betrayed president roosevelts entire american policy, turning it upside down, and you know, the American People will remember this , as for the challenge, because they challenged us quite a long time ago. Today it was voiced through the mouth of biden, but thats good, we had a wonderful novel by mikhail sholukov, not only techindon, but also virgin soil, and there the main character makar nagulny had very such prophetic words and letting the enemy raise his head, because a raised head is easier to chop off, we are extremely clear who our enemy is, and this. All the necessary efforts for history to really end up in its own country, that s when i hear what is going to be delivered in the near future, in a few months , ukraine will receive american f16 combat aircraft, and of course, we can say that for now the first number will be very limited, but they promised 45, and we can of course say only 45, but we already know from experience in such cases that the trouble has begun, and what incredible statements by macron that the issue is being considered, or the issue of sending nato armed forces to ukraine can be considered, and macron explains, he says, this is not a solution. And mr. Sekorsky speaks about escalation controlled by someone else, any escalation is a risk, first of all, for the one who makes the decision on escalation, if they are going to continue their policy of deescalation through escalation, but so far, as far as we see, there is no practical result this policy does not bring to. The thesis is that, of course, there is no need to mix nato rhetoric with practical actions, and there is no need to think that even if these practical actions take place, then these practical actions can effectively do something serious in terms of causing damage to russia, but is it correct to say that moscow is closely monitoring what nato is doing in ukraine. That russia will respond not on the basis of nato assurances, that nato is not a party to the conflict, but russia will respond on the basis of its own data and its own ideas, and that russia is doing everything necessary to ensure that in russia there are opportunities for a serious response at the front. Diplomacy, so that in the west, so that washington really understands what dangerous games they are playing . Dmitry, this is certainly true , a very important aspect must be taken into account here, because when they started talking about the deployment of possible contingents, about increasing military assistance, when they were convinced that the situation on. Personnel what do they think . We will sit and watch them do all this, or what . Yes, we wont look, we wont , we will give specific, tough, understandable answers to the f16, to any other steps, because russia acts only from the point of view of russian interests, and no one elses, but any. The conditions for subsequent diplomacy, they are formed on the battlefield, and the more successfully we operate there, the more trump cards our diplomats will have in subsequent negotiations when they begin, but it seems to me that this is absolutely fair, and you, of course, any action generates adequate counteraction; it simply cannot do otherwise. Be, and here , you know, it is necessary not so much to scare with verbal statements, but to solve military issues in principle, which the respected general said, this is simply impossible, that is, we are at the stage, this can change, i really want this to change , but at this stage it is armed force, and not diplomacy, that determines the outcome of the conflict, but diplomacy is a matter. It hasnt arrived yet and not because this is our position, because so far the conditions it was not the fault of that side that did not work out, it is they who do not want to bring the matter to serious diplomacy, because all the statements that are now being made are just some kind of play on words, it simply cannot be taken seriously. Thank you, were leaving for advertising , well be back in just a few minutes, well talk with academician naumkin about another conflict, in which. Russia, fortunately, is not involved yet, but which is nevertheless serious and real, the conflict around gas. Lets go to advertising. Ukrainian telegram channels write that there are no biological laboratories on ukraine supposedly did not exist. When physical evidence of such laboratories was discovered, what can we say to ukrainian propagandists . We work with ukrainians in order to produce the material. Power the level of Economic Development that he observed in chinese cities at the end of the 13th century, diminished monochronic painting, chinese poetry, sophisticated literature, china, of course, was ahead in sophistication, well, almost all countries, after the end of the second world war, the soviet union immediately took patronage over china, more than 10 thousand specialists from the soviet union worked in china and created almost the entire modern chinese economy, one of the first decisions of pina after it became. All the doctors, volunteers, surgeons , excuse me, im already in tears, because i live, and these brothers are there with me, its worth it, when you drew what i was thinking, i was thinking about victory, on saturday on. First. Theres a big game on the air. We will now talk about another conflict in the middle east, but i know that academician naumkin first wanted to Say Something about our previous discussion. Always i want to Say Something. And it seems to me that a small remark needs to be made. I want to do it. I think. We dont need to reassure ourselves too much and rest on our laurels, so to speak, there s a terrible force coming at us, such a formidable force, its coming like this Little Octopus that stretches out separate tentacles in different directions, look, that means f16 and supplies, then this germanenglish one the missile barter, which is much talked about, was suggested by cameron, and absolutely right. The next track is like this this is talking about dispatching troops who dont know where they will end up, but the fact that the french formed this coalition consisting of poland and the baltics, these microstates, nevertheless this is also some kind of force, is enough. Feeds on what is happening in such an explosive region of the world as the middle east, look what is happening in the red sea, how clashes continue there, and. There is such a powerful, quite serious escalation of violence, which shows that these poor houthis , the poor ansarullah movement, tribal, essentially based, it is generally unknown to what extent in its actions it can inflict serious blows on such powerful states as the United States and great britain, and. How the escalation is developing on the west bank in palestine, on lebanon, on the israeli border, where all the time there is talk that a fullfledged offensive is about to begin, it will begin, it wont start, it, im trying to understand from what the media and my sources of information report, but i cant figure it out, whether it will happen or not or not, well, what about gas . Horror, because this is going on. The United States, this one has revived , it is unknown, under the influence of what medications, mr. Biden, and we also dont need to focus on biden with his unexpected surge of activity, lets think about what trump will do, but its not biden who will win in the end, despite the fact that he. Maybe will be respected more, but what will trump do . He has a lot of conversations, but we have already encountered the fact that he says one thing, does another, so he will do what he says, he will stop, he will stop he is supplying weapons to ukraine, and what will he do in the middle east, muslims , whom i want to congratulate today on the onset of the holy month of ramadan, with all my heart, they are very afraid of trump and are afraid that his middle east policy will be. In this for me its a difference, but tell me about american policy in the middle east, biden seems to be somehow dissatisfied with netanyahu. Lets listen to what they say about each other. He has the right to defend israel, he has the right to continue the fight against hamas, but he must and is obliged to devote more attention to the lives of civilians who die as a result of the actions he took. In my opinion, he harms israel more than he helps it. This is contrary to the principles of the israeli state, and i consider it a big mistake. If the president of the United States believes that i personally pursue a policy contrary to this. Desire of the majority of israelis, and that it harms the interests of israel, then he is wrong on both counts, this is not my personal policy, it is supported by the overwhelming majority of israelis, well, at the level of rhetoric , somehow it looks quite significant, on in practice, in practice, nothing changes, because all these conversations, well , as they say, vaska listens before he eats, but there is absolutely no reaction to this, he gives me the impression that. What they said is that it harms israel , well, he thinks so, someone thinks differently, im more worried about what trump thinks, because hes not saying anything in particular yet, this is what he will do on this middle east track, i already told you that i i dont presume to predict what trump will do, especially since i havent seen him for a long time, but its time to tell the story, i think, well wait and see how. Were leaving for advertising, well be back in just a few minutes, lets talk about one country that is not yet at war with the United States, but which biden also outlined in his speech, in his address the American Congress as a serious, i would even say not just a rival, but also an adversary. Lets talk about this with senator andrei denisov. Lets go to advertising. Means to silence me, very soon at the entrance of my house i received a blow to the back of the head with a bone, the belgrade people were afraid, that the americans would blow up the bridge over the sava river, and thousands of belgrade residents stood on this bridge, forming a human shield, i stood with them, premiere alexander prokhanov, confession, today on the first, according to our legend, on. My personal private military company , what is the average price for training one military personnel . From 15 to 2. 0 euros per person, includes accommodation and three meals a day. This is the average price per week for a ukrainian serviceman, that is, this is how much ukraine spent during these years, well, this is at a discount also for ski, largely for training poland is involved in the ukrainian army, this is a gray zone under the army, they took off one chevron and put on another chevron, this is such a career growth, but again there are many mercenaries there who first went to ukraine, they went on safari, it was advertised there, what do i think about bandera , yes, thats right, i have no problems with this, it turns out the poles. They train those who fight under banderas ideals, they can go on the attack with them, money, but im not going to participate in assault operations, its too dangerous, i want to help the country, but at the same time, i really want to live, all the places where foreign mercenaries gather are big targets for our rocket men, the vanavan and lexus show on wednesday at the first, the audience loves any ensemble, they love, love these songs, they know them, they sing together, i am very grateful to the audience for the fact that these 30 odd years have been with us, god willing, everything will be fine in our future, i drew a cat for you there, i know that you love them, who doesnt love them, lyuba, happy friday. On the first. 10 years ago, the dream of millions of crimeans came true; the peninsula was reunited with russia. And with ive been living in crimea since sixties. When we moved to russia, our poverty ended. Our people really came, i have been living in this state of euphoria for 10 years now. The heart of crimea is open to everyone. People from all regions of russia began to come to the peninsula. The crimean bridge was completed and opened, an airport was built. Roads, hospitals, kindergartens, and delight appeared in crimea. I stopped seeing fields that were abandoned, that is, everything was used. Hello my vines. They are alive. An absolutely incomprehensible phrase. What is our crimea . What else . To tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia. The documentary Series Premieres on saturday on the first. Theres a big game on the air, in his address to congress , President Biden said that the United States is ready for tough competition with beijing, but unlike russia, he did not try to demonize china, did not insult the chinese leadership, and, well, sort of. Understand, that washington and beijing may have common interests. Lets listen. We oppose chinas unfair economic practices. We stand for peace and stability in taiwan strait. I have strengthened agreements with our partners and allies in the pacific region. I made sure that the most advanced American Technology could not be used by china. I want competition with china, not conflict. In the competition of the 21st century precisely. Firstly, he has already labeled the killers of very extensive economic cooperation, mutually beneficial, necessary for both sides, as for biden, well, he does not send signals that he is ready to somewhat reduce the intensity of the confrontation in any case case, not to bring the matter to the point of destruction, he called names and whoever he said, he used the word saga, which. In the ocean regions, so i dont know whats better, in the west they are commenting on the session currently taking place in beijing, the oneyear session parliament, give different estimates , the intensity of comments regarding the growth of defense spending has decreased somewhat, because in principle they do not exceed the increase in the entire budget, for example, spending on science and technology, well, thats how the article is formulated, so they have been increased by 10 , that is, by how much minimum 3 points higher than average spending and than defense spending, the session materials say that china will do everything to ensure that the american plans to limit china, throw it back in the technological field, and this is probably the most painful area right now for china, this plan will not come true. Therefore , here, you see, the intensity of the confrontation, it may not lie on the table, as in our case, but under the table, it is close to the boiling point, it seems to me that we are not yet talking about taiwan, the situation here is also very ambiguous , we are moving towards may, in may there will be the inauguration of the new taiwanese regime, lets see who comes to it, lets see how it all ends, what all this will lead to, in every single state, and who will come. United states for the inauguration, because it is significant for china. Thank you, if we continue what Andrei Ivanovich was talking about, you know, today china is completely different, and it will not just let anyone take aggressive actions towards itself. Even if these are not military actions yet, but when it comes to protecting national interests, the chinese know how to do this to do like no one else, so it cannot be ruled out that the United States in this direction will try to play this ukrainian card, that is, find some state that has resolved some issues with china and launch them forward, it will not necessarily be taiwan , there are many other countries there, well, there is the south china sea, there is the south china sea, so today china is very actively showing that it is ready to protect its national interests, i would like to remind you that this is regularly done there. Patrolling joint longrange bomber aviation, the National Liberation army of china and the armed forces of the russian federation, bilateral naval exercises are being conducted, china is preparing, the signals that are sent to it, it understands them perfectly, in response it sends its own and its signals are also heard by the leadership of the United States, because if the situation were different, they would behave differently, but they respect power, and china today is power. Thank you, senator, well, i would add to this that china is approaching the issue of defending its interests of the complex, he is not only taking measures to restore order in the economy, there really are problems there, this is the result of too rapid Economic Growth over several decades, this is. Not so much there, i often talk about this, not some then mistakes in planning are more likely a cyclical phenomenon, but at the same time in china they pay a lot of attention. China reunification of the motherland. Thank you. Academician, your last word. Well i just want to go back to the point i already made, that now, in my opinion, we need maximum combat readiness, taking into account the fact that these attacks are coming, as young people say today, from all sides, so it seems to me that there is absolutely no need to relax, in particular, this is especially true, lets say the same deliveries of longrange missiles and work with. And mobilize, in fact, the line i think that we need to really strain our president , thats what it is, and i think its correct. Thank you, to the credit of russia and the russian leadership, in russia there is not even such an expression as americanophobia. And there is no attempt to set russians against the American People, if you like, even against american statehood, i dont know what to say, what expression to use against europe, yurophobia, and this is also not really, there is a nonacceptance of the policies of the european union, but towards europe, to the european peoples, to the european. Plays a role in inspiring belated revenge on the soviet union, hence these claims to a messianic mission, to the only right, to world domination, all this cannot be unlearned. That they overthrew nicholas and put an end to the romanov empire, it was the whites, zealots of the orthodox monarchy, and the reds, bearers of soviet meanings, the whites were defeated in october of the seventeenth year, the reds in august of the ninetyfirst year, both of them were defeated by the liberals, and the newspaper sought to create an antiliberal day. The day sought to unite and try on these two defeated forces, tried to form an alliance of reds and whites, the day wanted to put an end to the civil war, which lasted throughout the 20th century century, wanted to create a redwhite opposition, this was the dream of the newspaper, to pour red and white bones into one grave and pronounce words over them. Great russian reconciliation. At the Editorial Office of the newspaper soviet russia, together with its wonderful editor valentin vasilyevich chikin, i met with metropolitan john, bishop of st. Petersburg and ladazh. Already suffering from an illness, he appeared in the red newspaper in his vestments, with a pastors crozier. And while talking to us, he said. There are neither reds nor whites, there are russians, and it was a pastoral a covenant that i honor to this day, to this day i strive to reconcile the reds and the whites, to consign to oblivion the cruel historical reprisal, to combine in my izborsk hill the torn apart russian times, then three amazing thinkers, precious phenomena, shone on the pages of the newspaper day. There were purges in the army, state security, management and administrative sphere, in the newspaper day we created a government, of course, it was not a classic shadow government, there was no Political Force behind us, it was just a newspaper the form in which we expressed our opposition, protest ideas about everything that happened in the russian public, members of the money government. Gathered behind closed doors and assessed the current russian government, interpreting its actions as antinational, russophobic, acting in the interests of america. Holy water and lost the trial. Father dmitry, a church dissident who suffered from the kgb and was in prison, never once threw a stone at the kgb, the soviet system, or communism. On the contrary, he saw in communism christian origin, in the heroes and martyrs of the great war he saw christian martyrs and believed that someday the red martyrs would be introduced. A religious action in which heavenly and hellish forces clashed, and angels with a red star defeated demons with a swasika, victory of the fortyfifth year was a great triumph of orthodoxy. When the uprising began in transnistria, the newspaper den was a participant in this uprising; the entire gigantic empire between three oceans lost and was conquered. American and only tiny transnistria rose up in arms and defended its independence. Transnistria has become a symbol of patriotic opposition. The day newspaper suddenly turned into a huge pharmacy. People brought us medicines, ivs, potions for the Wounded Soldiers of transnistria, and we transported all this to teraspol, during that day it suddenly turned into a transit point where they came. I remember how Radovan Karadzic read me his elements and the wind raised and lowered into his black mane. I remember the old whining cannon firing shots at sarajevo, tired artillerymen pulled the rope. In easter belgrade, white with Cherry Blossoms and apple trees, american cruise missiles were exploding. Belgrade residents were afraid that the americans would blow up the bridge over the sava river, connecting the two halves of belgrade and thousands of belgrade residents. They came out on this bridge, forming a human shield, i stood with them and sang a wonderful serbian song, there is far, far away, and we stood, rocket explosions thundered in the white flowering gardens. Yugoslavia looked at russia, called for help, and in response saw the bulging, fuckedup eyes of the minister of Foreign Affairs kozyreva, then yugoslavia, crushed by the americans, is our russian pain, our russian shame. The confrontation between the opposition and yeltsen became increasingly tougher and more irreconcilable. Demonstrations followed demonstrations. I remember how i walked to the colony of demonstrators in the first rows along gorky street. To my right was viktor altins, to my left was a bearded cossack

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