Almost any city, quests now. Partly this is already an inexpensive story, that is, they started systematically every weekend, attracting the girls friends, that is, to gather such a micro group to go on quests, which give a very emotional, scary reaction, yes, because quests are most often built on such fears, and there is a need to overcome some obstacles, well, i also personally have questions about most of our quests, but this is a topic for another, i also have questions, yes, but in any case this is the lesser evil in a situation where the child has already started studying. When the child the emotional sphere has gone, because again , artyom correctly said that getting addicted to gadgets gives a child a negative aggressive reaction to being distracted from the game, because the child simply begins to get irritated, begins to conflict, moves away from his parents, the fragile drug addict, a completely pure endorphin romance , who is already becoming so adrenaline , aggressive, in this situation, let it be a quest, i have her in conflict, yeah, that is, she needs to conflict there with more , she conflicts with her peers quite often, and i understood why she needs emotion, she needs a strong emotion there, so that they will push her there somehow, this is what she needs, but its the endorphin she needs to get, she doesnt have enough of these emotions in normal life, she a conflict is needed, thats why artem standard, something else, you wont solve the issue, you need to give the child alternative emotions that are manageable, yes, legal, not creating problems for her life, but just emotions, regular weekend trips on a bicycle, but not here you can ride around the district, and for 50 kilometers, for 100, these are correspondingly other territories there, but with an overnight stay somewhere in these preroad motels, the child is scared , the child discovers the world, the child is interested, again, he is going with his parents or can he take some amount with him there girlfriends, friends, thats just an acute emotion that can be controlled, i repeat, this is not a problematic emotion, but an acute emotion, only it will allow the child to find something alternative to toys, this is precisely the problem of parents, they follow the usual path, which does not work, andrey , still i let me clarify, this needs to be done constantly, or is it like a reboot, we are saying so that our dear listeners do not be afraid of us, we are talking about a transition period, a period. When we remove this very dependence temporarily, yes, and then of course we lower the speed a little we introduce the child into more systemic, ordinary activities, but at the stage of breaking away from the child, who is deeply immersed in play activities, this is unfortunately necessary, my wife is a super traveler, even i dont fall into her rhythm, so i dont go on all her trips, but the child goes with her, here this year they traveled to bukhara, tashkent, samarkant, everything was on some terrible schedule, visited kyrgyzstan, flew in, so whats the point, she came to the hotel and demanded the internet. This is a psychic podcast, my name is natalya loseva, i am a journalist, our expert, family psychologist, doctor of science andrei sberovsky, our guest artyom tikhomirov, the father of elevenyearold eva, we are talking about how to free a child from the captivity of gadgets. Have you tried giving your daughter some kind of sport . I once took my child to wrestling, but here i couldnt come to an agreement with my wife, because she said that , after all, wrestling as a girl is not exactly good, but the girl liked it, it was interesting, my girls have liked boys since kindergarten, and there it was, yes, we can be happy for you, and there were so many boys there, and of course she liked it, she liked it there, well, as if it wasnt a section, i mean like this. This section, it was a school of soviet training there, classical wrestling , but unfortunately my wife and i could not agree, now, if you say so now, from the podium of channel one, you say that. Natasha , the child should be sent to the wrestling section, then maybe she will listen, no, well, its not necessarily wrestling, well, listen, you all need it, it seems to me, the three of us will agree, especially since when the child is 11 years old, i already think her voice can be taken into account, of course, and most importantly, the struggle is precisely that highly emotional activity, precisely the presence, if you even say that the child has a certain conflict there, there is a certain request for something so spicy around her, then she should receive it without receiving it in such a. Useful mode in the same highly emotional sport, but from work experience, lets say mine, again i advise in such cases not just sports, sports where there is a team, volleyball, basketball, football, that is, where there is still the energy of conflict, because any Group Activity is a conflict, in this case the child will receive, and will get those very emotions that the child maybe it wont make it, well in real life, if he is so highly emotional , so this is exactly the thesis our dear listeners should hear , that alternative emotional activity is needed, each child can have it individually, yes, that is, you need to understand, for some, some kind of panda park somewhere where there are climbing frames, respectively, or a climbing wall will give this very emotion and distract from the game, for someone there is something more well sporting or more educational, by the way, in this situation, thats when you described that your wifes daughter went on very interesting trips , maybe they didnt work out in the situation that it was possible to read with your daughter the history of these countries and cities where they are going and, accordingly. Which i would like to discuss with you, if little by little, what is called cultivating, showing a child, i understand that this is work, well, practically titanic, sometimes it will seem in vain, you know, artillery is wasted work, yes, this can also happen, but this path, which in my opinion makes sense to go through, especially since the child is an adult, they say, yes, say, listen, look, and give me this, you do this look, look what i found, i found look what a cool quest on your phone that improves physics, especially since now there are probably quite a lot of such toys, here i will reveal your thesis in unison to you, because here its not just important if you go with your child to some educational topic, i recommend that parents still try to determine the possible profession and selfrealization of the child, emphasis. At your childs age, of course, we can make a mistake; the child s interests and goals may change five more times, but still less, if we even preliminarily outline some kind of goal, then with the child, look for some kind of Educational Programs on the same internet there, accordingly, tying it to the task that you want to become great there, a businessman or a chemist or a physicist there there or by someone else, lets watch materials that will be useful to you, and this will naturally reflect positively on grades at school, then we will interest the child better than just as parents say well, i would like to watch something educational there, well look how much interesting, the child just doesnt yet have a request for something simple, he wants to have a practical aspect, so if we add to the cognitive programs the childs target task, his game in the profession, we show the usefulness of gaining additional knowledge, for something, it is desirable that this the goal was probably closer, yes, that is, not someday in 10 years you will need it, this will come in handy. Yourself this year . She has been studying programming with us for the second year, you know what one of the most prestigious professions is now creative professions, called a game designer, these are people who come up with game scenarios, game plots, game scripts, this may actually be the case now in your specific case, im not saying that for everyone, friends, this is not for everyone, but in your specific case, then yes, i can relax, the child is on the right path , its okay that im not a child, she will be a game designer, classical, i need to study, perhaps, mathematics, physics, chemistry, because you dont just have to come up with some kind of scenario , and you have to understand, for example, your action takes place on the moon, and how will an object on the moon come into contact with the surface of the moon, with what force, in fact, artyom, in your case, if your child really has such a creative imagination , plus the child went to programming, you can actually say, child, you can be a successful person, earn good money, but in this case, lets look at these games without getting emotionally involved in them, treat it like an expert, look at the game, what can you take from it to create your game, creating your own virtual world, in this case, if you Start Talking about it with your child, daughter , what kind of world would you. Think, but lets come up with a set of plots, a set of characters, what kind of characters they will have, what they will overcome, if you teach your child to write down his thoughts, you can create such a mini family. By discussing some new scenarios, new moves, maybe this will gradually captivate your child and we will really get a bright successful specialist in creating these very gaming realities , and we will solve all your problems, and the child will receive a prestigious profession in the future , will take those subjects at school that will be important for this, this is actually a very good correct scenario. God grant that it be so, but she doesnt watch that content from me, on which you can kind of say, i dont know Thomas Sawyer there. Narrowminded, who are now overwhelmed with everything, and accordingly, she copies them, but to attract her, lets watch a movie with you , i dont know, timur is there, his commands, she cant interesting, and one more point is also important, i wanted to discuss with a psychologist , the only way to control my child now is either as a reward to get there, the gadget as a punishment, so turn off the internet there, we have no other way, and of course we use it , that is, i did my homework, turned on the internet, got a bad grade, there will be no internet there today, we come to the theater for a beautiful ice show, where we watch the circus, the child just falls asleep at the fifteenth, second, third minute, thats it, she wakes up, when everyone claps and thats it, thats it, because you described the picture when a child is already dependent, right . Receiving those emotions, he doesnt fall asleep there, because these and this no longer compete, yes, real life cannot compete, thats what we said right at the beginning of our conversation, that parental attempts, so reasonable and beautiful, to distract with something then the standard with which they were distracted in childhood no longer works, so artyom, in this case i advise, you can still say, child, lets have some kind of transitional period, or such a transitional type of activity, you played a game there, spend 15 minutes or. Half an hour there to tell your mother and me about what you played there, what alternatives you might have done in this game otherwise, we are trying to verbalize this game, we are trying to make it more intellectual , in fact, your child is probably developing and, as it were, dear andrey, she really wants to copy these bloggers, she repeats, i say, lets shoot beautifully, mom will keep the light on, i will support camera, lets do everything beautifully, lets see what we have. What kind of background so that there, well , lets create it somehow, write a script, mom tells her, i say, im ready to help, lets do it with pleasure, were ready to participate, we were filming something there, the fact that she categorically refuses our participation, the fact that she is the content that she produces, that is, she also makes some kind of content, yes, well, like almost all schoolchildren now, yes, she makes content, and what is there, what is she doing there that is good, interesting, what was what, what did you like, that she not only absorbs , but tries to give something to this world, i really like that she has these heroes of games, these videos, cartoons, she draws them, i dont like that he draws only these characters and no others, shes good at it, well, well, to draw the same characters for two years, thats what you tell her, and have you ever said that you like what he draws, moreover, on these characters, and you again suggested telling the child, here you are doing some kind of activity, but lets do this activity at a more professional level, that is, well call a good stylist there, we can pick out an interesting design for your clothes, we can hire an animator who will animate your drawings and try to do it, sorry, there was a photograph, well, here you go. That means in the studio, but it also needs to be said there that you wont go and deprive me of the internet , well, im like born to me, yes, well, here there is a very important nyu, but return your passport, there is a very important nuance if you tried at least once or twice, a little bit to professionalize what. What we are filming , try to raise the quality of this content at the expense of other people there, yes, at the expense of specialists, show the child that you watch, what you film yourself gets conditionally 500 views there, otherwise , what we did with the involvement of a professional gave immediately 1,500 or 5,500 there, then maybe this is the main currency for her, likes are the main currency for her, if you and your wife come up with a real nononsense idea of ​​how to monetize her content, here here she is will become your ally, were they like that . Attempts on your part, have you tried . Yes, and how, once again, when there was a noticeable increase in content, i myself am partly involved in journalism, when we started trying experiments. With the internet, with youtube, the first thing my daughter did, she destroyed it, she had access to my youtube channel, she erased all my videos , from which there were 1002000, you are a little aggressor, and for me, that is, well, i didnt even beat her, well, the shock of it went away, you just it doesnt seem to me that they didnt realize it there is everything that he himself, as a video blogger, dad, you dont need this video anymore, this is a psychic podcast, my name is natalya loseveva, i am a journalist, our expert, family psychologist, doctor of science, andrei sberovsky is our guest, artyom tikhomirov, father of an elevenyearold eva, we are talking about how to snatch a child out of. Artyom, look, now your child undoubtedly has some group of bloggers whom she follows, who is an authority for her, in this situation, you are like an adult , smart dad , your spouse, you can contact with one of these bloggers, you know, my daughter is a fan , she draws well there, she understands something quite well about this story, maybe you need some kind of assistant there, yes, its possible, the person there, which will be useful for you as a respected blogger. Can you write to my daughter or call my daughter in fact, especially through dad, through mom or directly to her, if she has such an understandable nickname on social networks there or somewhere else, and say, listen, girl, and lets do it there, or what we did here on a more professional level with your participation, its rated, it s more interesting, accordingly, now theres direct contact, that is, youre like dad and mom, unfortunately, lets be honest, the child apparently not in authority, not because the parents are bad, because the child has other authorities that were imposed on her, the child is 11 years old, its normal that now for her there are some people close in age, these bloggers, showing such a fantasy in general then life, yes, it is clear that they are much more enjoy authority than close, significant relatives, we can involve them, we can involve them in the pedagogical process, we can make them your ally in this case, that is, my advice is not to go on a counter offensive like this, it would lead to a conflict, which will only push you away, because the model either turned on the internet or turned it off, this model is a dead end, unfortunately, it can work, but for a limited time, until adolescence, 1415 years old, your daughter will just start secrets from you second telephone, as if they wont take you into account there at all, so find some kind of expert, benevolent, adequate from this internet world, try to involve her in some kind of activity, that is, lets try to find an ally after all, because what is this for, but how will it free up the girls time from the gadget, because this is also the problem that the girl spends almost all her waking time on the phone or tablet, if we make this communication and spending time manageable, if we are committed to this lets add a practical benefit, when the child will not just waste time, but learn something that will help. I ll tell you right away, if you play there for more than two or three hours, you will lose your vision there, you will lose there others have some kind of communication and other skills, that is, we need authority, but if i understood you correctly, then the strategy is Something Like this, in order to free the child from the captivity of this mindless gadget while spending time, and from this black hole , need to. That is, we are looking for something to cling to, where is our resource . The resource we have is that she doesnt just watch, shes still smart and well done, she produces her own content, yes, and this is for you and me now a hook that we need to grab onto, and this thread needs to be pulled, maybe be then the strategy is such that we say, dear , youre doing great, really the world of this gadgets, internet content, this is your world, youre great at doing digital things, but then you need. Either artyom and his wife , or, as you say, one of these allies tells her listen, you live in sochi, maybe you can make a series of minivideos about your extreme parks, about your watering holes, that is, make her spend more time for the production of content, so we did Something Like this, and what do i like, but she doesnt like what shes doing, then listen to what she says, let her be praised, let her be praised for this content, thats what i actually wanted i would like to use the platform of channel one and contact bloggers, dear bloggers, who deals with childrens content, please, somehow contact me, because my child needs you to say that she is great and that she spends more time in the family, and not on these internets of yours, not only, but to do something then, she did something exactly, including, by the way, arttyom, in this case, heres some more advice, we know that in many cities there are certain grant programs, when a child who, say, films some kind of content about his native city, you may also get money for this, i emphasize that i immediately understand that competition in this field is very large, it can be very difficult to actually get through to these grants, but again i know that the parents who acted out such a miniature, and such a microscene, said to the child, lets apply, we actually applied, didnt win anything, but the parents they say to the child, listen, and you won , that is, we deceive the child a little, manipulate in the good sense of the word, we say that we have been allocated a certain budget, this is your budget, the parents there, this is some 510,000 conditionally, that is, we were not talking about millions, and we say, we have a task , we have a Technical Task that we must implement, and then she. Must understand and preferably that if she finds out, hears, she already knows, she will hear from some strangers , but its cool for you, of course, to compete, your mom is a professional photographer, your dad is a journalist , well, of course, with such a team you will do better, that is, she must understand through some other people that she doesnt have a dad with mother, such edifying ones run around on the net, which means they flap their wings that the gadget stole our child, and dad and mom are, in principle, allies. Allies, in this case the child increases his authority, he feels responsible, because leadership is responsibility, and i repeat to us, this is the most important element this is practice orientation, that is, if we find orientation in real life of what the child does in gadget, if we pull it from the internet, from virtuality into reality, in this reality it is monetized with real money or real praise, then this and. There is that new emotional dependence, but it is correct, because it does not push the child out of reality, but on the contrary , returns it to this reality. Everything you said, thank you very much, i hope that this program will serve as a lesson for her so that she can take my mother and me into her team of bloggers or developers, it doesnt matter, but the most important thing i would like to say is, here is andrey, i have two children, i have an eldest daughter, who is already 23 years old, and the children are growing up very quickly. Everything we are here we say its cool, to earn money there, get a grant, do a cool project on youtube, but now i understand that i want to be a dad, to be with my little daughter, who is already 11 years old, who in 5 years will already be an adult , i wouldnt, well, too, i just really want to receive this daughters love and give my parental love to her, because the time of childhood is very short, artyom, but there is only one way, interaction, this is actually what this will give you this is the parental feeling of closeness with the child, by the way, i continue your request in this case and to our listeners, including bloggers, i want to say one more side to this problem that you described, the fact is that, unfortunately, many bloggers, including including young bloggers, adult bloggers, they give children, those who consume their content, teenagers, the illusion that it is easy, they dont tell you that in fact they have screenwriters, professional videographers, that those girls and fry, a minute takes hours, in fact, and the most important thing is that the very girls and boys who seem successful and independent to our modern teenagers actually have their mothers and fathers behind them, who invest in them , and that this is actually an illusion, because many children they dont understand this, they buy into the illusion that i just got millions of views there simply because i successfully held the camera in my hands, this is not so, so let our dear bloggers understand that they create huge problems in families, they create huge problems for children, because many children are sincerely upset that they cant do something, this creates huge psychological trauma for them, often, even if they still convey that any successful project, blogger, teenage blogger, childrens blogger , this is a collective work and then children, like your daughter, these millions, will understand and will be interested in the help of their parents, then you, as a dad, will receive your parental feeling, and interaction with the child, and the child will know that dad and mom are not enemies who take away your phone, and allies who will help you advance in this world, this is a very important nuance. Andrey, look, in the end, you cant just give up and, as it were, find yourself hostage to technology and say, well , lets go to the bloggers there a long time ago, ive seen a lot of things, so i m telling you now, this is not useful, this its bad for you, thats all, 2 hours a day. Eva, we agreed, 2 hours a day, thats it, i said, when you grow up, youll understand, well , excuse me, 2 hours a day is not prohibited, its a compromise, we still have to give an alternative for the child, because we live in a world of high emotions, and the internet and games only warm up the emotional background and without giving the child something that will be brightly exciting for him, we simply use prohibitions. We will not overcome this story, in this case i have three girls, yes, three daughters, my middle daughter is 12, she is also naturally passionate about various games, we have a very simple scheme, if a child gets bad grades, a c or, god forbid, a d, then of course she sits without phone and weekends there next week, if the child gets good grades for the week, then we give, accordingly, we expand the window of games, and communications on social networks there or games, and the child is motivated. And our game is regulated in this way and it is very simple to learn well, you need to set aside time to study, so this is the time the child voluntarily then removes himself from the gadget in the program or are you afraid that there will be a conflict and scandal when you ban . Im not afraid, this is the only method of control, theres simply no other way, you cant come to an agreement with her, but i emphasize how in those windows of time when. Theres a week or days, many, maybe several weeks, when the child is without play, without a phone, without social networks, we still have to find that form of activity, emotional, that will allow the child to get something, well, i think that this path lies ahead for almost every parent, modern, modern, because indeed now there is a struggle for our children between parents and gadgets, we should not lose to parents. And of course, only understanding the psychology of a child, understanding the world of teenagers, will help parents achieve success in this story, thank you very much for your advice, this was a podcast psychiatrist, psychologist, doctor of sciences androvsky , our guest, dad artyom, talked about how to break a child out of gadget addiction. Hello, this is the ezenstein125 podcast, i am film historian natalya ryabchikova, we are talking with my colleague film expert artyom sopin about sergei eisenstein, and today we have the topic of the incredible foreign journey and adventures of eisenstein and his friends in europe, usa and mexico. Hello, yes that too. The trip, in general, divided ezensteins life into two parts; it contained a lot, despite the fact that it lasted , on the one hand, not so much and not so little 3 years, during these 3 years isenstein managed to see a lot many phenomena that were just leaving european culture at the end of the twenties, but he still managed to, as they say, feel, touch, look at them, on the other hand, he had already very astutely noticed those features that would be characteristic of the thirties and forties, without having gone to subsequent years outside the soviet union, he nevertheless meets in the Foreign Press or in the domestic press, he encounters certain names and references, he said, and i already know this, i have already seen this, this is how it is developing now, and it was back in 3031, it was an absolutely turning point, because ezenstein was invited to hollywood, invited to hollywood in 27, but he only went there in 29, and 29 is already a completely different world , this. And the world on the eve of the collapse of the new york stock exchange, this is a world where it is no longer possible to imagine cinema being silent. Esenstein may also be silent films are still being made in the soviet union, but the whole world, including hollywood, is already engaged only in sound films. And thats why hes going, to try sound cinema, to see what it looks like, because back in 1928, here in the soviet union, he wrote an article, an application, or rather, under it there are three names izenshtein, pudovkin and alexandrov, but how we know pudovkin came to esenstein in guests, they discussed the theses together, but he simply dictated the text after them and wrote it down after both of them, in general, this article, which is loudly called an application, is just a proposal on how to use sound, so that on the one hand, not to lose the expressiveness of cinema with its installation, attention to detail, on the other hand, add sound as a new phenomenon, so that we dont just record the sound, but so that the sound is, for example, a person riding on a train, so that we hear not the noise of the wheels, but so that we hear the noise of his thoughts, than he is now. This is not necessarily like a voiceover, exactly how such an isenstein will continue to think about how to convey the structure of thought, this is his favorite topic, here we are just about the structure of thought, here is such an isenstein sitting, here he was invited to hollywood and he tells them but i definitely need to go not alone , with my cameraman, eduard tise, well, roughly speaking, from hollywood they tell him well, the cameraman is important, good, and then he says, but i still need to take my assistant, coauthor, grigory aleksandrovna, and they tell him, what why, who is this, so he writes down some applications for esenstein, and in fact three people are going, very different, and one of them immediately feels a little disadvantaged, moreover, i know. From a family where special teachers were hired for children, and english, and german, and french, and this is not his first trip, yes, he learns languages, he knows people who come to moscow, theodor dreiser comes to moscow, and of course he goes to visit isenshtein, to get to know him, and in the fall of the 29th, in turn, isenshtein comes with his group to europe, why, because in the soviet union it was impossible to get an american visa, because only in 3 years the United States recognized the soviet union, and in order to get an american visa, you had to go to berlin, where there was the closest opportunity, and after berlin they travel around europe for some time, waiting for the opportunity to get to america, they make a living by giving lectures, making films, in particular in the thirtieth year, just in the spring, they receive an offer to direct the film sentimental romance, this is a small short film. Which, in general, one large businessman ordered them to film his wife, and isenshtein, of course, jumped at it, because they could just try it with sound, by the way, we have the opportunity to watch it, a wonderful woman, mara gris, not a wife, by the way, she was actually a mistress, they just got married later, no, this is important , it seems to me, because in general this whole company, party, yes, how do we get income, where does it come from, they apparently agreed that they left, then they are practically without money, alexander then said they were given 25 dollars each, and what they are paid. Business trip allowances in moscow go to their families, isenshteins mother, alexandrovs wife, for a small child, yes, to his mother, mother, his sister, they agreed that everything they earn goes into the common pot, but who earns, again , well, in principle, mainly in their name ezenshtein, here of course, alexandro fytis also worked, yes, although on the contrary, on the one hand, it turned out this short film has such a reputation that its quite well, its a cheesy story, a girl so that it all looks as beautifully lush as possible, on the other hand, yes, glamorous, but in general, then some sculptural figures appear there, these types of nature appear there, all this creates quite ironically, in fact, the context is that recently there was a very interesting article in a magazine, which suggested the hypothesis that the whole film was invented with esensteinsky. Sense of humor, but in general this remains a hypothesis, since the film, in general, does not have much you can isolate it from it, but here the prologue is what catches your eye first, because in the prologue we see just such a rhythmic sound experiment, and we can see, in fact, how isenstein, indeed, in this case, isenstein himself came into contact with sound for the first time. So thats why its important that theyre in berlin for a reason, they sat there. Waited for a visa, there is even more of a story that they arrived, and they were told that the invitation was cancelled, they need to wait for a new invitation, they need to organize it somehow, but still they are going to berlin in order to organize the european premiere of the general line, esenstein has finally finished, he has been making the film for 3 years, now it needs to be shown, and when they arrive in europe they understand that this also needs to be voiced, moreover, genstein already has a prepared dubbing plan, he knows that he has the composer edmund maisel, who voiced potemkin for him and. He has such plans, he wants to use termin vox, he takes an invention, this electronic Musical Instrument and assumes that they will take this one. A machine where you type with your hand near the antenna, and you get these sounds, now higher, now lower, yes, they will take these completely unrealistic sounds and they will impose this on the soviet village, instead they have to earn a living with what they have, here in france they are filming a sentimental romance, in switzerland they are making a film popularizing abortion, a film called womens misfortune, womens happiness, a hymn to the art of medicine, which tise, in turn, is working on to a large extent. And after that they finally already in the thirties they were sent to hollywood on the ferry europe, but we have a small piece from the swiss film itself. By the way, where in the general plan there is childbirth, its not just a woman lying, its Grigory Alexandrov lying, we know this from memories and alexandrov even has to stay in europe for a week or two, ezenstein leaves with tiese, who signed a contract with with their new producer, jesse lasky from paramount, are traveling first class on this ship, and alexander, which means hes finishing up this sentimental romance, Something Like that, and hes traveling alone, moreover, hes being detained. In new york. Esenstein is already visiting celebrities and suddenly writes that grisha is on aliceland. Aliceland is a place where those immigrants who had something wrong with their documents, or it seemed to someone that they were unworthy of american society, maybe they are disabled and therefore will not be able to earn any money, but they will a burden to society. And the group that is going to hollywood, it is already breaking up a little, there are some tension in this . However, in hollywood they find themselves in a rather difficult situation. Because when they were invited, there was a fascination with the avant garde in fashion and they thought that they could give einstein something to try , hollywood was making very good money, they could take a risk, do something experimentally avantgarde and make an advertisement out of it, but when isenstein arrived, the Great Depression broke out, in general , hollywood was not ready to take risks, they wanted to use isenshteins name, since he had already come for advertising, so he they tried to offer Something Like that, commercial, absolutely, they really offered him a grand hotel, for example, with a bunch of stars, by the way, alexandrov, here their very discrepancy was already visible, alexandrov said that of course, lets agree and lets make a film, lets work with hollywood stars, einstein reminded him that we didnt come for this , but to firstly preserve our rnm , after all, avantgarde artists, and to test the sound experimentally, they first suggested the film zuttaras gold, about the golden fever, where is this gold, gold is gold, as it should. Be repeated like such a magic spell, but in general, this idea was not met precisely because of the experimental nature, due to the fact that it seemed like a golden its not good for a person who came from the soviet union to relieve the fever, because it turns out that just as he will comment on american history, well , the same thing then happens with the american tragedy, its like they give him a Great American novel, the same dreiser who visited him in guests in moscow give well, they offer it, and he makes a wonderful script, he also tries to develop his ideas there, but it turns out to be too depressing , yes, there is a wonderful statement, in my opinion, by irven thalberg, who read this, he did not work at paramount, they sent him for a comment, yes thats what you think, esenstein wrote to us here, and he answers, he just finished it brilliantly, esenstein is a master, an avantgarde artist, thats all, but then my hand reached out for a glass of whiskey, we cant have a film like that. Release it to our Young American boys and girls watched, this is too much of a negative view of our reality, it is clear that eisenstein , who comes and wants to grab this hollywood, just as he quickly did potemkin, lets say they came, wrote, filmed, and then went back to the soviet union, filmed there, and then returned to hollywood, this was the plan initially, its something incredible, instead he writes script after script, and they are not accepted, not accepted, not accepted, and he is absolutely. Gets depressed, he drives, looks at all these wonderful views, he plans

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