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This brilliant man builds a bridge between. Past, present, and, it seems to me, the future, he takes the national turkic bashkar melos and makes it the music of the 20th century, this is fantastic, and this was our goal when we created this project, and i created this project together with the peoples artist of the republic bashkartstan, rustam gzatulin, and we wanted to come up with what is fashionable, modern, what you can dance to, but at the same time, so that it is associated with antiquity, with culture, with ethnicity, in my project i play 15 instruments and combine all this with fashionable modern music, and it turns out this kind of show, you didnt have to look too hard, it seems to me that in the villages of bashshk all this is still sung, it exists, it all exists, its all sung, but it so happened, my father dreamed of becoming artist, wow, he well, somehow it didnt work out in soviet times, when i was born, he started playing the kurai for me every day, kurai, what is this kurai this is. Ba bashkar national instrument, this is a reed, which in the southern urals, can you give me some cane, please, i even brought a reed to show, interesting, interesting, heres another one too , comrades, you saw, heres that second one, where is the beautiful girl, this one, what kind of kzy, or khanum, i dont know how anymore to say, hyzym is better, hyzym, in short, this way and that, this is kurai, this is a reed that grows in the southern urals, the flower of this kurai is depicted on our flag, on our coat of arms, seven flowers, this means seven bashkir clans, and i specifically i brought this reed, it grows like this, we pluck this reed, and i have already prepared it in advance, so we pick it, yes, yes, yes, we remove it from the flower, then i specially in front of you, please hold it, im cutting this kurai, i cut this kurai specially in front of you , i cut the kurai, please show me, im making five holes, uh you, i make five holes, straight, straight with my hand, well, you can play straight, i made five holes, it turned out to be such a wonderful instrument, maybe very meditative, spacious. The sound is reminiscent of indian bansuri, only the whole world knows bansuri, and many of us ourselves, dear friends, only learned about kurai that night, so here it is i, if possible, right now on this instrument live, without you needing us for this or not, its not necessary, dear ladies, lets go, lets leave our viewers alone with kurai and zainaddin, live, im right now live, without arrangement, i wanted i would like to sing an excerpt from alpamyshs little epic. Atai kara, atai kara, alpa, kile, alba, kile, alpa, बेरव कीला, uldarganda ұymere, үy еmere, үymer, dayyngan. Well, it turns out that throat singing is a mongolian thing, no . In fact, many tursic peoples sang with throat singing, and of course, its very interesting that you have a lot of. Siberian history, after all, where did the bashkirs come from . They, we are the bashkir people, they roamed across vast territories and now even if we take bashkir, then we are sprinkled all over russia, and why is your honey so good, i even brought specially for you bashkir, this already reminds me of the Program First channel, and why do you have it like this, probably because nature, plants, and the purest water, mountains, everything probably plays such an Important Role in the creation such wonderful honey. This is what i think, we will be on the right path if our viewers take and study the interesting history of the bashkar people, find out more than we managed to say, and now our task is to continue to charm them further, of course, i ask you, ive come not alone, but with me came the honored artist of the republic of bashkyrtastan, zelia bakhtieva, ziliya, please gentlemen, well, this beauty will be in your heart for a long time, not a Single Person yet, and this beauty, and this voice did not leave anyone indifferent, that it is on you, dear delia . Well, firstly, these are national bashkir jewelry, these are nakosniki, by the way, i inherited this from my greatgrandmother, but in a closeup. To say, here are even royal coins from 1856, that is, now ive directly put the past on myself, i would say , well, some of this is silver, pure, silver since ancient times was considered sacred protection from evil spirits, due to the fact that thats all rings, it somehow expelled some kind of negativity from oneself, there is even such a concept as from. From afar, if you can hear it, here are the coins, how they ring, they said, a bashkir woman will first be heard, and then seen, and braids, braids, also had such a meaning as the status of a girl, because in the past, if it was not such that one could come up to meet a girl, it was impossible do, and from afar you could see whether she was married. Or not, thats how it is, look, if a girl wore two braids, that is, it meant that she was also her mothers fathers daughter, that is, she was not married, but when she wove it into one braid, that is, one could see that she was already married, not to her you come up, and of course there is there, their bashkir headdresses are called kashmau, and they also always wore this kashmal , well, in order to show that she was already. Uh , married and we even have whole legends about how they didnt want girls marry those men who were chosen for them, there is this lake right here, yes, which is called the seven sisters, yes there is a legend about seven girls, the legend is connected with the fact that they were stolen, they ran away, they were caught, then they they ran away again, then they were caught again. And for in order for them not to run away anymore, they had to make undercuts on their feet, and they also put finelyfinely chopped horse tail there , it was, of course, very painful; they couldnt escape far, but they probably had a great desire to see their native lands and return home , they still one day, even through the pain, they ran away. But they couldnt escape far, they ended up near lake kultuban, there is a baymak district in bashkastan, where im from, and there is lake kultuban, theyre holding hands, just we made the following choice its better for us to die, now here together, here they are from a huge, well, yes, of course, all seven of them from a huge rock. Dear delia, you brought so much romanticism and high vibration to us on the air that now we will listen to the song and keep in mind this graceful and high bashkir honor, what kind of song . This is my original song, i wrote the music myself, the words to this song were written by my sister yulia. Bakhtieva, zanedin played the instruments, the arrangement was written by peoples artist of the republic of bozhkostan gezatulin, that is, this it was a team effort. We sang it for the first time in kazakhstan and of course we would love to perform it for you too, i went to the audience of bashkartastan and dilia. Yuregimdin turanda, halykymdin rukhү. Aldyn nazaketliudaryn kusleru, yerodom aldyn, well, comrades, ill tell you this is the bashkar manner of receiving guests, youre just delya kyzym, i must say, kyzym, youre just like a bird, rakhmet, thank you very much, and how do you feel about the fact that your music, of course , ideal for discos, even now somewhere like this where everyone is dancing, is this an insult to you . No, you know, its the other way around, very good, i would say, because based on traditional folklore, we make modern music , young people like it, they invite you, of course, of course, of course, zelia and i tour a lot around our country , also in about twenty countries we have already performed at festivals and they still shine today, they shine thousands of times more than the treasure of the spirit that we pass on to our children and grandchildren, teaching them to love the musical roots of each of their people, of course, ill Say Something else now, youd better listen, okay, we still perform a lot for children, but what do children listen to now, they mostly listen to rap music, and my friend and i, his name is rinad, wrote a rap, not just rap, ethnic rap. I went one on one, with the audience, dancers, you can, but the trombone, you will play the trombone, of course, well, then now with the trombone we will listen to what happens in the hands of a talented person, i would like, dear friends, thank you again bashkartastan, which gave my colleagues and me meeting. With such a talented check, new conquests for you, dear friends, new interesting meetings, like those that just happened, all the best, all the best. If possible, dear tv viewers, lets all applaud together. Hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. The hospital was hit by gas, hundreds of people died. Vladimir putin about what a signal the tragedy should be for the parties to the conflict, which the Un Security Council again failed to cope with. The argument is hypersound. Aircraft with kinzhal complexes begin patrols in neutral black sea waters, in response to the movement of us Aircraft Carriers into the mediterranean sea. Direct communication the range of american missiles is extended only by the fire of the kiev regime. Supremes assessments. Commanderinchief and personnel of the special operations zone. Oncoming traffic, our routes in the arctic and the one belt one road corridors. Russia and china are the highest level of relations in an era of rapid change in the world. From the korean specifics, pyongyang is not in the Video Exchange materials, but in our filming. The first day of the visit of foreign minister sergei lavrov. Energy in image, sergei bezrukov, one of the most recognizable and soughtafter actors, artistic director of the theater, today is also the hero of the day. Lets start with news from the middle east. The palestinian country reports attacks on two mosques in the gaza strip. Israeli air raid sirens shortly after joe biden left the country. This is all on tapes in the last 2 hours. And it was the second day after it was attacked. Hospital in gaza city, hundreds of dead, participants in the conflict call each other guilty, grigory emelyanov, about how they prove they are right, and what experts say about this. The world has probably never seen such press conferences, even the brain does not immediately realize that a doctor at the alyakhli hospital is speaking to journalists against the backdrop of bags with the bodies of the dead, nearby men are holding their murdered children in their arms, this is what our enemy does to hospitals, before our eyes y. Rather, the world froze in shock, the terrible tragedy of hundreds of dead, from Video Evidence, the blood runs cold in the veins of people torn apart by the explosion, they were literally collected in plastic bags at the moment of impact there could be up to 500 people in the hospital, not only patients and staff; usually hospitals use gases to escape refugees from shelling. In this hospital, people hid after the israeli demand to leave their homes, and the israelis killed them all. No, not the israelis, they say. Netanyahus government, it is clear that no one wants to bear responsibility for such a monstrous tragedy, there is no clearly proven answer as to whose missile hit the hospital, the parties naturally blame each other, although here is the adviser to the israeli prime minister, as they say hot on his heels, he managed to burst out with a triumphant publication, no one pulled his tongue, the Israeli Air Force struck a terrorist base in the gaza hospital, many terrorists were killed. Later, when the full essence and scale of what had happened reached the adviser, the publication disappeared. Netanyahus office began to forcefully promote the opposite version, that the palestinians fired at themselves. The whole world should know that it was not the Israeli Defense forces, but barbarian terrorists who attacked a hospital in gaza. Those who brutally killed our children also kill their own. In israel claims that the rocket was not launched by hamas, but by another radical group, Islamic Jihad. Immediately, supposedly Video Evidence appeared, footage of a certain rocket, taking off over the gas sector, suddenly turning sharply, was presented as evidence. That it was the palestinians themselves who, due to the imperfection of their weapons, hit the hospital, however, it later turned out that the video was old from august last year, and even israeli sources pointed this out, not at all propalestinian, it is not surprising that even western journalists doubt how they realized that this missile was launched by the Islamic Jihad movement, do you have information about this . Well, the israelis have various special services working in the gas, drones are working on the gases, and there is other highly sensitive equipment. Of course, i would like to see the data from this equipment; last years video is soso evidence. An audio recording published by the Israel Defense forces, where allegedly militants condemn the unsuccessful rocket launch, also in itself only proves that somewhere, once upon a time, under unknown circumstances, two men were discussing some kind of unsuccessful launch in arabic. The official representative of the Russian Foreign ministry, maria zakharova, called for truly convincing evidence, and added on her telegram channel i am following the news with horror. From the middle east, i remember the thesis repeatedly voiced by obama that thanks to american politics, the world has become much safer, now we all see how much . Israel is trying through diplomatic channels convey his vision of the situation and, through the embassy, ​​distributes materials that are intended to serve as evidence of his version. A poorly made Islamic Jihad rocket fell on a hospital. I can just show you a photo from our radars. The red dot is where these missiles were fired from, the white dot is where the hospital is located, one of the missiles that was fired in this salvo did not work well and hit this hospital, they took note but these are not the answers to all the questions, what exactly exploded so monstrously in the illfated alahly hospital, never before have we seen poorly made palestinian rockets kill several hundred people in just one strike, this statement can be considered as a version, but which are already being criticized and do not stand up to this criticism, because those ammunition that applies Islamic Jihad and hamas to israel, they did not cause such destruction as we were not the first to raise this issue, here is the bbc the corporation the day before fired as many as six reporters in the middle east for propalestinian statements, not even in broadcast, on social networks, after all, it is difficult to imagine what else it could be, if not an israeli air strike or several air strikes, given the scale of the explosion, rocket attacks from gas have never had such strong explosions, we must also say that. Deaths are not what you would expect from palestinian rockets, these rockets are dangerous, they are deadly, but they do not kill hundreds of people in one hit like israeli high explosive bombs or bunker busters that are used to hit underground tunnels hamas is under the city of gas and which can really kill hundreds of people, in fairness radio we note that later the editors of western publications corrected their employees, the latest press came out with the most neutral headlines, they say who is to blame, i wonder if these are the same. People who almost instantly determined who is to blame, say, for the tragedy in the ukrainian riot, do these people consider this phrase dropped by biden to be sufficient proof . Israel has nothing to do with it, thats what my ministry of defense told me, this is not the case, when to believe words. In fact , there may be several versions, lets start with what hit, on the one hand, yes, it could have been a freefalling aerial bomb. There is a version of the turkish newspaper yeni shaffak that this is. K84, a superpowerful destructive bomb weighing 903 kg. But again, how can one trust this or that frame, given that editing is now flourishing, an investigation must be carried out using objective means of control, only then can a conclusion be leisurely made. Not yet convincing evidence, versions will naturally multiply as long as strikes on civilian targets continue, versions are not in favor of israel, and whatever he claims in his. Justification, this will definitely not convince his neighbors from the muslim world, they have drawn their conclusions, and israel will have to take this into account in any case, and will also have to deal with the consequences. Grigory emelyanov, irina bliznyuk, anastasia slobodenyuk and stanislav opletin, channel one. On october 7, a total of 5,000 people died, based on information which is provided by the parties to the conflict, but there are cases of miraculous rescue, the little girl was pulled out from under the rubble, where she and the child were very scared, but it seems there were no injuries, the ambulances saw her off with joyful cries. The strike on the hospital in gaza should be understood as a signal to end the conflict, Vladimir Putin stated this at a press conference in beijing following negotiations with the chairman of the peoples republic of china. There will be more details about them in the issue; our konstantin followed the event and raised the middle east topic. Dont travel here here in beijing you held a telephone marathon with the heads of the middle eastern states, and please share, what was your impression then, after these telephone conversations, did it seem then that a new big war in the east, in the middle east could be avoided, and did your opinion change . Position, what do you think, now today after the monstrous attack on the hospital in the gas and how the islamic world reacted to this attack, as for the attack on, as you said , the hospital, the tragedy that occurred there, this is a terrible event, but hundreds of dead and a hundred wounded is, of course, a disaster in one place, especially in a place of a humanitarian nature, so i really hope that this will be a signal that this conflict needs to end as quickly as possible , in any case, we need to reduce the matter to a possibility, the beginning of some contacts and negotiations, this is the first, second, as for my, my impression after talking with five leaders of the region, these were important timely conversations, i will now tell you the main thing, without details , i have created the impression that no one wants to continue the development and the conflict to worsen the situation, in my opinion, the main players. Some by definition do not want, some are afraid of something, but they are ready to develop the conflict, turn it into a largescale war, i have the impression that there are practically no such things. Russia is persistently calling for a ceasefire to stop the humanitarian catastrophe. The parties to the conflict have a different attitude. And today the Un Security Council, convened at the request, including ours, could not cope with it again countries after the gas tragedy. These un debates require separate coverage, we will return to them on air, kiril brainin about what the background was like. The line of behavior chosen by the west after the horrendous attack on a hospital in the gaza strip is clearer. The rapid evolution of the tymes headlines says it all in a few hours , the israeli strike turned into just a strike, and then some kind of explosion turned out to be the cause of the death of hundreds of people. Actually, the visit of president biden, who initially promised to pose difficult questions to the allies, put everything on the line their places. I was deeply saddened and outraged by the hospital gas explosion yesterday, and from what i saw, it looks like the other team did it. Not you, but there are many people who are not sure, many is not the right word. The middle east literally exploded with protests. In jordan, where biden was supposed to fly to a summit on a palestinian settlement, thousands of people are burning israeli flags. The summit was cancelled, and protesters continued to storm the Israeli Embassy during the day. The day before , the head of the palestinian authority, mahmoud abbas, had also gathered, but calling the attack on the hospital a massacre, he also refused to meet with the american president. What happened last evening is a great tragedy, a horrific massacre that cannot be ignored or left unpunished. Many International Decisions have been made to protect our people, but they have not been implemented because america does not want to implement them. This aggression against our people must stop. In iran , the american stars and stripes are burning along with the israeli ones, and the crowd is calling for war. A black flag has been raised in irans border area, the authorities are calling to deprive israel of resources and more. We expect that islamic countries having diplomatic relations with the zionist regime will immediately sever them, above. Israeli ambassador from his country. In addition, oil exports to israel or any other project carried out by any islamic state, along with israel, must be stopped immediately. In lebanese beirut , stones are already flying at the French Embassy in the absence of an israeli one, and Night Protests in turkey turned into clashes with the police pogrom at mcdonalds. Line of Police Cordon in front of the israeli diplomatic mission, the crowd tried to break into the American Military base. The authorities of the country, by the way, of the nato country, talk about dozens of detainees, but it is not that they do not share the anger of the crowd. President erdogan spoke quite clearly. The attack on the hospital, where there were women, children, and innocent civilians, is the latest example of israels inhumane attack. I call on everyone to take action to stop this unprecedented brutality in the sector gas there are thousands of protesters everywhere in egypt, libya, iraq, but its not just middle eastern cities that are blazing with anger, and there is no difference in the growing degree of hatred between iraqs baghdad, moroccan rabat or montreal in canada. And this is the United States. Cease fire, immediately. It was not the protesters who demanded a cessation of hostilities in the gas sector, in texas there was a mass march with palestinian flags, in new york the protest reached street screens. Israel bombs hospitals and biden pays for it, liberate palestine. While similar passions were raging on the streets of berlin, german chancellor scholz met with the president of egypt. He also vaguely calls the tragedy in the hospital an explosion and demonstrates concern for the fact that it is obvious to us that the palestinians are not hamas, and hamas has no right to speak on behalf of the palestinians. Hamas is holding innocent people hostage and using them as human shields. Our goal is to protect civilians and do something to stop peoples suffering. It is quite possible that mr. Scholz tried to persuade the president of egypt to arrange his territory of a refugee camp, but he immediately made it clear that it was a bad idea to place hundreds of thousands of palestinians in the country, among whom i could easily find. Hamas, who could then attack israel from there, and if they help the population of the gaza strip, then in the strip itself. I confirmed ongoing. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that egypt has not closed the crossing since the beginning of the crisis, but the development of events and repeated israeli attacks on the palestinian side of the crossing prevented its use. Egyptian humanitarian aid since last year stuck at the border for weeks, some are even trying to smuggle something on foot through the desert to the gas sector, whose residents are in danger. A catastrophe, and in the south, where israel persistently offered to resettle a million palestinians from the north, the situation is no better, the Russian Foreign ministry called for action to finally begin. We emphasize the need to consolidate International Efforts in the interests of an urgent ceasefire and the opening of humanitarian corridors. This would make it possible to provide the necessary assistance to the population of gaza, including the delivery of food, medicine and fuel, organize the evacuation of everyone who wants to stop the impending crisis. However, it is obvious that all the efforts of the west are now aimed at, using the terminology of the american president , supporting the israeli team, for which washington and allies are rooting, protests around the world, however , have shown that the enemy team has enough fans, and it is clearly not limited to hamas militants. Kiril branin, Andrey Mikhailov and sergey romanov, channel one. And back to the press conference russian leader in beijing. Thats the statement. Vladimir putin, answering questions about the situation in ukraine and washingtons involvement in it. The United States is becoming more and more personally drawn into this conflict, they are being drawn in, this is an obvious thing. And let no one say that they have nothing to do with this, we believe that they do. Now, plus all this is happening against the backdrop of the middle east conflict, all this is heating up the atmosphere. So they took and dragged two aviation groups into the mediterranean sea. Its not a threat, that. Now ill tell you what i mean i will inform, on my instructions, that the Russian Military space forces are starting on a permanent basis, and patrolling in the neutral zone airspace on the black sea, and our mik31 aircraft are armed with dagger complexes, they, as is known, have a range of over 1,000 km, at a speed of mach nine, then this is not a threat, but we will carry out. Visual control, control with weapons of what is happening in the mediterranean sea. More clearly on the map here are the approximate routes of our patrols over the neutral zone of the black sea, here the water area, which included two american Aircraft Carrier groups, is an imaginary line at a distance of 1,500 km from the patrol zone, corresponds to the capabilities of the dagger, it turns out that the mig31 with such a complex in the western part of its route. Sees, so to speak, most of mediterranean sea. Control over the territory is also maintained when the invader is in the eastern sector. The meeting between the russian president and the chairman of the peoples republic of china, after which the news about the daggers was announced, was the second this year. Vladimir putin is the main guest of the International Forum one belt 1 way. Sijin pin is the initiator of the idea. The transport project is important for many countries, but it is ours that are promoting other changes in the amount of history. The very center of beijing, tian square is a sacred place for any chinese, where a foreigner actually cannot get even on ordinary days, but today, on the day of the summit, everyone here is in cars, this is a giant parking lot for summit participants, one train, one way. Chinese state limousines with foreign flags are scurrying around everywhere, barely fitting into the square in front of house of the peoples assembly. But this is all external surroundings, the most important thing. Xi made a state visit to russia in march this year, and the leaders have warm relations. The second meeting of Vladimir Putin with sidinpin in a year is the main event of the entire visit of the russian president to china. Negotiations are about to begin, impressive delegations are already assembled before the arrival of the top officials, we manage to turn to the head of vtb bray kostin, but not only he

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