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, pregnant, went out onto the balcony, it was winter, frost, he says, youre standing, naked, he says, you re like a mare, theres such steam, horses, and im always my children have the same thing, their arms and legs burn, they drive in the car in the winter, the windows are icy, they are all printed all the time with our hands, we all, you know, how to let off steam, they say to me that there is a lot of vital energy, right . Yes, lets see the surprise. I dont understand the point of this gift, well , to be honest, she just shows how good her stretching is, she needs stretching, we need to work. I can still do this, youre great, just great, great, well, smart, smart, yes, lets support her, well done yuri, to tell the truth, today one bride was more beautiful than the other, honestly, i want to tell you, honestly, its true, they were all beautiful, independent , wealthy, beautiful, everyone was interested in you, absolutely, you will not meet the kind of wife you had, you dont care, it seems so to you, it seems so to you, look anyway, you still compare, as soon as i cast a glance at him, everything went through me, and even yo. Well, this is purely, because in any case, well, its not impossible to develop like a man and a woman, it would be nice to become friends, in general, come on in, we left the presenters in doubt about you, about your story, they all they also doubt something about something and what is not closed, yes, that the question is not closed, why, my heart is open, i invite everyone to come out and support yuri. To my great regret, we dont have a couple today, if you are single or you liked one of the participants in todays program, write to the website of the first channel, and i am larisa guzeeva, i wish that your loved one will definitely tell you, lets get married. Message from the president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to the federal assembly. My broadcast on thursday at 12 00 moscow time time. Hello, were live. At our borders, how washington uses ukraine to collect data on russia and where in the west they are trying to get money to continue helping the kiev regime. An experienced politician who enjoys authority in the international arena, turkish president recep Tayip Erdogan is 70 years old. Vladimir putin congratulated his colleague on his birthday. Clean water and warmth in the house, as well as training of qualified personnel. Details of the meeting of the head of government are below. Mission enlightener in moscow at the russian exhibition at vdnk was awarded the knowledge prize. The battle of machines, the competition of engineers, the final of the battle of robots at the games of the future in kazan, we will tell you who won. At the beginning of frontline reports after the liberation of ovdeevka, the russian army is developing success. A unit of the center group of troops took control of the neighboring village of lastochkino. It is located to the west; the ministry of defense emphasized that the position of our troops in the ovdeevsky direction continues to improve. And from there the footage that has spread across social networks today. The american abrams tank was hit. What is called the first to go . Dmitry tolmachev knows the details. In ovdeevka you can hardly hear any fighting anymore. The front has moved at least 10 km. Today it was reported that the village of lastochkina has been liberated. This means that the enemy has retreated to orlovka and continues to be pressed. They fired at the outskirts, without regard for the civilian population and without even understanding where our troops were coming from. Here, the human father viktor ivanovich, born in 1938, was hit by a shrapnel in his groin, in an artery; they didnt have time to save him, and he died within 5 minutes. There was no point in thinking about getting to the cemetery in the midst of street fighting, they buried the man right in the garden, in the shade of the walnut trees that he himself had planted many years ago. Done. The coffin stayed in the house for a day, the boys came, dug it up under shelling, carried it over the fence in their arms, and then carried it over the shoulder as expected, said goodbye and buried it, just like that, guys, where who shot from here everyone saw and knows perfectly well, they didnt disdain anything provocations even in relatively peaceful years, this is the seventeenth year here. Rs here, the tanks drove in, the correspondents just arrived at the chemist, they shot at the chemist, they left, and then they say, this is the dpr, russia is still shooting, although, yes , they are shooting at themselves, although everyone saw and everyone knows that it was ukraine that shot, my house is over there, three arrivals, all three arrivals from ukraine, with soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed forces, residents of avdeevka, tried not to many people crossed paths in order to set up positions or simply find accommodation, and the nazis kicked them out. From their homes, well, actually , there is no nazism in ukraine, as we see, these are the drawings and inscriptions that were left here by a unit of the Ukrainian Armed forces, they occupied this house, lived here, displayed weapons, artillery from here they fired towards donetsk, this is such folk art, now avdeevka has already been cleared, it took almost a week. They held their positions initially, that is, from the side of the industrial zone, after which they withdrew from the position, since the guys from the dfsa side had already broken through, pies, please. The enemy was gaining a foothold, we can see how fierce the fighting here was going to deepen, we wont know how much the sappers checked and went through here, but unexploded ammunition is here literally at every step. In addition to promotion in donetsk and in the southern donetsk directions, where the village of pobeda was liberated, the successes of our troops recorded in podkupyansk, artyomovsky in zaporozhye. Among the destroyed targets there was a lot of western equipment, including the swedish sao archer, of which only a few were delivered to ukraine, and the norwegian antiaircraft Missile System. The launcher was hit by operationaltactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, Missile Forces and artillery from groupings of troops of the armed forces of the Russian Federation. Antiaircraft Missile System nasamc, norwegian production, as well as manpower and military equipment of the armed forces of ukraine in 107 regions. The dpr authorities are already beginning to prepare a restoration plan, in deevka , perhaps every house here can be considered damaged , the st. Michaels Orthodox Church was seriously damaged, parishioners saved the icons as best they could, now both local residents and passing russians come here to pray and light a candle fighters. Dmitry tolmachev, igor kritskov, dmitry kucheryavets, khristina ivanova, alexey simon. First channel. And new names of our defenders. Junior lieutenant alexey glinkin, commander of a tank platoon, being on the front line of defense, inflicted serious damage on the enemy, fettered his actions and threw him back to his original positions. Junior sergeant alexey babaev was moving to the colony and noticed an attack drone of the Ukrainian Armed forces. He hid Armored Vehicles in a forest belt, then shot down a drone with small arms, preventing losses among our soldiers. Command post 58. The Moscow Region honored the memory of the Fallen Soldiers of the dzerzhinsky division, governor andrei vorobyov, together with commanders and veterans laid flowers at the monument to warriors of three generations. A separate operational division, which this year will celebrate the centenary of its formation as part of the russian guard. It, in turn, includes the Legendary Special operations center. Derzhinites have been taking part in the north military district since the first days, two of them became heroes of russia, and about a thousand received state awards. Andrei vorobyov talked with relatives of those who did not return home. We have always been proud of those who, in different years, at different times, passed with dignity and honor. Service carried out all those tasks set by the state that were assigned to the motto. I want. One of the main topics at the meeting between Vladimir Putin and the head of korachaev of circassia, rashid temrezov. It took place in the kremlin. The focus is also on medicine, education and housing construction. Pavel cholkin will tell you more about everything. Korachaev circassia, according to the president , is developing normally. The volume of Industrial Production is growing. Agriculture gives good returns. Unemployment, although higher than in the country, is decreased by half. But there are topics, according to putin, that require special attention. For some reason , i dont know, maybe. Not quite so, now explain, construction is not growing. Rashid temrezov noted that this is really not entirely true. Based on the results of last year, according to the government, his republic is making progress in this area. Here they let us down. Blue fuel arrived, a gas stove and boiler replaced the woodburning stove, eliminated the need to buy firewood and then run into the yard to get it, space was freed up in the kitchen. Your decisions that you made on social issues before gasification also affect the growth of residential housing, because people connect for free, and accordingly we are also already counting this housing. In addition to free gas supply, the republic provides a subsidy of up to 100,000 rubles. For the purchase of gasusing equipment for. Grandparents, grandchildren, children, and the republic is still the sixth in the Russian Federation in terms of life expectancy, of course, the pandemic has had an impact, but those instructions of yours by the thirtieth year are 80 plus, we are not indicating with we are working with the government of the Russian Federation, and i think that we will have results in this regard. What does investment look like . Our investments also grew by 18 , fixed capital, and are growing, i. Reported to you that we must create more than 3,000 jobs within 3 years, we are with this task, yes, yes, yes, but this can be seen from all the material, its true, its good, it helps the republic a lot, according to rashid termezov, the National Health care project, the clinic, yes, the clinic introduced there in the mountains, residents of the Mountain Village kens little girls have been waiting for the renovation of their clinic at the District Hospital for many years, and it literally just opened after a Major Overhaul and modernization, the renovation area is four. All Engineering Networks were replaced, modern medical equipment was purchased for the clinic, and the fleet of passenger cars was updated. This is just one example. Over the past 6 years , 486 medical facilities have been built and modernized in the republic within the framework of the national project. And preschools. We have overhauled 45 schools. And as for kindergartens, we are even undergoing major renovations we are allocating 200 million rubles from our budget this year. Yes. And 12 children. By the way, how are we going to do a Major Overhaul . We have a priority from three to seven, from zero to three in the republic it is absent, yeah, well, still full, which means there is no coverage, there is, no, we have full coverage somewhere with transportation , unfortunately, but take this opportunity, if possible, to ask for such a program as for the overhaul of schools, for kindergartens, the president promised to talk about this with the government, in general he noted in the republic is clearly moving forward. To the russian president ial Campaign Early voting is in full swing in the most remote, hardtoreach areas of the country. Let me remind you that the main election days are march 15, 16, 17, but in the meantime the candidates and their proxies are communicating with voters. Details from anna kurbatova. The khabarovsk territory declares voting in the president ial elections of the Russian Federation 204 open. Meteorological station kur in the khabarovsk territory there is not a soul here for a hundred kilometers, which is clearly visible from the air. This is the first point on the list for early voting, here are the first voters, maria and alexander, station employees, the first voter on the planet voted in the president ial elections of the Russian Federation, the ballot has been cast, for the second day members of election commissions have been going to weather station workers , rangers, reindeer herders, in kamchatka, the Regional Election commission reported to vote early about 30,000 people will be able to, polling stations will also be open to sailors, including on. Submarines, and this is a video from yakutia on the frozen leni river, members the Election Committee gets to the herdsmen of the local stud farm, and this is only the beginning of the journey, we still have a little further away, the island is called kharialakh, there are five people there, exactly registered, we must go to mandurah allas, there are two people there and lanka, one person lives there. And this is the yamalonensky autonomous okrug, the village of zeleny yar, the far north, here a polling station was opened in the local cultural center, everyone was waiting for this day, we are choosing the president of the country, and the future will depend on who we choose, the future life of our residents, as well as all residents of our russia; in total , residents in fortytwo regions of our country will vote early, including in new subjects, in the kherson region, donbass and zaporozhye. Residents vote first. Remote rural settlements, as well as settlements that are close to the line of combat contact, including military personnel. Well, the candidates are in the midst of campaigning. Cochairman of Vladimir Putins central headquarters, artyom zhogo, is in perm today, where he also met with volunteers, as well as with the cochairs of putins Regional Election headquarters. The support of our leader is huge, very huge, now we need to organize to convince people that they need to come to the elections and. That culture needs to be managed and there is no need to be afraid of this word, or rather help, promote and finance, everything should be open, should finance salaries, institutions, rural areas, especially in my program all this is there, our Program Supports culture will always support, there is no other option, in this year, the president ial elections will be held from march 15 to 17, 8 years before the start of the special operation, according to the new york times, we are talking about 12 objects, with their help they track the movements of our military, drone flights, intercept negotiations, the collected information is then used in planning missiles strikes, also, as the publication writes, washington helped ukraine raise a new generation of spies who are already operating both in russia and throughout europe. Ukraine, journalists conclude, has become one of the most important intelligence bases for the white house in confrontation with moscow. A natural question arises why is this . Kyiv regime. In the west, there are fewer and fewer people willing to allocate funds to ukraine; there is simply no money, where can we get it . They again remembered the possibility of taking away frozen russian assets and using them to help kiev. Specific deadlines are given for when the robbery plan must be ready. Our report from the uk. Ritual statements in support of ukraine for western politicians, these are a mandatory rule, especially on the anniversary of the beginning of the northern military district, but the idea of ​​the british the premiere of you. Countries was accepted back in the middle ages, so sunok did not come up with anything new. The idea of ​​using russian assets has long been floating around in the west. Maintaining ukraine is a costly matter, and the more money kiev needs, the stronger the temptation to put your hand in someone elses pocket, but so far all this has been discussed only in theory. We must be very careful when it comes to confiscating these frozen assets. Possible solutions need to be discussed at the global level, at the g7 level. And it is important for us that. It is legal justified. In other words, the europeans themselves admit that the hunt for russian assets is illegal, but the desire to appropriate it for themselves is too great. And so italian Prime Minister giorgi miloni , as chairman of the g7, during a tour to kiev, directly from there, organizes an online summit of the seven, in the final document of which it is said proposals for the use of frozen reserves should be ready by the summer. Zelensky immediately plays along with her, declaring that ukraines losses are only 30,000 russian soldiers. Six times higher, figures have nothing to do with reality, but this is clearly another way to beg for money, because the less chances ukraine has on the battlefield, the fewer people want to be its sponsor, although their number is already rapidly declining. There are many russian assets in european financial capitals, but there is a fear that if the west confiscates them, the sovereign wealth funds of other countries, such as saudi arabia, the united arab emirates, and africa, will respond by withdrawing their money. So the west has this tool, but it is not yet wants to use it. There really are such reasonable voices in the west, and russia has made it clear more than once that it will respond in kind, and this was once again confirmed by the minister of finance. We follow the decisions of western countries, ours is no less frozen, any actions with our assets will receive a symmetrical response. But voices calling not to think about the consequences still sound more often in the west. Well, if they do this, they will destroy their economy, they will force investors to flee, we should not give in to these types of threats. And not it is important that western investors fled long ago, obeying the orders of their politicians, and the russian economy, contrary to expectations, not only did not collapse under the weight of sanctions, but is also growing faster than in the eu. And some people have enough common sense to admit this. The head of european diplomacy, barel, writes in his blog the era of global western dominance, after the beginning. explaining that this could drag germany itself into the war. Against this background, londons calls for europe and the United States to help ukraine sound even more persistent, as long as this is not done at the expense of britain. Britain, for its part, will continue to support ukraine as long as necessary. Its encouraging to see that the European Union is taking the same approach, and we are very. We hope that congress will pass a funding bill that will combine americas resources with ours to help ukraine. Londons resources clearly cannot be compared with american ones. There are 60 billion stuck in washington. Britain can allocate tens of times less, which is why they are turning their attention to russian assets, and not only those owned by the state. Mayor london proposed confiscating the property of sanctioned russian businessmen in order to help, including ukrainian refugees. Favorite tactic of the british. To say, chestnuts out of the fire with someone elses hands in this case turns into paying bills from someone elses wallet, and no matter whose money is spent, britain will continue to call itself the main sponsor of kiev, even if ukraine has turned into the kept woman of the west, here we are sure, no matter who dines the girl, london will still dance it. In the meantime, taxpayers in europe are paying for this meal, its already open rebelling against the costs imposed on them, protests by farmers who oppose cheap Agricultural Products from ukraine and call for spending money on their economy. And this is unlikely to please his fellow citizens, the alternative in the form of confiscation of russian assets could solve this problem, but it would definitely add new ones, solve both problems at once, stopping financing kiev, eurochino. Action in the investigation we cannot obtain any information now, but the situation in this case is so obvious that one can only express absolute amazement, amazement and nothing else. Vladimir putin warmly congratulated the leader of turkey on his seventieth birthday. In a telephone conversation, the president noted recep Tayyip Erdogans contribution to the development of friendly relations between our countries, and confirmed his intention to further strengthen ties. Despite western sanctions, moscow and ankara are implementing a major joint project. Such as the construction of the first akyu Nuclear Power plant in turkey, the russian leader also sent a congratulatory telegram to his turkish colleague, in which he wished health, wellbeing and new successes. As head of government and state, Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been at the helm for over 20 years. Last year he was reelected to a third president ial term. These years have become a time of great achievements, trials and challenges for turkey. Sometimes it seemed that erdogans opponents were gaining the upper hand, but he always came out on top with honor. Difficult situations, independent course, charisma experience, such is the leader of turkey and his political style, the scale of personality and the beauty of the game, appreciated. The first goal is from the right foot, the outside of the foot, the second is from the left, with a scoop to the very top nine. Erdogan in his youth could have become a football star in turkey, but he realized himself in surfing, not in the sport where there are high waves and balancing on a board, although he also promotes this sport in his country. In 2016, many decided that it was finally over a military mutiny, tanks in the streets, shooting, people killed, the main target was himself. In marmaris , an operation was carried out against me, two of my guards were shot, if i had stayed for some 1015 minutes, i would have been killed or captured. After the suppression of puci, erdogans power only. Ankara, together with moscow, is implementing Major Economic projects, the turkish stream gas pipeline and the construction of the countrys first Nuclear Power plant, akkuyu. This is not at all similar to the behavior of the young europeans, the countries of eastern europe, who, at the snap of a finger from washington, caused harm to themselves by refusing the obvious benefits of cooperation with russia. Erdogans motivation according to Vladimir Putin. A strong leader who is guided primarily, and perhaps exclusively, by the interests of turkey, the turkish people. And president erdogan never allows anyone to sit on his neck. Erdogan is aware that there are enough lobbyists for western interests within the country who will gladly stick their necks out to washington, london and brussels. These forces have tried repeatedly to pit russia against turkey. In 2015, a turkish fighter shot down our su24 flying over syria. Then the russian pilot, oleg peshkov, died. In 2016, ambassador Andrei Karlov was killed. The court later discovered. Connections between the performers of this and those who prepared conspiracy against erdogan. The turkish president had enough courage to apologize, which was expressed to putin both in written and oral form. Moral principles, as receb Tayyip Erdogan has repeatedly said about himself, he draws from faith in the islamic tradition. In his youth, he thought about becoming a theologian and graduated from a religious lyceum. He retained the skill of reciting the koran, which is highly valued in the islamic world. This is erdogan reading surahs of the koran during friday prayers in the istanbul mosque hagia sophia, which was the hagia sophia during the byzantine empire, has been a museum in recent decades until 2020. He is often reproached for attacking the secular traditions laid down by the founder of the modern turkish state, the first president of the turkish republic, ataturk. Erdogan answers like this, but it was i who returned one of the principles of the soviet state a president ial republic and direct president ial elections. He became the twelfth president of turkey and wears the number 12 on his playing uniform. As president , he there were many difficult tasks to cope with and the economic downturn. And the permanently flaring crisis in the middle east, speaking in parliament about what is happening in the gas sector, erdogan quite clearly named those whom he considers to be the culprits. Israel, with this mentality you will definitely lose, like the us and the west, because you are against justice. Making excuses for ones own attack is a legacy of the west and its bloody history. The determination of erdogan, who enjoys very significant support in his country, of course. In conditions when the collapse of the unipolar world is obvious, and the former hegemon has lost his authority, having lost his reputation as invincible, it is necessary to think about the interests of ones own side, instead of running away and serving the interests of others. Yuri lepatov, natalya litovka, alexander kovalev, channel one. Russia is dynamically developing relations with those countries that are ready to take into account its interests and are guided by their own, national ones. Vyacheslav volodin on a working visit to saudi arabia. The chairman of the state duma met with speaker advisory our Advisory Council and for the kingdom of saudi arabia, we pay extremely important and serious attention to cooperation with the Russian Federation, and we note the positive dynamics in the development of relations between our country and russia. At an important meeting of the Prime Minister with his deputies, Mikhail Mishustin discusses the renewal of utility infrastructure throughout the country and the training of qualified specialists in this area, and this is especially important considering that only a corpse, for example, there are more throughout the country. We will allocate 12 billion rubles to russian regions as part of a specialized federal project for the modernization of municipal infrastructure. The funds are intended, among other things, for upgrading utility networks, repairing boiler houses, Wastewater Treatment plants, so that their accident rate is reduced, and residents receive highquality services, because they are clean. Water and heat in the house are what primarily affect the comfort of peoples lives. Another topic of the meeting is no less relevant than the allocation of money for renovation public utilities, training of qualified personnel. Without them , it is impossible to strengthen the technological sovereignty, that is, the independence of the country. Just listing the areas where specialists are urgently needed says a lot information technology, electronics, aviation and rocket and space technology, shipbuilding. Over the past year , more than 150,000 people were trained in this way for employment; this year, the federal budget has allocated over 6 billion rubles for these purposes. Application for participation in free Educational Programs can be submitted on the work of russia portal, where a list of specialties needed by the country has been compiled for each region. By order of the president , the circle of participants in such programs has been expanded parents on leave to care for a child under 3 years of age, citizens of preretirement age, disabled people, participants in a special military operation, as well as members of their families. Anton vernitsky, svetlana barkov, alexander gornostaev, channel one. Turn to the east, we have never turned away from the east, just as we do not now we call what is happening quite simply turning away from the west, the west has turned away from us. In moscow, at the largescale exhibition russia, which takes place at vdnkh , the third educational prize of the Knowledge Society was awarded, and knowledge, as. Is known, has real power in society, ensuring the growth and development of the country and its citizens, the importance of the process is shown by the fact that three times more applications for the competition were sent than before. About the fact that knowledge is power in the report by anatoly lazorov. In the school hall teachers, university lecturers, professors and associate professors, bloggers, popularizers of science, humanists and specialists in exact disciplines, those who can be called in one word, educators, and the russian Knowledge Society today celebrates with awards and their merits. With a welcoming speech , the president of russia addressed the audience, the guarantee of the countrys future, continuity, its development is that young people have reliable life guidelines, so that they consider our traditional values ​​to be truly theirs, learn from the best examples of domestic and world culture, literature, achievements of science and education, she certainly knew the history of her country, the names of real heroes and. I emphasize that history gives us an understanding of our roots, those difficult, turning points through which our ancestors passed, creating and defending the greatness of the country. These are the most important, defining things that serve as the basis of National Identity and make us a single people. Educational prize of the Knowledge Society, the third and largest. If we have knowledge, then we grow and develop. Argentina, india, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, the netherlands, uzbekistan, serbia, thailand, tunisia, france, foreigners are participating in the competition for the first time. In austria, for example , there is nothing like an educational prize, and in general in the world there are too many competitions, beauty, too few awards that celebrate content, not form, but they create competition in the field of knowledge, i love competition, it moves the world go ahead, im glad to participate. These are a thousand such caring people who work in all 89 regions of our country, they are unique projects. Thank you for this courage, for this professionalism, because for our enemies there is nothing worse than the truth. The award in each category is a kup, that is , a multifaceted figure, all sides of which are equal, this symbolizes the essence of enlightenment. Igor kozachenko, larisa nikitina. First channel. Today in moscow at the bolshoi theater they announced the start of the fifth. For future masters of art, we have such hope that life will not end with us, that they will come forward and develop intensively and fully. The success of warmasters is employment, engagements, new projects, and all these years we have seen that artsters finalists, who received assessments from the professional community, immediately become in demand for their intended purpose, this is inspiring and just. Is that engine and that beacon, for which young people in these new creative professions flock to us for a competition. At the games of the future in kazan, today there are hot battles, robots have fought in battles, here they are fighting, their impact force is such that they literally pierce concrete walls, and in order to create a platform for the battle, it was necessary to use bulletproof glass and. That arena became the most advanced in europe. About what else surprised us today at the competition in kazan in the report by pyotr deryagin. The strongest robot will win. They look like robotic vacuum cleaners, but you definitely wouldnt let them clean your apartment. Each of these babies weighs 100 kg, the entire design and Engineering Solutions have only one goal to shred the enemy to shreds. This is an auxiliary element that is necessary to pry the enemy a little, so that the blow lands on him in a more vulnerable place, causing more damage , if you imagine that the robot is a turtle, you need to get to the belly, in the final matches, the turbomechatronics team from the Russian University of transport meets by a team of technical employees of the marina theater, this is a vertical spinner, our main weapon, its all. 30 kg, it rotates at a speed of 5. 00 revolutions per minute, it delivers crushing blows, robots fly up to several meters upwards receive serious damage to their armor. The name of this formidable machine is not exterminator, not shredder, or even destroyer, but simply daddy. I have a little daughter, she came up to the robot, started stroking it and said dad, dad, thats why the robot is daddy, this is the cyber future, this is the father of the family. This is barracuda, a formidable fighter in the most delicate competition team, the girls engineers are confident that they have developed the perfect machine, the most beautiful in the first place, but in fact the design is very durable, our the robot is very fast, very maneuverable, very strong, they call it a fish, this is true, and many underestimate our fish, do not understand that our fish has come to hunt, it can throw an opponent weighing up to 5 tons. The girls opponents are the only foreigners to reach the final, the team from india, ds robotic won. Tournament favorites from china, in the last minutes before the fight the indians reassemble their fighter down to the last screw. We have little time and we need to make sure that everything is in order, the damage has already been repaired, we will we check the internal structure of our robot. And now the first fight of the evening, the girls fish is trying to find a weak spot in the indian defense, one hit and the pink robot is immobilized, this is a knockout. Turbomechatronics vs daddy bots, daddys coming right away. From a powerful blow, the opposing fighter turns over and his huge claw works against him, again a knockout, the track robot is immobilized and ends its journey. So, the final battle, st. Petersburgs dead bots against ds robotik from india, their robot bears the poetic name speed ​​of god, in this cyber battle, as if divine intervention had occurred, the opponents weapons fail, they continue to strike head on, dodge huvalda, but the gods speed motor turns out to be more powerful, he pushes him away. Daddy under the rotors, the russian robot lights up, this is a victory for indian engineers. Ds robotics from india become the champions of the robot battle and win 175,000, fire, twisted metal, what was missing in this final, a fusion of human thought and the power of robotic gladiators. Pyotr deryagin, nina khoreva, dmitry belov, nikita chupin, channel one. A new largescale project is going on air on channel one. The union of salvation , the decembrist uprising, this is a premiere, and this is not an extended version of the film, which was released on the screen 4 years ago and captivated viewers, but a largely expanded project, each frame accurately repeats the era, maximum authenticity, heartfelt acting, human dramas on the scale of the countrys history , how far can you go in the desire to change life for the better and what is the price of this desire, the eternal questions of life, death, love and hate, courage and betrayal. Union of salvation, First Episode right now. Are there many dead . It is impossible to tell your being. Theres a lot of drowning. There are no bodies and there never will be. But i think at least a thousand. Look at where the water has reached, this has never happened before, there is the previous mark, that flood happened in the year of your birth, your whole life between these two marks, you never did anything you dreamed of, but not everything depends on us, an unfulfilled dream is a sin, step aside your honor towards storonsky majesty, victoria, cheers, paruchchik semyonovsky regiment sergei murovev on duty victoria, we got lost, lieutenant, and why not, i know paris very well, i spent my childhood here, well assume that i didnt see you, yeah, go to the regiment, theres a motor in an hour , go to the regiment, your majesty, allow me offer to drink champagne with the officers of the semenovsky regiment. Next time they will offer to sit the cards in your majesty, and he will beat you, mikhail andreevich. Well, yes, everything is there, yes, thank you for your service, its time, im proud to serve you. Order your majesty to be arrested, leave it, victoria

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