By example, they inspire others to do good deeds, do better, by passing on a dream, showing an example that if you really dream, then nothing is unattainable for a person, and most importantly, probably, setting an example of caring. The National Internet content award has been awarded for the third time; this is the main award for authors of socially significant projects on the runet, established by the institute. Content in such areas as science, history, the internet award takes place on the site of the world Youth Festival, and it is youth selects clip content shot on a phone in the vertical format project category, the winner is the web series vanya spasay, a light format of short oneminute videos with a popular performer, the main video gets hundreds of thousands of views, you are here. Always so fun, now exercises will begin, it will be even more fun, and you come to us to have fun or seriously, preserving historical memory, among the five nominees, the winner is project 1812, live history lessons told, for example, by reenactors, at events where we show how it is it was, they certainly encourage people to learn the history of their country and understand it, draw their own conclusions, think, look for information, this is generally great. Today, schoolchildren are taught the topic of the patriotic war of the twelfth year in just one or two lessons, and in order to involve the Younger Generation more in the knowledge of history, we needed to update the knowledge about the war of the twelfth year, to show what monuments there are in the war of the twelfth year in moscow and other parts of our homeland. The best the cartoon series superheroi. Ru is recognized as an animation project. To think about making this movie not in space , thats the first thing, the second thing i want to say is, well , can you imagine that no matter what, we are the first in space again, and now these are not just some slogans, this is it, this is it this is already how it is, our movie for life, forever , will now be the first in space, the awards have been presented to the first winner of the third National Internet content award, in moscow in may the winners will be announced in 22 more categories, thats all, well, right now the union salvation another episode, gavriil stepanovich, counter the presenter. Well, i came to congratulate you in russia, new sovereign, the oath was taken in the morning, and they already congratulated me, right . I wonder who got ahead of me, count mardvinov, he was here, well, then thats all for me, good night. There will be no oath, gavriil stepanovich, this , who is this for you, modvilov also said, no, i said this, tomorrow morning, without taking the oath, the regiments, the finnish, moscow, lepgnadier, as well as the guards crew, will go out to the square in front of the senate. And Sergey Petrovich trubetskoy, who, by the way, happened to be in st. Petersburg, will give the order. We will arrest the senators, seize the earthly palace, the main headquarters, what else is there . Arsenal. It is very vain that mordvinov went to you himself, and did not send gendarmes. Oh, because he simply doesnt have them at his disposal, there are few of us, but Nikolai Pavlovich has one mordvinov, what do you say, i think he can come out, and you can count on me, maybe it will work out, unless you stay at home tomorrow morning, govriil stepanovich , but of course, of course not, just, just before arresting the senators, we definitely need to appeal to him , thats good, yes, because many of them will probably come over to our side, yes, okay, so, ink and paper, yes, of course, thats all, good. Yuril sipas, you look somehow lost, and i see that so far there is no one except you and me, who do you want . Thats it, well, the meeting is in 30 minutes, the meeting is over , i stayed late to certify the minutes, now i m leaving, but no, the meeting is at nine, at seven, the senators were notified at night, how how is this, wait, how its possible, how can it be, orzhnaya story. Or because you are not a senator yet, lets go have breakfast, no, wait, this is impossible, so what, the senate sat down, right . Wanted to see the revolution, they even came to see it, no, revolutions dont happen in the senate, they happen over there in the square, and theres no one there, look, wait, that meeting, you knew that i would go to kryleev, but there is, when yesterday you they told me about you going, they will speak, they will speak, mikhail mikhailovich, you will not be in the new senate, well. You are in trouble, perhaps today someone will interfere with oath, if i were you, i would take the news and leave the city, out of harms way, how you have changed, mikhaila mikhailovich, he has your boots, no, i havent changed, i always do Everything Possible and useful. They are senseless and absurd, i advise you, you can count on my friendship at the reception, what . Hello guardsmen, the preobrazhensky regiment also swore allegiance to your majesty, the senate swore allegiance to your majesty, everything is fine. Run, sir, major general, oathcriminal, sovereign konstantin pavlych, loves you, moscow regiment, favors you with fifteen years of service, hurray, mikhail , build, build, build, standard, build, bessuzhe , hurray, quickly, until the senate convicts, is it easy to be recognized as a genius during your lifetime, if i answer this question seriously, i will look like an idiot. Well, when i dealt with women professionally, he was complex, tall, young, me, elderly, small, fat, bald, maybe im wrong, its quite possible. Its possible, yes, yes, yes, whatever, im definitely wrong, an elderly woman stands up and says, i didnt understand the audience, he will read from a piece of paper like that, he wont sing, for his ninetieth birthday birthday of mikhail zhvanetsky, today on the first, i say normally, grigory, great , you, santi, came across such information, very much doubted it, and sent you our letter. Viewers doubted that inheritance would be abolished in russia and contacted our editorial office; any decisions of the state duma are very easy to check, they are always available in the public domain. In general , there is a basic law, it is called the constitution, in which there is a separate article prescribing the right to inheritance, and tsypsoshniks are also trying to accuse russia of nightmares of ukrainian mobilization. These fakes have been repeatedly refuted by ordinary ukrainians. Antifake premiere, tomorrow on the first. We are doing everything right, the first thing is to calm the east of the country, let russia understand that there is a real threat of maidan in the country, the people want kurasan from parisian coffee shops. On the maidan in kiev , activists lit fires and set up chambers. What can i say about this puduk . Singing about gas again . Ukraine for ukrainians. You dont have enough brains to hold power, you started flirting with the nazis, they will bury you. Why bother the radicals . Deprive yourself of a favorable situation, guaranteed victory and reelection in the second round before 2020 . In short, if tomorrow you solve the problem with clearing the maidan, everything, you are the king of the hill, transfer it through the maidan, the premiere will be on march 11th. Well, how do you like it, christmas tree, the youngsters were kicked out of the maidan. Well, where is everyone . The governor general arrived at the theater. Did we do it too . Who can hear me, come to me . How, how, your excellency, have mercy, we are waiting, waiting, yeah, well, well, where is that beautiful one, whose name im afraid to say, where is the angel of dreams . Im here happy angels day, truly i say, you are a deity, bravo, let everyone get out, yes, but how . And wait, the moscow regiment is in full strength, the rebels are going to the senate, the chief officers convinced the soldiers of the moscow regiment to adhere to the previous oath given to constantine, and they call you, forgive your majesty, a usurper. Do we have guard units around the palace . Only the palace karau, your majesty, allow me to speak, say colonel, order me these senate, i will withdraw the unsworn regiments from the city, so that the first day of your reign will be in turmoil, and why did you decide that they would listen to you . They know me, and i will tell them what they want, they want me to falter and give in when the guards swear allegiance. Your personalities have sworn allegiance, go to orlov or tell them to take the horses to the senate, i obey, and you will stay, you may need it. Open your eyes, you and my main viewer, i dance my angel day for you. Stood up, target, leveled up, stand here, hold on, dont let anyone in, opposing shooters. What are we waiting for . Lets take the senate, make the senators sign the constitution, hold on plan, im behind trubetskoy, hurray for the constitution lord, thats it, thats why people live, thats it, thats it, count loading ide, give blessings after and love to the people. 825 years from the birth of christ, our first kingdom. Are you ready to die for me . Yes , everything is ready, i can hardly hold them, one step away from victory, and its not a matter of numbers, its a matter of will, they are waiting for you, prince, they are waiting for you, immediately send out the besties, raise all the unsworn units, the guards crew, the finnish regiment and bring the lei to the grenauder, here to me, he doesnt want to listen like that . No, no, hes behind konstantin, why are you silent, you dont recognize me, which of you was with me, please, eagle, culm, lucina, bautsen, is there anyone among you . Russian soldiers , this sword, was given to me by tsarevich constantine, it was written to my friend, miloradovich, he is my friend, and i, like none of you, would like to call him my sovereign, but he denied. Do you hear, i renounced, from now on our sovereign, Nikolai Pavlovich, you and i are serving people, our duty is to serve the sovereign and russia, i ask you, i beg you, brothers, come to your senses, return to the barracks, and i promise, you hear, i will take everyone by the hand and lead you to the sovereign, and he will forgive you, i swear, i will not let you be offended, if you please , drive away, leave the soldiers alone, stand, sir, pour behind me, zazarmy, zag, a my children, do not buy your soul. The story of its incarnation in the First Channel blockbuster union of salvation. For some reason, the decembrists thought that they knew better than the emperor what russia needed. Take troops, go somewhere outside the city, become some kind of camp. The conspirators themselves were unable to clearly formulate what kind of plan . Nikolai understood the dilemma well they want to make me a tyrant or a coward. Who is this person, the one who broke the neck of the reform or the person who saved from blood. During the 34 years of her reign, catherine earned the glory of a wise, fair ruler. She radically changed the country and, like peter the great, received the epithet great. She fought victorious wars and annexed new lands to the empire, she wrote. Laws and carried out reforms, he is 34, she is 10 years older, soon they will not talk about the darkness as the most influential person in russia, but even relying on male help, the empress always reserved the final decisions for herself. Empire, catherine ii. Premiere, march 8, on the first. Potemkin cooked for the woman he loved. The main surprise was that the sevastopol harbor appeared before the eyes of those present. Mitya , i made you a man, but you cant find me as a wolf, there are 50 Million Pounds at stake, put it on, you will be a wolf, we will have a house, i promise you, your wife was kidnapped by very dangerous people, they can kill her, come. What is this man saying, there were people in the hall happy in my home they were happy, this is not prose, this is poetry, zhvanetskys dictionary is the dictionary of the country, our exclusive today is the satirists wife, son and friends about his work and her last conversation with him, the main advice that my dad gave me, he he told me, have a conscience and do what you want, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on march 10 on the first. Why dont you follow the order of the emperor, general, you are neither turks nor french in the square, you swore allegiance to nikolaev, huh . The canoe guards are having lunch, do you want a traitor . Arlov . General, doctors, doctors, hurry up, alive, your highness, doctors, what, how, come on . Hurray, konstantin, hurray, nikolai nikolay is here, build a zagataki, what are we waiting for, theres nikolay, well capture him, its all over, no, my friend, there are still too few of us, were waiting for drubetskoy, hell bring a lep grenadier, a guardsman. We stand, victory is with us, truth is with us, god is with us, hurray, your majesty, the sailors are forming up to attack, your majesty, maybe its better for you to leave, tell orlov, let them attack. Scatter the rebels scatter and bring the artillery, i obey, hurray, constitution, hurray, konstantin, molos retreat, retreat, retreat, left are you going to oppose your sovereign . The guards are against the tsar, even the fates betrayed by them will pass to us when it gets dark. Persuade him to transfer power to you and the senate to leave, and we will change everything. This is our dream. I know what i am saying. He will die, but he will not leave. What are you going to do . You will kill him, your family, your children. There people die, there russians shoot at russians, then there is only war, a senseless war in our native land get dressed, there will be no war, nikolai semyonovich, we won, prince, you have a choice, or you will be taken away. Tell him that i am still ready to talk to him, but in an hour no one will need him, not even you. We are for konstantin when this happens, here you go. The road for the constitution beat him, but where is trubetskoy . Okay, okay, im behind him, line up your guys, line up gentlemen, guns battalion of the preobrazhensky regiment, your order has arrived, apparently there will be no more empty appallets, gentlemen, lets face the truth, we are surrounded, we will choose dictator among us, lets enter into negotiations , what kind of negotiations, did we just shoot . Enter the soldiers, we are waiting for darkness, go , i demand, no, i beg, prince, go, they are waiting for your word, your feat, go, damn you take it, you want my word, here it is, i thank you, you did the impossible on the square. Go home, treat your cold, its not up to you, youre a coward, youre crazy, kondraty fedorovich, but anyway, thank you, im crazy , and you are too smart and calculating prince, madmen change the world, madman napoleon, madman bud, madman christ, go to the square and go crazy, well, at least once in your life , go home, you are in the way, be damned, is it easy to be recognized as a genius during your lifetime, if i answer this question seriously, i will look like an idiot, we decided to write down our memories friends, yeah. He was complex tall, young , im probably small, fat, bald, maybe i m wrong, its quite possible, so what, whatever, im definitely wrong, an elderly woman stands up and says, i didnt understand in the auditorium, is he going to read from a piece of paper like that, wont sing, the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of mikhail zhvonetsky, today is the first, i say normally, grigor. The largest youth event in the world, more than 20 thousand bright and talented young people from all over the planet, building the future together, world Youth Festival 2024, ceremony. Closing live broadcast. Tomorrow on the first. Of all the civilizations living on the planet today, the oldest is almost always chinese. China was the most populous country and the first economy in the world. We can recall the famous travel book of marco paul, the italian merchant described with great amazement the power and level of Economic Development that he observed in chinese cities at the end of the 12th century, replacing monochrome painting, chinese poetry, and refined literature. China, of course, was ahead of almost all countries in sophistication. After the end of the Second World War , the soviet union immediately. The soviet union worked in china and created almost the entire modern chinese economy; one of the first decisions of ping, after he became the leader of china, was the creation of an institute studying bukharins ideas, so that the sinicized model of nep operates in china. Premiere of civilization, film seven. China is on first next wednesday. The brightest and most extraordinary. Event of the season, battle of generations, great champions of the past and current athletes, on equal terms, on the same ice, a unique competition, as a declaration of love for ones country, russian challenge, tournament of the strongest skaters, live broadcast on march 9 on the first. Three of them in masks broke into the bank, started beating and shooting, it was very scary, they robbed a private bank in donetsk, cleaned out your cells, viktor fedorich, find it , you will take this case for yourself, this is a chance, you will move to the major league, Lieutenant Colonel igor velnik, is now involved in the donetsk case, they should not get too far, ukraine is for you. You are now offering me to distribute power with your own hands, only a real crisis on the maidan will allow you to retain power, but what do you need from me . We need you. Tymoshenko is the only man in ukrainian politics. The americans are bringing weapons here, many from poland. Lets go with torches to the maidan. Lets go you are going to water the civilians, i will not give such a command, transfer it through the maidan, the premiere is from march 11 on the first, there is information that they want to liquidate you, your majesty, the rebels are surrounded, order to shoot, sir. is this what you wanted, but is this how you wanted to start your reign , they can forgive me for cruelty , they will never forgive me for weakness, mercy, not weakness, this is the right of the strong, tell me, let him go, and more . I dont want to know their names. Soldiers, sir, i hope that you will come to your senses, the sovereign does not want to know your names, did you bring us the constitution, i did not come for negotiations, i offered you mercy. Your majesty, let me give orders, let me be guilty of this blood, all the blood will be forever on me. Got the gun god, the law and the truth are with us, we stand, they wont dare to shoot, they wont dare to shoot at us, and this is a victory, damn, follow orders charge vanya, hell be damned, huh . Stop, wait, theres a gathering here, theres a gathering here, lets go to the peter and paul fortress, well seize the guns

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