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They eat everything around, they eat cancer cells, they eat infections. So, comrades, we swept away absolutely everything, went to sweep, cleanse our body, crawl into polluted places, crawl into polluted places to clean everything absolutely, what commandment did we not say . We forgot such a commandment, in fact we just abandoned it at last, well, do not commit adultery, do not commit adultery, this is such a commandment, about which he says, does not commit adultery and thats it, because this, unfortunately, infects the body with a wide variety of infections, one of them is immunodeficiency, and one of them is acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Therefore, do not commit adultery, dear friends, and read the 10 commandments, remember that god created us in his own image, which means that we must take care of our divine body, we must take care of ourselves, we must treat our human essence, the divine creation, with great respect, these were the ones. 10 commandments for immunity, the program was dedicated to you, andrey petrovich, this is our immunologist with a huge worldwide reputation, we had a good time with you, may you live healthy. The information channel starts broadcasting on the first, time will tell the program, we are working live in the studio of oles losev, ruslan stashko. In the west, they began to talk more and more often about war with russia. Before the head of the pentagon, loy tostin, had time to leave the hospital, he immediately decided to make several loud statements, waving his saber. Head of the american the military Department Said in all seriousness that if ukraine loses, then nato. We will have to fight with russia, because we supposedly will not stop at ukraine alone, and after such statements they sincerely believe that it is our country that constantly threatens everyone. Yesterday , the whole world watched the message of our president to the federal assembly, but in the west, naturally, they saw and heard one thing they believe that russia still threatens, and naturally, threatens europe and america, and. They are now saying there they are actively talking about the likelihood of russia using nuclear weapons, thats how they heard and understood Vladimir Putins reaction to the aggressive words of emmanuel macron, who does not rule out the possibility of sending western troops to ukraine, and so our president simply clearly warned what this is fraught with and what it threatens in general, well, macron himself, meanwhile, confirmed that he was speaking absolutely seriously and that he would retract his words. I dont intend to. Saboteurs generally understand perfectly well that every patience has its own boiling point, they this level is constantly being increased. But what goals do they pursue . Well talk right after a short commercial. We are now forever, that forever, nothing is forever in this life, we are opposition to each other, i am mikhalkov, he is konchalovsky, life is so short that everyone must try to make all the mistakes possible before it ends, general plan, you can live show, look there, look here, look wherever you want, everywhere everything is in pure butter, dont stop the cameras, now well edit it all, matodor, brothers, the World Championships in norway, the norgs will vomit, because of simple muscle pain they will bury their talent, the ani were brought against you, you must defeat this valbe, i already did it, come on, well done, enough of us, i decided to give up, the story of the best skier. Mom is no longer with us, that at that moment, i have very difficult news for you, what he experienced that evening, only he knows, it is a great responsibility to tell your child that his mother passed away, just as his only daughter survived this loss yuli, what a path she went through after her mothers death, i somehow very megastrong, i felt like everything was like that, i took myself into. That is, our exclusive 5 years of the adult life of a girl who decided, no matter what, to become a star in memory of the famous mom, when you appeared in the world, my life changed, i will always be by your side, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, tomorrow at the first, this is the queue for the operation, talk to someone in the queue, if he suddenly gives in, give him a chance. Save jobs, im putting up a terminator, you win, the plant is yours, your wolf to fight you will bring me out, and i will pay your ritas punishment , you are not capable of this, i love her more than life, but if the condemned man is torn into pieces, ritan will never forgive me for this, we accept the battle, the condemned man, the premiere of the serial film, on sunday on the first , premiere of civilization, film six, india, on tuesday, on the first. The information channel on the first continues, time will tell this program. About this live, yesterday, without exaggeration, the whole world very closely followed the message of our president to the federal assembly, took notes, analyzed every word, our president s address to the federal assembly lasted 2 6 minutes, the president devoted about 20 minutes of the total time to foreign policy, the rest of the time he talked about internal affairs, and here we heard about new measures to support large families. The development of education, culture , of course, the social sphere, the west, naturally, has its own vision, all these 20 minutes that the president spoke about foreign policy, they sat and. Thought about what conclusions to draw from this, but the conclusions, apparently, were already prepared the day before, everyone came out immediately the worlds media with headlines about Vladimir Putins threats of a possible nuclear war, now they are trying to comprehend all this. New Weapons Systems should be deployed on the front line, he accused the west of russophobia and did not skimp on threats, because if the situation unfolds this way, it could lead to a nuclear conflict. Its like summing up a twohour conference in a minute. Putin mainly walked around the west and the United States, talking about how the west started a war in ukraine, the middle east and other regions, he accused western powers of wanting to see a dying russia, which he said was a miscalculation and warned against any steps to send western troops to ukraine. He did not directly name macron, but obviously this was a response to his words. He warned of tragic consequences if nato members continued with the plan. He said russia has weapons that can reach nato member countries. Putin used emmanuels proposal macron, in order to somehow strengthen his threats against the west, he even threatened with the possibility of a nuclear conflict, if this happened, for him this turned out to be a good reason to increase pressure. The president justifies these threats by saying that western countries consider themselves dominant. He is condemned. I quote the colonial habits of the west, which seeks to weaken russia, to the point of calling ukraines allies racist russophobes. In fact , the russian president has shown that there is no readiness to think about peace. I suppose that the russian president , encouraged by recent successes, will continue to attack to capture as much territory as possible. And now journalist Anna Novikova is in direct contact with us from france. Lets find out how france reacted to our president s message. Anna, hello, what does the french press write, what did they notice most in the message, what do they Pay Attention to . Hello, yes, the french press reacted almost immediately after putins speech, 2 hours later articles appeared in the press, like figoro, west france, echo of france, shout with headlines that putin is threatening europe with nuclear war, in the evening there were also speeches by experts on the main propaganda channels like bfm tv, lc or c news, with experts who did not mince words, saying that russia is our main aggressor and we need to prepare for war with russia. Anna, please tell me, weve noticed lately, of course, france. Has always been involved in these games of the white house and the North Atlantic Alliance, but nevertheless now they are, well, almost in leaders are breaking out to escalate the situation and to appoint the main enemy of all humanity in the person of russia, what is this connected with . In fact, macron, after his speech that france might send the military to the territory of ukraine against russia, but it was not supported by the europeans. Rulers , therefore, why he decided to come out ahead of everyone, this is a big question for many europeans and for the same rulers of europe, the european parliament, in fact, now there is close attention towards putin, towards russia, there is not a single day that french media didnt talk about russia, about how aggressive russia is, so. What to expect next from macrons speech, we ll look further, you see, macron didnt renege on his words, he allowed himself. So to speak, to refuse from excessive comments about his statement and, well, a loud statement, in general , he says, i do not renege on my words, does this mean that he feels a certain support from his owners . Naturally, there is a certain support from the owners, but his policy goes against the Public Opinion, immediately after his speech on one of the major channels in france. Whether the public supports macrons decision or whether macrons desire to send the military to ukraine and 76 of the french answered no, only 23 answered yes and 1 abstained, this shows that despite the aggressive propaganda, despite macrons policy, it goes against Public Opinion and what this will lead to, time will tell, yeah, thanks. Big, journalist Anna Novikova was in direct contact with us from france, but i want to remind you that the words of our president , which the west is now trying to interpret in their own way, seeing this as a certain threat to themselves, although russia has never threatened western countries, neither america nor europe, so the words of our president are a response to this loud, absolutely macrons thoughtless statement, well , emmanuel macron, as we already said. Yesterday he confirmed his words about sending western troops to ukraine, journalists asked him to comment on this statement and asked about the seriousness of his intentions, all this happened during visiting the future Olympic Village on the outskirts of paris. These are quite serious issues, every word i say on this matter is balanced, thoughtful and measured. Now i consider geopolitical comments on this matter inappropriate, this is not it. sport should promote unity and pacification, only sport contributes to separation, and from the countries of the west, but macron decided, in order to maintain his position at the top, it is better to remain in a position under the United States. Well, they are trying to convince western politicians that they are trying to scare the people of france with the outbreak of the third world war, former Prime Minister manuel valls believes that the country should be prepared for such a development of events. But the current Prime Minister of france directly states that russia represents a direct and immediate a threat to france in all respects. Russia has changed its position, and this position is clearly becoming tougher in the context of this conflict, with this armed aggression. It is becoming tougher towards us, france and its allies. You obviously know about this, and im sure everyone has noticed the increase in the amount of false information intended to poison. Russia, why . Because then the neocolonial system on which all their wellbeing is based will collapse. Here is the world coffee market, for example, 460 billion dollars, all of it. He defended himself from those who tried to rob him, well, imagine, im just starting to load money into my bag, they threaten me that they will call the police, then of course i have to defend myself, yes, that is, he says that he is ready to send troops for war with russia, when he tells him, and the president emphasized we are not going to fight with europe, an official statement from our head of state, but if you are going to fight with us, you will send troops to fight with us. To deliver a Nuclear Strike first, we did not make such a commitment that we would not say, we said that we would not, what is called, abuse this, yes, but if an existential threat arises, that is, a threat to the very existence of our country, we we will defend ourselves with all we have we have the means. In this sense, the president simply once again poured a cold shower on them and explained what they were playing at, so we observe that in general they need to open not only textbooks and manuals on the art of war, but it wouldnt hurt to open history textbooks, because well, russia, russians , europe was never captured, europe was always actually liberated, and if we talk about the occupation of europe, then germany is still occupied by the americans, where american troops are located there. Where is the ramstein base, so europeans need to think about, in general, who is threatening europe the most now . Andrey frantich, france is turning into the main fighting cock of europe, it was not for nothing that they chose this National Symbol for themselves, yes, but are they just kukorekans or is there really a powerful military threat there, because after all , they have a lot of military, highquality, modern equipment. Ill start then with crowing, as the main symbol of the french republic, the fact is that we are now observing the stages of accepting the inevitable that the new geopolitical reality is setting in, as Andrei Konstantinovich said, this neocolonial rent is falling, because we are talking not only about coffee, its uranium, which was 200 times cheaper, bought in africa, its also gold that switzerland is buying, there are a lot of such examples , here is the stage of denial, they have already passed to some extent, that the russians can never win, it is impossible, well, as if for no reason, right now. It is no secret to us that western technology is controlled by western specialists, those countries who guided her, here scholz even let slip about this, yes, the british say, but how did you declassify our data, yes, american specialists were and are present at the patriot complexes and. Moreover, they have a mission that they officially announced for this year, it will be expanded, supposedly for control over the distribution of weapons, we understand perfectly well, advisers at headquarters, but i dont think that we will see in the near future when several divisions, which can be counted on one finger in france, suddenly march in a solemn march with equipment elisel fields and go to the eastern front, no, this wont happen, there will just be a small creeping increase in the size of their mission, roughly from a thousand people to 500. At the front this wont affect anything much, there will just be a lot more of them, there will be more french speech , hysterically screaming about the fact that they need to be urgently evacuated when the russians approach, but can france encourage poland to introduce not from a thousand to 500, to increase advisers and contingent there, but to fully enter at least western ukraine, and they noticed that the latter poland is somehow silent for a while, it is noticeable that poland is after loud statements. There, in the twenty third year, that our lithuanianpolishukrainian corps is being tested as part of the nato exercises that took place last year and we are ready to enter western ukraine, is that something . Everything came to naught, and is this a consequence of the already filled third polish Military Cemetery made according to the american model, when identical slabs were made for officers just 20 cm larger, poland suffered very serious and continues to suffer losses, they there are a lot of socalled volunteers who are present, they understand that all the exercises that take place in europe, these beautiful painted faces, means their special forces, its nothing at all. Have nothing in common with what is happening at the front here, when the russian militaryindustrial complex and the president spoke about it, taking , relatively speaking, the scale with which we can compete with the collective west, it simply grinds down any defensive lines of ukraine, they , they are running just shellshocked from one and a half ton bombs, which, well in conveyor mode they begin to fall, this was evident from the footage of those prisoners who were present, everyone was sitting shaking with their hands and speech with speech delays, relatively speaking, this is all a consequence. Im not ready for such a war , well, you see, but there are representatives of the North Atlantic Alliance of the United States who believe the opposite, they believe that nato will fight with russia if ukraine loses, the chief of the pentagon, loy dostin, decided to flex his muscles here, to prove that he is healthy, full of strength and ready for more. Fight yesterday during the hearings in congress, where he probably had to partially justify his absence from office at the beginning of the year, he decided to prove to everyone that he was capable of much. If ukraine loses, putin will not stop there, but he will continue to advance, continue attacks on sovereign neighboring territories. The baltic countries are really concerned about this, they know putin, they know what he is capable of, frankly speaking, if he has. The best means to help ukraine, so we can come up with a mechanism for their transfer as quickly as possible, regardless. Very important, for congress to approve the assistance we have requested for ukraine. As for russian assets, we are considering options. Taking russian assets is only one possible strategy. We are considering a number of different tactics by which we could use these assets to benefit ukraine. And if we can use them to. And clearly, as chancellor of germany, i am not going to send soldiers of our armed forces to ukraine. I have a feeling that people in france are watching our live broadcast right now news came that france, it turns out, would not send its troops to ukraine to conduct military operations. The french will not die for ukraine, the head of the French Foreign Ministry Said this, and before that his husband or wife, the Prime Minister, said back, this is the sweet couple that appeared there, or a threesome on macron. Sorry that we. Are talking about this topic, this is modern europe and this is how it lives, we have to discuss it, because these sweet men in suits promise us war, but nevertheless yes, i have already emphasized and will continue to emphasize that those who lead a double life feel at ease, which means they feel double standards in politics, this desynchronization of the statement, well, it doesnt just happen, well, of course, it doesnt just happen, they the first ones are tested, they see how the audience and people react. Media space, at the same time, my colleagues said, there are such targeted preparations for opening this averton window, they, in any case , provide for this big war in europe, but as a result of which there will be no europe, thats all, for the anglosaxons this is a wonderful scenario europe no longer falls within the sphere of their geopolitical interests, even if there is a nuclear war there, they are sure that nuclear dust will flow through the lomanche to london and across the atlantic to washington and new york. It doesnt work out, they will get rid of their economic political competitor in a wonderful way, and naturally, it wont be these sweet couples in suits who will fight, but. The people who will fight will be the people they will throw forward, so, in fact, now they, using proxy ukraine, say return as many citizens who went abroad as possible so that they can fight, we need a war until the last ukrainian, in order to clear the territory of them, as soon as they are finished, they will then go over to the poles, relatively speaking , to the french, to the germans, but those who are already fooled by this Media Information propaganda pumping up what it means. The russians will come, there will be a nuclear war and so on, but what does it mean, mrs. Elen says, she just me yesterday enraged me with these statements of hers, she said a lot of things there, just desperately, there is a cunning move here, it means that this mrs. Elin, some time ago, when the topic just came up, she said herself that we have no legal grounds for in order for the frozen russian gold and Foreign Exchange reserves, which we confiscated. Direct to the needs of ukraine, now biden cannot do this without the approval of congress, she now says dear congress, we must defend democracy there and so on, Everything Else is just another noodle, which means it is an attempt to move congress on the one hand, but i am more than sure that this is all being done not so much so that the americans make this decision, they are pushing the europeans to do this, because the money is frozen 5, 5 billion euros, they are on euroclear, of which 4. 4 billion, which means almost 80 percent, is just income, that is , not the gold and Foreign Exchange reserves themselves, yes, but the income that was received during this time, so that they can be used for ukraine in order for this show to continue, show must go on, yes, and they will stand on the sidelines and say , oh, and that means its not us, but europe did it, just like when loi tossin says that nato will fight, he doesnt say that america will fight, nato will fight, thats all, so they throw others ahead of themselves. Anyone but them, there is a nuance here about whether america itself will fight, because the United States itself is beginning to prepare for a big war, the Associated Press agency notes that the American Army is urgently restructuring and moving away from small operations. The us army is reducing its force size by about 24,000 personnel and restructuring to be able to fight the next major war. The reductions will mainly affect. Empty positions rather than actual soldiers, but the plan would add about 7,500 troops for other critical missions, including an air defense and counterdrone unit, as well as five new task forces around the world with expanded Cyber Security capabilities, longrange strike reconnaissance distances. Well, here, in fact, a lot of interesting things are happening, and for a reason, we are talking about desynchronization of statements and opinions in the same europe. Germany, despite scholzs statement that there would be no german nato military troops in ukraine, nevertheless drew up another plan, and a russian attack on nato means that they are preparing for something, and of course, they wrote about it bilt publication, breaking our attack plan into four, so to speak, phases, this is what we are talking about. The first phase of the russian attack nato countries will be hit by a massive disinformation campaign, especially in the media and social networks. In addition, Cyber Attacks on Critical Infrastructure facilities are expected at this stage. The second phase will consist of large maneuvers of Russian Troops on the borders of the alliance. The allies will respond to this by deploying their own troops on the eastern border. It is also possible that the first satellites in space could be disabled. The third phase involves a direct attack by russia on nato countries. German territory will be subject to targeted strikes. On the fourth phase of the conflict, Russian Troops break through to german territory, battles take place on land and at sea. To divert attention from germanys reluctance to arm ukraine with its own longrange missile system, this will undoubtedly. Be used by russia as a reason for escalation. British support for ukraine is hardly news to moscow given the repeated leaks, but it was all previously veiled, but scholz has more clearly penetrated that veil. In general, scholz always wants to justify himself and shield himself damn convincing, he does a great job, but naturally, the British Military is also trying to somehow distance themselves, they refuted scholzs statement that london is accepting. Such direct participation in the use of stormshadow missiles, according to them, this is all done by the military themselves in ukraine, that is, this is their decision, but nevertheless, you see, britain has always maintained a flat position, and i think that our hypothesis is that macron acted only as an entertainer, and as the instigator of conversations about the direction of labor was most likely kemeran, it is now, today, confirmed. Scholz, in particular , confirmed it the british wanted to legalize their presence in ukraine, you know, everywhere where the british are present, and after that words about tightening were heard, which means he insisted on this. Great britain , she will always hide it, she understands that everyone understands everything, but you need to maintain some external decency, you know, there was such a childrens joke in my pioneer childhood, a wolf cub and a fox cub are going the little bunny plays cards, the wolf cub says, whoever cheats, well hit him in the face, in the sly red face, but if there is great britain, that is, there is a sly red face, we understand who in this case is the author of all the. More negative scenarios, but apparently in washington, in this sweet couple of britain, the United States of america is still taking a more moderate position. They believe that the time has not come to at least legalize the sending of nato troops to the territory of ukraine. And therefore, through scholz, which does nothing without calling washington without direct instructions from there, through scholz they told their english partners so lightly. And britain is a political commissar, she tears the pin from a grenade with a cry for neocolonialism for western civilization, calls on the others to get out of the trench, she puts the pin in and watches as the others go. Tricky andrei frantich, after all, what is the United States now preparing for, taking into account the reformatting of the army, taking into account the ambiguous position in europe, where opinions are divided; essentially, europe is becoming an outpost against russia, and. What is the United States doing . Getting ready . Americans reason on a planetary scale, they reason that they are the leader of the world, and for them the map of the world is painted in two colors, where they control and where they do not. They have very few spaces left in europe where they do not control. This is nato, this is expansion, but they do not control southeast asia, they are now starting to lose control over the middle east, not everything is going smoothly in latin america, and. In asia, china, the straits, Everything Else, so their the task is to make sure that, firstly, the burden falls less on them, because for them its very expensive to maintain 2000 bases around the world, one of the largest is germany, this is japan, they dont hide it, these are occupation forces, thats what they are still called with a number of about 50 thousand there, yes they, they are now starting to reformat their approach to this, from nato they are turning into such an instrument, must act in their interests throughout the world, therefore in europe Nato Rapid Reaction troops will now be created, which will not be subordinated to the national state, that is, conditionally some kind of the german brigade entering there, it simply gathers on command from nato and flies somewhere to the middle east to carry out tasks, no need to coordinate with the government, and from the euroatlantic, the americans do not die, of course, well, the americans will always actually be present there, they drag on themselves, but it is very important for them that everyone is there, but the most important thing. Last year they set a record of 240 billion dollars, they earned money on arms supplies and we now see the entire european government as one standing with the american means the opkom and they say we are ready to cut any social programs, let us buy from you. The Czech Republic buys f35 aircraft for 14 billion euros, there are huge social problems there, the poles are buying two generations ahead, an american tank, equipment, Everything Else, this is what they are getting out of because of this. Farmers are on strikes and so on, and this is also beneficial for the americans, because the owners of military corporations, who are also the owners of agricultural corporations, will now buy Agricultural Products for pennies the lands of europe will make the next horseman of the apocalypse famine, which will also control their earnings. Pavel sergeevich, how to deal with this, if for them there are no barriers at all and for them money through war is the same money as not through war, the main thing is money, and money circulates. And europe, you see, cannot resist , it would like to, but it cannot, if we talk about how to deal with this on a global planetary scale, then i have only one answer and solution this is our country, the position of our country, because, due to their own greed, they are now faced with the fact that we simply do not allow them to do what they would do with great pleasure, well , to tell you, i absolutely agree with about. This means this problem food and hunger, it is absolutely farfetched, when a huge amount of food is thrown away in civilized countries, yes, and so to speak, people are starving in africa, well, if you bet on logistics, it allows you to do everything, but they dont do it either, because something completely different is profitable, profitable on to earn money from this, to earn death, so our position must first be unambiguously very tough, respectful of ourselves, and such that. We will not allow and will not allow those things that we consider to be the absolute limit for us, our president i spoke about this very clearly yesterday. They can raise hysteria for as long as they want, the question is, when will this sobering up come to them, because propaganda is these media, by the way, putin said this in an interview with carlson, yes, that the whole world system is built like this in the way that it is yours. Consciousness is processed, control through the formation of a worldview and through values, this is what a person is ready to rise, go, sacrifice his own life for, until they become sobered up from this, nothing will change, and so to speak, we are now showing an alternative to that world, which is really built on the principles of equality, respect, cooperation, this world, it is now in this crucible. It will fall victim to people, including europeans, it is maturing yes at a very high price, very at a high price is very painful, and how many of their whims are there so that their Bank Accounts there are filled, so that macron is there if something happens, he wont stay there, he will fly there to new zealand or to australia or to latin america, there he has readymade villas, airplanes, all that , they dont link their fate at all, these elites with. Well, on social networks you can find comments and europeans also write to me, in particular from italy and spain, that in fact our victory is not a threat , this is not the death of europe, but this is liberation europe, because of course, having changed this american unilateral world order, accordingly, other countries can understand that it turns out that they can be from. The news that the United States is threatening russia and china with some kind of superweapon, the question is, to what extent is this a really serious weapon , could you tell us something about it, or is this just another update, well, lets say, of the model range that periodically happens in the armies, its not even about ukraine, everything is happening thanks to ukraine, that is, thanks to ukraine, americans refused in principle, from mass production, which has already passed, in general, basic tests, the latest version. Abrams, that is, they decided to revise the concept of the tank, as for the robotic army, there is a change in the concept, that is, they are now really accepting the concept of the robotic army, that is, when people. At the front they will be replaced by machines as much as possible, perhaps they dont really trust that their people wont run away, so she is relying on high technology, precisely these robots that will be connected into a single command communication system, equipped with artificial intelligence, and accordingly this system will work automatically, they will sit in some kind of dugouts at computers, controlling this system, they think so, and accordingly these machines are on the local field combat will perform some local task. To what extent it will confuse the computers head, will not confuse the goal, will it decide, will it not decide, this is a question in general more for programmers, so the americans are following the path of creating such armies, well, against this backdrop, you and i must take care of our safety, the popular front has launched a special application radar nf, where every concerned citizen of our country can indicate real facts, if, for example, you noticed a drone in the sky. Which could presumably be enemy, please report it through this application, if you see something that is happening in your opinion worthy of the attention of our Intelligence Services and Law Enforcement agencies, this can also be done through the radar nf application, it has already been downloaded by more than 400 thousand users, so join us too. Well, as they say, in the west the focus is now on the advancement of our troops at the front, russia could break through the defenses of ukraine this summer, such an unfavorable forecast for. Bloomberg draws square. The russian offensive could gain significant momentum by the summer if the allies fail to increase supplies of ammunition to kiev. Pessimism among ukraine and its allies has been growing for weeks as they see Russian Troops taking the initiative on the line front. The fall of avdiivka and several nearby villages heightens fears that kievs defenses may not hold up. Pentagon chief loy dostin is also very concerned about our progress; he believes that. Without the allocation of aid to ukraine, well, kiev will remain in a very disadvantageous position. We see the risk play out on the battlefield every day as the ukrainians fight valiantly to defend their territory, with our support they have regained 50 of their territory, but every day we see the russians moving forward and making great strides, its very worries, without our support, ukrainians will be in the minority in terms of. Most importantly, where are we going . Well, in fact, you correctly identified the direction, the avdeevsky direction, and in general, that at the moment , the chasyarsky direction, where the main battles are taking place, here the enemy is trying to hold back our attacks with counterattacks, realizing that if he does not periodically introduce his own forces into the battle with counterattacks elite units, then the front may crumble, as it did in the avdeevka area, now it is a trap. In vdeevka yesterday, for example, in order to somehow prevent the front from collapsing in the area of ​​berdychi, orlovka and thin, they were again forced to throw into battle one of the elite, the remaining, well, as if still halfdefeated , fortyseventh brigade, another abrams was hit again , well, and accordingly, this only allows the front to hold out here for now, their logic is already simple, there are few elite units, it is clear that they cannot seriously attack, but in order to hold the front they put these unfortunate people at the forefront who are caught on the streets near. Ukraine ukrainian cities, well, these remaining entire military units are like a mobile reserve, which with targeted strikes is trying to stabilize the front line, we see this, and along the entire line of combat contact, in the ovdeevsky sector, in chastovyarsky, in zaporozhye, in limansky, in the kupinsky direction, the tactics are approximately the same, it proceeds from the fact that they do not have many resources left, and here western analysts are absolutely right that if such deliveries continue to not be serious, how. Restored, then by the summer there will be very catastrophic consequences for the armed forces of ukraine. I now caught myself thinking that, taking into account the fact that we are now advancing along almost the entire front line, the main blow, and it must be and it will be, can be anywhere, and it is impossible to predict it now, this is, as i understand it , is our plan so that the enemy does not understand where we will attack, the main attack has not yet taken place, as i understand it, no, of course, i. Expectations, of course, are not particularly high, however however, even today we can say that during the short winter campaign, which has not yet ended, we liberated much more territory than the enemy was able to take control of as a result of the monthslong summer counteroffensive. Regarding the offensive, we can clarify that budanov here he shifts the blame onto zaluzhny, he does it carefully, he stated that the plans for a counterattack were in russias hands and therefore nothing worked out for them. Yesterday syrsky there , through his people, accused the commanders, budanov then he stated that we had plans , he immediately said, in the same paragraph, essentially in the same context, what zelensky did right, that he fired zaluzhny, will zaluzhny be accused of working for the kremlin . Well, they will blame, because in addition to the military component , there is also a political component, in ukraine there is an open political struggle between zelensky and those who are against zelensky, lets call it, yes, they are all united under the scepter of the zaluzhny, so to speak. It is clear that drowning a deserved reputation is for zelensky is task number one , perhaps even more important than preventing defeat at the front, hence such a reaction, well, zaluzhny has now become quiet, somehow almost nothing has been heard about him, yes, this does not mean that he is absolutely , as i understand it, he has disappeared from the political and military field, he will probably show himself yet, so yuri ivanovich, well , i think that this game, this figure, it can still be played, while the americans, as i understand it, are preparing. Its worth the fact that hetman did not lead the country to victory, hetman is still obvious to find the culprit, as urgent as possible, it seems to me that he has already been appointed, perhaps a new hetman. From my first trip to donetsk i knew for sure that someday i would end up in avdeevka, because avdeevka is a russian city, and im here, a little bit, yes, i remember, on tv, yes, and you are from here, yes, you local, i was born here, and my ancestors are here, we are all from here, i havent left anywhere and said, i wont leave, no matter how hard it would be, so there are only three of us left in the corner, yeah, well, three families. Thats it, we and the locals, we are from here, no matter what happens, we wont go anywhere, thats how we waited for ours, but my sister didnt wait, 2 months, she ran away there, and now she has a hut, look, what should you look at if the ceiling fell, everything fell, why dont they be offended, i, well, im not, i have everything is sniffling, and you were waiting for russia to come, to be honest , yes, and i havent changed the time for 2 years, im like. Oh, its warm here, hello, oh, what are you like, and youre in this we lived in the house, yes, we are now living in this part of the house, but now were going to the basement, but what should we do, we had to take cover somewhere, so we had to fire at it. Yes, when we came down into the basement . 2 years ago, how many of you live here . There used to be 14 of us here, now there are three of us left here, and initially there were fourteen children too, yes, yes, and so for these 2 years, he goes somewhere on this very road, from the tank back and forth , home , but they dont care, they, they, i think, you know, i think they knew that they didnt have a chance here. What is this and why do they need us, were across them , so they drive out onto the road they start and we just stand there, and that is, they did it on purpose so that people would leave on the other side they left, as if they were intimidating us to properly kick people out, they quickly left with the children , they forced the elderly to leave. And how its forced, you can tell me, that is, people come and say, that is, if you dont leave with the child, they will take the child and take you away, yes, thats what they said, thats what they did, lets say i have a child, hes under 18 years old, so so you came, so the ukrainian soldiers come and there i am, well, maybe a representative of the authorities, we know that you have a child, like this, or you leave, that is, they tell me, or you leave with a child, or are we now taking your child away, and you stay . Sasha, or whatever he calls old for the war , i understand, im lazy, i understand, well, sasha, im sorry , the most important thing is that in avdievka there is masculine and feminine, thats it, its definitely a russian city , we have this district of ours, we have mainly fivestory buildings , yes, a ninestory highrise building. They came, this is all, is this, well , why are you beating, who beat, im more, who is ukraine, who was beating, thats all, and the school was destroyed, this is a ninestory building to the last, to live to see such years, this is what to the elders the mayor of the city took us everything away. There was no one in the city, we were the only ones left, the residents, well, the house was on fire, you couldnt put it out, thats all. Still say leave, youve already kicked them out for the whole time, that is , the ukrainian authorities abandoned the city, yes they abandoned it, yes, they abandoned everything, people live here too, a man and a woman were evacuated for three days, yeah, and this. Dont be afraid , everything is fine, these are ours, hello , this is vladimir and his mother is there, treisa ivanovna, in my opinion, and you are from here, yes from donetsk, from donetsk, yes, i am a donetsk woman myself, born from there, here already in 63, factory started building then my husband and i moved here, and you were waiting for russia to come here, of course, of course , if. It needed it, i wouldnt be here, i would have left somewhere, of course, my beloved russia, i love putin, i support you, he is a good person, kind, fair, thank you, can i. Advertising and lets return lessons should be like a sincere conversation, and what worries children, what worries teachers, parents, i am proud that at the age of 30 i had a son, it makes me happy. From morning to evening, if you think about my travels, then i ive traveled all over russia, we have the kindest people on our entire planet earth , the most responsive, are they ready to come to each others aid, to lend a shoulder in difficult times, i ask you not to doubt at all, my cossack grandfather, by god im not lying, every person who appears in your life, he is like a piece of a puzzle, he completes himself, so that you remain as you are, for you are the real wealth of russia, so that every russian. Finds himself in this big world and so that we live, as they say, and not grieved. How to create warm outerwear that makes you feel confident and beautiful . I i love russia very much, so i wanted to prove that down jackets in russia can be no worse, and maybe even better. A beautifully dressed woman is an art object on the streets of our cities. Follow me, and we will make a kokoshnik, we will make a kokoshnik, various accessories. Focuses attention on different parts of the body and only the kokoshnik shows the face, but why did the kokoshniks win your heart . Well, because we build our favorite ships, we are developing the plant, we are also paid wages for this , imagine, to our enterprise wagons with metal come in, and a whole warship comes out, which can ensure the most important defense capability of our country, we are sailing to a bright future, yes, yes, our everything, premiere, tomorrow first. The final start of the season a Team Tournament for the best skaters in russia. We support the whole country, because figure skating is more than a sport. This is the beauty that saves the world, this is the success that erases boundaries, these are the achievements that. Its impossible not to admire, this is the pride of the whole country and pride for your country. Tenkov, cup first channel, live broadcast, tomorrow on the first. It doesnt happen that a person was in your life and then he disappears, even if he dies. In this girl, she almost doesnt recognize the child who 5 years ago lost her most precious thing, her mother. I dont think im without her. I have. A lot of memories, but this is my mother. Yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her exhusband and beloved daughter, vera, to her parents. I said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that your mother is no longer with us. What in that moment, that evening he experienced, only he knows, it is a great responsibility to tell your child that his mother has passed away. How yulias only daughter survived this loss, what kind of journey she went through. Exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, tomorrow on the first. In the 17th century, voronezh was the capital of the russian state for 500 days, why . Yes, because peter i built his fleet here. You are a test pilot, yes, what is the difference from an ordinary pilot . The aircraft was just iron, after the test pilot lifted it into sky, it is already becoming an airplane. After so many years of communicating with beavers, have you learned at least a little of their language . A dissatisfied beaver, as it sounds, we cook cheese, we make ricotta, mozzarella, he refers to this, when we didnt have a drill in the machine, we beat the butter. Im shocked in our country, because people here invent everything they want, the lives of their own, the premiere, on sunday on the first, with every butterfly i associate a military episode, or a political character, or a collision, which i remember now in moscow, when i looking at my collection, scouts are on the boat followed on the heels of this aircraft carrier, and not with a net. On the first, in cinemas there is now a largescale military drama by alexei german the younger, the air, the exploits of our pilots, but pride takes over me, i could not breathe, even the hall, such silence and the flights themselves, how they were made, these turns, magnificent, how much courage these girls have. I cant describe it in words , im literally brought to tears, i would go again, i want to tell my relatives after this film, i love you, see the air in the cinemas of the country, more than one and a half Million Viewers have already watched this film, have time to watch it too, well, now its news. Hello, time for news. First, well tell you about the most important events right now. And at the beginning there are shots from fsb officers

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