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The enemy about the order of the areas of advance, specialization in the data of the ministry of defense in our personnel from the front line. Road map, new highways, interchanges and bridges geography from the urals to mariupol, the opening was observed via video link by the head of state. Promoting change an interview with the russian president before his visit to china and joint megaprojects through the Russian Direct Investment Fund. Its a race to see who will ultimately form the government of poland; the ruling party is still in the lead in the elections, but this does not mean complete victory. The music of gennady glatkov did not become the composer who made the films and cartoons of our childhood recognizable from the first frames, not only from the notes. Lets get acquainted with money, new thousandth and five thousandth bills. What has changed in appearance and what methods of protection. Added also online. News of the hour and telephone conversation between the president of russia and the Prime Minister of israel. Prior to this, during the day, Vladimir Putin telephoned the head of palestine, as well as the leaders of syria, iran and egypt. There is only one topic palestine, the israeli conflict, the search for a peaceful resolution, for this purpose stopping violence and preventing a humanitarian catastrophe. The crisis, which began on october 7 with an unprecedented attack by hamas militants on israel, has developed. Except further missile air strikes awaiting ground operations in a complete blockade of the gas sector. There are russian citizens on both sides of the war zone, how can we help them leave the dangerous areas . This was discussed at the meeting that the president held today. Grigory emelyanov, more details. Vladimir putin himself suggested including the middle east agenda in the program of the meeting on operational issues. To get a general assessment of the situation, the president invited the deputy head to novo ogorev. Our midai rebkova. What is important to me is the opinion of the ministry of foreign affairs, special services, foreign intelligence , well, all the colleagues who have gathered here, taking into account the developing situation, taking into account the fact that there are many of our citizens in the conflict zone, both on one side and on the other, and uh, the civilian population is suffering, and this raises questions of humanitarian assistance in the region to everyone in need. The situation in the conflict zone in the middle east tends to worsen, in our assessment, the operations carried out by the israeli army is indiscriminate in nature, the threat of a ground operation remains, and the residents there are actually in a state of humanitarian catastrophe; the Russian Federation is making maximum efforts. On the political plane, including through the Un Security Council, where we introduced a draft resolution focused on humanitarian issues, the threat of this entire conflict getting out of control is high. In this regard, according to rebkov, russia will make every effort to stop the crisis and create conditions that guarantee the departure of our citizens from the risk zone. The corresponding work is carried out through the embassies of our Representative Office of the Palestinian National autonomy through consular services, the department. The crisis Situation Center in cooperation with all departments. Okay, thank you very much. Today the president held five telephone conversations with the leadership of both parties directly involved in the conflict, israel and palestine, with several interested parties syria, iran and egypt. Putin listened to his interlocutors and conveyed the russian position. It is essentially unchanged an immediate ceasefire and a political settlement. Details on the president s website. Vladimir putin emphasized the unacceptability of any form of violence against peaceful people. And noted that russia deeply sympathizes with all the victims, relatives and friends of those killed as a result of the armed confrontation and is ready to provide humanitarian assistance. The russian sides commitment to coordinating efforts with everyone was confirmed. Determined partners, so that as much as possible quickly stop the fighting and stabilize the situation. This is precisely the purpose of the draft resolution submitted by russia to the Un Security Council to declare an immediate humanitarian truce, which is balanced and nonpoliticized. Russia calls for action on the basis of the existing Un Security Council formula. Two states, including an independent palestine with its capital in east jerusalem, existing in peace with israel. But, for example, iran approaches the issue more harshly; in tehran, tehran was reported to israels un special coordinator, which is typical, in response, israel severed ties with the coordinator. Our goal is victory, a complete and crushing victory over hamas, the overthrow of its power and the elimination of the threat posed by it to the state of israel once and for all, but victory requires time and sacrifice. In the palestinian lands there is another power, the moderate Fatah Movement as opposed to the hamas controlling the gaza strip, which maintains relative calm on the west bank of the jordan, however, fatah is moderate for the time being, there is something that cannot no one will give up. Our government warns against Israeli Military measures to remove palestinians from the gaza strip, this would be a national disaster, our people will not leave their land, no matter the sacrifice it will cost. Arab league and african union. An Israeli Ground operation in the gaza strip will cause a large number of casualties. This will be an unprecedented genocide. Meanwhile, the us secretary of state is rushing around the middle east, trying to solve the middle east issue the american way, that is, as joe said in an interview with cbs biden, washington fully supports israel, except that there will be no direct us military participation. It is clear that this approach will find approval in the netanyahu government. It is also clear that the approval of other governments in the region. Rebkov actually spoke to vladimir about the role of the United States today. The United States, which bears the main responsibility for this dramatic and difficult crisis, since this country has been trying for many years to lethalize the settlement, ignore the relevant relevant Security Council resolutions now preventing proper decision. It is not only russia that, if i may say so, does not like the role of the United States. Here in saudi arabia. Blinken was given an offensive demarche, writes the washington post. In riyadh , the ruler of saudi arabia made blinken wait several hours for a meeting that was supposed to take place in the evening, but the crown prince did not appear until the next morning. In egypt, it would seem that they were able to agree on the painful issue of the rafah checkpoint on the border with the gas sector, it is closed, a huge number of refugees from the egyptian side have accumulated on the palestinian side, many trucks with humanitarian aid, but after blinkens flight to cairo for. Israel does not provide security guarantees, so they cannot open rafah. Moreover, by the evening, Arab Television channels showed footage of an Israeli Attack on the checkpoint. The ceasefire also failed. It was announced, but a couple of hours later it was denied by both the Netanyahu Administration and hamas. Meanwhile, gaza will not cope without outside help. Pictures like this, children trying to dig up surviving food items from a pipe pit, are not uncommon. But the doctor, trying to save the wounded, receives news about the death in hospital of his own son. There is a catastrophic influx of wounded in hospitals, there is not enough medicine, no fuel for generators, no hands for doctors, water is in critical shortage, in refugee camps they are already starting to drink sea water, since many people in the camp do not have enough water, now we are filling containers with salt water, im ready to drink salt water, but what remains for us . Northern israel is still relatively quiet, but the lebanonbased Hezbollah Group has warned that if the idf launches a ground operation in gaza. It will open a second front. The netanyahu government, having already slept through the attack from the south, cannot ignore the threat from the north and is pulling part of its forces there. Residents are leaving border settlements just in case. Look, our city is gradually emptying out, people are leaving, people are shooting here, they understandably want to get away. Now we often hear shooting around us. I dont know who is shooting, but every day the roar gets louder. And the parties continue to count their losses. Israeli soldiers were killed. And this is understandable at least, because who knows how many bodies will be found under the rubble by those who will clear up these rubble in the gas and when i find it again, the authorities in the gas sector are already warning about a possible epidemic. Grigory emelyanov, alexander kovalev, channel one. Lets return to Vladimir Putins meeting, which began with a different topic during a special one. Operations, report to the supreme commanderinchief of the minister of defense, the situation in the mtr zone, i ll ask the minister of defense to talk about this very briefly, so this is exactly what is happening today, at this point in time, please, lets get started, sergei kuzhegevich, i ask you, what is happening today in a special operation is naturally characterized by such things as attempts by the enemy in Different Directions to carry out offensive actions in all directions, practically colliding with our active defense in many areas from what in many areas we manage to improve the tactical situation, nowhere in fact any advance was allowed, we have completed the spring offensive campaign, as planned by the ukrainian authorities, the summer one, now the autumn one and not in one of these companies any success, significant success was achieved, in certain directions along the entire line, where, uh, we see special activity today, a sufficiently deep and deeply stunned defense has been built, or it can now be called active defense, because after the start of the Summer Campaign on june 4, the enemy suffered, if not significant, large, serious losses in manpower, equipment, hundreds of tanks, one and a half hundred armored combat vehicles, and continues to do this work, we naturally, today, continue the same active actions in those areas where we consider it necessary. In general, the situation looks stable, confident, the troops are conducting very professional actions , showing heroism in many directions, confidence that they will not only hold their position, but will naturally continue to implement the plans that we have outlined, well. But in the report from the ministry of defense in the donetsk direction, the armed forces repelled all attacks of the ukrainian formations, who lost 460 militants in one day. Our air defense shot down two enemy fighters, a mik29 and a su25 attack aircraft. And definitely attacks on rear military targets. In the khmelnitsky region , the arsenal at the mirgorod airfield and the Communications Center were liquidated. And about the work of our artillery, how snipers fire from timetested howitzers. And powerful hail, elena peach saw, now well jump out and work it out , the fighter call sign marcher is in a hurry to his combat vehicle, the place where it is hidden cant be easily found, its not just a machine, its just there is the very same hail system, look, these are launchers, but in its entirety before the start of combat work, we cannot even show it to you, simply because the enemy is really hunting for such systems, and it has to be very carefully disguised. Depending on the type of ammunition, the firing range of this multiple launch rocket system is up to 40 km, but it is closer to the enemy on the right bank of the dnieper, and he is not giving up attempts to take our left bank by storm. Yes, it really happens that they manage to transfer, but they borrow, but very quickly lose their positions, that is, they cannot gain a foothold. In the sky, trying to track down and destroy our cities every now and then. Went to the fire zone, the enemy copter, kamikaze, almost flew up to us, our battery commander from 400 m, destroyed the copter, for cool blood and courage almost all the servicemen of this unit received state awards, the zhukov medal was awarded to the gunner with the call sign teacher, before leaving at the svo as a volunteer, he taught computer science, his crew did not leave their position, even under a barrage. You need to say so, finish the job to the end, that is, suppress enemy fire, or an infantry offensive, when there are gaps near you , that is, you are still working on the target, thank god, they missed, but we hit, in that now the artillery is gods no one in the zone doubts the war, trying to remain elusive, they roll, as they say here, selfpropelled. Guns, we no longer count how many vehicles we hit, and nato equipment, nato equipment and soviet equipment, are wrapped in camouflage nets along the entire line combat contact, a cannon artillery weapon, this is a cartridge case from one gun, and the gun is 152 mm, a d20 gun, but this work was literally carried out there within a day and a half, that is, the enemy is trying to advance in our direction, they are fighting in this division mostly those who have been on the front line for less than a year, and the skill they have achieved makes the chief of staff proud, but now we are right on target, the second, third is already the same dugout or whatever they are, we are dismantling their pickup trucks. Just hit the road, the tanks are burning, thats really right its nice, this is what happens right from the first shot, here in the tank, even after completing the next combat mission , there is no time to rest on the front line, before the cold weather you need to insulate the dugouts, install stoves, chop wood, but if anything really warms the guys, its this is the confidence that they are loved very much and are welcome at home, they joke that the scale of care of wives and mothers is difficult not to notice, elena pich, victor shvagerus, dmitry orekhokhov, yulia khodorova, channel one, khersonskaya and zaporozhye. Several new objects were connected by the countrys highways included in Global Transport corridors, northsouth westeast. Vladimir putin took part in the launch of the movement via video link. The bridge in mariupol will improve logistics with crimea, and there will be more comfort at the junctions near gelendzhik on the caucasus highway. An important section of the permyekaterinburg highway was also commissioned. All will be built this year and Pavel Krasnov will tell you in more detail. The synchronized horn of dump trucks after the command to go, the familiar signal about the end of construction is already an invariable part of the ceremony, when work done in russia opens traffic after construction roads and bridges. In mariupol, this bridge across kalmius was previously one of the main arteries for the city, but during the battles it was. So strong that the builders had to build it again, the charred workshops of azovstal are clearly visible from here, if before the bridge connected only two parts city, now it is something more, part of the road that connects new russian regions. A Major Overhaul of the bridge in mariupol has been completed, which will allow the restoration of transport links between several districts of the city, but most importantly, this project will speed up movement along the federal highway novorossya towards crimea, increasing its transport accessibility. The road running through mariupol connects the Donetsk Republic with the zaporozhye, kherson regions and crimea, a land corridor to the peninsula along the azov coast. You emphasized that, in essence, this is part of the land corridor, so the main flow of vehicles , not only urban traffic, but also interregional ones, follows this route. We carry out everything according to the program for the Socioeconomic Development of the region. Developed according to yours vladimirovich instructions, thank you very much, i am sure that this is not the last event of this kind, you just named possible areas of work, there are many more of them, we will all move forward. The five road sections that are being inaugurated today are only a small part of what is being built nationwide; the National Project dedicated to safe and highquality roads has already been more than half completed. Last year. Builders managed to restore 50 of all regional roads to normal condition; plans for this year even more ambitious, this year we will definitely have completely repaired more than 180 million square meters of roads, but if we put 180 million km in one meter, then we can go around the earth 4 times 2 times, that is, this is simply a gigantic volume that we have never this has never been done before in the entire history of our country, its just the most. Result in the entire history of the country, part of this result are transport interchanges near gilendzhik, tourists traveling to the sea will no longer have to stand for hours in many kilometers of traffic jams, two sections of the route the caucasus is connected by the cities and mountainous regions of dagestan, soon after the repair another 70 km of road should open, this makes it possible, among other things, to develop routes for the industrial sector, the agroindustrial sector, and of course for tourism, because they allow. Dagestan with other regions of our country, including the ancient city of derben. Plans for the development of transport infrastructure in the south of russia were confirmed by the president. We will continue to implement plans to modernize this route, construction of makhachkala bypasses, khosovyurt, derbent and other settlements to ensure the Necessary Development of the strategically important northsouth corridor. I just recently talked with the president of azerbaijan, we discussed this topic, and it is also very important for our partners to complete all these projects, because for their part. They are doing quite a lot of work in this area. Another element of the northsouth corridor is a bridge built in the leningrad region. The crossing of the sver river was planned to be opened in the sixties, but were able to build only now, its appearance should be felt by residents of several regions of russia at once. For the commissioning of the bridge alone, we have already signed investment agreements worth more than 3 billion rubles. Today, for example, we opened new clean facilities in podporozhye, a new bus station , landscaping is underway, podporozhye is developing, the leningrad region is developing, the whole of russia is developing, and highway 12 is part of the international westeast corridor, builders have completed the reconstruction of a fortykilometer section in the sverdlovsk region, in russia as a whole, is now completing the construction of hundreds of road facilities. Many thanks to everyone who took part in the construction of these important facilities, and of course, to your subcontractors, those who supplied materials, equipment and everything necessary for construction. We will certainly continue to create modern, highspeed and safer transport networks. Develop the most important transport corridors as a priority. I am confident that all planned plans in the field of Road Construction will certainly be implemented. And most likely implemented ahead of schedule. Recently, Road Builders have been able to complete even the most complex projects ahead of schedule. Now about the events that start tomorrow, the one belt, one road summit in china, the russian president will take part, and will also hold negotiations with the chairman of the peoples republic of china. On the eve of the visit, Vladimir Putin gave an interview to the Chinese Media about the impressive level of relations between our countries and the most pressing problems of the world in the era of change. Dmitry kochitkov listened to the questions and answers. Most of Vladimir Putins interview chinas Media Coverage was dedicated to bilateral relations, but also touched upon the most Important International issues, primarily the situation in ukraine. How do you see the prospects for a peaceful settlement of the ukrainian crisis, when peace comes, and how do you evaluate chinese proposals for a political settlement of the ukrainian crisis . We are grateful to our chinese friends for thinking about how to end this crisis. Nevertheless, i want to. Remember that military operations in ukraine did not begin with our special military operations, and much earlier, in 2014, when western countries, having acted as guarantors of the agreements between the president and yanukovych and the opposition, forgot about their guarantees just a couple of days later, and moreover, contributed to the coup detat, the 2014 crisis, military operations, everything this led to the fact that this escalation reached a new level, so the start of a special military operation by russia is not the beginning of a war, it is an attempt to stop it. Putin is confident that security on the planet should be the same for everyone. One one of the key points is ensuring equal security for everyone. And russia has the right to this, just like any other state, if we believe that natos expansion is at the expense of ukraine. Creates threats for us, we ask that this be heard, as for russianchinese relations , world stability largely depends on them, economic relations are now on the rise in the field of oil, the pipeline is working, and it is working stably and pumping volumes are increasing, the same applies to the siberian gas pipeline, now we already have a good an agreement was signed on the far eastern route about another power route from siberia through mongolia, the amount of supplied coal and electricity is increasing, we are building, and continue to build, nuclear units, and not only to build units at two stations, but we are also working on the issue of a fast neutron reactor, which will allow to build relations in a completely new way in this Hightech Energy sector, china will reach a record 200 billion this year, automakers from neighboring countries occupy free niches after many western competitors left the russian market. I spoke with some, with people who can be called car enthusiasts, with a huge , long experience, my interlocutors told me, and you know, chinese cars in our market. Are not just establishing themselves because there are fewer others, not only for this reason , quality is improving, the quality of chinese cars is improving, so consumers, especially with pricequality ratio, are happy to focus on the products of chinese manufacturers. For 10 years beijing develops the one train, one track initiative and creates economic corridors within the framework of the new silk road, everyone can participate in the initiative. We see that someone perceives it as an attempt by the chinese peoples republic to crush someone under itself, but we do not see this, we simply see. Desire for cooperation, no one imposes anything, but it pushes and creates conditions for development. Vladimir putin says that he met with the chairman of the peoples republic of china, they became friends, this is, of course, one of the recognized World Leaders who makes a sevenminute decision based on some current situation, he assesses the situation, analyzes and looks into the future, this is very important, this is what makes him different. This is a manifestation of colonial thinking, why do you think so, what needs to be done to democratize international relations, as well as promote the construction of a multipolar world order. You just said that order is based on rules, but have you ever seen these rules . No, because no one ever has them. How can we talk about an order based on rules that no one i havent seen it, well, from the point of view of common sense, this is nonsense, this is some kind of nonsense, but it is beneficial for those who promote this approach, because if no one has seen this, these rules, it means that those who talk about in this case, they come up with these rules themselves. To the case in a way that is beneficial to them, this is the colonial approach, because the colonial countries, they always believed that they were firstclass people, because they always said that they bring enlightenment to their colonies, that they are civilized people, and bring good. To other nations, whom are considered secondclass people. The authoritative International Association brix also advocates multipolarity; starting next year, brazil, russia, india, china and south africa will be joined by six more countries, argentina, egypt, ethiopia, iran, saudi arabia, the united arab emirates, this is almost half of the planets population. There has been an expansion recently. States, what do you think is a manifestation of what historical process is the expansion of brix . A multipolar world is being created on its own in fact, we can speed up this process, we can, or someone may try to slow it down, and maybe achieve some kind of slowdown in the construction of multipolar worlds, but his consciousness is inevitable, it happens on its own, and it happens in connection with the growth. Of the potential of many countries, everyone who has joined the brix , supports this idea and concept, the formation of a multipolar world, no one wants to be on the sidelines of some sovereign, Everyone Wants equal relations, they talked not only about politics, everyone knows that putin is fond of sports, you are in great shape, you there is still time for in order to train . Yes, thank god, i believe that this must be done in order to be able to work intensively , first of all, this training is not an end in itself, it is a means of achieving truly important goals, it is an opportunity to work intensively, in this mode, which allows us to achieve the desired results , we remembered judo classes, putin is confident that preparations for the forum the affairs that are on the rise in our country, we are very grateful to our chinese friends for inviting president putin as chief guest, at the third belt and Road International forum, we consider this movement, this project, as an important part of promoting cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefits throughout the eurasian continent. We are confident that president putins participation in the forum in china will give new impetus to our strategic cooperation. We have to compare notes before the meeting of our leaders and i am very glad to have a thorough exchange of views with you. And a new joint project between russia and china in the industrial sector. Plant in krasnoyarsk region for rapeseed processing. Demand for products made from it is growing around the world. From siberia there is a shorter route to asian markets, especially taking into account the new transport corridors. 6 billion. Jointly with the Russian Direct Investment Fund , one of the leading Agricultural Holdings in china, together with chinese partners, the fund has already implemented 40 investment projects worth more than 750 billion rubles. Alena germanova with examples. These 2 km of railway over the amur are like a strong thread connecting the economies of russia and china. Bridge from the jewish autonomous region to the province hailudzian shortened the exportimport route by 700 km. It is designed to carry 20 million tons of cargo per year, the first train from china arrived this summer. The bridge is unique in its complexity, there were ice drifts, floods, and a year after the work began, the work completely changed its course, but the builders on both sides of the border managed to cope. 2 3 of the costs for the construction of our part of the crossing were covered by the Russian Direct Investment Fund and its chinese partners. Every third projector. Today is created with the support of china, for example, the construction of two small hydroelectric power plants in karelia. Works there are almost completed. Two other projects have already been launched the Northern Bypass of odentsov and bogration avenue in moscow. I ask permission to start the movement. Go ahead, i give permission. Start moving. The new road was launched on the day when moscow celebrated its 876th anniversary, a kind of gift for those who are tired of traffic jams. Northern. It takes me 10 minutes to get to the center from the moscow ring road, if you count, but before, as it was, it used to be an hour, kutuzovsky is in the evening and in the morning, that is, to the city, its about an hour, on the toll road minutes without traffic jams with a breeze. Volume russianchinese projects in rfpi exceeded 750 billion rubles. Industry, natural resources, but more than a third of all investments go to infrastructure. Today, 25 Million People use it annually. Its not just about roads; partners from china are involved in the development of the countrys airport network. Now we really see the beginning of a golden age of investment between russia and china, because investments in National Currencies will allow them to increase exponentially. Investments between our countries, and we see Significant Interest from chinese partners in investing in russia in yuan, we will literally announce two important projects this week, these are investments together with a leading Agricultural Producer from china in Agricultural Processing in the far east and also a joint fund for investments in the aviation industry. In the Russian Foreign exchange market, the dollar and euro have already been squeezed out; the revenue of invested companies at the end of last year amounted to about 3. In the khabarovsk territory, there are three modern factories for the production of lumber and peeled veneer and pills, it is not cheap Raw Materials that are exported from here, but a finished product, china highly values ​​it, trade turnover with russia is growing , the main reason is the high and at the same time reliability of such production, a unique combination, the russians always have it here at a depth of 350 m. Kirov miners mine like this called breadstone, today not only ours, but the entire worlds productivity depends on it. 63,000 tons of apatite nephiline ore per day are raised to the surface, every third ton of fertilizer in the countrys soil comes from the khibiny. Does not contain dangerous harmful substances impurities, like most of our competitors, in particular such a heavy metal as cadmium. We are a key supplier in the markets of africa, india, south america, brazil. The production of mineral fertilizers has increased by almost a third in recent years, however, there is cooperation. Cannot be measured by money alone. At one time, it was partners from china who warned their russian colleagues about the threat and helped with the delivery of unique sets of coronavirus tests. The Russian Direct Investment Fund immediately directed all its resources to the fight against covid. The sputnikvi vaccine saved millions lives. This is an example of interaction with chinese partners on such a very deep human level. Where, if they had not told us, it was they who took the initiative and warned us. We probably wouldnt have been able to respond to the pandemic so quickly and clearly. Thats why. Relations with china are not only about money, about profitability , but its about saving human life, its about social projects, its about trust between our people and our countries, choose the colors of the russian flag, press the right colors, yeah, white, blue, red, the Online Platform has long been helping secondgraders of the st. Petersburg school of engineering and Technology Learn by playing; it has already united 12 million children and 800,000 teachers across the country. Helped out during the coronavirus pandemic, when classes had to be taught remotely. You can join the whole class and you can track the work of absolutely every student , there are sections not only for lessons, but there are also additional ones, that is, here are mathematical olympiads, olympiads on the surrounding world, safe internet, which is now it is very important, yes, how a child should behave correctly on social networks , investments and Development Also helped to become a leading online educational project. The olympiad has already entered the world market, together with ucheru , schoolchildren from india, brazil, of course, china itself, all this is just a small part of successful russianchinese projects, their number has long been in the dozens. Alena germanova, elena shtokolova, zulfiya khakimova, ksenia ugarova, natalya lyublinskaya and nina khoreva, channel one. Meanwhile, in the far east, navaya began combat duty Strategic Nuclear submarine generalistis suvorov. Transition from northern to tikhon. The fleet lasted a month and a half and a ceremonial meeting in kamchatka at the base in velyuchinsk. Roto honor guard, orchestra, relatives of crew members. The commanders report on the completion of the assigned task of rewarding distinguished submariners. Generals sivor carries 16 bulava ballistic missiles. Russian Electronics Manufacturers will receive additional Government Support for the development of the Technology Park in the next 3 years, with an additional allocation of more than 2 billion rubles. This was reported by michael. At a meeting with their deputies, they also discussed support for small Mediumsized Enterprises in new regions, another topic is the conservation of Drinking Water resources and consumables, the government is launching an experiment to create a single information resource, it will have to include the most detailed and reliable information about rivers, lakes, groundwater, which will allow us to develop common approaches for caring for our reserves, especially Drinking Water sources. Lets start with three pilot regions, this is the tula region, Stavropol Territory and the chechen republic, i would like you to report in more detail on how this work will be organized. We plan to identify areas where water is illegally withdrawn for drinking and household purposes, areas where the withdrawal is carried out in violation of the law. Identify sources for water supply to settlements where there is still no Drinking Water, ensure accounting of water wells producing. Both drinking and mineral water. In november next year the results of the experiment will be summed up and proposals have been prepared for scaling to all regions of our country. It is important for russia and vietnam to develop new formats of cooperation, including using interparliamentary interaction. State duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin stated this in hanoi. The local parliament also discussed the economy, in particular the transition to payments in National Currencies. Vyacheslav volodin called on Vietnamese Companies to more actively enter the russian market. Most expensive, the majority of the planets population believes that countries should build their own sovereign policy, carry it out, and here its better than hashemeen, you cant say that the most valuable thing is independence and freedom, today we can only say that the National Economy of our country has strengthened, we need to look at the future with optimism and do everything to so that we achieve the goals of the tasks, we will exchange experience in such areas as energy, including nuclear, science , technology, digital transformation, trade, finance, investment, education, we will promote deepening comprehensive Strategic Partnerships for the benefit of peoples of our countries, poland, after the elections, more than 90 have been processed, the power party, justice is in the lead, but the opposition has the majority, the civil coalition, plus three more parties, while he is knocking out the rest, ivan blagoy was figuring out who, with whom, would have to negotiate in order to form a government countries. Poland won, democracy won, we removed them from power, neither side is talking about defeat. I have been a political athlete for a long time, i have never been so happy about second place. Party of power, right and justice is in the lead, but judging by the latest data, it has lost the opportunity to singlehandedly form a government, which means the opposition is in the game, tusks civil platform, the new left unification is the way, together they provide the majority of everything, passions are running high, kochinskys people insist, for the third time in a row we have the highest public support in the polish parliament, therefore, in accordance with the constitution, president andrzej. With whom is this government being formed . Potential partners feel weaknesses and strive to kick them harder. One of the Options Coalition with the polish peoples party, it is part of the third way association, but there is still a turnaround there. The ultraright confederation, another potential partner , showed poor results and is also not ready for compromise. I cant imagine a joint government. I am very glad that Matteusz Morawiecki will soon cease to be Prime Minister. But the count is still ongoing. Votes, based on exit poll data , a map of the political sympathies of poles was compiled. It shows how much the country divided, and if you superimpose this modern map on the map of 1871, it turns out that in the territory that previously belonged to the german empire, the population predominantly votes for liberals and the proeuropean tusk. Residents of lands that were previously part of the russian and austrohungarian empires choose the ultraconservatives of kaczynskis party. In the accounts on social networks, the head of the european commission, ursula vonlein, and the head of the european council, charles michel. About the events taking place in poland, the grave. Which is of course understandable, just recently exit polls on the elections in slovakia predicted victory for liberals advocating active further support for kiev; in the end , robert fitz won the election with completely different rhetoric. Today, the social democrat fitz, who promised to put an end to the endless help from kiev , signed a coalition agreement, together with the right from the national party, the left from glas, he intends to form a government to deal with the topic of national sovereignty. Could something change in the russophobic politics of poland after the elections, because at one time, when the ace. Was Prime Minister in relations between our countries have begun to warm up. In 20102011, we know that there was a kind of rapprochement between poland and russia. Now, of course, this is impossible to expect, because the confrontation has taken on a certain fundamental character , and the question of the outcome of the conflict in ukraine, as if for poland, is, of course, of fundamental importance, under any power poland. Will perceive ukraine as part of its three seas, its sphere of influence. This is the concept of the polish nationalist pelsudsky, that is, differences are obtained only in a more dense coordination of actions with brussels if tusk comes to power, because he is the former head of eurosov with extensive connections among european bureaucrats. Polish president andrzej duda has so far defiantly maintained neutrality and talks about the success of democracy. The turnout was almost 73 . It is fantastic. It is hardly worth forgetting that. Poland was previously a member of parliament from kaczynskis party, he has the right to veto bills, and as the british bbc notes, the opposition, if it comes to power, will not have the strength to override this veto. Constitutional court, head of the constitutional tribunal of poland, was appointed to the position on the recommendation of law and justice. Warsaw risks getting bogged down in internal political squabbles, whether in this case the poles will care about ukraine. Ivan blagoy, dmitry volkov, lyubov dmitry vadelha, yuri rublev, channel one. Let me add that right now israel doesnt care about zelensky, he was going to come on the wave of escalation of the conflict along with us secretary of state blinken, but kiev was made to understand the inappropriateness of the visit, claims the israeli portal novosteynet. According to him according to data, the trip can be combined with one of zelskys subsequent tours of european countries. Everyone knows what these tours are for. The kiev regime is begging the west for weapons and is afraid that priorities will change in favor. About fatigue. Against the backdrop of their own problems , the press of western politics also spoke out a lot. In the states, the house of representatives will try again tomorrow to elect a speaker, the previous one was resigned precisely because of the place. Assistance to ukraine in the us budget. Advertising. In the second part of the program we will talk about new banknotes in russia, design protection. And let us remember gennady glatkov, the author of the wonderful music of our childhood, passed away today. Dont switch. Everything is impossible. Calm down, criminal investigation department, they surrounded me from all sides. Its your job. Turn off the emotions and turn on. Brains, make a list, in your situation, you cant trust anyone, whats your cop, i wanted to talk to you, who are you . Are you concerned about the fate of kristina . After all , there was never any manuscript, right . Answer, just dont lie to me, its a bomb that can blow up this damn scoop, stand wait, wait, now we have two murders, we must start first, Sergei Bezrukov in valery todorovskys serial film bison, the case of a fashion model, look after the program time, old barrel cognac is a product of ours, misha, firstly, everything is possible, secondly, its night ether, i call them the talented muscle, at the time when plushenko was in yagudinin, they were two bears in one den, and the pets are like this, your wit is legendary, a talented coach and a mediocre student will lose to a mediocre coach and a talented student, this to me it seems like another golden phrase, a fund of your golden. Catchphrases. Podcast lab, today on the first. A person, as a rule, dies through his own decision to die. How to prolong life and stop aging . Vladimir skulachev experienced his discovery, which he called immortality. In fact, he didnt age that much in the end, because unfortunately, his death was associated with an accident. Our exclusive the main secret of the invention of a worldfamous scientist. While we are breathing, we are doing very slowly. We visited the laboratory, we looked at the bare hair of the earthlings, behind the revelation of the secrets of their longevity are the secrets of our longevity, such a new fashion among those who want to prolong life, in the states they offer an extract due to the stem cells of babies, it is possible theoretically to extend our age up to 200 years, what else academician Vladimir Skulachev learned about the secret of life and death, Vladimir Petrovich did not allow old age to defeat him, the children from kulachev continue experiments, testing the elixir from their father on themselves, we are very determined to complete this work, death was invented evolution for its own acceleration, death is optional for living beings, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. Give him a brief description, professional qualities, smart, so, good reaction, brilliant command of the german language. Eliminating kokh is of great political importance, is it worth risking such a valuable agent for the sake of eliminating kokh, based on real events, a Real Intelligence officer must be ready for anything to the razors edge, the premiere of a serial film, coming soon first, he is an enemy, and you fell in love with him like a cat gets pleasure. This is the program time and we continue. The news was not sad for gennady glatkov. The composer who left us hundreds of songs for cinema, cartoons, and theater. He was 88 years old. Vladimir putin expressed his condolences to his family, noting the versatility of glodkovs talent and significant contribution to culture. The formula of love and the bremen town musicians, gentlemen of fortune are an ordinary miracle. His music helps. Easy light, even if sad, lets not be loud, lets half a voice, come on. Gennady glodkov considered this melody to be the main one in his destiny, because everything came together in it, and the love of the listeners , a reflection of his composing talent, he often recalled that in his youth he was like a troubadour, in the same way he sang serenades to girls with a guitar in his hands, at an hour sadness, sadness and my voice solysh, glotkov these are mischievous melodies, they taught many of us not to hang our noses, not to be discouraged, and of course, to love life. I look at the sun, i look at the sun, in general, we must begin to live happily, it is the children in the composite was first evaluated at the pioneer camp. I composed mine and deceived everyone for a long time, and then a girl who studied at a music school, she took it, it was written in the notes, and i was exposed, but everyone rejoices that our best music, an easy full life and the music of the bremen musicians was born from glatkov, at the time of a great personal tragedy, had his threemonthold son, and these melodies became an inspiring salvation for him. We bring laughter and joy to people. Glotkov never hid the fact that the bremenskys came out in defense of the beatles, when the brightest group in the world was squeamishly called dung beetles in the soviet press. They are the most melodic, sweetest and they will remain in history, because they can always be sung in different ways. And of course, they were idols, and of course, we did it with a hint there, better in an amicable way, it went that this is a cartoon, cartoons have always been treated as, well, well, fairy tales there, well, hedgehogs are goats there, glots said, as if someone from above helped make this hit of all time what it is, the performers suddenly fell ill, the then popular quartet chord, i had to sing myself. Oh, my poor pipe fool before this, glotkov was only the king of the yard song. My father brought an accordion from the front. Gennady entertained the entire area by performing the criminal repertoire. Left kindergarten through the window. But glodkov wrote his main criminal melody for the film gentlemen of good luck. All that remained was to get the approval of the artistic director of the film, the famous musician georgy goronyan. I play it myself and start it. And i see georgy nikolaevich begins to tap the piano with his hands, he said so, thats it, the picture is there, i say, that is, how there is a picture, he says, there is music, and if there is music, then there is a picture, in the same film there is a song that made glodkov friends with director Mark Zakharov from his play. Try it at least once in life, traveling around the world like a bird. No one seems to need her. With the light hand of zakharov, or rather, he urgently needed a song, glotkov was forced to compose poems to the obracodabra from the italian words he knew. And sing again, this time for semyon farada. He was always as happy as a child when his music was played by an orchestra on stage, and people they applauded, because the author of the most cheerful and encouraging melodies remained behind the scenes all his life, his colleagues often made fun of him ; music in films is not serious, only those who remember them from the melodies of an ordinary wizard and joker. Because it was interesting and fun, so we joked, well, thank god that the joke happened , he lives by music, thank god , more from the news of the day, the president of georgia is one step away from impeachment, today the decision of the Constitutional Court came into force, allowing the procedure to be launched, the judge regarded as violation of the fundamental law , solomeshvilis visits to berlin, brussels and paris in september without the permission of the government, then the word is up to parliament, impeachment will take place if 100 out of 150 deputies vote for it, the vote is planned until the end of this week. The central bank today introduced updated banknotes of 1,000 and 5,000 rubles. We started changing the design of cash a year ago, with a hundredruble note, now its the turn of larger denominations, the reference is, as before, geographical. So, but a thousand is dedicated to Nizhny Novgorod, among the iconic places, the embankment, the volga and the kremlin, and the largest russian banknote is 5,000 obural, here is stella, europe, asia, the degree of protection is another country of the issue, which olga knyazeva studied in detail. Experts and artists worked on the design of the new banknotes, but what is important is that the color scheme remained the same so that people would not get confused between old and new money and would not look for the right banknote in their wallet. On the front side of the new 5000 stella, europe, asia near yekaterinburg, there are even highrise buildings, on the reverse side there is a monument to the tale of the urals in chelyabinsk, stello the sixtysixth parallel in solihard, on the thousandth banknote there is the nikolskaya tower of the Nizhny Novgorod kremlin, the arrow where the volga and oka rivers converge, on the other side the museum of the history of statehood of tatarstan, and on each banknote there are also many very small images, which is not among them. On the 100 ruble banknote there were such funny objects as tula gingerbread samovars. What designs will we see on the new banknote . There are hares, wolves and others. In yekaterinburg you can find a rotunda from the park, a tram, and even mittens there you can find metallurgical ones, which are all you can find if you set out to arm yourself with a magnifying glass, the more such microimages, the more difficult it is to counterfeit a bill , 22 types of Security Solutions were used in the new banknotes, the special thread was made more complex, there are threedimensional elements of symbols that change under different angles, the watermark is made using different techniques, we dont know and dont understand what the reaction will be from those who try our banknotes, how it is on the tooth, from the point of view of counterfeiters, but we are absolutely sure, firstly in two circumstances, first, as soon as they appear, they will become the subject of such an analysis , we very much hope that this analysis will be long, complex and generally unsuccessful, on the contrary , the banknote. Is being produced gradually, the first batch is already being given to manufacturers and suppliers of printing equipment , then the money will be evenly distributed among the regions. By the way, the new banknotes will last longer and you dont have to be afraid to wash them in the washing machine along with your clothes. For example, a question from journalists about how much longer we can live with cash, taking into account the fact that we are waiting for the appearance of the digital ruble. An experiment is currently underway to introduce the digital ruble; upon its completion, we will see in which direction the emphasis has shifted, but my opinion is that a Cashless Society does not threaten us in the near future; after all, cash, i think, will be with us for a long time. However, a modern banknote must exist at the intersection

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